Profession firefighter famous people first name last name. Heroes of our time - the exploits of ordinary people

Lesson Courage: "Heroes of Our Time"

Goals: Objectives: introducing students to the heroic profession of firefighters,

instilling respect for the people of this heroic profession.

Design: Poster “Dedicated to firefighters.


Feat- this is when a feeling of love for your homeland, family and simply dear people drowns out your feelings of fear, pain and thoughts of death and pushes you to take bold actions, without thinking about the consequences.

Feat- this is a heroic act of a person; When performing a feat, a person shows courage and dedication.

There is a feat, like a flash, like a bright torch, but there is also another feat, not outwardly flashy, everyday. And it lasts not seconds, minutes, but weeks, months, years. And it manifests itself in selfless work, requiring from a person the highest tension of spiritual and physical strength, often associated with danger and risk.

And today we will talk about the heroes of our time who chose the difficult profession of firefighting. There are many professions in the world. But there is such a profession - saving people. Firefighters and rescuers day after day, year after year, sacrificing themselves, go into battle with the terrible hostile force of fire, which is often generated by people themselves.

Firefighters are people who are ready to answer for the mistakes of others, and one mistake by a rescuer can ruin the lives of hundreds of people, and therefore responsibility increases many times over. And today we will talk about the people of this difficult, dangerous, very necessary profession of firefighter.

Every firefighter is a hero, every minute in war, every minute he risks his life.

Performance by the DUP "Prometheus"

1 reader: We will tell you about those who save people.

And when called, he is the first to respond to a fire!

2 reader: It’s their job to extinguish the evil flame.

Fearlessly extinguish the heat - that's their job!

3 reader:These people are the best!

Strong and brave!

They are not afraid of anything

Skillful masters!

Reader 4: The siren played

Somewhere there was trouble,

Quickly without delay

The outfit takes up space.

5 reader: We arrived, turned around,

Having fastened the sleeves to the trunks,

They stepped into battle fearlessly,

Knights against fire.

6 reader: There is no rampant elements,

Fire has no chance

Fire fighters,

On guard, preserving our peace.

7 reader: No, not for the sake of fame,

They go into battle

And not for the sake of a medal,

They are risking their lives here.

8 reader: Regular work,

Hurry, extinguish, save,

Ordinary guys

You won't recognize them in the crowd.

9 reader: Day by day and night and day

Firefighters are ready to fight the fire,

And there is no second to sleep in the service,

Their seconds are a high price!

10 reader: As soon as the phone reports trouble,

The division will rush to the rescue.

But it’s not enough to be brave, bold,

To defeat the evil and insidious fire.

And you should know and be able to do a lot,

To overcome the fire clearly and quickly.

All members of the propaganda team sing the song “Brave Firefighters of Russia.”

1. Sounds alarming again 01.

Cars take off at a signal.

Our military work is always necessary,

We are flying towards a new fire.

Chorus: A second is dear,

Be bolder against the enemy,

So that he does not doubt our strength.

Let's go through fire and smoke,

And we will win again

Brave firefighters of Russia (2 times).

2. Such work is an eternal battle,

And our place is at the forefront.

Moreover, we do not open fire,

On the contrary, we are closing it.


3. We can handle the elements,

Who, besides us, will always help in trouble?

We rush to the fire, like to a fire,

We fight with fire during the day and at night too.

11 reader: Always be careful with fire -

The firefighters will tell everyone sternly.

Let it be less and less

For us every day

The fire alarm is calling you!


What are they, the heroes of our time?

Presentation “Heroes of our time”»

Vladimir Mikhailovich Maksimchuk

Vladimir Mikhailovich Maksimchuk (1947-1994), Major General of the Internal Service, Hero of Russia, was born on June 8, 1947. In the international community of firefighters he was and is called the “Hero of the whole world.” He was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation posthumously on December 18, 2003. Almost 10 years after his death - for the courage and heroism shown 17 years earlier. V.M. Maksimchuk was born on June 8, 1947 in the village of Dobryvody in the Ternopil region. In 1968 he graduated from the Lvov Fire-Technical School, and in 1974 - from the Higher Engineering Fire-Technical School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. During his service, he worked his way up from the chief of the fire department guard to the head of the Moscow State Fire Service. In May 1986, Lieutenant Colonel Maksimchuk arrived in Chernobyl to head the fire department headquarters after the explosion of the 4th power unit of the nuclear power plant. On May 23, he had to fight a fire that broke out at the station, which could lead to an explosion of the 3rd power unit. This fire became the main one in his life - it was in that situation that he clearly showed himself as a specialist and as a person: the tactics he proposed for extinguishing fires at nuclear facilities had no analogues before and became the property of the world firefighting community. His heroic actions saved the people and the station, but cost him his life.

I had to work in conditions of radioactive radiation, the power of which ranged from 50 to 500 r/hour. Without reliable protective equipment, wearing sports shoes and limping due to a leg injury, V.M. Maksimchuk personally supervised reconnaissance and fire extinguishing for 12 hours. People were replaced every ten minutes, none of the 318 firefighters died, but still every eighth ended up in the hospital. Maksimchuk received radiation burns, he underwent several operations, he knew that he was doomed, but he continued to serve with honor. His combat record also included extinguishing fires at the Rossiya Hotel (1977, 1987), working in Armenia after the earthquake (1987), eliminating the consequences of the accident at the Ural-Western Siberia product pipeline (1988) and the disaster at the mineral fertilizer plant in Jonava (Lithuania) in 1989. For the last two years of his life, the general led the Moscow fire department. Major General of the Internal Service Vladimir Mikhailovich Maksimchuk died on May 22, 1994 at the age of 46./

Chernyshev Evgeniy Nikolaevich

Chernyshev Evgeniy Nikolaevich was born in 1963. He studied at the Leningrad Fire-Technical School.

He went to the most complex and severe fires in Moscow. Evgeniy Chernyshev has personally extinguished 250 fires and saved many people. “He was always the first to enter a burning building and the last to leave,” colleagues recall. Together with fire crews, Evgeny Chernyshev saved people in the burning Scarlet Sails complex, the buildings of the main headquarters of the Navy, the editorial office of Komsomolskaya Pravda, the RUDN University hostel, and the Diaghilev club. During a fire in a multi-storey building in the west of Moscow, he saved his grandparents by lowering himself into their apartment on a rope, and then evacuated them using an assault ladder. And during a fire in the Scarlet Sails residential complex, he gave his personal gas mask to a suffocating worker.

On March 20, 2010, Evgeniy Nikolaevich Chernyshev died while extinguishing a fire in the 4-story Mirland business center in Moscow. When firefighters arrived, the fire was raging on the first floor, but unexpectedly, in a matter of minutes, the fire spread to all floors of the building. The flames rose to a height of 10 meters, a huge column of smoke was visible throughout Moscow. The fire area reached 1,800 square meters. m. when Evgeniy Nikolaevich and his team rose to the 5th floor, he gave the order for all the firefighters who were working with him to withdraw, and he himself moved to inspect the premises in which people could be present. A few minutes later, on an area of ​​about 500 sq.m. the roof collapsed. 6 people were rescued from this fire, only one died - Colonel E.N. Chernyshev.

Colonel of the Internal Service Evgeniy Nikolaevich Chernyshev was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously).

Kostin Sergey Alekseevich

On March 11, 2015, while extinguishing a fire in the Admiral shopping center in Kazan, the deputy head of the fire extinguishing and emergency rescue service of the Federal Institution "TsUKS Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Republic of Tatarstan", Lieutenant Colonel of the Internal Service, Sergei Alekseevich Kostin, died. On that fateful day, Lieutenant Colonel Sergei Kostin headed the gas and smoke protection service, which included 4 employees of special unit No. 48. The group carried out reconnaissance and search for victims inside the building at one of the rescue work sites. As a result, a violation of the integrity of the building structures of the roof was discovered. In the current situation, Sergei Alekseevich, taking into account the possibility of a collapse, gave the command to the team to make an emergency exit from the building, while he himself was the last to leave. Due to the sudden collapse, firefighters had to leave the building through different emergency exits. While checking communications with the combat areas and officials of the fire brigade, the head of the duty shift, Lieutenant Colonel of the Internal Service Sergei Kostin, did not get in touch... “Lieutenant Colonel Kostin saved the victims until the last minute. He managed to save several people, but he himself remained under the rubble,”

Roman Sorvachev

An employee of the Kostroma colony saved the lives of neighbors in a fire.

Entering the entrance of his house, junior inspector of the security department of correctional colony No. 1 (Kostroma region) Roman Sorvachev, sensing the smell of burning, realized that there was a fire somewhere and called the firefighters.

Roman took part in rescuing the injured residents. He climbed up the fire escape and entered the apartment, where by that time everything was already filled with smoke. An elderly woman and a man were lying unconscious in the room. Roman opened the front door from the inside and carried the victims into the entrance.

5. Dibir Aliyev

In Makhachkala, a special purpose officer of the Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service (UFSIN) of Russia in the republic, Dibir Aliyev, saved a child from a burning house.

This happened when internal service captain Dibir Aliyev was returning home from work. He heard cries for help and saw that the house was on fire, and a child was left inside. Dibir Aliyev, without hesitation for a second, rushed to the rescue and managed to carry the boy out of the burning house alive and unharmed. Then the man made sure that there was no one else left in the house and called the firefighters and reported the fire. Then, together with the residents of the village, he began to put out the fire.

6. Alexander Andreevich Orekhov

Sasha was born on Sunday morning, December 3, 1972 in the city of Tsimlyansk, Rostov region. Mom - Orekhova Lidiya Ivanovna worked as a credit inspector at the Tsimlyansky branch of the State Bank of the USSR. Dad - Orekhov Andrey Aleksandrovich - a professional driver. His grandfather Alexander Makarovich and grandmother Pelageya Vasilievna Orekhov lived in the village of Velikanov, Morozovsky district.

I studied easily, willingly, and excelled. Sasha took part in all school activities. He was an October boy, a pioneer. He enjoyed playing sports: athletics, and in high school – volleyball. Since childhood, he liked the military uniform.

In 1990, after graduating from school, he entered the Kharkov Fire-Technical School (KhPTU Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine), from which he graduated in 1993. After graduating from KhPTU, he served in 1-OGPS in the following positions:

Chief of the guard 12-PC;

Operational duty officer 1-OGPS.

In 1998 he got married and a little later his daughter was born. Sasha’s enthusiasm, great desire to live, and his sense of humor helped him overcome any difficulties with dignity. He never looked for easy ways. I loved a very active holiday, despite the weather and time of year outside the window.

Died on October 28, 2004 while putting out a fire at a meat processing plant in Volgodonsk. At the moment of danger, he gave his device to his comrades and thereby saved their lives. For courage shown in the performance of official duty, Orekhov A.A. was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage.

7. Evgeny Zaporozhtsev

The fire that claimed the life of an Emergencies Ministry employee occurred on August 31 in Rostov-on-Don on the street. Nevskaya, 11. Evgeny Zaporozhtsev, a firefighter of the 13th fire and rescue unit of the 40th detachment of the federal fire service in the Rostov region, died while extinguishing the fire.Evgeniy is not even 20 years old, he recently served in the fire department, following in the footsteps of his father, who serves as an assistant guard chief in the same unit. For heroism shown during the fire extinguishing, Evgeniy Zaporozhtsev will be presented with a departmental award. " ».

They do not complain about fate -

It was given to them from birth.

Peace was replaced by fight

At the call of the heart, inspiration.

From small troubles to catastrophes,

Always, everywhere - because the world is so small,

They deserve the best verses

Ballads and odes, beautiful songs.

Fatherland, remember the names

Their heroes - miracle workers!

Let her be famous everywhere -

The work of brave firefighters.

There are no faces here - gas masks, helmets. Smoke. Fire.

It's so hard to breathe with a mask on!

But they stepped - three as one,

And go into the fire and smoke!

The one coming first is covered by the force of the jets -

The water cannon rumbles in the hands of the faithful,

Holding onto a rope in the black darkness,

Keep in touch, keep in touch with your hearts!

It's like heroes from a fairy tale

Or guys in a climbing rope -

For each other - to the death, to the end!

Three soldiers, three helmets, three faces!

You were not afraid of fire or inferno,

And they moved forward despite all their fears.

We entered into the smoke, into danger, the unknown,

To save someone from the flames.

Walking into the fire, offering your shoulder to a friend,

Inspiring others by your example,

They clenched their teeth until it hurt,

Putting out the elements, forgetting about everything.

Thank you for everything, for everything in the world,

For your souls and open hearts,

For your work, for your invaluable feat,

For devotion to the Fatherland to the end.

Constellation of Courage

On November 20, the regional stage of the All-Russian festival of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia “Constellation of Courage” on the topic of safety and saving people will take place in Yekaterinburg. This year the festival is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, which will be celebrated on December 27, 2015.

As part of the festival, 72 nominees will be awarded, including child heroes, the best firefighter, the chief of the guard, an inspector of the state fire inspection, a member of the gas and smoke protection service, a rescuer, an investigator, a psychologist, and an inspector of the state inspection for small vessels. In addition, there will be awards in the categories “Commonwealth in the Name of Rescue”, “At the Call of the Heart”, “Best Volunteer Firefighter”, “Best Student Rescuer”, “Best Municipal Rescue Service”, “Best Public Water Safety Inspector”, “Best athlete”, “Best leader of the young fire brigade”.

Everyone sings to Bulat Okudzhava’s tune “The Bending of the Yellow Guitar”

2. We need to know the rules

To fire from hell

Didn't break out by accident

After all, this is a disaster!

But there will still be help,

Let's say people

It's great to be on duty

The firefighters are standing!

3. Fire is such a miracle

When the heart is bad,

You'll remember what you did

Once upon a time Prometheus!

And sparkles with love

Give for health

So that the flame ignites,

But only in the hearts of people!

How wonderful - the fire of the soul,

People always have it!

Vladimir Mikhailovich Maksimchuk devoted his entire life to fire protection. In 1968 he graduated from the Lviv Fire-Technical School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. His journey as a firefighter - from 1968 to 1994 - began and ended in the capital. He went through all levels of service from lieutenant to general. He extinguished fires of any kind and any degree of complexity in Moscow and dozens of regions of the country, showing skill and high qualifications as a leader. Lines from a newspaper from the 1970s: “Both the commanders and the ordinary rank and file of the fire department knew him by sight - how many times did they go into the fire after him! His principle - you cannot force a person to go into the fire, you can lead him with you - saved lives thousands of people." Textbook-correct views, a heightened sense of duty, brilliant professionalism, great fortitude, selfless service to the cause - this is without which there would not be a Fireman with a capital F.

A special fire occurred in Chernobyl, in the premises of the fourth power unit of the nuclear power plant, on the night of May 22-23, 1986, when they had to take full responsibility upon themselves. Lieutenant Colonel of the Internal Service Vladimir Maksimchuk, head of the operational-tactical department of the GUPO of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, being the head of all fire protection forces involved in eliminating the disaster, managed to organize reconnaissance of the fire site and took personal part in the reconnaissance. The worst thing: the radiation in the zone was 250 roentgens per hour. With such a dose of radiation, a person could only work for a few minutes. What about the first firefighters of Chernobyl? The fact is that in the statutory documents of the fire department of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs there were no instructions for the actions of operational units to extinguish fires at nuclear facilities, which caused the death of 28 people in the fire at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant on April 26, 1986. But Maksimchuk acts providentially, ahead of the guidelines. He chooses the correct tactics of shift firefighting in conditions of increased danger (each shift has 5 people - fighters led by an officer), limits the stay of each shift in the danger zone (up to 10 minutes) so that people do not become overexposed. When the twelve-hour extinguishing came to an end, Vladimir Mikhailovich could no longer stand on his feet. From the battlefield, with radiation burns to his lower leg and respiratory tract, he was taken to Kyiv. They carried me to the car on a stretcher - I felt very sick, almost vomited, I could not speak loudly. He spent about a month under IV drips, and then he faced ordeals, serious illnesses, ineffective, debilitating treatment, and more cases.

The skillful actions of Vladimir Maksimchuk saved people (more than three hundred people!), the station and, as they say, half the planet. The tactics he proposed for extinguishing fires at nuclear facilities had no analogues before and subsequently became the property of the world firefighting community. The fire itself fell into the category of “secret”, the feat was hidden for a long time, but the subsequent suffering was obvious, and it was impossible to hide them: After the Chernobyl fire, the life of Vladimir Mikhailovich was under threat - from the high dose of radiation received. According to modern calculation methods, he received at least 700 roentgens.

He was not entitled to any awards. No feat - no heroes - no awards!

The chemical disaster at the mineral fertilizer plant in Jonava (Lithuania, March 20-23, 1989) added approximately the same dose of poisoning as the Chernobyl fire. No wonder Swedish scientists called this disaster “chemical Chernobyl.” And then - fires, fires, fires... Vladimir Mikhailovich tried - and succeeded! - realize your experience and promising ideas, understanding your position. I was ill and underwent several complex operations; hospitals, hospitals, doctors, work, business trips - everything went in a circle...

List of important events, as well as fires and disasters, in the liquidation of which Vladimir Maksimchuk participated as part of the management team or as the head of firefighting forces and means, 1977 - 1993:

  • major fire at the Rossiya Hotel, Moscow, 1977, one of the largest disasters of the 20th century;
  • Olympics in Moscow, 1980;
  • complex underground fire at the Oktyabrskaya metro station, Moscow, 1981;
  • complex fire at the oil refinery in Kapotnya, Moscow 1985;
  • major fire at the Rossiya Hotel, Moscow, 1987;
  • radiation disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, 1986, the largest radiation disaster of the 20th century;
  • earthquake in Armenia, tragedy of Spitak and Leninakan, 1988;
  • a major accident on the Ural-Western Siberia product pipeline near Ufa as a result of the largest railway accident in the country's history on the Trans-Siberian Railway, 1989;
  • chemical disaster at the mineral fertilizer plant in Jonava, called “chemical Chernobyl” by Swedish scientists, Lithuania, 1989;
  • socio-political conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, 1990;
  • political situation in Baku, 1990;
  • difficult events in connection with the political situation in Moscow and in the country, Moscow, 1991;
  • fire in a 25-story residential building on Marshal Zhukov Avenue, Moscow, 1993,
  • tragedy on Dmitrovskoye Highway, Moscow, 1993, one of the largest disasters of the 20th century;
  • difficult events in connection with the political situation in Moscow and in the country, Moscow, 1993: fire in Ostankino, the White House and City Hall.
  • For many years he was the Chairman of the Presidium of the Russian Federation of Firefighting Sports - he put firefighting sports on a fundamentally new basis - it was then that the national team, first of the USSR, and then of Russia, did not release the palm at all international competitions held under the auspices of the CTIF (International Committee on fire prevention and extinguishing).

    Already holding the post of First Deputy Head of the Main Fire Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, at the turn of the 90s of the 20th century, having vast experience behind him, Vladimir Maksimchuk initiated the creation of an effective national system of security and combating accidents, disasters and natural disasters - domestic emergency response services. The list of fires, accidents and disasters in the elimination of which he actively participated is growing. Trips to disaster zones continue, a series of publications appear in the central press; It is becoming increasingly important to turn to the experience of foreign colleagues. Thus, thanks to his perseverance and personal participation, the foundation of the emergency rescue service was laid in the country - a network of specialized teams was created in the structure of the fire department to carry out priority rescue work (which became the prototype of the modern Ministry of Emergency Situations), the production of the latest fire equipment, fire-technical weapons and rescue equipment.

    Last positions held:

  • From March 1989 to January 1990 - Deputy Head of the Main Fire Department of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • From January 1990 to August 1991 - First Deputy Head of the Main Fire Department of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • From August 1991 to June 1992 - First Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of Fire Protection and Emergency Rescue Work of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • From June 1992 to May 1994 - Head of the Moscow Fire Department.
  • For the last two years of his life (from 1992 to 1994), General Maksimchuk headed the Moscow fire department. He loved Moscow very much and wanted the city to meet modern safety requirements. In such a short time, he made fundamental changes in the work of the service and solved pressing problems in strengthening the fire safety of the capital. An emergency response service was created - a regional specialized squad for extinguishing large and most dangerous fires; Modern emergency rescue equipment was purchased, a modern Training Center for the training of fire specialists was created, the latest models of fire equipment for working in emergency conditions and at high altitudes were developed, an aerial firefighting force was created, and twenty-five new fire stations were built. The general did everything he could in the end, although after Chernobyl he was already mortally ill. The garrison fundamentally strengthened its position.

    One of the last feats of the brave fireman was the quick extinguishing of the buildings of Ostankino, the White House and the Moscow City Hall as a result of the tragic events in October 1993 - even one fire that flared up in full force, if it had happened in those days in Moscow, would probably have been worth the Chernobyl fire or the capital fire of 1812.

    Death prevented the implementation of the general's further plans, but he forever remained in the forefront of the fire department... Vladimir Mikhailovich Maksimchuk died on May 22, 1994, having survived his feat in Chernobyl by exactly eight years. He was buried in Moscow, at the Mitinskoe cemetery, next to the Memorial Complex in memory of firefighters who died as a result of the liquidation of the accident and fire at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant on April 26, 1986.

    By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1493 of December 18, 2003, Vladimir Maksimchuk was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. Vladimir Maksimchuk became the first firefighter awarded the Gold Star for extinguishing fires.


    When the world burns and melts,
    Choking in the acrid smoke,

    Defeating fire and darkness.
    They will not refuse, they will not give up,
    They will not forget about duty and honor,
    Only the first, only the best!
    The service of the first was and is -
    "Zero one" is a risk service,
    The one that will always be needed!
    ...The holy list has no end,
    Where are the Chernobyl names,
    Where above every valiant name,
    Cooling down from the fire,
    The bright face of the Mother of God rises,
    Keeping it until the last second...
    Scorched, legendary,
    Baptized by that fire,
    Heroic firefighters
    On duty both night and day.

    And when everything burns and melts,
    Choking in the smoke of enmity,
    Only the first can cope
    Shield others from harm!

    Someone will be carved from stone,
    Someone will be forgotten like a dream.
    The first, hundreds and thousands die.
    Peace to their ashes and low bow!
    February 1999

    Based on materials from Lyudmila Maksimchuk

    More detailed information about Vladimir Mikhailovich Maksimchuk -

    4 “B” class presents the project “Firemen. Heroes of our time."

    When we found out the topic that the gymnasium is working on this year, the question arose before us: who is the hero of our time?

    To understand what modern schoolchildren mean by the concept of “hero,” we went to elementary school classrooms with the question “What is a hero?”

    Having received the answers, we analyzed them and identified the main qualities of the hero. He:




    saves others







    And before us appeared a man of a very specific profession - a firefighter.

    But we are used to proving any of our assumptions, so we decided to collect this evidence.

    The next question before us is: are firefighters really the heroes of our time?

    Without knowing the past, you cannot understand the present, so the first part of our research was devoted to the history of the fire department of St. Petersburg.

    Already in the first years of its existence, the city suffered greatly from fire. The fire chronicle has preserved descriptions of grandiose fires.

    Fire protection in the young capital was entrusted to all ordinary people without exception, who were required to bring hand tools to fires.

    In 1798, under Catherine II, the “Charter of the Capital City of St. Petersburg” was published, the first chapter of which was devoted to the organization of a fire expedition, and the position of Fire Major was introduced to “manage the entire fire train” and monitor the implementation of fire safety measures.

    On November 29, 1802, by decree of Alexander I, fire brigades of the capital were formed.

    The skyline of St. Petersburg includes high-rise fire station towers.

    Frozen against the backdrop of the St. Petersburg sky, they remember the terrible fires of the last century.

    The fires caused enormous damage to St. Petersburg, but thanks to them, the fire service developed.

    After the May fires of 1862, fire departments were equipped with steam pumps.

    Since 1873, the personnel of fire departments began to be staffed by freelancers.

    In 1878, a fire-fighting equipment plant opened its doors in St. Petersburg.

    In 1904, the first fire truck was assembled at the Frese and Co. plant.

    After October 1917, the management of fire protection was delegated to various departments until the Fire Department was formed in 1934.

    Firefighters played a huge role during the Great Patriotic War.

    In Leningrad, they organized watches on the roofs of houses, where they extinguished 12 thousand fires, and participated in the construction of defensive structures and other events.

    In 1941–1945, 11 rifle battalions were formed from the personnel of the fire brigades.

    Today the State Fire Service is a powerful operational service

    As part of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, which has qualified personnel,

    Modern technology with developed scientific and educational bases.

    Having learned about the heroic past of our city's firefighters, we decided to move on to the present to understand how heroic it is. To do this, we went on an excursion to Fire and Rescue Unit No. 53 of the Primorsky District of St. Petersburg.

    Firefighters from unit 53 showed us their machinery and equipment, told us what it was for, and let us try it ourselves. It turned out to be unexpectedly difficult, and we realized that firefighters are truly strong people.

    We attended firefighter training, learned about the types of fire engines and their functions, listened to stories about the difficult fire service and realized that not everyone can risk their lives to save others. Not everyone can be a firefighter.

    Firefighters are truly the heroes of our time. And we decided to introduce you to one of them and his work.

    Radetzky Viktor Valerievich born in 1979 – Head of Fire and Rescue Unit No. 53 of the Primorsky District

    He has been working in the fire department of St. Petersburg since 1997. Awarded the medal of the Ministry of Emergency Situations “For courage in a fire.”

    In 2015 alone, firefighters from this unit made more than nine hundred trips to eliminate fires and the consequences of road accidents, where 42 people were rescued.

    Here are a few cases from his work biography.

    On April 16, 2011 at 20:05 a fire occurred in a residential building. By the time Viktor Valerievich arrived, the fire department had supplied water to extinguish the burning apartment and prevent the fire from spreading to the upper floors; people were being evacuated from the upper floors of the burning building, but it was not possible to enter the burning premises due to the high temperature.

    Information has emerged about the possible presence of a child in the burning apartment. Having concentrated the necessary forces and means, Viktor Valerievich, at the head of the department of the Specialized Unit, went to search for the victim.

    During reconnaissance, in one of the rooms, firefighters found a child wrapped in a cotton blanket and unconscious. Viktor Valerievich Radetzky, together with his employees, showing courage and courage, in conditions of heavy smoke and high temperature, walked through the fire and carried it out in their arms. The rescued person remained alive, was handed over to medical personnel and received the necessary and timely assistance in the hospital.

    Viktor Valerievich distinguished himself at a fire in Sestroretsk, where on January 31, 2012 at 15:09 there was a malfunction of the pressure regulator at the gas distribution point. As a result of a sharp surge in pressure in the gas system, a simultaneous fire occurred in eight apartments in seven multi-apartment residential buildings located in one of the city blocks.

    Among the first fire departments to arrive to help people in distress were the duty guards of the fire and rescue units of the Primorsky district, headed by Viktor Valerievich Radetsky.

    Thanks to the clear and coordinated actions of firefighters, the fires were extinguished in the shortest possible time, and the spread of fire to other rooms of the burning apartments and the upper floors of the houses was prevented. 6 people were rescued from the fires, more than 50 people were evacuated to a safe place using rescue devices. All rescued residents of the houses were transferred to medical personnel and received the necessary assistance.

    Viktor Valerievich agreed to come to our performance, and we ask him to come up on stage and give him the floor.

    Thank you for your speech and for your work, Victor Valerievich!

    St. Petersburg would have lost many architectural monuments without fire protection.

    Firefighters save thousands of lives by risking themselves.

    The profession of firefighter is chosen only by the bravest and bravest people, the true heroes of our time!

    Thank you for your attention!

    In Moscow, during a fire on Amurskaya Street 22.09, 8 firefighters died. 4 of them, 2 Alexander and 2 Paul, served in the fire department next to our church in honor of the Cathedral of Moscow Saints in Bibirevo. Please pray for the heroes: n/a Alexander, Alexander, Pavel, Pavel, Sergius, Alexy, Roman, Nikolai. ,
    Colonel Alexander Yurchikov, deputy head of the detachment for organization of service and fire extinguishing - head of the fire extinguishing service of the federal fire service 22 PSO FPS in Moscow. Yurchikov became a firefighter in 1991. For a quarter of a century, he managed to work as an instructor, then as a senior instructor. After this, Alexander was promoted to the head of the duty shift, and later to the deputy head of the fire department. Recently, the man worked as the head of the fire extinguishing service. He was awarded the medals of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia “For courage in a fire”, “For excellence in eliminating the consequences of an emergency situation”, “Marshal Vasily Chuikov”, “XXV years of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia”, breastplates of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia “For Merit” and “For Distinction”.

    Major Alexey Akimov
    Major Alexey Akimov, head of the 46th fire and rescue unit of the federal fire service of the 23rd PSO FPS in Moscow. Service experience - 14 years, went all the way from firefighter to chief. Awarded the departmental medal “Marshal Vasily Chuikov”.

    Captain Roman Georgiev
    Captain Roman Georgiev, deputy head of the emergency rescue department of the Fire and Rescue Forces Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations in Moscow, graduated from the Academy of the State Fire Service (AGPS) in 2009. Georgiev began his service as a communications engineer at a separate security post of the base for ensuring mobilization readiness of the FPS TsUKS EMERCOM of Russia in Moscow. Over the course of 6 years, he rose to the rank of deputy head of the department for organizing fire extinguishing and carrying out emergency rescue operations of the Fire and Rescue Forces Directorate of the head office of the capital's Ministry of Emergency Situations. He was awarded the badge of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia “For Merit”, the medals of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia “For courage in a fire”, “Participant in the liquidation of consequences of emergency situations”, “Marshal Vasily Chuikov”.

    Senior Lieutenant Alexander Korentsov
    Senior Lieutenant Alexander Korentsov, deputy chief of the 59th fire and rescue unit of the federal fire service 22 PSO FPS in Moscow, graduated from the State Fire Service in 2014. Worked his way up from fire prevention group inspector to deputy chief. He was awarded the badge of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia “For Merit”, the medal of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia “Participant in the Elimination of Consequences of an Emergency”.

    Ensign Pavel Andryushkin
    Ensign Nikolai Golubev
    Warrant officers Pavel Andryushkin and Nikolai Golubev, senior firefighters. Andryushkin gave 14 years of service and was awarded the medal of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia “Marshal Vasily Chuikov”. Golubev became a firefighter at the age of 18: he first joined the 59th fire department in the Moscow region, and in 2011 he moved to the 47th fire department in Moscow.

    Ensign Sergei Sinelobov
    In the same unit, warrant officer Sergei Sinelobov served as a firefighter and was awarded the “Marshal Vasily Chuikov” medal.

    Senior firefighter foreman Pavel Makarochkin
    The eighth victim, senior firefighter Sergeant Major Pavel Makarochkin, entered service in 2010. He was awarded the medals of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations “For courage in a fire” and “Participant in the liquidation of emergency consequences.”

    Firefighter is a heroic profession. The work of a firefighter is always a risk, and there is always a place for feat in it. The feats of Russian firefighters are performed every day; you need to be a truly brave person to enter a burning house or climb the fire escape to the roof of a building engulfed in fire.
    • Evgeny Chernyshev went from a simple firefighter to the head of the fire service of the Moscow Ministry of Emergency Situations.

    Until the last day he was close to the front line of fire. He took part in the extinguishing of the Ostankino TV tower, the Manege, and the main headquarters of the Navy, and risked his life many times. Once, during a fire in Setunsky Proezd in Moscow, he saved an elderly couple from a burning apartment by descending into their apartment on a rope. In 2010, Evgeny Chernyshev took a direct part in extinguishing a fire in the north-west of the capital. The business center was on fire. Firefighters arrived six minutes after the call. It was a highly complex fire. Four hundred people and a hundred pieces of fire equipment were involved in the extinguishing. Evgeny Chernyshev led the people in the building out of the fire, but returned to check if anyone else was left in the room. He radioed that he was running out of oxygen and was leaving. But at that moment the roof collapsed. Evgeny Chernyshev died under the rubble. The collapse was so strong that the firefighter's body was found only several hours later.

    • In March 2015, the Admiral shopping center caught fire in Kazan. Firefighters evacuated six hundred and fifty people from the burning building. Sixty-seven people were injured in this fire and sixteen people died. Among the dead is Lieutenant Colonel, Deputy Head of the Fire Fighting Service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Republic of Tatarstan Sergei Alekseevich Kostin.

    Kostin worked in the fire department from 1988 until his death. Back in 2012, Sergei Kostin, risking his life, took part in the evacuation of residents of one of the houses in Kazan during a counter-terrorism operation carried out by law enforcement agencies. At the fire in the Admiral shopping center, Lieutenant Colonel Kostin led a group that searched for victims inside the building. Noticing that the roof was about to collapse, Sergei Kostin ordered the group to leave, he himself brought up the rear of the group, going last. Lieutenant Colonel Kostin did not have time to leave with everyone else; he died in that fire under the rubble.

    • The legendary firefighter of the 20th century is called Vladimir Maksimchuk, who devoted his entire life to fire protection.
    He was a highly qualified specialist in extinguishing complex fires. Vladimir Maksimchuk is called a fan of firefighting. Yaroslavna I wrote about him in the thread
    • A resident of Samara, fire service lieutenant Alexander Mordvov saw a neighboring house burning. He himself was on his day off and ran out of the house in his home clothes.
    The five-story building was on fire; the fire spread to it from a pile of garbage nearby. A brigade of firefighters was already working on the fire. Alexander Mordvov pulled on someone’s fireman’s jacket and rushed into the burning house. In fifteen minutes he saved nine adults and three children, the last child was only one and a half years old.

    After the fire, grateful residents of the house found a modest firefighter “in a tracksuit.” Lieutenant of the fire service Alexander Mordov was awarded a medal - "For services to Samara."

    • In Moscow, Emergencies Ministry employee Pyotr Stankevich saved the lives of six people, including two children, during a fire in a house on Shipilovskaya Street. But the fireman himself died, he was only thirty-one years old, and he also left behind two children.

    From his early youth, Pyotr Stankevich connected his life with the dangerous profession of a firefighter. During the terrorist attack on Dubrovka, Pyotr Stankevich, together with other firefighters, took part in the evacuation of people. During this fire, Pyotr Stankevich helped the residents of the house to evacuate; a thermal emission occurred, which caused the fireman’s protective mask to burst. The young man received burns incompatible with life.

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