Waybill for a passenger car: example of filling and form. How to find out the cadastral number of a garage? Vehicle garage number

Let's look at the procedure for issuing waybills using the example of filling out form No. 3 \"Waybill for a passenger car\".


Individual entrepreneur Sergey Ivanovich Kondrashov uses in his activities a Ford Focus Sea Max passenger car with an engine capacity of 1.8 liters. Waybills are issued for a week (5 working days).

The entrepreneur himself was appointed by organizational order to be responsible for the operation of vehicles (he also performs the duties of a mechanic and dispatcher).

According to the previous waybill and visual inspection, the amount of fuel in the tank before departure was 30 liters. During the validity period of the waybill, the driver refueled once (40 liters). The gas station cash receipt was presented to him along with the waybill (advance report) upon expiration of its validity.

The total mileage during the travel period was 198 kilometers.

Using the data from this example, we will consider the procedure for issuing a waybill. For the completed form, see page 20.

Who and what form of waybill

must use

The waybill form approved by the State Statistics Committee (Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated November 28, 1997 No. 78) is a unified primary document intended for use by all legal entities operating vehicles.

At the same time, both tax authorities, the Ministry of Finance, and the courts believe that it is mandatory for motor transport enterprises (Letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 04/07/2006 No. 03-03-04/1/327, dated 03/16/2006 No. 03-03- 04/2/77, dated 02/20/2006 No. 03-03-04/1/129; Letters of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for Moscow dated 07/07/2008 No. 20-12/064123.2, dated 11/14/2006 No. 20-12/100253; Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service No. A56-20450/2008 of June 26, 2009; No. A28-08 of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Moscow Region dated November 13, 2008; 7048/2006-250/21; FAS UO dated 07/06/2009 No. Ф09-4565/09-С3). The remaining organizations, in their opinion, have the right to approve their form of waybill or other document confirming the expenses incurred for fuels and lubricants. The main thing is to comply with the requirements of Art. 9 of the Federal Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ \"On Accounting\".

The regulatory authorities believe that transport companies cannot choose the form of the waybill; they must use only the official one, the “Goskomstat” one.

As for the form of the waybill containing the mandatory details approved by the Ministry of Transport (Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated September 18, 2008 No. 152), it must also be used by all legal entities and entrepreneurs operating cars and trucks (clause 2 of the Mandatory details and procedure filling out waybills, approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated September 18, 2008 No. 152, hereinafter – Mandatory details and procedure for filling out waybills).

After the Order of the Ministry of Transport came into force, the regulatory authorities stated that a waybill containing mandatory details approved by the Ministry of Transport can also be one of the documents confirming the costs of purchasing fuels and lubricants (Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated August 25, 2009 No. 03-03 -06/2/161; Letters of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for Moscow dated December 30, 2009 No. 16-15/139308, dated October 13, 2009 No. 16-15/107268).

Thus, if you have a transport company and you use cars to provide services for the transportation of goods, passengers and luggage, then you must use the unified “Goskomstat” form and at the same time comply with the requirements of the Ministry of Transport. The safest option is to simply supplement the “Goskomstat” waybill with the mandatory “Ministry of Transport” details. And this:

– vehicle model;

– date and time of the pre-trip and post-trip medical examination of the driver, which are marked and certified by the medical worker who conducted the examination (clause 7, clause 16 of the Mandatory details and procedure for filling out travel forms).

If you use cars only for the personal needs of the organization, then you can:

– use \"Goskomstat\" forms of waybills;

– develop and approve your own form of waybill in compliance with the requirements of Art. 9 of Law No. 402-FZ and Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia No. 152;

– use other documents to confirm expenses for fuel and lubricants (part 1, 2 of article 1, part 1 of article 6 of the Federal Law of November 8, 2007 No. 259-FZ \"Charter of Road Transport and Urban Ground Electric Transport\"; Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Moscow Region dated September 30, 2010 No. KA-A40/11123-10).

But in order to avoid claims from tax authorities, it is better to use a waybill, having developed a form convenient for the organization.

Health worker stamp on the track

sheet is not required

The tax authorities may well present

you have a claim if there is no medical worker’s stamp on the waybill, since this detail is one of the mandatory details of the waybill approved by the Ministry of Transport (subclause 2, clause 7, clause 16 of the Mandatory details and procedure for filling out waybills).

But these claims are easy to dispute. After all, the lack of information about a medical examination does not affect the amount and validity of transportation costs. If the waybill contains information about the vehicle’s mileage, fuel consumption, and remaining fuel in the tank, then it may well be a supporting document (Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Moscow Region dated August 10, 2009 No. KA-A40/7253-09).

Of course, mandatory medical examination of the driver before and after the flight is provided for in paragraph 1 of Art. 20 of the Federal Law of December 10, 1995 No. 196-FZ \"On Road Safety\". But they won’t be able to fine you for missing medical examination marks. Because drivers are held administratively liable for failure to undergo a medical examination on time only under Art. 14.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - for conducting activities in violation of the conditions provided for by a special permit (license).

Front side

Let's move on to filling out the waybill. One of the required details of the document is its number. The order of numbering of waybills is developed by the organization itself or the entrepreneur. The series is indicated, as a rule, if the travel forms are printed in a typographical manner.

It is also necessary to indicate the date of the waybill. If its validity period is more than one day, then the entire period is indicated - from what date to what date this waybill is valid (in our example, it is issued for the work week from May 17 to May 21, 2014)

In the line \"Organization\" fill in the name, address of location and work telephone number of the enterprise - the owner (user) of the car. In addition, its OKPO codes (All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations) are entered in the code part. You can find this code in a letter from the Statistics Committee.

car make (in the example – “Ford Focus Sea Max”). If the car is rented, then here or in an added line it is advisable to indicate:

1. number and date of the lease agreement and the owner of the car (lessor) (for example, \"under the lease agreement No. ___ dated \"_\" _______ 20___ with LLC \"Profinfo\");

2. state license plate (in the example – E 266 ME 62);

3. The garage number is indicated if the organization has several cars on its balance sheet (in use) (it is not forbidden to indicate the inventory number of the car as a fixed asset in this line. However, it is not required);

4. Full name of the driver and his personnel number (if he is an employee of the same organization) (in the example - Kuleshov D.I., personnel number 034);

5. Below is the number of the driver’s driver’s license (or the licenses of all persons listed in the line \”Driver\”);

6. The details also include the type, series and number of the license card. However, licenses are currently only issued for commercial carriage of passengers of more than eight people. Accordingly, any transportation by passenger transport is not licensed. Therefore, in the example, these lines are not filled in, and the types of license cards are crossed out.

In the subsection \"Assignment to the driver\" it is indicated:

1. at whose disposal the car is presented (in the example - at the disposal of Deputy Director S.E. Denisov). In this case, the name of the organization is also reflected in the line below. Since in our example the car was put at the disposal of an employee of the same entrepreneur, the waybill indicates: IP Kondrashov Sergey Ivanovich. If the car is leased or for the provision of services to a third party (legal or individual), then the name (surname) of this person is indicated.

If a waybill is issued for a period of more than one day, then most likely it will be impossible to indicate a specific user, since there may be many such persons. In this case, it is advisable to indicate on this line the name of the organization (entrepreneur) itself, and provide the transcript of the surname of the specific user on the reverse side of the sheet in the column “Signature of the person who used the car”;

2. delivery address, that is, the place where the car should arrive after leaving the garage (parking place). In our example, such a place of filing is the address of the location (office) of the entrepreneur: Ryazan, Pervomaisky Prospect, 18;

3. Below is the actual time of leaving the garage (from the parking lot). If the waybill is issued for a period of more than one day, then in the same line it is advisable to indicate the date of the first departure (in our example - 05/17/2014, 9.00);

4. The task for the driver is signed by the dispatcher (dispatcher-contractor). In the example, the functions of the dispatcher are performed by an individual entrepreneur.

Before leaving, all vehicles must undergo a service check of the main units, signals, fuel and oil filling indicators, etc. If all vehicle systems are operating normally, the mechanic (or other person responsible for the operation of vehicles) allows departure, as evidenced by the signature of this person on the line “Departure is permitted.” In the example, the functions of a mechanic are also performed by an entrepreneur.

The speedometer readings before departure are given (in the example - 62,346 kilometers).

Accordingly, the driver of the car signs that he accepted the car in good condition.

In the lower left part of the front side of the waybill, data is provided when returning the car to the garage (parking lot):

1. The return time is indicated. If the waybill was issued for a period of more than one day, then it is advisable to indicate the date of arrival in this line. In our example – 05/21/2014 18.00;

2. the return time is confirmed by the signature of the dispatcher (dispatcher-contractor). As mentioned above, in the example, the functions of the dispatcher are performed by an entrepreneur;

3. at the same time, the dispatcher makes other necessary notes (lateness, waiting time (for example, when providing commercial services to third parties), vehicle downtime, etc.);

4. The driver of the car signs that he has handed over the car.

In the lower right part of the front side of the waybill, information on the movement of fuel is provided:

1. brand of fuel (in the example – AI-95);

2. The line \"Issued according to the refueling sheet\" generally indicates the amount of fuel issued by the organization itself (if, for example, it has its own gas station or fuel reserves stored in a special room). But in practice, this line, as a rule, provides data on the refueling of fuels and lubricants at third-party gas stations (gas stations) with the gas station cash receipts attached to the waybill (if the fuel was received, for example, using a corporate plastic card) or to the advance report (if the fuel purchased in cash). In our example, the driver purchased 40 liters of gasoline using a gas station cash receipt;

3. the remaining fuel upon departure can be determined: according to the data of the previous waybill, according to instrument readings in the car (fuel level), as a result of a control measurement of the fuel level in the tank (if the design of the tank allows), etc. In our example, the remaining fuel upon departure is determined based on the data from the previous waybill and compared with the readings of the instruments in the car (30 liters);

4. the remaining fuel upon return can be determined only by the readings of the instruments in the car or as a result of a control measurement of the fuel level in the tank (in the example - 50 liters);

5. actual fuel consumption is determined as the difference between the remaining fuel before leaving plus the amount of fuel filled and the remaining amount upon return. In the example: 30 l + 40 l – 50 l = 20 liters);

6. Many organizations simply do not fill fuel consumption according to the norm, but in vain. Of course, tax legislation does not determine the standard fuel consumption for vehicles. However, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, all expenses incurred by the taxpayer in order to reduce the taxable base for income tax must be documented and justified. Moreover, the justification of costs in terms of fuel and lubricants is precisely confirmed by fuel consumption standards. At the same time, the enterprise can determine such standards either itself (according to the technical documentation for the car), or on the basis of the Methodological recommendations \"Standards for the consumption of fuels and lubricants in road transport\" (appendix to the order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 14, 2008 No. AM -23-r) (hereinafter referred to as Methodological Recommendations).

If your organization’s car is not included in the list presented in the Methodological Recommendations, then the standard can be determined by a technically similar vehicle (approximate dimensions, same engine size, similar technical characteristics, etc.). In our example, the Ford Focus Sea Max car is not included in the list of the Russian Ministry of Transport. Therefore, the Ford Focus car with the same engine capacity (1.8 l) was taken as a basis. The amount of gasoline per 100 kilometers driven according to this standard is 8.1 liters. In accordance with paragraph 5 of the Methodological Recommendations, this norm has been increased by 15%, since the car is operated mainly in the city of Ryazan (the norm can be increased to 15% in cities with a population of 250 thousand to 1 million people). Thus, the fuel consumption rate for the car in our example will be 9.3 liters of gasoline per 100 kilometers (8.1 liters + (8.1 liters x 15%)).

Based on this standard, the fuel consumption rate according to the waybill will be (the total mileage is indicated on the reverse side of the waybill):

198 km: 100 x 9.3 l = 18.4 l.

It turns out that the actual fuel consumption is not equal to the standard one. If a deviation occurs, it is reflected accordingly in the lines \"Savings\" or \"Overexpenditure\". At the same time, the savings do not in any way affect the amount of the enterprise’s costs for paying for fuel for the car. But with overspending, a separate investigation is required in each specific case. If the overconsumption is small (for example, within 1 liter of gasoline), then the tax authorities are unlikely to have any complaints against the organization. But if the amount of overspending is significant or occurs constantly, then such costs may not be recognized by the tax authorities for income tax purposes with subsequent penalties in accordance with Art. 122 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (20% of the amount of tax arrears);

7. at the end, the speedometer readings of the car are given when it returns to the garage (parking lot)
(in the example: 62,346 km + 198 km = 62,544 km);

8. all the above data (return time, speedometer readings, fuel movement) are recorded and confirmed by the signature of the mechanic who accepted the car upon return to the garage (parking lot). In the example, the functions of a mechanic are performed by the head of the transport section, Sidorov A.V.

At the top of the waybill is a stamp of the enterprise that issued this document (of course, if such a stamp is available).

The waybill itself is sealed with the seal of the organization (in the lower left corner).

Reverse side of the waybill

The reverse side of the waybill for a passenger car is also called the “route sheet”, since it provides data on the route and travel time of the vehicle.

Correctly filling out the reverse side is extremely important for the validity of all expenses for the maintenance and operation of the vehicle. After all, it is precisely this kind of data that can confirm the economic feasibility of using a vehicle for production or management purposes.

All vehicle trips must be recorded under a separate number. If the car provides commercial services, then in order to identify clients, their code is reflected in the second column. Since in our example the car is at the disposal of an employee of an individual entrepreneur - the owner of the vehicle, then, naturally, no code is indicated. However, since the waybill was issued for five working days, it is advisable to indicate travel dates in this column (in the example: 05/17/14, 05/18/14, 05/19/14, 05/20/14).

1. place of departure and place of destination. In other words, where the car left from and where it is arriving. At the same time, for the purpose of validity (confirming the production (managerial) purpose of the trips), it is advisable to reflect in these columns not only the address, but also the organization (institution) to which the vehicle was sent. In our example – Federal Tax Service No. 2, bank, gas station, counterparties, etc.);

2. time of departure and return. That is, the time of departure from the place of departure and the time of arrival at the destination.

If the waybill is issued for one day, then you can only indicate the time of leaving the garage (parking lot) and returning to the garage (parking lot). If he is discharged for more than one day (as in our example), then it is advisable to indicate the time of each trip;

in the column \"Traveled, km\" data on the distance traveled is provided (moreover, it is advisable to indicate it for each trip);

3. in the last column the person using the car signs. In the example - Kuleshov D.I.

At the bottom of the reverse side of the waybill, the total number of kilometers traveled (in the example - 198 km), as well as the data necessary for calculating the driver’s wages (as a rule, with a piecework form of remuneration) - labor hours (total in the work order) and the calculation itself (per kilometer or per working hours).

Accordingly, the calculation is signed by the accountant (accountant).

If wage data is not filled in, then it is advisable to indicate only the total number of kilometers traveled.

You can independently develop, approve and use the form of the waybill, excluding the clause on wages from it. The main thing is that the sheet contains the mandatory details approved by the Ministry of Transport of Russia (clause 3 of the Mandatory details and procedure for filling out waybills; Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 08/25/2009 No. 03-03-06/2/161; Letters of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for Moscow dated December 30, 2009, No. 16-15/139308, dated October 13, 2009, No. 16-15/107268). The required details, among other things, include information about the driver, but they only require information about his last name, first name, patronymic and the date of the driver’s medical examination. Moreover, as we have already found out, the absence of a driver’s medical examination mark does not affect the amount of costs for fuel and lubricants.

You can create a route for every day, or you can write out travel sheets for a week or a month. But then you need to put the place of departure and destination in the columns - for Ryazan, for Moscow, etc. But tax authorities are very suspicious of such route instructions. If you are not a motor transport company, then such indication of routes is acceptable.

And although among the mandatory details, approved. By Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated September 18, 2008 No. 152, there is no information about the route of movement of the vehicle; regulatory authorities believe that in the absence of such information, fuel costs are not confirmed, since the use of the car for official purposes has not been proven (clause 1 of Art. 252, subparagraph 11 of article 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation; Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 02.20.2006 No. 03-03-04/1/129; Letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 07.07.2008 No. 20- 12/064123.2). The opinions of the courts on this issue differ. Some courts share the position of the regulatory authorities (Resolutions of the FAS VSO dated July 16, 2010 No. A33-10451/2009; FAS ZSO dated July 29, 2009 No. F04-4540/2009(11903-A27-26); FAS VVO dated March 12, 2008 No. A82- 1453/2007-37). Others consider this detail to be optional (Resolutions of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Moscow Region dated September 30, 2010 No. KA-A40/11123-10; FAS PO dated November 19, 2010 No. A55-38009/2009; FAS North-West Zone dated November 23, 2009 No. A56-4991/2009; FAS UO dated September 16, 2010 No. Ф09-7311/10-С2).

The easiest way to enter

full route

If entering all the destination addresses into the route sheet is problematic, you can try the following options.

If you know the route in advance or constantly travel around the same addresses, approve by order the routes depending on the need: for every day, for a month. For example, route No. 1 - streets such and such, route No. 2 - streets such and such. In the waybill, write: \"Delivery of goods to customers along route No....\" and attach a copy of the order indicating the routes.

Or, as an option, if you have requests for delivery, you can indicate in the waybill: \"On the route in accordance with the requests\" - and attach the requests.

Travel log book

The standard intersectoral form No. 8 of the Logbook for the movement of waybills was approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia No. 78 of November 28, 1997. It applies if the organization has vehicles on its balance sheet and waybills are issued. This form allows you to keep records of the issuance and return to the dispatcher of waybills issued to the driver. In addition, the Logbook for the movement of waybills provides a field for recording the date of acceptance of the waybill by the accountant.

Depending on the degree of automation in the organization, the waybill movement log can be filled out and stored in printed or electronic form. The log records information about all issued waybills, regardless of their type. The waybills are numbered consecutively.

Physically, the Waybill Movement Logbook form No. 8 consists of a cover and a tabular part. The cover indicates the name of the organization and the period for which the magazine was filled (for example, April 2014).

The tabular part consists of the following columns:

– waybill number;

– date of issue of the waybill;

– last name, first name, patronymic of the driver;

– driver’s personnel number;

– garage number of the car;

– driver’s signature when receiving the waybill;

– signature of the dispatcher and date of acceptance of the waybill and documents from the driver;

– accountant’s signature and date of acceptance of the waybill;

– note.


The journal of the movement of waybills is assigned to an authorized employee of the organization. In cases where waybills are issued under a contract by a third-party organization (for example, an agreement has been concluded with a third-party organization for the provision of parking services and pre-trip maintenance of vehicles before leaving the line), filling out the log may be entrusted to an employee of a third-party organization. Naturally, such nuances should be specified in the contract with this organization, so that the regulatory authorities do not have questions later.

When working in a passenger car, a driver on staff of an organization must have:

  • A certificate for the right to operate a vehicle with the appropriate category or a temporary permit.
  • Registration papers for transport and trailer (if any).
  • Waybill for a passenger car.
  • Consignment note for cargo.
  • Special permission to transport dangerous or large goods.

Waybill for a passenger car. Sample filling

Responsibility for the correct execution of the document lies with the head of the organization, as well as those involved in the process of entering data into the paper and responsible for the operation of transport. The driver does not fill out the waybill for the passenger car. Upon acceptance (before departure) and delivery (after return), he puts his signature. Before handing over the paper to the driver, an authorized person or dispatcher enters the necessary information into the passenger car’s waybill. The form contains lines indicating:

  • date (year, month, day) corresponding to the one in the accounting journal;
  • working hours (business trip, weekdays, daily or cumulative schedule, holidays or weekends, overtime, etc.);
  • brand and type of product, its state and garage number.

If there is a semi-trailer or trailer, information about it is entered in the appropriate section. The line "Accompaniment" indicates information about the persons involved in the transportation. The "Vehicle and Driver Operation" section contains information about the time (hours and minutes) of departure and return of the vehicle. In the “Task” section, in the “At whose disposal” column, the name of the customer is entered in accordance with the application. The line “Arrival time” reflects the time (hours and minutes) at which the transport arrived at its destination.

The waybill for a passenger car also contains information about fuel. This information is indicated on the front side of the document. Here, in words, the authorized person enters information about the amount of fuel required to complete the task under the contract. In this case, the remaining fuel from the previous working day is taken into account. If the passenger car waybill is drawn up correctly, the authorized person puts his signature in the appropriate line. This is how the dispatcher confirms the correctness of the document.

Removing funds from the garage

Immediately before the transport is sent, the waybill for the passenger car is filled out in the appropriate columns by a mechanic (fuel and lubricants technician). This authorized person enters information into the lines of the “Fuel Movement” section. Here he enters information about the amount of fuel that was issued, the numbers and series of coupons. The correspondence of the information to reality is certified by the mechanic with his own signature.

Pre-Trip Inspection Information

The waybill for a passenger car contains information about the driver’s health condition. They are included in the document by the organization’s medical worker. Based on the pre-trip inspection, a conclusion is made about the driver’s permission to drive vehicles and perform the task. In case of unsatisfactory health condition, the departure of the vehicle is cancelled.

Departure from the checkpoint

Immediately before leaving the organization’s territory, the checkpoint mechanic enters the speedometer readings into the passenger car’s waybill. They are indicated in column 4 of the section “Operation of the vehicle and driver”. The quality control mechanic can also provide this information.

In addition to the speedometer readings, the authorized person records the actual time at which the vehicle left the territory on the passenger car’s waybill. In the “Fuel Movement” section, in the “Remaining at the time of dispatch” column, information about the amount of fuel in the tank is entered.

The handover of the vehicle to the driver in good condition, as well as the correspondence of the information to reality, is certified by the mechanic’s signature. The driver, accordingly, also signs all completed lines. This way he confirms acceptance of the vehicle in good condition, as well as receipt of the work order.

Information about traffic on the line

This information is entered in a certain sequence. The "Arrival time" line reflects the hours and minutes at which the driver handed over the waybill to the customer. The latter signs the document, certifying the arrival of the transport. The columns “On departure” and “On arrival” contain speedometer readings at the time the driver entered and exited the customer’s territory. The column “Special notes” contains information that is not provided for in the document form. These include, in particular, notes from the customer in case of refusal, road service employees, etc.

Returning vehicles to the garage

After completing the task, the waybill is issued in the reverse order of departure. The first mark is made at the checkpoint. The mechanic or other authorized person in the column “Operation of the vehicle and driver” enters information about the actual time of return of the vehicle to the organization’s territory.

At the same time, a line is filled in containing the speedometer readings and data on the remaining fuel. The fuel technician fills out the “Delivered” line, entering there the actual balance in the tank. The correctness of the information is confirmed by the signature of an authorized person.

The gearbox mechanic takes the car from the driver. In the “Accepted” line, the authorized person signs to accept the product in good (or faulty) condition. The driver signs in the “Passed” column, confirming the return of the vehicle. The passenger car waybill is handed over to the dispatcher. He, in turn, signs the corresponding line of the document and registers it in the accounting journal.

additional information

As a rule, a waybill is issued to the driver for 1 working day. In this case, the document for the previous day must be submitted. In case of intercity transportation, registration is carried out for a longer period. In some cases, an organization can use a passenger car waybill for a month. Such a document must be approved in accordance with the company's accounting policies.

Download passenger car waybill form 3

Every professional driver knows what a waybill is. But not everyone knows how to correctly draw up such an important document so as not to incur fines either on themselves or on the employer.

What is a waybill

A car's waybill is an official document that is attached to the waybill (if there is one). The waybill helps to carry out initial accounting of transport operations; according to the data specified in the document, the driver is calculated and paid wages.

The sheet can be issued by the company’s dispatcher, or by a person who is his official representative. A second copy is issued only if the original is lost or in emergency situations. In practice, this happens quite rarely.

It is also noteworthy that one sheet has legal force only for one work shift or business trip (can last up to several days).

The document must contain the following elements:

  • Serial number of the sheet.
  • Ticket opening date.
  • The signature of the one who issued the document.
  • Seal of the organization.

The waybill is drawn up in order to control the wear and tear of the car and limit unauthorized movements of the driver. This is possible by calculating the vehicle's mileage, which should not deviate significantly from the given route.

The State Committee of the Russian Federation has legalized several main types of waybills, each of which corresponds to a specific type of vehicle. A discrepancy between the voucher and the type of vehicle is considered a violation and is grounds for a fine.

Types of waybills

There are three types of vouchers, which are considered the most common and in demand:

  1. FormN 4- c is a standard document that regulates piecework working conditions. In this case, the driver is paid in accordance with the average (Unified) tariffs that are established in this area.
  2. N 4-p- This is a form that involves cooperation and payment at time rates.
  3. FormN 4th used for intercity transportation and delivery. This voucher differs not only in geographical principle, but also in appearance: its front side is decorated with a bright red stripe with the inscription “intercity transportation”.

How to fill out a waybill for a passenger car?

To begin with, you should understand exactly which cars belong to the class of official passenger vehicles. First of all, these are light-duty vehicles that officially belong to legal entities and their enterprises. Such vehicles can be rented, together with a driver.

A travel voucher is an important document that not only serves as insurance for both parties, but also allows you to correctly calculate wages after completing the task. No receipt or oral agreement can replace a waybill.

Voucher forms are ordered from a printing house or printed directly in the production office. They should be stored in a warehouse or safe, and issued strictly when necessary. Damaged templates are written off, and their numbers are entered into the register to avoid shortages during recalculations.

It doesn’t matter whether the vehicle is used by the owner or the renter, the driver must still receive.

The ticket is filled out by the dispatcher or a person authorized to perform his functions. Each new flight must be accompanied by a new waybill.

What is indicated on the waybill for a passenger car?

  1. The actual date of issue of the sheet.
  2. Number and series of the document.
  3. Full name of the driver for whom the document is issued.
  4. Driver's signature (put exactly at the time of receipt of the voucher, after checking the correctness of the information).
  5. Date and time of return from the flight.
  6. Signature of the person responsible for receiving and storing waybills.

It's better to know

Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation No. 78 regulates regulations and documents for issuing waybills. The disadvantage of the resolution is that its provisions are legal only in relation to legal entities.

At the moment, there are eight main forms that have been added to the original document:

  1. Form No. ESM-2 – for construction vehicles.
  2. Form No. 3 – for passenger vehicles.
  3. For special purpose transport, a unified form No. 3 special has been introduced.
  4. Form No. 4 is filled out to provide taxi services.
  5. Form No. 4-C is the standard for a truck.
  6. For the same purpose, form No. 4-P was introduced.
  7. Form No. 6 is issued to public transport drivers.
  8. No. 6 special – for ordered buses.

Filling out the front side

The front side of the document consists of many columns, each of which must be filled out in accordance with the current rules:

  • Document Number is a required field in which you must enter an alphanumeric or simply numeric value. The order of document numbering is chosen by the organization.
  • The series is indicated only if, if the forms were prepared in advance at the printing house.
  • The date for a day trip is indicated in the format day-month-year. For a business trip, you need to indicate the start and end dates of the trip using a dash.
  • The name of the organization fits in completely, data about the address and telephone numbers of the company that sent the driver on the trip is also entered here.
  • An OKPO code must be assigned to each organization, which plans to engage in passenger and freight transportation.
  • The make of the car is indicated in full. If the vehicle does not belong to the company, but is taken for temporary use, in this column you must enter the number, series, and date of conclusion of the contract, which confirms the fact of rental.
  • Vehicle license plate texts directly from the car. Both alphabetic values ​​and numbers are indicated.
  • Garage number graph– may remain blank if the company has only one machine at its disposal. If there are more of them, then the place should not be empty.
  • Driver data is indicated in the format"surname and initials".
  • Employee personnel number must be assigned to him by the organization that hired him.
  • Driver's license number must be entered legibly. The same applies to the driver's class.
  • Column "license card" must be filled out by organizations that engage in passenger transportation and have the right to transport 8 or more passengers.
  • In the paragraph "at disposal"» indicate the company/organization at whose disposal the vehicle is received.
  • The filing address implies a point, to which the car was sent.
  • Check out time a (from the garage/parking lot) is indicated in the hh:mm format.
  • The dispatcher puts his name, initials, and signature opposite the column “dispatcher-contractor”.
  • Mechanic indicates his details and a signature opposite the column of the same name. By this he confirms his responsibility for releasing the car to the outfit.
  • Return times are approximate(based on mileage). If the voucher is issued for a business trip, you need to indicate not only the time of arrival, but also the date.
  • The dispatcher-contractor signs and enters your details after arriving and checking the car. If necessary, he (she) makes special notes, for example, about being late.
  • The column “vehicle passed...” implies the surname, initials, and signature of the driver who completed the task and returned the car.

Fuel consumption is indicated in a specially designated place on the sheet.

Here you need to specify:

  • The brand of fuel the driver used.
  • The amount of fuel that the organization provided and what we had to buy at gas stations.
  • The amount of gasoline/diesel in the tank before leaving.
  • Remaining fuel after arriving at the garage.
  • Planned consumption according to the order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated March 14, 2008.
  • Actual consumption.
  • Speedometer data.
  • Data on savings (if there was such a fact).
  • Data on overexpenditure (if registered).
  • Details and signature of the medical professional who released the driver for the trip.

Filling the reverse side

Do not forget that each voucher, whether it is unified or developed by a specific enterprise, must indicate a clear route for the vehicle.

If this is not done, then any inspection by law enforcement agencies may result in a significant fine for the company that issued the waybill.

There are a few more points that you should pay attention to when preparing the back of the document:

  1. Trip serial number must correspond to reality, since a car cannot make two trips under the same number, having the same waybill.
  2. In the column “customer code” indicate the person or organization for which the services are provided. Each customer is assigned a personal code. Please note that business trips that take several days require a different column to be filled out: the exact dates of the trip must also be entered into it.
  3. Departure point– here you need to indicate the official starting point of the car. This is necessary not only to ensure that the mileage calculation is correct, but also for the purpose of providing reporting to the company itself.
  4. Place of destination– here you need to indicate the full address of the point that is considered the purpose of the trip. To ensure that the document does not raise unnecessary questions, it is better to also indicate the name of the company that sent the car.
  5. Departure times vary for day trips, and for longer business trips. In the first case, you just need to indicate the time when the car left the garage/parking lot. In the second, you need to record the time of departure from each point that the driver visits.
  6. Arrival time is indicated based on theoretical calculations. The driver is given a reserve of several hours in case of unforeseen circumstances.
  7. In the “traveled” column you need to indicate the mileage of the trip. For travel sheets, it is better to make notes in each of the items along with the time.
  8. The driver's signature is placed after how he read and agreed with all the data that was included in the document.

7. Filling out the details of waybills is carried out consistently in accordance with these instructions and is mandatory for all state, cooperative and public enterprises, organizations and institutions that have both their own and rented trucks.

8. Responsibility for correctly filling out waybills lies with the heads of enterprises, organizations, institutions, as well as persons responsible for operating trucks and participating in filling out the document.

The driver's participation in filling out the waybill is not allowed, with the exception of signatures certifying the acceptance (upon departure) and delivery (upon return) of the car.

9. Filling out the waybill before issuing it to the driver is carried out by the dispatcher of the motor transport enterprise or an authorized person in the following sequence:

9.1. On the front part of the waybill, under the name of the document, the date of its issue (day, month, year) is recorded, which must correspond to the date of registration of the issued waybill in the dispatch log.

9.2. In the line “Operating mode” the code or name of the operating mode is written (work on weekdays, business trips, summarized recording of working hours, daily recording of working hours, work on a weekend or holiday, on a cleanup day, work on schedule or off schedule, etc.). d.), in accordance with which the driver’s wages are calculated.

9.3. In the line “Column, brigade” the numbers of the column and brigade are written down, which include the car and the driver.

In the “Car” line, the make, license plate and type of the car, as well as its garage number are recorded.

9.4. In the line “Driver” the surname, initials, service ID number and class of the driver working on this waybill are recorded. In the line “Personnel number” the number assigned to the driver in the car company is recorded.

9.5. In the lines "Trailers" the brands, state and garage numbers of trailers and semi-trailers produced in line with the car are recorded. The numbers of exchange trailers and semi-trailers are recorded on these lines at the places of their exchange.

9.6. In the line "Accompanying persons" the surnames and initials of the persons accompanying the vehicle to complete the task are written down (loaders, forwarders, trainees, etc.).

9.7. In the “Work of the driver and the vehicle” section, in columns 2 and 3, the time (hours and minutes) of departure and return of the vehicle according to the schedule is recorded.

9.8. In the “Assignment to the driver” section, in column 16 “At whose disposal”, based on the customer’s application or one-time order, the name of the customer is written down, at whose disposal the car must arrive to complete the task.

9.9. Column 17 “Arrival time” records the time (in hours and minutes) of the vehicle’s arrival at the customer’s location in accordance with his application, a one-time order, or the vehicle’s work schedule under the terms of the contract.

9.10. In columns 18 “Where to get the cargo from” and 19 “Where to deliver the cargo”, the addresses of loading and unloading points are recorded according to the application, a one-time order of the customer or according to the terms of the contract.

9.11. Column 20 “Name of cargo” records the name of the cargo presented for transportation based on the customer’s application or one-time order.

9.12. In column 21 “Number of riders with cargo”, based on an application or a one-time order, the number of riders with cargo required to complete the task is recorded.

9.13. Column 22 “Distance” records the distances for transporting goods, determined according to data from road authorities, or from a map of the area (city plan) using a curvimeter, or from a list of distances compiled on the basis of measurement reports or from the car’s speedometer (for seasonal transportation), a recorded act of a motor transport enterprise or organization and the customer.

9.14. Column 23 “Transport tons” records the amount of cargo that needs to be transported for the customer.

Only the motor transport company has the right to change the task specified in the “Task for the driver” section. Only in exceptional cases can the customer, in agreement with the motor transport company, change the task with the corresponding entry in the “Special notes” lines. An entry is made in the same line in cases where the car is used for a special purpose (by police, doctors, etc.).

9.15. On the front side of the waybill, in the line “Issue fuel,” the amount of fuel required to be issued to complete the task is written down in words, taking into account the remaining fuel from the previous day of work.

9.16. In the line “Signature of the dispatcher,” the dispatcher, with his signature, certifies that the details of the waybill he filled out are correct and that the driver has a driver’s license.

10. Filling out the waybill before leaving the garage is carried out in the following sequence:

10.1. In the section "Fuel Movement" in columns 7, 9 and in the corresponding lines, the tanker, fuel and lubricants technician or authorized person records the amount of fuel issued, as well as the series and numbers of issued fuel coupons and certifies these records with his signature.

The amount of fuel issued in coupons is equal to the amount of fuel issued in kind.

10.2. On the front side, a doctor or other medical worker, when performing a pre-trip medical examination, certifies with a signature the driver’s health status and the possibility of his being allowed to drive a car.

10.3. In the section "Work of the driver and the car" in column 5 "Speedometer readings" the mechanic of the checkpoint (checkpoint) or the technical control department (QCD) writes down the speedometer reading when the car enters the line, and in column 6 "Actual time" stamp - with a clock indicates the actual time the car left the garage. In case of malfunction or absence of a clock stamp, the time is recorded manually in the following sequence: day, month, hours, minutes.

10.4. In the “Movement of Fuel” section in column 10 “Remaining upon departure,” the gearbox or quality control mechanic records the amount of fuel in the vehicle’s tanks upon departure, and certifies the correctness of all entries made by signing in this column.

10.5. In the line “Signature of the mechanic”, the gearbox or quality control mechanic certifies with his signature the transfer of the car to the driver in technically sound condition and permission to leave the garage, and in the line “Signature of the driver” - the driver certifies with his signature the acceptance of the car in technically sound condition and receipt of the work assignment.

11. Filling out the waybill on the line is carried out in the following sequence.

11.1. In column 24, the shipper writes down the sequential numbers of completed trips. The record is intended for posting the attached shipping documents by trip.

11.2. In column 25 “Numbers of attached waybills,” the shipper records all numbers of waybills related to this trip.

11.3. Column 26 “Time of arrival” indicates the time (hours and minutes) when the driver presents the waybill to the consignor or consignee at the entry gate or at the checkpoint at the loading or unloading points (except for railway stations).

If there is no entry gate or checkpoint, this column is not filled in; the time of arrival at the loading or unloading point is entered in the waybill (Bill of Lading).

11.4. In column 27 “Signature and seal” the shipper signs and puts a seal, confirming the correctness of the details of the waybill filled out by him.

12. Column 28 “Marks of the automobile enterprise” can be used by the automobile enterprise to reflect additional accounting indicators of the operation of the car and trailer.

13. In the section “Downtime on the line”, a technical assistance service employee or an authorized person writes down the reason for the downtime, the date and time of the start and end of the downtime in the appropriate columns and certifies these entries with his signature.

14. In the lines “Special notes” on the front side, information is recorded that is not provided for in the form of the waybill (marks of the State Traffic Inspectorate, customers who refuse to load the car, various road services, etc.).

16.2. In the section "Fuel Movement" in column 13 "Coefficient of change in the norm" writes down one general coefficient of change in the rate of fuel consumption for the entire day of operation of the vehicle, associated with the operation of the car at an increased rate of fuel consumption, in column 14 "Operating time of special equipment" and column 15 " Engine operating time" based on the corresponding entries in the waybill attached, the TTN records, respectively, the operating time of special equipment and the additional operating time of the engine under special operating conditions (operation of the engine rotating loading and unloading mechanisms, etc.). These details are necessary to determine the additional fuel consumption rate. The dispatcher certifies the correctness of filling in these details by signing under the corresponding columns.

16.3. In the “Sequence of task completion” section, the dispatcher writes down the total number of trips in column 24, and in the line “TTN in quantity” - the total number of delivery notes submitted. For the total number of delivery notes handed over and accepted, the driver signs in the line “Passed by the driver”, and the dispatcher - in the line “Accepted by the dispatcher”.

The most difficult moment is the very fact of registering a garage in the state register, because not all citizens know whether this type of real estate is registered.

ATTENTION! The cadastral value is available only for the object that is registered in the cadastre database and has a cadastral number.

The easiest way to find out is apply with the existing documents for the garage to the territorial body of the cadastral chamber.

If the garage was built before 2013 and there is a technical passport for this building, then the technical inventory authorities should have transferred information about the object to the state register of the real estate cadastre.

In this case, the garage is assigned a unique number, by which the reception specialist will create a request and after five working days you can receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on the cadastral value (formerly called a cadastral certificate).

But it may turn out that there is a technical passport until 2013, but information about the property is still not in the cadastre database. In this situation, you can register the object for free.

The cadastral registration authorities will make a request to the BTI, and if the latter provide a copy of the technical passport certified with their seal to the cadastral chamber authorities, then after a certain time you will be given an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate for the garage.

Thus, through interdepartmental interaction, the individual characteristics of the property will become part of the general cadastre base.

If you have already received a cadastral passport for the property before, or you got the garage through a registered sale and purchase transaction, for example, then such an object has definitely already been taken into account by the state and you can safely find out its current cadastral value.

How to find out the value?

There are several ways to do this.

Through the territorial bodies of the cadastral chamber, or MFC

Knowing the address or cadastral number of the garage, you make a request with the help of a reception specialist at the information processing centers, and after 5-7 days you receive information about the cost.

Advantages of obtaining information through government agencies:

  • The cadastral value will be issued in the form of an official paper document, with the seal of a state organization, and at the place of request only this type of extract may be needed.
  • Suitable for people who do not know how to use the Internet and do not have handy tools: a computer, the Internet, including older people.
  1. time spent waiting in line for appointments and traveling to document collection and issuance points.
  2. The need to come for the result, which means repeatedly spending time and money on the trip and waiting for your turn.
  3. A paper certificate will take 5 days to prepare, and this method is not suitable for those who need to find out information immediately.

But all these disadvantages are easily eliminated in the following way.

Receiving information online

The value of the cost and other characteristics of the object you are interested in (area, type, address, cadastral number) can be easily found out by clicking the mouse a couple of times.

Instructions for instantly obtaining information on cadastral value:

  1. Regardless of which subject of the Russian Federation you are in, enter two words in a search engine: “Rosreestr portal.”
  2. The “Reference Information” site immediately appears in the Google system. In the Yandex system, you need to go down slightly and the same tab will appear.
  3. In the open window it becomes possible to search for a garage. You can search:
    • by cadastral number;
    • by the address.
  4. It is enough to enter one of two criteria.

Search by number

Search by address

Again, we note that in this way you will instantly find out the cost of the garage you are interested in. But if, say, to enter into an inheritance, you need the value of the garage on the date of death, for example, 3 years ago, then this method is not suitable.

The notary needs a stamped certificate, and 3 years ago the cost could have been different. And the cost value for a past date can only be ordered through territorial departments.

Pros: quickly, conveniently, at any time, without leaving home.

Minuses: not suitable for those who need paper or value on a specific previous date.
Let's watch a video on this topic:

Order online and receive at your chosen office

There is a third way to order a cadastral certificate. It represents the combined actions of the first two options.

  1. Upon request of the “Rosreestr Portal”, one of the highlighted tabs reads “FSBI “FKP Rosreestr”. Click on it.
  2. In the window that appears, select “Receive information from the Unified State Register of Real Estate”.
  3. A list of government services opens on the right. If you are only interested in the cost, click on “Get an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on the cadastral value of real estate.”
  4. A search field will open in which you enter the address or garage number.
  5. After the address, select the method for receiving the statement:
    • in the form of a paper document;
    • in the form of an electronic document.

    The certificate can be sent to you by email in the form of an electronic document without the organization’s wet seal. But, having noted the paper form, in five days you will come to the cadastral office, which you choose from the list in your city, and pick up a full-fledged document.

  6. In any case, provide your email address. You will receive a signal that your certificate has been successfully ordered and that your request has been processed by a specialist. That is, it is at least convenient.
  7. The second step in this form is to indicate your personal passport information.
  8. The third step is to check the information you entered and either agree with everything or go back to correct it.
  9. Save the request number.
  10. After a maximum of 5 working days, with your passport and request number, come to the office indicated during registration and receive a paper with a stamp, the cadastral number of the garage and the cost.

ATTENTION! If, in addition to the cost, you would like to receive information about the area, the copyright holder, and the location of the garage on the land plot (drawing), then you should order an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate about the main characteristics and registered rights to real estate.

This extract costs 400 rubles, while information on purely cadastral value is provided absolutely free upon request of any person.

That is, the owner does not necessarily have to request information about the garage, regardless of the chosen method of obtaining a certificate.

  • The advantages of this method:
  • save on one visit to the ward or MFC to order a request. What you enter via the Internet, the specialist enters at your appointment.


  1. Electronic requests are often processed faster than paper requests.
  2. you still have to come to the office to get the result.

It is not suitable for all categories of citizens; it makes them dependent on the Internet and computer skills.

The difference in determining the cost of a cooperative garage from an individual one It is believed that in GSK the cadastral value will be lower

Thus, it is possible to determine the cadastral value of a garage, be it in the GSK, or even an individual one, using one of the above methods, but the form of land ownership is reflected in the cost of the garage itself.

What to do if the cadastral value of the garage is overestimated or underestimated in your opinion?

There are two ways to change the cadastral value:

  1. through a commission under Rosreestr.
  2. Through the court.

To do this, you need to collect documents, the main one of which is the appraiser’s report on determining the market value of the garage. The commission will review the documents and decide whether to satisfy or not. If he refuses, you can go to court.

Finding out the cadastral value of a garage is quite easy and absolutely free. This data can be obtained in the form of either a paper or electronic document.

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