Mock tests for citizenship. Russian language certificate for obtaining citizenship

In accordance with Federal law dated May 31, 2002 No. 62-FZ “On citizenship Russian Federation» one of the conditions for admission to citizenship of the Russian Federation in general procedure is the knowledge of Russian by foreign citizens and stateless persons.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 14, 2002 No. 1325 “On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for considering issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation” determined that when submitting documents for citizenship, the applicant submits a document confirming his knowledge of the Russian language at a level sufficient for oral communication And writing in the conditions of the language environment.

Proficiency in Russian is confirmed by one of the following documents:

  1. Certificate of completion state testing Russian language (basic level and higher);
  2. Document state standard on obtaining an education issued by an educational institution (before September 1, 1991 - on the territory of a state that was part of the USSR; after September 1, 1991 - on the territory of Russia);
  3. Education document issued in the territory foreign country, in which Russian is one of the official languages;
  4. An education document issued on the territory of a foreign state and with an attached record of studying a Russian language course (with a notarized translation and a certificate of equivalence).

The following are exempt from submitting documents confirming knowledge of the Russian language:

  • men over 65 years of age, women over 60 years of age;
  • incapacitated persons;
  • disabled people of group I.

Testing for Russian citizenship is a test to confirm the level of proficiency in the Russian language sufficient for communication in a language environment. Upon successful passing of the exam, you will be issued state certificate about passing the test (see clause 2.3).

You need to bring to the exam:

  1. Original identity document (national passport) + its copy (1st page) and a copy of the translation into Russian, notarized with stamps (provided that in national passport no data available in Russian).
  2. Resident card foreign citizens in the Russian Federation (photocopy of the page with photo and registration).
  3. Refugee ID (if available).

The test exam consists of 5 parts - subtests:

  1. Reading - 45 minutes
  2. Letter - 45 minutes
  3. Vocabulary-grammar - 45 minutes
  4. Listening - 30 minutes
  5. Oral speech - 30 minutes

After successfully (satisfactorily) passing the test exam (more than 66% for each subtest), the test taker receives a state-issued Certificate, which indicates the level of Russian language proficiency “Basic level”. It is assumed that this certificate has no expiration date.

Organizational issues of testing:

Before the start of testing, the examiner informs the test takers of the instructions for completing the test, the time for completing the test and the rules for preparing the control sheet, which can be obtained before starting work along with the exam questions.

Control sheets (matrices) are filled out with a pen. All clarifying questions about the exam procedure can only be asked before the exam begins. During the exam you are not allowed to use dictionaries or reference materials, and also talk to other candidates. After the time allotted for each subtest has passed, you must return all material to the examiner and turn in the test sheets.

Overall assessment of test results:

A test taker who has completed each of the Subtests at least 66% is considered to have passed the test. In this case, it is allowed to obtain 60% in one of the Subtests.

Test results:

  • satisfactory (from 66% to 100%)
  • unsatisfactory (65% and below)

If the test results are satisfactory, candidates are issued a state-issued Certificate no later than 8 weeks after passing the test.

If the results are unsatisfactory (less than 60%), the test taker is issued a Certificate of Completion of Testing. The certificate indicates the results of all test exams. The certificate is valid for two years and can be presented for retake at any time. educational institution included in state system testing.

The test taker has the right to repeat additional fee(50% of the exam cost) take re-testing on 1 failed subtest. If there are more than 1 failed subtests, the entire test will be retaken. The results of successfully passed subtests are automatically re-read when you retake the exam.

Test results:

A certificate indicating the test results is issued to candidates 10-15 working days after passing the test



Persons who have successfully passed the test
In Russian,

an international certificate is issued.

Payment for testing:

The fixed cost of the test exam in the Russian Federation is 6,000 rubles.

Payment is made in Russian rubles upon conclusion of the relevant agreement.

Preparing for testing:

When preparing for testing, the candidate receives one free mandatory consultation By organizational issues testing at a pre-agreed time. The test taker has the opportunity to:

become familiar with the requirements for the test taker in advance (“ State standard in Russian as a foreign language. Basic level"), and with sample tests ("Model tests in Russian as a foreign language (for obtaining citizenship, for migrant workers)");

fill Required documents for testing (contract, questionnaire, etc.),

pay for testing.

Other educational services:

If necessary, the test taker has the opportunity to take courses to prepare for taking the test at a certain level. The RFL Testing Center provides the following paid educational services:


  • individual: 1 academic hour - 500 rub.
  • group (when forming a group of 5 people): 1 academic hour - 250 rubles.

Express training courses:

  • 5 lessons (volume 20 hours over 2 weeks) – 3,000 rubles.
  • 10 lessons (volume 40 hours for 1 month) – 6,000 rubles.

Taking a practice test:

  • The test taker can evaluate his knowledge of RCTs during trial testing. The cost of 1 trial testing for 5 subtests is 50% of total cost test.

For applicants for Russian citizenship

A foreign citizen, in order to obtain Russian citizenship, must pass a test of knowledge of the Russian language.

To pass testing for knowledge of the Russian language at the Basic level, sufficient to obtain Russian citizenship, the following documents are required:

  • Original identification document (passport and its translation/residence permit/refugee certificate),
  • A copy of the passport (page with photo) and its translation, or the first page of the residence permit and registration.

A government fee (Prices) is charged for testing.

The invoice is issued before the exam (5 minutes before the start). Payment for testing is made at the bank on the basis of an issued invoice, so please note that you will have to pay a bank commission.

Before the exam begins, the tester will explain to you the rules for completing the test and tell you the time allotted for the exam.

You will be given a questionnaire, tasks in the Russian language and checklists (matrices) in which you will answer questions and complete tasks.

During the exam, it is not allowed to use dictionaries and reference materials. mobile phones and other electronic devices, as well as talking to other examinees.

The test exam consists of 5 subtests:

      1. Vocabulary-grammar - 45 minutes
      2. Reading - 45 minutes
      3. Listening - 30 minutes
      4. Letter - 45 minutes
      5. Oral speech - 30 minutes

Subtest 1. Grammar and vocabulary test.

The test consists of 85 tasks, you need to choose the correct option from four proposed ones. The test contains both grammar tasks and vocabulary selection tasks.

For example:

1.We hope….

A. with your help
B. in your help
V. for your help
G. about your help

Subtest 2. Reading.

You will be offered 7 texts, you will need to read these texts and complete 15 tasks for them. Understanding of the content of the text is checked.

Subtest 3. Listening.

You need to listen to 9 situations and complete 15 tasks for them. Situations are TV news on political and economic topics. The tasks consist of choosing an answer option related to the content of an advertisement or news.

Subtest 4.Letter.

The test consists of 3 tasks. You will need to fill out a form, application and greeting card. The application must follow a specific format, the topic of the application is indicated in the assignment.

Subtest 5. Speaking.

You are invited to take part in free conversation and dialogues. You read 4 proposed situations (of a practical nature) and start a conversation. Example situation: You are sick and call the clinic to see a doctor at home. Tell the registrar your first name, last name, age, home address, what hurts you, etc. And the last thing is a conversation on a given topic. For example, about your family or the city where you live.

For successful completion the exam must score at least 66% for each subtest.

If you score less than 66%, you will be issued a Test Completion Certificate. The certificate indicates the percentage of correct answers for each subtest. If on one of five subtests you received less than 66% - you are eligible get retestedon a failed subtest
for an additional fee (50% of the exam cost). Reference valid for two years
and can be presented for retake only to the institution that is part of the state testing system in which the exam was taken.

The results of successfully passed subtests are automatically re-read when you retake the exam. If you answered 2 or more subtests on less than 66% of questions retake the exam in full.

If you pass the test successfully, you will be issued a certificate Basic level established sample(level "Basic/TBU A2").

For applicants for Russian citizenship

A foreign citizen, in order to obtain Russian citizenship, must pass a test of knowledge of the Russian language.

To pass testing for knowledge of the Russian language at the Basic level, sufficient to obtain Russian citizenship, the following documents are required:

  • Original identification document (passport and its translation/residence permit/refugee certificate),
  • A copy of the passport (page with photo) and its translation, or the first page of the residence permit and registration.

A government fee (Prices) is charged for testing.

The invoice is issued before the exam (5 minutes before the start). Payment for testing is made at the bank on the basis of an issued invoice, so please note that you will have to pay a bank commission.

Before the exam begins, the tester will explain to you the rules for completing the test and tell you the time allotted for the exam.

You will be given a questionnaire, tasks in the Russian language and checklists (matrices) in which you will answer questions and complete tasks.

During the exam, you are not allowed to use dictionaries and reference materials, mobile phones and other electronic devices, or talk to other examinees.

The test exam consists of 5 subtests:

      1. Vocabulary-grammar - 45 minutes
      2. Reading - 45 minutes
      3. Listening - 30 minutes
      4. Letter - 45 minutes
      5. Oral speech - 30 minutes

Subtest 1. Grammar and vocabulary test.

The test consists of 85 tasks, you need to choose the correct option from four proposed ones. The test contains both grammar tasks and vocabulary selection tasks.

For example:

1.We hope….

A. with your help
B. in your help
V. for your help
G. about your help

Subtest 2. Reading.

You will be offered 7 texts, you will need to read these texts and complete 15 tasks for them. Understanding of the content of the text is checked.

Subtest 3. Listening.

You need to listen to 9 situations and complete 15 tasks for them. The situations are TV news on political and economic topics. The tasks consist of choosing an answer option related to the content of an advertisement or news.

Subtest 4.Letter.

The test consists of 3 tasks. You will need to fill out a questionnaire, application and greeting card. The application must follow a specific format, the topic of the application is indicated in the assignment.

Subtest 5. Speaking.

You are invited to take part in free conversation and dialogues. You read 4 proposed situations (of a practical nature) and start a conversation. Example situation: You are sick and call the clinic to see a doctor at home. Tell the registrar your first name, last name, age, home address, what hurts you, etc. And the last thing is a conversation on a given topic. For example, about your family or the city where you live.

To successfully pass the exam you must score at least 66% for each subtest.

If you score less than 66%, you will be issued a Test Completion Certificate. The certificate indicates the percentage of correct answers for each subtest. If on one of five subtests you received less than 66% - you are eligible get retestedon a failed subtest
for an additional fee (50% of the exam cost). Reference valid for two years
and can be presented for retake only to the institution that is part of the state testing system in which the exam was taken.

The results of successfully passed subtests are automatically re-read when you retake the exam. If you answered 2 or more subtests on less than 66% of questions retake the exam in full.

If you successfully pass the test, you will be issued a Basic Level certificate of the established type (level "Basic/TBU A2").

Get this year Russian citizenship has become even more difficult than before. This is a rather labor-intensive process; the migrant must meet many criteria. Of course, it is very easy to obtain citizenship at birth, but a non-resident will have to painstaking work. Since 2015, an important, and even one of the key, point is to pass a language proficiency test and receive the appropriate certificate. This document is required to be presented to the migration authorities.

Algorithm for obtaining a certificate

It is directly divided into several parts, and the procedure for obtaining a certificate consists of three stages - registration at the testing center, consultation and the exam itself. You must submit an application to the center no later than on the eve of the exam; you will need to provide a passport, residence permit and certified copies of these documents. You will also have to pay a fee, because the exam is not free, although it is mandatory.

A limited number of educational institutions have the right to conduct such tests and issue certificates; all of them have been accredited and included in the state program. One of these centers is the Non-Profit educational institution"Albion". Here the applicant can get qualified assistance in preparation. The center employs experienced teachers and has everything necessary literature, and you can also test your knowledge by taking a preliminary test online.

The opportunity to test knowledge is very important, because if the result is low, it is possible to postpone the exam and devote more time to preparation, so as not to waste additional funds for a retake.

During the consultation that takes place before testing, the applicant is told about the exam procedure, requirements and standards. You can only submit it yourself. The use of any reference books, dictionaries, telephones and other mobile gadgets is prohibited. Control forms must be filled in by hand only of blue color. During the consultation, you can ask the examiner any questions you may have. During the testing process, the applicant will no longer have this right.

Exam structure:

  • reading
  • vocabulary and grammar;
  • listening;
  • letter (filling out various forms and applications);
  • oral speech.

During the reading process, the examiner pays attention not only to the number of words per minute, but also to how the non-resident understands the meaning of what he read, whether he can grasp the essence and highlight the main idea. The grammatical component of the exam is designed to understand how much a foreigner can use his lexicon how correctly he constructs sentences. During listening, the skills of listening to Russian speech are tested. The applicant will need to listen to the text and answer questions. Finally, the examiner will speak with the migrant personally to test their speaking skills.

Testing Features

In order to live and work normally in the country, to have all the rights of its citizen, you must, first of all, know the language. Mandatory is designed to assess the migrant’s ability to communicate in the social and business sphere at a high level, to fulfill the tasks assigned to him, both in the professional field and in everyday life. In addition, to feel comfortable and complete, be able to communicate in the language of the country in which you live. That is why you can only obtain citizenship if you pass a positive test.

Before testing begins, detailed instructions are provided, where the principles of constructing tasks and how to perform them correctly are explained. Applicants are also explained how much time is allocated for each stage. All conversations during the exam are strictly prohibited, both between the applicants themselves and between the examiners and the applicants. You can start performing tasks only after the appropriate signal.

Answers to questions are recorded on checklists, which also indicate the applicant’s name and test date. It is worth reading each question carefully and not rushing to write an answer; there is time for reflection. Once the allotted time is over, all test sheets will need to be turned in. In the event that one of the applicants does not have part of the assignment, or the migrant decides to hide the test sheets, the commission may decide to retake the entire group. Leaving the classroom during testing is strictly prohibited.

Violation of any rule may result in the test results being canceled and you will have to sign up for a retake. With proper preparation, it is quite possible to pass on your own, so in order to avoid additional difficulties, you should not resort to various tricks.

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