Receipt for receipt of goods and materials. Receipt for receipt of goods and materials sample

A receipt is a confirmation of receipt of money, documents, valuables and other items by the person who wrote it. If disputes arise, such a document may be considered in court. The receipt is drawn up in free form, but there are certain requirements for the content and design of the text.

Particular attention is paid to writing the promissory note. It happens that people lend large sums of money to someone for a while, and the debtor subsequently refuses or “forgets” to repay the debt. Or a transaction is made for the purchase and sale of valuable property without financial documents (checks, receipts, receipts). To protect yourself as much as possible from losing money, be sure to draw up a receipt, even if you are dealing with a close friend or relative. The receipt is made by the one who receives something. It is advisable to write by hand in case you have to identify the handwriting when resolving a dispute. Please include the following information on your receipt:
  • name of the document – ​​“Receipt”;
  • date and place of document preparation;
  • Full name, date of birth, full passport details, registration address and actual address of the person who receives and who gives the money;
  • the amount of money - first in numbers, then in words;
  • date of repayment if the loan is fixed;
  • the most detailed description of the goods, if the purchase and sale is recorded;
  • the text must clearly indicate that the money was transferred at the time the receipt was drawn up;
  • put the signatures of both parties as they appear in the passport;
  • if the process of transferring money took place in the presence of witnesses, include their full names, passport details, addresses, and signatures in the text.

You can download sample receipts:

It is not necessary to describe the purpose of the loan; moreover, in some cases it may not be profitable. For example, if you note that the money was transferred for commercial purposes, while the business did not justify itself, then with such wording the debtor will have legal grounds not to repay the debt. A receipt can confirm the receipt of valuable items, documents, gifts and other things, if this is a necessary condition for any agreements or transactions. The greater the significance of the item received, the more information about the participants and the item being transferred should be included in the receipt. With the help of a receipt, you can record your intention to perform some action or provide a service. In addition to the data, in paragraph 3 indicate the exact date of execution, and if this is provided for in the agreement, the penalty for late payment - in numbers and in words. The person to whom the service is provided will have to record its receipt in full - the corresponding text is written on the receipt sheet, under the main text.

Be sure to check the completed document for errors and typos. Particular attention should be paid to passport data (including the validity of the passport at the time of signing the receipt), amounts and dates.

A receipt certified by a notary is of great value if the matter comes to trial in court.

A receipt with erasures or corrections may be considered invalid. If a mistake was made during its preparation, the document will have to be rewritten.

A document called “Safety note” is formed in cases where one enterprise, individual entrepreneur or individual transfers to another any inventory items for a certain period of time.

Why is the document needed, its meaning

The role of a security note is quite simple: it records the fact of transfer of any property from one person to another for safekeeping or temporary use. With the help of this document, the receiving party guarantees that the inventory items entrusted to it will be returned safe and sound. Thus, during the period of storage or use, the person who accepted it bears full responsibility for the quantity and quality of the property.

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What can be transferred against receipt?

Under the guarantee of a safety receipt, you can transfer any property, including machinery, equipment, inventories and even any documentation.

In this case, both individuals and legal entities can participate in the transfer.

For how long can it be transferred?

The transfer is always limited in time - until the conclusion of a purchase and sale agreement or the subsequent return of inventory items to the owner.

The maximum period for the temporary transfer of property from one person to another is not established by law, that is, the parties can determine it arbitrarily. The only thing worth considering is that perishable goods should not be given into the wrong hands for a long time.

Who writes the receipt

The safekeeping receipt is always written by the person who accepts the inventory items for storage. The receipt records how many and what types of goods or other property were taken for storage, in what condition, and in what conditions they will be.

If the parties wish, the receipt may be accompanied by an inventory of the property, as well as an act of acceptance and transfer of material assets in a unified form.

If damage or loss of property occurs during the period of responsible storage

If, while the inventory items are in safekeeping, some trouble happens to them: damage, deterioration, partial or complete loss, etc., the person to whom they were entrusted will bear full responsibility .

This means that this person will be obliged to fully compensate for the damage caused or to repair or restore someone else’s property at his own expense.

If suddenly any disagreements or disputes arise between the parties, in search of a solution to which they go to court, a well-drafted package of documents will help resolve them correctly and in compliance with all interests. That is why you should be extremely careful when drawing up a safety receipt and take into account all the nuances relating to inventory items and the conditions of their storage.

How to write a receipt

Like any other similar document, a security receipt can be written in any form - there is currently no standardized form. The only exceptions are those cases when a company is professionally engaged in providing services for the temporary preservation of someone else's property - such organizations usually have a standard sample document recommended for use.

Features of receipt design

Just like the format of the receipt, its design can be absolutely free, in particular, it can be printed or written by hand. The second option is preferable to the first, since, in the event of any controversial issues, in the future, a handwritten receipt can play a role in establishing the fact of its authenticity (for example, during graphological and handwriting examinations). In any case, regardless of whether the receipt is handwritten or printed, it must be signed (necessarily with a transcript of the signature) and the date on which it was generated.

When writing a note, you must carefully describe all the details of the product.

At the same time, avoid the slightest inaccuracies and mistakes. Even a small blemish in the event of a “showdown” in court can play a negative role in determining the guilty and responsible persons.

If you need to create a security receipt, and you have never written one before, study the information above and familiarize yourself with the sample document - with its help you can easily create what you need.

  1. At the beginning of the receipt, indicate the name (full or abbreviated - it makes no difference) and address of the organization receiving the inventory items; if desired, enter here more detailed details (TIN, OGRN, etc.).
  2. Then write “Safety Note” in the middle, and below mark the place (locality) and the date it was compiled. Next, get to the point.
  3. First of all, once again indicate here the information about the receiving party: the name of the company, position and full name of its representative. If he acts on the basis of a power of attorney, you need to enter its number and date of issue in the receipt. After this, write down the information about the transferor in the same way.
  4. Further in the document, it is necessary to note information about the product passing from one hand to another: its type, name, number, quantity, condition, type of packaging and other identification values. If you consider it necessary, you can arrange this in the form of a table (relevant when the list of inventory items is quite large) or as a separate attachment to the receipt. Here you must indicate the condition of the property at the time of transfer: whether it has any external or internal defects or damage. If they exist, they need to be described in as much detail as possible. If the receipt refers to equipment, its complete set should be included in it.
  5. Then you need to indicate the purpose of the transfer: temporary storage or rental use.
  6. At the end of the receipt, it is necessary for the receiving person to make his commitment to return the inventory items entrusted to him in proper form and at the first request of the owner. If desired, you can indicate responsibility for damage, damage or loss of property.
  7. At the end, representatives of both parties put their signatures and seals.

It is not necessary to draw up an act of transfer/acceptance of money received for a product/service or as a loan. True, if the debtor does not return what he promised, you will have to say goodbye to your finances, since you will not go to court with your bare hands. But there would be a receipt issued between individuals and/or legal entities.

The matter would have turned out differently: the statement of claim was accepted, the handwriting was checked, witnesses were invited, non-payment was established, but... The signature did not match: there is one on the debt paper, and another on the passport. What will be the outcome of the case?

This was one of the options when the friend borrowing the money already knows that he does not want to return it. Besides forging a signature, there are many ways to legally evade obligations, but none of them will work if you follow the recommendations.

The interest rate must be stated in the text of the document. The contract verbally does not guarantee you anything. Below is a sample of such a receipt, however, if a large amount is borrowed, it is better to use a full-fledged loan agreement (its legitimacy when used by the authorities will not raise doubts). This document gives more rights to both (!) parties.

An interest-free loan will be obtained automatically if the amount borrowed is not higher than the minimum wage established at the time of signing the document, and there is no indication of interest in the promissory note. However, if the total amount of money borrowed is higher than the minimum wage (in fact, we are usually talking about significant amounts - above 100 thousand rubles), and the document does not indicate the absence of interest, then it will be calculated automatically (at the state bank rate).

It's not a big deal if the debtor pays you off himself. And in court there will be confusion, which will complicate the matter a little. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly state in the text whether there is a percentage or not.

For such a calculation, it is desirable to have a loan agreement. Why?

  • it has greater legal weight;
  • it has more opportunities (an extensive system of fines and penalties for late payment, for example);
  • it is easier to prove that the debtor did not make payment in a given month.

If you wish, you can draw up a schedule of monthly payments in a promissory note, but in fact this will not be a schedule, but an indication of the systematic nature of the payment on such and such dates. The ideal solution is the synthesis of a loan and a receipt for receipt of funds for this loan.

You can verify the honesty of the debtor with the help of an insurance company (cost-effective if the loan amounts are large) - you need to conclude an agreement with it: if the payer does not return the money, the insurance company will do it for him. The disadvantage of this method is that you need to spend money.

This method insures the lender against the payer’s dishonesty: even if the money is not paid, the item left as collateral can be sold, thereby returning part or the full amount of the borrowed amount.

Sample form of receipt for borrowing money

There is no universal template for drawing up this document, since each case of transfer of money is individual and has features that will not be inherent in other agreements. The basic rule when drawing up a promissory note is to reflect in the text everything that you need to receive in life (interest, fines, etc.). You can have the receipt certified by a notary, this will give you additional guarantees.

Sample receipt for receiving a loan with signatures of witnesses

Features of registration of a debt receipt

  • The text is written by hand.
  • The paste should be blue and not gel.
  • The personal and passport details of all participants in the transaction are indicated.
  • The amount of money is recorded in words.
  • The date of signing and the city are indicated.
  • All signatures must be decrypted.
  • There are no corrections in the text (if you made a mistake, rewrite it).

What is a promissory note, how to draw it up correctly + sample and procedure for repaying the debt under the receipt

Hello! In this article we will talk about the promissory note.

  1. What is an IOU?
  2. Basic and additional requirements for drawing up a receipt;
  3. How to return funds under a promissory note through the court.

What is a promissory note?

IOU is a document that is drawn up between two persons. The subject of such paper is debt obligations arising, for example, when borrowing money. In order for the document not to become a useless piece of paper, it is necessary to draw it up in accordance with all legal requirements.

  • Download a sample promissory note

The presence of a receipt indicates that you have the right to receive or are obligated to return any material goods, or must fulfill some obligations.

A receipt for the return of funds is also in great demand because it is the most convenient and legal way to take money, for example, from relatives or friends.

You can compose it in any way convenient for you. The law does not impose any requirements for drawing up a document; all that is required is the consent of the other party.

Requirements for drawing up a promissory note

Naturally, lending money is a very risky step that should be done solely on trust. However, you should not forget that you can return the money only when the document is drawn up in accordance with the requirements.

In the absence of even minor details, the court may declare the demand for the return of funds illegal.

  1. Full information about the person who borrowed money from you. Full name, identity document details, registration address, place of residence, work phone number, cell phone number, etc.;
  2. Your passport details. It is necessary to indicate the data in full without abbreviations;
  3. The purpose of the document. For example, if we are talking about money, then the amount of debt and the amount of return must be written down both in words and in numbers;
  4. The document must indicate the actual date of receipt of money by the borrower;
  5. The debt repayment date agreed in advance with the debtor is also required to be filled out;
  6. The debtor must indicate for what purpose he is taking the specified amount;
  7. A promissory note will not be valid if it does not bear the signature of the debtor. Moreover, it should look the same as in the document confirming his identity. A transcript of the signature is required!
  8. The document may be drawn up with the participation of witnesses. If, by agreement of the parties, third parties were present, then it is necessary to indicate their full passport details and telephone numbers.

After drawing up the receipt, you must check the specified passport data and make sure that they are indicated without errors.

You should remember that getting rid of debt obligations by transferring money from hand to hand is not entirely true. In order to protect yourself from illegal actions on the part of the creditor, you must have evidence confirming the fact that there is no debt.

To do this, you need to draw up one more document - this receipt for refund. It is the presence of such a document that can not only provide you with security, but also preserve your relationship with the lender.

The requirements for filling out a document confirming the return remain the same as when drawing up the receipt itself. However, you should pay attention to some nuances.

These include:

  1. When drawing up a document, the person who received the money as a loan must indicate for what purpose the funds were received. For example, to pay for services. If the specified data is not in the document, the creditor will be able to indicate that the money was received not on account of the subject of the receipt, but for another reason;
  2. You also need to ask the lender to indicate in the document that he has no claims either to you or to the correctness of the document.

The receipt for repayment of the debt must be drawn up in person. By agreement of the parties, it can be certified by a notary. In this case, the court will not have doubts about the validity of the document.

List of mistakes made when drawing up debt receipts

Mistakes that you may make when drawing up a receipt may be:

  1. Insufficient information about the debtor is provided. Unfortunately, there are cases when a lender provides money and mainly indicates his own information. While little attention is paid to the debtor’s passport data. Making such a mistake can have a disastrous effect when trying to file a claim for the return of funds through the court. It will be difficult for the creditor to prove that it was this person who signed the receipt;
  2. Incorrect form of document chosen. Very often, the creditor and debtor draw up a document by printing on a computer. In the future, if necessary, it will be difficult for the creditor to prove the debtor’s involvement in the preparation of the document;
  3. The amount of debt is written down only in numbers. The thing is that the stated amount of debt in the form of figures can be easily falsified, which can lead to justified disputes in court. Therefore, the amount must always be indicated in words;
  4. The document does not contain the phrase: “I received the money personally” . In the absence of the specified offer, the borrower will be able to claim that he drew up a receipt, but never received the money in hand;
  5. The purpose for which the funds were taken on the receipt was not indicated or indicated incorrectly;
  6. There is no deadline in the document after which the money must be returned. The absence of a date may indicate that the promissory note is unlimited, and the borrower can return the money at any time convenient for him;
  7. Refund without receipt. This refers to the moment at which the money is returned on parole. You need to remember that you must not only take back the receipt you previously wrote, but also draw up a new one that will confirm the repayment of the debt. Following this simple rule will help you avoid a lot of trouble.

How to return money on a receipt through the court

In most cases, in order to get their savings back, the creditor has to file a corresponding application with the court. If you want to return the money through the courts, then first you need to send the debtor a letter about the return of funds against a receipt.

It is necessary to state your requirements and notify the debtor of your intentions. The letter is sent to the debtor's postal address. In the future, a copy of it and a notification from the mail can be attached to the statement of claim.

If there are claims for debt repayment, the best way to resolve the issue is, of course, to do without the participation of the court. It is no secret that litigation takes a lot of effort, time and money.

To solve the problem at the pre-trial stage, you must use the following methods:

  • The Power of Persuasion. You can contact not only the debtor himself, but also his relatives with a request for assistance;
  • Use the services of a mediator. A professional mediator will consider the essence of the claim and help resolve the controversial issue legally and painlessly before the case goes to court. Naturally, he will demand a reward for his work, but his actions will help you save yourself from a lot of trouble.

If it is not possible to resolve the case peacefully, then there is nothing left to do but to file a statement of claim for the return of funds and seek help from the court.

However, there is no need to rush, because the very first step, as mentioned above, is drawing up refund claims.

The document is sent by mail and must contain the following information:

  • Passport details of the person who lent the money;
  • The amount of debt. It is worth noting that if there was an agreement between the parties that the money would be returned with interest, then the amount of interest must be indicated separately;
  • The date when the promissory note was drawn up;
  • Refund date;
  • Date of filing the claim.

The second step will be drawing up a statement of claim. The document is required to similarly state the essence of the matter, describe under what circumstances the money was transferred, and what attempts were made to resolve the issue peacefully.

We should also not forget that each argument must be supported by evidence and testimony of witnesses.

The application must indicate the following:

  1. Name of the judicial authority where the document is sent;
  2. Full name, contact details of the borrower;
  3. Full name, contact details of the debtor;
  4. The amount of the claim. This amount includes not only the amount of debt with interest, but also the amount of state duty, the cost of a lawyer and other expenses;
  5. List of attached documents.

Do not also forget that the amount of the state duty paid will depend on the amount of the claim.

The process of debt repayment in court is presented more clearly in the table:

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