Vehicle repair receipt. How to write a no-complaints receipt

It is known that if a victim of an accident expects to receive a payment under compulsory motor liability insurance from the insurance company, you need to immediately call the traffic police. True, an exception according to the law on compulsory motor liability insurance is such a thing as the Europrotocol, when in case of damage up to 25,000 (and a number of other conditions), it is not necessary to contact traffic cops to receive insurance compensation.

But we still have a distrustful attitude towards the European Protocol, so there are often times when the guilty party comes to an agreement with the victim, as they say, “amicably”, that is, it is ready to pay in full for the damage caused on the spot (or a little later).

And if the intentions of the culprit are honest, the benefit for the injured party is more than obvious: there will be no need to waste a lot of time and nerves on repeated visits to the insurer, drive a broken car, tediously wait for payment, and as a result - remain dissatisfied with the amount received, go to court, etc. other.

But what is the benefit of the culprit of the accident when, having a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, he voluntarily undertakes to save money for the insurance company and pays the victim with his own funds?

The simplest reason: extreme rush and reluctance to spend half a day waiting for traffic police. Especially if the damage is minimal. A more serious reason not to call the police is if the culprit of the accident turned out to be drunk, was not included in the insurance, etc. By the way, such “misconduct” may well even lead to unjustified generosity on his part.

But we will not list all the possible reasons for cash payments “on the spot”; we will consider how to competently resolve the situation without involving the traffic police.

“Let's do without traffic cops!”

If the damage is small, the culprit and the victim easily find a common language, and they have no disagreements regarding the assessment of what happened and the amount, why not disperse without the police? The main thing is not to make a mistake in assessing the damage and not to forget about possible hidden damage. It’s simple: the culprit pays a certain amount, saving the victim from the ordeal, and himself from the increasing coefficient for accidents when calculating the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance for the next year. It happens that participants in an accident separate without even exchanging phone numbers and without any receipts. This is the simplest type of relationship.

But it would be much more reasonable when paying cash on the spot, to take a receipt from the victim confirming the fact that he received the money. Because it may also happen that the culprit, having given the money, waits until the victim drives away and calls the traffic police. The “case” will be turned upside down: now the culprit of the accident will present himself as the victim, and the victim will be considered as the culprit, who also grossly violated traffic rules by leaving the scene of the accident.

In such a situation, which threatens big troubles, a receipt certified by witnesses will be very useful.


If the nature of the damage does not allow us to clearly determine the amount of damage, or the culprit does not have enough cash, and the agreement to part peacefully remains in force, you can exchange telephone numbers, addresses, receive something as collateral, etc., and then issue a receipt regulating further actions the culprit.


Can the culprit recover money from the insurance company if he himself paid the victim for the damage?

The law does not prohibit the person at fault from compensating for the damage caused on a voluntary basis. But in the future, some car owners, having paid for the repairs out of their own pockets, wonder whether it is possible to get their hard-earned money back by contacting the insurance company, which was already supposed to compensate the victim for the damage? After all, being insured under compulsory motor liability insurance, they essentially saved the insurance company’s funds.

Unfortunately, if the accident was not properly documented and the policyholders did not report the loss within the required time frame, the insurance company will not pay anything.

To return money voluntarily paid to the victim, you must provide:

  • proof of the presence of an accident (certificate of an accident according to form 748, protocol, testimony of witnesses);
  • evidence of damage (independent examination report, photographs of damage);
  • proof of the fact of transfer of money to the victim (receipt from the recipient, act of acceptance and transfer of funds).

But in this rather rare situation, it may turn out that the company, having agreed to settle the monetary issue with the culprit of the accident (instead of the victim), will dispute the amount of payment. And only a trial will put everything in its place.

Applications to the article

Sample receipt for an accident, if the culprit fully paid for the damage caused A sample receipt from the culprit of an accident, if he undertakes to fully compensate the victim for the damage in the future.
Question Answer
If both drivers are at fault in the accident.
If the parties to the accident agreed on the amount of compensation on the spot. It is advisable to make a receipt for each participant in the accident.
The document is written in free form.
  • complete information about the participants in the accident (full name, place of registration and residence, vehicle make, telephone numbers);
  • circumstances of the accident;
  • options for settling the participants in the accident (compensation for damage at the scene of the accident by any means);
  • signatures are placed with the decoding as in the passport;
  • list and information of eyewitnesses of the accident (if any).
Can be found at.

A receipt for an accident is a document drawn up by the culprit of a road accident, guaranteeing that the person whose actions caused the accident will restore the damage caused.

A receipt is drawn up if at the time of the incident the initiator of the accident does not have a compulsory motor liability insurance policy.

The presence of this document is required when paying compensation at the scene of an accident without calling the traffic police.

Does it have legal force?

A receipt confirming the absence of claims and material claims, drawn up during a traffic accident, has legal force regardless of certification by a notary. But this statement is relevant for documents written strictly according to the rules. In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation for 2019, there is no universal form for drawing up a receipt. In this regard, it is compiled in free form.

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  • the maximum amount of information about the incident is indicated (exact time, damage received, amount of damages);
  • The passport details of the culprit and the victim are entered;
  • the document was signed by both participants in the accident.

The receipt must describe the place where the road accident occurred. Without the information listed, the paper will not have legal force. In case of an accident, two identical copies of this document are drawn up.

Important! If third parties were involved in the incident, their testimony is also retained.

It is recommended to write all information in printed font. The monetary amount is written in letters, and next to it in brackets - in numbers. The person who received the receipt indicates that he has no claims or demands against the perpetrator of the incident, since he received monetary compensation from him in the amount of (the amount is indicated).

In court, this document is not always accepted if a number of details are missing. To avoid such an outcome, when drawing up a paper, you should seek legal advice from specialists.

Experts advise having a receipt template with you so that you can quickly fill it out in case of an accident.

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Types of receipts for road accidents (sample)

Due to the presence of a large number of different cases of road accidents, there are four types of receipts used for consideration in court.

Types of receipts:

  1. about the absence of claims;
  2. when hitting a pedestrian;
  3. compensation for damage;
  4. for car repairs.

The listed options differ in content, but require the fulfillment of a general requirement - drafting in legally competent language.

No complaints

This type of receipt is used if both participants in the incident do not have claims against each other. After the drivers sign the document, the document becomes legally binding and guarantees that:

  • one of the participants in the accident will not call the police to accuse the other driver of causing damage and fleeing the scene;
  • the injured participant will not change his mind about his decision and will not try to claim compensation for damages;
  • one of the participants will not falsify the details of the accident, hoping to receive a larger amount of compensation than he is entitled to.

The receipt is drawn up in two forms (one for each driver). Both documents must contain identical text describing the details of the incident, data of the persons involved and witnesses, with the exception of a personal statement from each participant. The compiler states his initials, after which he indicates that he has no claims against the participant in the accident (the details of the second driver are entered). The other person does the same.

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After this, the culprit and the victim check the correctness of the data in the document, which remains with the opposite party, and sign.

Important! The forms must indicate why the decision was made not to call the traffic police, and that no one was injured in the accident.

When hitting a pedestrian

This type of receipt is rarely used. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, when hitting a pedestrian, the driver is obliged to pay a fine and also bear criminal liability for the incident. The minimum punishment in this case is deprivation of rights. Therefore, most victims prefer to call the police to the scene. But if the victim’s injuries are not serious, and he is ready to accept the damage at the scene of the accident and issue a waiver of claims, a receipt is drawn up.

It is necessary for both the victim and the culprit:

  • the victim will not be able to change his testimony in the future, demanding greater compensation from the driver;
  • the culprit will not be able to accuse the accident victim of slander.

The document is drawn up in a similar way to the previous version. Both participants identify themselves, indicate information about themselves, personal details, and describe the details of the accident. If compensation was paid, the amount is indicated, after which both copies are signed.

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Compensation for damage

This receipt option is used most often. It is compiled by the person injured in the accident. In the document, the victim must write detailed information about the incident, and then indicate: “I (F. I. O.) have no claims against citizen (F. I. O.), since I received from him monetary compensation for damage in the form of the amount (to be paid in capital and numeric form).

A sample receipt for compensation for damages in case of an accident is as follows:

  • detailed information about the participants in the incident is indicated;
  • describes the circumstances of the incident;
  • the decision reached by the culprit and the victim is reported;
  • the form, size, and period of compensation are included;
  • information about when and where the document was compiled is posted.

Only at the end does the victim write the phrase “I have no claims against the guilty driver” and sign, after which the incident is considered settled.

None of the participants in the accident can change their testimony by accusing another person of lying in order to collect money. A receipt for compensation for damage caused is considered invalid if, in addition to signatures, it does not contain passport data and an agreement of both persons involved in the accident.

For car repairs

If there is damage to the vehicle, compensation with a receipt can be realized in two ways:

  1. allocation of money for car restoration;
  2. implementation of repair work.

Moral damage in an accident - how to get compensation?

The second method involves performing repairs after a certain period of time. In this case, the receipt is drawn up according to the following model:

  • information about those involved in the incident is entered;
  • the circumstances under which the accident occurred are indicated;
  • describes the damage caused to the vehicle and the amount required to restore it;
  • if a decision is made on compensation in the form of transportation and repairs, it is indicated when and for what period it will be performed;
  • The date of preparation of the document is placed, after which signatures are placed.

A completed receipt of no claims or claims has legal force when completed by a person who has documents to own the damaged vehicle. If repairs were not completed within the specified period, the victim has the right to write a statement to the police and file a claim in court.

How to compose (example)

When preparing two copies, each document must be numbered (No. 1 and 2). Papers will not be accepted if there is no date of their preparation, indicated in the format: day/month/year.

Both participants must submit:

  • Full name (full name);
  • passport details;
  • witness data (if any).

A summary of the incident from beginning to end must be confirmed by both participants. If the story is described differently in two copies, the receipt will not be accepted.

After the accident, the participants in the incident are waiting for traffic police officers to establish this fact. However, if no one was injured and there is no serious damage to the car, the parties can disperse without involving inspectors. To prevent further proceedings, a receipt of no claims in case of an accident is issued, a sample of which can be downloaded at the end of the article. There is no unified form, so the document is drawn up in any form with the inclusion of mandatory details.

The legislation does not establish the procedure for issuing a receipt in case of an accident. The application of this document is provided for in paragraph 2 of Article 68 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation. Therefore, drawing up a receipt stating that there are no claims instead of calling the traffic police officers will not be a violation of the law. This option is especially relevant if the person responsible for the accident does not have a compulsory motor liability insurance policy with him.

For a document to have legal force, it must contain a number of mandatory details. Among them:

  • exact time and date of the incident;
  • passport details of the parties and their signatures;
  • an extremely detailed description of the circumstances of the incident.

The text is written in any form. If the receipt for an accident “I have no claims” according to the sample includes mandatory details, it will protect the interests of the driver in the event of litigation.

In what order should I enter information?

A well-drafted document contains all the information about the accident that is required to identify the culprit and assess the damage caused. Ideally, you should have a prepared form with you, so that in the event of an accident, all you have to do is fill in the date, circumstances and details of the parties.

Important! The receipt for an accident should describe the accident in great detail and indicate the location of the collision, date and time, and the circumstances that led to the incident.

When drawing up, you should use the following plan:

  1. Name of the form.
  2. Date of preparation. Enter the date, month, year in numbers.
  3. Author details. You must indicate your full name, passport details, and place of residence.
  4. Detailed description of the accident.
  5. Indication of no claims.
  6. Confirmation that the document was drawn up voluntarily, in a sober mind and sound memory.
  7. Signatures of the parties.

The other party will need to draw up an identical receipt of no claims on its own behalf. If the vehicle was damaged as a result of the collision, this should also be indicated. If there is a receipt after an accident stating that there are no claims, it is unlawful to demand compensation for damage.

Is it possible to do without a receipt?

In the event of an accident, those involved in the incident call the traffic police. A receipt is an alternative option intended for self-settlement. The completed form allows you to record the absence of claims from the other driver after an accident.

Situations are possible when one of the participants in the collision, after a verbal agreement, leaves the scene of the accident. The second one remains and calls the inspectors, indicating that the culprit has left the scene. The consequences of such a step can be unfavorable, including deprivation of your driver's license.

A properly executed receipt in case of an accident “I have no claims” according to the sample relieves the at-fault driver of liability. The paper guarantees that subsequently no proceedings will be conducted against this citizen.

If, for some reason, the participant in the incident does not want to leave a receipt after the accident, you should call the traffic police and wait for their arrival.

The text of the receipt should describe what happened in as much detail as possible. It is necessary to indicate the driver's information and certify the document with a signature.

  1. First, indicate the name of the form.
  2. Check the entered data to ensure that the document does not contain errors.
  3. Describe the situation as clearly as possible and avoid ambiguous expressions.
  4. Avoid grammatical and punctuation errors.
  5. Enter the exact date, as well as the time and place of the incident.

Another point is eyewitness accounts. If possible, it is worth including the testimony of several passers-by in the document. You will also need to enter their details.

Important! Each driver writes a receipt on his own behalf.

The main part of the receipt for an accident “I have no claims” is drawn up in any form. The author may mention that as a result of the collision, there was no damage to the car, no harm to the life and health of people, and a full settlement was made between the parties. In the end, it is worth emphasizing that there are no complaints against the second driver.

In what situations are receipts left?

In practice, a no-claims document is drawn up in two cases: in a car collision and in an accident involving pedestrians. The content in such situations will be different.

But the consequences of accidents are not always insignificant. Therefore, receipts are required not only for the absence of claims, but also for:

  • compensation for damage;
  • receiving funds;
  • car repair.

When a car is damaged as a result of an accident, repairs are made at the expense of the at-fault party. You can transfer the amount necessary to restore the vehicle either immediately or after some time (if the driver does not have money with him). To receive funds, the agreement must be formally recorded. In case of an accident, the receipt indicates the exact amount of compensation.

This option has its drawbacks. When assessing damage visually, it is difficult to estimate the cost of repairs. The money received on the receipt may not be enough. But it will not be possible to take an amount greater than that indicated in the document. Therefore, independent settlement is advisable only in cases where the damage is minor.

A single sample receipt for an accident “I have no claims” is not provided. The form must include the driver’s details, describe in detail what happened and sign. Next, you can download an example document from the link.

If there was a minor accident on the road, where there was a collision or a pedestrian was hit, this situation can be resolved without the involvement of insurance agents and representatives of the traffic police to record the incident.

In such cases, a verbal agreement is not enough. Your mutual amicable decision on compensation for damage and the absence of claims against each other must be made in writing. Such a receipt in case of an accident provides an opportunity to resolve the situation.

In the event of an accident, the injured party may suffer material damage. According to the definition from the civil code, in such situations it is subject to full compensation from the funds of the guilty person.

In order for the no-claim receipt to have legal force, a number of rules must be followed so as not to subsequently become a victim of deception on the part of the perpetrator of the incident:

  1. The receipt is filled out identically on two forms, each of which is handed over to the injured and guilty parties;
  2. Filling out must be in writing. All conditions and decisions must be documented. An oral decision will not be valid and it will be impossible to prove an agreement based on the absence of a claim;
  3. Each party must be fully identified in the documents. This should include full passport data, full name, driver’s license numbers, as well as VIN codes and vehicle license plates;
  4. If the parties have damage to the equipment, it is necessary to describe them in as much detail as possible;
  5. The resolution of the claim is compensation for material losses. Therefore, it is necessary to indicate the amount that transfers
    the guilty party or the time frame within which it undertakes to carry out this action. In the receipt, funds are entered in digital form and in words, and the currency of payment is indicated;
  6. The injured party must write in his own hand that he has no claims after receiving the funds.
  7. At the end there must be a signature and a transcript of the initials from each party.

Such registration will be considered appropriate and each party will have confirmation of a mutual decision on this issue in writing.

Depending on the presence or absence of a claim, there may be different types of receipts.

The most common are:

  • on compensation for damage;
  • that the pedestrian has no complaints;
  • about the absence of claims from the injured party.

Each document differs slightly in content, but for proper execution you should adhere to the rules established above.

About compensation for damage at the scene of an accident

It is possible to receive money from the insurance company in the event of a collision, but not immediately. If the damage was minor, then a receipt for receipt of money for the accident can significantly simplify this procedure.

In this case, there is no need to waste a lot of time, since such a document is drawn up on the spot and in most cases the funds are transferred on the same day.

A receipt for compensation for material damage in an accident must include several conditions. The main factor is the amount of compensation and the method of its transfer. It is important to take this point into account in the document. If the required amount is not available at this moment, by mutual agreement the transfer can be postponed for a specified period. It must be written down in the receipt.

It is also noted here that after receiving the established amount, the person has no claims. The document is valid for 3 years from the date of its preparation.

About the absence of claims from the pedestrian

If a pedestrian was hit as a result of an accident, depending on the severity of his injuries, a no-claims agreement can also be drawn up with him. In such cases, the citizen, as well as the vehicle, receives material damage.

In such situations, it is important to negotiate the amount of compensation for the injuries received, and then formalize the decision in writing. In the receipt, it is important to describe in detail the situation in which the collision occurred.

Next, the pedestrian must write in his own hand that he has no claims against the driver who committed the collision. At the end, the amount of material compensation to settle claims from the injured party is indicated.

About the absence of claims from the injured party

There are cases in which the parties can come to a mutual decision after an accident that there are no claims. This often occurs when the damage is little or no noticeable. In such situations, a receipt is issued stating that there are no material claims against each other in an accident.

When there is no victim or harm received on either side, this fact must be written in the receipt by each of the participants in the accident. The circumstances under which the collision occurred are described in detail below. At the end of the document, each party must sign with the initials deciphered.

If the culprit of the accident is ready to pay for the damage himself

When the culprit of an accident is ready to pay the amount of damage caused, two documents are drawn up. If the payment is made on the spot, the guilty party writes a receipt indicating all the circumstances of the violation and damage caused.

The amount of compensation is indicated in numerical and capital values, as well as the timing of transfer of the amount. The injured party writes a receipt, where he notes all the damage received and evaluates its value. It is further written that the amount was received by the person in the prescribed amount.

Sample receipt from the culprit

Procedure for drawing up the document

If the question arises about how to correctly draw up a receipt, then instructions for proper execution will be published so that it has no issues with additional proceedings.

In case of a transport accident, a receipt is written by agreement of each party. If disagreements arise regarding the procedure for compensation or admission of guilt, it is better to call traffic police officers and insurance agents.

It is important to consider here that the form of the document is not fixed by law. Correct execution of the receipt establishes that this type of agreement can be used in court if the guilty party fails to pay the prescribed amount within the period indicated on the receipt.

This form of the document must contain the details of each party. The places of registration and identification data of vehicles must be indicated. On the reverse side it is necessary to indicate the circumstances under which the incident occurred and its exact location.

The paper is compiled as follows:

  • the header contains personal information about the victim and the guilty party;
  • the reason why the decision arose by agreement of the parties is described in detail;
  • below it is indicated that each of the parties has no claims;
  • The date of preparation and signature of the parties is indicated at the bottom of the form.

After it is drawn up, the victim does not have the right to go to court or the traffic police when compensation for material damage, if indicated, on the date of execution of the receipt, he received the amount indicated in it.

What information may be required?

To avoid incidents and neither of the parties subsequently demands that the agreement be declared invalid, the situation and all the details should be described in detail in the document regarding the accident that occurred.

To do this, you need to enter the following types of information into the document:

  • data of the participants in the accident;
  • type of compensation - payment for material damage or car repairs;
  • registration address of each person;
  • the fact of compensation if the action is performed at the time the receipt is issued;
  • a detailed assessment of the damage caused with a description of all damages and an indication of the approximate cost of correcting them;
  • signature of the guilty and injured parties.

When filling out the document form, the parties need to agree on the total amount of material compensation for damage. will consist precisely in this, and if the participants in the accident come to a consensus on the established cost of repair work, the receipt will be finalized.

Otherwise, if there is a difference of opinion about the price, you will have to call the insurance service to estimate the cost of the work, which already cancels the legal force of such a document.

Main mistakes when compiling

The main mistake of many car owners is a verbal agreement. The culprit does not always turn out to be respectable and pays the promised amounts, and without documentary proof of the obligation it will be impossible to obtain money through the court.

Another common mistake is briefly filling out the form without describing the cause of the accident and the injuries sustained. Subsequently, the culprit can challenge the previously drawn up act, citing the fact that the injured party independently included the items or was damaged in another accident.

Why you don’t need to write a receipt on the spot

If the amount of damage incurred is significant and the amount of compensation will be large, it is better to formalize such an incident. In addition, if a third party is injured or involved in an accident, it will not be possible to draw up a receipt, since one of the participants in the collision will definitely disagree and will try to dispute his guilt.

Serious violations are subject to registration with the traffic police; if there are victims who need medical assistance, the receipt will be meaningless.

You should not draw up a report in a situation where a person cannot compensate for the amount of damage within 7 days. In most cases, if the culprit delays for a long time, he will eventually avoid fulfilling his obligations under the receipt in every possible way.

When at the time of the accident the culprit was under the influence of alcohol or drugs, there is no need to draw up a receipt, as this will be a fact of concealing a serious offense. In such actions, the victim, by releasing such a driver, exposes the public to danger.

Making a return from the insurance company for compensation

There is an opinion that, having reimbursed the amount of material money according to the receipt, the driver has the right to contact his insurance company and, on the basis of this compensation, reimburse the funds paid to the victim under the compulsory motor liability insurance policy.

Such forms of compensation do not exist and payment under compulsory motor liability insurance in case of an accident is carried out only on legal grounds, when the accident and damage to the vehicle have been documented by specialists of the company providing such forms of compensation. will be impossible.

Situations on the road are different, including the attitude of the participants in the accident to what happened. Sometimes the culprit refuses to admit his guilt, and in other cases he admits it partially or completely.

If you are ready to admit guilt, then depending on the severity of the incident it is possible:

  • registration of a European protocol (if the amount of damage is up to 50,000 rubles and there are no victims);
  • call the traffic police.

There are cases when a participant in an accident admits guilt and is ready to compensate the injured party for financial costs. As a result, the parties agree on everything on the spot. In this case, it is necessary to formalize the agreement in writing. This document is called a receipt for a traffic accident.

The admissibility of issuing a receipt is indicated in paragraph 2 of Article No. 68 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, but there is no unified form and has scant legislative explanation.

Drawing up a receipt will protect the parties from unfair execution of the terms of the agreement. Reimbursement of costs by an accident participant on the spot will save the victim from contacting the insurance company, save him time and nerves and allow him to restore the car much faster.

When is it possible and in what cases is it not necessary to make a receipt?

An agreement is drawn up in cases where the culprit admits guilt and is ready to compensate for the damage caused on the spot or with a short delay (for example, to get to the bank to cash out the required amount and then transfer it to the victim).

If there are victims in an accident who require medical attention, it is better to call the police and emergency medical assistance. A receipt drawn up on the spot will not mean that the issue of the incident is completely closed, because the extent is difficult to establish on the spot.

If it is difficult to assess the damage (for example, if there may be hidden damage), then you should not agree on the spot.

After issuing a receipt and fulfilling its terms, it is pointless to demand additional cash payments. Therefore, inspect the damage carefully, otherwise their restoration will take place at your expense.

In cases where the amount of damage is significant, you should think twice before drawing up a receipt. Perhaps formalizing the accident would be preferable.

You should not agree to draw up a document if it takes more than 7-10 days to fulfill its terms. Most likely, the victim will have to look for and force the culprit to fulfill his obligations.

The ideal option when issuing a receipt is compensation for damage at the scene of the incident. Because some people, when moving to the bank, already decide to evade their obligations.

And if there are more than 2 people involved in the accident, you should think about the need to draw up a document, since the more participants, the more difficult it is for them to come to an agreement. Passengers who were in the cars involved in the accident may have their own views on the agreement and later claim that they were injured in the accident, but they were not taken into account. Therefore, they must also participate in the preparation of the document and be recorded in it.

It is prohibited to issue a receipt in cases where the culprit was intoxicated (alcohol or drugs).

Depending on the form of the claim, receipts are of two types:

  • about the absence of claims;

Even if the damage is insignificant and the injured party is ready to “forgive”, a written document is drawn up stating that the parties have no claims against each other. This will protect you from the dishonesty of the other party. For example, after a verbal agreement that there are no claims against each other, you will calmly leave the scene of the accident, and the other party will remain in place, call the traffic police and declare that you have left the scene of the accident.

In the case when a participant in a road accident is ready to compensate for damage, two different documents are drawn up. The first document is written by the culprit of the accident in two copies (for each party), which describes the location, essence of the incident, the damage received and indicates the terms of compensation for damage. The second document is drawn up in person by the injured party (possibly in one copy for the culprit), which indicates receipt of the agreed amount of damage incurred, with reference to the reason for receipt and the absence of claims.

Not every receipt has legal force. Therefore, in order to be able to assert your rights with a completed document (in the event that the guilty party subsequently refuses to admit guilt and compensate for the damage), follow the following registration rules:

  1. The future document is drawn up in two identical copies for each side of the incident.
  2. It must be filled out by hand and it is advisable that this be done by the person responsible for the accident. Oral promises and assurances are forgotten over time and have no legal force, so it is extremely difficult to prove the absence of claims by the parties.
  3. The receipt reflects the terms and agreements of the agreement.
  4. If the culprit is ready to pay money to the injured party, then be sure to indicate the amount (in numbers and words) and the timing (if the transfer of money occurs later) of the transfer of compensation, indicate the currency in which the compensation will occur.
  5. In cases where the guilty party is ready to compensate for the damage on the spot, the injured party must personally write a receipt for receipt of money in full and that there are no claims against the culprit.
  6. At the end of the document, signatures of both parties are placed with an explanation of the surname and initials. - full passport data;
  7. The document contains information for complete identification of the parties:
  • driver's license number;
  • time, date and place of compilation (address of the accident site);
  • vehicle description (make and model, color, VIN, registration plate);
  • a complete and detailed description of vehicle damage.

It is advisable to include a statement in the receipt that the parties were of sound mind and were not subject to physical or psychological pressure.

The main mistakes when registering an accident on the spot without involving traffic police officers and subsequently contacting the insurance company are a verbal agreement or briefly filling out a receipt. This leads to the fact that subsequently it becomes impossible to prove the incident, the extent of damage from the injuries received and the recovery of money.

Is it possible for the culprit to demand compensation for the money spent from the insurance company?

Many car enthusiasts and Internet resources believe that based on the receipt, the money spent can be reimbursed by the insurance company. Looking ahead, we will answer this question - NO, it is impossible.

The culprit of an accident, agreeing to compensation for damage at his own expense, is prepared for the fact that the insurance company will not return the money spent, although such compensation for damage in an accident is not prohibited by law.

It is worth recalling the list of documents and the procedure for contacting an insurance company for compulsory motor liability insurance. The basis for refusing payment on a receipt will be the mandatory absence of the following documents:

  • , drawn up for the culprit of the accident from the traffic police, which confirms the fact of the incident;
  • proof of the amount of damage (expertise report on damage assessment).

Previously, traffic police officers issued a certificate of accident, but since October 2017, the traffic police no longer has such powers. You can confirm the existence of an incident on the road by providing the insurance company with a copy of the administrative violation resolution, but you will not have such a document, since the inspection staff did not record the incident.

If the traffic police did not give the victim a copy of the decision on the APN, then contact the insurance company, where they will prepare a request for you to provide this copy. With this request, go to the traffic police.

There are two ways to assess the damage: either by employees of the insurance company, or by, since you will not be able to provide the victim’s car for inspection.

But even if you convince the insurance company to compensate you for the money on the receipt, the amount of payment will be lower than the funds spent. The insurance company will challenge the costs incurred downwards, and during the trial the decision will not be made in your favor, since you do not have evidence that the damage was assessed correctly.

Before you agree to resolve all issues regarding an accident on the spot, think and weigh the pros and cons. This applies to all participants in the incident.

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