Conducting certification of specialists. Principles of personnel certification

How to carry out certification in a company is one of the least regulated issues in labor legislation. There are regulatory legal acts that regulate certification issues in detail certain categories workers: civil servants, teaching staff etc. If the organization does not fall under the scope of these documents, then one should be guided only by the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on certification and local regulations specifying them.

In the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, failure to pass certification is mentioned in clause 3, part 1, art. 81 as grounds for dismissal. The same article states that the certification procedure is established by labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts, as well as local regulations of the employer, adopted taking into account the opinion representative body workers.

Based on Art. 82 Labor Code of the Russian Federation in certification commission a union representative should be included if the results of the certification serve as grounds for dismissal. Other references to certification relate to labor regulation individual categories workers (teachers, researchers, etc.).

Thus, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation extremely poorly regulates the process of organizing and conducting certification in an ordinary company where there is no special categories workers and trade union cell. It is clear that certification should be carried out on the basis of the employer’s local regulatory act, but what and how to reflect in this document, how to carry out certification in practice - employers have to answer these questions on their own. In this article we will look at controversial issues, which are worth considering before conducting certification.

1. Why is certification needed?

You should not consider certification solely as one of the tools for dismissing an employee. Its task is to check the employee’s suitability for the position held, to identify areas of development and unrealized potential of the employee. The process and results of certification in the company can be linked to the bonus system, career development and employee training programs.

Organizing certification is a labor-intensive and painstaking task. Therefore, it makes sense to use certification as a comprehensive personnel management tool, and not just as a reason to fire someone.

Read about the certification procedure in the article “We conduct personnel certification”

2. How often should certification be carried out?

The legislation establishes the frequency of certification only in relation to certain categories of workers. For example, certification of civil servants is carried out, certification of employees of internal affairs bodies is carried out, certification of teaching staff is carried out, and even less often -.

How often should certification be carried out in a routine commercial organization? This issue remains at the discretion of the employer. But it hardly makes sense to do this more often than once a year: this is an adequate period for changes in the professional qualities of an employee, which will be objectively reflected in the results of the certification. Certification deadlines may vary for different departments companies. Where employees continually receive, learn and apply new information, certification can be carried out more often than in other departments.

Thus, we can talk about the following types certifications:

  1. according to the criterion of planning, certification can be regular or extraordinary;
  2. In terms of frequency, personnel can be certified one-time or continuously (periodically).

Everything is quite clear with the next certification: its deadlines are established by local regulations, and Certain date may be appointed by order of the manager.

And unscheduled certification should be carried out for a special reason: based on the results of advanced training, in connection with the introduction of new programs, instructions, technologies, etc. And here you need to understand that employees need objective time to master new information and acquire new skills. Therefore it makes no sense to enter new program, and after a couple of days carry out certification.

It is also lawful to carry out extraordinary certification for negative reasons: in relation to workers who have been subjected to certain period disciplinary sanctions, or those against whom there are verified and confirmed complaints from clients, colleagues, etc.

In any case, unscheduled certification must be justified, especially if it is carried out selectively in relation to a specific employee.

Employees can also be certified one-time. For example, a company introduces a system of grades (positional levels, etc.). To fairly rank everyone, determine the position level and salary of each employee, you can use a certification tool. This will help to understand whether the employee corresponds to the level of his position and salary, and whether these criteria should be shifted in relation to both the position and the specific employee.

Constant certification is needed where employees continuously receive new information. In this case, the volume of knowledge being tested may not be very large, and the certification procedure may be simplified. For example, call center employees receive updated information about customer services every month, must study it in two days and pass an electronic test.

3. What should be included in the certification program?

The certification program must include questions that are directly related to the employee’s job description, requirements for his education and qualifications, established professional standards, as well as internal documents companies that he must know. For example, you shouldn’t ask an accountant wages about practice litigation on taxes. The employee himself, as well as the inspectors and the court based on his complaint, may consider such questions incorrect, and quite justifiably.

You can invite the employee to answer more difficult questions, beyond the scope of his position, but only if the employee applies for a promotion based on the results of certification and himself expresses such a desire.

Read about how professional standards affect certification in the article “Professional standards: hiring, transfer, certification and payment"

In addition to answering questions, the professional successes or failures of the person being certified should also be assessed, reflecting this with an additional point. You can estimate the number of attracted clients, concluded contracts, inspected objects, held events, etc. A reduction point can be set for the presence of disciplinary sanctions for a certain period.

4. Who should be included in the list of those being certified?

It makes no sense to conduct certification for everyone and is not always fair to employees. To objectively pass certification, an employee must certain period to “enter office.” That's why certifying long-serving employees on the same basis as newly hired employees can be considered discrimination. It is necessary to establish a criterion for compulsory passage certification - work on certain position, for example, at least a year. Other employees can be allowed to undergo certification only with their consent - if the employee is confident in his abilities and wants to demonstrate this to management. Moreover, if the results of certification affect bonuses and career, it is necessary to give newcomers the right to participate in certification.

An employee must not be unreasonably denied certification. For example, when an employee is considered unsuitable in advance and is not included in the certification order for the reason “everything is clear about him.” The employee may also consider this attitude discrimination: You never know what management thinks, because certification is an objective tool for confirming qualifications, the employee has the right to participate in it on an equal basis with other colleagues. And in this case the employee will be right.

Eat categories of workers for whom labor legislation provides increased protection: pregnant women, persons under 18 years of age, persons with family obligations etc. Although the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not establish a ban on the participation of these categories of workers in certification, in the general sense of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation they are subject to special protection, therefore we recommend that such workers be included in the list of those being certified only with their consent, and mandatory certification attract only if their special status changes.

5. How to evaluate certified workers?

Certification is a process in which an employee has the right to count on an objective assessment of his professional qualities. The objectivity of the assessment is ensured, firstly, by the competence of the members of the certification commission, and secondly, by their impartiality.

Therefore, the commission should include persons who are well versed in the issues on which certification is carried out. These can be not only experts and managers of the department in which the employee being assessed works, but also representatives of related departments. For example, the head of the marketing department can be involved in the certification of sales managers, since the functions of sales and marketing are closely related and the salesperson must understand the essence of marketing.

Impartiality of commission members can be ensured by including in it persons to whom the certified person does not directly report (the head of the department head, a representative third party organization– a customer or supplier of the company). Necessarily Conflicts of interest should be avoided: An employee should not be evaluated by his relatives or a manager with whom he has disagreements.

Objectivity, as well as efficiency of assessment of certification results, can be ensured through IT technologies: develop computer tests, questionnaires, program automatic assessment of certification results.

6. What to do based on the results of certification?

Since the results of the certification may affect the employee’s position in the company (bonus, promotion, transfer to another job in accordance with Part 3 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, dismissal), employees must be familiarized with the conclusions of the certification commission, without delaying this for more than a few days .

It is advisable for employees to provide the right to express your reasonable disagreement with the results of the certification. The certification commission must consider the objections and send the employee for re-certification or recognize his objections as unfounded. Even if the employee goes on to complain to the State Tax Inspectorate or to the court about an unfair assessment of his professional qualities, the company will already understand what the certified employee does not agree with.

What to do with employees have not passed certification? These employees can be divided into two categories: those who can be dismissed based on the results of certification, and those whose dismissal on this basis is prohibited (Article 260 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

You can part with employees from the first group only after offering them vacancies in accordance with Part 3 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: it is necessary to offer vacancies in accordance with the qualifications of the employee or lower positions.

Employees who are not subject to dismissal based on the results of certification should be recommended to “finish their studies” until required level and re-certify. The same can be offered to “candidates for dismissal”: the employer is not obliged to dismiss workers who have not passed the certification.

7. What to do if an employee does not come for certification?

What to do if an employee does not show up for certification without a good reason?

There are two options here. It is possible to carry out certification in the absence of the employee based on available data (the manager’s presentation, data on the employee’s performance of his duties, the opinion of the commission members, the results of the employee’s preliminary testing). This certification option should be provided for by local regulations, as well as possible consequences failure to appear – failure to pass the certification. If the commission comes to the conclusion that the employee did not pass the certification, including due to his failure to appear, he can be dismissed in accordance with clause 3 of part 1 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, offering him available vacancies (Part 3 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). This kind of situation is described in appellate ruling Moscow City Court dated December 20, 2013 in case No. 11-39131.

We note, however, that despite the existence of such a practice, we would not recommend this dismissal option for a commercial organization. Still, in the dispute considered by the courts, it was about the civil service, when certification was mandatory. If an ordinary company fires an employee for failure to appear for certification (namely, as someone who failed certification due to failure to appear), we believe that the courts may side with the employee.

If the certification commission comes to the conclusion that it makes no sense to conduct certification in the absence of the employee, or this method of certification is not established by local regulations, it can be imposed on the employee disciplinary action for evading certification. It is advisable to include in the certification provision and/or in the employment contract with employees a condition on their obligation to undergo certification and/or include in the certification order a clause stating that the employee is obliged to undergo it in specific date and time. Then the application of the penalty will be undisputed. After this, the employee can be asked to undergo certification again.

If the employee avoids undergoing certification a second time, then this will already give him a reason to fire in accordance with clause 5, part 1, art. 81 Labor Code of the Russian Federation for repeated failure to comply their responsibilities. We would like to add that we have not found any practice of dismissal for failure to appear for certification, but we believe that such a situation is quite possible, especially if employment contract and/or the provision on certification contains a condition regarding the obligation to undergo it and the employee is familiar with this clause in writing (or signed in the order that he is obliged to come for certification on a certain date and time). This issue is certainly controversial. And you must be prepared for the fact that the employer will have to defend his position in court.

What are the benefits of certification social workers? What are the features of certification medical workers per category? What regulates the provisions on certification for suitability for the position held?

When you come to work, you find out that there have been personnel changes in the team! Chief economist Maria Ivanovna urgently got ready to retire. Senior accountant Natalya is beaming with happiness - she is now deputy chief accountant. But the leading economist Lyudochka is all in tears - with today she's just an economist.

The fault lies with the certification of employees, which no one paid attention to just two weeks ago. special significance. As we see, in vain!

In order not to get into trouble and to be fully armed, to know all the pros and cons of this procedure, I, Alla Prosyukova, have prepared for you new article on the topic of personnel certification!

As always at the end of the publication - useful tips and a review of reliable companies offering personnel certification services!

1. What is employee certification and why is it carried out?

Every year, business leaders and business owners are increasingly more attention allocated to company personnel. Popular expression “Personnel decides everything!” finally began to acquire practical significance.

To remain competitive, companies must have highly professional personnel whose level of training corresponds to its scale.

How to determine this level correctly? It's very simple - get certified!

This is a periodic examination of personnel for professional suitability and suitability for the position held.

The goals of this event are different. We have presented some of them in our diagram.

Legislatively, the frequency of certification activities is provided for at least once every 3 years. Based on this, each company independently approves the deadlines that are acceptable to it. They are fixed in local act regulating this process, developed and approved within the company.

You should know which categories of workers are not certified:

  • working in the organization less than a year;
  • employees over 60 years of age;
  • employees expecting a child;
  • female employees on maternity leave;
  • women who have taken leave to care for a child up to 3 years old.

Nowadays certification has become popular in the field of social work. Certification of the professionalism of social workers makes it possible to form a staff of highly qualified specialists, which has a positive effect on the quality of the services they provide.

It is also important to remember the peculiarities of certification of certain types of employees. For example, certification of health workers by category. These employees have the right to independently initiate an examination for assignment of a category. The voluntary nature of the test is its distinctive feature.

Examinations of this kind are conducted by an expert group of a specially formed commission.

2. What forms of employee certification are there - 3 forms of implementation

Depending on the goals, the method of certification is also selected. The most famous are 3 forms of this procedure. In practice, there are many more of them, because mixing often occurs and the result is a combined format.

In this publication, I propose to consider only the main ones: two oral (individual and collegial interviews) and written testing.

Form 1. Oral in the form of an individual interview

An individual interview is usually conducted by the head of the department in which the employee works. The results serve as the basis for compiling a review-characteristic.

In the process, the attitude of the person being certified to the work is clarified. The problems that an employee encounters while performing his or her job duties are identified.

Form 2. Oral in the form of a collegial interview

The collegial interview is conducted by a commission approved for these purposes. First, they listen to the test subject’s own report about his responsibilities within the framework of the position, positive and negative points work. If necessary, clarifying questions are asked.

During the conversation, the level of professional training of the specialist and his suitability for the position are determined.

Form 3. Written in the form of tests

Most objective form testing is considered. Certification testing requires serious preparation.

First, it is necessary to form and approve test questions. They must fully comply with the specialty and qualifications of the employees being certified.

Secondly, the % of correct answers should be determined in advance to determine successful completion tests.

4. Who provides services for employee certification - review of the TOP 3 companies

Is the personnel certification procedure causing you difficulties and you don’t know where to start? I suggest turning to professionals.

We have selected companies that will quickly and efficiently certify workers in any field, including education, medicine, government and social services.

“HR-praktika” is a St. Petersburg company that has been operating throughout the Russian Federation in the field of personnel management for more than 20 years. During this period, the company became an expert in the field of its professional interests.

The company provides services in the field of personnel management in the following areas:

  • audit;
  • outsourcing;
  • education;
  • consultations;
  • design work.

Managers and business owners, job seekers and company employees, HR specialists - they will find everything useful information on the corporate Internet resource of the company “HR-praktika”. You can get an initial consultation by phone or by leaving a request on the website.

"Hermes" is a licensing center based in Moscow, created in 2006. The company has everything required certificates and licenses to carry out the declared activities.

Services of LLC "Hermes":

  • quality management certification;
  • licensing;
  • SRO approvals;
  • training and retraining courses in various areas;
  • certification: personnel;
  • sale ready-made companies with a license from the Ministry of Emergency Situations and KGIOP.

Having started its activities back in 2006 as a division of the holding, the company “There are personnel!” became a separate business unit with a wide network of specialized agencies.

Recruiting and consulting services- These are the main activities of the company. The most popular among clients were personnel certification and.

The results of the events carried out by highly qualified specialists of the agency “There are Personnel!” allow customers to:

  • identify the reasons for ineffective staff performance;
  • determine directions for optimizing personnel and organizational work;
  • develop activities that increase motivation and productivity;
  • reconsider job responsibilities and wages;
  • redistribute the workload among specialists.

5. How to get objective results from employee certification - 3 useful tips

Objectivity is an important component of personnel certification.

Our advice will help you avoid problems in this matter.

As I already wrote, the number of participants in the certification commission is not limited. Include as many specialists as necessary to carry out the procedure efficiently.

The main condition: all members of the commission must enjoy authority and be competent in the professional specializations of those being certified. Such a composition will create more trust and reduce the risk of conflicts.


During the certification process at Albatros LLC, a problem arose conflict situation when assessing the professional competencies of system administrator Fedor Kuzkin.

The commission decided to downgrade Kuzkina's category. Fedor wrote a complaint to the director of the company, in which he drew attention to the incompetence of the commission members in matters of system administration.

Indeed, the commission did not have a single specialist in this direction, and therefore they could not evaluate properly professional quality system administrator Fedor.

The director of Albatross LLC agreed with Kuzkin’s arguments and the recommendations of the certification commission were not accepted.

Tip 2. Conduct certification only in the presence of the employee

Despite the fact that the law provides for cases of certification in the absence of an employee (unreasonable absence, unwillingness to undergo an examination), it is better to conduct it in his presence.

This way you will reduce the risk of conflict and challenging the outcome on the part of the employee being evaluated.

Tip 3. Trust third-party companies to carry out certification

If you want to get really high-quality certification results and get rid of headaches about this, I recommend ordering this event from specialized companies.

Such companies can be entrusted not only with personnel certification, but also, for example, with a special assessment of working conditions ().

Need Additional Information on this topic? Watch the video!

6. Conclusion

Employee certification - useful and required procedure for all companies, regardless of scale and type of activity.

A high-quality assessment will allow the company to solve many problems: increase employee interest, optimize production, create personnel reserve etc.

Question for readers

Have you conducted personnel certification at your production site? And if so, in what form did this happen?

I talked about the main points of this process. If you are interested in the topic of certification, read other articles in this series on the project website.

Best wishes to you! Write reviews on the article, comment, ask questions! Biological examination - 7 main stages of conducting a forensic biological examination + expert advice on appealing the results of the examination


Certification is the only assessment method that gives the employer the opportunity to make organizational conclusions about specific person: leave in the same position, promote or fire. Note that certification should not have a “punitive” function from any point of view: the main goal of the procedure is to encourage employees to do more effective activity and achieving the best results in it. Certification is designed to identify reserves for an employee’s professional growth and further help realize this potential.

Certification (or ) is regulated Federal Laws and first of all the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This means that the findings and conclusions of the certification commission will have legal force. Preparation for certification begins with writing the main document - the Order and, in addition to it, the Regulations on Certification (it should be an appendix to the Order). Other names are also acceptable instead of the word Order - Decree, Resolution on certification, Order.

The certification regulations are approved if certification is carried out in relation to employees of one enterprise or employees working in one system of organizations. There are also interdepartmental certification and third party (independent) certification. The certification commission may have specialized functions and other names: Expert commission(gives expert opinions), Certification Center, Qualification Commission(assigns qualifications). But any of these organs cannot be represented by one or individual entrepreneur.

The number of members of the certification commission may vary depending on the specifics of production. When conducting an independent certification, the commission must consist of at least three people (according to the “Requirements for independent bodies(certification) of personnel SDA-13–2009"). For a higher bar - at least four experts.

The certification commission must act on permanent basis: this is a mark of conformity with international and Russian standards. The Certification Regulations must contain the following information: certification; how the enterprise certification commission is formed; which categories of persons are subject to certification and which are not; how decisions are made by the commission and how they are implemented. References to enterprise documents are required: charters, labor and collective agreements, organization standards, job descriptions, internal rules labor regulations and other local regulations.

The most important thing for the commission is to adequately evaluate the work of the person being certified. To do this, members of the commission must be sent data on each person: personal information from personnel service about education, qualifications, work experience and others important facts professional activity; review from your immediate superior. The results of the interviews are important exam tasks, competitive tests, tests, data from surveys of colleagues and clients about the work of the person being certified (they are carried out in the form of interviews and questionnaires). The assessment of the quality of manufactured products, conclusions based on the results of direct observation of work (including such as mystery shopping in the service sector) are taken into account ).

The results of certification are recorded in the Protocol.

Certification work acts as one of essential elements HR activities. The composition of employees undergoing periodic inspection is approved for each industry separately. Let us consider further in detail how certification work is carried out.

General information

The activity in question should be understood as a periodic check of the professional suitability of each employee of a certain category for suitability for the position held. The legislation does not establish an obligation for everyone without exception to carry out this procedure. There are no provisions of this kind in the Labor Code or in other regulations one industry or another. Meanwhile, the legislation provides mandatory check professional suitability for certain categories of employees. Their activities are regulated special rules, which establish the procedure for certification of employees.

Mandatory verification

The legislation provides for certification rules:

  1. Employees of organizations of certain economic sectors.
  2. RF, employees of some federal, municipal and regional executive structures.
  3. Heads of unitary enterprises.
  1. Operational dispatch control in the energy sector.
  2. Movement of trains, shunting operations on railway tracks.
  3. Ensuring the safety of navigation.
  4. Hazardous production facilities.
  5. Storage and destruction of chemical weapons.
  6. By air.
  7. Educational activities.
  8. Sources ionizing radiation.
  9. Space infrastructure.

Library workers are also subject to mandatory certification. In all other cases, the procedure is voluntary.

Regulations on employee certification

It is developed by those enterprises that carry out professional suitability testing in voluntarily. Specified document compiled by the employer and the personnel service of the organization. It must define key issues for certification. Methods for evaluating employees are developed taking into account the specifics of the enterprise’s activities, the qualifications of personnel and other management factors. The regulation on employee certification should consist of sections reflecting all aspects related to verification. Let's consider them separately.

Employee categories

The regulations on employee certification must clearly define which personnel are subject to testing for professional suitability and which are not. First of all, the examination is carried out in relation to such a category of employees as employees. They are those workers who are primarily engaged in mental labor. As a rule, their functions include management, approval, and preparation of any information. Group of employees busy physical labor, are called employees. Their functions include the direct creation of material products, providing production activities. As a rule, they are not subject to certification. The selection of specific categories of employees for professional suitability testing is carried out by the personnel service, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise's activities.


Checks are not carried out on employees:

  1. Have been in the state for less than a year. This is due to the fact that they do not have the proper experience, and the conclusions that the certification commission will make will be, accordingly, biased.
  2. Pregnant employees. Even if there is a discrepancy, they cannot be dismissed, since the prohibition on this is established by Art. 261 TK.
  3. Women who have dependent children under three years of age and are on leave to care for them. Certification of these employees is carried out no earlier than 1 year after graduation vacation period. The establishment of a period is due to the fact that while caring for a child, a woman may lose her qualifications. 1 year is accepted as a reasonable period for its restoration. In addition, even if there is a discrepancy, the employer will not be able to terminate the contract by virtue of Art. 81 clause 3 of the Labor Code.


The list of employees not subject to verification may include the following employees:


The Regulations on Certification of Workers must include the conditions for conducting an inspection. First of all, its frequency should be determined. On currently Regulation No. 267/470 of October 05, 1973 is in force, establishing that certification of engineering, technical, management employees and workers of other specialties is carried out once every three to five years. Accordingly, this frequency can be taken as a basis when drawing up a local enterprise document. For example, the Regulations on employee certification may establish a frequency of once every three or four years. It is possible to determine the frequency of inspections. For example, no more than once every three years.


In the process of establishing frequency, it is advisable to immediately determine the start and end dates of inspections. For example, in educational institutions it can be tied to the moment when the order was issued or to what is specified directly in the order. It is important to determine the period during which the check will be performed. The organization determines it independently, guided by staff strength, the composition of the certification commission, the level of qualifications of employees, etc. In practice minimum period The inspection period is considered to be 3-6 months. If the enterprise is large and it will be impossible to meet this period, the procedure is carried out in stages. Employees who are subject to verification are distributed by year within the periodicity. If we define exact dates It is not possible to carry out certification, then they can be established by direct orders of the manager. This fact should be reflected in local document regulating the conditions for conducting the inspection.

Informing employees

The Regulations must include information about:

The local act also specifies other documents that the employee must be familiar with. If a final certification is provided, the employee should be given the opportunity to study its results, up to and including obtaining the necessary copies.

Types of verification

Certification can be carried out:

  1. As planned. Such verification is carried out within the prescribed time frame.
  2. Unscheduled. This certification is also called early.

An unscheduled inspection may be carried out in connection with:

  1. By promoting an employee to a higher position upon his release by a previous employee.
  2. Significant miscalculations or omissions in professional activities, commission disciplinary violation associated with improper/poor performance of duties. Identified shortcomings in the activities of one employee may lead to certification of employees of the entire department.

The verification may be carried out at the request of the employee himself, who wishes to obtain another position or to declare himself as a suitable candidate. Certification can also be initiated by the head of the enterprise or one of the management staff. For example, an inspection may be required for an employee who was hired a year ago and did not pass the examination due to the lack of the necessary experience and length of service at the time of the examination.


They can be basic or additional. It is advisable to indicate in the Regulations all the purposes for which certification is carried out. The main ones include:

Additional goals could be:

  1. Checking the employee’s compatibility with the team. IN in this case his ability to act in a team is determined, his loyalty to management and the entire organization as a whole is established.
  2. Checking the motivation to carry out activities in the position held.
  3. Analysis of employee professional development prospects.

In addition, the Regulations may provide for general goals:

  1. Improving the quality of personnel management and the efficiency of personnel activities.
  2. Strengthening employee responsibility and executive discipline.

It is allowed to determine and special purposes. They may be:

  1. Establishing a list of positions and employees who are subject to reduction or dismissal.
  2. Improving the psychological atmosphere at the enterprise.

Inspection body

The local act must determine the scheme according to which the certification commission will operate. In particular, conditions are established on the basis of which:

It is necessary to take into account that according to Part 3 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code established that in the event of an inspection, the results of which may cause termination labor contract, the final certification is carried out with the participation of representatives of the trade union. In this regard, the local act should determine the form of participation of members trade union. Checking professional suitability in the authorities federal authorities carried out by the Higher Attestation Commission. Its composition is formed from senior officials of leading departments and ministries. for example, provided in judicial system. Its tasks include not only checking current employees, but also candidates for judges.


The inclusion of a trade union member in the certification commission is not necessary in all cases. Its presence in the composition will depend on the purpose of the test. If, as stated above, the certification is carried out to establish professional suitability and, based on its results, the presence of a representative is mandatory. In other cases, it is not strictly regulated. For example, it is not necessary for a representative to be present during certification aimed at forming a reserve of employees, increasing salary categories, etc.

Features of the event

Certification can be carried out different ways. For example, this could be a direct check of the employee’s professional activities. In this case authorized persons are present at the employee's place of work. In addition, inspectors examine the documentation for correctness and timeliness of information. Certification tests are provided for some categories of employees. They are necessary, for example, for those whose activities require special knowledge.


The Regulations must specify the wording of the conclusions that can be drawn after the certification. However, they must be clear and clearly indicate the result of the check. In practice, formulations such as fit/not fit for the position or conditionally fit are used. The last conclusion suggests the presence of certain recommendations for the manager regarding this employee. This interim assessment has a large practical significance. It allows you to influence professional behavior employee. Other formulations, such as “fit”, “certified”, and so on, often lead to internal disagreements with the employee, and in some cases to legal proceedings.


The Regulations must clearly define the list of papers that are drawn up during certification. In accordance with the decision of the body authorized to conduct the inspection, taken upon completion of the inspection, a report is prepared. In it, the personnel service indicates the number of employees corresponding to the positions held, as well as the number of those who are professionally unfit for work. After this, proposals are formulated for specific employees. In accordance with the final documents, the director of the enterprise issues an order to carry out activities based on the certification results. It specifies tasks for the personnel service that need to be solved in relation to specific employees, as well as deadlines for their implementation and responsible persons. The effectiveness of the measures taken will be shown by the results of the next certification.

Any enterprise strives to develop not only its business, connections, partnerships, but also to exercise appropriate control over employees. After all, they are often the face of the company. Therefore they pass special checks, So called « certification employees on correspondence occupied positions» . This is necessary in order to reward the best and motivate less successful employees. And in some cases, make rational personnel changes.

How to prepare for the test, who should take it, we will consider these questions in this article.

What it is?

Certification of employees for suitability for the position held is necessary and mandatory procedure, according to Labor legislation. However, in government institutions it is mandatory, and in private ones it is carried out at the request of the employers themselves, depending on what goals and objectives are being pursued. This is a very important event in the framework of human resources work. It shows whether the employee is professionally suitable and whether he corresponds to the position he occupies.

Who should be certified?

This check is provided for workers in the scientific field, workers in the educational sector - for example, for teachers. Those who work in science undergo this procedure at least once every few years. At the same time, no more than once every two years. Teachers undergo certification once every 5 years. In addition, certification of employees for compliance with the position held is necessary to streamline the activities of the organization. Directly concerns the one that is unsafe. So, check pass following categories:

  • employees ensuring the safety of the transport system
  • civil servants
  • those who are responsible for the location, securing of cargo on railway transport, as well as their loading and unloading. Those workers whose activities are related to the movement of trains on railway tracks
  • people who work in industry and are responsible for industrial safety
  • people who lead unitary institutions. Certification for these persons takes place once every three years
  • as well as certain categories of persons legislative acts. These include such specialties as firefighters, rescuers, prosecutors, and aviators.

Persons working in the economy are also checked. Including dispatchers working in the electric power industry; responsible for safe navigation; workers harmful production; those who operate in places where chemical weapons are stored and destroyed; aviation personnel; workers associated with a source of ionizing radiation; library staff; space environment personnel.

These are the main groups of people who are subject to certification. For others there is no strict order.

Legal regulation of the procedure

In today's progressive society, relationships between employees and managers have become colder and harsher. In most cases, employers try to maximize the potential of their staff. Therefore certification is necessary. She allows identify skills workers, which Maybe, hiding. Or vice versa, show inconsistency his positions. After all, the success and profitability of a company often depends on its employees. Certification – legal form checks. The assessment is carried out by a specially appointed commission.

Previously, they said that bosses and their subordinates lack competence, culture and stress resistance. Therefore, this became a kind of brake economic sphere. Nowadays, demands have increased. Therefore, certification has moved to a completely different stage. The legislation has expanded the circle of persons who are subject to such control.

The evaluation commission must include a representative of the Primary trade union organization.

Presence commissions speaks O democracy V labor law. All participants in this procedure are notified in advance and are also introduced to the timing and rules of its implementation. Objectivity is ensured by the composition of the commission, which is competent in a particular area. Discrimination is not permitted.

In its turn , Not pass mandatory certification:

  • persons who have recently taken up their position and their term of work is up to a year
  • pregnant women. Because even if women do not pass the certification, they cannot be fired, according to Labor Code RF (TK)
  • women with children up to three years, or those who are on maternity leave. In this case, certification is carried out no earlier than one year after the end of the restrictions.
  • employees working part-time;
  • signed under a fixed-term employment contract;
  • those who have undergone retraining;
  • assigned to on a competitive basis during a year;
  • Young professionals

Therefore, before you begin preparing for employee certification, it is necessary to divide who is subject to it and who is not. It is imperative to define approaches and collect materials, outline the rules and principles of certification. Such legal basis will provide legal guarantees employees with employers.

Stages of personnel assessment

How certification should be carried out is specified in departmental and regulatory acts. Ordinary employers can draw up the order individually.

Certification passes By one system. A looks she like this way

First stage. A commission is created based on the order or instruction of the director. The composition must be agreed with the Trade Union.

It is important to remember that if the enterprise operates Trade union organization, then the commission must include at least one representative.

On second stage the manager must issue an order to conduct certification and notify employees about it.

Further necessary define methods And ways carrying out certification. Evaluation criteria and tasks should be thought out to check the level of training of employees. And also determine in what sequence the assessment will take place and what will be included in the list of tasks. It is necessary to inform employees about this before starting to relieve stress and make the procedure clear and as transparent as possible for them.

On penultimate stage are summed up results. The results are recorded in the protocol, the evaluation commission must sign the protocol. After this, the document is presented to employees for review; they can express disagreement and challenge the results. When everything is ready, the commission has recorded that no violations have been identified, and the document is submitted for signature by the director.

Final stageAdoption solutions By results certification O: appointment of new management, dismissal, salary increase, retraining, and so on. Employees must be familiar with the results and decisions made

Required documents

It is necessary to make Position O carrying out certification. The terms of certification must be specified in the Regulations. It is best to schedule a check period from three months before six months. Also For this procedures will be needed following documentation:

  • Personnel certification schedule
  • Attestation sheets filled out by an employee
  • Attestation sheet for the manager
  • Feedback from your immediate supervisor
  • Employee's report on the work done between the certification period
  • Commission decision
  • Protocol

On almost every document, the employee must sign that he has read and agrees.

After the procedure, the commission must submit a report on this. There should be a discussion about how many employees correspond to their position and how many are not.

Based on this document, the decision of the commission, a protocol is drawn up, which reports the results of the certification

After this, a conclusion is written for the employees and a decision is made on their future fate.

Increases the chance of passing certification well visit specialized trainings, lectures, seminars. This is relevant for those enterprises where they save on employees. For example, one specialist performs different types of work while receiving only one salary. Of course, specialized seminars will help specialists cope with certification better.

In addition, you can engage in self-education. Explore aspects of the profession that you had not previously noticed. If the employee is ready, certification will happen quickly for him . Procedure lasts approximately, near hours. To ensure that the certification brings maximum benefit, follow the advice of psychologists:

  • Notworry. No one will deliberately “fail” you. Perhaps, thanks to this certification, your salary will be increased;
  • youcan be noted among colleagues. You will be able to prove yourself during the certification;
  • Notthink bad, especially do not allow yourself to think that you are not valued;
  • Certification is carried out to improve the company's performance, not to fire you
  • tune infor this procedure. Remember your positive qualities, achievements in work
  • if you did not pass the certification at the level you expected, dont be upset. Let this experience become useful for you in the future, and let the certification serve as motivation for training and retraining.

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