Trade union lessons. A character with a “difficult character”: dismissal cannot be corrected? a) Restrictions on the use of minor labor

Lesson summary

on career guidance

« Acquaintance With Trudov Code. Labor contract Basic rights And responsibilities minors»

prepared by the teacher

labor training

Lesson By career guidance V 9 - A,9 - b classes,

Acquaintance With Trudov Code. Labor contract Basic rights And responsibilities minors

The purpose of the lesson:

contribute to the creation of students’ ideas about labor, the labor code, and the labor rights of minors.


Determine the qualitative characteristics of labor using the norms of Russian law;

Determine the basic rights of minor workers, benefits;

To form in students an understanding of labor rights, their perception of work activity as rights, needs, responsibilities;

Promote the development of independent and group work skills.

During the classes

1. Organization of the beginning of the lesson.

a) Cross out each even letter in the sentence and read the proverbmfiyutp, adlgeknatpdojrftpist. (Labor feeds a man, but laziness spoils him)

How do you understand the meaning of this proverb?

Today in class we will talk about work.

2. Updating of basic knowledge.

Why do you think a person needs to work? (Work gives a person everything necessary for life: food, clothing, household items, housing).

But not every job is called work. Labor is a human activity that requires knowledge and skills. Work varies in content and complexity.

Not every person can work as a doctor, programmer, or postman. The work of a loader, for example, is considered simple. But an engineer deals with technology and instruments, which requires extensive knowledge, which is why his work is called complex.

Choose words that characterize permanent work - ..... (temporary) simple -... (complex) mental - ... (physical) paid - ... (gratuitous) voluntary - ... (forced) creative - . ..(automated) collective - ...(individual)

Which of these adjectives can characterize the work of a seller, teacher, miner, artist, janitor, housewife?

3. Explanation of new material.

a) Restrictions on the use of minor labor.

Nowadays, more and more teenagers are thinking about where and how they can make money. Of course, you want to feel like an independent and independent person, to realize your abilities and talent, but before you start looking for a job, you need to have an idea of ​​​​the requirements of the main law on labor activity - the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Before the adoption of labor laws in Russia and European countries, children worked from an early age. On peasant farms, they participated in field work (weeding, mowing and tedding) and helped around the house. It is known, for example, that the thinnest linen threads were spun by 7-8 year old children (those who were older were no longer able to do this - their fingers became coarse).

The academic year in Rus' began on November 1 - after the end of field work.

Only in 1882 was it legally prohibited in Russia to employ children under 12 years of age in factories. The working day of children from 12 to 15 years old was limited to eight hours. The same law obligated the entrepreneur to provide his child workers with a primary education.

At what age do you think you can get a job today, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation? (As a general rule, you can get a job only after reaching 16 years of age.)

As an exception, in order to prepare young people for work, an employer may hire you from the age of 14, but only during free time from school (for example, during the summer holidays). In this case, your parents or persons replacing them must give their consent.

Do you think you can be hired as a loader now? firefighters? diver? miner? watchman? Why do you think so?

Some work can be especially difficult, dangerous, harmful, therefore the law prohibits the use of labor of teenagers under 18 years of age in heavy work, work with harmful, hazardous working conditions, underground - and loading and unloading work. In addition, it is prohibited to employ teenagers in jobs the performance of which may harm their health and moral development. This applies to work in nightclubs and cabarets, work in the sale of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products.

b) Rights and obligations of the employee.

If you do decide to get a job, then know that in your rights and responsibilities you are equal to adult workers.

Divide into 2 groups. The first group will think and write down the employee’s rights, and the second - the responsibilities.

The employee has the right

The employee is obliged

to working conditions that meet safety and hygiene requirements;

for damages,

caused by damage to health in connection with work;

to equal remuneration for equal work not lower than the minimum amount established by law

for vacation (paid annual leave);

for social security for old age and disability

to judicial protection of their rights

Carry out job duties conscientiously.

Maintain labor discipline and

Treat the property of the enterprise or organization with care

Comply with established standards

Work honestly and voluntarily

c) Working conditions for minors.

6. If the contract is concluded for the first time, then the organization is not obliged to issue the teenager with a work book and a certificate of state pension insurance ____ (no)

b) Solving problem-situations.

1. 17-year-old friends, after “graduating from high school, wanting to find a job, read the newspaper “Rabota”. In it they saw an advertisement for the following vacancies:


Seller of manufactured goods

Question: Can girls apply for these vacancies? Give reasons for your answer. (Girls can only apply for the vacancies of landscaper and courier. Workers and sellers of manufactured goods are not eligible to be hired. Minors cannot be employed in hard work, work with harmful or dangerous working conditions.)

2. Petya Alekseev, a 10th grade student, decided to work during the summer school holidays. On June 1, he got a job as a janitor in a kindergarten. However, from July 1 to August 1, children together with kindergarten workers went on summer vacation. The head of the kindergarten, believing that the kindergarten would also need the services of a janitor outside the city, gave Petya the order to collect personal belongings and work tools by the appointed time. Petya refused. ,

Question: did Alekseev legally refuse to carry out the manager’s order? (yes, the order is illegal (Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

3. After completing industrial training, Petrov (16 years old) and Vasilyev (17 years old) were assigned the 3rd category and, by order of the director of the confectionery factory, they were sent to work in the caramel shop. By order of the shop manager, there was

A 40-hour work week is established with a daily work duration of 8 hours.

Question: Is the decision of the shop manager legal? If yes, then on the basis of what labor law norms? (No, illegal. Based on Article 92 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a 36-hour work week is established for workers from 16 to 18 years old.)

5. Summing up

What are the normal working hours for adult workers?

What are the working hours for minors?

How does labor legislation take into account the insufficient physical development of minors?

How does labor legislation reflect society’s concern for the moral development of adolescents?

Is work a right or an obligation? Labor rights of minors.


contribute to the creation of students’ ideas about labor and the labor rights of minors


determine the qualitative characteristics of labor using the norms of Russian law;

determine the basic rights of minor workers, benefits;

to form in students an understanding of labor rights, their perception of work activity as rights, needs, responsibilities;

promote the development of independent and group work skills.

During the classes

  • Organization of the beginning of the lesson.

Good afternoon, dear guys! I am glad to welcome you to our class. Today we must talk about a very serious and important topic for everyone. But I can’t announce it yet. Try to guess what the conversation will be about.

a) Cross out each odd letter in the sentence and read the proverb


(Labor feeds a man, but laziness spoils him)

How do you understand the meaning of this proverb?

Today in class we will talk about work.

2. Updating of basic knowledge.

Why do you think a person needs to work?(Work gives a person everything necessary for life: food, clothing, household items, housing).

But not every job is called work. Labor is a human activity that requires knowledge and skills. Work varies in content and complexity. Not every person can work as a doctor, programmer, or postman. The work of a loader, for example, is considered simple. But an engineer deals with technology and instruments, which requires extensive knowledge, which is why his work is called complex.

Choose antonyms for adjectives that characterize work

permanent - .....(temporary)

simple - ... (complex)

mental - ...(physical)

paid - ...(gratuitous)

voluntary - ...(forced)

collective - ... (individual)

Which of these antonyms can characterize the work of a seller, teacher, miner, artist, janitor, housewife?

3. Explanation of new material.

a) Restrictions on the use of minor labor.

Nowadays, more and more teenagers are thinking about where and how they can make money. Of course, I want to feel like an independent and independent person, to realize my abilities and talents. But, before you start looking for a job, you need to have an idea about the requirements of the main law on labor activity - the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Before the adoption of labor laws in Russia and European countries, children worked from an early age. On peasant farms, they participated in field work (grazing, weeding, mowing and tedding) and helped around the house. It is known, for example, that the thinnest linen threads were spun by 7-8 year old children (those who were older were no longer able to do this - their fingers became coarse).

The academic year in Rus' began on November 1 - after the end of field work.

Only in 1882 was it legally prohibited in Russia to employ children under 12 years of age in factories. The working day of children from 12 to 15 years old was limited to eight hours. The same law obliged the entrepreneur to provide his child workers with a primary education.

At what age do you think you can get a job today, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation?(As a general rule, you can get a job only after reaching 16 years of age.)

As an exception, in order to prepare young people for work, an employer may hire you from the age of 14, but only during free time from school (for example, during the summer holidays). In this case, your parents or persons replacing them must give their consent.

Do you think you can be hired as a loader now? firefighters? diver? miner? alcohol seller? watchman? Why do you think so?

Some work can be particularly difficult, dangerous, and harmful, therefore the law prohibits the employment of teenagers under 18 years of age in heavy work, work with harmful, hazardous working conditions, underground and loading and unloading work. In addition, it is prohibited to employ teenagers in jobs the performance of which may harm their health and moral development. This applies to work in nightclubs and cabarets, work in the sale of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products.

b) Rights and obligations of the employee.

If you do decide to get a job, then know that in your rights and responsibilities you are equal to adult workers.

Right is the conditions for study, work, life that the state gives to a person.

Responsibilities are requirements for behavior and attitude (towards school, work, people) that a person must fulfill.

Divide into 2 groups. The first group will think and write down the employee’s rights, and the second - the responsibilities.

The employee has the right

The employee is obliged

to working conditions that meet safety and hygiene requirements;

for compensation for damage caused by injury in connection with work;

to equal remuneration for equal work not lower than the minimum amount established by law

for vacation (paid annual leave)

for social security for old age and disability

to judicial protection of their rights

Carry out job duties conscientiously

Comply with labor discipline and labor protection requirements

Treat the property of the enterprise or organization with care

Comply with established labor standards

Work honestly and voluntarily

Fizminutka .

Now let’s check whether you distinguish between rights and responsibilities.

If I say right, you clap your hands; if I say duty, you squat.

Every working citizen has 1 month of rest a year (P).

Children go to school (O).

Everyone who gets sick receives qualified medical care. Help(P).

A young man who has reached the age of 18 serves in the army (O).

Any student can express his opinion on a particular issue (P) in class.

Every month, citizens deduct taxes (O) from their salaries.

Parents raise their children (O).

Great job.

c) Working conditions for minors.

What are working hours?(The time during which the employee must perform his job duties)

The normal working hours for adult workers is 40 hours per week, and for minors it is reduced:

for 16 hours a week - for workers under 16 years of age:

for 4 hours a week - for workers from 16 to 18 years old.

In addition to reducing working hours, labor legislation prohibits sending workers under 18 years of age on business trips, to work at night (from 10 pm to 6 am), on weekends and holidays.

What is rest time?(The time during which the employee is free from performing work duties)

What types of rest time do you know?(vacation, weekends and holidays, breaks for rest and meals during the working day).

Annual basic leave for employees under 18 years of age is granted for 31 calendar days. Vacation for the first year of work in an organization can be granted to a minor employee before the expiration of six months of continuous work. Young workers can use their vacation at any time convenient for them.

4. Primary consolidation of the studied material

a) Working with signal cards

If you agree with the statement, then raise the green circle, if you disagree -red.

During the period of employment of a minor employee, it is allowed to replace annual paid leave with monetary compensation _______ (no)

It is prohibited to call minors on the night shift and on weekends _______ (yes)

Minors are allowed to work in the mine ______ (no)

Employees under 18 years of age cannot be sent on business trips ______ (yes)

The organization has the right to establish a probationary period for a minor ______ (no)

If the contract is concluded for the first time, then the organization is not obliged to issue the teenager with a work book and a certificate of state pension insurance ______ (no)

b) Solving problem-situations.

1. After graduating from high school, 17-year-old friends, wanting to find a job, read the newspaper “Rabota”. In it they saw an advertisement for the following vacancies:

worker at a coke and gas plant;


croupier in a casino;


tobacco seller

Question: Can girls apply for these vacancies? Give reasons for your answer.( Girls can only apply for the vacancies of landscaper and courier. Workers at a coke and gas plant, tobacco salesmen and casino croupiers are not eligible to be hired. Minors cannot be employed in hard work or work with harmful or dangerous working conditions.)

2. After completing industrial training, Petrov (16 years old) and Vasilyev (17 years old) were assigned the 3rd category and, by order of the director of the confectionery factory, they were sent to work in the caramel workshop. By order of the shop manager, a 40-hour work week was established for them with a daily work duration of 8 hours.

Question:Is the decision of the shop manager legal? If yes, then on the basis of what labor law norms?( No illegal. Based on Art. 92 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for workers from 16 to 18 years old, a 36-hour working week is established.)

V) Now let's try to apply theoretical knowledge in practice.

Now we will listen to A.P.’s story. Chekhov "I want to sleep." Within a few minutes you need to analyze literary texts from the point of view of compliance with the labor rights of minors. You must not only find violations of children's rights, but also quote from the text.

I group (A.P. Chekhov “I want to sleep”)
- Girl 13 years old
- night work (rocking the cradle)
- works all day without rest
- performs heavy work (split and bring firewood)
- adults send her for vodka, beer (causing moral harm to a child)
- no employment contract has been concluded.

5. Summing up

Eastern parable
A long time ago, in an ancient city there lived a Master, surrounded by disciples. The most capable of them once thought: “Is there a question that our Master could not answer?” He went to a flowering meadow, caught the most beautiful butterfly and hid it between his palms. The butterfly clung to his hands with its paws, and the student was ticklish. Smiling, he approached the Master and asked:
- Tell me, what kind of butterfly is in my hands: alive or dead?
He held the butterfly tightly in his closed palms and was ready at any moment to squeeze them for the sake of his truth.

Without looking at the student’s hands, the Master answered:
- All in your hands.

Teacher: Thank you for your attention. Respect your responsibilities and remember your rights.

We can end our meeting with these words:

I am a child, I am a person, I should have rights

To live in a free country, and not where there is a war.

I have the right to love and to be loved,

I have the right to live and be the happiest person in the world.

I have the right for peace to reign on Earth always and everywhere.

I have the right to always have silence in the big sky.

Our class hour once again proved that we all have rights and responsibilities

I want to sleep

Night. Nanny Varka, a girl of about thirteen, rocks the cradle in which the child lies, and purrs faintly:

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,
And I'll sing a song...

A green lamp is burning in front of the image; A rope stretches across the entire room from corner to corner, on which diapers and large black trousers hang. The lamp casts a large green spot on the ceiling, and the diapers and pantaloons cast long shadows on the stove, the cradle, on Varka... When the lamp begins to blink, the spot and shadows come to life and begin to move, as if from the wind. It's stuffy. It smells like cabbage soup and shoemaking.

The baby is crying. He has long been hoarse and exhausted from crying, but he is still screaming and it is not known when he will stop. And Varka wants to sleep. Her eyes are stuck together, her head is pulled down, her neck hurts. She cannot move either her eyelids or her lips, and it seems to her that her face is dry and stiff, that her head has become small, like the head of a pin.

Bye-bye-bye-bye,” she purrs, “I’ll make you some porridge...

A cricket is screaming in the stove. In the next room, behind the door, the owner and apprentice Afanasy are snoring... The cradle creaks pitifully, Varka herself purrs - and all this merges into nightly, soothing music, which is so sweet to listen to when you go to bed. Now this music only irritates and depresses, because it makes you drowsy, but you can’t sleep; If Varka, God forbid, falls asleep, the owners will kill her.

The lamp is flashing. The green spot and shadows begin to move, creep into Varka’s half-open, motionless eyes and in her half-asleep brain they form into foggy dreams. She sees dark clouds chasing each other across the web and screaming like a child. But then the wind blew, the clouds disappeared, and Varka saw a wide highway covered with liquid mud; carts stretch along the highway, people trudge along with knapsacks on their backs, some shadows rush back and forth; on both sides, forests are visible through the cold, harsh fog. Suddenly people with knapsacks and shadows fall on the ground in liquid mud. - “Why is this?” - asks Varka. - "Sleep sleep!" - they answer her. And they fall asleep soundly, sleep sweetly, and crows and magpies sit on the telegraph wires, scream like a child, and try to wake them up.

I'll bay-bayushki-bay, and I'll sing a song... - Varka purrs and already sees herself in a dark, stuffy hut.

Her late father Efim Stepanov is tossing and turning on the floor. She doesn't see him, but she hears him rolling on the floor in pain and groaning. He, as he says, “had a hernia.” The pain is so strong that he cannot utter a single word and only sucks in air and beats a drum with his teeth:


Mother Pelageya ran to the estate to tell the gentlemen that Efim was dying. She left a long time ago and it’s time for her to return. Varka lies on the stove, does not sleep and listens to her father’s “boo-boo-boo”. But then I heard someone drive up to the hut. It was the gentlemen who sent a young doctor who came to visit them from the city. The doctor enters the hut; he is not visible in the darkness, but you can hear him coughing and clicking the door.

Light the fire, he says.

Boo-boo-boo... - answers Efim.

Pelageya rushes to the stove and begins to look for a shard with matches. A minute passes in silence. The doctor, rummaging in his pockets, lights his match.

Now, father, now,” says Pelageya, rushes out of the hut and returns a little later with a cinder.

Yefim’s cheeks are pink, his eyes are shining and his gaze is somehow especially sharp, as if Yefim sees right through both the hut and the doctor.

Well? What did you think of this? - says the doctor, bending over to him. - Hey! How long have you had this?

What, sir? The time has come to die, your honor... I won’t be alive...

It's complete nonsense to talk... We'll cure you!

It’s as you wish, your honor, we humbly thank you, but only we understand... If death has come, what can we do.

The doctor fusses with Yefim for a quarter of an hour; then he gets up and says:

I can't do anything... You need to go to the hospital, they will perform an operation on you. Go now... Definitely go! It’s a little late, everyone in the hospital is already asleep, but that’s okay, I’ll give you a note. Do you hear?

Father, what will he drive? - says Pelageya. - We don't have a horse.

It’s okay, I’ll ask the gentlemen, they’ll give me a horse.

The doctor leaves, the candle goes out, and “boo-boo-boo” is heard again... Half an hour later, someone drives up to the hut. The gentlemen sent a cart to go to the hospital. Efim gets ready and goes...

But then a good, clear morning comes. Pelageya is not at home: she went to the hospital to find out what is happening with Yefim. Somewhere a child is crying, and Varka hears someone singing in her voice:

Bye-bye-bye-bye, and I’ll sing a song...

Pelageya returns; she crosses herself and whispers:

At night they set him straight, and by morning he gave his soul to God... The kingdom of heaven, eternal peace... They say they captured it too late... They should have done it earlier...

Varka goes into the forest and cries there, but suddenly someone hits her on the back of the head with such force that she hits her forehead on a birch tree. She looks up and sees the owner-shoemaker in front of her.

What are you, lousy? - he says. - The child is crying, and you are sleeping?

He pats her painfully behind the ear, and she shakes her head, rocks the cradle and purrs her song. The green spot and the shadows from her pantaloons and diapers fluctuate, blink at her and soon take over her brain again. Again she sees a highway covered with liquid mud. People with knapsacks on their backs and shadows lie down and sleep soundly. Looking at them, Varka passionately wants to sleep; She would lie down with pleasure, but Pelageya’s mother walks nearby and hurries her. Both of them are in a hurry to get hired in the city.

Give alms for Christ's sake! - the mother asks those she meets. - Show divine mercy, merciful gentlemen!

Bring the child here! — someone’s familiar voice answers her. - Bring the child here! - repeats the same voice, but this time angrily and harshly. - Do you hear, vile?

Varka jumps up and, looking around, understands what’s going on: there is no highway, no Pelageya, no oncoming people, and standing in the middle of the room is only the housewife, who has come to feed her child. While the fat, broad-shouldered housewife feeds and comforts the child, Varka stands, looks at her and waits for her to finish. And outside the windows the air is already turning blue, the shadows and the green spot on the ceiling are noticeably paler. It's soon morning.

Take it! - says the hostess, buttoning her shirt on her chest. - Crying. They must have jinxed it.

Varka takes the baby, puts him in the cradle and starts rocking him again. The green spot and shadows gradually disappear and there is no one to get into her head and fog her brain. But I still want to sleep, I really want to! Varka puts her head on the edge of the cradle and rocks her whole body to overcome sleep, but her eyes still stick together and her head is heavy.

Varka, light the stove! — the owner’s voice is heard outside the door.

This means it’s time to get up and get to work. Varka leaves the cradle and runs to the barn for firewood. She is glad. When you run and walk, you don’t want to sleep as much as when you’re sitting. She brings firewood, lights the stove and feels how her stiff face straightens and how her thoughts become clearer.

Varka, put on the samovar! - the hostess shouts.

Varka stabs a torch, but barely has time to light it and put it in the samovar when a new order is heard:

Varka, clean the owner's galoshes!

She sits on the floor, cleans her galoshes and thinks that it would be nice to stick her head into a large, deep galosh and take a nap in it for a little while... And suddenly the galoshes grow, swell, fill the whole room, Varka drops the brush, but immediately shakes her head, widens her eyes and tries to look so that objects do not grow or move in her eyes.

Varka, wash the outside of the stairs, otherwise the customers are ashamed!

Varka washes the stairs, cleans the rooms, then turns on another stove and runs to the shop. There is a lot of work, there is not a single minute free.

But nothing is as hard as standing in one place in front of the kitchen table and peeling potatoes. He pulls his head toward the table, the potatoes dazzle in his eyes, the knife falls out of his hands, and a fat, angry housewife walks nearby with her sleeves rolled up and speaks so loudly that her ears are ringing. It is also painful to serve at dinner, do laundry, and sew. There are moments when you want to, without looking at anything, collapse on the floor and sleep.

The day passes. Watching the windows darken, Varka squeezes her woody temples and smiles, not knowing why. The evening darkness caresses her drooping eyes and promises her a quick, sound sleep. In the evening, guests come to the owners.

Varka, put on the samovar! - the hostess shouts.

The owners' samovar is small, and before the guests drink tea, they have to heat it up five times. After tea, Varka stands in one place for a whole hour, looking at the guests and waiting for orders.

Varka, run and buy three bottles of beer!

She takes off and tries to run faster to drive away the sleep.

Varka, run for vodka! Varka, where is the corkscrew? Varka, clean the herring!

But finally the guests left; the lights are extinguished, the owners go to bed.

Varka, rock the baby! - the last order is given.

A cricket is screaming in the stove; the green spot on the ceiling and the shadows from her trousers and diapers again creep into Varka’s half-open eyes, blink and cloud her head.

“Bay-bayushki-bayu,” she purrs, “and I’ll sing a song...

And the child screams and is exhausted from screaming. Varka again sees the dirty highway, people with knapsacks, Pelageya, and Father Yefim. She understands everything, recognizes everyone, but half asleep she just can’t understand the force that fetters her arms and legs, crushes her and prevents her from living. She looks around, looking for this power to get rid of it, but doesn’t find it. Finally, exhausted, she strains all her strength and vision, looks up at the blinking green spot and, listening to the cry, finds an enemy who is preventing her from living.

This enemy is a child.

She is laughing. She is surprised: how could she not understand such a trifle before? The green spot, the shadows and the cricket also seem to laugh and be surprised.

A false idea takes possession of Varka. She gets up from the stool and, smiling widely, without blinking her eyes, walks around the room. She is pleased and tickled by the thought that she will now get rid of the child who is shackling her arms and legs... Kill the child, and then sleep, sleep, sleep...

Laughing, winking and threatening the green spot with her fingers, Varka creeps up to the cradle and leans towards the child. Having strangled him, she quickly lies down on the floor, laughs with joy that she can sleep, and a minute later she is sleeping soundly, like the dead...

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Presentation on the topic: Employment of minors

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Introduction. Modern life of society and the individual is unthinkable without labor. The right to work is one of the fundamental human rights and freedoms. It is enshrined in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, to which our country acceded in 1973. The Constitution of the Russian Federation also confirms the right to work. The need to analyze the situation of young people in the Russian labor market is determined by two important circumstances. Firstly, young people make up about 35% of the working population of Russia, and secondly, and most importantly, they are the future of the country, and subsequent development depends on the starting conditions of their activities. Young people today largely determine the political, economic and social structures of society. At the same time, they are one of the most vulnerable groups in the labor market all over the world, especially in our country. Despite the relevance of these problems, they receive little attention in scientific research, the media, and government documents.

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The adolescent group (young people under 18 years of age) consists mainly of students from secondary schools and vocational schools. Basically they are not involved in work activities. However, a significant decline in the living standards of most of the population has changed the life position of this category of youth. Many of them seek to earn money in the main way. They enter the labor market, joining the ranks of the unemployed. The conscious formation of material incentives to work is observed among 16-17 year old young people. This is due to the expansion of the scope of their material and spiritual needs, as well as the ongoing process of socialization. At the same age, an active search and choice of the type of future professional activity occurs.

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Employment of minors The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not establish relevant provisions in its norms. Yes, Art. 272 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, dedicated to the peculiarities of employment of persons under the age of 18, indicates only that these “features are determined by Labor legislation, a collective agreement, an agreement.” A study of the problems of the emergence and change of labor relations with minors showed that the Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows concluding employment contracts with a minor who has reached the age of 14 years, but only with the consent of one of the parents (guardian, trustee) and the guardianship and trusteeship authority (Part 3 of Art. 63 Labor Code of the Russian Federation). At the same time, in order to conclude such an agreement, in addition to the consent of these persons, additional conditions must also be met: 1) a minor who has reached 14 years of age is a student; 2) the job offered to the teenager falls into the category of light work that does not cause harm to health; 3) work stipulated by the employment contract must be performed only in free time from study and must not interfere with the minor’s learning process.

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Peculiarities of the labor regime for minors. First of all, this concerns production standards for workers under the age of eighteen. Firstly, in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, the working time of minors has been reduced. As stated in Art. 94 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the duration of daily work (shift) cannot exceed: for workers aged fifteen to sixteen years - 5 hours, for workers aged sixteen to eighteen years - 7 hours; for students of general education institutions, educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, combining study with work during the academic year, from fourteen to sixteen years old - 2.5 hours, from sixteen to eighteen years old - 3.5 hours.

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Benefits for minors. Labor legislation provides benefits for those who combine work and study. If, while continuing to study at school or in educational institutions of primary or secondary vocational education, you wish to combine study with work during the school year, your working day should not exceed 2.5 hours (until you turn 16 years old), 3.5 hours – up to 18 years of age. Having entered the workforce after finishing 9th grade, you will also be able to simultaneously study part-time or part-time (evening) at any secondary educational institution. The employer will have to provide you, in addition to the annual leave provided for all employees, additional leave for passing exams, preparing and defending your final thesis. If after finishing 11th grade you go to work, you will be able to study at a higher educational institution also through part-time or part-time (evening) study. And in this case, the law provides for additional vacations for you. Thus, taking advantage of the benefits, you will be able to continue your education without interruption from work, improve your qualifications, and gain a chance to find a more interesting job with a higher pay.

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Leave of absence for minor workers. Issues of granting leave to employees under the age of eighteen are regulated by Art. 267 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, according to which annual basic paid leave is provided to such employees at a time convenient for them, lasting 31 calendar days. In addition to the basic annual paid leave, employees under the age of eighteen are entitled to some additional annual paid leave. The duration of additional paid leave for employees with irregular working hours is determined by a collective agreement or internal regulations, and cannot be less than three calendar days.

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Peculiarities of labor regulation for minor workers. The work of minor workers has certain characteristics defined by law. Features of labor regulation are those rules that limit the application of general standards or provide additional rules for certain categories of workers. Some work can be particularly difficult, dangerous, and harmful, therefore the law prohibits the employment of teenagers under 18 years of age in heavy work, work with harmful, hazardous working conditions, underground and loading and unloading work. In addition, it is prohibited to employ teenagers in jobs the performance of which may harm their health and moral development. This applies to work in nightclubs and cabarets, gambling organizations, work in the sale of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products, etc. All persons under 18 years of age can be hired only after a preliminary mandatory medical examination.

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Work in which the work of minors is prohibited. In Art. 63 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation introduced a novelty, according to which “in cinematography organizations, theaters, theatrical and concert organizations, circuses, it is allowed, with the consent of one of the parents (guardian, trustee) and the guardianship and trusteeship body, to conclude an employment contract with persons under the age of 14, for participation in the creation and (or) performance of works without harm to health and moral development.” The list of types of work in which the use of minors is prohibited is given in Art. 265 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. These are works with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, work in underground production, as well as work, the performance of which can cause harm not only to the health of minors, but also to their moral development. This means work in the gambling business, in night entertainment establishments (nightclubs, cabarets, restaurants), production, transportation and trade in alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, toxic materials, etc.

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Remuneration for minors. Currently, in accordance with Art. 271 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, with time-based wages, wages to employees under the age of 18 are paid taking into account the reduced duration of work, and the work of minors on piecework is paid at established piecework rates. The legislator stipulates that in both cases the employer can, at his own expense, make additional payments up to the level of an adult employee. It is unlikely that most employers will make such additional payments.

Slide no. 14

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Research results The structure of the labor force in the Trans-Baikal Territory has not changed for a number of years. In the total labor force of the region, the share of the working population of working age is about 96%, including foreign migrants making up about 3%; persons over working age make up about 3.5%; teenagers - 0.3%.

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Information from the employment center of the Trans-Baikal Territory. Types of work performed by teenagers: - landscaping of gardens, squares, parks; -care of agricultural crops; - minor repairs of school equipment; -providing social assistance to veterans; - animal care; -work related to courier activities; - other types of work not prohibited by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation. On July 30, 2011, the Law of the Trans-Baikal Territory of July 12, 2011 No. 536-ZZK “On quotas for jobs for certain categories of minor citizens” came into force

Slide no. 17

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Special attention to a special category of people The new regulatory act established the legal and organizational basis for quotas for jobs in the Trans-Baikal Territory for hiring certain categories of minor citizens who are especially in need of employment, which include: - children from large families; - orphans and children left without parental care; - children from single-parent families in which the only parent is recognized as unemployed in accordance with the established procedure; - children from single-parent families who have lost their breadwinner; - children from families, including single-parent families, with disabled parents of groups I - II; - graduates of institutions for orphans and children without parental care; - released from educational colonies or returned from specialized closed educational institutions.

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Situation on the labor market of the Ononsky district 23:37 05/30/2012 For the period from January 1, 2012 to May 25, 2012, 456 people applied to the Employment Center of the Ononsky district for assistance in finding a suitable job. 301 people were recognized as unemployed. Of the citizens who applied, 157 people found work, of which 87 were unemployed. Specialists of the Employment Center sent 29 people for vocational training. 161 vacancies were announced from organizations and enterprises. As of May 25, 2012, the number of unemployed citizens was 416 people. There are 13 teenagers among them.

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Conclusion Thus, from all of the above we can draw the following conclusion. In the Russian Federation, too little attention has been paid to the issue of employment of minors at the legislative level; there are contradictions between legal acts and, in connection with this, problems arise in their application and protection of the rights of minor workers. In the General Agreement of the Russian Tripartite Commission of 2001 there is not a single clause (paragraph) on the protection of the labor rights of workers under 18 years of age, moreover, there is no mention at all of this category of workers. Here is the answer to all of us, how employers feel about the legislator’s recommendations for making additional payments to persons under 18 years of age for the time by which the duration of their daily work is reduced. Research has shown that the working-age population in our region is falling, which means that the need for young personnel will increase. In rural areas there is also a problem of employment. The employment center told us that minors are not willingly hired, there are many different restrictions and a lot of responsibility falls on employers. The current situation with teenage employment is very alarming. The absence of a mechanism regulating the employment of graduates of educational institutions and, in particular, professional ones, leads to serious problems. Due to the decline in the prestige of productive work, a significant part of young people have become characterized by social pessimism; they do not believe in the possibility of having an interesting, meaningful job, paid in accordance with the measure of their work at the level of world standards. Employment and vocational training of minors should be given priority attention by all levels of government, officials, public organizations and other structures whose scope of activity includes these issues.

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Legal workshop assignments. (labor law) 1. Students are offered a hypothetical situation: a teenager decided to get a job in the summer, and he had many questions: 1) At what age can a minor look for a job? 2) Can a teenager count on any job? 3) What should a teenager know when applying for a job? 4) What is an employment contract and how to conclude it correctly? 5) What documents must a teenager present? 6) What new document should be drawn up for the first place of work? 7) What new status will the teenager acquire after concluding an employment contract? 8) What new rights and responsibilities will the minor have in this regard? 9) What is labor discipline and is it mandatory for teenagers? 10) What are the manifestations of violations of labor discipline, and what penalties are provided for this? 11) What are the rules for dismissal? 12) Where to look for protection of your rights? 2. Determine for each situation the possibility of concluding an employment contract or refusing to conclude it and explain your decision: a) a 13-year-old boy wants to get a job as a postman from 7 to 8 a.m.; b) a 14-year-old girl wants to get a job as a saleswoman at a pharmacy kiosk; c) a 17-year-old boy wants to get a job as a loader in a store selling pianos and grand pianos; d) A 16-year-old girl wants to get a job as an ice cream saleswoman from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Sundays; e) A 17-year-old boy wants to get a job as an orderly in the infectious diseases department of a hospital. 3. What violations do you see in the situation? After graduating from school, Ivan was hired by a trading company. A month later, a work book was issued for him, in which two months later a reprimand was recorded due to being late for work carried out overtime. 4. Determine who is right. 16-year-old mechanic Pavlov was late for work. The plant director asked Pavlov to write an explanation and reprimanded him in an order. Pavlov did not agree with the reprimand, believing that minors are not subject to punishment for minor disciplinary offenses. 5. Do all the actions of the head of the HR department comply with labor legislation? When hiring a vocational school graduate, the head of the human resources department said that the graduate was required to bring a reference signed by the director of the vocational school and undergo a probationary period to check his business qualities. 6.Are the manager’s actions legal? Andrey filed an application to terminate the employment contract. After two weeks, the plant director told Andrey that he could not fire him, since no employee had been found to take his place.

Slide description:

If you want to apply for a job, you contact an employer (an individual or the governing body of a legal entity, i.e. an organization). If there are jobs available and you are professionally qualified, there is a chance of being accepted. Perhaps workers without professional qualifications are needed to perform the simplest types of work that provide little income. Of course, it is better to go to work after graduating from a professional educational institution (school, institute) that provides the necessary training. If you are suitable for each other, an employment contract is concluded between you and the employer. In it, in accordance with the peculiarities of the labor process in a given organization and in the position that you will occupy, mutual rights and responsibilities are specifically defined.

Slide no. 25

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When you first apply for a permanent job, a work book will be created for you - a document confirming your work activity. In the future, when applying for another job, you need to provide a work book, which will record the transition from one enterprise to another.

Slide no. 26

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Employment Service. The system of vocational training for the unemployed population that is developing in the employment service is of great importance. It contributes to the professional adaptation of laid-off workers and the unemployed population, increasing their competitiveness in the labor market. Vocational training for the unemployed is carried out through three channels: retraining; initial training; training;

Slide no. 27

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Termination of the employment contract. Termination of an employment contract is also possible at the initiative of the employer. On the grounds of inadequacy for the position held, low qualifications, repeated failure to perform duties without good reason, absenteeism, showing up at work while not sober, or committing theft. The law clearly defines other possible reasons for the dismissal of an employee. There are many people who have worked most of their lives at one company. As a rule, these are people who know their business, know how to interact with other workers, and improve their skills. They are usually respected and appreciated.

On October 30, 2014, a trade union lesson was held in the 10th grade “Labor. Rights and responsibilities of minors.” The open lesson was attended by the school administration, representatives of the trade union organization and parents of students.



GBOU secondary school No. 892 (VAO)

teacher Rylik Yulia Evgenievna, class 10

Topic: “Labor. Rights and responsibilities of minors."

The purpose of the lesson:

Contribute to the creation of students’ ideas about labor and the labor rights of minors


Determine the qualitative characteristics of labor using the norms of Russian law;

Determine the basic rights of minor workers, benefits;

To form in students an understanding of labor rights, their perception of work activity as rights, needs, responsibilities;

Promote the development of independent and group work skills;

Promote the development of creative abilities;

To introduce the activities of trade unions.

Lesson type: combined.

Equipment: electronic board, laptop.

Didactic material:presentations, cards, electronic crossword.

Handmade costumes and decorations for a fairy tale.

During the classes.

The topic of our class hour was not chosen by chance. The fact is that, on the basis of Art. 63 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), the conclusion of an employment contract, as a general rule, is allowed with persons who have reachedage sixteen. And now, when many of you have already turned 16 or are about to turn 16 in the coming months, I consider it necessary to familiarize you with the main provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, so that when you find a job, and then when performing your job duties and terminating your employment relationship, you behave competently, based on the current legislation.

Presentation on the board

  • “Idleness accelerates the onset of old age, work prolongs our youth.”(A.K. Tselvis.)
  • “Work relieves a person from three main evils: boredom, vice and need.”(Voltaire.)
  • “A person must work, work hard, no matter who he is, and in this alone lies the meaning and purpose of his life, his happiness, his delight.”(A.P. Chekhov.)

Nowadays, more and more teenagers are thinking about where and how they can make money. Of course, I want to feel like an independent and independent person, to realize my abilities and talents. But, before you start looking for a job, you need to have an idea of ​​the requirements of the main law on labor activity - the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which you should contact if your rights are limited or infringed.

Let's watch a fairy tale whose characters you have known since childhood!

This story is familiar to you from childhood -

A wooden boy who left home.

We will tell it to you with a new plot.

He's back in the fight, but... more on that later.

Hello, father!

Hello son!

Sit down on the ottoman, there will be a dialogue...

Listen, Pinocchio, father's advice,

You are already an adult, sixteen years old!

Once you finish school, there is an alternative:

Institute or army - that's the prospect.

If you want to study, take books,

Sopromat, termek, there is a notebook inside.

Do not want? Son! Are you even made of wood?

Oh, it would be better if I made the arm of the sofa then.

Listen, little log: teaching is light!

In short... I took the books and ran to the university!

Listen, father, I don't need books.

I'll go to work, I'm bored of studying.

I want to experience life at the factory

And experience all the difficulties yourself.

How do you work both like a grandfather and like a great-grandfather!

With hard work you can achieve a lot in life!

What do you tell me, dad: do you agree,

Hearing your own dream son?

Thank you, son, I respected my father.

But walk your path with honor to the end.

Be brave, be kind and be fair.

Never hide your convictions.

I'm glad I made you this way.

Happy son! You are my pride!

Goodbye, father, remember with a kind word,

I'll get back to you soon. Stopudovo!

Pinocchio goes to the factory. And there:

You will work 20 hours.

And so that they don’t run away from the workshop,

We will bolt your doors,

And you won't be laughing.

We won’t give you a clean salary,

You will receive a ruble in the envelope.

What are we going to feed our children?

Buy them a dried bagel.

If you're not happy, come out here.

Now we will send you to the labor exchange.

We will deprive you of the bonus for once,

And those who are persistent will get hit in the eye.

I don't understand what's going on

Well, keep quiet, people!

Let's take them to court! We'll put you in jail!

Ha, yes, we bought judges!

Then we will picket at the gate!

Listen, boy, shut your mouth quickly!

Security! He's violent, grab him!

Put him in the closet and don’t let anyone in!

Well, have you finished your game, defender of the workers?

I am now concerned about a fate that is not mine

I'm outraged that again and again

The rights of the common people are violated.

The salary is pennies, and they are not paid on time.

I think you're getting arrogant, my friend.

People work in terrible conditions...

Close the lock! The jokes are over!

It's a nightmare, the union is constantly interfering.

He protects the rights of workers everywhere.

And they also say that Chairman Tartilla

She hid the collective agreement from us.

Yes, we need to retire Tartilla

And her entire union will immediately perish.

Tartilla - understandable! And this impudent one?

Let's burn it in the stove, and that's the end of the matter.


Now I'll break the lock with my nose,

I'm bursting with indignation.

Rather, Tartilla needs to be told everything.

She must know about the vile deceit.


If you join our team,

We will have a huge asset.

We can promote the collective agreement,

To end this dispute forever.

Agree! Agree! Give me your professional card.

I dreamed about this moment for many years.

Tell me, is there a collective agreement,

What does the door open to the director's courtyard?

Of course there is, but before you take it,

You should adopt my experience.

Now go to Malvina, my friend,

And we will punish Karabas, just give him time.


Listen, my friend, what I’ll tell you.

I have been friends with Tartilla since childhood.

She is a union leader from God,

He will accept you into your arms with love from the threshold.

She fights bravely for our rights.

He solves problems not with words, but with deeds.

But it’s not easy for her to fight for everyone alone.

Look and understand, help her, dear.

School is over, the year has just ended.

And so our hero hurries to the factory.

He meets Tarilla and embraces him:

I learned everything and came to help you.

You know, my friend, we almost won.

Workers' rights have already been approved.

The collective agreement has been accepted! But I'm too old

And it’s time to give my life’s work to me.

I hand you this miracle paper.

I hope for your honor and courage.

You will be able to fight Karabas, I know.

I trust you like my own son.

Now we’re running to see Karabas.

We will immediately press the bearded man against the wall.

And then the entire workforce

I suddenly decided to visit the director.

You were scary to us, but now there is a piece of paper,

And now she and I are no longer insects.

We don't need a boss like that now.

Leave us! Disappear! Go away! Close the door!

The fairy tale has ended, but there is a hint in it,

A valuable lesson for workers and employees!

That's why , first of all, I want to introduce you to those regulatory documents and other literature on which the trade union relies in its work and to which you can always turn if you need to find an answer to any question in the field of labor relations.

There is a video on the board: rights and responsibilities.

Such regulatory documents are:

  • Constitution of the Russian Federation of December 12, 1993 (as amended on December 30, 2008)
  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ

If these regulations are not clear to you, you can refer to simpler texts, for example:Labor law: questions and answers. Textbook / Ed. M.O. Buyanova, M., 2008.

But the following points should be known to everyone who gets a job:

1. All persons under 18 years of age are hired only after a preliminary medical examination and thereafter, until they reach 18 years of age, are subject to an annual mandatory medical examination. The inspection is carried out at the expense of the employer.

2. Annual paid leave of 31 days is provided to employees under the age of 18 at a time convenient for them.

3. Annual paid leave of 28 days is provided to employees over the age of 18 in accordance with the vacation schedule approved by the organization.

4. For all employees, working hours are set at 40 hours per week.

5. For workers under 18 years of age, reduced working hours are established:

  • at the age of 14 to 16 years – no more than 24 hours per week;
  • at the age of 16 to 18 years – no more than 35 hours per week.

6. For persons under 18 years of age, a probationary period when hiring is not established.

Why do you think a person needs to work?(Work gives a person everything necessary for life: food, clothing, household items, housing).

But not every job is called work. Labor is a human activity that requires knowledge and skills. Work varies in content and complexity. Not every person can work as a doctor, programmer, or postman. The work of a loader, for example, is considered simple. But an engineer deals with technology and instruments, which requires extensive knowledge, which is why his work is called complex.

Choose antonyms for adjectives that characterize work(working with an electronic board)

permanent - …..(temporary)

simple - ... (complex)

mental - ... (physical)

paid - ... (gratuitous)

voluntary - ... (forced)

creative - ... (automated)

collective - ... (individual)

Which of these antonyms can characterize the work of a seller, teacher, miner, artist, janitor, housewife? (conversation)

At what age do you think you can get a job today, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation?(As a general rule, you can get a job only after reaching 16 years of age.)

As an exception, in order to prepare young people for work, an employer may hire you from the age of 14, but only during free time from school (for example, during the summer holidays). In this case, your parents or persons replacing them must give their consent.

Do you think you can be hired as a loader now? firefighters? diver? miner? alcohol seller? watchman? Why do you think so?

Some work can be particularly difficult, dangerous, and harmful, therefore the law prohibits the employment of teenagers under 18 years of age in heavy work, work with harmful, hazardous working conditions, underground and loading and unloading work. In addition, it is prohibited to employ teenagers in jobs the performance of which may harm their health and moral development. This applies to work in nightclubs and cabarets, work in the sale of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products.

to be able to find a job?


Passport, education document, TIN, medical book.

Classroom teacher:

Please listen to what the law says about this. When applying for employment, you must present the following documents:

  • passport;
  • work book (if there is no work book yet, then the employer is required to issue one for an employee who has worked for him for more than five days);
  • insurance certificate of state pension insurance (if the certificate has not yet been issued, the employer must issue it);
  • military registration documents (from 18 years old for young men);
  • document on education (or certificate from the place of study).

An employment contract (agreement, contract) is concluded with hired employees in writing in two copies (one remains with the employer, the second is issued to the employee).

Employment contractis an agreement between an employee and an employer, according to which the employer undertakes to provide work, ensure favorable working conditions, pay wages in full, and the employee undertakes to conscientiously perform the function assigned to him.

Employment history is a document about the employee’s work activity and length of service.

It is prohibited to require from a person applying for a job documents other than those provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation.

How do you think hiring is done? (conversation)

Recruitment formalized by an order (instruction) of the employer issued on the basis of a concluded employment contract. The content of the order (instruction) of the employer must comply with the terms of the concluded employment contract.

The employer's order (instruction) regarding employment is announced to the employee against signature within three days from the date of actual start of work. At the request of the employee, the employer is obliged to provide him with a duly certified copy of the specified order (instruction).

When hiring (before signing an employment contract), the employer is obliged to familiarize the employee, against signature, with the internal labor regulations, other local regulations directly related to the employee’s work activity, and the collective agreement.

Now I draw your attention to the rights that the law confers on an employee and the duties that he must perform.

Every the employee has the right:

  • to equal remuneration for equal work, without any discrimination and not less than the minimum amount established by law;
  • for vacations, as well as for paid annual leave;
  • to unite in trade unions;
  • for social security by age, in case of loss of ability to work and in other cases established by law;
  • to judicial protection of their labor rights.

Let's check how you understood this material.

You have white and blue mugs on your table. If you agree with the statement, then raise the white circle; if you disagree, raise the blue one.

During the period of employment of a minor employee, it is allowed to replace annual paid leave with monetary compensation _______ (no)

It is prohibited to call minors on the night shift and on weekends _______ (yes)

Minors are allowed to work in the mine ______ (no)

Employees under 18 years of age cannot be sent on business trips ______ (yes)

The organization has the right to establish a probationary period for a minor ______ (no)

If the contract is concluded for the first time, then the organization is not obliged to issue the teenager with a work book and a certificate of state pension insurance ______ (no)

Employees studying in evening (shift) general educational institutions are paid 50% of the average earnings at their main place during their release from work, but not less than the minimum wage _______ (yes)

Trade unions are a voluntary public association of citizens bound by common production and professional interests in the nature of their activities, created for the purpose of representing and protecting their social and labor rights and interests ______ (yes)

If you do decide to get a job, then know that in your rights and responsibilities you are equal to adult workers.

Before the start of our class hour, we were divided into 2 teams.

The first group will think and write down the employee’s rights, and the second - the responsibilities.

They begin to list one from the team. You see, guys, how many rights we have and just as many responsibilities.

The employee has the right

The employee is obliged

to working conditions that meet safety and hygiene requirements;

for compensation for damage caused by injury in connection with work;

to equal remuneration for equal work not lower than the minimum amount established by law

for vacation (paid annual leave)

for social security for old age and disability

to judicial protection of their rights

Carry out job duties conscientiously

Comply with labor discipline and labor protection requirements

Treat the property of the enterprise or organization with care

Comply with established labor standards

Work honestly and voluntarily

Systematization: collect inscriptions in two columns.

What are working hours?(The time during which the employee must perform his job duties)

The normal working hours for adult workers is 40 hours per week, and for minors it is reduced:

for 16 hours a week - for workers under 16 years of age:

for 4 hours a week - for workers from 16 to 18 years old.

In addition to reducing working hours, labor legislation prohibits sending workers under 18 years of age on business trips, to work at night (from 10 pm to 6 am), on weekends and holidays.

What is rest time?(The time during which the employee is free from performing work duties)

What types of rest time do you know?(vacation, weekends and holidays, breaks for rest and meals during the working day).

Annual basic leave for employees under 18 years of age is granted for 31 calendar days. Vacation for the first year of work in an organization can be granted to a minor employee before the expiration of six months of continuous work. Young workers can use their vacation at any time convenient for them.

On the desk . The Labor Code of the Russian Federation specifies the following non-working holidays:

  • January 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 – New Year holidays.
  • January 7 – Christmas.
  • February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day.
  • March 8 is International Women's Day.
  • May 1 – Spring and Labor Day.
  • May 9 – Victory Day.
  • June 12 – Russia Day.
  • November 4 is National Unity Day.

Now I consider it necessary to acquaint you with the legal side of dismissal.Dismissal from workpossible in three options: On the desk.

  • at the initiative of the employee;
  • at the initiative of the employer;
  • due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties.

An employee has the right to terminate an employment contract by notifying the employer in writing no later than two weeks in advance, unless a different period is established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or other federal law. The specified period begins to count from the next day after the employer receives the employee’s resignation letter.

By agreement between the employee and the employer, the employment contract can be terminated before the expiration of the two-week period. In cases where an employee’s application for dismissal on his initiative (at his own request) is due to the impossibility of continuing his work (enrollment in an educational institution, retirement, etc.), as well as in cases of established violation by the employer of labor legislation, the terms of a collective agreement, agreement or an employment contract, the employer is obliged to terminate the employment contract within the period specified in the employee’s application.

Before the expiration of the notice period for dismissal, the employee has the right to withdraw his application at any time. In this case, dismissal is not carried out, but only if another employee is not invited in writing to take his place. Upon expiration of the notice period for dismissal, the employee has the right to stop working. On the last day of work, the employer is obliged to issue the employee a work book and other documents related to the work, upon the employee’s written application, and make a final payment to him.

If, upon expiration of the notice period for dismissal, the employment contract has not been terminated and the employee does not insist on dismissal, then the employment contract continues.

Issues of termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the administration cause the most difficulties. The legislation contains an exhaustive list of the grounds for such actions by the administration, and they can be classified according to the criterion of the presence or absence of the employee’s guilt.

If the employee is not at fault, then the administration of the enterprise, before dismissing him, must take a number of actions:

a) all possibilities for transferring the employee (with his consent) to another job should be considered;

b) in some cases it is necessary to obtain the preliminary consent of the elected trade union body;

c) in certain cases, the employee is required to pay severance pay.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation lists the so-called “general” grounds for termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employer, which can be applied to any categories of employees, regardless of their position.

So guys, please remember the times whendismissal of an employeemay happenat the initiative of the employer:

  • the employee’s inadequacy for the position held;
  • repeated failure by an employee to perform job duties without good reason;
  • absenteeism (i.e. absence from the workplace without a valid reason, confirmed by a document, for more than 4 hours in a row);
  • showing up at work under the influence of alcohol, drugs or toxic substances;
  • committing local theft, including petty theft;
  • presentation by an employee of expired or counterfeit documents when applying for employment.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the reason for dismissal fits exactly into the work book, and it cannot be other than that specified in the law.

A circumstances of dismissal, independent of the will of the parties, are:

  • conscription of an employee for military service;
  • reinstatement of an employee who previously performed this work by decision of the state labor inspectorate or court;
  • convicting the employee to a punishment that precludes the continuation of his previous work, in accordance with a court verdict that has entered into legal force;
  • death of an employee or employer - an individual.

On the desk:

Images. You need to choose the right caption for the pictures.

I covered the main theoretical issues relating to the field of labor relations.

Now, in conclusion, I would like you to solve the crossword puzzle (Appendix 1).


Annex 1

Slide 2

“Idleness accelerates the onset of old age, work prolongs our youth.” (A.K. Tselvis.) “Work relieves a person from three main evils: boredom, vice and need.” (Voltaire.) “A person must work, work hard, no matter who he is, and in this alone lies the meaning and purpose of his life, his happiness, his delight.” (A.P. Chekhov.)

*Constitution of the Russian Federation of December 12, 1993 (as amended on December 30, 2008) *Labor Code of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ *Labor law: questions and answers. Textbook / Ed. M.O. Buyanova, M., 2008.

1 . All persons under 18 years of age are hired only after a preliminary medical examination and subsequently, until they reach 18 years of age, are subject to an annual mandatory medical examination. The inspection is carried out at the expense of the employer. 2. Annual paid leave of 31 days is provided to employees under the age of 18 at a time convenient for them. 3. Annual paid leave of 28 days is provided to employees over the age of 18 in accordance with the vacation schedule approved by the organization.

4 . For all employees, working hours are set at 40 hours per week. 5 . For workers under 18 years of age, reduced working hours are established: between the ages of 14 and 16 years - no more than 24 hours per week; at the age of 16 to 18 years – no more than 35 hours per week. 6. For persons under 18 years of age, a probationary period for employment is not established.

When applying for a job, you must present the following documents: - passport; - work book (if there is no work book yet, then the employer must issue one for an employee who has worked for him for more than five days); - insurance certificate of state pension insurance (if the certificate has not yet been issued, the employer must issue it); - military registration documents (from 18 years old for young men); - document on education (or certificate from the place of study).

An employment contract (agreement, contract) is concluded with hired employees in writing in two copies (one remains with the employer, the second is issued to the employee).

Every employee has the right: * to working conditions that meet safety and hygiene requirements; * for compensation for damage caused by injury in connection with work; * to equal remuneration for equal work, without any discrimination and not lower than the minimum amount established by law; * for vacations, as well as for paid annual vacations; * to join trade unions; * for social security by age, in case of loss of ability to work and in other cases established by law; * to judicial protection of their labor rights.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation specifies the following non-working holidays: January 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 – New Year holidays. January 7 – Christmas. February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day. March 8 is International Women's Day. May 1 – Spring and Labor Day. May 9 – Victory Day. June 12 – Russia Day. November 4 is National Unity Day.

Dismissal from work is possible in three options: - at the initiative of the employee; - at the initiative of the employer; - due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties.

Cases when the dismissal of an employee can occur at the initiative of the employer: - inconsistency of the employee with the position held; - repeated failure by an employee to fulfill work duties without good reason; - absenteeism (i.e. absence from the workplace without a valid reason, confirmed by a document, for more than 4 hours in a row); - appearing at work in a state of alcohol, drug or toxic intoxication; - committing local theft, including petty theft; - presentation by an employee of expired or counterfeit documents when applying for employment.

And the circumstances of dismissal that do not depend on the will of the parties are: - the employee’s conscription for military service; - reinstatement of an employee who previously performed this work by decision of the state labor inspectorate or court; - sentencing of an employee to a punishment that precludes the continuation of previous work, in accordance with a court verdict that has entered into legal force; - death of an employee or employer – an individual.

He is a terrible nuisance to the manager. Brings suffering to co-workers. Does your company have one? We sympathize! We have prepared material for you and your HR service, which contains advice on how to deal with a problem employee.

Case Study. At the interview, the young and ambitious girl M. looked thoughtful, willing to learn new things, and striving for professional achievements. However, in the process of work, it turned out that her method of achieving heights was a little peculiar: to gather opposition to the leadership around herself and whip up dissatisfaction with everything. Those shortcomings that existed in the company were not brought up openly in conversation with the director, but were discussed in smoking rooms with all the ensuing negative consequences. Girl M. can easily be classified as a person with a “difficult character” - it is not easy to get along with them, it is not easy to work with them, they think exclusively about themselves and do not respect other people’s opinions. But why not fire an excellent professional because of his quarrelsome character?

The problem with an employee who has difficulty getting along in a team does not arise out of nowhere. It appeared for two reasons: either his professional skills are so good that the personnel officer turned a blind eye to his behavior; or character flaws were not identified during the hiring process.

When talking about a “difficult” person, we should emphasize that the “difficulty” lies precisely in the characteristics of the individual, and not in a difficult period in life. Monitoring non-systemic conflicts and determining their nature is a constant concern of HR specialists. Usually, a difficult character is understood as aggressiveness and a tendency to conflict. But, most likely, this definition largely depends on the personal characteristics of the one who should voice it. “Difficult”, not amenable to correction and adaptation in a team, can be called:

  • an employee who does not accept someone else’s point of view (such a person will not be influenced by external attitudes);
  • an employee who excessively fills the atmosphere with his personal problems, who is accustomed to attracting excessive attention to his person (he himself, perhaps, then easily switches to work issues, which not everyone around him can do);
  • an individualist who emphasizes this in every possible way (he becomes a loner in the team and, as a result, a problem for management, despite his professional qualities, since the team usually rejects such colleagues).

Case Study. A very competent specialist in a narrow subject area, former military man A.V., had an extremely “difficult” character: it was common for him to “crush” people under him, to force them to obey him unquestioningly. This affected the quality of work, since the opinions of other team members were not taken into account by him. However, as they got to know him better, some of his colleagues who worked closely with him learned to counteract his charisma - some with rebuff, some with humor. As a result, it turned out that A.V. He respects such colleagues very much and works productively with them. In the future, we began to take this into account when forming teams, and the “difficulty” of A.V.’s character. It even turned into a kind of stress resistance test.

How to recognize a future problem?

At the initial interview, you can see almost 80% of a person’s characteristics; it all depends on the experience of the recruiter. Another 12–15% “get there” at secondary meetings. The remaining 5–7% is allocated for a probationary period. During the initial interview, recruiters usually have the goal of screening out candidates based on the most critical criteria: mismatch of knowledge and skills for the position, restrictions on the mode or nature of the work. But in fact, the main role is played by the compliance of the candidate’s set of personal characteristics with the recruiter’s expectations.

Recruiters are ordinary people, with their own character traits; few of them have undergone full-fledged psychoanalysis. Therefore, the interview report will certainly contain the projections of the recruiter himself. We can say that this is precisely the reason for the “misses” at the selection stage. It is extremely difficult to standardize this process. It has already been proven that tests aimed at personality traits practically do not work in a situation where the person being tested has no motivation to find out the truth about himself. Not to mention that the tests themselves irritate candidates and in this sense can only serve as a marker for stress resistance.

A good diagnostic method is a joint discussion with several candidates at once of a book that is interesting to everyone. This solves several problems:

  • firstly, the informal atmosphere of such an “interview” removes all pressures and creates an atmosphere of safety;
  • secondly, communication between candidates is a model of communication in the future team (it doesn’t matter that not everyone will ultimately pass the selection);
  • thirdly, candidates still remember why they gathered and try to use the material in the book in the light of their past experience.

In such an environment, both the most obvious characteristics of candidates and hidden ones are revealed - you just need to be more careful.

Case Study. An exceptional case occurred when selecting an IT specialist. At the interview, I liked him - he was smart, qualified, and loyal, and he was ready to start with a salary that wasn’t the highest, because he was confident in his abilities and was ready to prove his worth. We can say with sarcasm that this is exactly what happened. Even before the end of the probationary period, the young man began borrowing money from colleagues, and then asked for a large loan in the amount of seven salaries from the company. He motivated his urgent need for money with “circumstances,” and so masterfully that no one could refuse. Even management seriously considered the possibility of lending, although this is not practiced during the probationary period. After checking, it turned out that all these “circumstances” were pure deception. This “flaw” outweighed the professional qualities that the young specialist never demonstrated. Such a mistake at the interview stage could have been eliminated, for example, by checking the debtor database.

What to do if the “difficult” person is already in the ranks?

It is important to remember that dismissal is an extreme and unpopular, although in some cases the only, measure. Before resorting to it, you can and should try to understand the situation and correct it. How to do it?

First of all, an HR specialist can invite an employee for a conversation to let him know that the company practices feedback. During the conversation, explain what exactly in the employee’s character, in the opinion of management, conflicts with generally accepted attitudes in the team. Listen to the opinion of the employee himself, understand what makes him manifest himself in this way. If difficulties are caused by some kind of life situation, then at this stage it is already possible to find a solution to the problem.

The second step is to identify the employee’s motivators, which, if possible, should be included in his key performance indicators.

You can arrange for the employee to have an informal meeting with the team, defining certain rules, for example: we consider everything that will be said here for such and such a time as therapy, a warm-up, a “pill for misunderstandings,” etc. Conduct some kind of psychological game - “ what you like and don’t like” about this person. Showing such attention to his personality can remove certain barriers due to which the “difficult character” manifests itself more strongly.

An important step is a conversation with the immediate supervisor, based on the type of motivation of the employee. And as “therapy” you can entrust one “difficult” colleague with mentoring another “difficult” one.

Case Study. So what to do with the girl M. who was mentioned earlier? Her immediate supervisor called the girl in for a conversation and punished her with “excommunication from the pack” - he did not take her on the next business trip, which simply disarmed M. During the business trip, the manager assigned her a task that could be performed remotely. That is, work connections remained, but there was no possibility of non-work relationships with the team. In addition, the manager openly spoke about his dissatisfaction with such “subversive” activities and suggested that in the future complaints should be addressed directly to him or to higher management. This measure worked quite well and allowed the current project to be successfully completed.

There is no need to make changes to regulations in order to neutralize the harmful influence of a “difficult” employee, or to influence such a person with material reprimands. This is his character, perhaps he himself suffers from it. But it is wrong to leave manifestations of this character that run counter to the corporate culture without reaction.

The “difficult” character of one of the employees can serve the entire team well: for example, it can identify internal contradictions and thereby give room for action to the HR service, which, in turn, can listen to all parties, take into account options for resolving the conflict, and suggest to management innovations that will appeal to the entire team (competitions, professional ratings, tuition fees). A unified and transparent system of remuneration for work will eliminate possible conflicts on financial grounds. Involving employees in the development of corporate culture will give everyone the opportunity to express themselves, including “difficult” employees. In this process, you can often see the root cause of such an employee’s behavior pattern and adjust the strategy to combat its negative manifestations.

Galina Evtyagina, Valentina Guseva

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