Production instructions for a chemical laboratory assistant. This Standard Instruction (hereinafter referred to as the Instruction) contains labor protection requirements for a chemical analysis laboratory technician.

This occupational safety instruction was developed specifically for laboratory assistants in a clinical diagnostic laboratory.


1.1. To work in clinical diagnostic laboratories (hereinafter referred to as laboratories), medical personnel at least 18 years of age who have a professional medical education, certified for qualification group II in electrical safety and who have no contraindications for health reasons are allowed.
1.2. All newly hired laboratory assistants must undergo introductory training on labor protection and fire safety, initial training on labor protection in the workplace (hereinafter referred to as repeated training at least once every 6 months), training in safe work practices, and on-the-job training. , testing knowledge of labor protection requirements (hereinafter referred to as regular testing at least once every 12 months).
1.3. A clinical laboratory diagnostics technician must know:
— requirements of the manufacturer’s operating instructions for electrical medical and laboratory equipment, as well as electrical safety requirements;
— rules for providing first aid in case of accidents;
— rules for using primary fire extinguishing agents;
— industrial sanitation requirements and personal hygiene rules.
1.4. The laboratory assistant must:
- perform only assigned work:
— follow safety rules when working with reagents and medications;
— keep assigned equipment and personal protective equipment (hereinafter referred to as PPE) clean;
— comply with the requirements of prescriptive, prohibitory, warning signs and inscriptions;
— follow the internal rules of the clinic.
1.5. In order to minimize factors that worsen working conditions, the laboratory assistant must be provided with the following certified protective equipment:
— special clothing and footwear;
- protective disposable medical masks (at least 3 pieces for a 6-hour shift), and when working with virus carriers - masks with a protective screen;
— disposable surgical gloves;
— a rubberized apron with a bib, rubber gloves, waterproof sleeves, goggles;
1.6. When working in biochemical laboratories, additionally wear a respirator (filtering gas mask).
1.7. While working, a laboratory employee may be exposed to the following hazardous production factors:
— danger of infection of personnel through contact with infected biological material;
— eye strain during long-term work on a PC (PC), as well as during microscopy;
— danger of injury from tools or fragments of utensils used during work;
- increased voltage in the electrical circuit, the closure of which can occur through the human body;
- irrational designs and arrangement of elements of the workplace, which cause the need to maintain a forced working posture, muscle tension, general fatigue and decreased performance;
— insufficient lighting of the workplace;
— increased level of toxic substances in the air of the working area formed during work.
1.8. Women working in the laboratory must comply with the norms of carrying and moving heavy objects (loads).
1.9. Meals should be eaten in specially designated rooms with appropriate equipment, lighting and ventilation.
1.10. Knowledge and compliance with the requirements of these instructions is an official duty, and their violation entails disciplinary liability.
1.11. For violation of the requirements of legislative and other regulations on labor protection, clinic employees may be subject to disciplinary, administrative, financial and criminal liability (depending on the consequences of violations) in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.


2.1. Put on the required sanitary clothing (robe, cap), prepare the necessary PPE.
2.2. Check the readiness for operation of equipment, instruments, apparatus, local lighting, gas burner, fume hood, small-scale mechanization equipment, other devices, utensils, auxiliary materials and other items of equipment for the workplace, check the availability and sufficiency of reagents and ensure their serviceability. If any defects are found, immediately notify the laboratory manager.
2.3. Do not start work without eliminating detected defects, making appropriate notes in the technical maintenance log of medical and laboratory equipment.
2.4. The laboratory technician should not take off his overalls during the entire time he is in the sanitary zone of the medical laboratory and clinic. It is prohibited to go outside in sanitary clothing!
2.5. The laboratory must be equipped with a first aid kit containing:
- sterile cotton swabs;
— alcohol 70%;
— silver nitrate solution 1%;
— protargol solution 1%;
— potassium permanganate for solutions;
— 1% alcohol solution of iodine;
- adhesive plaster.
2.6. Sanitary clothing should be changed at least twice a week, and towels should be changed daily. Instead of towels, electric hair dryers can be used to dry hands, installed next to the washbasins.
2.7. Ventilation in the laboratory should be turned on 30 minutes before the start of work.
2.8. Before entering the room, you must turn off the bactericidal lamp. The germicidal lamp switch must be installed at the entrance to the workroom from the corridor side.


3.1. Laboratory personnel should not rush during work. Tests should be carried out in accordance with safe practices and work methods.
3.2. To prevent infection, laboratory medical personnel should avoid contact of skin and mucous membranes with blood and other biological materials.
3.3. It is necessary to work with the test material using rubber gloves, avoiding injections and cuts.
3.4. When transporting, the biomaterial must be placed in test tubes closed with rubber or polymer stoppers, and the accompanying documentation must be placed in packaging that excludes the possibility of contamination with the biomaterial. Referral forms must not be placed in tubes containing blood or other biological materials.
3.5. Transportation must be carried out in closed containers that are regularly disinfected.
3.6. All skin lesions on the hands should be covered with adhesive tape or finger pads.
3.7. When pipetting blood, automatic pipettes should be used, and if they are not available, rubber bulbs should be used. Pipetting blood by mouth is prohibited.
3.8. When opening caps, bottles, tubes containing blood or other biological materials, do not allow their contents to splash.
3.9. When storing potentially infectious materials in the refrigerator, place them in a plastic bag.
3.10. Solutions for neutralizing concentrated acids and alkalis must be on the rack (shelf) during the entire working time.
3.11. When connecting electrical equipment to the network, it is necessary to check that the voltage of the device indicated in the passport corresponds to the voltage in the network, as well as the presence of grounding.
3.12. The heating devices used must have a smooth surface, be accessible for easy cleaning and must be installed on a heat-insulating, non-combustible base.
3.13. You should monitor the integrity of glassware, equipment and utensils and avoid using items with cracks or chips in your work.
3.14. Workplaces for conducting urine and feces studies, biochemical, serological and hormonal studies must be equipped with mechanically driven fume hoods.
3.15. The speed of air movement in fully open fume hood doors should be 0.3 m/sec.
3.16. The flaps (doors) of the fume hood should be kept as closed as possible during operation (lowered with a small gap at the bottom for draft). They can only be opened while servicing devices and installations. Raised sashes must be firmly reinforced with devices that prevent the sashes from unexpectedly falling. Gas and water valves of fume hoods must be located at the front sides (edges) and installed taking into account the impossibility of accidentally opening the valve.
3.17. When operating centrifuges, the following requirements must be observed:
— when loading the centrifuge with beakers or test tubes, follow the rules of pairwise balancing;
— before connecting the centrifuge to the electrical network, it is necessary to check whether the cover is screwed tightly to the body;
— the centrifuge should be connected to the electrical network smoothly using a rheostat; after disconnecting, the rotor must be allowed to stop; it is prohibited to brake the rotor by hand;
— at the end of the centrifugation cycle, you can open the centrifuge no earlier than 15 minutes after stopping it; after operation, the centrifuge should be inspected and wiped.
3.18. When operating air or liquid thermostats, it is prohibited to place flammable substances in them. Cleaning and disinfection of the thermostat should only be carried out after disconnecting it from the power supply.
3.19. When operating refrigerators (refrigerators), it is not allowed to close the ventilation openings and impede the cooling of the condenser unit. Rearranging and moving without refrigerators should be carried out with the participation of a specialist.
3.20. Waste volatile substances that emit a pungent, unpleasant odor should be drained into a sink located in a fume hood with a water tap connected to it.
3.21. Laboratory tables for microscopic and other precise studies should be located near the windows.
3.22. To prevent fatigue and damage to vision when microscopying and using other optical instruments, it is necessary to provide illumination of the field of view provided for the given microscope or device. When working, you should not close the non-working eye, work alternately with one eye or the other. If your eyesight becomes tired, you should take breaks from work.
3.23. It is necessary to have additional lamps next to each analytical balance.
3.24. In the absence of a centralized gas supply, compressed gas cylinders must be securely installed and secured in a vertical position. Cylinders must have safety caps. They should not be placed in places exposed to direct sunlight, near heating and heating devices. The distance from radiators and other heating devices to cylinders must be at least 1 m, and from heat sources with open fire at least 5 m. Cylinders must not come into contact with electrical wires and cables.
3.25. The release of gas from the cylinder must be carried out through a reducer designed exclusively for this gas. The reducer valve should be opened slowly. When opening the cylinder valve, it is not allowed to be in front of the reducer in the direction of the axis of the valve fitting. When emptying the cylinder, an excess pressure of at least 0.5 kg/cm2 must remain in it.
3.26. Only cylinders with inscriptions and colors established by the requirements for a given gas, equipped with protective caps, are allowed for use.
3.27. In the laboratory premises it is prohibited:
- leave lit burners and other heating devices unattended, keep cotton wool, gauze, alcohol and other flammable substances and objects near burning burners;
— clean up accidentally spilled flammable liquids when the burners are lit and electric heating devices are turned on;
- light a fire and turn on electric lighting and electrical equipment (devices, apparatus) if the laboratory smells of gas. It is first necessary to identify and eliminate the gas leak and ventilate the room. The location of the gas leak is determined using a soap emulsion;
- pour fuel into a burning alcohol lamp, use an alcohol lamp that does not have a metal tube and a washer for compressing the wick; carry out work related to distillation, extraction, grinding of harmful substances, etc. in case of non-functioning or faulty ventilation;
- when working in a fume hood, keep your head under the draft, taste and inhale unknown substances, tilt your head over a vessel in which any liquid is boiling;
- store stocks of toxic, flammable and explosive substances on work tables and shelves,
- store and use reagents without labels, as well as any substances of unknown origin;
- smoking, as well as storing and eating food, using cosmetics in work areas;
— perform work not related to the assignment and not provided for by research methods;
- block passages and corridors, as well as approaches to fire extinguishing equipment.
3.28. During work, the laboratory assistant must strictly comply with the requirements of asepsis and antiseptics, and the rules of personal hygiene. Demand the same from assistants. Before and after each contact with the material, the laboratory technician must wash his hands and then treat them with one of the licensed bactericidal preparations.


4.1. In case of an emergency, take measures to evacuate patients and clinic workers in accordance with the emergency response plan.
4.2. If exposed live parts (electrical wiring) are detected, take the following safety measures:
— protect exposed live parts;
— warn people nearby about the danger of electric shock;
- immediately report the incident to the manager;
- before the work manager arrives, ensure that people nearby do not touch exposed live parts.
4.3. Provide assistance to injured victims according to instructions. In case of electric shock, you should immediately disconnect the victim from the electrical circuit (turn off the switch, throw away the electrical wire with a wooden stick or board), and begin providing first aid.
4.4. If clothing is contaminated with blood or other biological fluid, it should be immediately removed, the areas of contamination should be treated with a disinfectant solution, and then the clothing should be soaked in it. If gloves are contaminated with blood or other liquids, wipe them with a swab moistened with a 6% solution of hydrogen peroxide or a 3% solution of chloramine.
4.5. If the skin is contaminated with blood or other biological fluids, they should be treated for two minutes with a swab heavily moistened with 70% alcohol, washed under running water and soap, and wiped with an individual swab.
4.6. If blood gets on the mucous membranes, they are immediately treated with a stream of water, then with a 1% solution of boric acid or a few drops of silver nitrate are injected. The nose is treated with a 1% solution of protargol, the mouth and throat are rinsed with 70% alcohol or a 1% solution of boric acid, or a 0.05% solution of potassium permanganate.
4.7. When spraying contaminated biomaterial, the room where the accident occurred is thoroughly disinfected. The scope of disinfection work is determined by the head of the laboratory.
4.8. If an accident occurred in a centrifuge, then disinfection measures are prescribed no earlier than 30-40 minutes, that is, after the aerosol has settled.
4.9. In case of injury of any stage, poisoning, burns and other accidents, the victim is given first aid on the spot and, if necessary, sent to a medical facility.
4.10. At the slightest sign of a gas leak and faulty burners, you should stop working until the gas leak is eliminated and the burners are replaced, and open windows or vents.
4.11. In the event of a spill of acids, alkalis, or other aggressive reagents, laboratory personnel must take the necessary measures to eliminate the consequences: open the windows, ventilate the room.
4.12. If alkali is spilled, then it must be covered with sand or sawdust, then remove the sand (sawdust) and fill the area with highly diluted hydrochloric or acetic acid. After this, remove the acid with a rag, wash the area where the alkali spilled with water and wipe dry. The rags used for this are disposed of.
4.13. If acid is spilled, then it must be covered with sand (you cannot cover it with sawdust!), then remove the soaked sand with a spatula, cover with soda, remove the soda and rinse the area with plenty of water and wipe dry. The rags used for this are disposed of.
4.14. In the event of a fire, you must call the fire brigade by phone 101, organize a meeting, report the fire to the head of the laboratory (organization), and begin evacuating people. Before the fire brigade arrives, take measures to extinguish the fire using available means in accordance with the fire safety instructions.
4.15. In case of other emergency situations (accidents of water supply, sewerage, heating systems) that impede the execution of research, stop work and inform the head of the laboratory (organization).
4.16. All cases of accidents, microtraumas and injuries, as well as measures taken in connection with this, are subject to registration in a special journal.


5.1. Upon completion of work with infectious material, the glass slides, pipettes, and spatulas used are immersed for one day in jars with a disinfectant solution, then washed and sterilized in accordance with the established regulations.
5.2. Dishes with used nutrient media, feces, urine and other materials taken from infectious patients are collected in tanks and disinfected by steam sterilization.
5.3. The surface of work tables (furniture) must be disinfected at the end of each working day, and if it becomes dirty during the day, it must be immediately treated twice with an interval of 15 minutes with a rag containing a disinfectant solution.
5.4. Hands are washed with a disinfectant solution and then washed in warm water and soap, both after finishing work and during a break from work, when leaving the laboratory premises.
5.5. When cleaning the premises at the end of the working day, the floors are washed using a disinfectant solution. Walls, doors, shelves, window sills, windows, cabinets are wiped with a disinfectant solution. Personnel must carry out disinfection work wearing rubber gloves.
5.6. Upon completion of all work, laboratory personnel must turn off the instruments and devices that were used during the work, remove the gown, cap, special shoes and put them in a special cabinet, wash their hands thoroughly and, if necessary, rinse their mouths and brush their teeth.
5.7. The doctor must report all detected malfunctions and deficiencies to the head of the laboratory and the supervisor.
5.8. Before closing the premises, check its fire safety condition. Turn off the lights and lock the doors. Report leaving to a security officer.

General Director of JSC "Enterprise"
_______________________FULL NAME.
"_____"_______________________200_ g.


on labor protection for chemical analysis laboratory assistant VGSO

These instructions apply to chemical analysis laboratory assistants (hereinafter referred to as laboratory assistants) of the VGSO chemical laboratory.
This instruction regulates organizational issues of labor protection in relation to laboratory assistants and does not replace production (work) instructions, knowledge of which is mandatory for laboratory assistants when performing their professional duties.


Conditions for admission to independent work
1.1 The following persons may be hired and allowed to work independently as a laboratory assistant:
- not younger than 18 years old.
- have no medical contraindications for admission to work in this profession.
- trained and trained in safe working methods.
1.2 When applying for a job, a laboratory technician must pass:
- preliminary medical examination.
- induction training
- initial training at the workplace.
- training, internship according to the approved program.
- testing of knowledge, rules, regulations, instructions on labor protection and practical skills in performing work safely.
1.3 The test is carried out by a qualification commission and if the results are positive, the laboratory technician receives permission to work independently.
1.4 During the work, the laboratory assistant goes through:
- periodic medical examinations and fluorographic examinations (by order of the administration to conduct a medical examination of enterprise employees):
- repeated briefings on safe working methods, fire and gas safety and other labor safety issues in accordance with current instructions, according to the list of job descriptions:
- unscheduled briefings in accordance with the established procedure, including in case of violation of safety requirements that could lead to
or resulted in injury or accident
- targeted briefings (before assigned one-time work not related to direct professional responsibilities:
liquidation of consequences of accidents, natural disasters, loading, unloading, movement of goods, etc.) with recording
in the briefing log.
-regular tests of knowledge of safety requirements
(at least once every 12 months).
If a laboratory assistant violates the rules for the safe performance of work, which could lead to injury, accident, explosion, fire or poisoning, he may be assigned an extraordinary knowledge test.
In addition, extraordinary tests of knowledge of safety requirements are carried out:
-by decision of the management of VGSO, the request of the main specialists.
workers of the occupational safety service, if the laboratory technician has shown a low level of knowledge of safe techniques and work methods:
-at the request of state supervisory authorities:
- in pursuance of orders and instructions for the joint-stock company and instructions for the VGSO.


1.5. In accordance with the Federal Law on the Fundamentals of Occupational Safety and Health in the Russian Federation and the Law “On Occupational Safety and Health in the Republic of Belarus,” all laboratory assistants have the right to occupational safety and health, including:
- working conditions that meet safety and hygiene requirements;
- to receive information from the management of the enterprise about the state of working conditions in the workplace and measures taken to protect against the influence of harmful and dangerous production factors;
- for compensation for harm caused to him by injury, occupational disease or other damage to health associated with the performance of work duties;
- for compensation and benefits in case of deviations from normal working conditions in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus.
1.6. In order to implement the general system of measures to ensure labor safety at the enterprise, the laboratory assistant is obliged to:
-comply with the requirements of instructions, orders, regulations on labor protection with which he is familiarized at the enterprise;
-use, in the prescribed manner, collective protective equipment, as well as the protective clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment issued to him;
- immediately report to your immediate supervisor about an accident involving a laboratory worker,
about signs of an occupational disease, about the occurrence of emergency situations that pose a threat to the life and health of people;
- undergo training, instruction and testing of knowledge on labor protection in the prescribed manner.
A laboratory technician who has not undergone appropriate training, instruction, testing of knowledge of rules, regulations and instructions on labor protection is not allowed to work independently.
If the exam is not passed again, it is sent to the HR department to take action in accordance with current legislation;
- undergo periodic medical examinations and fluorographic examinations in accordance with the established procedure. If you refuse to undergo medical examinations or fail to comply with recommendations based on the results of the examination, the laboratory assistant is not allowed to work.
1.7. In order to prevent emergency situations, accidents,
occupational diseases, a laboratory assistant must:
- know and understand the classification of hazardous areas and their designations;
-know the telephone numbers of the fire department, 01
ambulance, 03,
dispatcher AO 05 and the procedure for calling them;
- know the location of communications and fire detectors and be able to use fire-fighting equipment and inventory, gas protection equipment;
-know the techniques and methods of providing first aid to victims of accidents and be able to apply them practically;
- to know the dangerous and harmful production factors operating in the laboratory and in the workshops of the plant, and in order to prevent their impact, work carefully, being careful and following the requirements of work instructions for the operations performed.
1.8. The laboratory assistant must perform only the work that is part of his direct duties or assigned to him by the immediate supervisor of the work and for which he is instructed with an entry in the briefing log.
The laboratory assistant should not begin performing assigned one-time work that is not related to direct responsibilities in the profession, without receiving targeted instruction.


1.9.The laboratory assistant must comply with:
- internal labor regulations at the joint-stock company;
1.10. It is prohibited to come to work in a state of alcoholic, narcotic, or toxic intoxication or to drink alcoholic beverages while at work; if detected, they will be suspended from work.
1.11. While on the territory of the plant, the laboratory assistant must remember and follow the general rules of conduct:
- do not enter the fences of dangerous places without permission;
- do not touch moving mechanisms and their parts, do not touch live parts, electrical wires (even insulated ones), cables, tires, terminals, lighting sockets;
- do not step on lying portable electrical wires and hoses;
- walk around the plant territory only on sidewalks, pedestrian paths, and where there are none - on the left side of the roadway (towards moving traffic);
-pay attention to signals given by moving vehicles;
- do not cross the road in front of a nearby vehicle;
- cross trenches and pipelines only in designated areas equipped with walkways. Jumping over ditches and trenches is prohibited;
- avoid places of open gas and vapor release on the windward side.


1.12. The following dangerous and harmful factors operate in the chemical laboratory and workshops:
-potently toxic substances (ammonia, chlorine);
-toxic and caustic substances (concentrated solutions of acids, alkalis);
-toxic gases and chemical vapors;
- high temperatures (electric heating devices, surfaces of heated vessels);
- in workshops at technological installations - mixtures of gases and vapors of petroleum products with air;
- harmful substances in technological installations (total hydrocarbons C4-C5, DMF, alphamethylstyrene, chromic anhydride, toluene).
1.13. Under the influence of these factors under certain conditions (accident, violation of technological conditions, failure to comply with safety requirements, personal negligence), a laboratory assistant may receive:
- poisoning by toxic substances, toxic gases, vapors of reagents, materials, products used in the laboratory;
-chemical burns (acids, alkalis);
-thermal burns (when heating substances, when servicing chamber furnaces, when fires occur);
- frostbite when working with carbon dioxide;
-skin disease under the influence of petroleum products and chemicals.


1.14. In order to prevent the influence of dangerous and harmful production factors, the laboratory assistant must be provided with special clothing and other personal protective equipment in accordance with established standards.
1.15. The laboratory assistant must wear closed low-heeled shoes (shoes), a robe and a headscarf or other headwear at work.
1.16.Working with concentrated acids and alkalis must be carried out with the mandatory use of safety glasses and rubber gloves. When working with acid, in addition to glasses and gloves, you should also wear a long rubber apron.
1.17. When mixing concentrated solutions of alkalis and acids, it is necessary to wear safety glasses, and for large quantities of these solutions, also rubber gloves and a rubber apron.
1.18. When working with substances that irritate the skin of your hands, you should use protective creams and pastes.
1.19. When splitting large pieces of alkalis, you should wear safety glasses and a hat.
1.20. To protect workers in the event of emergency situations, the laboratory has a sufficient quantity of BKF brand gas masks. The laboratory technician must know their location. When taking samples in workshops, the laboratory assistant must have a BKF gas mask and a protective helmet. Emergency gas masks must be stored in special cabinets under seal. Each gas mask has a separate compartment with the size of the mask indicated on it and on the tag attached to the gas mask bag. Each laboratory technician must know the size of his gas mask.
1.21. The laboratory assistant must ensure the cleanliness and serviceability of overalls and other protective equipment. Contaminated workwear must be taken to the factory laundry.
1.22. Prohibited:
- take out protective clothing and personal protective equipment outside the plant;
- wash workwear with petroleum products and other flammable and combustible liquids;
-dry clothes and shoes doused with petroleum products in the laboratory premises;
-work in a robe doused with flammable substances.
1.23. The laboratory assistant is responsible for the correct use and storage of personal protective equipment issued to him.


1.24.The laboratory assistant must:
- know and comply with the fire and gas safety rules in force at the enterprise as they relate to the chemical laboratory;
- carry out all fire safety measures provided for in the instructions for the laboratory assistant.
1.25. In order to prevent fire, fire or explosion in the laboratory premises, it is prohibited:
- wash floors, tables, cabinets and flammable liquids.
-dry anything on steam pipelines, heating devices and other surfaces of laboratory equipment;
- store towels and clothes soaked in flammable materials;
-work with petroleum products on pipes and heating devices;
- leave spilled petroleum products uncleaned;
-use open fire to detect gas leaks from gas pipelines and appliances.
1.26.Quantity of flammable (flammable) and combustible liquids
(GZh) in the laboratory premises should not exceed the daily requirement. These liquids should be stored in a special hermetically sealed container with a label.
1.27.Storage, heating, distillation, transfusion and other operations with flammable liquids and flammable liquids must be carried out in compliance with all requirements of the rules (instructions) for safe work with these substances.
1.28. The gas network of the laboratory, in addition to valves and taps at the workplace, has a common shut-off valve located outside the room. Every laboratory technician should know its location.
1.29. If you smell gas in the laboratory, you should immediately extinguish the gas burners, close the gas network valve,
open the windows to ventilate the room, inform your immediate supervisor.
1.30. When performing work related to fire or electrical heating of flammable substances, do not leave the workplace unattended
permitted. When the laboratory assistant is absent, even for a short time, the heating source must be turned off.
1.31. Use of cylinders with compressed, liquefied and dissolved flammable and inert gases
(storage, installation, procedure for taking gas from cylinders, etc.)
must be carried out in compliance with the requirements
instructions for the safe use of gas cylinders.
1.32.The laboratory assistant must remember that:
- smoking in the laboratory building and on the territory of the plant is permitted only in specially equipped places marked with an appropriate sign or “Smoking area” sign.
- telephone numbers of the fire department, ambulance, gas rescue service and AO dispatcher are written down in signs posted near the communication facilities.
- the flame should be extinguished, first of all, with sand, felt felt, and a fire extinguisher, which are available in every room of the laboratory.
-1.33. The laboratory assistant must know the possible causes of fire in the workplace and how to extinguish them.
-1.34. About all violations of fire safety rules noticed in his room or in other places of the laboratory, the laboratory worker must
Immediately indicate this to the offender and inform your immediate supervisor.


1.36. A laboratory assistant must immediately inform his immediate supervisor about an accident that occurred to him or another laboratory worker, which he witnessed, and, if necessary, call an ambulance.
1.37. Before the arrival of medical workers, it is necessary to provide the victim with first aid, having previously eliminated the factors of injury; in case of gas poisoning, take the victim out into fresh air; in case of electric shock, release him from its influence, etc. At the same time, you should ensure your safety: if the scene of the incident is contaminated with gas, put on a gas mask; if you are injured by an electric shock, protect yourself from its effects.
1.38. It is necessary to remember that his life and health depend on the speed of action and the correctness of the provision of pre-medical assistance to the victim.

1.39. It is prohibited for the laboratory assistant to store and consume food and milk at the workplace. Food intake is carried out in a room designated for this purpose.
1.40.Before eating, you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
It is prohibited to use flammable liquids for hand washing.
1.41. For drinking, it is allowed to use water located in specially closed tanks, thermos flasks, saturators, etc., installed in designated areas equipped with a “Drinking Water” sign.
It is prohibited to use other sources as drinking water.
1.42. The laboratory assistant must observe the established rules of personal hygiene and maintain cleanliness in the sanitary premises.


1.43. The laboratory assistant is responsible for violating the requirements of these instructions in accordance with current legislation.


2.1. The laboratory assistant who comes to work first, opening the door of the room, is obliged to make sure (by smell) that there is no gas in it.
2.2. If there is no smell of gas, the laboratory technician must:
- turn on the ventilation (if there is no centralized switching on and off of the ventilation of the laboratory as a whole);
- inspect, correct if necessary and put on overalls, fastening and tucking them in so that it is comfortable and safe to work in;
-check the availability and serviceability of the necessary protective equipment and the completeness of the first aid kit;
- make sure there are instructions that should be at the workplace.
2.3. If, upon opening the door, the laboratory assistant detects the smell of gas in the room, he must immediately inform the duty officer.
Until the causes of the gas smell are identified and eliminated, close the room, do not allow people into it, and do not turn on the electric lighting;
It is prohibited to enter a gas-contaminated room without a gas mask;
2.4. Blow out syringes, chambers, mechanical pumps with Kip air;
2.5. check the PGF-2M gas analyzers for a calibration mixture of propane - air with a mandatory entry in the log.


3.1. During work, the laboratory assistant must perform the entire range of his job duties at the workplace.
3.2 The responsibilities of a laboratory assistant are established based on his qualifications and in accordance with the requirements of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions.
3.2.1.The duties of the laboratory assistant include:
-carrying out analyzes of the air environment before production
fire, gas hazardous work;
-in the premises of electrical, distribution, transformer switchboard devices according to established methods;
- analysis using a photoelectrocolorimeter, chromatograph;
- analysis on gas analyzers PGF-2M, UG-2;
- registration and calculation of analysis results;
-adjustment of laboratory equipment.
3.2.2. The laboratory assistant must know:
-general fundamentals of analytical and physical chemistry;
- purpose and physical and chemical properties of the reagents used and the requirements for them;
-methodology of analysis;
- regulatory and technical documents for the analyzes performed and commercial products for the serviced area;
- arrangement of laboratory equipment used, purpose and principle of operation of instrumentation;
-characterization of substances used in the laboratory, as well as products coming for analysis from plant installations, from the point of view of their effect on the human body.
3.3. All work included in the direct responsibilities of the laboratory assistant, as well as those in which he participates on the instructions (instructions) of the immediate supervisor of the work, must be performed by him in full compliance with the requirements:
technological regulations and other technological standards;
- rules for safe work with toxic, caustic and poisonous chemicals;
- rules for safe work with flammable liquids and gas liquids;
-rules for the safe use of gas in chemical laboratories;
- instructions for neutralizing containers containing highly toxic substances;
-permit for hot work;
- other regulatory documents in accordance with the approved list of mandatory instructions for the laboratory.
3.4. During work, the laboratory assistant must observe safe work practices:
3.4.1. The place for sampling should be convenient; when taking samples at a height of more than 1.3 m from technological equipment, stationary stairs with railings and platforms with fencing should be installed to access it;
3.4.2. When taking samples from pipelines on an overpass:
-climb only on the provided stairs;
-walk along stationary crossings;
- walking through pipelines is strictly prohibited;
- during a thunderstorm or fog, it is prohibited to be on the overpass;
3.4.3. When taking samples from hard-to-reach places, do it with scaffolding means (cradles, hanging platforms, towers).
3.4.4. Sampling should be carried out using equipment prepared for analysis.
3.4.5. When taking samples into rubber chambers, the syringes must be thoroughly purged with the sampled air. To do this, the sampled air is drawn in and released from the chamber and syringe 2-3 times.
3.4.6. Rubber chambers and syringes for sampling must be in good working order, sealed; draw the sample into them slowly and carefully so as not to tear the chambers or break the syringes.
3.4.7. Air sampling must be carried out in the presence of the person responsible for the preparation of this work.
3.5. If someone working nearby acts incorrectly, it is necessary to warn him about this and notify his immediate supervisor.
3.6. All work related to the release of harmful gases and vapors must be carried out in fume hoods.
3.7. It is not permitted to clutter fume hoods with dishes and appliances not related to the work being carried out at that time.
3.8. It is prohibited to clutter work tables and window sills in laboratory premises with dishes containing petroleum products and bottles with solutions.
3.9. All electrical equipment, electrical wiring, and grounding devices in the chemical laboratory must be in good working order.

- move electrical appliances that are turned on to another place and leave them unattended;
- turn on devices when water or solution gets on them;
- hang anything on plug sockets;
- connect several electrical appliances to one outlet;
-work near open live parts of electrical equipment;
- clutter the approaches to electrical devices.
3.11. All electric heating devices must be installed on heat-insulating pads.
3.12. In the event of a power outage, laboratory assistants must turn off all electrical appliances and electrical equipment.
3.13. The laboratory assistant is prohibited from carrying out any, even minor, repair work on electrical equipment (changing fuses, sockets, lamps, etc.). In case of a malfunction, you must call an electrician.
3.14.When working with gas appliances, you must remember and follow the following rules:
-light gas burners only with a match or other burning burner. It is prohibited to carry the flame with lit paper.
- it is allowed to check the tightness of the gas line with a soap solution;
- if, when igniting the burner, a flame “slip” occurs in the burner, it should be extinguished immediately;
- inspection and repair of gas taps and valves must be carried out by a qualified mechanic.
3.15. A laboratory assistant who is not familiar with the rules for using gas is not allowed to operate gas equipment.
3.16. Laboratory assistants trained in the rules of caring for them are allowed to operate cylinders with flammable gases.
3.17.When working with gas cylinders, you must:
-keep them clean;
-know the distinctive colors of gas cylinders.
3.18. While working with glassware, the laboratory assistant must adhere to the following rules:
- when moving vessels with heated substances, wrap them in a towel and hold the bottom with one hand and the neck of the vessel with the other;
- when opening bottles and cans with caustic liquids (acids, alkalis), keep their necks away from you and from those working nearby;
- when storing concentrated alkali solutions in containers, use rubber stoppers;
- protect the dishes from sharp impacts. Shards of broken dishes must be removed immediately.
3.19. When working with highly toxic, toxic, caustic substances, or when conducting highly hazardous processes, the laboratory technician must follow the appropriate instructions.
3.20. During work, the laboratory assistant must not:
-be distracted and distract other employees from performing their duties;
-do other things;
-allow unauthorized persons not related to this work to enter your workplace.
3.21. The laboratory assistant is prohibited from:
- perform any work without permission that is not part of his direct duties;
- use equipment that he has not been trained or instructed to use;
- store any reagents without a name and use them when carrying out analyses;
- do not allow the accumulation of bottles with acids, alkalis and other reagents in aisles and workplaces;
- use faulty protective equipment or equipment whose testing period has expired;
- rearrange or remove installed temporary fences, fire-fighting equipment, warning signs, etc.;
- hand over dishes containing fuming acids and other caustic and toxic substances for washing without first completely releasing and neutralizing them.


4.1. A laboratory assistant who notices the danger of an accident or a situation that threatens people must immediately report this to his immediate supervisor and act according to his instructions.
4.2. A laboratory assistant who discovers a fire, smoke or other signs of combustion (burning smell, increased temperature, etc.) is obliged to:
-immediately notify the fire department by phone - 01 or by fire detector:
-immediately inform your immediate supervisor:
-take measures to evacuate people outside the danger zone:
-start extinguishing the fire using available means.
4.3. It is necessary to remember that:
- in case of small fires, it is necessary to use fire extinguishers appropriate to the source of combustion:
-carbon dioxide fire extinguishers OU-2:OU-5:OU-8 are designed to extinguish small fires of various substances, as well as electrical installations under voltage not exceeding 380V. Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers are not used to extinguish substances that burn without air access.
When using carbon dioxide fire extinguishers, do not allow
- heating the fire extinguisher by sunlight or other heat sources;
- exposure to atmospheric precipitation on the valve and sprayer;-
- impacts on the cylinder and valve;
- unified powder fire extinguisher OPU-5 is intended as a primary means of extinguishing fires of solid substances, liquid substances, gaseous substances and electrical installations under voltage up to 1000V. OPU-5 is designed for extinguishing fires in domestic conditions. OPU-5 is not intended for extinguishing fires of alkali and alkaline earth metals and other materials, the combustion of which can occur without air access. Operating and storage temperature range from -50 to +50 degrees Celsius.
The OHP-10 fire extinguisher is designed to extinguish fires of solid materials, as well as various liquids in an area of ​​no more than 1 m2, with the exception of electrical installations under voltage.
Fire extinguishers should be placed at a height of no more than 1.5 m. from the floor level.
Sand is used to extinguish small fires of solid and liquid substances. Check the sand in the boxes regularly, dry and sift if it gets wet or clumping.
Asbestos cloth, felt, and felt are used to extinguish small burning surfaces and clothing on humans.
4.4. If gas contamination is detected in the work area at the facilities, it is necessary to stop work and call the gas rescue service by phone
04. Report the incident to the administration and retire to a safe place.
4.5. In case of an accident (injury, thermal, chemical burns, frostbite, fall from height, electric shock
electric shock) call an ambulance by phone 03, immediately inform the work manager.
4.6. The situation at the workplace where an accident or emergency situation occurred is maintained until the investigation, if this does not threaten the life and health of surrounding workers, does not lead to the development of an emergency situation and does not disrupt the production process.
4.7. The called special services must be met to reduce the time of its arrival at the scene of the incident.
4.8. Before the arrival of special services, workers must provide first aid to the victim and take measures to eliminate the accident, if this does not threaten their health and life.


5.1. At the end of the working day (shift), the laboratory assistant must:
- turn off all equipment on which work was carried out (gas burners, electric heaters, water taps, etc.);
- close bottles and jars with reagents with stoppers and put them in storage areas;
-remove and clean up spill sites of chemicals and petroleum products;
- rags contaminated with petroleum products, empty containers from reagents, garbage, waste should be removed from the premises;
-clean up workplaces (on tables, in fume hoods);
- report completion of work to your immediate supervisor.
5.2. Before leaving work, the laboratory assistant must:
- remove protective equipment, protective clothing, inspect them, clean them, check their serviceability and put them in storage places;
- wash your face and hands with soap and water or take a warm shower.
5.3. The laboratory assistant who is the last to leave is obliged to:
- make sure that all gas and water taps are closed, electric heating devices are turned off, chemical and oil spills are cleaned up;
- close windows, vents;
- turn off the ventilation for gas and water supply to the room, turn off the switch on the electrical panel;
-lock the premises and hand over the keys to the attendant.

Commander of the VGSO Full name
Chief Engineer of JSC Full name

Deputy Chief Engineer for Instrumentation and Automation, Full Name
Deputy Chief Engineer for Labor Safety Full name
Head of OTOiZ Full name
Head of technical department Full name
Head of the Legal Department Full name

I have read the instructions ____________________Full name____________________/Signature/

Name of company





Agreed I approve:

Chairman of the trade union committee Head of the organization

_______________2002 ______________2002

Protocol No.



  1. General safety requirements

    The general organization of labor protection work in the laboratory is assigned to the laboratory manager.

    The head of the laboratory is obliged to organize training and briefing of laboratory workers on safety precautions.

    Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination, training and are certified in safety rules when working with aggressive environments are allowed to work in a chemical laboratory.

    Laboratory assistants are allowed to work if they have the following personal protective equipment:

    cotton robe;

    rubber gloves

    safety glasses

    The laboratory premises must be equipped with fire-fighting equipment (fire hose with barrel, fire extinguishers).

    The laboratory must be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation, have water supply, sewerage, gas and electricity supply, central heating and hot water supply. In addition to general ventilation, the laboratory room must be equipped with ventilation devices for extracting air from fume hoods.

    The speed of air movement in the cross section of cabinet doors open by 0.15-0.3 m must be at least 0.7 m/s and at least 1.5 m/s when working with particularly harmful substances.

    The amount of reagents, flammable and combustible liquids in the laboratory should not exceed the daily requirement.

    Each container containing a chemical must have a label clearly identifying the substance it contains and indicating its concentration. In addition, on vessels with toxic substances there must be the inscription “poison”.

    All toxic substances must be stored in a metal safe.

    1. Toxic substances must be issued for work with written permission from the head of the laboratory. An act must be drawn up for the amount of toxic substances consumed.

    Safety requirements before starting work

    Before starting work, check the condition of the workplace, equipment, as well as the cleanliness of the workplace.

    Wear the required protective clothing and other PPE.

  1. Turn on the supply and exhaust ventilation 30 minutes before starting work.

Safety requirements during operation

    3.1.Perform only the work that the laboratory director has assigned to you.

    When performing work with increased danger, when working at night and in the evening, there must be at least 2 people in the laboratory, with one appointed as a senior person.

    When working with concentrated acids and alkalis without protective equipment (goggles, gloves), work is prohibited.

    When working with fuming nitric acid with sp. weighing 1.15-1.52, as well as with oleum, in addition to glasses and rubber gloves, you should wear a rubber apron.

    Concentrated nitric, sulfuric and hydrochloric acids should be stored in laboratories in thick-walled glass containers with a capacity of no more than 2 liters, in a fume hood, on pallets.

    Flasks with fuming nitric acid should be stored in special stainless steel boxes.

    acids, alkalis and other caustic liquids should be poured using glass siphons with a bulb or any other pressure devices.

    Spilling concentrated nitric, sulfuric and hydrochloric acids and working with them should only be carried out with the draft in the fume hood turned on. In this case, the doors of fume hoods should be closed if possible.

    The work of carrying acids and alkalis is carried out by specially trained persons, and they must comply with the following rules:

    Carrying acids by one person is permitted in appropriate glass containers with a capacity of no more than 5 liters in special baskets or buckets.

    Bottles with a capacity of more than 5 liters containing acids and alkali solutions must be placed in durable baskets, with the free spaces filled with straw or shavings and carried by two workers.

    In places where nitric acid is stored, accumulation of dust, straw and other flammable substances must not be allowed.

    When diluting sulfuric acid, it should be slowly poured into water. Adding water to acid is strictly prohibited. This operation should be carried out in porcelain glasses, as it is accompanied by strong heat.

    The use of rubber hoses as a siphon for transferring concentrated acids is prohibited.

    Discharge of spent acid or alkali into the sewer is allowed only after preliminary neutralization.

  1. The laboratory must have a first aid kit with a set of medications to provide first aid.

    Safety requirements in emergency situations

    If acid or alkali is accidentally spilled, it is first covered with sand so that it absorbs them. Then the sand is removed and the place where the acid was spilled is covered with lime or soda, and then washed with water and wiped dry.

    If sulfuric acid in the form of a solid substance comes into contact with the human body, it is necessary to remove it with dry cotton wool or a piece of cloth, and then rinse the affected area thoroughly with water. In case of a chemical burn, it is not possible to completely wash away the chemicals with water. Therefore, after washing, the affected area is treated with a solution of baking soda (one teaspoon per glass of water).

    If splashes of alkali or vapors get into the eyes or mouth, rinse the affected areas with plenty of water and then with a solution of boric acid (0.5 teaspoon of acid per glass of water).

    If acid or alkali gets into the esophagus, immediately call an ambulance doctor. Do not rinse the stomach with water. A good effect is obtained by ingesting milk, egg whites, vegetable oil, and dissolved starch.

  1. Safety requirements after completion of work

    At the end of the working day, each laboratory worker is obliged to check and put in order his workplace, instruments and apparatus, turn off the ventilation, check the closure of gas burner taps, all electric heating devices, and the closure of water taps and windows. Check to see if there are any oily rags left that have not been removed. Turn off the lighting.

The instructions were compiled by:

Head of Laboratory


Labor safety engineer

Name of company



Agreed: I approve:
Chairman of the trade union committee Head
2002 __2002
Protocol No.


I. General safety requirements

1.1. The general organization of labor protection work in the laboratory is assigned to the laboratory manager. The head of the laboratory is obliged to organize training and briefing of laboratory workers on safety precautions.
1.2. Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination, training and are certified according to safety rules when working with aggressive environments are allowed to work in a chemical laboratory.
1.3. Laboratory assistants are allowed to work if they have the following personal protective equipment:
cotton robe;
rubber gloves
safety glasses
1.4. The laboratory premises must be equipped with fire-fighting equipment (fire hose with barrel, fire extinguishers). The director of the laboratory is appointed by order to be responsible for the fire safety condition of the laboratory.
1.5. In the laboratory premises, a personnel evacuation scheme must be developed and approved in case of fire or other emergencies. Emergency exit doors must open outward.
1.6. The laboratory must be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation, have water supply, sewerage, gas and electricity supply, central heating and hot water supply. In addition to general ventilation, the laboratory room must be equipped with ventilation devices for extracting air from fume hoods. The speed of air movement in the cross section of cabinet doors open by 0.15-0.3 m must be at least 0.7 m/s and at least 1.5 m/s when working with particularly harmful substances.
1.7. The amount of reagents, flammable and combustible liquids in the laboratory should not exceed the daily requirement.

1.8. Each container containing a chemical must have a label clearly identifying the substance it contains and indicating its concentration. In addition, on vessels with toxic substances there must be the inscription “poison”.
1.9. All toxic substances must be stored in a metal safe.
1.10. Toxic substances must be issued for work with written permission from the head of the laboratory. An act must be drawn up for the amount of toxic substances consumed.

II. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. Before starting work, check the condition of the workplace, equipment, as well as the cleanliness of the workplace.
2.2. Wear the required protective clothing and other PPE.
2.3. Turn on the supply and exhaust ventilation 30 minutes before starting work.

III. Safety requirements during operation

3.1.Perform only the work that the laboratory director has assigned to you.
3.2. When performing work with increased danger, when working at night and in the evening, there must be at least 2 people in the laboratory, with one appointed as a senior person.
3.3. When working with concentrated acids and alkalis without protective equipment (goggles, gloves), work is prohibited. When working with fuming nitric acid with sp. weighing 1.15-1.52, as well as with oleum, in addition to glasses and rubber gloves, you should wear a rubber apron.
3.4. When mixing concentrated solutions of caustic alkalis, it is necessary to wear safety glasses, and for large quantities of solutions, also rubber gloves and a rubberized apron.
3.5. When splitting large pieces of caustic alkalis, it is necessary to wrap the pieces in cloth or paper, put on safety glasses and tie a scarf on your head.
3.6. Concentrated nitric, sulfuric and hydrochloric acids should be stored in laboratories in thick-walled glass containers with a capacity of no more than 2 liters, in a fume hood, on pallets. Flasks with fuming nitric acid should be stored in special stainless steel boxes.
3.7. acids, alkalis and other caustic liquids should be poured using glass siphons with a bulb or any other pressure devices.
3.8. Spilling concentrated nitric, sulfuric and hydrochloric acids and working with them should only be carried out with the draft in the fume hood turned on. In this case, the doors of fume hoods should be closed if possible.
3.9. The work of carrying acids and alkalis is carried out by specially trained persons, and they must comply with the following rules:
-carrying acids by one person is permitted in appropriate glass containers with a capacity of no more than 5 liters in special baskets or buckets.
- bottles with a capacity of more than 5 liters with acids and alkali solutions must be placed in durable baskets, with the free spaces filled with straw or shavings and carried by two workers.
3.10. In places where nitric acid is stored, accumulation of dust, straw and other flammable substances must not be allowed.
3.11. When diluting sulfuric acid, it should be slowly poured into water. Adding water to acid is strictly prohibited. This operation should be carried out in porcelain glasses, as it is accompanied by strong heat.
3.12. The use of rubber hoses as a siphon for transferring concentrated acids is prohibited.
3.13. It is strictly forbidden to draw acids and alkalis into pipettes with your mouth. For this purpose, a rubber bulb should be used.
3.14. Discharge of spent acid or alkali into the sewer is allowed only after preliminary neutralization.
3.15. The laboratory must have a first aid kit with a set of medications to provide first aid.

IV. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. If acid or alkali is accidentally spilled, it is first covered with sand so that it absorbs them. Then the sand is removed and the place where the acid was spilled is covered with lime or soda, and then washed with water and wiped dry.
4.2. In case of a chemical burn, immediately rinse the affected area with plenty of running cold water from the tap, rubber hose or bucket for 15-20 minutes. If acid or alkali gets on the skin through clothing, you must first wash it off with water from the clothing, and then rinse the skin.
4.3. If sulfuric acid in the form of a solid substance comes into contact with the human body, it is necessary to remove it with dry cotton wool or a piece of cloth, and then rinse the affected area thoroughly with water. In case of a chemical burn, it is not possible to completely wash away the chemicals with water. Therefore, after washing, the affected area is treated with a solution of baking soda (one teaspoon per glass of water).
4.4. If splashes of alkali or vapors get into the eyes or mouth, rinse the affected areas with plenty of water and then with a solution of boric acid (0.5 teaspoon of acid per glass of water).
4.5. If acid or alkali gets into the esophagus, immediately call an ambulance doctor. Do not rinse the stomach with water. A good effect is obtained by ingesting milk, egg whites, vegetable oil, and dissolved starch.

V. Safety requirements after completion of work

5.1. At the end of the working day, each laboratory worker is obliged to check and put in order his workplace, instruments and apparatus, turn off the ventilation, check the closure of gas burner taps, all electric heating devices, and the closure of water taps and windows. Check to see if there are any oily rags left that have not been removed. Turn off the lighting.

The instructions were compiled by:
Head of Laboratory

Labor safety engineer

... The full version of the document with tables, images and applications is in the attached file...

Name of company

Instruction No.
on labor protection
for a laboratory supervisor.


Agreed: I approve:
Chairman of the trade union committee Head of the organization
_ _
2002 2002
Protocol No.


1. General safety requirements

1.1. Persons at least 18 years of age who have undergone a preliminary medical examination upon entry to work are allowed to work independently as a laboratory supervisor, as well as:
induction training;
unscheduled and targeted briefings;
fire safety instruction;
initial training at the workplace;
instructions on electrical safety in the workplace.
1.2. The controller-laboratorian must:
undergo repeated training on occupational safety in the workplace at least every three months;
pass a knowledge test on the rules for the design and safe operation of lifting mechanisms;
undergo a sanitary medical examination in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 90
from 14.03.96;
perform only the work that is part of his duties;
use safe work practices;
comply with the requirements of prohibitory, warning, directional and prescriptive signs and inscriptions, as well as signals given by train preparers and vehicle drivers;
Be extremely careful in traffic areas.
1.3. The laboratory supervisor must know:
the effect on humans of dangerous and harmful production factors that arise during work;
requirements for industrial sanitation, electrical safety and fire safety;
location of first aid kits;
internal labor regulations established at the enterprise;
requirements of this instruction, instructions on fire safety measures, instructions on electrical safety;
prescription of personal protective equipment;
rules and regulations on labor protection, safety and industrial sanitation;
be able to provide first aid to victims, use fire extinguishing equipment, and call the fire department if a fire occurs.
1.3. The controller-laboratorian in his work must be guided by the following requirements:
- these instructions;
1.4. While working, the laboratory supervisor may be exposed to the following hazardous factors:
increased humidity and air mobility in the working area;
- increased noise levels;
-belt and gear drives of the tensile testing machine, universal torque gauge;
- rotating reel (on reel EU-30)
- insufficient lighting at night.
1.5. The laboratory controller must use the following personal protective equipment:
-cotton robe.
. 1.6. The laboratory controller must comply with the following fire safety requirements:
-smoking only in designated areas;
do not touch oxygen cylinders with hands contaminated with oil;
-know and be able to use primary fire extinguishing means.
1.6. Personal clothing and workwear must be stored separately in lockers and a dressing room. It is prohibited to take protective clothing outside the enterprise.
1.7. You should eat food only in canteens, buffets or specially designated rooms with appropriate equipment. Before eating, you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
1.8. For failure to comply with the safety requirements set out in these instructions, the laboratory controller is responsible in accordance with current legislation.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. Before starting work, the laboratory supervisor must:
- put on the required protective clothing and put it in order;
-tuck in the loose ends of the clothing so that it does not hang down;
-establish the sequence of operations;
- inspect your workplace
-check the presence and serviceability of the grounding wire of the electric motor;
-check the presence and serviceability of the measuring tool;
- make sure the lighting of the workplace is reliable;

3. Safety requirements during operation.

3.1 Be careful while working.
3.2 It is necessary to heat the liquid in a test tube using a holder, pointing the opening of the test tube away from you and the people nearby.
3.3. It is not allowed to stand close to laboratory tables or fume hoods when working with flammable liquids and petroleum products, as well as when the electric stove is on.
3.4. When working with gaseous substances (chlorine, hydrogen), in order to avoid explosion, they should be located away from sources of artificial lighting.
3.5 Spent flammable liquids must be collected in special containers, which are removed from the laboratory at the end of the working day.
3.6. When working with electrical equipment, it is prohibited:
- touch open live parts and housings of technological equipment, cables, wires;
- place any objects on electrical panels, control panels, electrical machines and starters;
-dry towels, wiping ends and other items on muffle furnaces, drying cabinets.
- open the protective casings of starting equipment and penetrate the fences of switchgear devices.
3.7. Standard tests of materials and samples must be carried out in accordance with the approved technological map.
3.8. When testing material samples on electrical equipment, you must stand on a dielectric mat.
3.9. Glassware made from ordinary glass must not be heated over an open fire without an asbestos mesh.
3.10. Dishes should be sent to the sink free of any residues.
3.11. Use only designated passageways. Climbing over cars or crawling under them is prohibited.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. If an emergency occurs, the laboratory supervisor is obliged to stop work, immediately inform the foreman and then follow his commands.
4.3. When eliminating an emergency situation, it is necessary to act in accordance with the approved emergency response plan.
4.4. In the event of a fire that could lead to an explosion, you must:
-immediately notify the fire department;
-start extinguishing the fire;
-organize the evacuation of people;
-organize a meeting of the fire department.
When electrical equipment catches fire, use only carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguishers.
4.5. If the insulation of electrical equipment is damaged, stop work, notify the foreman and resume work only after repairing the damage.
4.6. In case of injury or illness, the laboratory supervisor must stop working, transfer duties to another person, notify the foreman and go to the first aid station.

5. Safety requirements after completion of work

5.1. Upon completion of work, the laboratory supervisor must:
- tidy up the workplace and eliminate traces of spilled oil;
- put the tools and equipment in a specially designated place;

Take off your overalls and put them in the closet.
5.2. Contaminated workwear should be washed if necessary.
5.3. After work or in cases of contamination of body parts, take a shower.

The instructions were compiled by:
Head of department

Labor safety engineer

... The full version of the document with tables, images and applications is in the attached file...

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