Issue orders for goods can be generated. What is the purpose of the document "issue order for goods"?

In the previous lesson, we already talked about the fact that the 1C: Trade Management 8.2 program uses a general list of incoming and outgoing warehouse orders (see Fig. 7.6). Warehouse receipts can also be generated only on the basis of orders for the shipment of goods, the list of which is presented on the tab Shipping orders(Fig. 7.9).

Rice. 7.9. List of orders for shipment of goods

This tab provides the following information for each document:

  • document serial number;
  • document date;
  • document's name;
  • name of the warehouse to which the document relates;
  • the number of goods that must be written off from the warehouse.

In field Shipping date, which is located at the top of the tab, indicates the date of shipment of the goods (by default, this field displays the current date, which can be edited).

Documents are included in the list of orders for shipment automatically, and this happens as follows.

  • Documentation Customer order are included in the list of orders for shipment after they are assigned the status For shipment.
  • Internal orders of the enterprise are included in the list of orders for shipment after their status is set To be completed.
  • Documentation Sales of goods and services, Movement of goods, Assembly (disassembly) of goods And Request-invoice are included in the list of orders for shipment only on the condition that they were issued not on the basis of an order, but separately.
  • Document Write-off of goods is included in the list of orders for shipment only if it is not formed on the basis of a document Inventory of goods.

In addition, the list of orders for receipt always includes a document Returning goods to the supplier.

If you want to create a new warehouse release order, place the cursor on the document on the basis of which it will be generated and execute the command All actions | Create an expense order or click the button Create an expense order in the tab toolbar. After this, the window for entering and editing an expense order will open, shown in Fig. 7.10.

Rice. 7.10. Generating a warehouse receipt order

The contents of this window will be filled in automatically based on the selected document. Only the field will be different Number- the program will create its value when saving the document. If necessary in the field Shipment you can edit the date when goods were written off from the warehouse (the current date is suggested here by default).

As with cash receipt orders, some actions will need to be performed manually. In field Shipped you must manually enter the actually issued quantity of each product item (it may differ from the field value Ship, which shows the number of values ​​in accordance with the basis document). It is also necessary to assign the status to the document Shipped- it is selected from the drop-down list in the field Status. The goods will be written off from the warehouse after clicking the button in this window Swipe and close.

If you don’t want to write off valuables just yet, leave the status For shipment, which is offered by default. In this case, the document can not be registered, but only saved in the configuration using the button Write object or by pressing a key combination Ctrl+S.

The document “Receipt order for goods” is intended for processing the stage-by-stage write-off of inventory items from the warehouse and for processing the return of inventory items received under the document “Receipt order for goods”.

Phased shipment of goods and materials from the warehouse can be used if the shipment of goods and materials from the warehouse must be made after the execution of the document “Sales of goods and services”.

For example. The document “Sales of goods and services” is issued by the sales manager, and the actual shipment of goods from the warehouse is carried out by the storekeeper.

In this case, the sales manager draws up the document “Sales of goods and services.” The document indicates the type of sale – “By order”. When this document is carried out, mutual settlements with the counterparty are changed, the balance of goods in the warehouse does not change. In this case, the remaining goods are taken into account in the additional register “Goods for transfer from warehouses”.

Based on the document “Sales of goods and services,” the storekeeper draws up the document “Expense order for goods,” in which the type of transaction “Expenditure on invoice” must be established. After the document is processed, the inventory items are written off from the warehouse.

Several expense orders can be issued for one document “Sales of goods and services”.

For example, if the actual shipment of goods from the warehouse by the warehouseman is carried out in several stages. However, goods are shipped according to an issue order from the warehouse specified in the “Sales of goods and services” document.

Another option for writing off from a warehouse is the return of those inventory items that were accepted into the warehouse according to a receipt order and for which, in the end, financial accounting documents for receipt were not issued.

Movements for the return of such inventory items are not reflected in any way by financial documents, but are documented using the document “Receipt order for goods”. In this case, in the document “Receipt order for goods”, the type of operation “Return on receipt order” is set.

Using one incoming order, you can issue several outgoing orders. The relationship between incoming orders and outgoing orders is one to many.

The document “Receipt slip for goods” can also be used if goods are shipped step-by-step to the supplier in the event of the goods being returned to the supplier. In this case, a document “Return of goods to supplier” is drawn up, in which the sales type is set to “By order”. Based on this document, when the goods are actually shipped back to the supplier, the document “Receipt order for goods” is drawn up. The document establishes the type of operation “return to supplier”. Using one document “Return of goods to supplier”, you can issue several expenditure orders.

Let's look at how the 1C Trade Management program version 11.2 processes documents when selling goods from an order warehouse.

The main difference when using an order workflow scheme from processing documents when selling from a regular warehouse is that the process of shipping goods from the warehouse is divided into two components, into two stages.

The first is the preparation of an invoice, which is a financial document. It is processed in the same way as when selling from a regular warehouse. Via magazine "Sales documents" is created “sale of goods and services”.

But in order to reflect the fact of writing off goods from the warehouse, the fact of its sale, in the section "Warehouse and delivery" in Group " Order warehouse" there is a team "Shipment" - journal of shipping documents. And in this case, an additional expenditure order is created.

An invoice for goods is usually created in the 1C Trade Management (UT 11) 11.2 program by a storekeeper, while an invoice can be created by a sales manager. And such an issue order for writing off goods from the warehouse is precisely confirmation of the warehouse operation.

What should you pay attention to here?! Firstly, the option to use order warehouses is enabled in the section “Administration” - “Regulatory and reference information and administration” in Group "Warehouse and delivery" there is a flag “use order warehouses”. Next, for each warehouse, if it is an order warehouse, on the tab "order scheme and structure" it is established for which operations order document flow schemes will be used. You can establish the use of such a scheme for the receipt of goods, or for shipment, or for internal goods movement.

The next thing you should pay attention to is in the section "Warehouse and delivery" - “The procedure for issuing invoices and expense orders”, we have now established order first the order, then - orders and invoices. In this case, the order for the issue note will be the buyer's order. If you select the second item, first orders and invoices, then orders, then before creating an issue order from the warehouse, you will first need to issue an invoice.

So, let's see how the operation of selling goods from an order warehouse is formalized.

Creating an individual agreement with a client (buyer) in the 1C Trade Management program (UT 11) 11.2

Let's start by creating a customized agreement with our buyer client. Let the agreement be No. 2 from today. We will call this agreement “Sale of Furniture”. Our client will be “Home Appliances Store (Vologda)”. The counterparty will accordingly be “Home Appliances”. We will not fill out the contact person and standard agreement. The validity period of the agreement is “indefinite”, its status is “valid”. Operation "implementation". On our side is the “Optovichok” Trading House, and the responsible manager in this case is “administrator”.

On the tab "Terms of Sale" The payment procedure will be carried out according to orders. The currency is “rubles”, the price includes VAT. And the type of prices that will be used for sales is “wholesale”. Our payment procedure is settlements in rubles and payment in rubles. Payment terms - let it be “100% credit”. Thus, we give the client a deferment, let it be granted for 5 days, it is calculated by calendar days. The warehouse from which sales will be carried out - in our case it will be an “order warehouse”, which we will note in this agreement.

On the tab “Checking prices for goods” Let us clarify that we will additionally provide delivery of goods. Type of price - arbitrary. And let’s say that we will deliver the goods to the client for 1000 rubles. On the tab “Price clarification by price groups” We will not clarify anything further. We will not provide any additional discounts under this agreement. We can write down such an agreement with the client and close it.

Buyer's order in the 1C Trade Management program (UT 11) 11.2

We will create an order for our client based on this agreement. I have now taken advantage "input based on". Basically, you could go to the order log and create an order directly from the order log. But “input based on” in this case is good because the 1C Trade Management program has already filled in a significant part of the information. Namely, I have already filled in the client and counterparty, and a standard agreement has been selected. Information about our company and the warehouse from which the shipment will take place is filled in. In this case, let us further clarify the terms of payment - let it be a credit after shipment. Let's indicate the date.

Let's go to the tab "Goods" and we will select here the goods that we need. Let's use the selection command. In this case, we will be interested in “furniture,” namely, a “mahogany” kitchen chair. We have 3 pieces. We will need to ship 2 items to our client. Dining table “light wood”, you will need to ship 1 item. Using the Back space command, let’s return to the list of items and ship an additional table. Mahogany chair - 4 units will need to be shipped. Table “light wood” - you will also need to ship 4 units. Let's transfer these positions to the document.

We will also need to add product delivery here. 1 position, 1 piece in the amount of 1000 rubles - in this case, the program took the price from our individual agreement with the client.

Let's go to the tab "additionally" and make sure that here we have all the basic information filled in, namely: responsible manager, division, currency, tax information and that the price includes VAT. In this case, the order is not placed with us as part of a transaction, so the information about the transaction is not filled out.

We will mark all our product items and set their status "ship". Let's review and close this document.

Issue order for goods in the 1C Trade Management program (UT 11) 11.2

After a “customer order” has been created, it is necessary to reflect the operation of shipping goods from our order warehouse. To do this we go to the section "Warehouse and delivery". In Group "Order warehouses" find a team "Shipment". Now we have opened an assistant journal “creating warehouse orders” in terms of sales and shipment.

At the top, you must specify the order warehouse. And as soon as we selected our warehouse, an order became available to us in the upper left part - our client’s order for shipment. On the right side we see which item items we need to collect. This part contains 3 columns - "gather", "gather" and "collected", by which, depending on the status of the order, we can track the status of the selection of goods from cells for shipment.

At the bottom of our journal there is a list of warehouse orders that have been issued or are being processed. In order to place a warehouse order, you need to select the order at the top, which is the basis for creating the order, and use the command of the same name to create the order. Program 1C Trade Management (UT 11) 11.2 asks whether to create an order for all orders in this window, or for one selected one. In this case, it doesn’t matter which command to execute, since I have one order and need to create one order. But I will use the command “by allocated orders”.

I press the “Ok” button. I have created an order. I can open it and see what the 1C Trade Management (UT 11) 11.2 system has filled out here.

We see that “recipient” is filled in on the main tab. The warehouse from which the shipment was made is full. The person in charge is the storekeeper. The priority of our order. On the tab "Goods by order" those orders according to which the shipment was made were selected, and the quantity of goods that was indicated in this order.

On the tab "shipped goods" those goods that are directly shipped from the warehouse are filled. On this tab, the storekeeper can edit and manually set the quantity that is directly shipped, if it does not correspond to the quantity that needs to be shipped. Such an order is carried out.

Invoice in the 1C Trade Management program (UT 11) 11.2

Now you can create an invoice directly. To do this we go to the section "Sales", "sales documents", and on the " for registration» we find our customer order. Based on it, you can issue an invoice. Configuration 1C Trade Management (UT 11) 11.2 asks which document we should draw up: “sale of goods and services (4 items)” or “act of completion of work (1 item)”. Let me remind you that in our “customer order”, in addition to goods, there is a position “delivery of goods”, which is a service. In this case, we will formalize the “sale of goods and services”.

The 1C Trade Management program version 11.2 created for us the document “Sales of goods and services”. On the tab "basic" All basic information has already been filled in. In particular, that sales are carried out according to the relevant order. Information about the client, his counterparty, and the agreement used is filled in; information about our organization and the warehouse from which sales are made; document currency.

On the tab "Goods" the nomenclature with their characteristics, the quantity shipped, types of prices, the prices themselves and the amounts of mutual settlements have already been filled out.

Such a document can be carried out. Based on it, you can create an invoice. Now we have shipped the goods according to our order.

Let's go back to the magazine "Customer orders". And for our order, we will also install security for the item “delivery of goods” "ship".

After we have established such a position, in the “ship” state, in the sales documents on the “for registration” tab, you can use the F5 (update) button and we will again see our order as the basis for creating a sale. The reason now is that the order again has 1 position, namely “delivery of goods,” for which sales documents must be drawn up. Let’s use the “place according to orders” command. The 1C Trade Management program automatically determined that we would only sell services and created a certificate of completion for them. This act was also created by order.

On the tab "Basic" information about the client and his counterparty, information about our organization and the agreement used are indicated.

On the tab "Services" information about services for the delivery of goods in the amount of 1 piece is filled in, and an arbitrary price of 1000 rubles.

On the tab "Additionally" We can check that all the basic information about our manager and the division is filled out. The settlement currency is rubles. The sale is subject to VAT and the price also includes VAT. Such an act can be carried out. Based on it, you can issue an invoice.

Now, on the tab "orders for registration" sales documents, our order has disappeared, since now it does not contain unshipped product items with the status “for shipment”. If we go back to our “customer order” and update the information about it, we will see that the order is 100% shipped and payment is pending. As a matter of fact, let's make such a payment.

Cashless payment from the buyer in the 1C Trade Management program (UT 11) 11.2

Let the payment come from us by non-cash method, and we will enter it based on the orders.

To do this, let's go to the section "Treasury Department", choose "non-cash payments", and on the tab "for admission" We indicate that the basis for payment will be our “customer order” payment documents.

Based on it, you can register the receipt of non-cash funds. Let him have an arbitrary payment order number from today's date.

Be sure to set the flag that the document carried out by the bank. You can check the payment amount and decryption. Let's make sure that we have “customer order No. 2” indicated. The buyer is the Home Appliances (Vologda) store.

Such receipt of non-cash funds can be processed and closed.

If we now turn to the list of our orders, we will see that 100% of the payment is reflected for the order. We have already seen 100% shipments before. And the current state of the order is ready for closing. Accordingly, you can close this order as fully processed.

The 1C Trade Management program (UT 11) 11.2 additionally warns us that fully processed, selected orders will have their status set in the list "closed", we confirm this action.

Thus, in the 1C Trade Management program version 11.2, the document flow of operations related to the sale of goods from order warehouses is carried out.

Let's look at the instructions for working with a cellular warehouse in the program version on the 1C 8.3 platform. Let's start with the general scheme of interaction between the “warehouse” and the “office”:

Acceptance of goods in 1C Trade Management 11 occurs according to by order of the office in cases:

  • Reception of goods from the supplier;
  • Reception of goods from the factory;
  • Assembly (disassembly);
  • Return of goods.

Acceptance of goods to the 1C address warehouse occurs in two stages:

  1. Receipt of goods to the acceptance zone (document “Receipt order for goods”);
  2. Moving from the “Reception” zone to the warehouse cell (document “Placement in cells”).

Receipt order for goods

A receipt order in 1C Trade Management reflects the fact that goods have arrived at the warehouse, but not yet their placement into cells.

The list of transactions for capitalization is located on the “Warehouse” tab:

Here you can see all orders for the acceptance of goods into the warehouse, assembly and other operations:

The right tabular part shows a list of goods that should be accepted under this order. In the form, you can set selections by date and status of the order, warehouse and acceptance zone.

At the bottom of the form you can see already issued receipt orders.

To create a new order, you need to select the required order in the list and click “Create order”:

A document will be created. On the “Products” tab, you must indicate the quantity of goods actually received at the warehouse and its units of measurement:

After filling out the document, you must click the “Post and Close” button.

Discrepancies upon acceptance of goods

The quantity of goods actually received may differ from the quantity indicated in the invoice (order).

This can happen for two reasons:

  • Goods are delivered to one order in different parts. In this case, the balance for acceptance will be displayed in the list of orders.
  • The supplier made a mistake and sent the wrong quantity of goods. In this case, it is necessary to notify the purchasing manager to generate a list of discrepancies for the invoice.

Product placement

After the goods are accepted according to the receipt order, they appear in the “Acceptance” zone. Now you need to move it from this area to the required storage cell.

To make a placement in a cell, you need to go to the “Placement in cells” tab:

Here in 1C UT 11.1 there is a list of all products that are currently located in the “RECEIVING” cell. At the bottom of the form there are tasks that are awaiting execution.

To create a placement task, you need to select the required item (you can select lines using the ctrl button) and click “Create placement task”. The system will offer an option for creating a task:

Where you can select additional settings.

A new document with the status “Prepared” will appear at the bottom of the form:

Let's open the document:

The system will automatically suggest cells for placement by default. The cells can be changed if desired. If everything is correct, you need to set the document status to “In Work”, print the “Warehouse Worker Task” and record the changes using the “Record and Close” button:

The Warehouse Worker Printable Form looks like this:

After the placement is actually done, you need to go into the document and set the document status to “Completed without errors”:

Shipment of goods

The goods are shipped by by order of the office in cases:

  • Shipment of goods to the buyer;
  • Moving between warehouses;
  • Assembly (disassembly).

Issue note for goods

The list of orders for the shipment of goods can be seen on the “Warehouse” tab:

In the processing form you can see all current orders and shipment orders:

To create a new shipment, you need to select the required order (or one) and click on the “Create orders” button:

The system will offer additional settings for generating orders:

Issue orders will be created automatically, and you can proceed to selecting goods from the cells.

Selection of goods from cells

Selection of items from cells is carried out on the “Selection from cells” tab:

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To create a new placement task, you need to select the required order (or orders) from the list and click “Create” - “Selection task”:

The system will ask for additional parameters:

If you set the switch to the “Task for selection and tasks for packaging” state, if there is not enough different packaging of the product, the system will create a task for repackaging the product (for example, from boxes to pieces).

The created documents can be seen at the bottom of the form:

If you open a document, it will have default cells:

To start the assembly, just set the status to “In progress”, print the “Task for warehouse worker” and click the “Post and close” button.

After completing the actual assembly, you need to open the “Product Selection” document and set the status to “Completed without errors:

To complete the process of shipment to the client, you need to set the status of the original Issue Order for goods to “Shipped”:

Inventory in 1C UT 11

Inventory in the 1C Trade Management program is carried out using the document “Recalculation of goods”.

When creating a new recount of goods, on the Information tab it is indicated in which warehouse it is planned:

After this, the “Products” tab is filled in. You can fill it out using the “Fill by selection” button, while specifying the required selections in advance (by cell, item, etc.). If selection is not specified, the goods will be filled with all goods:

The table is filled in with the accounting quantity of the product:

“Accounting” balances are filled in as of the date set on the “Information” tab.

To start inventory, you need to stop the status “In work”, and then print the “Task Form for Counting Goods”.

After the actual recalculation of the goods, it is necessary to set the status of the document to “Entering results”. The “Actual” column will become available for entering:

When entering the results is completed, you need to set the status to “Completed”:

The inventory is completed. After confirmation in the office, the goods will be written off from the warehouse and cells.

Moving items between cells

The movement of items between cells of the same warehouse is documented using the document “Selection (placement) of goods”:

To create a new document, you must click the “Movement Job” button from the “Create” menu:

On the “Products (Selection)” tab, fill in the product name, cell, where there is movement, unit of measurement and quantity. You can fill out the information manually or use filling in the menu of the tabular section “Products” - “Fill in by balances in the cell”:

In the form that opens, you can specify a list of cells from which the remaining items will be filled:

After clicking on the “OK” button, the tabular part will be filled in with the remainder:

All that remains is to specify new cells for placing item items.

After completing the document filling, you need to set the status to “In progress” and transfer the task to the warehouse employee. After completion of execution, set the status to “Completed without errors.”

Nomenclature 1C UT

You can view the list of warehouses on the “Warehouse” tab using the “Warehouses and stores” link.


Cells – a directory subordinate to the “Warehouses” directory, contains information on the topology of the warehouse. The directory contains information about the geographical location of the cell in the warehouse and its dimensions.

A cell can be of three types:

  • Shipment – ​​goods are shipped from cells of this type.
  • Acceptance – initial acceptance is carried out into it.
  • Storage is a regular cell in which goods are stored.

The list of warehouse cells can be seen on the form of the directory item “Warehouses” in the go section:

In the list form, you can create a new element or change an existing one:

Please pay attention to the following details:

  • Type – storage, shipping, receiving.
  • Line, Rack, Tier, Address - the actual location of the cell.
  • Description – representation of the cell in the system (documents, directories). It is better that it matches the address.
  • Storage area – set to “Main”.
  • Standard size – type of pallet or cell (dimensions and weight).

Locking cells

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