Project on traffic rules “Young pedestrian. Summary of a lesson on traffic rules for children of senior preschool age

MBDOU Kerch RK "Kindergarten No. 15 "Dolphin"


“We study the rules of the road. Young pedestrians"

Senior group

Prepared by:

teacher Ryzhey E.V.


This project was developed due to the particular relevance of the problem of ensuring the safety of preschool children on the roads and streets of the city. In Russia, about 2,000 children die in road accidents every year, and more than 20,000 are injured.

Every year, every hundredth child is hospitalized as a result of an injury. For children over 4 years of age, transport injuries are one of the leading causes of death and disability. Every year this threat increases along with the growth of motor transport and the decline in traffic culture.

Often tragedies on the roads are associated with non-compliance with traffic rules and ignorance of them. Training in the rules of safe behavior is one of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The relevance of the project lies in the fact that in children, cognitive development aimed at satisfying social interests is formed only under the condition of targeted guidance from adults.

It is important to awaken, develop and increase the desire to acquire practical skills in pedestrian safety as early as possible.

To achieve more effective results, it is necessary to involve parents in working with children. Adults need to increase children's cognitive interest in social reality. Interest will be high if the child is an active participant in the pedagogical process, if he has the opportunity to personally explore, exercise independence under the skillful pedagogical guidance of an adult who will guide the child and not replace him. Left to their own devices, children pay little attention to real dangers on the road, since they underestimate their own capabilities, considering themselves dexterous and fast. They have not yet developed the ability to foresee the possibility of danger in a rapidly changing road situation, so it is important to teach children road literacy and rules of behavior on the street.

One of the forms of working with parents on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard is the implementation of joint educational projects.

Project participants:

Teachers, parents, older children

Implementation deadlines:

05.09.16 - 31.05.17

Project type:

Long term

Project stages:

    Preparatory (analytical);

    Main (implementation of planned plans)

    Final (presentation, product of activity)

Objective of the project:

Creating the most effective conditions in the group to organize work to develop in children the basics of safe behavior on the road, in transport, and knowledge of traffic rules.

To develop skills of adequate behavior in various unexpected situations that may arise on the street through children's cognitive and play activities.

To promote the formation in parents of pupils of a sense of responsibility for the life and health of their children. Create conditions for the formation of social skills and norms of behavior based on joint activities with parents and mutual assistance.

Project objectives:


Introduce children to the rules of the road;

To clarify knowledge about the elements of the road (roadway, pedestrian crossing, sidewalk), about traffic flow, about the operation of traffic lights.


Develop caution, attentiveness, independence, responsibility and prudence on the road;

Stimulate cognitive activity, promote the development of communication skills;

To increase the competence of parents in the specifics of teaching preschoolers the rules of safe behavior on the road and in transport.


Develop personal safety skills and a sense of self-preservation;

To educate disciplined and competent pedestrians.

Integration of educational areas:

“Cognitive development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Speech development”, “Physical development”.

Final event:

Exhibition of works “The ABCs of Traffic”

Project stages:

Stage 1

(formulation of the problem)

State the problem to the children: “Why is it necessary to know the rules of the road?”

Define the project product:

a) creating a model of a city street;

b) knowledge of traffic rules.

(discussion of the problem, acceptance of tasks)

Make children aware of the importance of this problem: “Ignorance of traffic rules can lead to trouble!”

Select fiction and prepare visual, illustrated material on the topic of the project.

Draw up a long-term work plan.

Study methodological literature: K.Yu. Belaya “How to ensure the safety of preschool children”; Avdeeva N.N., Sterkina R.B., Knyazeva O.L., “Safety”; V.A. Dobryakov “Three traffic lights”; V.E. Rublyak “Road Rules”; E.S. Smushkevich, A.Ya. Yakupov “We ​​are walking down the street”; E.Ya. Stepankova “For preschoolers - about the rules of the road”; and others.

Conduct conversations with children on the topic: “What traffic rules do you know?”, “Attention, road signs!”, “Who controls the road?”, How to behave on the street and in transport?”

Replenish the subject-development environment.

Conduct a survey and parent-teacher meeting with parents.

Stage 2 (work on the project)

Schedule of project activities with children


Event topics


GCD "Street"

Didactic game “What is a street”

Conversation “The road to kindergarten”

Target walk “Our Street”

Didactic game “What kinds of cars are there?”

Role-playing game "Bus"

Didactic game “Who is the passenger?”

Didactic game "Traffic Light"

Riddles about traffic lights, transport

Application "Traffic light"

Target walk “Traffic Light”

Didactic game "Pedestrian"

Application "Train"

Compiling a story about a traffic situation based on a plot picture

Drawing “The children went out for a walk”

Construction "Bridges"

Target walk to crossroads

Conversation with a traffic policeman

Construction of the “Machine Exhibition”

Role-playing game "Cars and pedestrians"

Tour to the parking lot

Board games based on traffic rules

Making attributes for role-playing games

Role-playing game “Smart traffic light”

Interaction with parents/social partners

1. Questioning of parents on traffic rules.

2. Folder - moving, memo "Causes of children's road traffic injuries."

3.KVN “Experts of Traffic Rules”.

4. Involving parents in making drawings according to traffic rules. 5.Individual conversation “How to cultivate exemplary behavior when using public transport.

6. Intellectual game “What, where, when?”

7.Consultation “Children’s safety is the concern of parents.”

8.Parents meeting “Child and traffic rules”

9.Memo “Rules for transporting children in a car.”

10.Watching a cartoon or movie about Pinocchio with children. Discussion of Pinocchio's behavior.

11. Design of a folder in the reception area “Rules for a young pedestrian.”

Educational area

Joint activities between adults and children

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Educational activities in special moments

Socio-communicative development

Compiling a story based on the painting “An Incident on the Bus”

Word formation games (traffic dictionary)

Retelling of the story “A Fence Along the Sidewalk” by G. Yurmin

Composing stories: “What happened if there were no traffic rules”, “If all the signs were mixed up”, “Stories in transport”, “Games in winter” (from work experience)

Role-playing games:“Trip around the city”, “Trip to the dacha”, “At grandma’s in the village”, “Young pedestrian”

Game situation:“Place road signs correctly” (on a street model), “How to cross the roadway correctly”

Deducational games:“Road ABC”, “Basics of safety in the yard and on the street”, “It’s me, it’s me...”, “Safe path”

Board-printed games(cut-out pictures, games with rules), puzzles.

Conversations:“Streets of Kerch”, “How drivers work”, “Magic colors of traffic lights”.

Situational conversation: “How to cross the road correctly”, “What should not happen”, “What signs help a pedestrian on the way”, “What you need to know if you are alone on the street”, “A grandmother got on the bus”

Visual and illustrative material: (illustrations: transport, traffic lights, road signs, plot pictures with problematic road situations).

Tabletop crossroads (a set of small road signs, various toy modes of transport, toys - traffic lights, figures of people)

Attributes for role-playing games with a road theme (baton, whistle, cap, police uniform, portly signs: visual and figurative, traffic light model)

Constructors of different sizes for buildings, cars.

Poster “Rules of behavior on the road”

Cognitive development

Formation of a holistic picture of the world:

Topic: “What kinds of cars are there?”

Topic: “School of Pedestrian Sciences”

Construction:"Freight transport", "Our street"

FEMP: Game exercises “Be attentive”, “Whose road is longer, shorter”.

Target walk to the crosswalk.

Observations: the actions of pedestrians in street conditions (analysis of situations), examination of freight transport bringing food, the work of a driver

Quiz “Pedestrian on the street”

Looking at a poster: “Rules of the road”, “Rules of conduct in transport”

Creating an Album“Always follow the road rules”

Board games“Attention road”, “Laws of streets and roads”, “Special transport”, “Culture of behavior”

Construction games:“There are different types of bridges”, “Building a garage”

Guides and games for teaching children traffic rules

Domino“Road signs”, “Every sign in its place”, “Special transport”

Artistic and aesthetic

speech development


poem by R. Farhadi “At any intersection we are met by a traffic light”

Reading and retelling story

S. Volkova “About traffic rules”

Drawing:“Dangerous situations on the road”, “Service signs” (my favorite road sign)

Modeling:“Let’s go on an excursion”, “Guard”

Application:“Signs in our village”, “Cut out, guess and paste”

Musical and didactic game:“Guess what transport sounds like”, “Traffic signals”

Learning songs:“Machine Stop”, “Our City”, “The Steam Locomotive Is Riding”

Pipgumov Y. “Cars”, Berestov V. “I’m going running”, Plyatskovsky M. “Stop, car!”, Mikhalkov S. “If the light turns red”, Yakovlev S. “You need to obey without arguing”, Marshak S. “Ball”, Mikhalkov S. “Uncle Styopa the policeman”, Zhidkov B. “What I saw”, “Traffic light”, “What taxi”, I. Leshkevich “Traffic light” I. Migunova “Friend traffic light”, V. Irishin “ A walk around the city."

Evening of riddles about transport

Learning rhymes(“Stop the car”, “Traffic light”), proverbs about transport, poems

Work in the book corner: design of an exhibition of books on traffic rules

Drawing“Multi-colored traffic lights”, “Houses on our street”, “Transport of the future”

Listening to songs“Road Sign”, “Traffic Light”, “When the Traffic Lights Sing”

Finger Theater for kids "Merry Traffic Light"

Watching cartoons:“Leopold the Cat”, “Well, wait a minute!”

Musical entertainment:"Confusion in the Land of Road Signs"

Children's fiction on traffic topics.

Illustrations of various cars, traffic lights, policeman

Traffic light layout.

Exhibition drawings “My favorite road sign”, “All about the road”

Methodical manual on art “How to draw a guard correctly” Image of road signs Templates of vehicles, road signs, coloring pages Whatman paper, colored paper, scissors, glue, napkins, oilcloths

Physical development

Game exercises: “Bicycle Riding”, “Horses”, “Burners”

Logorhythmic exercises“We are walking down the street”, “Various cars are running”, “Look carefully at the road sign ahead”

Outdoor games:"Pedestrians and Cars", "Road Signs", "Traffic Lights", "Be Careful", "Colored Cars", "On the Road", "Pedestrians and Cars"

Fun games bicycle and scooter racing

Competition games:“Fun Starts”, “Who is Faster”


Color pictures depicting transport for various purposes

Magic wands. Flags, geometric shapes in green, red and yellow

Steering wheels, hoops green, red and yellow

Strollers with dolls for pedestrians

Expected results:

The use of this project will contribute to children’s deeper understanding of traffic rules.

Children will learn to apply the acquired knowledge about traffic rules in games, dramatizations, in everyday life, and most importantly, set tasks for themselves and find ways to solve them.

The efforts of teachers and parents will be combined to familiarize children with the rules of the road and their observance in life; systematically and actively disseminate knowledge about traffic rules among parents.

Visual materials will be developed that have a developmental impact and cognitive stimulation on older children, forming in children knowledge about the culture of behavior on the road, learning the ability to use a model to simulate a situation in a play space, and instilling responsibility for the safety of their lives and the lives of other people.


1. Avdeeva N.N., Styorkina R.B. "Safety". - St. Petersburg: “Childhood - Press”, 2004. 2. Belaya K.Yu., Zimonina V.N. How to ensure the safety of preschoolers. - M.: “Enlightenment”, 2000. 3. Izvekova N.A., Medvedeva A.F. Classes on traffic rules. - M.: LLC "TC Sfera", 2010. 4. Klimenko V.R. Teach preschoolers the rules of movement. - M.: “Enlightenment”, 1973. 5. Kozlovskaya E.A. Prevention of children's road traffic injuries. - M.: "Publishing House Third Rome", 2008. 6. Rublyakh V.E. Traffic rules. - M.: “Education”, 1984. 7. Saulina T.F. Three traffic lights. - M.: “Enlightenment”, 2009. 8. Startseva O.Yu. School of Road Sciences. - M.: LLC "TC Sfera", 2009. 9. Cherepanova S.N. Traffic rules. - "Scriptorium Publishing House 2003", 2008.


Results of parent testing on traffic rules “Competent Pedestrian”

26 families of senior group pupils took part in the testing, which is 87% of the group’s roster.

    98% of parents introduce their children to the rules of the road.

    92% of surveyed families show a safe road from home to kindergarten and always use it.

    90% of parents believe that the family and kindergarten should jointly deal with traffic rules issues.

    80% of parents consider themselves role models in observing traffic rules.

When should you start introducing traffic rules?

from 3 years old from 4 years old from 5 years old

A child can teach a parent a lesson in safe behavior

on road

yes sometimes never

Parents discuss traffic violations

do not discuss with children and teachers

Testing was carried out at the beginning of the year. Analysis of the tests showed that children know the rules of the road and willingly follow them, but some families do not clearly understand the importance of this problem.

A number of issues regarding traffic rules have been identified that require continued implementation of educational activities in this area.

The project has developed a plan for working with parents for the school year, developed individual and group consultations, updated information in the parents' corner, developed notes on OD, conversations, compiled file cabinets of different types of gaming activities, etc.

Author of the work: Gorshkov Grigory, 10 years old, student of grade 4 “A”, MBOU “Secondary School No. 1”, Kashira, Moscow region.
Head of work: Bagrova Elena Viktorovna, primary school teacher of the 1st category, class teacher, teacher of the primary education class of the 1st category, MBOU “Secondary school No. 1”, Kashira, Moscow region.
Purpose of the material: for children aged 7 - 10 years, preschool teachers, class teachers, to prepare for competitions and quizzes on traffic rules.
Target: prevention of children's road traffic injuries.
Tasks: prevent the most common mistakes children make on the road, summarize existing knowledge on traffic rules, and promote the formation of a responsible attitude towards issues of personal safety on the road.

Project preparation plan and implementation deadlines:
Stage 1– study of creative assignment issues – September 12, 2015
Stage 2– collection of material on testing issues – September 13, 14, 2015
Stage 3– design of the project – September 15 – 22, 2015
Stage 4– participation in the school round of the competition (qualifying round)
Stage 5– defense of the project at the regional round of the competition – September 30, 2015

Project activity products:
Historical reference
“The rules themselves were born a long time ago... Attempts to introduce rules for driving on streets and roads were created at a time when horse-drawn carriages drove along the streets. These rules were, of course, not the same as they are now - much simpler. But even then, everyone had to know them. In Russia, the tsar’s decree warned: “Carriers and other people of all ranks should ride with their horses bridled, with all fear and caution, at attention.” For disobedience, “those guilty of the first offense will be beaten with cats, for the second with a whip, for the third they will be sent to hard labor.”
“The first rules were created for cab drivers and coachmen. Then bicycles appeared (two-wheeled, three-wheeled). The first car, a steam car, was created in 1769 by the Frenchman Jean Cugnot. In 1885, German inventors Karl Benz and Daimler created a car with a gasoline engine - a motorized stroller. Later, cars with internal combustion engines appeared.
With the advent of cars, new rules appeared. In England, for example, when the first cars appeared, a special decree was issued that said:
“In cities, a person with a red flag should run in front of a mechanical cart, thereby warning of danger.” When the first cars appeared in St. Petersburg and Moscow, the city duma ordered their owners to drive around the city no faster than 12 km/h.”
Now we can’t even imagine what it would be like to put a person in front of every car so that he could run and give signals of danger. Not even the best runner can handle this. But at that time there was no other way to warn people. True, the speed of the cars was not the same as it is now. Technology developed, cars improved, their number grew, cities grew - and the rules became more and more complex.

I'm a passenger today -
I'm traveling alone in transport.
Didn't buy a ticket at the entrance,
Sat between the chairs in the aisle,
Turned the music on loudly
Already, the conductor jumped up.
He says: “Comrade, stand up.
And leave our bus!
You are disturbing others - ordinary passengers!
Before you get on the bus, you need to read the rules.”
- The rules, they forced me to read the rules!

I'm a pedestrian today -
I see a transition on the right.
But I'm in a hurry,
I don't look at the signals.
Contrived, ran,
Then the driver shouted:
“You, comrade, do not rush,
Take care of your hands and feet.
You are disturbing others - ordinary pedestrians.
To become a pedestrian, you must follow the rules.”
- The rules, they forced me to follow the rules!

I am the driver, below me
Two-wheeled steel horse.
I'm rushing forward, I'm pedaling,
Not hoping for medals.
The guard stopped
He threatened with a stern finger:
“You, comrade, are a trespasser!
And show me your rights!
You interfere with others - ordinary drivers.
If you want to become a driver, you must
- The rules, they forced me to learn the rules!
(author's joke poem by E.V. Bagrova)

1.Safety for pedestrians on the roadway is achieved by knowledge and strict adherence to traffic rules, compliance with traffic lights, road signs and markings.
2.Safety rules when riding a bicycle:
Children under 14 years old are prohibited from riding bicycles on the roads! You can only ride on sidewalks, pedestrian paths, bicycle paths and within pedestrian zones.

Once you get behind the wheel of your bike, you become a driver! You cannot race on the roadway, overtake or interfere with traffic.

A cyclist should not cross a pedestrian crossing on a bicycle! You need to get off your bike and cross the road on foot, driving your bike next to you.

3.City and country roads are an area of ​​increased danger for pedestrians. Country roads are not equipped with pedestrian paths, and the pedestrian must move along the edge of the roadway or along the side of the road towards traffic, which creates a danger for pedestrians. On country roads the speed limit is higher than in the city. Therefore, you need to be more careful and attentive on these roads.
4.The safest areas on roads for pedestrians are the pedestrian path, underground and surface pedestrian crossings.

5. The most dangerous areas on roads are pedestrian crossings that are not equipped with traffic lights; roadways without pedestrian crossings; intersections, since in these places cars drive from both sides; curbs - they are located close to the roadway.

6. At an intersection, cars are coming from both sides and it is more difficult to assess the situation on the road.

7. Crossing the road is prohibited by traffic rules! You will not have enough time to correctly assess the road situation, and the driver will not be able to control the vehicle.

8. You must stop to make sure that the driver saw you and stopped the car, as well as assess the distance to the moving vehicle, and cross the road!

9. A traffic light is needed to control the movement of pedestrians and cars. A transport traffic light controls the movement of cars, and a pedestrian traffic light controls the movement of pedestrians. A RED traffic light PROHIBITS movement, YELLOW – WARNING, GREEN – ALLOWS movement.

10.You cannot go out onto the roadway if a car is approaching with a blue or blue-red flashing light on and a sound signal on. This could be an ambulance, fire service, police, Ministry of Emergency Situations.

11.A bus or trolleybus is passed from behind; The road is crossed at the nearest pedestrian crossing when the traffic light is green, or, if the crossing is unregulated, you first need to stop, look left, then right, make sure that cars are allowing you to pass or are far from you, and cross the road.
12. The driver turns into a pedestrian as soon as he gets out of the car.

13. Standard seat belts are for adults only and are not appropriate for the height and size of a child under 12 years of age.
14. To be literate, you need to learn letters and learn to read and write, and in order to skillfully and competently behave on the roads, you need to know another alphabet - TRAFFIC RULES. This is very important in order to protect yourself and others on the roads.
15. Without road signs, it would be impossible to regulate the movement of vehicles and pedestrians on the roads, and more emergency situations and road accidents would arise.

16.First of all, pedestrians need to know the following signs - signs of roads on which pedestrians are prohibited from moving: “Highways”, sign “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”, “Highway”, “Danger”, “Road works”, “Pedestrian path”, “Underground passage”, “Overground passage”.

17. It is dangerous to play near the roadway and railway tracks - you can get hit by the wheels of a moving vehicle!
18.You can only cross the road when the traffic light is GREEN at a pedestrian crossing. Look left, right, make sure that the cars have stopped and are allowing you to pass. If there is no pedestrian crossing, then you need to cross the road strictly across, in a place where it is clearly visible in both directions.

19. To reduce the risk of road traffic injuries while walking in the yard, you must: play on a specially equipped playground, and not close to the roadway, always be attentive, look around.

“How Petya learned to follow traffic rules”
The boy Petya Ivanov was in no hurry to go home after school. He met friends who were playing football next to the roadway, it was a lot of fun and the guys forgot all the dangers. The ball flew onto the road, Petya rushed after it and almost got hit by a car. Well, the driver was driving at low speed and managed to brake.

"School of Pedestrian Sciences"

Project participants:

teachers, parents, older children

Implementation period:

One academic year

Project type:


Creating a problem:

Is the child attentive on the street? Does he know the rules of conduct on the street and in transport? Does he respect traffic rules? Does the child know how to be careful and circumspect?

Relevance of the problem:

Preschool children do not have that protective psychological reaction to traffic conditions that is characteristic of adults. Their thirst for knowledge, the desire to constantly discover something new, often puts the child in front of real dangers, in particular on the streets.

Objective of the project:

Formation of children's skills of conscious safe behavior on the street.

Project objectives:

1. Preschoolers acquire initial knowledge about the rules of safe behavior on the street.

2. Develop skills of a conscious attitude towards compliance with safe traffic rules and rules for passengers.

3. Consolidate knowledge about the operation of traffic lights.

4. Prepare for the correct actions in the current situation on the road or street.

Project plan:

Event names


Work with children


Speech development, familiarization with the outside world, conversation:

"School of Pedestrian Sciences";

“Being an exemplary pedestrian and passenger is allowed!”;

“What did we see on the street?”;

“Rules and road safety”;

"The street is full of surprises";

"Road Safety".

Productive activities:

“My Street” - design;

“City Street” - drawing;

“Road signs” - drawing;

“On our street” - application;

“Traffic light” - applique, modeling.


"Field of Dreams";

"What? Where? Where?";

"Best Pedestrian"

"Guess a riddle";

"Be careful!";

“We are not afraid on the street” (plot-didactic game);

“Journey to the Village” (dramatization game);

“Trip around the city” (role-playing game).

Introduction to Literature

Nosov N. “Car”;

Mikhalkov S. “Uncle Styopa is a policeman. My street. Cyclist";

Dorokhov A. “Green, yellow, red”;

Tarutin O. “Why do we need a traffic light”;

Ivanov A. “How inseparable friends crossed the road”;

Dugilov A. “My Street”; Riddles, poems about transport, about road signs.

Targeted walks

On the street where the kindergarten is located.

To the bus stop.

To a two-way roadway.

To the roadway, where there is a traffic light and a pedestrian path.

Working with parents


"Children's safety on the streets";

“The example of parents is one of the main factors in successfully developing children’s skills for safe behavior on the street”;

“Our guests are State Traffic Inspectorate employees and traumatologists.”

Conversations, consultations, questionnaires

“On the importance of teaching preschool children traffic rules”;

“On behavior in public transport”;

“The street demands respect”;

“Being a pedestrian is a science!”

Educational and gaming competitions

"Traffic Laws";

"Lucky case";


“Evening of questions and answers”;

“Field of Miracles”, etc.

Working with teachers

Help in selecting reading material for children.

Help in selecting didactic games on this topic.

Organization of joint quizzes, competitions, games-competitions, performances on the topics:

"Lucky case";

“We are going, going, going...”;

"In the Land of Traffic Lights";

"School of Traffic Light Sciences";

"What? Where? Where?" etc.

Project results:

1. Children became familiar with the meanings of the words: road, highway, roadway, sidewalk, shoulder, pedestrian path, pedestrian, passenger, pavement, pedestrian crossing, intersection, traffic light...

2. We strengthened children’s understanding of various types of transport, road signs, and traffic.

3. We made mock-ups of road signs for independent games, and attributes for role-playing games.

4. We intensified parents’ knowledge about the features of teaching children the rules of safe behavior on the streets and in transport.

5. Formed the readiness of parents to cooperate with kindergarten teachers on the problems of developing safe behavior skills in children.


Advice for parents of older preschoolers:

* Cultivate in your child the habit of being attentive on the street, careful and circumspect.

* Consolidate the knowledge acquired earlier, ask your child problematic questions more often, talk with him.

* Observe situations on the street, road, in the yard, pedestrians and vehicles, traffic lights, and be sure to discuss with your child what you saw.

* Read a suitable piece of fiction to him and be sure to talk about what you read.

* Establish rules of conduct on the street and in transport:

You should walk on the sidewalk on the right side;

Before crossing the road, you need to make sure that there is no traffic by looking left and right, then you can move, after first looking in both directions again;

You can only cross the road by walking;

You must obey the traffic light signal;

In transport you need to behave calmly, speak quietly, hold on to an adult’s hand (and handrail) so as not to fall;

You cannot lean out of the window of a bus or trolleybus, or stick your hands out the window;

You can enter and exit a vehicle only when it is stationary;

You can only play in the yard.


Who knows the rules

For those they are not a rebus:

Tram car - ahead

At the stop, go around

Go around the crossing

Bus and trolleybus.

More than once in life, on the road

You will meet every sign.

Road signs required:

Always be careful!

No matter how difficult the path is,

Be polite on the road.

Place for the elder or old

Don't forget to give in.

Good to know for pedestrians

Designation of transitions.

To choose the right and straight

The path to school, park and home!

Where does the vehicle turn?

Being inattentive is dangerous!

It's not just that the signal blinks,

He helps pedestrians.


Topic: “Road Safety”

Objectives: To consolidate knowledge about the dangers that await on the street. Review the rules of behavior on the street, traffic rules. To consolidate knowledge of traffic lights, their meaning, as well as the designation of road signs. To cultivate attention, concentration, sensitivity, responsiveness, and the ability to help others.


Drawing – a diagram depicting a street (unfinished).

Illustrations with situations (children on the roadway).

Hats - masks: hare, bear, traffic lights.

Layouts of road signs: (warning, prohibiting, directional).

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, guess the riddle:

The houses stand in two rows,

10, 20, 100 in a row.

Square eyes

They look at each other. (Street).

Guys, the houses are so big and there are many of them, the street is long and wide. And we are so small compared to the houses. Therefore, you and I must know how to behave on the street so that trouble does not happen to us.

What do you think the street is for? What parts is it divided into? What do you call people walking down the street? How should a pedestrian walk down the street? Where can people cross the roadway? How do you know where the transition is? Why do we need a zebra crossing and a traffic island?

Guys, look at this unfinished sketch drawing with a picture of the street. Children are standing on the sidewalk and don’t know where to cross the street. Let's help them and finish what is needed.

Around the city, down the street

They don't just walk around like that.

When you don't know the rules

It's easy to get into trouble.

Be careful all the time

And remember in advance:

They have their own rules

Driver and pedestrian.

(The teacher offers illustrations with situations for children to look at: a boy with a puck plays hockey on the roadway....)

Can I play on the road? Where should children play? How should you cross the street? Where can you ride a bike?

There are many road rules in the world,

It wouldn’t hurt us to learn them all.

But the basic rules of the movement

Know how to do multiplication tables.

Don't play on the pavement, don't ride,

If you want to stay healthy!

Now let's remember the rules of conduct for pedestrians - both adults and children!

Dramatization game. The teacher offers children animal hats and hats with traffic lights.

The traffic light has three windows:

Look at them when you go .

(Children tell poems)

If the red light is on in the window:

“Stop! Do not rush!" - He says.

Red light - it's dangerous to walk,

Don't risk yourself in vain.

If suddenly a yellow window flashes,

Wait, wait a little.

If the green light is on in the window,

It is clear that the path is open to the pedestrian:

The green light suddenly came on

Now we can go.

You, traffic light, are a good friend

Drivers and passers-by.

Guys, now look what happens to those who do not follow traffic rules.

(Children dramatize actions based on the text)

We often notice

And we depict for you

Shalunov on the pavement,

Those who follow traffic rules

Has no respect

And risks his head

To avoid misfortune,

We ask you not to imitate them.

Was racing along the street

A boy with a stick.

It's good that he remained alive

Covered in bruises and bumps.

You're not at the circus! There's a road here!

The steering wheel turns a little -

Well, who will you surprise?

You'll get hit by a car.

What kind of fashion is this?

Cross diagonally?

Have you seen the crossing signs?

Where did you cross the road?

Friends rush at full speed,

And we are worried about them:

You can't stop the car quickly

On an icy road.

You need to follow the traffic rules without objection!

On the street, pedestrians and drivers are helped by their best friends - road signs. Each sign has its own name. Road signs tell you what the road is like, how to drive, what is allowed and what is not allowed on the road.

(The teacher introduces the children to road signs: warning, prohibitory, directional.)

The city where you and I live

It can rightly be compared to an ABC book.

ABC of streets, avenues, roads

The city gives us a lesson all the time.

Here it is, the alphabet, above your head,

Signs are posted above the pavement.

Always remember the alphabet of the city,

So that no trouble happens to you.

Passport for the project on traffic rules in the middle group “Young Pedestrian”

Project type – cognitive - creative

Duration – 3 weeks (8.09.2014 – 29.09.2014)

Participants – teachers of the secondary group, students of the secondary group and their parents.

Relevance: Preschool children are a special category of pedestrians. Children, due to their age, are very impulsive, absent-minded, and cannot sensibly assess the distance to an approaching car and its speed. Children themselves are often the cause of road accidents.
Parents and preschool educational institutions must provide the opportunity to see and understand the danger on the road and the opportunity to avoid it. Therefore, middle school teachers, in close collaboration with parents, organized the “Young Pedestrian” project activity.

Target: introduce children to the basic rules of the road and make them aware of the need to comply with these rules. Instill basic practical skills of safe behavior on city streets as pedestrians to preserve the life and health of yourself and those around you. Involve parents in this work, intensify work among them to promote safe behavior on the roads.


— introduce children to the concept of street, its main parts (road, sidewalk, tram tracks), home address;
- introduce the types of pedestrian crossings and road signs indicating them, as well as the intersection and the rules for crossing it;
— continue to introduce children to types of transport (land, water, air) and vehicles for various purposes (public, special transport).

- develop attentiveness, memory, thinking, caution, ability to navigate the environment, observation; cognitive interest;
- enrich children's vocabulary.

— to cultivate respect for the rules of the road, as well as the desire of children to follow the rules of safe movement on the streets;
— instill the basics of a culture of behavior while in the area of ​​the roadway, in public urban transport.

Estimated educational results of the project:
As a result of this project, we were able to form in middle-aged children knowledge about the culture of behavior on the road, and instill basic practical skills in proper behavior on the road as pedestrians. We strengthened children's understanding of various types of transport, road signs, and traffic. We replenished the developing subject-spatial environment with new books, didactic games, and attributes for role-playing games.
Project activity products:
Replenish the developing subject-spatial environment with didactic games, books, and attributes for plot-role-playing games. Also, the children, together with their parents, made little books on traffic rules. Mini-museum of the traffic rules group.


Festive kaleidoscope. Sports entertainment
"Red. Yellow. Green."

Developmental subject-spatial environment

Role-playing game “young pedestrian”

Mini-museum of traffic rules and an exhibition of hand-made books for children

Introduction of new didactic games

1.Dergunskaya V.A. Project activities for preschoolers. Educational and methodological manual. – M.: Center for Pedagogical Education, 2012. – 144 p.
2. Evdokimova E.S. Design technology in preschool educational institutions. – M.: TC Sfera, 2006. – 64 p.
3. Innovative forms of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families: parent meetings and conferences, discussions, workshops, round table meetings/ed.-comp. N.M. Sertakova. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2014. – 203 p.
4. Izvekova N.A., Medvedeva A.F. Lessons on traffic rules. - M.: LLC "TC Sfera", 2009 - 64 p.
5. Klimenko V.R. Teach preschoolers the rules of movement. - M.: “Enlightenment”, 1973 – 48 p.
6. Kozlovskaya E.A. Prevention of children's road traffic injuries. - M.: "Publishing House Third Rome", 2008 - 55 p.

Sports entertainment
"Green. Yellow. Red."

Goals: consolidate the names of road signs, remember how to cross the road correctly, develop children's memory and thinking (during games and reading poetry), speed and dexterity, cultivate collectivism, and the ability to empathize.

Equipment: road signs, balls, cars, hoops, boards, sheets of paper, costumes for Traffic Light and Carloson.

Progress of entertainment:

Children enter the hall to the music

Leading. Guys! Today you and I will have an unusual holiday. It is dedicated to traffic rules. We found ourselves in a town called “Traffic School”.

Suddenly Carlson runs into the hall. He approaches the guys.


Finding yourself in a big and noisy city,

I'm lost, I'm lost...

Without knowing the traffic lights,

Almost got hit by a car!

There are cars and trams all around,

Then suddenly a bus is on the way...

To be honest, I don’t know

Where should I cross the road?

Guys! Help me!

And, if possible, tell me

How to cross the road

So as not to get run over by a tram!

Host: Carlson, don’t worry, stay with us!

We will help you!

Leading. Guys! What do you see? (Road signs and traffic lights.)

Carlson: Just think... signs... Why do I need them, they are not alive. And you promised to help me!

Presenter: Everyone should know the ABCs of the road!

And everyone must know the signs!

The presenter makes a wish for the children puzzles. Children guess and show the correct sign.

1. A round sign with a window in it,

Don't rush rashly

Think a little:

What is this, a brick dump?

(Prohibitory sign “Entry prohibited.” Entry of all vehicles in this direction is prohibited)

2. I am in a circle with a red outline,

This means it's dangerous here.

Here, understand, it’s prohibited

Pedestrian traffic.

(No Pedestrians.)

3. I walk in a blue circle,

And it’s clear to the whole neighborhood,

If you think about it a little... (footpath.)

(Only pedestrians are allowed to travel.)

4. We walked home from kindergarten,

We see a sign on the pavement:

Circle, inside a bicycle,

There is nothing else...

(Bicycle path. Only bicycles and mopeds are allowed. Pedestrians can also use the bicycle path if there is no sidewalk or pedestrian path.)

5. I want to ask about the sign,

The sign is drawn like this:

Guys in the triangle

They are running somewhere as fast as they can.

My friend says:

This means the path is closed.

There are athletes ahead

With numbers on the chest.

There is a relay race on the road,

The kids need somewhere to run...

But I'm afraid, however,

The sign has a different meaning...

(Warning sign “Children”, a section of the road near a child care facility - a school, a health camp, etc.)

Leading. Guys! Why is it necessary to know the rules of the road? Who do you think is called the “Wizard Guard”? Who meets us at any crossroads?

Children. Traffic light


A traffic light appears.

I blink my eyes

Relentlessly day and night.

I help cars

I can help you too!

Leading. How many of you know how a real traffic light can help us? After all, he can neither speak nor walk.

1st child.

He has three eyes: red, yellow, green.

2nd child.

With the help of his eyes, he gives us signals to move or stand.

Traffic light. Carlson! Do you happen to know what my three colors mean?

Carlson: No! Leading. Guys! Let's give Carlson a hint.

Children read


The red light tells us:

- Stop! Dangerous! The path is closed!

Yellow light - warning:

Wait for the signal to move.

The green light opened the way:

The guys can cross.

The presenter invites the children to divide into two groups to compete: a team with red emblems and a team with green emblems. Children participate in relay races.

Game "Red, Yellow, Green"

The traffic light shows three colored circles: red, yellow, green. Children, listening to a poem, perform certain movements. Whoever makes a mistake sits down.

Traffic light.

Attention! Stares straight

There is a three-eyed traffic light on you.

Green, yellow, red eye -

He gives orders to everyone!

Everyone slams at a red light,

On yellow - stand silently,

When it turns green, they run in place.

To those who made a mistake, we say:


“There are traffic lights!

Submit to them without question!”

Relay "Cars and Pedestrians"

Each team has six people. There is a chair for each team near the board. Each team member with a hoop must run around the chair and return to their place, taking the next team member with them.

The one who finishes the relay fastest wins.

Relay "Pedestrian crossing"

The presenter brings in the “Pedestrian crossing” sign.

Traffic light.

Only me for the pedestrian -

Sign at the crossing point.

In the blue square I walk -

Follow the sign!

Team members (4-6 people) take turns walking the distance: climbing through a hoop - this is an underground passage. Then on one leg you need to jump over the chalk lines - this is a ground crossing. And finally, they run along the gymnastic bench - this is a ground crossing, everyone returns back as usual.

Carlson suddenly takes the ball and starts playing with it.

Game "Red, Yellow, Green"

Traffic light: Carlson, you can’t play ball on the roadway!

Carlson: (surprised). Where can it be?

On the roadway, children,

In the yard and on the playground!

Relay "Cross the Street"

Leading. Guess the riddle:

striped horse,

Her name is zebra.

But not the one at the zoo,

People keep walking along it.


Girls from both teams ride with dolls in strollers, avoiding obstacles.

Leading. Well done! You coped with the relay races, but I want to check how you learned the rules of the road. I will ask questions, and if you do this, you will say: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”

Are you ready?

Which one of you is going forward?

Only where the transition is?

Who knows what the red light is?

Does this mean there is no move?

Which one of you, on your way home,

Is it on the pavement?

Which one of you is flying so quickly?

What does the traffic light not see?

- Well done! And you did an excellent job with this task. This means that you passed the exams on basic traffic rules with a “5”.

Three students reading poetry.

The city where

We live with you

You can rightfully

Compare with the ABC book.

ABC of the streets,

Avenues, roads.

The city gives us

Lesson all the time.

ABC of the city

Always remember

So that it doesn't happen

You're in trouble.

Carlson thanks the guys for introducing him to road signs and the simplest rules when crossing the street.

At parting, everyone sings a cheerful song.

Download presentation

Authors: Natalya Nikolaevna Kondratyeva, teacher;
Sokolova Larisa Alekseevna, teacher;
MBDOU combined type kindergarten No. 10, Pavlovo, Nizhny Novgorod region, Russian Federation.

Rule 1: You can move along transition paths and sidewalks on the right side. If there are no sidewalks, you can use the bike path on the right side. When moving along a bicycle path, you should not interfere with a cyclist; you should walk along the side of the road, as far to the right as possible. If there is no bicycle path, you can walk along the edge of the roadway towards traffic. Rule 2: Driving in the dark When driving along the edge of the roadway or on the side of the road in the dark, you must have reflective strips on your clothing or a flashlight in your hand so that drivers can see the person. Rule 3: Crossing the road To cross the road, you should find a traffic light and cross when its light is green. If there is no traffic light, you can find a Zebra sign. When crossing a zebra crossing, you need to look first to the left so that there are no cars, then to the right. There are underground passages for crossing streets with the appropriate sign, you can walk there calmly, there is no traffic in them. If the child is small, he must hold the hand of an adult. When crossing the road, you must not stop or linger on it. If you were unable to cross in time, you should wait for the green traffic light again, being on the line separating the two carriageways. If there is no traffic light or crossing, you must wait until the traffic stops completely and cross the road quickly and at a right angle. You can cross the road with a bicycle only if you carry it next to you. Rule 4: When exiting public transport When exiting the bus at the desired stop, you should walk around behind it, first making sure that no other transport is following it. When getting off the tram, you can wait until it leaves the stop. If you don’t have time to wait, you can go around it in front, after first seeing if there is another tram moving towards the first one. Rule 5: Movement of groups of people The movement of large groups of people should be organized, in columns. If there is not enough space on the sidewalk, you can walk on the roadway towards traffic. In front and behind the column, at a distance of 10 - 15 meters, accompanying persons should walk with red flags and flashlights in their hands (at dusk and in the dark). The person in front must carry a white flashlight, and the person behind must carry a red one. Columns of children can only be led along sidewalks or pedestrian paths. In extreme cases, you can go out onto the side of the road to meet traffic, but not in the dark. Rule 6: Pedestrians are prohibited from leaving or running onto the road or pedestrian crossing suddenly; the car may not have time to brake. Go out onto the roadway without first looking to the left and making sure that there is no danger. Cross the road not at a traffic light or at a zebra crossing if the road has more than three lanes in both directions. Linger or stop on the roadway when crossing. Children of preschool age can go out onto the roadway independently without adults. Children are prohibited from playing near the road, even near the house; there are playgrounds for this.

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