Spell checking in Word. How to enable the grammar correction feature

Continuing the topic of effectively working with Word 2007, I would like to dwell on spelling and spelling checking for a product from Microsoft - “Word”, released in 2007. I would like to remind you that in the previous article we discussed the topic: .

Entering and checking spelling of text

If all the necessary styles have already been developed and saved in the template, then entering text is reduced to simply typing on the keyboard or transferring fragments from other documents.

When transferring fragments from other documents, the text may “come” with its own styles. Other styles have nothing to do in your document. From time to time, look through the list of open styles and if you find something new there that came from nowhere, delete it with the command: Home > Styles > Select the required one (having previously selected the text needed to change). Click on the picture to enlarge.

After changing the style, check which style the new text has accepted and, if necessary, apply a different one; if everything suits you, save it.

The main thing to focus on when entering text is when spell checking in Word 2007, - this is on structure and spelling. Check the structure by viewing the document in structure display mode.

Use the built-in spell checkers to check spelling. During the check, words with spelling errors are underlined with a red wavy line, and text fragments with incorrect grammar are underlined with a green line. To understand what the error is, right-click on the underlined text and use the context menu. In the figure below you can see that there is no sign after the decimal point - a space.

If the spelling checkers do not work, check the Automatically check spelling and Automatically check grammar checkboxes on the Spelling tab in the Options dialog box, to do this, right-click on the underlined text and use the context menu, then click Spelling, as shown in the figure below.

And finally, by clicking on - options, We get to the menu we need, where we put the necessary checkboxes.

It was the case in earlier versions of Word that spell checkers were not installed with the program. Then the program had to be rearranged and be sure not to forget about these components. These issues have been corrected in Word 2007.

I think that this article will help not only students, but also bloggers (webmasters), since it helps them write competent texts without errors, thereby allowing them to establish themselves as an educated person among their readers.

The Microsoft Word text editor checks errors automatically, and sometimes makes edits on its own, but standard checking is not always enough, especially when using foreign languages ​​in the text.

For more efficient work in finding and correcting errors, the editor has additional tools, which we will look at using Word 2016 as an example. However, the interface is partly similar to previous releases of the application.

Underlining errors

By default, Word uses a red line to underline unfamiliar words that it considers to be an error. When you right-click on an underlined word or area, the application will automatically suggest a correction option if a suitable alternative is available in its dictionaries. It also happens that there is no alternative, or all the proposed options obviously do not suit you.

Most often, Word is not familiar with the names of companies and places, as well as some first and last names. If you plan to use this or that word more than once in the future, then through the same context menu, called up by right-clicking the mouse, you can select the “Add to dictionary” option and the word used in the future in the same case form will no longer be be considered a mistake. In addition, by selecting “Ignore all” from the context menu in the current document, you will get rid of annoying underlines.

Grammar underlining

Checking grammatical structures works in a similar way. With the difference that possible errors are highlighted not with a red, but with a blue wavy line. This is not always really an error; often it is just the opinion of the text editor, based on a set of built-in rules, so you should not blindly trust such selections. By the way, correction suggestions are also available by right-clicking.

You can configure the set of available grammar rules and enable or disable this option through the menu “File” – “Options” – “Spelling” tab.

Manual error and grammar checking

You can consistently check all errors in a document by going through the ribbon menu to the “Review” tab and clicking the “Spelling” button (or simply pressing the F7 key). Word will show you the errors one by one, and a special window will open on the right side of the document, offering options for correction and buttons for controlling the procedure. This option will seriously save time when working with large documents, moving sequentially from error to error, instead of independently searching for every word underlined by the editor.

If while working on a document you manually skipped some words, you can cancel this action. “File” – “Options” – “Spelling” tab and “Re-check” button.

Dictionary management

You may accidentally add a misspelled word to the dictionary and want to remove it, or you may simply want to clean up the set available in the dictionary. To do this, go to the “File” menu – “Options” – the “Spelling” tab and the “Custom Dictionaries” button – select the dictionary you are using and click the “Change word list” button.

In the window that opens, you will see a list of all words ever manually added. You can delete any of them, or all of them at once. Here you can add new words, in particular using different case and numeric forms, so that in the future the text editor does not mistake them for errors.

Changing the language

You can run spelling and grammar checks for a wide variety of languages. To do this, select the “Review” tab from the ribbon menu, click the “Language” button and select “Spell Check Language” from the drop-down menu. In the window that opens, you will see a list of available language sets. Previously installed languages ​​will be marked with a special icon to the left of their name.

Here you can indicate in which language the selected text is typed, so that there is no confusion during checking. Also in this window you can specify the default language, which will also be used in subsequent documents.

Installing new dictionaries

If you don’t have a particular language dictionary installed, no problem. Simply double-click the corresponding name in the “Language” window, discussed in the previous paragraph, and then in the “Review” menu, click “Language” and select “Language Options”. You will see a set of selected languages ​​and information about whether dictionaries are installed for them. If the dictionary is not installed, then you will be offered an active link, clicking on which will take you to the official website office.com.

On the website you can select one of the available languages ​​and download the dictionary. Instructions for installing the language pack will also be provided there.

Disable spell checking

The Word text editor offers the option to disable automatic checking. Moreover, you can selectively disable grammar or spell checking, or both. This is done in the already familiar “Spelling” tab in the “Options” menu.

Uncheck "Check spelling as you type" and Word will only look for errors when you click the "Spelling" button through the "Review" menu. Red wavy lines will no longer appear. If you want to disable this option only for the current document, then use the “Hide spelling documents only in this document” checkbox at the bottom of the “Spelling” tab in “Options”.

The grammar check is disabled in the same way. In addition, it is possible to cancel the check point by point, for which you need to select a specific paragraph, go to the “Review” menu - the “Language” button, the “Spell Check Language” item and in the new window, check the “Do not check spelling” checkbox.


This option can be both useful and downright annoying. It automatically corrects those places that it considers incorrect. It is active by default, but is customizable. You can manually specify in which cases automatic corrections should be made, and in which they will be unnecessary.

In particular, this option can be extremely useful if you often type the same set of words. For example, if you regularly use the full name of a particular enterprise or educational institution, then you can give it a short form, which will automatically transform into a full-fledged version.

This is done in the “Options”, on the “Spelling” tab, clicking on the “AutoCorrect Options” button. There are already five tabs in the window that opens, and after studying the contents, you can discover a lot of interesting and useful things.

Other office applications

Other applications in the Microsoft Office suite also have a built-in spell checker. For example, in PowerPoint, words will be underlined in a similar way, and when working with Excel spreadsheets, to check spelling you will have to use the ribbon menu - the “Review” tab and the “Spelling” button.

Check spelling in Word can be done automatically when typing. Word checks both spelling and grammar. Spelling is the correct spelling of words without errors, and grammar is the correct composition of sentences, phrases and their semantic relationship.
How to enable spell checking inWord.
Click the “Office” button in the upper left corner. In the dialog box that appears, click the “Word Options” button. From the left list of the new dialog box, select the “Spelling” function. And here we check the boxes for the necessary functions. We have a check mark next to the “Automatically check spelling” function.
Click "OK". Now Word will check all the words we write automatically and underline misspelled words.
Spell checking in Word.
If we type text in Word and make a mistake, the word with the mistake will be underlined with a red wavy line. For example: To find out what the error is in this word, right-click on this word. The following dialog box will appear.
In the dialog box that appears at the top, options for correctly spelled words will be offered. Click on the selected word with the left mouse. And our misspelled word will be replaced with the selected word without an error.
It happens that a word is written correctly, but is still underlined with a red wavy line, like an error. Why this happens and how to fix it, see the article “Checking spelling in Word”.
It also happens that a correctly written word is underlined as an error, etc. this word is not in the dictionary against which all words are checked. If we write this word often, then we can add it to the dictionary. To do this, just select the function “Add to dictionary " And if this word was written once and we will not write it often, then in the context menu we select the “Skip” function.
To ensure that errors in underlined words are corrected automatically, you need to set up AutoCorrect. How to set this up, read the article "AutoCorrect in Word".
To learn how to remove a misspelled word that was accidentally added to the dictionary, see the article “How to remove a word from the Word dictionary.”
But, in the same dialog box, you can click on the “Spelling” function. Then a dialog box like this will appear.

Our misspelled word is written at the top of the dialog box. And at the bottom of the window in the “Options” section, word options without errors are given. Select the desired variant of the word and click the “Replace” or “Replace All” button if there are several such words in the text.
Spell check dictionaryWord.
note , What language dictionary is used to check our text? We look at the “Language of the dictionary” - we have “Russian (Russia)”. You can use the arrow to select another language (English, German, etc.) Sometimes Word shows an error, simply because the language in the dictionary is not the correct one.
Checking grammar in Word.
When we compose a sentence not according to the rules of the language, or make a mistake in composing a sentence (grammar), the words in the text will be underlined with a green wavy line. In our example, these are the words “text in Word”. Right-click on these words and select “Grammar”.
In the “Grammar” dialog box, our entire sentence is written at the top, and combinations of words with an error are highlighted in green font. An explanation of the error is written at the bottom of the dialog box.
We changed the word “let’s allow” to the word “will do.” All. There is no error. If we specifically need to write this way, then in the “Grammar” dialog box, click the “Skip Sentence” button. The wavy line that underlines the word will disappear.
If we started checking the spelling of a document from the middle of the page, then after checking to the end of the document page, the question “Check from the beginning of the page?” will appear. If we need it, click “Yes”.
You can check one sentence or part of the text; to do this, select a fragment of text and click the “Spelling” button on the “Review” tab.
Word checking can be enabled even if they are not underlined. Let's highlight these words. On the “Review” tab, click on the “Spelling” button.
If the words are underlined with a green wavy line, then the sentence is not composed correctly - it is very long, a comma is missing, etc. Click on the underlined word and a window with hints will appear.
One more thing.
Word is set up so that the first letter of the first word in a sentence is always capitalized. And, if we wrote and we need to write here with a small letter, but it was corrected to a capital letter. We can override this fix feature. For example: we wrote a small letter "a)", but Word corrected it to a capital "A)", because this letter is at the beginning of the sentence, as he thinks. Place the cursor on this letter. A blue rectangle appeared under this letter.Move the cursor under this rectangle and slightly to the right. An arrow button like this will appear.Click on the arrow and in the dialog box click on the “Cancel automatic capitalization” function. The letter will be corrected to small, as we wrote initially ("a)").

Disable spell checking in Word You can by unchecking the "Spelling" window in the "Word Options" section by accessing the "Office" button.
You can set a password in Word. See the article "

Word has a built-in automatic spell checker that is enabled by default. Even if it is disabled, you can always check the syntax and punctuation manually using the appropriate function. It all works quickly and smoothly, so you don’t have to spend a lot of time looking for typos in your own text. In this article we will tell you how spell checking works in the Word text editor.

How to check spelling in Word 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007?

There are 2 ways to check spelling in Word:

  • automatically;
  • manually.

Automatic verification is enabled by default in the application, you don’t even need to do anything for it. If you initially did not change any settings in the program, simply open the document and scroll through it from beginning to end. As you can see, some words are underlined in red, which means there is an error in the word, or it is simply not added to the dictionary, which is also not uncommon. Be that as it may, it is worth paying attention to this word and making appropriate adjustments if necessary.

If you need checking, but it doesn’t work, turn on automatic spell checking in the settings. To do this, select all the text using the Ctrl-A combination on the keyboard and click on selecting a language on the Word status panel. As a result, a small form will open with a choice of spelling tools. Select the Russian language from the list and uncheck the “Do not check spelling” checkbox here.

If the spell check still does not work and errors in the text are not highlighted, proceed as follows: open the “File” section in the top menu of the editor and click here on the “Options” button on the left side of the screen.

Open the “Spelling” category and check the boxes “Check spelling as you type,” “Mark grammar errors as you type,” and “Also check grammar while checking spelling.” After this, mistakes in words in the document will certainly stand out.

Now a few words about using manual spell checking. To check syntax and punctuation, click on the book icon on the Word status panel. As a result of this simple manipulation, the spell check in the document will be initialized.

How to check spelling in Word 2003?

To start the grammar check procedure in one of the initial versions of Word, you need to go to a similar icon on the editor’s status panel by double-clicking on it.

If this does not help, go to the “Tools” menu and select the “Spelling” option here.

This simple step should help in achieving the task. Otherwise, the implementation of this function in Word 2003 is very similar to later versions.

Spell checking is an important and extremely necessary feature in any program, and in a text editor it is simply a must have. Having learned to work with it once, later you will no longer be able to do without it, and this once again speaks of the convenience and high-quality implementation of this function.

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Users who often use Word have noticed that sometimes the program highlights some words, underlining them with a wavy line that has a color (blue, green or red). She does this for a reason. It indicates to the user that he has made some kind of error, be it punctuation or grammar. But, of course, the fact that the selection occurred by mistake is not overlooked.

In this article we will analyze using its built-in tools for these purposes. All the nuances of this check will be discussed in detail, so that after reading the article, the user will understand all the details.

and grammar

All spell checking activities should be divided into three blocks, which will be discussed below. Now it’s worth talking about how to enable spell checking.

First of all, launch the program itself and open in it the document in which you want to check and correct. Next, you need to go to the “Review” tab, because that’s where the tool we need is located. Now on the toolbar, find and click the "Spelling" button.

Tip: If you want to check the spelling not of the entire text, but only of some part of it, then before clicking the "Spelling" button, select the desired part of the text.

After clicking, the program will analyze your text, and if at least one error is found, the “Spelling” window will appear on the right side, where actions will be taken to correct this problem.

By the way, it is worth noting that it is not necessary to go to the “Review” tab. You can open the "Spelling" window by pressing the F7 hotkey on the keyboard.

Before moving on to directly working on errors, you can also pay attention to their types. As you can see, they are highlighted by underlining. And depending on the nature of the error, the color of the line changes. If a word is underlined in red, it means that the program does not know it. If blue or green - grammatical or punctuation.

Note: They are grammatical and are underlined with either a green or blue line - this depends on the version of the program. For example, in Word 2013 this line will be blue, and in 2007 it will be green.

Work on mistakes

Now let's figure out how to check spelling in Word. As you can see, in the Spelling window there are three main buttons that you can interact with. Let's look at each one separately.

  • “Skip” - using this button, you will skip the error that is currently selected, thereby letting the program know that there is no problem in the word. However, in the future it will still be highlighted as incorrect.
  • “Skip all” - by clicking this button, all similar words in the document will no longer be highlighted.
  • “Add” - this button is responsible for adding a word to the program dictionary that is currently highlighted and considered incorrect. By adding it, it will never be allocated again.

This is just the beginning, soon you will fully understand how to check spelling in Word.

Error correction

Errors must, of course, be corrected. This is precisely why you need to know how to check spelling in Word. In addition to the buttons discussed above, there are two more in the “Spelling” window - “Change” and “Change all”. We will also look at them, but a little later.

Now let's turn our attention to the window. This window will contain a list of words with which you can replace the incorrectly spelled word. That is, the program tries to analyze and understand what exactly you meant. All you have to do is select the correct correction and click the "Replace" button to correct the error. By the way, if you click the “Change All” button, this error will be corrected in the entire text. This is exactly what these buttons are for.

Tip: If you don’t know which of the corrections is correct, then you can use special services such as “Spelling” or “Certificate”.

End of check

After you check and correct all errors in the text, a window will appear in front of you, notifying you that the check is complete. All you have to do is click the "OK" button.

So you have learned how spelling is checked. Word is a very useful tool if you are not sure that your knowledge of the Russian language allows you to write without errors. It is also worth recalling once again that depending on the versions of the programs, the actions may differ. For example, as is the case with the underline color, when in Word 2013 the color is blue, and in previous ones it is green.

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