One-time child benefit. What payments are due at the birth of the first child, amount and procedure for registration

Parents can receive cash benefits for the birth of 2 children from the state, as well as from the city of Moscow. The capital region supports Muscovites well financially, encouraging them to have children.

At the birth of a child, a Russian family has the right to receive various benefits. They are paid from the state and regional budgets. Local assistance depends on the financial situation of the region. Moscow is one of the most favorable regions in material terms. Therefore, the authorities are able to provide their residents with decent support. Considerable size of social. The capital is ready to offer payments to families with 2 children.

Who is entitled to Moscow benefits for the birth of 2 babies in 2018

To receive benefits from the Moscow region, citizens must have permanent registration in the capital. Visiting persons registered temporarily for study or who have entered into an employment contract at work do not have the right to apply for financial support from the city of Moscow.

Some benefits are only available to mothers. Other types can be counted on by fathers and sometimes other relatives. The benefit is allocated to only one person. This means that if money is paid, for example, to the father of a child, then the mother loses the right to receive it.

The benefit can be issued not only to those parents who have a baby. This assistance fully applies to persons who have adopted 2 children.

Types of payments and charges to Muscovites for 2 children

Muscovites have the right to count on various benefits. In total, the region provides about 20 species. Payments are:

  • one-time;
  • monthly;
  • for certain categories of families.

In the capital, increasing regional coefficients are not used. Therefore, payments at the state level are the same as throughout the country.

One-time benefits at birth

At the birth (or adoption) of a baby, a benefit in the amount of 16,759 rubles is provided. (as of this year). If the mother is the wife of a serviceman, then the amount increases and will be equal to 26,539 rubles. This money is transferred to the family by the state, regardless of what kind of child is born. Therefore, the payment applies to 2 children.

In the Moscow region there is also a lump sum payment issued at birth. A mother who gave birth to 2 children receives 14.5 thousand rubles. (in the case of the first child, the benefit is less and amounts to 5.5 thousand rubles). And if both parents are under 30 years old, then they are entitled to an amount equivalent to seven subsistence minimums.

Birthday gifts

All Russian families who have 2 babies have the right to swearing. capital. Its size in 2018 is 453,026 rubles. The benefit is provided to all families, regardless of place of residence in Russia, place of work and other individual characteristics, but has a specific purpose. The fact that the program has been extended once again (until 2022) is a real gift to families who have a second child.

Monthly benefit amount

The state provides monthly assistance for child care up to one and a half years old. Its size depends on the woman’s salary for the previous two years before pregnancy. Average earnings are calculated, and then 40% is taken from it. This amount is transferred monthly to the mother (or other person caring for the baby). At the same time, the law provides for a minimum benefit. If 40% obtained as a result of the calculation is less than this amount, the benefit is paid in the minimum amount. For 2 children, the minimum benefit amount is 6,284 rubles. (for 1 child a minimum of 3,142 rubles is allocated).

The legislation also provides for a monthly allowance for the child until he turns one and a half years old. However, only families in which the income for each person does not exceed one and a half times the subsistence minimum can count on it, that is, it is no more than 28,113 rubles.

What payments are due after 3 years?

For a child from one and a half to three years old, the state does not provide significant assistance (unless citizens belong to a separate category, for example, caring for a disabled child). But there is a symbolic compensation payment, the amount of which is 50 rubles. It is transferred to the family monthly.

Resolution of the Moscow Government No. 37-PP provides for compensation in connection with increased food prices for certain categories of families with children under three years of age:

  • families with a disabled child;
  • single-parent families;
  • large families;
  • student families;
  • families with disabled parents;
  • families with a conscripted military parent.

This compensation is assigned for each child under three years of age and amounts to 675 rubles, and for student families (both parents are full-time students of an educational organization) - 1,875 rubles.

How to apply

As mentioned above, regional benefits are paid to those families who have permanent Moscow registration (propiska). In this case, the citizenship of the person does not matter. Thus, the payment is allocated not only to Russians, but also to foreigners and stateless persons.

Decoration in the capital has now become very convenient. At his discretion, the applicant may contact the following organizations:

  • to the State Services portal (the method requires prior registration on the resource);
  • to the Moscow city portal.

The latter option is also convenient because here you can get preliminary information about what benefits exist and what amounts a family can count on in certain cases. Therefore, Muscovites increasingly prefer to use this method.

Having found out the necessary information, you need to submit an application and also collect the necessary documents. To receive benefits, the standard package includes the following papers:

  • identification;
  • documents confirming the existence of permanent registration, not only for the parent, but also for the child;
  • TIN and insurance certificate;
  • documents confirming the birth of children;
  • a marriage document, and if the parents are divorced, a divorce document;
  • for single mothers or without a breadwinner - certificate No. 25 or a document confirming the death of the breadwinner;
  • in case of adoption - supporting documents;
  • bank account details where the money will be transferred;
  • certificate of cohabitation with the child.

When collecting documents, it is important to take into account the fact that some of them have a certain validity period. If it expires when submitting an application, you will have to fill out everything again.

What you need to know

On January 1 of this year, the president of the country introduced another type of payment. It concerns the birth of 1 baby. If previously the state supported families mat. capital at the birth of 2 or more children, then from this year monthly assistance is provided to those families who have 1 child. Currently, the amount of this benefit is 14,252 rubles. But only low-income families can count on help.

Another innovation concerns maternity capital. If previously money could be spent only for its intended purpose, now, a similar amount can be allocated monthly from the mat. capital until the child reaches 1.5 years of age. Thus, parents who have a second child can take advantage of this payment.

State policy is currently aimed at doing everything possible to encourage families to give birth to new citizens in the country. To achieve this, various financial benefits are provided. The Moscow region is not lagging behind in this endeavor and is introducing its own payments to Muscovites. Thanks to this, parents are more confident in deciding to have children, and the birth rate is gradually increasing.

Useful video

On the occasion of the birth of a child, federal legislation in the field of social support for families with children provides several types of state social payments to young mothers. In 2019 will continue to be provided as one-time benefits( , ), and monthly- (immediately from the moment of birth of the child) and “Putin benefits” and until the age of 1.5 years.

The expectant mother should take care in advance about benefits, the assignment and accrual of which is made in (as well as immediately after childbirth and during the period of caring for the newborn).

One-time benefit for the birth of a child

It is paid regardless of whether the woman works, is unemployed, or is registered with the employment service as unemployed. The size of the lump sum payment for the birth of a child has increased by 4.3% since February 1, 2019 and is now RUR 17,479.73.

Necessary documents to provide a one-time payment:

Child care allowance

After a woman is provided with a lump sum payment upon the birth of a child, she has the right to receive benefits until the child reaches the age of one and a half years. Non-working mothers can pay it directly from the month of birth of the child in a fixed minimum amount 3277.45 rub. on the first and 6554.89 rub. in 2019 - for the second and subsequent children.

For employees, the monthly benefit for up to 1.5 years is calculated in the accounting department of the organization where the woman worked before maternity leave. At the same time, a new rule has been introduced since 2011 - calendar days that fall on for the following periods:

  • Temporary disability;
  • Parental leave and maternity leave;
  • Exemption from work with preservation of wages, if insurance premiums were not accrued for it.

When calculating the amount of child care benefits, average earnings are divided by the number of calendar days in two years(730 or 731 days if one of the years falls on a leap year).

When assigning minimum social payments for a newborn child in a fixed amount, their increased amounts are established for the area in respect of which regional coefficients for wages are applied.

The calculation is as follows:

  • If a woman worked, benefits will be issued monthly in the amount of 40 percent of average earnings (per month) for the previous two full calendar years. The resulting settlement amount should not be less than RUB 3,065.69 for the first child and 6131.37 rub.- for the second and subsequent children. The calculation and payment of benefits is carried out at the cash desk of the enterprise where the young mother worked on the day the salary is issued.

    Moreover, taking into account the established maximum amount of earnings from which contributions to the Social Insurance Fund are made (755,000 rubles in 2017, 815,000 in 2018), the amount of payments in 2019 cannot be more than RUB 26,152.27 per month.

  • If a woman did not work before maternity leave, then she is also entitled to a monthly allowance of .
  • If a woman is on leave to care for her first child and is about to go on vacation, she is entitled to monthly child care payments in the form of the amount of benefits for the first and second (or subsequent) child. Previously, a woman had the opportunity to choose one of the provided payments - for caring for the first or second child (that is, having a larger amount).

    The maximum amount of such a “double” benefit cannot exceed 100 percent of the applicant’s average earnings for the last two full calendar years, but cannot be less than the combined minimum amount.

Documents for obtaining child benefits

Documents for receiving child care benefits:

  • Parents' passports and copies thereof;
  • Birth (adoption) certificate of the child and its copy;
  • Work books and their copies;
  • Birth (adoption) certificates of previous children and their copies;
  • Certificate from the state employment service about non-payment of unemployment benefits (for mother);
  • Decree establishing guardianship over the child and its copy;
  • A certificate from the place of work (study, service) of the other parent stating that he does not receive this type of benefit;
  • A photocopy of the personal account number (passbook) in Sberbank of the Russian Federation;
  • Certificate from the place of residence about family composition (about the child living together with his parents or guardian);

Information about documents for all benefits on the page.

Maternal capital

The right to receive maternity capital is granted once at the birth of the second or subsequent child in the family. If you did not take advantage of the right to receive it if you have two children, you can get it for the third and subsequent children.

In addition to the mother of the child, this state social payment can be received by a man if he is the sole adoptive parent of the second, third child or subsequent children, and the court decision on adoption entered into legal force in the period from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2018 (the program was extended for 2 years).

Due to the failure to carry out annual indexation, the amount of maternity capital in 2019 is still RUB 453,026 The payment is made from the budget of the Pension Fund (PFR) in full or in parts in non-cash form at the request of the holder of a state-issued certificate.

According to the law of December 29, 2006 No. 256-FZ “On additional measures of state support for families with children” maternity capital funds can be used for the following purposes:

  • by non-cash transfer of the specified funds for the purchase of housing in the Russian Federation;
  • Obtaining an education for the child(ren). Family capital can be used to educate any of the children in the family (and not just the one whose birth gave the right to maternity capital). Parents have the opportunity to pay with maternity capital for their child’s education in any Russian educational institution (necessarily accredited).
  • Compensation of costs for the purchase of goods and services for the social adaptation of disabled children.
  • Formation of the funded part of the mother’s labor pension.

In 2016, as an anti-crisis measure, another lump sum payment from maternity capital was provided in the amount of , which parents can spend at their own discretion. However, the possibility of such a measure in 2019 by the Government not considered.

When applying to the Pension Fund, you must have the following package of documents:

  • application for maternity capital;
  • passports of both parents;
  • children's birth certificate.

Regional payment at the birth of a child is a kind of support from the state that is provided to some citizens. This kind of benefit is not available everywhere. But at the same time, many are still interested in him. What kind of payments are there? What do parents get for having children? How the design works In fact, everything is not so difficult to understand. There are many payments, but regional ones are not very common among them. What can parents hope for?

Different types of benefits

The first thing to understand is that the regional payment at the birth of a child is just one type of financial support for the population. There are several options for the development of events in Russia. What is it about?

There are at least 3 types of birth benefits:

  • regional;
  • gubernatorial;
  • federal

Also, all this support can be:

  • expressed as a lump sum;
  • regular (monthly) payments.

Speaking about regional benefits for the birth of a baby, it is worth noting that they are usually expressed as a lump sum payment. It is due at the birth of every child.

One-time benefit

Regional payments are not the only type of support for the population. Therefore, more about him a little later. First, it’s worth understanding what parents can, in principle, count on after they have a baby. at the birth of a child, this is money that is issued by the state to the mother. But some relatives can also receive it. Although not in all cases.

All women giving birth in the Russian Federation are entitled to this money, which does not depend on the number of children born. They are federal in nature. Paid for each minor if he was born alive.

Such material support can be obtained in all regions. Either father or mother. The second option is more common. At the moment, the lump sum payment at the birth of a child is 15,512 rubles 65 kopecks.

Baby care

What's next? Payments to mothers at the birth of a child are different. But as practice shows, almost all benefits and financial support can be received by the father of the baby. This nuance must be agreed upon by parents among themselves.

The next type of financial assistance depends on the number of children. We are talking about paying benefits for caring for a child. Usually paid for up to one and a half years. If the child is the only one, then in 2016 2908 rubles 62 kopecks will be allocated. This financial support is paid monthly.

Upon the birth of a second child, benefit payments will increase. How long? For the second and subsequent children the amount is 5817 rubles 24 kopecks. These amounts are valid only for unemployed people. If the recipient of financial support from the state was officially employed and worked for at least 2 years in a company, then he will receive 40% of the average monthly earnings in the form of care benefits.

Up to 3 years

There is a regional payment at the birth of a child, or rather a small monetary allowance. It is accrued to minors up to 3 years of age. The money is usually small. At the discretion of the region, the amount may change in one direction or another. In some cities this benefit has been abolished.

The fact is that such a payment to mothers of children under 3 years old is about a month. Some don't even register it. Does not depend on the number of children born. Issued in the Social Protection Fund.

Maternal capital

Another feature is that upon the birth of a second child, payments are made in larger amounts than for one minor. Parents who have given birth to another baby may qualify for special federal and regional payments.

We are talking about maternal capital. In the first case, it does not depend on the number of children, but it can only be issued at the birth of the second baby. Paid only once. It doesn’t matter after the birth of which minor. In the second, it is set at the regional level, usually accrued only after the birth of the third baby (optional).

Federal maternity capital is issued in 2016 and amounts to 453,026 rubles. You can only spend it on certain needs. Mainly for the child - his education or treatment. There is also the opportunity to form a mother’s pension or improve living conditions.

Regional payment at the birth of a child can, as already mentioned, be paid in different ways. And the amount is also set in different sizes. On average, it varies between 20 and 100 thousand. Most often, registration is allowed for each minor. You need to contact the administration of the city in which the family lives.

For childbirth

But the following payments due at the birth of a child apply only to working citizens. We are talking about maternity benefits. Usually this money is called maternity money. This is a federal payment. But its size depends on the region of residence of the citizen. It is issued only to the mother of the baby.

Why does the benefit amount depend on place of residence? Everywhere there are salaries. It is based on the average earnings in a particular region that a citizen will be awarded financial support for pregnancy and childbirth. Issued by the employer.

How much can you expect? 100% of average earnings for the last 24 months of employment. Therefore, the higher the salary, the more money the new mother will receive. Compensation is awarded only once and for each child. There will be no additional payments for the birth of twins. Only the fact of pregnancy and childbirth is paid.


The required payments at the birth of a child do not end there. The next type of monetary compensation is another federal support for pregnant and new mothers. True, it is not paid constantly, but only in certain cases. With early registration at the antenatal clinic.

What does it mean? A citizen must register as a pregnant woman with the previously named service before 12 weeks of pregnancy. Then you can get a one-time benefit. Paid only if the pregnancy outcome is positive. Appointed as a fixed monetary allowance, does not depend on the woman’s employment, as well as on the number of children.

In 2016, for early registration, the mother receives 581 rubles 73 kopecks. You need to contact the Social Protection Fund with a certificate from the antenatal clinic about applying in the early stages of an interesting situation.


The amount of payments for the birth of a child is now clear. What is needed to appoint them? For example, in the case of regional payments. It all depends on the situation. But the approximate list of required papers is still known.

In order to receive regional material support, if available in a particular region, you need to submit to the city administration (or to the MFC):

  • a statement of the established form indicating the benefit that you want to receive;
  • ID card of the applicant parent;
  • documents on the child’s registration (it is important that the minor is registered with the recipient of the money);
  • birth certificates of all minors (in original);
  • documents indicating marital status (marriage/divorce certificate);
  • details of the account to which the money should be transferred.

In fact, getting money is not as difficult as it seems. The main thing is to apply for payments within the first 6 months from the birth of the baby. Most benefits, including regional ones, cannot be issued after the specified period.

For Moscow

Regional payments assigned in Moscow require special attention. Quite serious support is provided to the population here. Regional benefits are assigned to each child to one degree or another. Therefore, parents should know about them. Most, as already mentioned, must be issued within six months from the moment the minor is born.

What Moscow payments are due to parents at the birth of a child? Among them are:

  1. One-time (if both parents are under 30 years old at the time of the birth of the baby). For the first baby, 71,500 rubles are paid, for the second - 100,100 rubles, for the third - 143,000. Issued within 12 months from the date of birth.
  2. One-time compensation to Muscovites for the birth of a baby. The first one is entitled to 5,500, and the second one - 14,500 rubles.
  3. If three (or more) children were born into a family, the region pays an additional 50,000 rubles to the parents.
  4. There is also a regional payment at the birth of a child, which is assigned only. The amount varies from 1.5 to 4.5 thousand rubles. Assigned to each child.

Plus, in addition, parents have the right to maternity capital and all other federal payments. For example, for a benefit for caring for a minor up to one and a half years of age.

Where to contact

Now it is clear what payments Russia offers for the birth of a child. In fact, parents are entitled to a decent amount of money. The more children, the higher the payments. This is the rule that applies in most cases.

Some do not know where to go to receive benefits. Organizations involved in processing documents have already been named. Among the most popular options are:

  • city ​​administration (for regional and gubernatorial benefits);
  • one stop shop services;
  • Pension Fund (maternity capital, federal).

Also, some payments can be made through the employer or the Social Security Administration. The main thing is to collect the previously specified list of documents. Copies must be attached to them. There is no need to certify them. To receive maternity capital of one type or another, you will need to additionally attach the SNILS number of the applicant and all children. the child's birth must occur no later than the 20th day of the month following the application.

Child benefits in Moscow have increased significantly in many respects. The capital has long been considered one of the few regions that provide serious support to Russians at the regional level. An undoubted advantage is not only the appearance of new benefits, but also a noticeable increase in existing payments of a material nature.

Who will be affected by the innovations?

In the capital, many benefits have been increased twice over the past year alone. A special category of payments are child benefits. Within the city, two positive trends can be identified at once:

  1. the amount of available benefits increases;
  2. New payment formats are emerging for families with children.

2018 saw an unprecedented increase in benefits. Some payments increased by 1.5 - 2, or even more times. True, such an increase is observed to a greater extent in relation to benefits intended for large families and low-income children. For ordinary families, many financial payments are simply not available.

Main changes in the amount of payments in Moscow

Moscow is actively developing and implementing programs that help families with children financially. Thus, in 2018, with the support of Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, some benefits were increased. The most noticeable changes affected the following payments (began to take effect on January 1, 2018):

  • Payments to the poor for children increased from 2 to 6 times. The previous increase occurred on June 1 last year, when the payment amount increased by 1/3. Now the value of the final amount depends not only on the status of a low-income family, but also on the correlation to other categories.
  • Double compensation began to be paid for children with disabilities. Moreover, the increase in payments also affected those families where a disability was assigned to a parent who cannot work. If there is a disabled child in the family, she is now entitled to financial compensation for the purchase of a school uniform. Let us remind you that previously such a payment was only available to large families.
  • Increase in payments to families raising 5 or more children. For such citizens, the amount of compensation for school uniforms, utilities, accommodation and other types of assistance was increased.

These are not the only changes in the size of payments; it’s just that in other benefits the increases were less significant.

Mandatory monthly payments for up to one and a half years have been introduced everywhere since this year. Their size is determined depending on the official subsistence level established in the region or city. Thus, payments for the birth of a child in Moscow before the age of one and a half years will amount to 14,252 rubles. It is noteworthy that in the capital such benefits are provided not only for the birth of 1 and 2 children, but also for the birth of a third child.

Only families whose income for each family member does not exceed the subsistence level by 1.5 times, that is, no more than 28,113 rubles, will be entitled to receive such benefits as part of regional support.

Entitled federal payments

Families in need of financial support often wonder what benefits are available for the birth of their first child in Moscow. Of course, such citizens are entitled to all available federal payments. Their list is specified in Federal Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995. Moreover, when receiving these benefits in Moscow, no increasing regional coefficient is used; in the capital they are simply not used.

Let us recall that most federal benefits increased from February 1 of this year due to their indexation to the inflation rate, which amounted to 2.5% in 2017.

In 2018, Muscovites are entitled to the following payments at the federal level:

  • for pregnancy and childbirth - a lump sum payment of 43,615 rubles (the final amount depends on the salary level of the expectant mother);
  • after the birth or adoption of a child - 16,759 rubles 09 kopecks.

Also, a woman in labor is entitled to a monthly allowance for child care up to 1.5 years of age. For the first one, you get from 3,142 rubles 33 kopecks. The minimum payment for the birth of a second child and subsequent children is 6,284 rubles 65 kopecks.

Additionally, for a second child, a family can receive maternity capital in the amount of 453,000 rubles. The corresponding program has been extended until 2021. It is noteworthy that the state did not index this type of benefit. No increase is expected until the end of 2019.

Conditions for receiving regional child benefits in the capital

In addition to federal benefits, Moscow provides city benefits for children. They can be used not only by Russians, but also by foreigners, including refugees and stateless people.

Only those persons who have local registration have the right to receive the Moscow payment for children. Moreover, the requirement applies not only to the parent applying for benefits, but also to the child. The recipient of financial support can be either one of the child’s parents or his guardian.

For the greatest convenience and comfort of its citizens, the capital’s authorities have provided several ways to apply for benefits. You can do this:

  1. in any multifunctional center “My Documents”;
  2. through the government services portal (you will first have to register);
  3. through the Moscow city portal.

The latter option also allows you to obtain preliminary information about available and possible benefits, indicating the amounts. Moreover, instructions for receiving benefits and lists of documents required for this are posted on MOS.RU. It is this format of receipt that Muscovites most often use.

To consider the application and make a positive decision regarding the payment of benefits, the authorities require the submission of a special list of documents. If we are talking about financial assistance for the birth of children, then this list usually includes the following papers:

  • parents’ passports (for foreign citizens other identification documents may be presented);
  • documents confirming that the applicant and the child have metropolitan registration;
  • SNILS and TIN of the person applying for benefits;
  • birth certificate for the child;
  • for full-fledged married couples - a marriage certificate, if the parents are divorced - a certificate of divorce;
  • for women raising children on their own or who have lost their breadwinner - a certificate of form No. 25 (issued at the registry office) or a death certificate;
  • when registering guardianship or adoption - relevant supporting documents;
  • number of the current account to which the due compensation should be transferred;
  • a certificate indicating that the child and parent live together.

Some certificates have their own statute of limitations, so there is no point in receiving them in advance. First, you should clarify the full list of conditions and documents, and only then start collecting them.

What benefits are available to families with children in Moscow in 2018?

In total, Muscovites are offered more than 20 different payments within the region. They concern families with children. Moreover, Moscow manuals have two important distinctive features:

  • There is no additional payment in the form of maternity capital at the city level in Moscow. Instead, young families are provided with financial payments, and they can be received not only for the second child, but also for the first, third and subsequent children.
  • From one and a half to three years of age, Muscovites are not given a monthly allowance due to the fact that the demographic situation in the capital is already quite good, especially compared to other cities. The authorities also emphasize that, for the most part, the positive dynamics are ensured not by the birth rate in the capital, but by migration.

All types of payments for families with children can be divided into 4 categories:

  1. one-time (paid only once);
  2. monthly (due until the child reaches a certain age);
  3. for large families;
  4. for families where there are disabled people (disability can be assigned not only to children, but also to parents).

In Moscow, in addition to the required federal maternity benefits, women who have lost their jobs and earnings due to the liquidation of an enterprise are paid compensation in the amount of 1,500 rubles per month. Moreover, everyone is entitled to such benefits, regardless of the income level of the entire family. This payment also applies to women who previously worked as notaries, lawyers or private entrepreneurs.

The final size of the lump sum payment is determined depending on the number of days of maternity leave:

  • 7,000 rubles for 140 days;
  • 7,800 rubles for 156 days;
  • 9,700 rubles for 194 days.

It is important that a woman should receive such benefits within no more than six months from the end of maternity leave.

One-time payments

It is no secret that the birth of a child or his adoption is always associated with quite large expenses. The Moscow authorities, by paying one-time benefits to residents of the capital, are trying to at least partially reduce these costs. Moreover, for such parents there are several types of payments at once:

  1. After the birth of a baby, a family can receive 5,500 rubles for the first and 14,500 rubles for subsequent children. Moreover, if twins are born in a family, then compensation is paid for each of them. All families living in the capital have the right to receive it, regardless of their income, age or other conditions. You need to receive the money before the child turns 6 months old. A parent or guardian can do this.
  2. Upon adoption or birth of 3 children. It is important that this payment assumes that the birth or adoption of that many children occurs simultaneously. Moreover, there is one allowance for the whole family, and not for each child separately. The amount of compensation is 50,000 rubles. Moreover, families have the right to receive it, regardless of their level of material income.
  3. Benefit for young families. It is paid only if both parents are under 30 years of age. This is the so-called “Luzhkov payment” for young families. Only Russian citizens can receive it. The size depends on the current subsistence level. So, for the first child there are 5 subsistence minimums, for the second - 7, and for the third and subsequent ones - already 10. As of January 1, 2018, these payments are 80,800, 113,120 and 161,600 rubles, respectively, for each case. Parents have 1 year to apply for benefits.

Monthly benefits

In addition to one-time support, the capital’s authorities also provided monthly payments for Moscow residents. The following monthly regional benefits are offered to them:

  • Child benefit. It is intended exclusively for low-income families and is paid for each child in the family up to 18 years of age. The basic amount is set at 10,000 rubles for children under 3 years old and 4,000 rubles until the child turns 18 years old. Some families are entitled to increased payments in the amount of 15,000 and 6,000 rubles, respectively. For example, they apply to single mothers and fathers. This payment must be made again every year.
  • Payments for food up to 3 years. Not everyone can receive such support from the state. Single-parent families and families with disabled children have the right to it if a parent does not pay child support or one of the parents is serving in the army or is unemployed. This also includes large families and families where one of the parents is a student. Moreover, the latter are paid 1,875 rubles per month, and everyone else - 675 rubles.
  • Compensation for rising inflation. The amount varies from 600 to 1,500 rubles per month, depending on living conditions and type of family. It is paid for each child until the age of 16 or 18.

Different types of support are also provided for families with a very large number of families (5 or 10 people), guardians and foster families. In addition to cash payments, in-kind assistance (products, things) is also practiced.

Such powerful support from the capital’s authorities provides significant assistance to families, especially those with low incomes.

The state program - maternity capital, was created to improve demographic indicators in the country.

But this program is designed to support families who have given birth (adopted) a second or more children.

How much do they pay for the first child? And can the parents of their first child count on support from the state?

At the birth of their first child, young parents have the right to apply for two types of benefits: one-time and monthly financial assistance.

How much do they pay for the birth of their first child in Russia? Let's figure it out.

Following numerous requests from Russian families, in 2012 a bill on the payment of maternity capital for the birth of the first child was proposed for consideration.

According to the document, young parents of an only child born on January 1, 2013 were offered 100 thousand rubles.

The project was rejected in December of the same year, since the program for providing maternity capital was created with the goal of motivating families to have subsequent children, and if payments are also provided for the first birth, then starting a large family may be more difficult due to the difficult financial situation of young parents .

One of the tasks of maternity capital is to increase the level of social status of a woman who has decided to give birth to a second baby, because having gone through the consequences of maternity leave once, not every working mother will decide to repeat the situation. Of course, maternity capital cannot completely correct this problem, but it may well brighten up a woman’s ideas about having another child.

A good reason why the bill was repealed is also the huge burden on the state budget. For the corresponding payments, more than 88 billion rubles would have to be withdrawn from the treasury in the first year.

There is no point in hoping that a bill establishing the payment of maternity capital to “firstborns” will be adopted in the new year. Moreover, no one has canceled one-time and monthly financial assistance for young parents.

One-time and monthly benefits for the first child

Women are interested in how much the state pays after childbirth, as well as what maternity payments are due for the birth of their first child.

All payments from the Russian state for the birth of the first baby can theoretically be divided into two types:

  • maternity benefit;
  • payments for caring for a newborn.

Despite the fact that some types of assistance on the occasion of birth or custody of a baby involve the receipt of funds by the father of the baby, maternity benefits are issued exclusively to mothers.

Maternity benefit is also called “maternity benefit”, and is a one-time payment of a fairly significant amount of money. A distinctive feature of this type of financial assistance is the opportunity to spend the money at the discretion of the woman herself.

Maternity capital, as a rule, can be spent after the child reaches the age of three, and then only on those categories of goods that are provided for by law.

Despite the fact that women receive this payment on the day of their next salary, in fact, financial support is provided by the Social Insurance Fund.

In its own way, this payment is nothing more than social insurance, and is due to absolutely all mothers, regardless of whether they are employed at the time of application or not.

Even if a woman is listed as unemployed, she will still receive financial assistance for one calendar month.

If income for the specified period was not recorded, the amount of the maternity benefit will be calculated based on the minimum wage. For students of educational institutions receiving a scholarship, the calculation will be based on monthly payments from the educational institution.

In addition to maternity payments, the state has provided monthly transfers to young parents intended to provide financial support for child care.

Unlike the so-called “maternity benefits”, which are due to absolutely all women giving birth, not all families can receive care benefits.

If the total income reaches or exceeds the average income in the region, the guardianship authorities will simply refuse to grant benefits.

The amount of payments for child care up to 1.5 years is calculated based on several factors. Thus, the amount of payments depends on:

  • region of residence;
  • family composition;
  • employment of parents;
  • presence of dependents.

In situations where the family is single-parent, benefits for a woman are paid in the amount of forty percent of her average salary.

In order to apply for monthly payments, you need to collect a certain package of documents. As a rule, authorized bodies request:

  • a copy of the baby's birth certificate;
  • a copy of all pages of the passport of the person who will receive the payment;
  • a copy of the order from work on leave to care for a newborn;
  • a copy of the order from work on the appointment of payment;
  • a document stating that benefits have not previously been paid to the second parent;
  • family income certificates;
  • an extract from the house register;
  • directly statement.

After all the documents have been collected and submitted to the authorized authorities, transfers in the appropriate amount will begin to be credited to the family’s account within ten days.
It is important that at the birth of the first child, the family has the opportunity to take advantage of special mortgage benefits from many Russian lenders, which provide the opportunity to:

  • defer loan repayment until the child reaches three years of age;
  • reduce the loan amount to ten percent;
  • reduce the amount of the down payment to ten percent;
  • obtain permission to close a loan early without paying a commission.

An example of calculating the amount of benefit

The exact calculation of payments for the birth of the first child is calculated based on data on the average level of income for the last two years.

  • Calculate the annual salary and the total number of visits to work, excluding sick leave and administrative leave without pay, for the last two years.
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