Throughout the entire life of the product. What rights do you have during the expiration date?

Products (work) may have a service life (or expiration date) and a warranty period. These terms are the terms of responsibility of the seller (manufacturer, performer) to the consumer. During these periods (and in some cases after all terms have expired), you can make claims to the seller (manufacturer, performer) and demand compensation for losses.

There are lists of goods (works) for which the service life (shelf life) must be established without fail.

If a product (work) does not have a service life (shelf life) or warranty period, then the law stipulates during what period of time you can make claims regarding goods (work) with unspecified periods.

It is important for you to know what service life, shelf life and warranty period are because during these periods you have the right to make claims to the seller (manufacturer, performer) and demand compensation for losses.

Life time- the period during which the manufacturer (executor) undertakes (Clause 1 of Article 5 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”) to ensure the possibility of using the product (work) for its intended purpose and bear responsibility for significant deficiencies that arise through his fault.

During your service period you have the right

To provide repairs and Maintenance goods (work),
- to submit claims regarding significant shortcomings in the product (work),
- for compensation of harm.

If the service life has not been established, you have the right to make claims within 10 years from the date of transfer of the goods (work) to you, and if the day of transfer cannot be determined, from the date of release of the goods (work).
Establishing the service life of a product (work) is a right, not an obligation, of the manufacturer (performer).
If a product (work) after a certain period may pose a danger to the life, health of the consumer or cause harm, then in this case the manufacturer (performer) is obliged to establish a service life (Clause 2 of Article 5 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”).

Best before date- this is the period after which the product (work) is considered unsuitable for its intended use (clause 4 of article 5 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”). The expiration date also functions as a warranty period.

During the expiration date you have the right

To submit claims regarding defects in the goods,
- for compensation of harm.

The expiration date is established for goods that

Completely consumed when used,
- consumer qualities which may worsen over time,
- can become dangerous over time.

The manufacturer (executor) is obliged to set the expiration date on (clause 4 of article 5 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”):

- perfumery and cosmetic products,
- medicines,
- goods household chemicals
- and other similar goods (work).
Russian Federation.

Guarantee period - this is the period during which, if a defect is detected in a product (work), the manufacturer (performer, seller) is obliged to satisfy the consumer’s demands regarding the defects of the product (work) (clause 6 of Article 5 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Protection of Consumer Rights”).

During the warranty period you have the most broad rights to submit claims regarding any detected defects in the product (work).

Establishing a warranty period is the right, and not the obligation, of the manufacturer (performer); clause 6 of Article 5 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” states that “The manufacturer (performer) has the right to establish a warranty period for the product (work).

If a product does not have a warranty period or expiration date, then the consumer has the right to submit claims to the seller or manufacturer regarding defects in the product if defects in the goods are discovered (Clause 1 of Article 19 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”) in reasonable time, but within 2 years from the date of their transfer to the consumer. These deadlines may be longer if this is established by law or your agreement for the purchase of goods.

If the warranty period for the work (service) is not established, then you can present to the contractor your demands regarding deficiencies in the work (service) (Clause 3 of Article 29 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Protection of Consumer Rights”)
within a reasonable time, but within 2 years or 5 years in respect of defects in construction and other real estate. The period begins from the day of acceptance of the completed work (service).

From what day is the warranty period and service life of the product calculated?

The warranty period of the product, as well as its service life, is calculated from the date of sale of the product to the consumer (unless otherwise provided by the contract). If the day of sale of the goods cannot be determined, these terms are calculated from the day of manufacture of the goods (Clause 2 of Article 19 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”).

However, for goods the moment of purchase of which does not coincide with the time of the start of their use, these periods are calculated differently. For example, you bought a fur coat in the summer, and will start wearing it in the winter, you bought washing machine, but they installed it for you a month after purchase, etc.

When selling goods by samples, by mail, as well as in cases where the moment of concluding the sales contract and the moment of transfer of the goods to the consumer do not coincide, the warranty period and service life of the goods are calculated from the day the goods are delivered to the consumer (Clause 2 of Article 19 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the protection of consumer rights").

If the consumer is deprived of the opportunity to use the product due to circumstances depending on the seller (in particular, the product requires special installation, connection or assembly, or has defects), the warranty period does not run until the seller eliminates such circumstances.

If the day of delivery, installation (connection) or assembly of the goods cannot be determined, these periods are calculated from the date of conclusion of the purchase and sale agreement (Clause 2 of Article 19 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”).

What rights do you have if all deadlines have expired?

If the service life (expiration date) has expired, the manufacturer (performer) ceases to bear responsibility for the product (work) in all cases, except for some cases of harm.

When damage is subject to compensation regardless of the time of occurrence
Damage is subject to compensation regardless of the time of infliction - including after the expiration of the service life (expiration date) - in following cases(Clause 3 of Article 14 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Protection of Consumer Rights”):

if the product (result of work) should have a service life or expiration date established by the manufacturer (performer), but it is not established,
if the consumer was not provided with complete and reliable information about the service life or expiration date,
if the consumer to whom the goods were sold (work performed) was not informed about necessary actions upon expiration of service life or shelf life and possible consequences in case of non-compliance specified actions,
if the product (result of work) after its service life or expiration date poses a danger to life and health.

According to regulatory documents, the durability of concrete or its service life varies between 50-100 years. It all depends on the proportions of the main components of the mixture and the additives used. But, as practice shows, premature destruction of concrete structures is a fairly common occurrence. Today, there are methods that make it possible to use the potential of concrete materials, significantly extend their service life, and maintain the durability of the surface in its original form.

What affects durability?

Before determining the appropriate method for strengthening the concrete surface and extending its service life, you should understand the parameters that influence this:

  1. Composition of the material. The strength grade, water resistance class and other indicators of cement greatly influence the strength and reliability of the future structure. The purity and clearly consistent fractional composition of the fillers is also important. For example, M150 cement cannot provide the necessary adhesion of all components, since its astringent properties are lower. Therefore, concrete surfaces made of this material will need to be repaired at least once a year. Therefore, it is recommended to use grades with a higher load resistance rating. Various unnecessary impurities also negatively affect the characteristics of building materials.
  2. Proportions of main ingredients. It is known that with an increase in the amount of the binder component, the strength qualities of the concrete solution increase, since the mixture is more dense, has fewer voids, and is compacted better.
  3. Filler type. The difference should be shown with an example. Operational life Expanded clay concrete block material reaches 75 years, and the first one made from wood chips major renovation will be required already in the fortieth year of operation.
  4. . It is easy to reduce the reliability of the design if the pouring technology and the ratio of ingredients to water are violated, weak compaction, too slow or accelerated drying, especially if heaters are used.
  5. Operating conditions. If the design and selection of materials does not take into account the conditions in which the structure will operate, then you should not expect durability from it. Excessive moisture has a detrimental effect on concrete. Constant exposure to water leads to efflorescence. Sudden temperature changes and frosts are also destructive.
  6. Vibration and soil movements.
  7. Wind erosion.
  8. Chemical and fittings. It is explained by the ingress of chloride ions into the concrete mixture when certain additives are used, for example, deicing agents, when used in a humid environment and in the presence of salt water sources.
  9. Human factor. Lack of knowledge, experience, and attention leads to mistakes being made during cooking. concrete mixture and during the construction stages.

How to extend the service life?

You can give concrete strength and increase its service life different methods. Each of them is selected depending on the degree of influence of the factors listed above.

Correct pouring technology

Proper pouring of concrete guarantees its strength and durability.

An important step in this method is the selection of composition and preparation of the concrete mixture. Ingredients and their quantities are selected according to the planned loads. Ideal option is the choice of concrete grade and reinforcement with a safety margin. It is equally important to properly prepare the base. The soil should be fairly dense and inactive. This will allow you to avoid future deformations of the foundation and cracks in the walls.

When pouring, it should be sufficient to remove all voids and air bubbles. Consequently, its moisture resistance and durability directly depend on the amount of porosity. Although there are exceptions. For example, aerated concrete is different long term service, despite a large number of voids. This is explained by the fact that a sufficient volume of air accumulates and circulates in the pores, which compensates for temperature deformations. Consequently, even frozen water in aerated concrete masonry is not capable of destroying the walls.

The drying period must be sufficient so that the cement has time to react and the structure does not lose its solidity. Natural drying under plastic film with periodic irrigation of the concrete surface is recommended.

In the cold season, the drying problem is solved by constantly heating the concrete solution and insulating the formwork.


To extend its service life, it is recommended to use specific additives that increase the resistance of concrete to various influences. A popular additive is in the form of thin steel fibers. Such fiber fibers perform the function of reinforcement with the difference that they work not at the installation site, but throughout the entire volume of the mixture due to uniform distribution molecules.

Ferrous surface

Ironing of concrete is an improvement in the technological characteristics of a concrete base.

The concrete coating is treated with a special fluid or dry cement composition, the granules of which strengthen the weak surface layer of fresh concrete. Iron plating provides protection from high loads, mechanical and climatic influences. The method is dry, when the cement mixture is applied through a sieve to the surface and leveled into a 2 mm layer after absorbing moisture from the concrete, and wet, when ready-made compositions diluted in water at the site of ironing.

Insulating impregnations

Silings are the most effective for processing masonry and monoliths. For their manufacture, fast-hardening polymers are used that are capable of penetrating deeply into the voids of the near-surface layer and isolating them. Impregnations increase the waterproofing of concrete, which significantly extends its service life.

But you have negative sides.It blocks natural air circulation. Therefore, such compositions are recommended for treating floors, but are not suitable for use to strengthen concrete walls of residential buildings.

The manufacturer of each product sets the service life and gives a guarantee for its products. The same applies to performers of services and works. IN in this case the individual or legal entity who produces the work is their seller. Therefore, it also determines the period of time during which it is responsible for the quality of the manufactured goods, services provided or work performed.

The warranty period and service life represent two completely different concepts, which many consumers often confuse, which is why they end up in unpleasant situations, and sometimes suffer material losses. To prevent this from happening to you, you must clearly understand their differences - this will help a lot in the future, especially if you plan to commit large purchases or order any work.

Manufacturer's liability

The service life is a certain time period during which the manufacturer is responsible for its quality and performance characteristics to the buyer. If defects or defects are discovered during use, the requirements of the person who purchased the low-quality product must be satisfied to the fullest extent.

During the stated time, the buyer has the right to:

· Free of charge repair or restoration work;

· Free service;

· Compensation for damage;

· An equivalent replacement for an item with identified deficiencies;

· Return material resources;

· Putting forward your own requirements regarding a product with identified deficiencies.

The legislator does not oblige the manufacturer to install certain period exploitation of products is a voluntary matter. The only exceptions are things that, after a certain period of time, pose a serious danger to the environment or human well-being. In this case responsible person is obliged to warn about changes in the properties of the product after a specific time.

Speaking in simple language, life time- this is the time during which the product will properly perform its function. After its expiration, if specified, the manufacturer is not responsible for further use.

Quality guarantee - consumer confidence

The warranty period is the time period during which the manufacturer must meet the buyer halfway when manufacturing defects in the product are discovered. Actually, it is this indicator that characterizes the real performance qualities of the product. If a manufacturer establishes a 2-week warranty on its product, this is already a reason to think about what will happen next. Manufacturers really quality product set such a period from a year or more.

During the warranty period, the consumer has the right to carry out repair or restoration work, as well as complete replacement products whose quality does not correspond to the declared one. If the manufacturer refuses the consumer his legal rights, he has the right to restore justice and recover damages from legal entity judicially.

– it will run out someday, or a T-shirt – it will wear out.

And even new car will someday fall into disrepair.

Let the vehicle serve us faithfully for quite a long time, compared to other goods, but it also has its own services.

Auto parts are not except and wear out along with it.


Do not confuse service life with period. By guarantee we mean the time when the detected flaws or defects corrected directly by the dealer or manufacturer without investment Money owner.

As a rule, it lasts no more one and a half years or even less.

But the car can and should last much longer.

This indicator depends not only on the brand and model, but also on operating conditions.

From the Consumer Protection Act () it is clear that service life is the time when The manufacturer of your car is obliged to:

  • ensure the possibility of its use by appointment;
  • be responsible for flaws(serious, for example a manufacturing defect), which were caused by his fault.

That's why buyers During their service life they can fully count on:

  • carrying out Maintenance machines and repairs (including individual parts);
  • consideration and satisfaction your requirements regarding the quality of work (in the presence of serious defects);
  • harm damage caused to your health due to shortcomings, including moral ones, will be compensated.

True, if you did not find in the documentation for the car this concept, you may experience cause for concern. But the manufacturer reserves the right to assign this period to itself. This does not mean that the day after the end warranty service the life of the car will end.

Law within 10 years after production or purchase, it gives us the opportunity to exercise our right to the quality of the car. But the manufacturer, at his discretion, can increase.

Species dependent

With proper care, the car can give its owner rides couple of decades. But this is not profitable for the modern auto industry. Therefore, even if the service life indicated in accompanying documents, exceeds a minimum of ten years, then not by much. It's done anyway amendment on the purpose of the machine.


Trucks are working car category.

They carry their cargo in any weather, on any roads and over a variety of distances.

According to statistics, factories are ready to be “responsible” for their production five hundred thousand kilometers.

In practice this figure drops to three hundred thousand. True, if the truck is operated in conditions far north, there are constant overloads or incorrect distribution of the weight of the transported objects along the axes, low-quality diesel fuel is poured into it, then permanent repairs and investments are guaranteed.

The city, with its traffic jams, will also not extend the life of the car. Increase service life within the power of the car owner himself. To do this you need:

  1. Pass on time THAT.
  2. Avoid overloads(and there is no difference between a one and a half ton gazelle and a forty ton trawl).
  3. Use quality fuels and lubricants.
  4. Change the engine in a timely manner.
  5. Replacement filter, spark plugs, timing belts in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
  6. Buy quality details.
  7. Served in specialized centers.

Special mention should be made of trailers. As a rule, they are installed for a period of time without significant breakdowns up to 8-10 years.

Passenger cars

The service life of passenger cars also depends on terms of their use. There are cars that cover 500 kilometers a day, and there are those that are used only for fishing in the summer. And the condition of the cars roads makes his own amendments.

Hence, the duration of operation of the machine varies from 10 to 15 years. Expensive brands last longer than cheap ones, SUVs factory equipped (without modifications by the owner) wear out over 5-7 years.

Domestic cars, sadly enough, barely survive up to 8 years old.

Interestingly, some car manufacturers (Volvo and Mercedes) track the durability of their “brainchildren” and the most caring owners are ready to give out expensive prizes after their iron horses overcome certain distances.


Any car needs consumables that require periodic replacement. Not only comfort, but also safety owner.

Tires (winter, summer)

The wear and tear on this car part is affected by your driving habits. If you more or less stick operating rules, then the tires may well serve more than 150,000 km.

Buy winter set tires or not, the owner of the car decides. Some manufacturers recommend using new sets every year, the condition of the tires is easily determined by the naked eye, and responsibility for timely replacement lies with the owner.

It should be noted that having a winter pair of “shoes” for your car prolongs life summer. And the quality depends on the manufacturer and price.


Thanks to antifreeze, the car maintains permissible temperature . The cooling system is very sensitive and low-quality coolant can ruin it. Different manufacturers provide a guarantee for antifreeze from 1 to 5 years.

But practice shows that more frequent replacement ( once every 1-2 years) this fluid prolongs the life of the car. An indicator of the quality of antifreeze is its color. He must be blue.

Shock absorbers

What is the service life of car shock absorbers?

Bad roads and aggressive driving first of all provide destructive impact on shock absorbers.

Russian manufacturers promise the serviceability of these parts throughout 30 thousand kilometers, foreign ones extend service life up to 70 thousand.

Brake fluid

High-quality braking can sometimes save a life to the driver. Brake fluid plays as the car slows down. Very important role . Despite the fact that good manufacturers guarantee the preservation of all qualities within 3 years, this substance must be changed at intervals of one and a half to two years.

Moreover, the number of completed kilometers frequency is not affected. A car is a system, and damage to any one element quickly disables it. Do not neglect timely maintenance and change on time fluids and consumables.

Examples of infringement of rights

Problems arise for car owners when the warranty has already expired and a breakdown has occurred. Service centers when refusing, they refer to the warranty agreement.

If you are sure that the car broke down through no fault of yours, then . Upon recognition defect For any factory parts you can contact directly with a claim to the manufacturer.

Of course, not everything depends from our desire so that the “iron horse” pleases us for a long time. The machine manufacturer contributes very significant contribution in the durability of the car.

Also, ignorance of the concepts of “Service Life” and “Warranty Period” and the inability to distinguish between them forces us invest money in renovations.

Moreover cause breakdowns are not always hidden by the car owner.

Read carefully documentation for your purchase. And if you don’t find answers to your questions in them, turn to the legislation.

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