Avatar sizes for a VKontakte group. Avatar size for VKontakte group new design

In this article we will tell you how to make a wide horizontal avatar in a VKontakte group. Let us show with a clear example, how to make a wide VK avatar, and also give useful practical recommendations.

First of all, I would immediately like to say about the importance of such a graphic element of the VK group as a wide horizontal avatar. Compared to a regular vertical VKontakte avatar, the horizontal one has a larger area and is displayed on mobile devices, which allows it to be used more efficiently.
Before directly installing a wide avatar, I would like to draw your attention to the icon of your group, which is displayed on the left opposite each post. It is taken directly from the miniature of the standard vertical avatar. If possible, it should be in the same style as the future hat. If the header is planned in a different style, then first upload a regular avatar, and then move on to a wide horizontal one.

So, let's move on directly to the process of installing a wide VKontakte avatar.

Instructions on how to create a horizontal avatar in a VK group.

1) We prepare a wide avatar with a size of 1590×400 pixels in a graphics editor.
A wide horizontal avatar is the face of your group, which forms the first impression and attitude of visitors. It is necessary to approach the creation of an avatar with special care; this will determine the further success of your community.
For example, consider the avatar that we prepared for demonstration:

The main elements that are usually used in a header are:

  • Logo– Sets the primary graphic association with the group.
  • Heading– Briefly and clearly tells what the group is about and for whom.
  • Graphic elements with descriptions provide more complete information about what the group offers, what advantages and features the group has.

The main elements should be placed closer to the center and to the bottom, retreating from the top border at least 100 pixels and from the side borders at least 220. This way, you will ensure normal display of a wide avatar on mobile devices.

2) Let's move on to community management.

3) Click Upload next to the community cover field.

4) Load a pre-created horizontal avatar.

5) We check whether the avatar is displayed correctly in the group from the computer and mobile device.

As you can see, making a wide horizontal avatar is not difficult at all. It is important to know only a few features.
Also, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the avatar is not the only graphic element that determines the style of the group. The overall picture is also formed by the design of posts, albums, products and other sections of your group. This should also be taken into account.

If you need help with writing posts for the group, creating product cards, and writing similar content, you can contact us within .

We can also help with group design. For help in creating a wide horizontal avatar-header, a standard vertical group logo, wiki menu, branded graphics and other design elements, you can contact us.
To order services and for any questions, write.

If you like a photo, you first have to reduce its size. There are several ways to do this.

First of all, you can use any graphics program, from standard applications of the Windows operating system to such design heavyweights as Adobe Photoshop. For a less experienced user, it will be easiest to use the standard Paint.NET program included with Windows.

To open this program, go to the following path: “START” - “Accessories” - “Paint.NET”. In the main menu of the program, select the path “File” - “Open” and in the window that appears, select the image file you need. Once the graphic file has downloaded, you can work with the image.

To reduce or select Resize. In the window that opens, find the line “Size" and under it two small fields for inserting the required values. Select your desired size. Default for avatars this is 100x100 pixels. Click the "Ok" button and follow the program prompts to save the modified image.

If working with a graphics program on your own still seems too complicated, you can use one of the online services for creating avatars. Go to the site http://resize.allavatars.ru/ and click the Browse button next to the empty field. A standard Windows window will open, displaying the directories and files on your . Select the desired file and click "Ok". In the lower field, select the desired size instead of an arbitrary one, click the “Next” button and follow the detailed instructions of the system. As a result, you will receive a finished product of the size and type you need.

Helpful advice

When resizing an image in Paint.NET, there is no need to enter the required length and width of the image at the same time. Enter only the required value on the largest side (for example, “width - 100px”), the program will calculate the remaining values ​​itself, adjusting the appropriate proportions of the image.


  • Create avatars online

Suppose you found an avatar that fully reflects the essence of your contradictory nature, but you encountered a small obstacle - it turned out to be too small in size. And if you don’t want to look for a larger version, you can solve this problem using Adobe Photoshop.

You will need

  • - Adobe Photoshop


Launch Adobe Photoshop and open the avatar in it: click the menu item “File” (File) > “Open” (Open) or click on the hot keys Ctrl + O. In the next window, select the file and click OK. The picture will appear in the program work area.

Open the “Image size” window. This can be done in different ways. First, click the menu item “Image” > “Image size”. Second, press the key combination Ctrl+Alt+I. In the menu that appears, you should be interested in the “Pixel dimensions” section, and specifically what is in it, i.e. “Width” and “Height” items. At the moment, they indicate the parameters of the open document, i.e. avatar.

Pay attention to the bottom of the window, there are at least two items that interest you. The first one is “Constrain proportions”; if there is a checkmark next to it, then the image will not lose proportionality under any circumstances. The fact that this item is activated will also be indicated by the presence of an emblem in the form of a square bracket and a chain to the right of the “Width” and “Height” fields. The second is “Interpolation” (Resample image), check the box next to it, and in the drop-down menu below, select “Bicubic smoother (best for enlargement)”.

Set the “Width” and “Height” fields to the required values ​​and click OK. The image will enlarge. To save the result, click the menu item “File” (File) > “Save as” (Save as) or click the key combination Ctrl+Shift+S. In the new window, specify the path for the enlarged avatar, its name, the required format and click “Save”.

It is customary to upload small pictures or photographs to your account on the Internet. It is the avatar that introduces us to each other in the virtual world. Any user of the World Wide Web becomes more alive and complete with a visual image. However, an avatar is not a face. It can and even needs to be changed from time to time. Depending on the time of year, your mood or various situations, you can choose and set a new avatar for yourself.



It must be remembered that each picture has its own legal copyright holder. Ask permission to use other people's pictures. Or choose free avatars.

Many users who work with photographs are faced with the task of changing them to a given value. There are several options that can help solve this problem.


To resize using the first option, use one of the image editing programs. These can be standard Windows applications MS Paint and Microsoft Office Picture Manager. To launch the first program, select “Start” -> “All Programs” -> “Accessories” -> Paint. For the second - “Start” -> “All Programs” -> Microsoft Office -> “Microsoft Office Tools” -> “Microsoft Office Picture Manager”. You can also use any other application convenient for you.

Open the required image in the program. Use the edit menu to select resize. Specify the desired width and height values, then save the changes by selecting “File” -> “Save”. Do the same with the rest of the images.

However, this method is inconvenient when you need to resize a large number of photos. To do this, you will need one of the bulk image editing programs. An example is Fotosizer, a free application that can be downloaded from the official website http://www.fotosizer.com.

Launch Fotosizer. On the right side of the program window, specify the necessary settings: image size (you can set it manually or select a preset one), save or not save proportions, format of modified images, save folder, as well as other parameters.

After this, click at the bottom of the program window on the “Add folder” button if you want to resize all photos located in a specific folder, or “Add image” if you want to resize specific photos. Click the "Start" button and wait for the process to complete.

The changed photos will be saved in the folder specified in the program settings. Other bulk image editing apps work on a similar principle. Examples include Batch Picture Resizer, Light Image Resizer, etc.


How to resize photos. The AnyPic Image Resizer interface is in English, but this will not cause any difficulties, because... it is intuitive and so that you can figure it out faster, I have outlined the main steps. Let's upload the necessary photos into the editor by selecting the folder in which the sources are stored. The path is as follows - File > Add folder > select the folder with photos.

Helpful advice

Before you reduce the size of a photo, you must find out the parameters of the pictures that can be inserted onto your page. If you just want to change the photos, decide on the output parameters. Although some minimal photo processing is possible. The Paint program is quite suitable for resizing a photo. We will reduce the number of pixels, due to which we will be able to reduce the volume of the photo.


  • how to resize a photo in photoshop

After you have created and filled your VKontakte group with information, you need to properly formalize it. Design means creating a logo (avatar), and, if necessary, creating a menu.

What elements should a VKontakte group avatar contain?

First of all, you need to display your company logo on your avatar. It is also advisable to briefly describe the scope of your business and the services you provide, since the space allocated for the logo is very limited. By the way, the maximum dimensions for a VKontakte group avatar are now 200 px in width and up to 500 px in height. Previously, it was possible to upload an avatar up to 700 pixels in height.
If you want the VKontakte community to bring you clients, in the group avatar you must specify the main method of communication with your company, as a rule, this is a telephone.
All these elements should be carefully placed in a specific composition, in the center of which there should be an attractive picture or collage. The picture should directly or indirectly reflect the essence of your business.
Here, for example, is the logo I created for a community that sells Thermia heaters.

Also make sure that your logo can be used to create an attractive and readable thumbnail that will be displayed next to posts made on behalf of the group. Very often, calls to action are also placed on the avatar. Even more often, the avatar is made part of the overall picture along with the group menu, but I will devote a separate post to this.
If you have minimal Photoshop skills, you can try to create a logo for your VKontakte community yourself, i.e. for free. By the way, you can try searching in this community Avatars for the VKontakte group in psd format.
If you feel that for one reason or another you cannot create a community logo yourself, you can turn to a designer for help, whom you can try to find with the help of friends or on any freelancer exchange. I think that if you wish, you can find a designer who will agree to create an avatar for a VKontakte group at a price of 1000-1500 rubles.
After you create an avatar, all you have to do is post it in your community.
Just in case, I decided to briefly tell you about how to upload a logo to a VKontakte group.
If you have not yet uploaded an avatar to your group, then on the right side of the community page you will have a camera icon with a link “Upload photo”. If you have already uploaded an avatar, then you need to hover your mouse over it, after which the “Upload a new photo” link will appear.

Next, you will be asked to upload a logo from your computer. After loading, you will see a window with your logo for the group and the selected area. Note that the highlighted area may not always be positioned correctly, so you may need to tug the corners a little or move the area itself so that your logo looks the way you want.

The same applies to the thumbnail, which you will be asked to edit in the next step. As I wrote earlier, when creating a logo, it is advisable to take care in advance to ensure that the thumbnail is attractive and readable.

Well, now I hope that you will not have any problems creating a logo for your VKontakte business page. In one of the following articles I will talk about how to properly create a menu for a VKontakte group. If you are interested in the topic of using the VKontakte social network for business, subscribe to blog updates in the form below.

Social networks have firmly taken an important place in the lives of almost every member of the younger generation. Communication, games, getting interesting and important information - this is not all that VKontakte users get. They are happy to share stories from their lives (real and fictional), invite friends to rate and comment on new photos in order to brag about the events that have happened. And setting an avatar (the main photo that is displayed on the main page) becomes an important process.

Nowadays, few people will be surprised by a beautiful photo - thanks to the variety of different programs on the Internet, you can make a real work of art, partially or completely changing your appearance. And those who still don’t know how to make a cool avatar for VKontakte can use a few tips.

Cool avatar without editing

The hardest thing is to take a perfect photo without processing it in special programs. But if you don’t have Photoshop skills or want to make a natural, but cool avatar, then you will need the following:

  1. Camera
  2. Fan
  3. Lamp
  4. Good mood.

Remember one rule: Never, under any circumstances, take pictures in a bad mood. Your posture will be constrained, your smile will be fake, and your eyes will be dull. If you want a really cool avatar, go to the photo shoot only in a good mood.

Second rule: Do not hire an inexperienced friend or a person under the influence of alcohol (even a slight one) as a photographer. Nothing good will come of such an idea; it’s better to buy a tripod and install the camera on it. This will allow you to work on creating an avatar for an unlimited amount of time, without listening to your friend’s dissatisfaction.

So, the camera is ready, configured for natural lighting (based on the time of day, set the appropriate settings in the equipment menu). Additionally, you will need another light source that will be directed towards you. An ordinary floor lamp or even a table lamp, installed in such a way that your torso is fully illuminated, is suitable for this.

And now about the poses

Girls and boys should be photographed differently! In the pictures you will see the most interesting poses for girls and boys.

Your face should be relaxed and your smile natural. Don't try to make yourself look sexually desirable by squinting your eyes and opening your mouth. It would be better to look at a photo in which the girl lights up with her beautiful, radiant smile, displaying her gentle character.

Making a cool avatar in the program

Nowadays you can find many photo editing programs on the Internet. They are very convenient to use; just upload your best photo and create the desired effects. To make your avatar cool, use the following options:

  • Red eye removal (this is mandatory);
  • Photo aging effect – suitable for low-quality photographs when you need to hide imperfections on the face;
  • Black and white photo - solves several problems at once, including the elimination of red eyes, age spots on the face, acne, figure flaws;
  • Resizing – you can crop the photo as you wish, leaving only the face or eliminating the ugly background at the bottom or top of the photo.

Photo editing

If you don’t like the photo at all, you can change it completely. To do this, download any program (Photoshop, PhotoScape, etc.), upload a photo and start creating. These utilities allow you to make adjustments to your face, for example, change eye color, nose shape, make your skin color even, with a tan effect, and eliminate unsightly spots. In photo editing programs, you can change the background, set a frame, or move yourself to the seaside.

However, don't overdo it. Often girls try to make themselves “queens” in the literal sense of the word, placing their face in a ready-made sketch. In some cases it looks impressive, but without experience with such programs, the picture turns out funny and ridiculous. Try to create a natural avatar so that no one will understand that it has been processed.

Professional avatar

There is another way to make a beautiful avatar. Contact professional editors who know how to turn any photo, even the most low-quality one, into a gorgeous photo. You will have to pay for this, but sometimes you won’t do anything for the sake of a large number of likes and comments on your VKontakte page.

When working with various photo editing programs, do not forget to save the finished results. Inspired by new ideas, you can become so absorbed in the process that you lose all the avatars you have made due to your own carelessness. And don’t rush to criticize the finished photographs - look at them tomorrow, perhaps your view will change, and you will fall in love with your own photographs.

Every tenth user of the VKontakte social network has his own community. Today I will show you the easiest way" How to make an avatar for a VKontakte group" in Adobe Photoshop. Step-by-step instructions will help you minimize the time it takes to create an avatar.


Before you start creating a beautiful avatar for your group, I advise you to visit the category with unique ones. There are a lot of psd avatars on absolutely different topics.

I won’t talk about how to attract attention, how to motivate subscriptions, and similar topics.

Step 1: Create an Avatar Layout

File → New (Ctrl + N)

Note! I use dimensions for my avatars of 350 by 700 pixels

The layout for the future avatar has been successfully created! let's continue.

If you want an avatar with rounded corners, then use the Rounded Rectangle Tool (U), specify a radius in the top panel of Photoshop, and hold down the left mouse button and stretch the shape across the entire layout area. Here's what roundness looks like at a certain radius:

Now it is clear that the larger the radius, the steeper the roundness.

Step 2: Draw an avatar

At this stage, your imagination, creativity and the like play a big role. It’s difficult to give specific advice here, because each avatar is created for a specific theme, and you decide the order of placement of logos, clipart, and buttons yourself, as you see fit. As an example, I’ll briefly show how I made this avatar:

1. I used the author’s drawing of a Chevrolet car.

2. Horizontal Text Tool

3. Rounded Rectangle Tool

4. Free Shape Tool

5. Working on "Layer Styles"

6. Small adjustments (sharpness, lights, etc. filters)

It seems like he listed everything that he used when creating it.

In custody..

Thank you to those who read this interesting article to the end. It turns out that we did it in two steps, and I hope I was able to give a worthy answer to the question posed at the beginning.

If you have a question, why do I use many times larger sizes for my avatar than the standard ones? then know that when clicking on a community avatar, 80% of the user hopes to see a larger size in order to see the details that interest him. And in the remaining 20%, to put the lois.

For any questions you have, write comments.

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