Problems of providing government employees with a one-time subsidy for the purchase of residential premises. Documents Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation 63 on the provision

Resolution 63 subsidies for civil servants

features and types of benefits for civil servants in 2018

The wages of benefit recipients consist of the official salary and salary for class rank. But there are other forms of additional payments to the main income. For example, an employee will be able to be paid additionally for length of service, for special working conditions, for activities related to information related to state secrets, for performing critical tasks.

  1. Lack of home ownership.
  2. Availability of housing, but insufficient space for a family to live.
  3. Recognition of a civil servant's apartment or house as dilapidated or in disrepair, in other words, beyond repair.
  4. The presence of one of the family members with a disease that is terrible for the life and health of their neighbors.
  5. Family accommodation in a dormitory or communal apartment.

Any person working in the national sphere has the right to retire. He is assigned a payment of 45% of his average monthly income. , if a person decides to continue working, then he can qualify for an additional payment to the civil servants’ pension for length of service.

On providing federal national civil servants with a one-time subsidy for the purchase of residential premises

b) failure to comply with the terms of the agreement on the use of residential premises, resulting in eviction by court;

d) maintains a ledger for civil servants to receive a lump sum payment;

b) payment of the share contribution if the civil servant is a participant in a housing, housing construction or housing savings cooperative;

Government Order 63 on subsidies for civil servants

Receipt of payment will not take place even if the employee’s family composition, living conditions, work conditions have changed, or other transformations have occurred that affect the exit from the preferential category, but he did not report them.

1) wives, children, parents of the employer living with him. These persons are considered as members of his family without any additional conditions - living together with the employer is sufficient;

Dear readers!



On providing federal national civil servants with a one-time subsidy for the purchase of residential premises (as amended as of April 19, 2018)

j) a photocopy of the insurance certificate of the required pension insurance for a civil servant;

m) documents (photocopies of documents) confirming that residential premises are recognized in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation as not meeting the requirements established for residential premises;

7. Photocopies of the documents specified in paragraph 6 of these Rules must be certified in accordance with the rules or presented with the presentation of the original.
(Clause as amended, put into effect on December 6, 2016 by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 24, 2016 N 1235.

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 63 (ed.

29. A lump sum payment is considered provided to a civil servant from the date of its transfer to the civil servant’s bank account.

4. Family members of a civil servant taken into account when calculating a lump sum payment include the spouse living with him, and his children and parents. Other relatives and disabled dependents will be taken into account as family members of a civil servant if they are settled as members of his family and run a non-specialized household with him.

d) photocopy(s) of the birth certificate of the child(ren);

— correction factor for the size of the average market price of 1 sq. m. meters of non-specialized housing area;

b) is owned by the tenant of the residential premises under a social tenancy agreement, or by a family member of the tenant of the residential premises under a social tenancy agreement, or by the owner of the residential premises, or by a member of the family of the owner of the residential premises, provided that the area of ​​the residential premises is for 1 person of the persons living in this residential premises indoors, forms less than 15 sq. meters;

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 27, 2009

7. Photocopies of the documents specified in paragraph 6 of these Rules must be certified in accordance with the rules or presented with the presentation of the original.

d) a copy of the certificate of ownership of the cooperative for residential premises, which will be transferred to the civil servant upon completion of payment of the share contribution in full;

33 sq. meter of non-specialized housing area - per 1 person; 42 sq. meters of non-specialized housing area - for a family of 2 people; 18 sq. meters of non-specialized housing area for each family member - for a family of 3 or more people.

Housing subsidies for national employees

  • have not reached 18 years of age;
  • over 18 years of age, but have been disabled since childhood;
  • have not reached 23 years of age, subject to full-time education.

Civil servants will be able to apply for payments only if they have not previously used assistance from the country on other grounds, for example, as members of large families or persons in need of resettlement.

Once the bank details have been provided, payment will be made within 10 working days. Upon purchase of housing using payment and registration of property rights, the civil servant is obliged to submit an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate to the government agency within a month.

Features of providing subsidies to civil servants for the purchase of housing in 2018

  • Forced alienation of part of the premises or the entire object.
  • Allocation of shares to second owners.
  • Move-in of second parties.
  • Failure to comply with the agreement for the use of the facility. The official is then evicted with the participation of the courts.
  • Carrying out an unequal exchange of real estate by a civil servant.

All of them will be able to count on receiving one-time compensation, in any territory of the Federal Federal District.

Employees of the institution monitor whether all information is correct. A response, good or negative, must be issued within two months maximum. , if there are no events to receive a subsidy for civil servants, then a refusal is given.

Under what conditions are civil servants provided with a subsidy for the purchase of housing in 2018?

Funds for the purchase of housing for civil servants are provided in the form of subsidies. It means a one-time transfer to the recipient’s account of a certain amount of money.

  • employees of the apparatus of the Head of the Russian Federation;
  • deputies;
  • employees of the Administrations of settlements;
  • employees of the Accounting Central Election Commission and the chamber;
  • employees of the Prosecutor's Office and the Security Council;
  • other judges and employees of courts of all instances;
  • customs officers;
  • employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
  • other government employees.

The above Order establishes the circle of persons entitled to receive a subsidy, the conditions for providing them with financial assistance and the procedure for carrying out the procedure.

Subsidies for civil servants for the purchase of housing in 2018

All of the listed papers are submitted to the commission at the moment, at the time, at the time when it is the person’s turn to receive funds. Within 5 days from the date of their submission, housing subsidy funds are transferred to the applicant’s bank account.

After the civil servant submits documents to the commission, he is sent a written notification about the start of the review process.

The collected papers are submitted to a special commission for consideration.


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In pursuance of Article 53 of the Federal Law "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation", the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached Rules for providing federal civil servants with a one-time subsidy for the purchase of residential premises.

2. Establish that a one-time subsidy for the purchase of residential premises for federal state civil servants, whose social and welfare services are provided by the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, is provided in accordance with the Rules approved by this Resolution by the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

3. The Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation shall approve within 3 months:

the procedure for the formation and work of commissions formed in federal government bodies to consider issues of providing federal state civil servants with a one-time subsidy for the purchase of residential premises;

the procedure for forming and maintaining a database of federal state civil servants who are registered to receive a one-time subsidy for the purchase of residential premises and removed from the corresponding register (including federal state civil servants, information about whose personnel composition in cases established by federal laws and other regulations legal acts are classified as information constituting a state secret, in agreement with the federal government bodies in which these employees fill positions in the federal state civil service);

methodology for determining the correction factor for the size of the average market value of 1 sq. meter of total housing area used when calculating the amount of a one-time subsidy for the purchase of residential premises.

4. Establish that the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation approves annually, before February 1, an adjustment factor for the size of the average market value of 1 sq. meters of total housing area.

5. The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation must provide explanations on the application of the Rules approved by this Resolution.

6. Financial support for expenditure obligations to provide federal government civil servants with a one-time subsidy for the purchase of residential premises is carried out at the expense of budgetary allocations provided for federal government bodies in the federal budget for measures to provide housing for federal government civil servants.

7. To establish that the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation has the right, in agreement with the Government of the Russian Federation and within the budgetary allocations provided for by the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation for measures to provide housing for certain categories of citizens, to determine the amount of funds allocated for financial support of expenditure obligations to provide federal government civil servants receive one-time subsidies for the purchase of residential premises.

8. Recommend that the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, when adopting regulatory legal acts on providing state civil servants of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with a one-time subsidy for the purchase of residential premises, take into account the provisions of this Resolution.

Chairman of the Government
Russian Federation

Government Decree
Russian Federation
dated January 27, 2009 N 63


I. General provisions

1. These Rules establish the procedure and conditions for providing a one-time subsidy for the purchase of residential premises (hereinafter referred to as the one-time payment) to federal state civil servants (hereinafter referred to as the civil servant) once during the entire period of the state civil service of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the civil service). To receive a one-time payment, a civil servant, if there are grounds specified in paragraphs 2 or 3 of these Rules, and subject to the conditions established by paragraph 2(1) of these Rules, is registered with a federal government agency:

Appendix No. 1
to the Rules for provision
federal state
civil servants
one-time subsidy
for the purchase
residential premises

Certification on the provision of a one-time subsidy for the purchase of residential premises dated "__" ________ 200_ N __________ Issued by _____________________________________________________________________ (name of the federal government body) stating that citizen _________________________________________, (last name, first name, patronymic) passed the state civil service of the Russian Federation in the state body(s) __________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ in the position(s) __________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________, for the period of state civil service of the Russian Federation from _______ to _______ ________________________________________________________________ (received, did not receive - indicate what is required) a lump sum payment for the purchase of residential premises. _______________________________________ ____________ _____________________ (position of an employee of the Ministry (signature) (signature transcript) of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation) M.P.

Appendix No. 2
to the Rules for provision
federal state
civil servants
one-time subsidy
for the purchase
residential premises

RECORD BOOK for federal civil servants to receive a one-time subsidy for the purchase of residential premises provided to federal civil servants _____________________________________________________ (name of the federal government body) Started on ________________ 20__ Ended on ______________ 20__

FULL NAME. federal civil servant Family members living together with a federal civil servant (full name, degree of relationship) Experience in the state civil service of the Russian Federation, including in this government body Year, month, date of registration (number, date of the legal act approving the decision on registration) Living conditions Decision to provide a lump sum payment (number, date of legal act) Amount of one-time subsidy (thousand rubles) Note on the transfer of a lump sum payment (number, date of extract from the personal account issued by the territorial body of the Federal Treasury to the federal government body) Date of deregistration (number and date of legal act) provision of total area at the place of registration (total) per family member the presence of ownership of other residential premises, except those where registered

Appendix No. 3
to the Rules for provision
federal state
civil servants
one-time subsidy
for the purchase
residential premises


The amount of a one-time subsidy for the purchase of residential premises provided to a federal civil servant is determined by the formula:

P = O x C x Kp x Ks,

O - the total area of ​​the residential premises of a federal civil servant;

C - indicator of the average market value of 1 sq. m. meters of total housing area, approved in relation to the subject of the Russian Federation in which the federal civil servant serves in the state civil service of the Russian Federation (standard cost of 1 square meter of total housing area in the Russian Federation);

Kp - correction factor for the size of the average market value of 1 sq. meters of total housing area;

Kc is the adjustment factor for the size of the subsidy provided, taking into account the length of service of the state civil service of the Russian Federation, determined in accordance with paragraph 25 of the Rules for providing federal state civil servants with a one-time subsidy for the purchase of residential premises.

The total area of ​​living space is determined by the formula:

O = N + D - L,

N - standard total area of ​​living space;

D - the size of the additional total area of ​​​​residential premises provided in cases and sizes that are provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as on the basis of a decision of the head of the federal government body;

L - the amount of the total area of ​​residential premises owned by a civil servant and (or) members of his family by right of ownership and (or) occupied by him and (or) members of his family under a social tenancy agreement, to be taken into account when calculating the amount of a lump sum payment for the purchase of residential premises .

Appendix No. 4
to the Rules for provision
federal state
civil servants
one-time subsidy
for the purchase
residential premises


1. Government positions of the Russian Federation.

2. Government positions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

3. Positions of the federal state civil service, provided for by the Register of positions of the federal state civil service, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2005 N 1574.

4. Positions of the state civil service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, provided for by the registers of positions of the state civil service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, approved by laws or other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

5. Public positions of federal civil servants, which were provided for by the Register of public positions of federal civil servants, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 11, 1995 No. 33.

6. Public positions of the federal civil service, provided for by the lists of public positions of the federal public service, which were considered the corresponding sections of the Register of public positions of the civil service of the Russian Federation.

7. Government positions in the civil service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

8. Positions of managers, specialists and employees (including elected positions filled on a permanent basis), filled from January 1, 1992 until the entry into force of the consolidated list of government positions in the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 11, 1995 N 32, The Register of public positions of federal civil servants, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 11, 1995 N 33, lists of public positions of the federal civil service, which were considered the corresponding sections of the Register of public positions of the civil service of the Russian Federation, and registers (lists) of public positions of the civil service of the subjects Russian Federation:

a) in the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, state bodies (bodies) of the President of the Russian Federation, state bodies (bodies) under the President of the Russian Federation;

b) in the Security Council of the Russian Federation and its apparatus;

c) in the federal bodies of legislative (representative) power and their apparatuses, the Control and Budgetary Committee under the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics and its bodies in republics, territories, regions, autonomous regions and autonomous okrugs, districts and cities, Control and Budget Committee under the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;

d) in the Government of the Russian Federation (Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation) and its Apparatus, federal executive authorities and their territorial bodies, representative offices of the Russian Federation and representative offices of federal executive authorities abroad, diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Russian Federation, as well as in government bodies (government bodies) under the Government of the Russian Federation (Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation) and under federal executive authorities;

e) in the offices of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, other federal courts (courts, state arbitration);

f) in the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation and its apparatus;

g) in the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation and its apparatus;

h) in government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and other government bodies formed in accordance with the constitutions (charters) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in the highest government bodies of autonomous republics, local government bodies (territorial, regional Councils of People's Deputies, Councils of People's Deputies of the Autonomous Region, autonomous okrugs, district, city, district in cities, township and rural Councils of People's Deputies and their executive committees);

i) in local government bodies.

9. Positions filled by citizens of the Russian Federation in interstate (intergovernmental) bodies created by the CIS member states with the participation of the Russian Federation, periods of work in which are subject to inclusion in the length of civil service in accordance with international acts ratified in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, in the apparatus of the Executive Committee of the Union of Belarus and Russia and in the Secretariat of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia, positions filled on a permanent professional basis in the bodies of the Union State and their apparatus.

11. Positions of the federal public service of other types, including in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, bodies and organizations of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, institutions and bodies of the penal system, customs authorities of the Russian Federation (periods of service (work) ) starting from January 1, 1992), as well as other types of federal public service positions in the federal tax police authorities, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, investigative bodies and institutions of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation ( periods of service (work) starting from the day of establishment (transformation) of the relevant federal government bodies).

12. Municipal positions.

13. Municipal service positions.

14. Positions of managers, specialists (including elected positions on a permanent (regular) basis), which were filled in state bodies and local self-government bodies formed in accordance with the Constitution of the Ukrainian SSR and (or) the Constitution of the Republic of Crimea, by citizens of the Russian Federation who permanently resided in as of March 18, 2014 in the territory of the Republic of Crimea or in the territory of the city of Sevastopol, from January 1, 1992 to December 31, 1993 inclusive.

15. Positions that were filled in accordance with the legislation in force in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol before February 21, 2014, by citizens of the Russian Federation specified in paragraph 14 of this list, from January 1, 1994 to March 17, 2014. inclusive, including:

a) positions of deputies who were filled on a permanent (regular) basis;

b) positions for which the ranks of civil servants were assigned;

c) positions of judges;

d) positions for which diplomatic ranks were assigned;

e) positions for which class ranks were assigned to employees of the prosecutor's office;

f) positions for which military and special ranks were awarded;

g) positions in local government bodies for which ranks were assigned.

16. The positions provided for in paragraph 8 of this list, which were filled in state bodies and local government bodies located in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and (or) the city of Sevastopol, specified in paragraph 14 of this list by citizens of the Russian Federation from March 18, 2014 to March 31 December 2014 inclusive.

Note. The time spent under special conditions in military service, public service of other types is not subject to credit in preferential calculations in the length of service of the state civil service of the Russian Federation of federal civil servants for calculating the amount of a one-time subsidy for the purchase of residential premises for persons holding positions specified in paragraphs 10 and 11 of this list.

Civil servants belong to the category of citizens whose functional responsibilities lie in the sphere of meeting the needs of the state. In this regard, they have the right to receive assistance in purchasing comfortable housing for themselves and family members.

Program participants

Conditions for receiving a subsidy

A key condition for providing subsidies for civil servants and their family members to purchase housing is the correct preparation of documents.

The collected papers are submitted to a special commission for review.

What does the standard package of information include:

  • Statement of the established form;
  • A copy of the civil servant’s work book with information about the last place of work;
  • An extract from the house register or another document confirming the number of citizens registered in the residential premises (in the case of renting an apartment - a certificate from the house committee on the number of citizens actually living);
  • A copy of the marriage or divorce certificate;
  • Copies of children's birth certificates;
  • A copy of the financial personal account or other document containing information about the type and nature of the residential premises (if registered at the place of residence);
  • Copies of title documents for the housing in which the civil servant and his family currently live;
  • A certificate from an educational organization confirming that the child received full-time education at a university or secondary vocational school;
  • Certificates from Rosreestr containing information about the existing and terminated rights of a state civil servant and members of his family to real estate;
  • Documents confirming the fact of disability;
  • A copy of the insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance for a civil servant;
  • Copies of the civil servant’s passport and copies of his family’s passports;
  • Documents from a medical organization confirming the fact of a serious chronic illness of a family member of a civil servant;
  • Documents confirming that the residential premises do not meet the requirements established for residential premises;
  • Documents confirming the right to additional living space.
A copy of the work record book must be certified at the last place of work, and the remaining copies of documents must be certified in a notary office or presented along with the originals when submitting documents.

The processing time for documents is usually 2 months. If there are a significant number of applications, the process may take longer. That is why it is important to approach the issue of preparing a package of papers especially carefully. If it turns out that it lacks certain corrections or certain documents are completed incorrectly, then when you re-submit the application, the procedure will again take at least 60 days.

If the decision turns out to be negative, it must be reasoned and presented in writing.

Do you need information on this issue? and our lawyers will contact you shortly.

How to register

In order to get in line to receive a subsidy, a government employee will need to do the following:

  • Write an application addressed to the head of the commission dealing with the provision of housing for civil service employees;
  • Submit the above package of documents for consideration.
The application must indicate that the civil servant has not previously participated in government programs relating to the allocation of residential real estate, land and funds for the purchase of a house or apartment.

Considering that it can take at least two months to review the papers, and subsidies are allocated in order of priority (with the exception of preferential categories of citizens), then civil servants can expect to receive payments over the course of several years.

The commission’s refusal, due to improper preparation of the package of documents or if the documents contain false information, assumes that the applicant can correct the shortcomings and resubmit the application for consideration.

Required documents

If a civil service employee decides to become a participant in the subsidy program, then he needs to open an account in any Russian commercial bank. State financial support funds will be transferred to it in the future.

After the government employee submits documents to the commission, he is sent written notification of the start of the review process.

The decision to register a civil servant is made by the commission no later than 2 months from the date of submission of the application and documents. A positive or negative decision on registration is documented in a protocol of the commission and approved by a legal act of a federal or territorial government body. A copy of such an act is sent to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, which forms a database of civil servants who need to receive a subsidy. An extract from the act is also sent to the person who is subject to registration.

Attention: If a reasoned refusal to provide a subsidy seemed unfounded to the applicant, then he has the right to challenge it in court. The statute of limitations in this case is only 3 months.

To transfer the subsidy, the civil servant submits an application and indicates his bank account details. The federal or territorial government body transfers a lump sum payment within 10 working days from the date of receipt of such an application.

The recipient of the subsidy, in turn, is obliged to provide the government agency with documents confirming the acquisition or construction of residential premises, an extract from the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and transactions with it in relation to the object that was acquired or built using the subsidy. Such documents must be provided within 1 month from the date of registration of rights.

Where can I use the housing subsidy?

All employees of government bodies of the Russian Federation with more than one year of service have the right to submit documents and take part in the program to provide civil servants with a comfortable place to live (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 63). If the decision on their application is positive, then a one-time subsidy will be allocated for the purchase of housing for civil servants.

There is a clearly indicated direction where the housing subsidy can be used:

  • To buy apartments or build a house.
Funds allocated to government employees are not taxed. They are transferred in full to the applicant’s bank account.

How is the payout calculated?

The basis for determining the amount of payment for the purchase or construction of residential premises for civil servants are several factors:

  1. Standards of area per resident in the Russian Federation, providing conditions for comfortable living;
  2. The right to additional space;
  3. Cost per square meter of living space in a specific Russian region;
  4. The amount of length of service available to a public service employee.

In general, the following applies to Russian citizens in 2019: living space standards:

  • 33 sq. meters - for a single person;
  • 42 sq. meters - for a family of two people;
  • 18 sq. meters - for each member of a family of three or more people.

Average cost of economy class housing in a single Russian region is calculated quarterly by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation individually in each region.

As for taking into account length of service in the calculation, in 2019 there is a system of special correction factors for civil servants that increase the final amount of payment. When applying the correction factor, the date of registration as a person in need of improved housing conditions is also taken into account.

  1. From 1 to 3 years - the correction factor is not used;
  2. From 3 to 7 years - 1.05 (subject to registration before 12/31/2016);
  3. From 7 to 9 years - 1.1;
  4. From 9 to 11 years - 1.15;
  5. From 11 to 15 years - 1.2;
  6. From 15 to 20 years - 1.25;
  7. Over 25 years - the coefficient increases by 0.025 each year of service, but the final one cannot be more than 1.5.
The final amount of the subsidy for civil servants for the purchase of housing in 2017 was determined within 2 weeks from the moment a positive decision was made. It depended on the average housing price in the region and length of service (adjustment factor). These conditions will continue to apply in 2019.

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We describe typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique and requires individual legal assistance.

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Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 27, 2009 N 63
"On providing federal civil servants with a one-time subsidy for the purchase of residential premises"

December 16, 2009, February 20, December 17, 2010, March 25, September 21, 2013, March 26, 2014, November 24, 2016, October 26, 2017, April 19, 2018

4. Family members of a civil servant taken into account when calculating a lump sum payment include the spouse living with him, as well as his children and parents. Other relatives and disabled dependents are recognized as family members of a civil servant if they are settled as members of his family and maintain a common household with him.

Information about changes:

For each civil servant registered to receive a lump sum payment, an accounting file is opened, which contains documents submitted in accordance with paragraph 6 of these Rules. The accounting file is assigned a number corresponding to the number in the accounting book.

If the grounds for a civil servant to receive a one-time payment are lost, the commission (territorial subcommission) submits to the head of the federal government body (the head of the territorial body of the federal government body - if he is vested with such powers) a draft legal act on deregistering the civil servant to receive a one-time payment . Corresponding changes are made to the accounting book on the day the legal act is adopted.

21. The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation forms and updates a database of civil servants who are registered to receive a lump sum payment and who have been removed from this register. The information contained in the database is submitted annually to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

III. Determining the size of a lump sum payment

22. The standard for the total area of ​​living space for calculating the amount of a lump sum payment is established in the following amount:

33 sq. meters of total housing area - per 1 person; 42 sq. meters of total housing area - for a family of 2 people; 18 sq. meters of total housing area for each family member - for a family of 3 or more people.

23. When determining the standard for the total area of ​​residential premises used to calculate the size of the lump sum payment, the right to additional total area of ​​​​living premises provided in cases and sizes established by the legislation of the Russian Federation is taken into account. If there is a right to additional total area of ​​a residential premises for several reasons, the sizes of the additional area are not summed up.

24. The amount of a one-time payment to a civil servant may be increased above the standard based on the decision of the head of the federal government body (the head of the territorial body of the federal government body - if he is vested with such powers) taking into account specific circumstances and depending on the available capabilities.

26. The calculation of the lump sum payment is carried out by the federal government agency in accordance with Appendix No. 3 on the basis of the standard for the total area of ​​residential premises and the provisions of paragraphs 23 - 25 of these Rules.

For a civil servant performing civil service on the territory of the Russian Federation, the calculation of a one-time payment is carried out based on the average market value of 1 sq. m. meter of total housing area, approved quarterly by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation in relation to the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in which the civil servant serves in civil service, and an adjustment factor for the average market value of 1 sq. meter of total housing area, approved annually by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation in relation to the specified subject of the Russian Federation.

The calculation of a one-time payment for a civil servant performing civil service outside the territory of the Russian Federation is carried out based on the standard cost of 1 sq. m. meter of total housing area in the Russian Federation, approved by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation for the corresponding six months, and an adjustment factor for the average market value of 1 sq. meters of total housing area in the Russian Federation, approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation annually.

27. If a civil servant has residential premises owned by him and (or) members of his family by right of ownership and (or) occupied by him and (or) members of his family under a social tenancy agreement, to calculate the amount of a lump sum payment, the amount of the total area of ​​the residential premises is defined as the difference between the standard total area of ​​residential premises, taking into account the provisions of paragraphs 22 and these Rules, and the total area of ​​residential premises owned by him and (or) members of his family and (or) occupied by him and (or) members of his family by right of ownership social rental agreement. The provisions of this paragraph do not apply to the cases specified in subparagraphs “c”, “d”, “e” and “g” of paragraph 2 of these Rules.

IV. Procedure for providing a lump sum payment

28. To transfer a lump sum payment, a civil servant submits to the federal government body (territorial body of the federal government body) making the transfer of the lump sum payment, an application for the transfer of the lump sum payment indicating the details of his bank account. The federal government body (territorial body of the federal government body) transfers a one-time payment to the civil servant within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the specified application.

29. A lump sum payment is considered provided to a civil servant from the date of its transfer to the bank account of the civil servant.

30. A civil servant who has been granted a lump sum payment is obliged, within 1 month from the date of state registration of ownership of the acquired (built) residential premises, to submit to the federal government body (territorial body of the federal government body) that made the transfer of the lump sum payment, an extract from the Unified State register of rights to real estate and transactions with it in relation to residential premises (part of residential premises), which were acquired (built) using a lump sum payment.

Reference on the provision of a one-time subsidy for the purchase of residential premises dated "_______""________________200_____ N _________________ Issued by _________________________________________________________________ (name of the federal government body) stating that citizen ______________________________________, (last name, first name, patronymic) served in the state civil service of the Russian Federation in the state(s) body(s) _______________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ in the position(s) _________________________________________________________, _________________________________________________________________________ for the period of state civil service of the Russian Federation from ____________ to ___________ __________________________________________ (received, did not receive - indicate as necessary) a lump sum payment for the purchase of residential premises __________________________ _____________. ______________________________ (employee position (signature) (signature transcript) of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation) M.P.

Appendix No. 2

Register book of federal civil servants for obtaining one-time subsidy for the purchase of residential premises, provided to federal civil servants ___________________________________________________________ (name of the federal government body) Started on _________ 20____ Ended on _____ 20_____

FULL NAME. federal civil servant

Family members living together with a federal civil servant (full name, degree of relationship)

Experience in the state civil service of the Russian Federation, including in this government body

Year, month, date of registration (number, date of the legal act approving the decision on registration)

Living conditions

Decision to provide a lump sum payment (number, date of legal act)

Amount of one-time subsidy (thousand rubles)

Note on the transfer of a lump sum payment (number, date of extract from the personal account issued by the territorial body of the Federal Treasury to the federal government body)

Date of deregistration (number and date of legal act)

provision of total area at the place of registration (total)

per family member

the presence of ownership of other residential premises, except those where registered

Appendix No. 3

the amount of a one-time subsidy for the purchase of residential premises provided to federal civil servants

With changes and additions from:

The amount of a one-time subsidy for the purchase of residential premises provided to a federal civil servant is determined by the formula:

The total area of ​​the residential premises of a federal civil servant;

The average market value of 1 sq. meters of total housing area, approved in relation to the subject of the Russian Federation in which the federal civil servant serves in the state civil service of the Russian Federation (standard cost of 1 square meter of total housing area in the Russian Federation);

- correction factor for the size of the average market value of 1 sq. meters of total housing area;

The adjustment factor for the amount of the subsidy provided, taking into account the length of service of the state civil service of the Russian Federation, determined in accordance with paragraph 25 of the Rules for providing federal state civil servants with a one-time subsidy for the purchase of residential premises.

The total area of ​​living space is determined by the formula:

Standard for the total area of ​​living space;

The amount of additional total area of ​​residential premises provided in cases and sizes provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as on the basis of a decision of the head of the federal government body;

The amount of the total area of ​​residential premises owned by a civil servant and (or) members of his family by right of ownership and (or) occupied by him and (or) members of his family under a social tenancy agreement, to be taken into account when calculating the amount of a lump sum payment for the purchase of residential premises.

Appendix No. 4
to the Rules for the provision of federal
state civil servants one-time
subsidies for the purchase of residential premises

positions, periods of service (work) in which are included (counted) in the length of service of the state civil service of the Russian Federation of federal state civil servants to calculate the amount of a one-time subsidy for the purchase of residential premises

With changes and additions from:

5. Public positions of federal civil servants, which were provided for by the Register of public positions of federal civil servants, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 11, 1995 No. 33.

6. Public positions of the federal civil service, provided for by the lists of public positions of the federal public service, which were considered the corresponding sections of the Register of public positions of the civil service of the Russian Federation.

7. Government positions in the civil service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

8. Positions of managers, specialists and employees (including elected positions filled on a permanent basis), filled from January 1, 1992 until the entry into force of the consolidated list of government positions in the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 11, 1995 N 32, The Register of public positions of federal civil servants, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 11, 1995 N 33, lists of public positions of the federal civil service, which were considered the corresponding sections of the Register of public positions of the civil service of the Russian Federation, and registers (lists) of public positions of the civil service of the subjects Russian Federation:

a) in the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, state bodies (bodies) of the President of the Russian Federation, state bodies (bodies) under the President of the Russian Federation;

b) in the Security Council of the Russian Federation and its apparatus;

c) in the federal bodies of legislative (representative) power and their apparatuses, the Control and Budgetary Committee under the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics and its bodies in republics, territories, regions, autonomous regions and autonomous okrugs, districts and cities, Control and Budget Committee under the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;

d) in the Government of the Russian Federation (Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation) and its Apparatus, federal executive authorities and their territorial bodies, representative offices of the Russian Federation and representative offices of federal executive authorities abroad, diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Russian Federation, as well as in government bodies (government bodies) under the Government of the Russian Federation (Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation) and under federal executive authorities;

e) in the offices of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, other federal courts (courts, state arbitration);

f) in the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation and its apparatus;

i) in local government bodies.

9. Positions filled by citizens of the Russian Federation in interstate (intergovernmental) bodies created by the CIS member states with the participation of the Russian Federation, periods of work in which are subject to inclusion in the length of civil service in accordance with international acts ratified in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, in the apparatus of the Executive Committee of the Union of Belarus and Russia and in the Secretariat of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia, positions filled on a permanent professional basis in the bodies of the Union State and their apparatus.

Information about changes:

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 24, 2016 N 1235, the appendix was supplemented with paragraph 10

Information about changes:

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 24, 2016 N 1235, the appendix was supplemented with paragraph 11

11. Positions of the federal public service of other types, including in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, bodies and organizations of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, institutions and bodies of the penal system, customs authorities of the Russian Federation (periods of service (work) ) starting from January 1, 1992), as well as other types of federal public service positions in the federal tax police authorities, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, investigative bodies and institutions of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation ( periods of service (work) starting from the day of establishment (transformation) of the relevant federal government bodies).


Note. The time spent under special conditions in military service, public service of other types is not subject to credit in preferential calculations in the length of service of the state civil service of the Russian Federation of federal civil servants for calculating the amount of a one-time subsidy for the purchase of residential premises for persons holding positions specified in paragraphs 10 and this list .

Russian Federation


In pursuance of Article 53 of the Federal Law "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation", the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached Rules for providing federal civil servants with a one-time subsidy for the purchase of residential premises.

2. Establish that a one-time subsidy for the purchase of residential premises for federal state civil servants, whose social and welfare services are provided by the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, is provided in accordance with the Rules approved by this resolution by the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

3. The Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation shall approve within 3 months:

the procedure for the formation and work of commissions formed in federal government bodies to consider issues of providing federal state civil servants with a one-time subsidy for the purchase of residential premises;

the procedure for forming and maintaining a database of federal state civil servants who are registered to receive a one-time subsidy for the purchase of residential premises and removed from the corresponding register (including federal state civil servants, information about whose personnel composition in cases established by federal laws and other regulations legal acts are classified as information constituting a state secret, in agreement with the federal government bodies in which these employees fill positions in the federal state civil service);

methodology for determining the correction factor for the size of the average market value of 1 sq. meter of total housing area used when calculating the amount of a one-time subsidy for the purchase of residential premises.

4. Establish that the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation approves annually, before February 1, an adjustment factor for the size of the average market value of 1 sq. m. meters of total housing area, taking into account the place where the federal civil servant passes the state civil service of the Russian Federation.

5. The Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation must provide explanations on the application of the Rules approved by this resolution.

6. Financial support for expenditure obligations to provide federal government civil servants with a one-time subsidy for the purchase of residential premises is carried out at the expense of budgetary allocations provided for federal government bodies in the federal budget for measures to provide housing for federal government civil servants.

7. To establish that the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation has the right, in agreement with the Government of the Russian Federation and within the budgetary allocations provided for by the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation for measures to provide housing for certain categories of citizens, to determine the amount of funds allocated for financial support of expenditure obligations to provide federal government civil servants receive one-time subsidies for the purchase of residential premises.

8. Recommend that the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, when adopting regulatory legal acts on providing state civil servants of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with a one-time subsidy for the purchase of residential premises, take into account the provisions of this resolution.

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