Protocol of inspection of the facility by the fire technical commission. How to fill out the regulations on the fire technical commission in an organization

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It is necessary to explain what this responsibility of the manager is and in what cases a fire-technical commission is created.

PTCs are created in accordance with the law “On Fire Safety” (Articles 13, 37), regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local acts of organizations, regardless of their form of ownership. As a rule, PTC is formed if the enterprise employs 50 or more people. This must be done in order to attract engineers and other company specialists to participate in the work of fire prevention and fire protection of the enterprise.

Composition of the commission

First of all, the manager issues an order to create a fire-technical commission and appoints a chairman (this may be the chief engineer of the organization) and a secretary (a specialist in the labor protection service). Then members of the commission are selected (from among engineering and technical workers, representatives of the trade union). They must be trained in and have a diploma confirming their knowledge. Participation in the commission is purely voluntary.

Large production facilities can additionally create shop-based technical and technical complexes. In small companies, the functions of the industrial and technical complex may be assigned to the labor protection service.

In its work, the PTC must be guided by the fire safety requirements established by law, the regulations of state supervision, as well as the regulations on the company’s PTC, which is approved by the employer. This rule applies to both private and government organizations. For example, the regulations on the fire-technical commission at a school are approved by its director.

What issues does PTC solve?

  • Her competence includes:
  • assistance to fire protection, improvement of fire safety at the enterprise in order to prevent fires;
  • identification of violations of fire safety requirements, as well as factors that can lead to fire;
  • development of fire safety measures, elimination of identified violations;
  • establishing a fire safety regime in production;
  • carrying out preventive measures, explaining to employees fire safety rules at work;
  • studying previous incidents of fires and preventing their recurrence;
  • development and communication to employees of various documents related to fire safety, etc.

Operating procedure

All fire safety measures that the commission has outlined for implementation are documented in an act, approved by the first person of the company and must be completed within the established time frame.

At the end of the reporting period, a commission meeting is held. At the meeting, a list of solved problems, unresolved issues and proposals regarding improving fire safety at the enterprise are announced. At the end of the meeting, a protocol is drawn up and signed by the chairman and secretary.

To successfully pass the fire inspection and increase the safety level of the organization, the manager must take appropriate measures in a timely manner. And in order to reduce risks, you can involve workers in this process by creating a fire-technical commission.

Effective organization of fire protection plays an important role in any enterprise. One of the tools for increasing the level of safety is the fire-technical commission in the organization.

In what cases is a fire technical commission created?

The federal law " About fire safety» establishes that enterprises are an element of the fire safety system, and obliges them to take all necessary measures and implement measures that will reduce “fire” risks. Fire prevention is an integral part of occupational safety, and the head of an organization is the main “firefighter” at his enterprise , who must train subordinates in safety measures.

The work begins with the development and implementation of the relevant order and instructions, as well as regulations on the activities of the PTC. Its creation is recommended, but not mandatory, and its main goal is to delegate some of the responsibilities of management to voluntary assistants and increase the level of labor safety.

So, the director has the right to create such a working group to prevent fires at production and warehouse facilities, as well as at facilities where more than 50 people work (clause 5 of the Fire Regulations, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2012 N 390). However, in certain industries, the employer is required to create a technical and training complex, for example, in the energy sector (clause 1.3.2. Fire safety rules for energy enterprises, approved RAO "UES of Russia" 03/09/2000). Similar requirements also exist in agriculture, iron and steel industry and railway transport.

Who is part of the PTC

Since the purpose of its creation is to motivate employees to actively participate in emergency prevention, the PTC usually includes:

  • chief engineer (chairman);
  • fire chief;
  • engineers and technologists (energy and water supply specialists, mechanics);
  • representatives of the trade union organization;
  • other employees at the discretion of management.

If we are talking about a small enterprise (less than 50 people), then the functions of the PTC can be assigned to third-party organizations with which a corresponding agreement is concluded.

How is PTC formed?

The manager issues an order to create a fire-technical commission.

Next, the commission begins its work in accordance with the Regulations regulating its activities, which are formed at each enterprise. For example, each educational institution also develops regulations on the fire-technical commission in the school, which is headed by the director.

The activities of the PTK are based on a planned basis. Plans typically include the following activities:

  • carrying out work to replace flammable and combustible liquids;
  • production of special containers for storing and carrying flammable liquids;
  • equipping premises with automatic fire extinguishing installations and fire notification systems;
  • automation of individual production operations and processes;
  • replacement of outdated equipment;
  • demolition and reconstruction of combustible, low-value structures or their replacement with fireproof ones;
  • training personnel in fire safety rules.

Sample minutes of a meeting of the fire-technical commission

All measures to ensure fire safety of the facility must be documented in an act or protocol, which is approved by the manager.

With a similar act, the PTC formalizes each inspection of all areas of the enterprise, which must be carried out at least 2-4 times a year (depending on the fire hazard of the organization). The purpose of such activities is to identify violations in production processes, equipment, heating systems, ventilation and other installations, as well as to determine methods and timing for their elimination.


Deputy Head

Department of Health

of the city of Moscow - chairman

fire technical commission



meetings of the fire-technical commission

at the Moscow Department of Health

Date: 09/18/2008

Time: 11 o'clock.

Present: 14 people.


1. The head of the logistics department of the Department of Health familiarized those present with the statistics of fires in health care institutions of the Moscow Health Department in the 1st half of 2008.

He noted that there were no cases of death or injury in fires. The main causes of fire (up to 40%) are a consequence of emergency operation of the power supply systems of institutions, which is especially important for the cold season, when power systems operate at maximum loads.

2. The deputy head of the North-Eastern Administrative Department reported on the results of the work of the North-Eastern Administrative Department to ensure fire safety requirements: installation of fire safety systems, equipment and heating systems based on the results for 1-3 quarters. 2008; work of the district's fire safety department, elimination of comments from the State Fire Inspectorate, inspection of institutions on fire safety issues (all 75 institutions of the district's subordination were inspected). In the 4th quarter It is planned to carry out inspections of the fire safety condition of urban healthcare facilities of the North-East Administrative District.

3. The deputy head of the North-Western Administrative District reported on the work of the district's fire safety department, the conduct of scheduled inspections, the amount of funding for fire safety measures, the progress in implementing the State Fire Inspectorate's orders for the past period of 2008. He informed about the results of the investigation into the circumstances of the fire in SP No. 60.

4. The chief specialist of the UZ ZAO reported on the interaction with municipal healthcare facilities located in the district, SPO “Pozharozashchita” on fire safety issues, and gave a description of the current state of work to ensure fire safety in the district healthcare facilities.

5. The representative of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the city of Moscow recommended that the district health departments and their PTC be more attentive to the statistics of received orders and the implementation of the points of the State Fire Supervision orders when summing up the results and preparing reports and reflect this in the reports, to constantly have operational information about the real situation regarding security issues fire safety in your district (fire statistics, regulations, dynamics of implementation for reporting periods), eliminate a formal approach to this issue.

6. The head of the logistics department of the Department of Health emphasized that disciplinary measures are weakly applied against officials who do not fully comply with the requirements of higher authorities and fire safety supervisory authorities, the requirements of the PTC JSC.

During the discussion, representatives of the districts gave answers to questions from a representative of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for Moscow and the head of the OMTO regarding the implementation of specific fire protection measures for subordinate institutions.


1. Improve the monthly fire safety reporting form for submission to the Department of Health, making it more compact and convenient for processing. (Spanish Department of MTO DZM).

2. To present, during the preparation of the next meeting of the Department’s PTC, data on city health care facilities that do not comply with the requirements of the PTC AO on fire safety issues. (Spanish UZ JSC).


A representative of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for Moscow and the head of the OMTO familiarized the meeting participants with the procedure for holding a competition for the best comprehensive fire safety condition of healthcare institutions, announced by the Moscow Government among social institutions (according to the instructions of the head of the UKDKSS of the Moscow Government).


The health departments of the administrative districts, by September 22, 2008, prepare orders for the creation of competition commissions in the Uzbek Autonomous Okrug to conduct the 1st stage of the competition, submit them to the Department for

The results of the 1st stage of the competition (district) should be submitted to the DZM, documented in a protocol in accordance with the Methodological Recommendations, no later than October 5, 2008 to prepare the 2nd stage of the competition.

Head of OMTO

Annex 1




1. General Provisions

1.1 The annual review competition for the best comprehensive fire safety condition of educational, health and social protection institutions (hereinafter referred to as the competition) is held in order to increase the fire resistance of institutions of this category, ensure compliance with fire safety rules by managers, employees and employees of institutions and train them in actions in case of fire .

2.1 The competition is held in the following categories:

1.2.1 The best comprehensive fire safety condition of an educational institution.

1.2.2 The best comprehensive fire safety condition of a healthcare facility.

1.2.3 The best comprehensive fire safety condition of a social security institution.

2. Organization and holding of the competition

2.3.2 Participants in the competition can be educational institutions,
healthcare institutions and social protection institutions
subordinate - to local government bodies and (or) bodies
executive power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as private
(commercial) institutions of the named category (hereinafter - competitive

2.3.2 The competition is held annually in two stages.

Stage I - holding the competition within the boundaries of urban districts and municipal districts of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Stage II - holding the competition within the boundaries of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

2.3.2 To organize and conduct the competition, the following are created

2.3.1 To conduct the first stage of the competition - departmental commissions.

The composition of departmental commissions and their leaders are determined by the heads of municipalities of urban districts and municipal districts.

The commission includes (by agreement) a representative of the territorial body of the State Fire Inspectorate of the State Fire Supervision Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

2.3.2 To conduct the II stage of the competition - the central commission.

The composition of the central commission and its chairman are determined by the head of the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The commission includes (by agreement) a representative of the State Fire Supervision Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The Central Commission controls the conduct of the competition, sums up the results of the competition, and determines the winners of the competition in all categories.

To ensure the activities of the central commission, a working group is created, the composition and work procedure of which is approved by the chairman of the central commission.

2.4. Applications and materials for participation in the competition are submitted
heads of competitive institutions in the relevant departmental
commission on the territoriality of its location annually on time,
determined by the commissions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

2.5. Departmental commissions review received applications and
materials for participation in the competition, assess the fire safety status
competitive institutions, determine the winners of the first stage of the competition, who took
first, second and third place in each category.

2.6. The winners of the first stage of the competition, who took first place, are nominated to participate in the second stage of the competition.

2.7. Based on the results of determining the winners of the first stage of the competition, departmental commissions transfer to the central commission:

explanatory note containing information about assessments of the state of competitive institutions - winners of the first stage of the competition, who took first place.

2.8. The working group considers the proposals submitted by departmental
materials commissions, travels to places, prepares information
materials for the central commission.

2.9. When deficiencies are identified at competitive institutions, the working
the group can submit proposals for consideration by the central commission on
adjustment of grades received by competitive institutions at stage I

2.10. The Central Commission hears reports from the working group, and
also proposals of the territorial body of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the subject)
Russian Federation to determine the coefficients specified in clause 4.1.
of these Regulations, and determines prizes at the II stage of the competition.

The results of the competition are summed up by the central commission, taking into account the results of the working group’s tour of all competitive institutions nominated for the II stage of the competition.

3. Evaluation criteria for the best complex

fire condition

3.1. The fire safety status of each competitive institution is assessed based on the following indicators:

Position name


points of 10


Availability and quality of site-wide instructions on fire safety measures, regulating the rules for the use of open fires in the territory, the passage of vehicles, the admissibility of smoking and temporary fire hazardous work.

Availability and quality of administrative documents defining the procedure for completing introductory and primary fire safety briefings, as well as additional training on preventing and extinguishing possible fires.

The presence and quality of an administrative document defining the procedure for notifying people about a fire, responsible persons for buildings where technical means of notifying people about a fire are not required.

Equipping buildings with plans (schemes) for evacuation of people in case of fire, as well as the presence in buildings with mass occupancy of people of additions to the schematic plan for evacuation of people in case of fire in the form of instructions defining the actions of personnel to ensure safe and quick evacuation of people (for objects with overnight stay of people with two options for action: during the day and at night).

Availability and quality of an administrative document regulating the conduct of practical training of all workers involved in the evacuation, as well as documents confirming their conduct.

Availability of an act from the relevant commission with the participation of a representative of the state fire inspection on the acceptance of the school building for the new school year. (*)

Conducting classes (conversations) with students to study fire safety rules at home. (*)

Equipping the premises with signs indicating the telephone number to call the fire department, as well as a special room with visual aids, educational and methodological materials for conducting introductory fire safety briefings.

Compliance of fire safety signs with the requirements of fire safety regulations, as well as the presence of corners and fire safety stands.

Presence and work at the site of a fire-technical commission, a voluntary fire brigade, its equipment and training.

Compliance with the requirements for daily reporting to the fire department in the exit area of ​​which the facility is located, information about the number of people present at the facility at night. (**)

Compliance of the number of people simultaneously present in the halls (rooms) of buildings with large occupancy of people (rooms with simultaneous occupancy of 50 or more people) to the number established by design standards or determined by calculation (in the absence of design standards), based on the condition of ensuring safe evacuation of people in case of fire .

Compliance with the design decisions and requirements of fire safety regulations during the operation of evacuation routes and exits (including the lighting, quantity, size and space-planning solutions of evacuation routes and exits, as well as the presence of fire safety signs on evacuation routes).

Installation of three-dimensional self-luminous fire safety signs. with autonomous power supply and from the electrical network used on evacuation routes (including light signs “Evacuation (emergency) exit”, “Emergency exit door”).

Providing buildings with permanent occupancy of people who are unable to move independently with stretchers in accordance with fire safety requirements.(**)

Placement of wards for seriously ill patients and children on the lower floors. (**)

Providing a building with a height of 5 or more floors with individual rescue devices (a set of rescue equipment or a hanging rescue ladder) at the rate of one device for every 30 people on the building floor.

Storage of individual rescue devices in a place accessible to every person on the floor, appropriately marked with a fire safety sign. Each individual life-saving device is provided with a label indicating the two nearest rooms equipped with devices for fastening the device.

Preventing the placement of sick people and children, if their number is more than 25, in wooden buildings with stove heating. (**)

Providing building maintenance personnel with individual filtering means for respiratory protection, which are stored directly at the maintenance personnel’s workplace.

Practical actions of maintenance personnel at night and during the day when a fire source is conditionally detected. (**)

Providing service personnel with electric lights in buildings with large numbers of people in the event of a power outage (at least one for each employee on duty).

Compliance of the operation of electrical networks, electrical installations and electrical products with the requirements of regulatory documents on the electrical power industry, organization of control over their technical condition.

Serviceability of primary fire extinguishing equipment, compliance of their quantity with established standards, availability of specially equipped smoking areas marked with appropriate fire safety signs.

Serviceability of devices for self-closing doors, absence of any devices that prevent their normal closing.

Availability and serviceability of fire protection systems and installations (smoke protection, fire automatic equipment, fire doors, valves, other protective devices in fire walls and ceilings, etc.).

The condition of fire-retardant coatings (plaster, special paints, varnishes, coatings, etc.) of building structures, combustible finishing and heat-insulating materials, metal supports, etc. (fire-retardant treatment (impregnation) must be checked at least twice a year).

Compliance of furnaces, boiler rooms, heat generators and heater installations, other heating devices and systems with fire safety requirements.

The absence of blind bars on windows and pits near basement windows, except for cases specifically stipulated in the norms and rules approved in accordance with the established procedure, as well as the presence of locks on the doors of attics, technical floors and basements, in which, according to the technology, permanent stay is not required people, and relevant information about where the keys are stored.

The condition of external fire escapes and fences on the roofs (coverings) of buildings, carrying out operational tests at least once every five years.

Equipping the fire hydrants of the internal fire-fighting water supply with hoses and trunks, connecting the fire hose to the faucet and the trunk (rolling the hoses onto a new slope is carried out at least once a year).

Condition of the facility’s territory (cleaning the area of ​​flammable waste, garbage, containers, fallen leaves, dry grass, etc., absence of temporary structures, open warehouses, and vehicle parking in fire breaks). The condition of roads, driveways and entrances to buildings, external fire escapes and water sources used for fire extinguishing purposes.

Lighting at night - fire hydrants, external fire escapes and places for placing fire equipment, as well as entrances to the piers of fire reservoirs, to the entrances to buildings and structures. Equipment of a protective mineralized strip with a width of at least 3 m along the perimeter of the territories of objects located in tracts of coniferous forests.


(*) is assessed in the nomination:

“The best comprehensive fire safety condition of an educational institution.”

(**) is assessed in the nomination:

“The best comprehensive fire-prevention condition of a healthcare institution”, “The best comprehensive fire-prevention condition of a social protection institution”.

4. Criteria for determining the winners.

4.1 The winners of the I and II stages of the competitions, who took first, second and third places, are determined based on a comparison of the final values ​​of the assessment of the fire safety condition of the competitive institution.

4.2 The final values ​​of the fire safety assessment of the competitive institution are derived taking into account the following coefficients:

K1- takes into account the presence of fires in the institution in the competition year; (-1000 points).

K2- takes into account the presence of facts of bringing legal entities (-500 points), officials (-200 points) and individuals to administrative liability. (-100 points).

4.3 The methodology for determining the numerical values ​​of the coefficients is determined by the central competition commission.

4.4 Final assessments for the best comprehensive fire safety condition are determined in the following form:


S- the sum of the final assessments of the fire safety condition of the competitive institution according to indicators in accordance with clause 3.1. section 3 of this regulation.

N- the final value of the fire safety assessment of the competitive institution.

5. Encouragement and rewarding of winners

5.1 The winners of the first stage of the competition are awarded certificates
heads of municipalities of urban districts and
municipal districts, as well as prizes and valuable gifts for

5.2 The winners of the II stage of the competition are awarded with diplomas and other
gifts from the highest official of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

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