Permitted motorcycle speed according to traffic regulations. How do we punish those who drive too fast? Motorway and expressway

    Usually there are signs for 60 km, but many drivers do not adhere to the rules, which is where problems arise; not everyone slows down in front of a zebra crossing in villages, even though the rules stipulate it. They adhere to the rules in the places where traffic police are deployed, but after driving about 50 meters they accelerate again.

    Here in Belarus locality You need to drive at a speed of no more than 60 km per hour. Of course, there are signs that require you to reduce your speed even less. This usually happens in places where the likelihood of an accident is increased.

    In a populated area, everyone is required to drive at a speed no higher than 60 km/h, but if there is a corresponding sign, there must be a Blue colour(well, or blue), then you can do it faster, this usually applies to specific roads passing through cities or any settlements, they have special significance.

    According to the rules, the speed of transport in a populated area should not exceed 60 kilometers per hour. You need to move at this speed, regardless of whether there are pedestrians, other vehicles, a large or small settlement.

    60 kilometers per hour - at this maximum speed you can drive in populated areas of Russia, if there are no signs allowing higher speeds ( white circle, bordered in red, on a white field - a number indicating the maximum permissible speed).

    However, punishment is provided only when the permitted maximum is exceeded by the driver by more than 20 km/h.

    Therefore, where only 60 is possible, all law-abiding citizen drivers keep the speed no higher than 80 km/h. This is not correct, it is very Russian, but it is most often impossible to do otherwise: the safest driving is driving at the speed of the flow; you should not be the most correct driver and interfere with the entire flow.

    In front of any populated area you can see a speed limit sign of 60 km/h; in the populated area itself it can be even lower, up to 20 km/h, near a pedestrian crossing, school, speed bump or some other object.

    Usually now cameras are also installed in such places on the highways.

    In answering the question posed, the eighty-eighth paragraph of the eleventh will help us heads of traffic rules

    Thus, the speed, depending on the vehicle and the location of movement, can vary from twenty to sixty kilometers per hour.

    According to paragraph 88 of the rules traffic, the speed of vehicles in populated areas is permitted at a speed of no more than 60 km/h, towing motor vehicles should not exceed 50 km/h, and in residential and pedestrian areas and in adjacent areas the speed is no more than 20 km/h.

    Taking into account road conditions, as well as ensuring road safety, the speed of movement can be changed (lowered or increased) by using a road sign Restriction maximum speed.

    According to traffic rules, the speed of outbound transport in populated areas should be no more than sixty (60) kilometers per hour, regardless of the presence or absence of vehicles or pedestrians.

IN Once again It is unclear who initiated the media’s interest in the issue of abolishing the non-punishable speed limit of 20 km/h. Now the proponents of this idea have gone too far in terms of the size of road signs. In Moscow, as you know, on several streets, as an experiment, it was decided to install road signs of a reduced size so as not to spoil the bright appearance of the city. Whole line“experts” calculated that at an unpunished speed of 80 km/h (the permitted speed is 60 km/h, plus another 20 km/h excess), drivers allegedly cannot notice the signs of the new format. And they concluded: it is necessary to immediately reduce the amount of unpunished speeding by federal level through amendments and other acts.

This is instead of simply returning the diameter of road signs on a couple of Moscow streets to the original size! At the same time, some “experts” hinted that the government was discussing abolishing the permitted speed limit of 20 km/h and would soon do so. Let us recall that in 2015 the Ministry of Internal Affairs already tried to reduce the amount of non-punishable excess from 20 to 10 km/h. It failed due to public protests. In fact, there are even fewer sane arguments for cutting the non-penalty limit of 20 km/h today than there were a couple of years ago. Let us recall that at that time the Ministry of Internal Affairs referred to data for 2014, when 199,720 accidents occurred on Russian roads, in which 26,963 people died.

At the same time, they kept silent about the fact that the number of accidents with casualties was also steadily decreasing year by year, having decreased by 2.1% in 2014. For reference, let us recall that in 2016, even fewer such accidents occurred in Russia - 173,694, and 20,308 people died in them. Comparing data from 2014 and 2016 alone shows a significant improvement in business. That is, the existence of “non-penalized 20 km/h” has absolutely no effect. Yes and no objective reasons for this. Existing traffic police statistics, but, of course, carefully hidden from the public, clearly state: an increase in accident rates begins only when the speed is exceeded by more than 20 km/h. Below this bar there are no noticeable security problems. Why are they talking again about abolishing the “non-penalty limit of 20 km/h”?

The casket most likely opens simply: total amount“penalty” money transferred to the budget - from 50 billion rubles in 2015 to 32.5 billion in 2016. This happened, first of all, due to a 50 percent “discount” when paying a fine within 20 days. What needs to be done to increase them? That's right: cut the non-fine speed limit, since the lion's share of traffic police fines is exclusively for speeding over 20 km/h. After all, if instead of a 20-kilometer threshold, for example, a 10-kilometer threshold is set, then the number of fined drivers could increase significantly!

The Russian government intends to force all drivers to reduce the speed of their vehicles by 10 km/h. The reason for this was the statistics of increasing traffic accidents in populated areas, mainly involving pedestrians. In addition, “emergency” indicators in Russia leave much to be desired.

The corresponding bill is still at the discussion stage. It is assumed that Russian drivers fines will again begin to be issued for exceeding the permissible speed limit by 10 km/h and above. On the other hand, the State Duma is considering the possibility of following the European example, where in cities and towns the speed limit does not exceed 50 km/h.

In any case, the latter indicate that change in speed limits on roads since 2018 will happen, regardless of what drivers think about it.

New speed modes

The state wants to reduce the limit of so-called unpunished speeding by drivers. Let us remind you that such a limit was introduced not so long ago, and this moment it is 20 km/h. The country's leadership is going to reduce it to 10 km/h.

In contrast to the government, representatives of the State Duma have a different opinion. There are concerns that similar measure will lead to a jump in the number of fines for drivers and, as a result, will smoothly lead to the flourishing of corruption.

According to current Code of Administrative Offenses RF minimum fine for speeding from 20 to 40 km/h is 500 rubles. The Ministry of Internal Affairs proposes to slightly expand the scope of this range. If the department is listened to, a fine will be issued for speeding by 10-40 km/h.

A similar bill has already been considered anti-corruption expertise, it was even published on the state portal. But, for some reasons, the project never reached the stage of submission to the State Duma.

In September 2013, fines for exceeding the speed limit by more than 10 km/h were stopped, which led to bad consequences.

“A significant part of vehicle drivers began to deliberately violate traffic rules, realizing their impunity. As a result, the speed traffic flow, including in populated areas, increased from 60 to 80 km/h, which in the event of a collision with a pedestrian guarantees his death. Even at a car speed of 45 km/h, 50% of pedestrians die, the rest are seriously injured,” it was reported in explanatory note in favor of adopting a new bill introducing a fine for exceeding the permissible speed limit by 10 km/h.

At the moment, the main argument in favor of adopting appropriate amendments to the law is the deplorable state of statistics on number of road accidents on zebra crossings. According to the data provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, after the adoption of a new permissible violation of 20 km/h, the number of collisions at pedestrian crossings increased significantly.

Fighting corruption or preventing new road accidents?

First Deputy Chairman authorized committee State Duma on issues constitutional legislation and state building Vyacheslav Lysakov, who is also the leader of the party “ Automotive Russia“, submitted for consideration his version of a solution to the acute problem with the speed limit.

Lysakov proposes to reduce top speed traffic movement in cities and towns from today's 60 km/h to 50 km/h. But, still, leave the permissible speed limit at 20 km/h. According to him, the result will be the same picture that the government is striving for - cars will drive no higher than 70 km/h within cities.

Such sophistication is necessary, the parliamentarian is sure, because possible cancellation the existing limit can cause a resonance in society - drivers may see in such an innovation an attempt to rip off as much money as possible from them.

“We increased this limit from 10 to 20 km/h for certain reasons: due to preparation point system, combating corruption on the roads. And I never proposed to cancel this innovation and now I oppose it, because all the conditions have been preserved. If we now begin to redraw the Code of Administrative Offenses again, the number of violators will increase sharply and the level of corruption will increase,” Lysakov noted.

At the same time, it is clear to everyone that reducing speed in cities will not provide a 100% solution to the problem. First of all, data on the increased number of collisions with pedestrians is associated with an increase in the number of vehicles.

The statistics are also affected by the unsatisfactory training of the drivers themselves, and the quality of equipment pedestrian crossings is in poor condition. The dispassionate statistics are also influenced by the carelessness of pedestrians themselves, who can afford to cross the road with headphones on or look at their mobile phones at this moment.

Pedestrians have completely forgotten about the rules of the road, according to which, before crossing the road, you need to wait for the green light of the traffic light and look both ways. Pedestrians are lulled into a false sense of security. But another fact cannot be ignored: even at a speed not exceeding 50 km/h, the driver may simply not have time to react, and the car may not have time to brake.

It is not clear at the moment which option for changing the speed limit on the roads will be adopted. But the fact that innovations are coming that many will not like is an indisputable fact.

Good afternoon, dear reader.

In the second article of the series “Road Rules Outside the City”, issues related to permitted speed on a suburban highway.

Well today we'll talk about choosing speed outside populated areas:

Maximum speed outside the city

On motorways

Maximum permitted speed on roads Russian Federation currently amounts to 130 km/h. At this speed you can drive simultaneous meeting two conditions:

  • Sign 5.1 "Motorway" has been installed.
  • Sign 3.24 "Maximum speed limit" is set with a value of 130.

Note. This combination of road signs can be found on the roads extremely rarely. If you have come across similar highways, write about them in the comments to the article.

On ordinary roads

On regular country roads, the maximum permitted speed is:

However, this does not mean that a passenger car outside the city can always drive at a speed of 90 km/h. There are numerous conditions under which the speed must be reduced and these will be discussed below.

Limiting the maximum speed using a sign 3.24

Prohibitory sign 3.24 “Maximum speed limit” is one of the most popular signs on country roads:

3.24 "Maximum speed limit." It is prohibited to drive at a speed (km/h) exceeding that indicated on the sign.

The meaning of this sign depends on the number inscribed in the red circle.

For example, if the sign shows the number 70, then you can drive no faster than 70 km/h.

In most cases, the sign is used specifically for reducing the permitted speed.

However, sign 3.24 can also be used for increase permitted speed. Clause 10.3:

Note. By decision of the owners or possessors of highways, an increase in speed on road sections may be allowed for individual species vehicles, if road conditions provide safe movement with greater speed.

For example, let there be a sign on a country road with a limit of 90 km/h:

For passenger cars this sign doesn't change anything. However, it applies to all types of vehicles. Therefore, for category C trucks whose speed is normal conditions limited to 70 km/h, this sign raises the maximum permitted speed to 90 km/h.

Stepped speed limit

Let's look at the features of installing 3.24 signs, which are unknown to most drivers. It's about that if a section of the road has a low speed limit, then the signs should install in stages in increments of 20 km/h. This is regulated by the requirements of GOST R 52289-2004 (clause 5.4.22):

If on this area set a maximum speed that differs from the maximum permitted speed on the previous section by 20 km/h or more, apply stepped speed limit in increments of no more than 20 km/h by sequentially installing signs 3.24 at a distance of 100-150 m from each other.

A stepped speed limit may not be applied in front of a populated area indicated by sign 5.23.1 or 5.23.2 if the visibility distance of the sign is more than 150 m.

Thus, when organizing repairs on country roads, the combination of signs “70 - 50 - 40” can be used and cannot be used separate sign"40". IN otherwise installation of the sign is a violation of GOST requirements.

End of sign 3.24 coverage area

There are several conditions under which the value is overridden road sign 3.24.

1. End of maximum speed limit zone

The simplest case. The end of the limit is indicated by sign 3.25 “End of maximum speed limit zone”:

2. End of the zone of all restrictions

The second situation is sign 3.31 “End of all restrictions zone” installed on the road:

3. Coverage

Third option. Together with sign 3.24, plate 8.2.1 “Area of ​​Operation” can be installed:

In this case, the speed limit applies only to that section of the road whose length is indicated on the sign (in the example - 100 meters).

Let's figure out how to determine the end of a dangerous section without leaving the car. This can be done using a car odometer(a device for measuring the distance or mileage traveled by a car).

If you come across sign 3.24 with plate 8.2.1 on the road, then immediately look at the odometer and remember its current reading. Add to it the value indicated on plate 8.2.1. This will be the end of the dangerous area. After this, you should look at the odometer from time to time to determine where the restriction ends.

When calculating, it makes sense to leave a small margin of distance (100 meters). It's better to drive slower a little longer than to get a speeding ticket.

4. Another sign 3.24

The fourth case - installed on the road new sign 3.24 "Maximum speed limit". In this case, the speed limit set by the new sign applies.

5. Crossroads

The effect of sign 3.24 is interrupted when a car enters the intersection. It must be remembered that exits from adjacent territories, as well as intersections with field and forest roads not marked with appropriate signs, do not cancel the effect of sign 3.24.

6. The beginning and end of the settlement

The last situation is the presence on the road of signs indicating the beginning or end of a populated area. It is important to note that the effect of sign 3.24 is canceled only by signs 5.23.1, 5.23.2, 5.24.1, 5.24.2, 5.26:

Please note sign 5.25 does not cancel previously introduced speed limit:

7. The maximum speed limit is not canceled

In practice, when driving outside the city, you can come across signs 3.24, the effect of which nothing can cancel it. Their effect can extend tens of kilometers to the nearest populated area.

This state of affairs does not please drivers, but in the described case it is necessary to adhere to the speed indicated on the prohibiting sign.

On country roads you can also find information sign 6.2 “Recommended speed”:

6.2 "Recommended speed". The speed at which it is recommended to drive on this section of the road. The sign's coverage area extends to the nearest intersection, and when sign 6.2 is used together with a warning sign, it is determined by the length of the dangerous area.

This sign does not oblige drivers to anything, so you can decide for yourself whether to follow its recommendations or not.

Minimum speed limit

The traffic rules provide a sign that limits the minimum speed:

4.6 "Limitation minimum speed". Driving only at the specified or higher speed (km/h) is permitted.

Moreover, the end of the coverage area of ​​this sign, unlike sign 3.24, can be indicated in only one way - sign 4.7:

Note. If there is a “Minimum speed limit” sign, it is impossible to stop the car without violating traffic rules, i.e. It turns out that in the area of ​​​​action of this sign it is prohibited.

Entries to and exits from populated areas

Do not forget that the maximum speed of movement, in addition to sign 3.24, can also be limited by entrances to populated areas, which are indicated by the corresponding signs on a white background:

When entering even the smallest village marked with such a sign, you must reduce your speed to 60 km/h.

You can accelerate again to 90 km/h only after the car passes the sign indicating the end of the settlement:

Note. Signs indicating the beginning of a settlement are usually installed on the right side of the road, so it is quite difficult not to notice them. As for signs indicating the end of a populated area, they can be installed both to the right and to the left of the roadway. Therefore, it is not always possible to notice them.

Fines for speeding on the highway

Detailed table fines for speeding are given in a separate article:

Let me remind you that in 2019, fines are imposed for exceeding the speed limit by 20 km/h or more. The size of the fine directly depends on how much the speed is exceeded. Minimum punishment is 500 rubles, maximum - deprivation of rights for 12 months.

Fines for driving too slowly

In the code of administrative offenses there is no separate article containing punishment for driving at too low a speed (if there is a sign 4.6). However, for this violation the driver may be punished under Part 1 of Article 12.16 for failure to comply with the requirements of road signs.

Speeding too slowly may result in a warning or fine. 500 rubles.

Note. IN in this case it does not matter how much the car’s speed was less than the value indicated on the sign. The fine will be the same.

Good luck on the roads!

Good evening.

Should drivers obey a "speed limit" sign associated with "repair work" outside the city if:

No workers on the road (lunch or end of work day)

The road has been repaired (the work has been completed), but the signs have not been removed?

Sincerely, Elena.


Hello! Is there a speed limit on dirt roads? there was an accident on dirt road I would like to know.

According to traffic rules speed not limited by type road surface. Either signs, or a populated area, or outside a populated area.

However, it seems that there is also paragraph 10.1 (EMNIP), but everything is very strictly there...

I'm interested in next moment. If we are driving along a highway, for example Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod. In some area they are underway renovation work. Therefore, they set speed limits (70 - 50 - 30 km/h for example). And if there are no workers (their working day has ended) or the road has been repaired, but the signs have not been removed (they have forgotten). Should we obey the speed limit??

Must. Temporary signs are valid as long as they are installed, regardless of whether repair work is being carried out in this area.

Good afternoon My question may seem stupid, but still... The classic situation is a city, there is a sign 3.24 (40 km), followed by 3.24 (20 km) with a sign 8.2.1 (100 m). Question: 100 meters after the 20 km/h sign, at what speed can you move? Did the 20 km/h limit sign cancel the previously installed 40 km/h sign?

What is the main difference between an expressway and a highway? In 2009, by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, rules were established for the classification of highways and their categories were designated. According to traffic conditions and access possibilities, roads were divided into the following classes:

  • motorway - road category 1A;
  • expressway highway(category 1B);
  • regular road (other categories are established).

The main difference between a motorway and an expressway is that a motorway does not have connections at the same level, but highway allows single-level connections for access to it no more than after 5 kilometers. Roads of categories 1A and 1B also differ in their design speed. For a motorway it is 150 km per hour, and for a highway it is 120 km per hour.

Traffic rules outside the city. part 2. speed outside the city.

The general rule for everyone is 60 km/h. If the driver has left the city, he must carefully follow the signs when entering another populated area. When driving through residential areas, speeds of more than 20 km/h are not allowed.

This is the only way to ensure the safety of people, the safety of homes and playgrounds. Another important point– here drivers must let each pedestrian pass, even when people are not moving along specially equipped crossings, but close to the roadway.

Traffic regulations establish the possibility at the regional level to set higher speed limits for certain types of transport. When you leave the road at the permitted speed, then the rules that are written for the populated area immediately come into effect.

Traffic rules 10. speed

For “yard” zones, where residential areas are located nearby, the maximum speed is exclusively 20 km/h, since the likelihood of an accident occurring on the road in this zone is greatest. Amount of fine

  1. 1 - 20 km/h according to the traffic rules is considered acceptable, therefore no fine is provided.

    Limited to issuing a warning.

  2. When the speed limit is 21-40 km/h, the fine reaches 500 rubles.
  3. 41-60 km/h - up to 1,500 rubles, and if violated again, the fine will rise to 2,500 rubles.
  4. 61-80 km/h - 2500 rubles + deprivation of driver's license for a period of 4 - 6 months.

What is the maximum speed you can drive in the city?

This is regulated by the requirements of GOST R 52289-2004: 5.4.22 Sign 3.24 “Maximum speed limit” is used to prohibit the movement of all vehicles at a speed higher than that indicated on the sign if it is necessary to introduce a different maximum speed on a section of road than on the previous section. When limiting the speed on dangerous sections of the road (sharp turns, poor visibility of an oncoming car, narrowing of the road, etc.), the coverage area of ​​the sign must correspond to the length of the dangerous section.

If a maximum speed is set on a given section that differs from the maximum permitted speed on the previous section by 20 km/h or more, a stepped speed limit is applied in increments of no more than 20 km/h by sequentially installing signs 3.24 at a distance of 100-150 m from each other. friend.

10. movement speed

Good afternoon, dear reader. In the second article in the “Road Rules Outside the City” series, various issues related to the permitted speed on a suburban highway will be discussed. By the way, I recommend that you read the article “Speed ​​limits in the city.
Rules, innovations, fines”, which examines issues related to limiting the maximum speed in a populated area. Let me remind you that the maximum permitted speed on the roads of the Russian Federation is currently 130 km/h.

Moreover, at such a speed you can only move on highways, which in themselves are extremely rare, on which there is an additional 130 km/h sign, which is even rarer. On regular country roads, the maximum permitted speed is 90 km/h.

How fast can you drive on the motorway?


Fines for speeding on the highway A detailed table of fines for speeding is given in the article “Speed ​​limits in the city. Rules, innovations, fines.” Here I will only quote the relevant article of the code of administrative offenses: Article 12.9.


Excess set speed movement 2. Exceeding the established speed of a vehicle by more than 20, but not more than 40 kilometers per hour - entails imposition administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles. 3. Exceeding the established speed of a vehicle by more than 40, but not more than 60 kilometers per hour - entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles.


Permissible speeding in Russia

At the same time, many already know that the driver will not be fined if the excess is not too large. So, increasing the speed from the maximum permissible by another 20 km/h does not threaten anything. That is, you can safely drive on the roads if the speedometer readings slightly exceed 100. On sections of highways where driving at a speed of 130 km/h is allowed, the car can actually be accelerated to almost 150 without the risk of getting a fine.

But you should not deliberately exceed the speed, because the speedometer, like the radar, can determine indicators with a small error. Therefore, in such a situation, the risk of a fine increases. Rules for overtaking Many drivers mistakenly believe that while driving, the permitted speed on the highway is not regulated in any way.

However, it is not. In paragraph No. 10 of the Rules it is written that vehicle must move in accordance with traffic regulations, taking into account traffic intensity.

What speed is allowed in the city?

Besides, freight car It turns around hard, driving requires a lot of experience and dexterity from the driver. For “light” trucks weighing up to 3500 kilograms, the following restrictions apply:

  • maximum speed in a populated area up to 60 km/h;
  • maximum speed outside the city and on the highway is up to 110 km/h.

But freight transportation often carried out by more massive vehicles, weighing several times the 3,500 kilogram limit.
These trucks have the following restrictions:

  • For a populated area – 60 kilometers/hour;
  • Maximum speed outside the city/village is 70 kilometers/hour;
  • The permitted speed on the highway is 90 kilometers/hour.

If the vehicle is carrying dangerous goods, then they act special rules. Depending on the type of cargo, there are different rules.

Maximum permissible speed outside the city

Let's take a closer look at this point. 1. End of the maximum speed limit zone The simplest case is that the end of the limit is indicated by sign 3.25 installed in the required location: 3.25 “End of the maximum speed limit zone.” 2. End of the zone of all restrictions The second situation is sign 3.31 installed on the road: 3.31 “End of the zone of all restrictions.” Designation of the end of the coverage area simultaneously for several signs from the following: 3.16, 3.20, 3.22, 3.24, 3.26 - 3.30. 3. Coverage area Third option. Together with sign 3.24, a plate 8.2.1 “coverage area” can be installed: 8.2.1 “Area of ​​coverage”. Indicates the length of a dangerous section of the road, indicated by warning signs, or the coverage area of ​​prohibitory signs, as well as signs 5.16, 6.2 and 6.4. In this case, the speed limit applies exactly to the section of road whose length is indicated on the sign.

Maximum permitted speed outside the city

A modern car with a powerful engine, streamlined body, improved suspension, and high-quality tires can reach speeds of 200 km per hour or more without any problems. In practice, it has been established that the power qualities inherent in the car are necessary in cases of short-term acceleration when overtaking or when climbing hills.

In reality, comfortable and safe driving of a car is carried out at a speed of 100-150 kilometers per hour, and this is provided that the road on which the car is moving complies with standards and GOSTs. There are few highways in Russia where you can reach the maximum speed allowed by traffic rules. The traffic rules of the Russian Federation, with additions and changes as amended on July 25, 2017, set the permitted speed on the highway within 110 km per hour and up to 130 km per hour in certain sections.

Maximum permitted speed outside the city in Kazakhstan

A fair question arises: “How to determine the end of a dangerous section?” Do not get out of the car with a tape measure to measure the road surface.

This can be done by using a car odometer (a device for measuring the distance or mileage traveled by a car). Immediately after you see sign 3.24 with plate 8.2.1 on the road, I recommend taking a look at the odometer and recording its current reading in your memory.

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