Bankruptcy auction sale. How to buy real estate through bankruptcy auctions

Bankruptcy is a sad event. Meaning the complete insolvency of the debtor. As they say in one famous TV show: - You are Bankrupt and all your points are burned! In real life, the property of a “bankrupt” is not burned, but is sold through auctions. Sometimes at minimal cost. If you have time to buy and then sell what you bought, you can make good money. A completely legal way, by the way.

The essence of this income lies in the redemption of the debtor’s property at the price of the debt, and subsequent resale at market prices. Sometimes the profit on such an operation reaches 3000%.

Bankruptcy- the inability of the debtor to satisfy the demands of creditors and to fulfill obligations to pay various payments - repayment of loans, government payments, payment of taxes, etc., recognized by a state body. According to current legislation, a procedure of the same name is applied to the debtor, and the debtor’s property is sold to pay off debts.

Dry theory of bankruptcy: official platforms for the sale of property of debtors (bankrupts)

In Russia, the general bankruptcy procedure for individuals, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities is regulated by Federal Law of October 26, 2002 N 127-FZ “On insolvency (bankruptcy)”.

According to Order No. 54 of February 15, 2010 “On approval of the Procedure for conducting open auctions in electronic form when selling property (enterprises) of debtors during the procedures applied in a bankruptcy case, Requirements for electronic platforms and operators of electronic platforms when conducting open auctions in electronic form when selling the property (enterprise) of debtors during the procedures applied in a bankruptcy case, as well as the Procedure for confirming the compliance of electronic platforms and operators of electronic platforms with the established Requirements" all procedures for the sale of property of debtors in bankruptcy must be carried out electronically on electronic trading platforms (ETP).

The latest proposal opens up many opportunities for all citizens who want to earn money. After all, as you know, in order to sell something, you first need to buy something. Bankruptcy auctions provide just such an opportunity. Both individuals and legal entities can participate in the auction.

Attention! All electronic platforms conducting the sale of bankrupt property must comply with the above-mentioned Law No. 127-FZ and Order No. 54 of February 15, 2010. The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation conducts regular accreditations and inspections of ETPs for compliance with requirements. You can also trust sites included in the state register of self-regulatory organizations of electronic trading platforms (SRO ETP). Market leaders in the sale of debtors' property are Sberbank-AST, RTS-tender, Russian Auction House, Fabrikant and others.


In your region there are official electronic platforms that implement bankruptcy trading functionality. A link to them can be found on the state regional portal of local governments. There are also ETP aggregators on the Internet - a site where information is collected from several sites.

Advantages of making money through bankruptcy auctions

Bankruptcy trading offers a number of unique advantages for any participant. Previously, such auctions were the lot of professionals - the objects of auction were the property of legal entities, as a rule, serious and expensive lots worth several tens of millions of rubles. Now, after the entry into force of the law on bankruptcy of individuals, auctions have been replenished with cheaper property - apartments, houses, land plots, cars and much more. The lots are inexpensive - the cost starts from 1 ruble, allowing you to earn money without serious expenses on a legal basis, in accordance with Law No. 127-FZ.

At auctions, the property of bankrupt persons is sold with a value equal to their debt. Often this value differs from the market value. After all, the purpose of auctions is not to make money, but to cover the debt. If a lot is not sold, its price is reduced.

Many new lots appear daily. And on a scale throughout Russia, new properties are added hourly. Land plots, houses, apartments, cars, financial intangible assets (shares, shares in companies, securities) - at prices below market prices.

Complete lack of competition. Despite the fact that a lot of property is being sold, there are few real buyers. Often there is a situation when one buyer participates in the auction. The debtor's property, in this case, is purchased at a nominal price. For example, quite recently, one large ETP sold 45 finished apartments in the city of Yekaterinburg for 30 million rubles. The sale of each apartment separately will bring the new owner at least 500% profit.

The number of offers is only growing. The unstable economic situation in the country contributes to this. It's time to earn money and the government is doing its best to facilitate this.

Transparency. The offer contains all the information about the property - everything necessary is published in each lot, including important documentation and terms of the transaction. Even before bidding, based on detailed data, you can draw conclusions about the feasibility of the purchase.

Auction participants have the legal right to conduct a preliminary inspection of the tangible property. This is true when purchasing equipment, machinery, a car or real estate. Each lot contains contact details of a specialist who will organize an acquaintance with the auction object.

And when purchasing securities, all the necessary data on them is provided, allowing specialists to estimate their value.

How do bankruptcy auctions work? The most popular properties purchased through auctions

The debtors' property in the form of lots is put up for auction or sale. Anyone can take part in the open auction. In closed (private) auctions, participants are pre-selected according to specified criteria or conditions.

An auction involves selling at the offered prices - whoever offers the most buys the lot. Public offering is the sale of property at a fixed price.

If the sale does not take place, it is initiated again, reducing the price of the lot - usually by a step of 10%. And they continue to reduce until the property is sold. The total markdown can reach 90% of the original cost.

To take part in the auction, you must register on any accredited electronic trading platform. And fulfill a number of conditions necessary to submit an application to current auctions. For example, obtaining an electronic digital signature (EDS) is a prerequisite for most electronic signatures. Many sites provide a “one-stop shop” option - obtaining an electronic signature, filling out the necessary papers, paying state fees, etc. — happens directly on the site itself.

The full list of conditions for making transactions on the trading platform depends on many factors. Starting from current federal legislation, ending with a number of acts and orders from local governments. Bankruptcy trading is a fully regulated area. Therefore, listing in this article all the steps necessary to work on specific ETPs may not help, but may be very misleading. The only true rule is to choose an electronic trading platform and work with it on their terms. All doubts and difficulties will certainly be resolved by technical or customer support for a specific ETP. Each site has its own conditions.

The most popular property sold through such auctions is:

  • securities;
  • real estate: commercial, residential, non-residential, industrial, etc.;
  • special equipment and trailers;
  • cars: cars and trucks;
  • equipment, household and digital appliances: machines, computers, office equipment, smartphones and laptops.

There is a targeted hunt for such lots - the property is sold for less than the resale price; more than one person wants it.

An example we found in 12 minutes without much effort. Very specific, therefore - more real, and not mythical (presented at most courses, seminars and trainings) - “an SUV worth 5 million rubles, sold for 5 thousand, because no one knew about the auction.” Our example is real, promising more than 3000% profit.

Property is sold through a bankruptcy auction - express carbon analyzer AN-8012. Lot cost - 1 ruble. Since this equipment is very professional, the auction is unlikely to have many buyers. Therefore, under an ideal set of circumstances - only 1 buyer will take part in the auction, you can buy the analyzer for a minimal cost.

But such equipment can be sold with a good margin. The price of a new express carbon analyzer reaches more than 600 thousand rubles. Used equipment will cost from 30% to 50% of the cost of new one. That is, 150-300 thousand rubles.

Do you understand? We buy for a ruble, sell for 300 thousand. Yes, even for 200 thousand. Or 10 thousand rubles. At any market price there will already be a profit. And these are real examples of bankruptcy bidding.

1. Be careful when choosing lots. You must, at a minimum, understand the specifics of the offer. The best place to start is with low-cost auctions of properties located in your home region. This way you can study the system, understand the logic of work and develop the necessary skills. Your experience will bring you profit in the future without any major costs.

2. Initially, you can purchase lots using your own funds or borrowed funds. Buy interesting property for 20-30% of the real value. And resell it. Under ideal conditions, the profit will be 70-80%. If you cannot raise the required amount or attract investments, take out a loan with a hold period. That is, credit money is not subject to interest on use if you repay the debt within the established grace period (50-100 days). You can find a loan at the loan supermarket.

3. Having “get your hands on” and having studied the cuisine of bankruptcy auctions, you can expand your activities. Reducing costs to zero. Become an intermediary agent at auctions. Agent services today are well paid. He helps to select interesting lots, prepare documentation; provides its digital signature and conducts bidding. Reward - 1-10% of the lot value. Imagine, when a lot costs 50 million rubles, even 1% is 500 thousand rubles. Solid earnings for “free”!

4. After working as a mediator, you can expand your mediation activities. Look for lots that are interesting from the point of view of market demand and look for buyers for them through traditional channels - advertising, private advertisements, and the like. Even adding 50% (your net earnings) to the auction price, we get a price around 80% of the average market price - 30% lot price + 50% your markup upon sale. For such a tasty morsel, a client will quickly be found. There is no need to hide from him that the property is purchased through an auction. Firstly, he will still not be able to buy the lot on his own - obtaining an electronic signature and searching for the lot will take time, during which time the property will already be bought. Secondly, the client, understanding his benefit, will leave a deposit without any problems, which can be spent on purchasing the lot. Thus, the purchase is carried out without the participation of your personal money. Again - pure profit!

Bankruptcy auctions are a great way to make money

Due to the economic situation in the country, bankruptcy auctions are replenished with new lots every day. Among them you can find some pretty interesting offers. By law, both individuals and legal entities can buy property from debtors. The redemption is carried out using the Internet, therefore there are no restrictions on the place of residence of auction participants. The problem of delivering property to the new owner is solved quite simply - transport networks and passenger transportation operate throughout the country. And for the sake of a good object, you can travel across the whole country.

This is perhaps the ideal scheme for starting intermediary earnings - purchase and subsequent sale. Or help with such a purchase. And all that is needed for this business is registration on any officially electronic trading platform.

And please remember a simple truth. Those who know how to earn money earn money in silence, those who don’t know how to earn money teach others how to earn money,

Purchasing any property for half the market price is a common occurrence at judicial auctions. How to become a participant in a bankruptcy auction: step-by-step instructions to help a beginner. Top 10 best bankruptcy trading platforms. The nuances of making money at bankruptcy auctions.

Who can become a participant in the bankruptcy auction: conditions for participation in the auction

Conducting electronic auctions, in which lots are the property of bankrupts, is a process that is gaining popularity in our country. Indeed, sometimes it is better to sell the debtor’s property by liquidating the legal entity rather than continue the unprofitable operation of the enterprise. Individuals also find themselves in a similar situation. For example, citizens who are unable to repay their loan debt.

So, along with legal entities, individuals are also declared bankrupt. Their property and proceeds are used to pay off accumulated debts. The question arises: who has the right to participate in such auctions? Who can buy an auction item at a reasonable price?

The Federal Law regulating bankruptcy proceedings outlines the following:

  • The bankrupt's property is sold.
  • Participation in the auction is available to everyone who is interested in the product.

Some restrictions apply to age criteria:

  1. If the potential participant is not yet 14 years old, then his parents do this for him with permission from the guardianship authorities.
  2. From 14 years of age to 18 years of age, a person has the right to participate independently. Parents only authorize the transaction.
  3. Starting from the age of 18, there are no restrictions.

Since bankruptcy-related auctions are conducted exclusively electronically, participants must fulfill a number of conditions:

  • Obtain an electronic version of the signature and a scanned version of the documentation. Mainly identity papers, IIN.
  • Go through the registration procedure on the trading resource and install the software.
  • Make a deposit and then sign an agreement.

In fact, you need to study the requirements of the selected trading resource and strictly comply with them.

How to take part in a bankruptcy auction: step-by-step instructions

The procedure is simple at first glance. The main thing is to know: what to look for, where to look, study the terms of the auction resource and be good at using a PC. In general, it won’t hurt to prepare theoretically and practically. What needs to be done?

First of all, select the object of purchase:

  1. Find the right lot . Various services are used for this purpose. Experts recommend Bankrot-spy or Probankrot.
  2. Check product documentation . In this matter, it is better to trust the federal platform, where a special card has been opened for the debtor. In particular, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the evaluation report and other documentation. In fact, the buyer is interested in the price and criteria of the lot, or rather their compliance.
  3. Inspect your proposed purchase . For this purpose, call the auction organizers. There are always contacts on the site. Specialists are often involved in the inspection.

If the product meets the buyer's requirements, the following are the steps to participate in the auction:

  • Registration of an electronic digital signature (EDS) at a certification center . There are many of them, the closest one is necessary, since personal presence will be required. It is important to understand the distinctive features of digital signature. One such signature has restrictions on the number of resources to which it will have access. Hence the corresponding price for the digital signature. You will need to choose the best option based on two criteria: price and quantity.
  • Browser settings. As a rule, this is Internet Explorer for working on a trading service . Installation of the special program “CryptoPro” will be required to use the digital signature.
  • Go through the registration process on the trading platform. In total, this is a three-day procedure, including filling out all fields of a special registration form and attaching a scan of your passport.
  • Compiling an application . The task is made easier by the automatic generation of available data on most resources. However, experts advise doing this yourself, in particular, additionally specifying the details for returning the deposit.
  • Payment of the required deposit . The methods do not matter - in the usual way or through online banking. For large amounts, it is important to choose the minimum commission fee for making a transfer.
  • Scanning IIN and passport (small scan sizes are needed) and translating them into a Word document with subsequent uploading of the documentation to the trading resource. An electronic signature is required.

All that remains is to submit your application at the right time. Usually the one who does it first wins. Therefore, advice on preliminary training and calculating the time for submitting an application will not be superfluous.

The best aggregators and websites for bankruptcy auctions will make it easier for you to find a highly liquid lot and guarantee a successful transaction. This article lists the 15 best sites and 10 auction aggregators.

Finding a high-quality and highly liquid lot is a key task for private investors. There are two ways to find such a lot:

  • routine search directly on site. You can simply scroll through the list, but it is better to use special filters;
  • search using special services. In this case, you can apply a lot of different selection criteria. The bankruptcy auction aggregator will help you filter out the most liquid and attractive lots for free, with which you can purchase the debtors’ property on the most favorable terms.

The first method is very simple and does not require detailed explanation. The second deserves a more detailed description.

Bankruptcy bidding aggregators, top 10 list

At auctions and bankruptcy auctions, you can buy a car for 30-80% of its market value. Below is a list of special services. All of them have one major advantage - the ability to go to the lot page on the site using the selection service. Aggregators are necessary in order to make the work of auction participants easier, to save their effort and time; to collect the necessary information from various electronic platforms, to find the information necessary to make the right decisions. The following is a list of services that make it easier to find bankruptcy tenders:

  • Contains absolutely all the necessary information. For the convenience of users, a mobile application has been developed, with which you can search for lots from anywhere in the world. Some of the most convenient features of the application include a calendar that reminds you of upcoming auctions and a “buy before” option that accurately analyzes the condition of the lot.
  • One of its main advantages is its advanced functionality. Among other things, you can find on this site reliable photographs of property, analytical data, links to federal resources, and lot monitoring functions.
  • Provides a bankrupt database. To effectively search for an interesting lot, you have analytical functions and monitoring at your disposal.
  • Contains all the necessary information and functionality.
  • The so-called bankrupt spy. It is named so because it can be used to find the property of bankrupt people and confiscated items. This service allows you to search for tenders in different categories: equipment, residential real estate, land, cars, commercial premises, accounts receivable data, and so on.
  • Contains photographs of objects of interest to you and current links to federal resources.
  • Interesting with its interactive map. You can quickly and accurately locate an object.
  • Despite the fact that there are no direct links to the object, it is possible to correctly assess its condition thanks to photographs.

Bankruptcy auctions official state website federal resource, official website of bankruptcy bidding. This platform is a unified register of bankruptcy auctions. Open bankruptcy auctions on the official government website in Moscow and other Russian cities are legal and as transparent as possible. Information about debtors comes here from various sources (Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, Register of Self-Regulatory Organizations of Arbitration Managers, System for Disclosure of Information on Judicial Acts).

The data is perfectly filtered by region and debtor. Images of the lot are included in the appraisal report. Bankruptcy trading on the official website is the safest. Bankruptcy auctions on the official government website are carried out using digital signatures.

Naab: bankruptcy tenders and auctions

NAAB is a community of auction brokers who make money by reselling debtors' property. By joining the association, you receive legal, consulting, financial support, the opportunity to find trusted partners and become a leader in your region. Both private investors and investment clubs have the right to join the NAAB. This is a kind of trade union for bidders who defend their interests and, by uniting, seek to influence amendments to the current bankruptcy legislation.

Which bankruptcy bidding site to choose: top 5

Below is a register of bankruptcy auctions containing the most popular sites that auction bankrupt property. Using these resources, you can select a lot online on the electronic platform for bankruptcy and auctions of debtors’ property.

Bankruptcy auctions on sites with cars are excellent prospects for profitable purchases of vehicles and making money on resales.

  1. Sberbank AST( From Sberbank, the bankruptcy trading platform conducts more than 100 thousand trading procedures. To facilitate work with the platform, the resource provides an electronic university, and also conducts seminars. Sberbank conducts property bankruptcy auctions on its official website in strict compliance with Order No. 495 of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. Public bankruptcy auctions on the Sberbank site take place in three steps: Obtaining an electronic digital signature; Completing the registration procedure on the site; Transfer of the deposit; Submitting an application to participate in the auction.
  2. « RTS-tender"(;
  3. National electronic platform(;
  4. Electronic platform of the sales center(
  5. Bidding on bankruptcy sites for individuals includes open and closed auctions.

10 popular auction sites

Bankruptcy auctions are also often held on the following ten popular platforms:

  1. Contains the largest number of exhibited lots.
  2. Universal ETP “Electro torgi”. The resource is developing extremely quickly. New lots are published very often. The main advantage is a complete and correct description of the lots.
  3. STORK. They mainly exhibit commercial real estate, land plots and transport.
  4. Arbitrator. Member of the Union of Electronic Operators. The goods are very different - industrial equipment, transport, land, accounts receivable, etc.
  5. Auctions of Siberia. They differ from others in that they auction the property of individuals.
  6. Bankruptcy of the Republic of Tajikistan. Member of the Union of Electronic Digital Operators. Specializes in the property of bankrupt organizations.
  7. All-Russian electronic trading platform. He is engaged in auctioning the property of bankrupt enterprises.
  8. (Russian auction house) This is a universal trading platform containing sections on bankruptcy, procurement, privatization, pledges, private objects, state corporations.
  9. Center for Economic Development It has existed for more than 16 years and is a unified electronic trading system.
  10. METS is engaged in the sale of property of bankrupt legal entities.

A complete list of operating platforms is presented on the website of the Unified Federal Register of Bankruptcy Information:

Siberian auctions, bankruptcy auctions

Auctions of Siberia is an electronic bankruptcy trading platform that has more than 13 thousand participants. The property of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities subject to bankruptcy proceedings is put up for auction. To start working with the system, you will need to fill out a registration form and obtain an electronic signature. Participation in the auction is free of charge on the website

Current tips for identifying highly liquid lots

If you intend to purchase liquid property, the first thing you need to do is carry out a competent analysis of the lots. First, you need to monitor the sites available to you and mark the lots that interest you. Immediately write down the information in a convenient format - electronically or by hand, making sure to include a link to the site and the estimated price. Once you have found approximately ten lots, you need to start analyzing them according to the following main points.

Hello, dear readers of the financial magazine “site”! Today we will talk about bankruptcy auctions, the sale of property owned by bankrupts and debtors, as well as what bankruptcy auctions are and how to participate in them.

From this article you will learn:

  • What is bankruptcy trading - features;
  • How to participate in bidding and what bankruptcy auctions (trading platforms) exist;
  • What can be sold at auction and how to take part in electronic auctions;
  • How to purchase real estate at bankruptcy auctions;
  • How to make money by purchasing property through auctions;

At the end of the article are answers to frequently asked questions on the topic.

The article will be useful to those who want to take part in bankruptcy auctions, as well as to those who are simply interested in this topic. Read more about bankruptcy auctions right now!

About bankruptcy auctions: what is it and what steps/stages do you need to go through in order to take part in the auction, what property of bankrupts and debtors is sold at a bankruptcy auction - read on about this and much more

1. Features of bankruptcy auctions - schemes for selling property of bankrupts and debtors ⚖

Since 2011 trading is carried out using the Internet, making it much more accessible. As a result, today anyone can participate in auctions without leaving home.

Thanks to this, participation in auctions receives a number of advantages:

  • saves time on organizing participation in tenders;
  • there is no reference to a specific geographical region;
  • soft requirements for bidders.

Another advantage of participating in auctions today is the low level of competition.

Question 2. Where to look for bankruptcy auctions, what search methods are there?

There are several ways to search for auctions that are accessible to everyone. First of all, this Kommersant newspaper , which is published weekly on Saturdays. Each such publication contains an appendix with information about upcoming auctions. If desired, Kommersant can be read electronically.

There are other sites that publish information about auctions:

  • Unified Federal Register of Bankruptcy Information;
  • Interregional electronic platform;
  • Sberbank-AST;
  • Alphalot;
  • Tender B2B and others.

Where to look for bankruptcy auctions - searching for attractive auctions

Question 3. What is required to participate in the auction?

To participate in electronic trading, you need to go through a certain procedure, which can be divided into several stages.

  1. First of all, you need to get an electronic signature. It has legal force and is an analogue of a seal and a handwritten signature. It is the electronic signature that allows you to gain access to the site to participate in the auction. You can register a flash drive with a password at any certification center. Upon receipt of the signature, all necessary instructions for setting up access are issued. When registering a key, it is important to pay attention to which sites it provides access to. It is advisable to issue a key that allows you to connect to several sites. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to purchase a much larger number of objects. It is important to understand that an electronic signature should be ordered in advance, as it is produced within several days.
  2. The first stage of preparation for trading– registration on the electronic platform. To do this, fill out the form and send it to the site. Once the background check is completed, access to various property sales sites will be granted.
  3. Simultaneously with registration on the site, theoretical data should be reinforced. To do this, you need to refresh your memory of the law governing auctions. In addition, it is important to study the regulations of the site used. All necessary data and documentation are available on the trade portal.
  4. The next step should be to search for objects to purchase. After this, you must carefully read all the information about the upcoming auction. You will need to study all available documentation and, if possible, inspect the facility in advance.
  5. Once all the previous steps have been completed, you can begin submitting your application.. It must be prepared very carefully in accordance with the requirements of the auction organizer. The application must be accompanied by a document confirming the transfer of the deposit. Information about its amount and payment terms is indicated in the tender documentation.

If everything is done correctly, the participant will be allowed to participate in the auction.

Question 4. How and where to issue an electronic key (electronic key) to participate in the auction, what is the price and procedure for obtaining it?

Many companies in Russia have been actively purchasing various property during the bankruptcy bidding process for a long time. Recently, such an opportunity has appeared for individuals. Without a doubt, over time The popularity of auctions will only grow . At the same time, the majority of those who want to take part in the auction still wonder how the electronic signature required for this is drawn up.

An electronic digital signature is required; without it you can simply participate in the auction will not work. To obtain it, you must contact a certification center. It is a specialized company that has a license to generate such password “keys”.

EDS are specially generated keys that the CA issues to the applicant on electronic media. A certificate is also issued simultaneously with the keys. It must be certified by the seal of the CA.

Choosing a certification authority, please note that it is accredited by government agencies. Today there are quite a lot of similar companies, so finding the nearest one will not be difficult.

Many people also wonder how much will digital signature cost?. It is important to understand that there is no fixed cost.

The final price will depend on a large number of criteria:

  • generation of an electronic signature by certified employees;
  • entering data on digital signature into the appropriate register;
  • creating a special medium for the key;
  • availability of a license for specialized cryptographic programs;
  • issuing a copy of the certificate in paper form.

Also, some certification centers provide a range of additional services - computer setup by a specialist, information support and others. All these parameters can also affect the cost of an electronic signature.

Thus, EDS price is variable, it may vary depending on the region of registration.

Experts, as a guideline, call the average cost of EP at the level 4-5 thousand rubles .

Question 5. How does the auction end? Can the winner not buy the lot?

For each bankruptcy bidder, there may be several possible outcomes of this process:

  1. The auction is not won - in this case the organizer returns the deposit, no contracts will be required;
  2. Winning the auction.

With the auction winner within 5 (five) days a contract for the sale and purchase of property that was a lot at the auction is signed. After this, within 30 (thirty) days It is required to pay the full cost of the auction item.

If for some reason the winner changes his mind about becoming the owner of the property, he may refuse to enter into the contract. Naturally, in this case there is no need to list the cost of the auction item.

However, do not forget that in case of refusal to purchase the property, the deposit will remain with the auction organizer.

13. Conclusion + video on the topic 🎥

Thus, anyone can take part in the bankruptcy auction. In this case, you will need to have certain knowledge and skills, as well as issue an electronic signature.

We hope that this article helped to understand some of the intricacies of this difficult process.

And a video on how to submit an application on the Sberbank AST electronic platform:

Don’t be afraid to participate in auctions, because this can often help you save significantly on your purchase. Moreover, many have been successfully making money from such trades for a long time.

The site magazine team wishes good luck to readers in all their endeavors! If you have any comments or questions on the topic, please ask them in the comments below.

In the process of bankruptcy of individuals and legal entities, their property is sometimes sold. This is done by law in order to obtain funds to pay off existing debts. Bankruptcy auctions are organized:

  • according to the provisions of Law No. 127-FZ of October 26, 2002;
  • exclusively in electronic form;
  • at special sites that have received a certificate.

Anyone can take part in the process of selling the property of bankrupt persons. You just need to fulfill the conditions under which the sale takes place. They are quite strict and require some material costs. Let's look at how bankruptcy auctions take place. Why was the official state bankruptcy website created? What prospects for participation in the process do citizens and legal entities have?

The paragraphs of the above law provide rules for bankruptcy of legal entities and ordinary people. We talked about the main features of the bankruptcy procedure. This process is divided into several stages. One of the steps to formally prove insolvency is to obtain funds by selling the property.

Note: This is an optional step. Some trials do not reach him, ending:

  • debt restructuring;
  • conclusion of a settlement agreement.

If it was not possible to reach an agreement or the case appears in the case, then the property has to be put up for auction. The sale of property is initiated by the arbitration manager. This person provides the organizer with all the information (and is legally responsible for its accuracy).

Platforms are engaged in the process of organizing the sale of debtors’ property.

They are required to do the following:

  • open;
  • accessible to everyone;
  • free;
  • legal.

Attention: in addition, the responsibilities of the organizers include receiving money for property and real estate. And there are some sales rules associated with this.

Subtleties of the procedure

Bankruptcy auctions on the EFRSB website are conducted in accordance with a strict procedure. It is divided into several stages:

  • The announcement of tenders consists of providing the arbitration managers with all the required information regarding the object. Afterwards, an advertisement is submitted that can be seen by all interested parties.
  • Information about the property to be sold is compiled in the following format:
    • Name;
    • location address;
    • tax information (if necessary);
    • initial cost;
    • planned price reduction (in increments of dates and amount of contribution for the lot).
  • According to the form of the procedure, there are:
    • closed;
    • open;
    • public.
  • After the final stage, the results are summed up and the winner is announced.
  • A purchase and sale agreement is drawn up with the winner, on the basis of which the person receives ownership rights and the seller receives money.

The auction center is an electronic platform for conducting auctions. On August 22, he announced the liquidation of Stroymontazh LLC (Moscow).

  1. Information provided:
    1. about the location of the object;
    2. its brief description;
    3. about the details of the debtor, methods and terms of depositing funds.
  2. Installed:
    1. starting price of the lot is 975,000 rubles;
    2. auction step 10%;
    3. timing of the deal with the winner;
    4. start and end dates of the period:
      1. submitting applications;
      2. holding auctions.

At the end of the process (usually within a month), the Auction Center will announce:

  • about the winner;
  • about the completion of the procedure.

Rules for participants

The legislation defines one boundary parameter for participation in tenders - the legal capacity of a citizen. The procedure is open to legal and. Applicants undergo a registration and verification process.

It consists of several stages:

  • Obtaining a digital signature, without which it is impossible to take part in the procedure. This document is issued on a paid basis. The price depends on the manufacturer. Moreover, the digital signature is valid for one year.

Hint: you need to order an electronic signature based on the site where electronic trading in relation to the bankruptcy case is planned. Not all digital signatures are accepted by certain services.

  • Site accreditation. To conduct it, you must upload electronic copies of documents certifying the right to participate in the auction. They are certified by digital signature. For example, it is enough for citizens to send a passport and TIN.
  • Documents are verified within three to five days. After its completion, a notification about the received accreditation on the site appears in your personal account (you should remember that there are several of them on the service).
  • Lot selection. At this stage, proposals are studied. You need to look at the announcements about the sale of auctions that have already been scheduled.
  • Filling out an application. In order to declare participation in the drawing, you must create an electronic document. The form appears after clicking the “Application” button. Some data in it is generated automatically based on the documentation provided. Others will have to be entered manually. And the main thing is to determine the offer price.
  • Payment of a deposit. An application is not possible without providing the first copy of the payment document for transfer to the account of the manager of the deposit (5% of the cost of the lot).

Hint: the deposit will be returned to losing participants. Money is not refundable to the winner who refuses the lot.

Going through the procedure

Bidders, having decided on the object, put forward their proposals. With a closed procedure, no one sees competitors’ initiatives to buy out the lot. They are opened after the deadline for accepting applications. The winner is the one who bids the highest price.

Open auctions are conducted somewhat differently. Applications are visible to everyone. Each applicant for a lot is assigned a number. It is impossible to identify a person from it. Thus, each participant sees only the amounts offered by competitors for the lot. Naturally, this information allows you to adjust the amount of your own initiative.

Public offers are a different procedure. During the event, competitors may raise rates. As a rule, a time step for accepting proposals is assigned. The winner is the one who made the last (highest) bid.

Help: sometimes the price of a lot drops by 99%. That is, you can buy an object for 1% of its primary cost.

The end of the auction is different for the losers and the winner. Persons who did not receive the lot must wait for the deposit amounts to be returned. This happens within a few days after the winner is announced.

Hint: if the funds have not been credited to your account, you need to contact the manager. His contact information is on the lot card.

The winner will have to do additional work to complete the purchase.

It consists of the following:

  • First, the purchase and sale agreement is concluded electronically. A document arrives in your personal account and requires an electronic signature.
  • After this, time is allotted for the transfer of funds.
  • At the same time, the original contract with the seller’s signature is sent to the winner. It must be certified and sent back.
  • The received copy of the agreement is used to re-register ownership (or receive a lot that is not subject to government registration).

Hint: Some types of property are not sold at public auction. For example, weapons are not subject to public sale (they require a special permit).

Why participate in auctions

The sites sell property not only of legal entities, but also of bankrupt individuals. And this opens up the opportunity to acquire what is necessary for life. Borrowers who have failed to meet their obligations are forced to deal with these problems. A huge list of property is offered as lots. The most popular are:

  • residential and industrial premises;
  • land plots and lease rights;
  • rights of claim (usually the most expensive lots);
  • tools and household appliances;
  • enterprises and securities;
  • objects of art;
  • real estate of various types;
  • production lines and more.

Attention: as a rule, even the starting price of a lot is lower than the market value of the property.

Thus, participation in auctions allows you to purchase the necessary objects at a lower cost. The EFRSB portal differs from others in that it informs potential participants in advance about the lots and the opening date of trading.

Consequently, the potential bidder gets the opportunity to price the offer and complete all formalities in advance so as not to be late for the start of registration of proposals. In addition, not all lots face serious competition. And this allows you to reduce the price. Although, you have to fight for the possession of especially valuable assets. The cost of lots is completely different and depends on the type of property. On the site you can find industrial equipment for 800 rubles. and the right to claim 20 million rubles. The choice depends on the experience and capabilities of the buyer.

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