Order on training administration employees in safe methods and techniques for performing work, testing knowledge of labor protection. Training in safe methods and techniques for performing work, conducting labor safety briefings, internships at work

Hi all! In the last article, I discussed the program of initial training on labor protection in the workplace for blue-collar workers. Today, a follow-up post about training programs on labor protection/safe methods and techniques for performing work. Notice that I use these two concepts.

Today we will not delve into special safety rules for industries; most often everything is written there clearly. Let's focus on GOST 12.0.004-90 and Resolution 1/29.

Please also note that throughout this article I use the terms “worker” and “worker of a blue-collar profession,” since all WORKERS are WORKERS, but not every WORKER is a WORKER.

What GOST 12.0.004-90 tells us about training and testing the knowledge of workers.

4.1. In certain industries associated with work that is subject to additional (increased) labor safety requirements, additional special labor safety training is carried out taking into account these requirements.

4.2. The list of jobs and professions for which training is carried out, as well as the order, form, frequency and duration of training, are established, taking into account industry normative and technical documentation, by enterprise managers in agreement with the trade union committee, based on the nature of the profession, type of work, specifics of production and working conditions.

4.3. Training is carried out according to programs developed taking into account industry standard programs and approved by the head (chief engineer) of the enterprise in agreement with the department (bureau, engineer) of labor protection and the trade union committee.

4.4. After training, the examination committee tests theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

What does all of this mean? That is, based on this, only workers in certain industries whose work is subject to increased safety requirements are subject to training and knowledge testing. This means that not everyone needs to be taught.

Next is paragraph 4.3. Let's just say that not all industries have developed standard training programs for blue-collar workers. What if your company operates in an industry that has not developed a single standard training program. What should I do?

GOST 12.0.004-90 exhausts itself on this issue. And we should not forget that it is still advisory in nature.

Let us turn to Resolution 1/29.

2.2.1. The employer (or a person authorized by him) is obliged to organize, within a month after hiring, training in safe methods and techniques for performing work for all persons entering work, as well as persons transferred to another job.

Labor safety training is carried out during the training of workers in blue-collar professions, retraining and training them in other blue-collar professions.

Personally, I don't quite understand these 2 paragraphs. Firstly, in the first paragraph we are talking about training in safe methods and techniques for performing work, and in the second we are talking about training in labor protection. That is, this document separates these 2 concepts.

Secondly, this paragraph indicates the conditions under which these 2 types of training are carried out: the first - for everyone, the second only for preparation, retraining and training in other professions.

I think many will agree that this document is quite controversial and, I hope, the Ministry of Labor will also soon get around to it.

3.1. Testing of theoretical knowledge of labor protection requirements and practical skills of safe work of blue-collar workers is carried out by immediate supervisors to the extent of knowledge of the requirements of labor protection rules and instructions, and, if necessary, to the extent of knowledge of additional special safety and labor protection requirements.

Did you hear that?! It turns out that there is no need to create a commission to test workers’ knowledge at all! It is enough that the immediate supervisor alone passes the knowledge test. And we are used to stamping orders on commissions. Well, okay, you still can’t do without a protocol and a commission. You need to somehow prove that you trained and tested the worker. But that's a completely different story.

How will this point help with our question? It clearly states - THE KNOWLEDGE TEST IS CARRIED OUT IN THE SCOPE OF RULES AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR LABOR SAFETY! This means that the training program, like the instruction program, must be based on OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS.

Many will say that there is no need to invent anything, because there is a Letter from the Ministry of Labor dated May 17, 2004, approving the Model training program on labor protection for employees of organizations. But, if you read it carefully, you will thank the Ministry of Labor for the fact that it is only approximate. No, it may well be used for training specialists and employees, but it practically not applicable for workers! Or maybe the worker needs to know about the ILO-SUOT Guide 2001, OHSAS 18001-1996, GOST R 12.0.006-2002, which is discussed in topic 2.3. this Program?! Or maybe he will be interested in topic 1.9: Administrative and criminal liability of officials for violation or failure to comply with the requirements of labor and labor protection legislation?! Why the hell tell me, a worker needs all this! I repeat, I am glad that many documents of the Ministry of Labor are approximate And optional.

Well, now, I will offer my version of a training program for safe methods and techniques for workers to perform work.

TRAINING PROGRAM on safe methods and techniques for performing the work of an instrumentation mechanic

This program is compiled on the basis of GOST 12.0.004-90 and Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29, taking into account the Letter of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated May 17, 2004.

The basis for training and subsequent testing of knowledge of workers in blue-collar professions are instructions on labor protection and fire safety.

  1. The concepts of “occupational safety” and “fire safety”.
  2. The employee’s responsibility to comply with labor protection requirements, fire safety and labor regulations.
  3. The main causes of injuries for this profession.
  4. Basic safety requirements for IOT for an instrumentation mechanic of category 6.
  5. Safety requirements for electrical personnel repairing switchgear.
  6. Safety requirements for electrical personnel servicing electrical equipment of basalt-plastic reinforcement production lines.
  7. Safety requirements for electrical personnel when working on ladders and stepladders.
  8. Safety requirements for electrical personnel servicing electrical equipment of lines for applying sand anchors to basalt-plastic reinforcement.
  9. Safety requirements for electrical personnel servicing electrical equipment of lifting machines.
  10. Safety requirements when working at height.
  11. Safety requirements for electrical personnel when working with a megger.
  12. Safety requirements when working with hand tools.
  13. Safety requirements when moving on foot around the territory and production premises.
  14. Safety requirements when performing loading, unloading and warehouse operations.
  15. Electrical safety requirements.
  16. Fire safety basics.
  17. Actions of an employee in case of an accident, fire and (or) accident.
  18. Providing first aid to victims.

Well, how do you like this minimum of knowledge for a worker, huh? Almost everything in it is from labor safety instructions for workers in this profession. Nothing extra!

This is a version of the program; in its likeness, following the instructions, you can create any program. You can also make notes for the program, but I think

I don’t know about you, but I, if the GIT presents me with something on training and testing the knowledge of workers, I’ll give him this article to read.

Be minimalists, do not inflate labor safety documentation to unrealistic proportions, give the employee only what he needs. 🙂

Next time we’ll talk in more detail about testing the knowledge of blue-collar workers.

Thank you for your attention. Don’t forget to coordinate all labor safety documents with yourself 🙂 and the trade union.

Download a sample training program for safe methods and techniques for workers to perform work in WORD format

P.S. You should not ignore industry-specific training programs if they were developed by departments for your industry.

Training in safe working methods, labor protection requirements at each workplace, for each type of work, including those with increased danger, is carried out directly at the enterprise, is one of the important tasks of the OHSMS and is organized by the management of the enterprise.
The occupational safety training system is presented below. It includes three main components: actual training in safe methods and techniques of work, organizational, technical and scientific-methodological support. It is carried out in accordance with GOST 12.0.004-79, which determines the procedure and types of training for workers and engineers in labor safety issues.
Worker training includes production briefings and advanced training. Those hired, as well as those working at the enterprise, whose responsibilities include maintenance, testing, adjustment and repair of equipment, use of tools, storage of raw materials and supplies, must undergo introductory, primary, repeated, unscheduled, and ongoing safety briefings.
Safety training at an enterprise begins with an introductory briefing conducted by a labor protection (safety) engineer for 2-3 hours with those hired individually or with a group of workers according to a program approved by the chief engineer. The briefing includes the basic provisions of labor protection legislation, internal labor regulations and behavior on the territory of the enterprise, requirements for the organization and maintenance of the workplace, basic safety rules and industrial sanitation, as well as the procedure for using personal protective equipment. The briefing is recorded in the induction log, which is kept for 35 years. Each person who has completed the training is given a labor safety instruction, developed taking into account specific production conditions and the specifics of the work.
All other briefings are carried out by the immediate supervisor of the work.
Before admission to independent work, each newly hired, transferred, seconded, former internship student and other persons performing new work are given initial instruction directly at the workplace. It is carried out by the master individually with each worker within the scope of instructions for certain types of work or professions of a given production, which is recorded in the personal instruction card.

The foreman introduces the employee to general information about the technological process and equipment in a given production area, the design of the equipment on which he will work, safety devices and fences, alarm systems, potentially dangerous and harmful production factors of a specific workplace, the equipment being serviced and the tools used, and also explains the actions that must be taken when hazardous situations occur to prevent possible adverse consequences. To practically master safe techniques and work methods in the workplace, a new employee is assigned to a qualified worker for several shifts and is under his constant supervision, after which he is issued permission to work independently.
Repeated (regular, planned) briefing is carried out by the foreman at the workplace with the frequency established for a given production and type of work. This periodicity does not exceed six months for ordinary work and three months for work with increased danger. Repeated briefing is registered in the personal briefing card.
Unscheduled briefings are carried out by the master individually or with a group of workers of the same profession. They are carried out when there is a change in labor protection rules, technological process, violations of safety requirements by workers, which can lead to injury, accident, explosion or fire, industrial accidents, after a long absence of an employee (more than 30 days for work for which increased safety requirements are imposed, and more than 60 days for other work).
The current briefing is carried out with workers before carrying out the work for which you are issuing a work permit. The work permit records the conduct of the briefing.
In addition to briefings, workers improve their knowledge in the field of occupational safety at advanced training courses (targeted, production and technical), organized at the enterprise by technical training departments, as well as at special courses on occupational safety and in schools of excellence. Standard training programs are approved by ministries (departments) in agreement with the Central Committee of trade unions, and, if necessary, with state supervisory authorities. On their basis, programs for improving the skills of workers are developed at production and technical courses, training courses for second and related professions, etc. They necessarily contain sections on labor safety, the volume of which is at least 0% of the total training course.
Food production workers, who are tasked with independently performing responsible and dangerous work, undergo special coursework on occupational safety, organized in the relevant specialties directly at the enterprise. The list of professions and jobs that are subject to additional (increased) occupational safety requirements is approved by the management of the enterprise.
At bakery, confectionery, pasta, sugar and fermentation enterprises, workers must undergo course training according to approved programs before being allowed to service the following equipment or perform the following work:

  • steam and hot water boilers, industrial furnaces and other thermal installations operating under pressure vessels and apparatus;
  • compressors, refrigeration units, gas equipment;
  • electrical installations, lifts, lifting mechanisms, tractor shovels, pile stackers, pile covering machines, forklifts, trucks, electric cars, tractors and other in-plant and in-shop mechanized transport;
  • gas-electric welding equipment;
  • diffusion and evaporation apparatus, massecuite boiling, centrifuges, acid and alkaline installations, bulk storage installations for raw materials, washing of food raw materials; rigging, installation, repair, loading, unloading and other works.
After completing the course training, workers pass exams, are certified, are given a certificate with a stamp on its validity period, and are allowed to perform the relevant work. These categories of workers annually undergo a safety knowledge test, which is noted in the certificate.
Enterprise engineers undergo introductory training, and every three years they undergo a re-test of knowledge of safety regulations. At least once every six years, engineers improve their knowledge at special courses on labor protection at enterprises, research institutes, advanced training institutes, or at faculties and advanced training courses at higher educational institutions.
Of great importance for improving the quality and effectiveness of occupational safety training at enterprises is its organizational, technical, scientific and methodological support. It includes the selection and training of qualified personnel to conduct training, the creation of a training and production base at the enterprise that meets modern requirements, providing it with high-quality visual and educational aids, technical training aids, educational materials! frameworks, methodological recommendations and normative documents on labor protection.
An important role in improving the training of workers in safe practices and methods of work belongs to occupational safety rooms, which are organized at the enterprise in accordance with the “Standard Regulations on the Occupational Safety Room”. A special room must be allocated for the office, the area of ​​which depends on the number of employees in the enterprise.
In the classrooms, introductory and other briefings, thematic classes and seminars on labor protection for engineers and workers, lectures, conversations are held, films and filmstrips on labor protection are watched, information about new books is given, consultations are given for workers of workshops and departments on organizing exhibitions and corners on labor protection. labor protection, information is exchanged on labor protection issues (through the technical information departments of the enterprise) taking into account the achievements of other related enterprises in order to popularize and disseminate their best practices. Occupational safety rooms are equipped with visual aids (educational posters, diagrams, mock-ups, natural exhibits, filmstrips and films), technical means of propaganda and training (film projectors, overhead projectors, tape recorders, simulators), methodological recommendations and reference materials for conducting seminars, briefings and thematic classes. .
In classrooms for independent learning, control and self-control of knowledge, along with the usual, a programmed method is used, which involves the use of teaching and control machines. With the programmed machine method, the student’s knowledge is assessed using a machine based on answers to tickets prepared for various sections of labor protection. The most advanced form of training and control using a programmed method is the use of a computer, in the memory of which questions and answers to them are encoded. It is especially advisable to use a computer for self-training, since it allows the teacher to work with it in an interactive mode.

Rice. 6 Form of control card and template for machine-free control of knowledge on labor protection

A programmed method of machine-free control of labor protection knowledge is also widely used, the essence of which is as follows.

You have a new employee. What occupational safety measures should be taken with him? Watch Anatoly Terentyev's video on this topic at the end of the article.

1. Conducting induction training

As soon as an employee appears at the enterprise, even before signing an employment contract, it is necessary to carry out work with him. This instruction is carried out by a labor protection specialist or a specially trained person.

There must be a training program approved by the head of the organization, with a list of questions that you, as an occupational safety specialist, include at your discretion. The most common questions included are:

  • general information about the enterprise;
  • the presence of harmful and dangerous factors that may affect the employee;
  • protective equipment that may be provided to employees;
  • benefits and compensation provided to employees;
  • employee actions in emergency situations.

The learning results are reflected in the journal. The employee signs in this journal.

2. Conducting initial training

Next, the employee goes to work. On the first working day, the immediate supervisor of this employee conducts. Training is carried out according to programs, instructions, or other documents that reflect the procedure and safety of work. The learning results are also reflected in a special journal.

3. On-the-job internship

Internship is required only for workers employed in harmful and dangerous working conditions. To determine whether an employee needs an internship, it is enough to read his employment contract. If the working conditions in the contract are optimal and acceptable, then an internship for this employee is not mandatory.

These are workers who maintain and repair technical devices. For example, a slinger’s working conditions are acceptable, but an internship is mandatory for him.

The internship is formalized by order:

“Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich will be assigned an internship under the leadership of Petrov Petrovich in the number of ________ shifts from _____ to ________”

4. Training in safe ways to perform work

There are certain types of professions for which on-the-job training is not required, but training in safe methods and techniques for performing work becomes mandatory.

How is it carried out? The rules don't clearly say this. The Ministry of Labor says that the organization of this type of training is carried out at the discretion of the head of the organization. Therefore, you can send your employees to, or invite specialists, or organize this training at your workplace.

This type of training is carried out no later than 1 month during the employee’s employment.

A training program must be developed. It usually consists of five sections:

  • labor law / talk about workers’ rights and responsibilities;
  • occupational Safety and Health / parse all internal local documents;
  • Fire safety;
  • electrical safety;

5. Testing employee knowledge

“A commission consisting of ______________________________ tested knowledge of the requirements for safe methods and techniques for performing work, providing first aid to victims...” You can also add various instructions and internal regulations there.

This protocol must be drawn up and signed by the employee no later than 1 month from the date of entry to work.

6. Employee permission to work independently

Permission to work is issued by an order, which is drawn up after completing all the above-described measures:

“Based on a positive knowledge test, allow the employee to work independently.”


Why is it important to carry out all these activities?

Because in the event of an accident at an enterprise, all the measures described above are reflected in the first section of the “N1” act, section “Information about the employee.”

If all the above measures are not carried out, then there can be no question of any admission of the employee to work. Thus, according to Article 76 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee who has not completed training, instruction, internship and knowledge testing in the appropriate manner should be immediately suspended from work.

Russian Federation

The main task of labor protection is to prevent industrial injuries and occupational diseases and minimize their social consequences.

Basic principles of ensuring labor protection as a system of measures: implementation of measures necessary to ensure the preservation of the life and health of workers in the process of work; social partnership of employers and employees in the field of labor protection; guarantees of protection of workers’ right to work in conditions that meet labor protection requirements; compensation for hard work and work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions; social insurance of workers against industrial accidents and occupational diseases; medical, social and professional rehabilitation of workers affected by industrial accidents and occupational diseases.

Topic 2. Basic provisions of labor law. Legal basis for labor protection. State regulation in the field of labor protection

Basic concepts of labor law. Fundamental principles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation concerning labor issues. Labor Code of the Russian Federation, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law standards.

Special course

Topic 14. Labor protection in a specific work process.

Specific issues, rules and regulations of labor protection for a specific work process. The nature of accidents, their causes and preventive measures. Assessment from the point of view of the safety of equipment design solutions, the safety of the technology being performed and the organization of work.

Topic 15. Industrial sanitation in a specific work process

Specific issues of industrial sanitation, sanitary rules for the implementation of a specific work process. Harmful production factors, possible occupational pathologies.

Measures to reduce the influence of harmful production factors of working conditions on the body of workers. Compliance by employees with personal hygiene requirements, use of appropriate safety devices, special clothing, and other personal protective equipment.


at your disposal

PROTOCOL No. ____ "__" ___________ 2012

meeting of the commission to test knowledge of labor protection requirements

employees of the Administration of Borkovsky rural settlement

In accordance with the order of the Head of Administration

dated "" 20_, No. ____ commission consisting of:

Chairman of the commission:

Members of the commission:

tested knowledge of labor protection requirements for workers according to the approved labor protection training program in the amount of 10 hours.

Job title

Name of the unit (workshop, site, department, etc.)

Result of checking

(passed/failed) No. of issued certificate

Reason for testing knowledge

(regular, extraordinary, etc.)

Signature of the person being checked

Chairman of the commission:

Members of the commission:


at your disposal

dated 01.01.2001 No. 36


to test knowledge of labor protection

Ticket No. 1

1. Rights and obligations of the employer.

2. Preparing the workplace for work.

3. General fire safety requirements for preventing fires in production.

4. Providing first aid for fractures of limb bones.

Ticket number 2

1. Internal labor regulations. Main responsibilities of employees.

2. The procedure for admitting an employee to perform work in his specialty.

3. Noise and vibration. Basic measures to protect against them.

4. Providing first aid for frostbite.

Ticket number 3

1. Working time and rest time.

2. Safety requirements for the operation of motor vehicles.

3. General safety requirements when working with electrical equipment.

4. The procedure for performing a complex of resuscitation measures.

1. Rights and obligations of the employee. Termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employer. Overtime work.

2. The procedure for investigating and recording industrial accidents and occupational diseases.

3. Ensuring safety during the operation of electrical equipment.

4. Providing first aid in case of drowning.

Ticket number 5

1. Collective agreement and the responsibility of the parties for its implementation.

2. Investigation and recording of industrial accidents.

3. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning.

4. Providing first aid in case of electric shock to an employee.

Ticket number 6

1. The procedure for concluding an employment contract.

2. Ensuring safety during the operation of electrical equipment.

3. General requirements for industrial sanitation and occupational hygiene.

4. Providing first aid in case of hypothermia of a worker.

Ticket number 7

1. Powers of labor collectives.

2. Safety requirements for electrical equipment.

3. Basic requirements for organizing the safe operation of office equipment.

4. Organization of first aid to victims in industrial accidents.

Ticket number 8

Ticket number 9

1. Basic provisions of the employment contract.

2. Admission of workers to work.

4. Providing first aid for eye injuries.

Ticket number 10

1. Responsibility for failure to comply with the requirements of the rules, labor protection instructions.

2. Actions of an employee in case of fire.

3. General safety requirements for PC operation.

4. Providing first aid for burns.

Ticket number 11

1. Rights and obligations of authorized (trusted) persons for labor protection.

2. Personal protective equipment for workers, provision procedure and issuance standards.

3. General safety requirements for PC operation.

4. Providing first aid in case of electric shock.

Ticket number 12

1. Terms and procedure for temporary transfer to another job due to production needs.

3. Requirements for the state of the workplace.

4. The procedure for transporting the victim.

Ticket number 13

1. Responsibilities of the employer to ensure safe working conditions.

2. Occupational safety briefing, procedure for conducting and registration.

3. Safety requirements when working with flammable, potent and toxic substances.

4. The procedure for assessing the condition of an accident victim.

Ticket number 14

1. Responsibilities of the employee in the field of labor protection. Passing medical examinations.

2. Instruction on labor protection in the workplace, procedure for conducting and registration.

3. General safety requirements for PC operation.

4. Providing first aid for bleeding.

Ticket number 15

1. The procedure for applying disciplinary sanctions.

2. Procedure for investigating occupational diseases.

3. Basic measures to protect workers from electric current.

4. Providing first aid for heat stroke.

Ticket number 16

1. Labor legislation regulating the work of women.

2. Procedure for investigating occupational diseases.

3. Basic measures to protect workers from electric current.

4. Providing first aid in case of poisoning.

Ticket number 17

1. Labor legislation regulating the work of young people.

2. Organization of training, instruction and testing of workers’ knowledge on labor protection.

3. General safety requirements for PC operation.

4. Providing first aid for penetrating wounds of the chest and abdomen.

Ticket No. 18

1. Benefits and compensation for hard work and work with harmful and dangerous working conditions.

2. The purpose of workplace certification.

3. General safety requirements for PC operation.

4. Providing first aid for compressed limbs.

Ticket number 19

1. Changes in the essential terms of the employment contract.

2. Rules for checking personal protective equipment before use.

3. The purpose of workplace certification.

4. Providing first aid in case of road accidents.

Ticket number 20

1. Basic principles of accident insurance.

2. Occupational safety briefing, procedure for conducting and registration.

3. General safety requirements for PC operation.

4. The procedure for maintaining and completing a first aid kit.


at your disposal

dated 01.01.2001 No. 36

training and knowledge testing

on labor protection

employees in 20__





training groups

group training

Administrative and management personnel; members of the commission for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements

Once every 3 years

Employees of the organization

1 time per year

Newly hired employees

Within 30 days from the date of hiring

"GOST 12.0.004-2015. Interstate standard. System of occupational safety standards. Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions" (together with "Occupational safety training programs") (put into effect by Order of Rosstandart dated...

11 Occupational safety training in the form of special training in safe methods and techniques for performing work

11.1 Training in safe methods and techniques for performing work is carried out by the employer for blue-collar workers and junior service personnel upon hiring, upon transfer to a new job, as well as as necessary when training in the form of instructions is insufficient for the safe performance of the work assigned to them. Training in safe methods and techniques for performing work must be organized before trainees are allowed to work independently.

11.2 All blue-collar workers who have had a break from working in a given type of work, position, or profession for more than three years, before being allowed to work independently, must undergo training in safe methods and techniques for performing work.

Workers of blue-collar professions who first entered (transferred) to work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions or who have had a break in work in their profession (type of work) for more than one year, before they are allowed to work independently, must undergo training in safe methods and techniques for performing work. .

11.3 Training in safe methods and techniques for performing work can be carried out during targeted instruction, individual on-the-job training, professional training, and also in the form of a special training course. In the process of learning safe methods and techniques for performing work, trainees must also master the correct use of personal protective equipment and other protective equipment and collective protective equipment.

The specific procedure, conditions, terms and frequency of training in safe methods and techniques for performing work are determined by the training organizer on the basis of relevant regulatory legal acts on work safety and labor protection.

The training organizer may involve third-party specialists and training organizations that have the right to provide this type of educational services for training in safe methods and techniques for performing work.

11.4 Persons hired to work in harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions must undergo training in safe methods and techniques for performing work with mandatory individual internship at the workplace and testing of acquired knowledge and acquired skills.

11.5 Training in safe labor methods and techniques is carried out according to programs developed and approved by the training organizer, based on the training needs of individual categories of trainees.

11.6 Training in safe labor methods and techniques is carried out mainly in specially created training laboratories, workshops, workshops, training grounds, sites, training workplaces under the guidance of an industrial training instructor who has undergone appropriate training in labor protection as a labor protection instructor and has extensive practical experience.

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