Driving through controlled T-shaped intersections. Comments on the definitions of such special road sections as intersection, adjacent territory, populated area, pedestrian crossing, railway crossing and highway

So, we are so used to the fact that the straight road is always the main one, and on the adjacent roads at an angle there are “triangles” that we don’t even pay attention to the nuances and firmly believe that the one driving straight is always right. However, in the case of a T-shaped intersection of equivalent roads, and in the absence of any signs, the roads are equivalent, if we are driving in a straight line (the upper part of the letter T), we must skip the obstacle on the right! This is according to the rules, but they are usually remembered only in the accident analysis group.

We know from the traffic rules that if there are no priority signs at the intersection, the driver should give way to a vehicle approaching from the right, the so-called “interference from the right.” It should be remembered that the paved road is always the main one in relation to the dirt one, but this does not apply to our case.

Identification of a priority as well as a secondary route is prescribed in the rules for driving at an uncontrolled intersection. It is important to have quick and correct prioritization skills. The approach to the road intersection along a secondary path (often the non-priority path is the rod of the conventional letter “T” - T-shaped intersection of paths) provides travel along two possible trajectories: movement to the right or to the left. However, before entering the road intersection, you should make sure that the maneuver is safe. In particular, a specific situation obliges you to give way to vehicles that are moving with priority on the path (not the rod) on the left side, and, if it is necessary to make a left turn, also on the right.

T-junctions, mostly unregulated, outside populated areas are a common occurrence. Drivers (who have priority) will be aware of the approach to it by the signs under paragraphs 2.3.2 to 2.3.7, which means an adjacent secondary road,” while on the minor roads before the intersection of roads there are signs under paragraph 2.4, which means “ Give way”, under paragraph 2.5 - which means a ban on movement without first stopping. Taking into account the high speeds of vehicles outside populated areas, travel from a secondary route to such an intersection requires extreme concentration of attention, because vehicles that have priority in traffic move at a higher speed than one can imagine.

Rules for crossing intersections

Also, in front of the roundabout, an information sign can be installed indicating the secondary and main roads when driving along the ring, but sign 4.3 “Roundabout” and sign 2.4 “Give way” must be installed, depending on the situation.

The following situation: you are also crossing the intersection straight, and another car moving in the oncoming lane on the opposite side of the intersection intends to make a right turn. When starting her maneuver, she is obliged to slow down and let you pass, since your car will be an “interference on the right” for her when making a turn. The same rule works for reversals.

Driving through unregulated intersections on the main road

This is the only maneuver that may result in a priority vehicle being on the right side of your vehicle in this situation. When making a U-turn, you need to give way to cars driving on the main road, because... in the final phase of the turn they are to your right. We are talking about the green car in the picture.

13.12. When turning left or making a U-turn, the driver of a trackless vehicle is obliged to give way to vehicles moving on an equivalent road from the opposite direction straight or to the right. Tram drivers should follow the same rule among themselves.

Uncontrolled intersection: driving rules

Roundabouts, like ordinary intersections, can be equal or unequal. If the roundabout is of the second type, then the driver must rely on the appropriate signs. If the intersection with a roundabout is equivalent, then the main road is always near those cars that are already on the circle.

Many novice drivers think that driving through an uncontrolled intersection couldn’t be easier, but statistics say completely the opposite. It was during such maneuvers that the largest percentage of collisions was recorded. But everything is very simple: one did not want to let the other pass or overestimated his strength, and the second followed the principle or simply did not notice the obstacle.

Driving through T-junctions

The reason, in my opinion, turned out to be the presence of a short arm (I didn’t know) somewhere around 0.6 km. At a speed of 90 km/h less than 1 min. progress. Still, in these cases, I think it is necessary to place signs along with the signs indicating the operating distances of the signs. After all, in fact, without information about the distance, it turns out to be a programmed trap. After all, when you overtake, you look at the possibility of overtaking it safely. This is an important task for our drivers and authorities.

There is a T-shaped intersection, on the side opposite the leg there is an exit from the garages and parking lot of the shopping center. At the intersection there is a traffic light that is directed in 4 directions, incl. to leave the parking lot. A car passing from the side of the leg turning left is required to give way to the person leaving the parking lot straight ahead?

U-turn rules at all types of intersections

It should be recalled that the sign “No left turn” does not prohibit a U-turn, but pay attention to the mandatory signs 4.1.1-4.1.6, which apply to the first intersection of roadways. The rules for turning around in 2018 are the same here - the maneuver must be carried out only within the boundaries of the intersection, entering the oncoming lane is prohibited.

Many beginners do not even know whether a U-turn at an intersection is allowed. Of course, if there are no signs prohibiting this maneuver, then you can turn around. True, one should not think that this is not the most difficult action that can be performed on the roadway without paying attention to the details. So, for example, on a road with a dividing strip, the direction of movement should be chosen in such a way that the car does not drive in the oncoming lane even for a short section, that is, choose a “far” turning trajectory.

T-junction rules

A T-shaped intersection is a type of intersection in which two roads are connected into one. Moreover, if the angle at the junction of the roads is 90 degrees, then externally this intersection looks like the letter “T”, which is why it got its name. Depending on the angle of intersection, it may look like the letter “U”, but will still be a T-shaped intersection.

As with any other intersection, there are recommendations for negotiating it safely. First of all, when approaching an intersection, you should take the required lane for maneuver in advance. Next, you need to reduce your speed in order to assess the situation. It often happens that at the most inopportune moment someone will break traffic rules or fail to notice priority signs, so the situation must be assessed carefully. If the priority signs are not legible and the road markings are dirty, then it is best to drive through the intersection according to the rules for the intersection of equivalent roads (give way to those approaching from the right).

Driving through unregulated intersections

  • If you still decide to move, then speed up. So that your maneuver is clear to other drivers.
  • If you decide to stop, press the brake pedal in order to notify drivers behind you with brake lights of your intention.
  1. The traffic light operating in the “red - yellow - green” position regulates advantage of moving at a road junction.
  2. Entry to the junction is permitted only when the traffic light is green (green). Also, do not forget about the traffic lane; you need to make a maneuver in advance and get into the desired lane.
  3. Modern traffic lights are equipped with signs. Movement and maneuvers in the direction of these signs are carried out only with their permission signal.
  4. It also happens that the green traffic indicator (arrow) lights up along with the red. This means that traffic is allowed, but vehicles coming from the opposite direction have priority.
  5. If the intersection is regulated by a traffic police inspector, then his actions have priority over the traffic light. Maneuverability of movement is carried out even if this is contradicted by a prohibited (red) traffic light. In addition, the traffic controller’s priority also applies to all signs located in close proximity to the junction.

T-shaped intersection - driving rules with analysis of situations

  1. When approaching the intersection, change into the right lane in advance.
  2. Look to the left, as this is where the cars will be heading towards the intersection.
  3. Look to the right.
  4. If there are no approaching vehicles or vehicles blocking the exit, perform a maneuver.

In addition, when performing a maneuver, you should pay attention to the presence of one-way traffic within the intersection. When a car is moving towards an intersection where the perpendicular road is one-way, the driver should take the required lane in advance.

If you follow the traffic rules, driving through unregulated intersections (unequal roads, equal roads, T-shaped and circular street intersections) becomes much safer. Let's try to understand these rules.

Traffic rules definitions: uncontrolled intersection and road priority

Before talking about the rules, it is worth clearly understanding some terms. To understand what intersections and roads we are talking about, you don’t have to be a genius, since everything is clear even from the names themselves. For example, at an unregulated intersection there are no means that forcefully determine the order of travel (a working traffic light or a person in a cap). Drivers are then forced to decide for themselves whether to start moving first or to let other vehicles pass, guided only by the rules and priority signs, if, of course, there are any.

The next term that is worth paying attention to is uneven roads. In this case, too, everything is simple, and we are talking about the intersection of a secondary direction and a main one, which has an advantage due to the priority signs located on it. In addition, the quality of the road surface is very important, since of two roads that do not have any priority signs, a traffic controller and a traffic light, the one with the better material will be considered the main one. For example, one is paved, but the second is not, the first will be more important. When they talk about roads of equal importance, it is understood that it is impossible to determine priority (there are no signs, the coverage is the same), and then the outcome of actions follows the rule of interference on the right.

Driving through unregulated intersections - saving your life and your car

The rules for driving through unregulated intersections do not represent anything supernatural, however, due to the fact that in the mentioned places there are no traffic lights, and everything depends only on the correct decision of the driver, there is a high probability of getting into an accident due to inattention. So be sure to keep an eye on both the signs and the signs. At the same time, keep in mind that it is better to let even the worst offender pass, because not only your car and wasted nerves are at stake, but also your health, and even your life in general.

To correctly assess the situation, you need to provide yourself with maximum visibility; this is not so difficult to do, you just need to approach the intersection. True, in some cases trees, bushes, advertising and other objects can become an obstacle, but road services must monitor them. Then the car moves around based on priorities: drivers moving on the main road go first, and then on secondary ones. Moreover, the latter diverge from each other, using the rule of interference on the right, i.e. those cars that do not have it go first. The situation is also resolved at an uncontrolled intersection, where all roads are of equal importance.

In addition, we should not forget about such elementary, but at the same time mandatory things, on which our safety directly depends while traveling by car. Firstly, at a distance of at least fifty meters before the turn, we turn on the appropriate light signal in order to warn absolutely all participants about the maneuver. Secondly, we press as much as possible in the direction where we plan to turn. Thirdly, we do not move and allow pedestrians to calmly pass through the crossing without blocking it with their vehicles.

The intersection does not always have 4 directions; the T-shaped type has only 3 roads. It's a little easier to drive through as you need to control fewer sides. If you leave a secondary road, you give way to everyone on the main road - both on the right and on the left. If you turn from the main one to the secondary one, then you simply miss the flow that is moving towards you. But a roundabout can slightly confuse the usual understanding of priority. Even when you are driving on a big wide road, but approaching a circle, you become secondary, unless otherwise indicated by signs, however, in the absence of traffic lights, this does not occur on the roads.

Having entered a circle, you become the boss, but if there are several lanes on it, change lanes very carefully, because due to the curvature of the trajectory, the side mirrors do not show all the vehicles next to you, and do not forget about the law of “interference on the right.”

Rules for crossing an uncontrolled intersection - take care of yourself

The rules for crossing an uncontrolled intersection are also easy to remember. We cross the road only in strictly designated places, and we just walk, not run across. This can mislead the driver, or you even risk not being seen on time. And if you rush too much, you can stumble and fall, then no one can even imagine what consequences are possible. If a zebra crossing is not provided, then you should cross the roadway at the narrowest point and strictly perpendicular to the traffic, since this is the shortest path. And as you know, it is better not to linger on the road, because despite the fact that the pedestrian is mostly right, nevertheless, do not enter into unequal competition with the car.

There is a stipulation in the rules that you can cross along the sidewalk line, but this is sometimes quite difficult to do; few motorists want to slow down because of a pedestrian suddenly walking out almost from behind their ear. Therefore, wait until a group of people, at least a small one, has gathered, or walk to a less busy place where there are no intersections of roads and you don’t need to control as many as 4 directions. So, if you adhere to traffic rules, an unregulated intersection will not be some kind of extremely difficult section of the road, however, you must be careful, and it does not matter whether you are a driver of a vehicle or an ordinary pedestrian.

A T-junction consists of two roads that intersect each other at an angle of 90 degrees, and one of the roads does not continue after the intersection. Although this type of intersection seems very simple, there are some subtleties and rules for driving a T-junction. It is important to know and take them into account when driving a car.

What is a T-shaped intersection of stripes?

First of all, it is worth noting that the T-shaped intersection of stripes cannot be separated into any separate category. In addition, the concept of “T-shaped intersection” is absent in the traffic rules. It is important to understand that, in principle, driving through this type of intersection is no different from any other type, so in practice you can safely apply the same traffic rules.

In order to understand for sure how to drive through T-shaped intersections, it is necessary to analyze all possible situations to the maximum. In addition, it is worth considering the rules for crossing lanes for cyclists, because traffic rules for motorists and cyclists are sometimes very different.

Rules for driving at a controlled T-junction

If the intersection is equipped with a traffic light, then, as a rule, drivers do not have any difficulties. The only thing that always needs to be taken into account is that absolutely all installed signs and markings on the road should be taken into account and observed. You must move strictly along the lanes and not violate the order of travel.

Signalized intersections are very simple, which is why the fewest accidents occur at them. The T-shaped intersection of stripes is no exception.

If a traffic light with an additional section is installed at an intersection, then in this case, traffic participants who move along this lane must give priority to those cars that move according to the main traffic light signal. Simply put, cars driving on a green traffic light with an additional section can make maneuvers without restrictions, but only if they do not interfere with other vehicles.

Like any other intersection, the type under consideration is divided into two types: unequal and equivalent T-shaped intersection.

An equivalent intersection is not subject to any signage. All vehicles moving along it must necessarily give way to those vehicles moving on the right. In addition, when turning left at an equivalent intersection, the driver is obliged to give way to all cars moving straight in the opposite direction.

A T-shaped intersection of lanes is considered unequal if there is a sign in front of it. An intersection with such a sign must have a main and secondary road. Any driver knows that cars driving on a secondary road are required to give priority to those driving in the main direction. As with an equivalent intersection, drivers who choose to turn left are required to give priority to all vehicles traveling straight ahead in the oncoming lane.

There is another rule for driving through an equivalent intersection. If a driver turns off the main road, he has priority over other cars that are in the secondary lane.

Sometimes there are situations when a vehicle approaches an intersection where one road is one-way and the other is not. What to do in this situation?

So, a driver must drive through a T-junction on a one-way road in the same way as a regular intersection. Traffic rules state that it is necessary to change into the outer lane for a turn in advance, so as not to interfere with other vehicles. Also, do not forget that this type of intersection, as a rule, is not equipped with a traffic light, which means that the driver must give way to vehicles moving on the right.

It is important to know that driving on a one-way road towards oncoming traffic is strictly prohibited. This is punishable by a heavy fine or deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for up to six months.

Now it is necessary to analyze the situation when a driver drives from a one-way road to a two-way road. This may be a T-junction or a regular intersection.

As usual, the driver must first change lanes into the lane in which he is going to turn. Most likely, there will also be no traffic lights or traffic signs installed at the road intersection, so it is important to watch for vehicles on the right, which are called “interference on the right” among drivers. Traffic regulations require maximum care and accuracy from the driver.

After the driver is convinced that he can drive safely and nothing is bothering him, he has the right to safely make a maneuver.

This type of intersection does not differ from the usual one, even when performing a maneuver such as a U-turn. The rules for driving through a T-shaped intersection, or rather making a U-turn, provide for only one limitation - you can perform this maneuver while driving exclusively in a passenger car. Larger models, such as trucks or SUVs, will no longer be able to make a U-turn in confined spaces, and driving in reverse at road intersections is prohibited.

When the driver begins to turn around at a T-shaped intersection, he must be especially careful and look at the sign posted at the intersection. The intersection can only be crossed after there are no obstacles to do so. Next, the driver must turn on the turn signal and perform the maneuver.

Driving through a signalized T-junction on a bicycle

Signalized intersections for cyclists, as well as for motorists, are the simplest, compared, for example, with unregulated ones. This type of T-shaped road intersection is usually regulated by a special traffic light.

So, if such a traffic light is really installed and there is a bicycle path, then the driver must give priority to the bicycle when turning right. For him it will be a hindrance on the right. The traffic rules also state that a cyclist can choose the left direction, but in this case he must not interfere with vehicles. A person riding a bicycle must remember that when he is at a T-junction, he must reach the end of the road intersection. Thus, it will not interfere with other road users at all.

Driving through an uncontrolled T-junction on a bicycle

The concept of an unregulated intersection means an intersection where there is no traffic light installed (or it is faulty) and there is no traffic controller. A T-shaped intersection also falls under the same parameters. A cyclist can turn left or right, however, when entering the road, he automatically becomes a participant in the traffic and is obliged to give way to all vehicles that have priority.

It is worth recalling that those vehicles that move along the main road or are located to the right of a moving bicycle/car have priority. It is also important to know that the asphalt road will always be the main one in relation to the dirt road.

If a bicycle lane crosses a road outside an intersection, it is not considered an intersection. Therefore, the bicycle driver in these cases is obliged to give priority to all moving vehicles.

T-junction and left turn for cyclists

The rules for driving at a T-shaped intersection do not regulate how a cyclist can make a left turn, although this maneuver is considered the most difficult.

So, according to the established rules, if a person on a bicycle moves along a multi-lane road or there are rails for tram traffic in the center of the road, then he does not have the right to turn left. And what to do in a situation when this maneuver is necessary?

  1. You can proceed as follows. Drive straight through the intersection and turn left at a right angle. After this, stand in the right lane of the intersecting lane; after the traffic light turns on, you can drive straight.
  2. If the first maneuver fails, then there is only one way out - get off the bike and cross the intersection at the pedestrian crossing.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that any cyclist must independently bear responsibility for their actions. In order to avoid getting into an accident and not interfering with other vehicles, cyclists are prohibited from entering oncoming traffic when turning left.

While driving, it is important to cross the intersection safely for yourself and other vehicle drivers. Traffic rules state that the driver is obliged to take the correct lane in advance, reduce speed and comply with road signs and markings.

There are no specific rules for safely driving through T-junction lanes. The main thing when performing a maneuver is to be attentive and careful. It is necessary to respect other road users and not interfere with other transport.

Some experienced drivers sometimes do not pay attention to traffic rules and drive according to the rule, which is popularly called 3D, which stands for “Give way to a fool.” Indeed, in some situations it is easier to let an annoying driver pass than to then waste your time and nerves on paperwork and visiting the traffic police.

However, it mainly dealt with traditional intersections, which are the intersection of two roads.

A T-shaped intersection is a special case of a regular X-shaped intersection, i.e. travel rules remain the same. However, there are several important features for T-shaped intersections and these are the ones we will talk about today.

Driving through a T-junction of equivalent roads

If traffic lights () or priority signs () are installed at the intersection, then the order of passage does not raise questions among drivers.

However, if there is a T-shaped road on the road an intersection without signs, i.e. equivalent, then misunderstandings often arise.

Consider the following figure:

Drivers must be guided by paragraphs 13.11 and 13.12 of the traffic rules:

13.11. At the intersection of equivalent roads, with the exception of the case provided for in paragraph 13.11 1 of the Rules, the driver of a trackless vehicle is obliged to give way to vehicles approaching from the right.

13.12. When turning left or making a U-turn, the driver of a trackless vehicle is obliged to give way to vehicles moving on an equivalent road from the opposite direction straight or to the right.

Those. The so-called “interference from the right” rule applies.

For example, the green and orange cars are going straight, and the white car is turning right. In this case, the orange car must give way to the white one, because he is approaching from the right.

Look at the drawing again. It is no coincidence that one of the roads is depicted as four-lane, and the second as two-lane. If you come across such an intersection, you will probably notice that many drivers consider the wider road to be the main one, i.e. they think that vehicles moving straight ahead have priority. Actually this is not true.

However, this fact must be taken into account. Those. in the place of the white car, which has priority over the orange one, you should make sure is that orange gives way. In this case, the driver of the orange car will be at fault, but it is in your interests to avoid a collision.

Rules for turning around at a T-junction

Traffic regulations do not impose restrictions on turning at three-way intersections. However, the following should be considered:

  • Before turning, the car must take the extreme left position on the roadway in this direction (clause 8.5).
  • At the intersection, reversing is prohibited (Section 8.12 of the Traffic Regulations).

Look at the picture above. Notice the orange car. His driver took the extreme left position, as required by the rules. However, it is obvious that he does not have enough width of the roadway to complete the turn.

Those. although the rules allow you to turn around at T-shaped intersections, it should be taken into account that this will not be possible at every intersection.

In addition, do not confuse a U-turn at an intersection with a U-turn using the surrounding area, which is offered in (tickets 9-19 and 12-19):

The indicated turning patterns can only be used in adjacent territories, because Reversing is prohibited at intersections.

Overtaking is only possible if the car is moving straight through the intersection. In this case, 2 conditions must be met:

  • The intersection is unregulated (no traffic controller or traffic lights).
  • The driver is on the main road, which goes straight.

The left picture shows an equivalent intersection and overtaking is prohibited at it.

The picture on the right shows a unequal intersection that is joined by a secondary road. At such an intersection, overtaking is not prohibited, but the driver must follow the overtaking rules.

Traffic rules prohibit stopping at intersections of roadways:

However, paragraph 12.4 provides an exception, which specifically includes T-shaped intersections:

12.4. Stopping is prohibited:

  • at the intersection of roadways and closer than 5 m from the edge of the crossed roadway, except for the opposite side side passage of three-way intersections (crossroads) having continuous marking line or dividing strip;

That is, the possibility of parking at a T-shaped intersection depends on what kind of markings are applied at the intersection.

If the marking is solid or double solid (left picture), then you can stop.

If the markings are intermittent, continuous with intermittent ones, or absent altogether, then you cannot park at the intersection.

Note. At the intersection there must also be a rule requiring you to stop. no closer than 3 meters from the markings.

Well, if you want to study the rules for driving through intersections in more detail, I recommend studying all the articles in the series:


Why is it forbidden to mark 1.11 on the solid side at a T-shaped intersection?

Gennady, paragraph 12.4 of the traffic rules states that the markings must be continuous. Marking 1.11 is partially intermittent, so you cannot stop at the intersection.

Good luck on the roads!

Look at the drawing again. It is no coincidence that one of the roads is depicted as four-lane, and the second as two-lane. If you come across such an intersection, you will probably notice that many drivers consider the wider road to be the main one, i.e. they believe that cars traveling straight have priority. Actually this is not true.

Typically, such a four-lane road is marked with a "main road" sign somewhere at the beginning. According to this sign, this sign is valid for a straight road until it is canceled by the “end of the main road” sign, or its direction is changed by a corresponding sign. So those moving along it quite reasonably believe that they have priority over those “adjacent”. And for the “adjacent” ones, for their own safety, they should assume that there is a “main road” sign on the direct road, and they simply forgot to install a “carrot”.

The above is relevant mainly for roads outside populated areas. In the NP, according to GOST, the “Main Road” sign must be repeated before each intersection, so its disappearance is a good reason for drivers to slow down and look around for changed priorities.

Is it possible to turn around if there is no left turn (orange car)?

Please tell me, when turning left, at the base of a figurative intersection, at what point should I give way to an oncoming car? Before the intersection or take the center, let it pass and only then go?

At what point should I give way to an oncoming car?

If the intersection is equivalent, then you can go to the center. You have priority over the one leaving the base, so if he also goes to the left, then he must give way to you. If the intersection is unequal and you are on a secondary road, then you need to stop before crossing.

An exception is if the base is so narrow that oncoming traffic is difficult, and a car has also approached from the base and is about to turn left. In this case, even if the base is secondary (a narrow dirt road, for example), it is better to stop before the intersection, “let go” of the person leaving, and only then turn. There is no such requirement in the traffic rules, well, except for the requirement 8.1 in the part “not to create interference.” But it will be easier for you than to “push” the driver back onto the secondary road and then have to pass each other on a narrow road.

A T-shaped intersection, I approached the center and was about to turn left, but then I saw a car opposite, I stopped to let it pass, and the instructor counted it as a stop at the intersection. So I had to wait on the median?

Giving way to oncoming traffic while complying with traffic rules 13.12 is not a violation of either 12.4 (intentional stopping) or 13.2 (entering an intersection with a traffic jam). What violation did the instructor give you: a violation of stopping rules, a violation of turning rules, or something else?

Stop before the intersection Can, if you think that it will be more convenient for everyone to pass the intersection this way (first on the left, then with the oncoming person, then you), but you do not have such an obligation.

All roads intersect sooner or later. The intersection of two or more roads is usually called an intersection. There are different types of intersections, but the most treacherous of them is the T-junction.

A T-shaped intersection is a type of intersection in which two roads are connected into one. Moreover, if the angle at the junction of the roads is 90 degrees, then externally this intersection looks like the letter “T”, which is why it got its name. Depending on the angle of intersection, it may look like the letter “U”, but will still be a T-shaped intersection.

Definition of a T-junction in traffic rules

Traffic regulations do not consider T-junctions as a separate category. Moreover, the traffic rules do not even have such a concept as a T-shaped intersection.

Driving through such intersections is no different from driving through other types of intersections.

The same rules and priorities apply in all cases. Below are the main situations that arise before a motorist when he approaches an intersection. All situations are considered only from the point of view of traffic rules.

T-junction rules

If the order of passage through an intersection is regulated (by a traffic light or a traffic controller), an intersection of this kind is called adjustable. If there is no adjustment, it is called unregulated. Also, depending on the signs that give priority when moving, intersections are equal and unequal. Let's consider the order of passage of different types of intersections.

Precautionary measures

As with any other intersection, there are recommendations for negotiating it safely. First of all, when approaching an intersection, you should take the required lane for maneuver in advance. Next, you need to reduce your speed in order to assess the situation. It often happens that at the most inopportune moment someone will break traffic rules or fail to notice priority signs, so the situation must be assessed carefully. If the priority signs are not legible and the road markings are dirty, then it is best to drive through the intersection according to the rules for the intersection of equivalent roads (give way to those approaching from the right).

And most importantly, if it is clear that someone is violating traffic rules, it is better to follow the 3 D rule (Give Way to a Fool). Any accident, even if the driver of the vehicle is right, always takes a lot of time to process and creates interference for other road users. Therefore, if possible, it is best to let the offender pass and not provoke an accident with your actions, even if they are the only correct ones.

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