Entertainment "Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy." A rocket takes off, lifting a spacecraft into orbit

"Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy"

script for a matinee dedicated to introducing preschoolers to the rules fire safety

music director of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 18" Samara

Children enter the hall to the music and dance to the song “Sunshine”. After the dance they stand scattered throughout the hall.


Dear Guys! We have gathered today in this forest clearing to have fun. Let's have a wonderful holiday! You can come up with a name for it, for example: Day of Joy! Let's enjoy life - spring, the sun, the sky, the friends who are now next to us. Let's play funny Games, sing, joke, dance, laugh! Well, do you agree to organize a Day of Joy? Then let's begin!

Children sing the song "Beauty"

After the song, they sit on chairs on both sides.

Suddenly Baba Yaga flies in, holding a broom in her hands.

Baba Yaga

Oh, how lucky I landed! What fun! Did you recognize me? Yes, it’s me – Baba Yaga! What are we celebrating, name day?


Baba Yaga


Baba Yaga

New Year, or what?


Baba Yaga

Well, what kind of holiday are you having then?


Day of Joy!


Here, grandma, we have a Day of Joy!
Baba Yaga

Wow, you are rejoicing, then! Well done! But I was happy about my...


What is it, Yaga? What's happened?

Baba Yaga

Eh-eh! Do you remember my hut on chicken legs? So she ran away... And I became homeless... Eh-eh, my fate is bitter! Guys, have you seen my hut here?


No, we haven't seen it. Why did she run away from you? Maybe you offended her in some way?

Baba Yaga

I offended? Yes, I’m the most harmless grandmother in the world... Well, sometimes I get a little noisy, but it’s all from my nerves - my nerves, you know, are weak... I can’t help myself. In general, I’m cheerful - I like to joke and play. And I was so cheerful until my Kuzenka, my Little Brownie, left me, and the hut ran away.

Kuzya appears to the music.

Baba Yaga

Oh, here he is, my dear. Kuzenka! My little brownie! Where is my hut? Help me get her back! I'm tired of living on the street! It's cold at night!


And I warned you, grandma - the hut will run away from you! Can't stand such a life!


Kuzya, why doesn’t the hut on chicken legs want to return to Baba Yaga?

Kuzya (grumbles)

Why-why. Yes because. That living with her is dangerous. I don’t know how our poor hut hasn’t burned down or exploded yet! Baba Yaga is obsessed with technology. She has everything in her hut: a Russian stove, a gas stove, an electric stove, a microwave oven, an electric meat grinder, an electric coffee maker, and much more. And he doesn’t follow fire safety rules!

Baba Yaga

What kind of rules? I don’t know any fire safety rules! Yes, indeed, my hut is only a hut on the outside, but inside there are European renovations and all sorts of appliances. What would it be like now without her?


Kuzya, maybe you should have taught Grandma Yaga fire safety rules? Then the hut would remain with you.

Baba Yaga

Yes. I didn’t go to kindergarten, I didn’t study at school. Everything is in the forest, yes in the forest... It has gone completely wild....


Well, I don’t know... She’s harmful... I thought she wouldn’t want to...

Baba Yaga

So, you see how they treat me...

I think you're wrong, Kuzya. Come on, let's help Baba Yaga and return the hut to her. Guys, can we help?



OK then. I'll just change my clothes now. (Puts on fire helmet.) Here! Now answer me this question: how do you put out a fire? What is he most afraid of?



Right. And now we will put out the fire with you. Let's teach Baba Yaga how to act in case of fire.

Game “Simmer Together.”

Two teams of children are participating. They stand in two ranks, opposite each other. In the center of the hall there is “fire”: in one basin there are orange balls, in the other there are red ones. The first ones receive a plastic squirt bottle filled with water. Each team member must spray a stream of water on the “fire” and pass the spray to the next one. The team that completes the task faster and whose balls are completely filled with water wins.


So, let's begin! Rule one: be careful with fire! So tell us, grandma, how do you light the stove?

Baba Yaga

How, how... Very simple! I throw wood into the stove - and a match in there! And I’ll climb onto the stove myself, and sleep and snore in the warmth!


Who drowns like that! You can’t even close the oven door, and there’s no iron sheet near it; coals and burning brands spill right onto the wooden floor! You snore on the stove, and all night long I pick up burning coals around the stove, extinguish them, and pour water on them. And if an ember falls on the floor and goes for a walk throughout the forest, see what can happen.

Children act out the skit “Eagle and the Bunny”

Ogonyok went for a walk in the forest:
From hummock to hummock, from branch to stump.

At that time, a bunny was walking through the forest

Bunny appears
From afar he saw the fire.

The bunny runs up to Ogonyok.

Bunny (boastfully):
Hello, dear Ogonechok,

Play with me, my friend,

Do you know how to jump deftly?

Try to catch up with me.


Ogonyok said in response:

Ogonyok (edifyingly):
I will give useful advice,
Don't tease me in vain

After all, playing with fire is dangerous!

Stupid bunny got angry

The bunny stomps his foot

Bunny (touched):
What an arrogant person you are, my friend!
I'll blow you out now!

He blows on the Fire, it grows, more lights run out, sit around the Fire and wave their ribbons.

The fire became ten times larger

Soared high into the sky

And he singed the hare's paw.

The bunny pulled back his paw.

Bunny (tearful):
Oh, it hurts me. You are very angry!

I don't want to be friends with you.

Turns away

Fire (angrily):
And I seriously warned you,
So that you don't play with me.
You made me very angry

Now run forward as hard as you can,

Let's see which of us two is faster

He will run across the clearing and stream.

The Hare runs, Fire rushes after him.

The stupid hare set off as fast as he could,

So that the fire could not burn him.

The Fox and the Hedgehog come out, the Bunny rushes towards them. Ogonyok sits down nearby.

Bunny (in fear):
Hedgehog, Fox, save me,

Cover me, help me!

Chanterelle (sympathetically):
Where are you running so fast?

And why are you shaking so much?

Why are you holding your paw to your chest?

Strokes Bunny on the head

And what is burning there ahead?

Children depicting fire sit nearby and play with ribbons.

Oh, let the hare catch his breath

I have to confess everything to us

I decided to play with fire

I made him very angry

Now he's chasing me

What should I do, poor fellow?

Hedgehog (boldly):
Maybe I can help

I'll go and talk to him.

Listen to me friends
There is no way to go to the fire,

Talking to him is in vain,

After all, he is very dangerous.

Soroka runs in.

Trouble, trouble! The whole forest is burning.
Call the Ministry of Emergency Situations as soon as possible.

The hedgehog takes out the phone.

By phone I can
Call Shoigu to help us.

The phone falls and breaks.

Chanterelle (confused)
But the phone is broken.

Throws up his hands

What should I do?
Fire can destroy us!

I'm afraid, I'm afraid, it's already burning hot,

There is nowhere to hide from a fire.

He grabs his head.
Everyone looks at Soroka.

Don't be afraid, let's run to the river,
It flows nearby.

River appears (girls with blue ribbons). Everyone rushes towards her.

River, river, river

Protect us from fire!

They hide behind the River and go backstage.
The dance "Fire-Water" is performed. After the dance, the Animals come out to the Leader.

Well, our story is over,
The heroes are saved, the fire is extinguished.

And the animals repeat day after day:

All in chorus:
"You shouldn't play with fire!"
You see, Baba Yaga, how much trouble a little light can cause.

Music is playing. The girls of Vasilisa the Wise come out. They dance. They stop.

Baba Yaga
Who else are you?

Vasilisa (together)
We are Vasilisa the Wise. We came to teach you some wisdom, to get you out of trouble. Listen here!

Vasilisa sings Chatushki:

1. Don’t play with a match, my friend.

Remember, she is cunning

After all, from matches are small

The forests are on fire.

2.To younger brothers and sisters

All the guys say:

“Remember firmly that matches
Not a toy for kids!

3.Near the house and barn

Don't you dare light a fire

Maybe there's a big problem
For buildings and people.

4.You left the fire in the forest,

And now misfortune is upon us.

Remember firmly, friends,

That you can’t play around with fire!

5. We will not light fires,

We can manage without them

Let them live in peace in the forest

Squirrels, hares and hedgehogs.

Baba Yaga
So, wait a minute. This means that now I will carefully place the firewood in the oven and close the door tightly so that the coals do not spill out of it. And I will definitely put an iron sheet near the stove.

Well done, Baba Yaga, she understood everything correctly. But there are also careless tourists among forest visitors. They leave unextinguished fires and throw away lit matches. And here trouble is not far away. The whole forest might go up in flames. And then you need to save the poor animals, take them out of the fire. Guys, help us. Show what brave rescuers you are.

The attraction “01 to the Rescue” is being held. The task is to save animals. Two teams of children run like a snake between pins - Christmas trees - to a hoop with toys - animals, take one, and return. So on until all the animals are saved.

And I also want to add that fire is not only evil. Really, guys?
Let's remember with you how fire helps us in Everyday life.

Children answer from their seats:

The fire illuminates our apartments;

Helps you get to kindergarten;

Washes and irons our clothes;

Prepares lunch and breakfast for us;

Gives people electricity to watch cartoons on TV,

listen to music on a tape recorder, ride on carousels.

And also listen to a poem about this.

A child reads a poem:

"Good Fire"

E. Ilyin

We are without a good fire

You can't get by even a day.

He is a reliable friend of us:

The cold is driving, the darkness is driving away.

He's a welcoming flame

Raises it like a flag.

Fire to everyone need a good one,

And for that he is honored,

What warms up the guys' dinner?

Cuts steel and bakes bread.

Now, Baba Yaga, you know that fire comes in different forms and that you need to handle fire carefully. We continue our training. Tell us, Baba Yaga, how do you turn on the gas stove?

Baba Yaga
How, how... Very simple! I’ll turn the krantik - and the match will go there! Oh, burn everything with a blue flame!
Exactly. You put the soup on the stove to cook, and you jump into the mortar and fly away. And I watch all day so that a fire doesn’t start. Is it possible to leave the gas on?! This is rule two: be careful with gas!
Two guys come out. Poems read:

You can't leave it in the apartment
The gas is on and burning.
IN otherwise, Friends,
You will have to regret it bitterly!

Not allowed over a gas stove
Dry wet clothes!
You yourself know which one
A big fire threatens the ignorant!

Baba Yaga
But I didn’t know this, Kuzenka! Now I'll know, thanks! Well, come on, give me back my hut!
No, wait. These are not all the rules you should know.

Baba Yaga
Oh, I’m tired, let’s take a rest...


You, Baba Yaga, sit down, relax, and the guys will sing us a song about how dangerous it is to play with matches.

Children sing the song " Scary game»:


I doze off matches like birds,

In the box for now,

Only small matches
Not suitable for playing.

If the spark is accidental
Will get on the carpet pile -

It might end sadly

This is a scary game.

They will burn like straw

Furniture, walls and floors,

And will remain from home
Just a handful of ash.

Don't take matches, children,

We must always remember

It might end sadly

This is a scary game.

Baba Yaga

Well done! Enlightened grandma. I remembered everything about the stove and gas stove. But how can I deal with electrical appliances now?


We will help you now. Tell us what electrical appliances you have.

Baba Yaga

Heating, cooling, music and dance, digestive, speaking, boiling, ironing….


Wait, wait, Baba Yaga, I don’t know such devices.
Guys, tell me, what electrical appliances do you know?

The children answer.

That's right, guys. A television, tape recorder, video recorder, electrical receiver, computer, refrigerator - these are all non-heating electrical appliances, and children can use them. Of course, carefully, with caution. And if the parents allow it. And there are dangerous electrical appliances - heating ones. These are: various electric stoves, electric kettles, electric samovars, heating pads, irons. Children are prohibited from turning on such devices. Listen to what can happen if you handle your iron incorrectly.

A child reads the poem “The Case of Grandmother”:

Great-grandmother Sasha is seventy years old,

This great-grandmother has no memory:

I turned on the iron and went to the store;

The iron was left completely alone.

But it’s boring to just stand like that:

“I can’t stand it anymore,” he says, “I can’t!

I'm just burning, I'm heating up like a furnace

I want to set something on fire urgently!”

And everything he could reach

The hot iron slowly burned...

Great-grandmother had to spend the night with friends:

An angry iron burned down half the house!

Here I have pictures - cards depicting various electrical appliances. Now I will show them to you, and you will say whether these devices are heating devices or not.And you, Baba Yaga, look and remember.
The presenter shows pictures: TV, computer, electric samovar, hair dryer, electrical receiver, refrigerator, toaster, heating pad, vacuum cleaner, electric boiler, microwave oven.


Remember Baba Yaga? And now I propose that you guys show our guests how dexterous and skillful we are. Let's play the game: "Two circles." And you, Baba Yaga, play with us.

Progress of the game: children pick up cards with images of various electrical appliances and stand in one line. The music plays and the children scatter in all directions. When the music ends, children need to line up in two circles. Children stand around a red ball with pictures of dangerous heating objects; around the blue are not heating. Baba Yaga stands up incorrectly for the first time. The children correct her. The second time Baba Yaga stands in the circle correctly.


And now, Baba Yaga, listen to the rules that you must remember very well.

The guys come out and read poetry.

Guys, remember that

That you can't joke with fire

Who is careless with fire?

That one fire is possible.

Don't touch the matches!

There's fire in the matches!

Don't play with a match, my friend,

Remember, you, she is small,

But from a small match

The house might burn down.

Near the house and barn

Don't you dare start a fire!

Maybe there's a big problem

For buildings and people.

If you want to save your property

Don't leave when the stove is heating up!

When the stove is left unattended -

One ember can set your house on fire.

Be careful with gas

Gas can cause a fire!

Do not dry clothes over gas.

Everything will burn at once!

If the fire is weak, quickly

Fill it with water.

But don’t you dare pour water

Where there is electricity

TV and iron,

Mixer and socket


Little kids.

Iron your shirt and trousers

The iron will always help you,

Hands must be dry

And the wires are intact.

Know, any wires

Damaged - trouble!

After all, they are too dangerous -

Closing like a flash!

Give this advice to your friends

Simply everyone can:

When leaving, turn off the lights

And the devices too!

Let every citizen remember

Firefighter number - 01!


If, guys, we follow these rules, then trouble will never happen to us.

Baba Yaga

But I heard that there are also such things... fizzers! They put out the fire in no time! They sizzle and simmer, they sizzle and simmer... I really need this kind of sizzler for my favorite hut!


Yes, not a fizzer, but a fire extinguisher! Indeed, every home should have a fire extinguisher. They extinguish the fire with foam or special powder. And now a fireman I know will come to our holiday with his team and tell us what a fire extinguisher is.

The guys, led by the Fireman, enter the hall. Performing “Song of Young Firemen”:

We're going, we're going, we're going,

Fearless friends

Let's hurry to helping people,

And we can’t hesitate!

It's not easy to live

To the country's firefighters,

And the song says,

About how important we are.

Chorus: And now we will sing to you:

Don't joke with fire!

It is dangerous to burn matches

Let's explain clearly.

To avoid trouble:

Don't take matches!

And if trouble happened,

So don't get lost,

Call the firefighters -

They will come to you.

Brave guys

They will come to your aid,

IN dangerous road

Take water with you!


Baba Yaga, you wanted to know what a fire extinguisher is. Look, that's what he is! (Shows everyone the fire extinguisher)

If there is a fire extinguisher,

The intruder will be found.

The fire will not escape us,

Everything will be extinguished by foam gas.

But only adults can use it! Take, Baba Yaga, a fire extinguisher for your hut!

And I want to ask the guys:

-Who, upon hearing the smell of burning, reports a fire?
Children: It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!
-Which of you, noticing the smoke, says: there is a fire, we are burning?
-Which of you plays tricks with fire in the morning, evening or afternoon?
-Who, sensing gas in the apartment, will call 04?
-Who doesn’t light fires and doesn’t allow others to?
-Who, children, hides matches from their little sister at home?

Well done boys! You answered the questions correctly. And I am sure that trouble will never happen to you. And now it's time for me to go.

The fireman leaves, the Hut on Chicken Legs enters the hall, led by Kuzya on a string.


Baba Yaga, look who's coming!

Baba Yaga

What a joy! She's back, dear! Now I will follow all fire safety rules! I have a gift for you too.

He gives her a fire extinguisher.

Oh, in such joy we will dance here with you!

You guys, stand in a circle and start with us!

Children, Baba Yaga, Izbushka are dancing to the song “Baba Yaga” by T. Morozova.

Baba Yaga

Well, guys, now I'm happy and joyful again! It was you and Kuzya who brought back my joy! Thank you! Well, now it’s time for us to go to the fairy forest! Let's go, my dears!

He pulls Izbushka by the rope, she resists. Baba Yaga asks Kuzya to help her. Then he pretends to be discussing something with the hut, then announces that the hut has a surprise for the guys. The door opens, Baba Yaga takes out gifts for the children. They say goodbye and leave.


So, guys, our holiday has come to an end. We taught Baba Yaga fire safety rules, brought back her joy and, I think, our Holiday of Joy was a success. You agree with me? Let's say “See you again” to our guests and go to the group.

The children leave the hall to the music.

Program content:

  • Teaching children to navigate problematic situations;
  • To form in children basic knowledge about the dangers of pranks with fire and its properties;
  • To cultivate an understanding of the need to behave correctly in the event of danger, to provide all possible assistance to those in trouble;
  • Consolidating children's knowledge about dangerous situations, causes of fire and rules of conduct in case of fire;
  • Development of curiosity, memory, logical thinking.

Lesson objectives:

  • Introduce children to the properties of fire;
  • Summarize children's knowledge about the various uses of fire for human life;
  • Focus on the fact that it was man who made fire necessary for life.

Equipment. Containers with water, sand, earth, matches, illustrations to familiarize children with fire safety rules, balloon.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, there is a chest on our table. We don't know what's in it. Let's open it. (There is a matchbox in the chest.)

The teacher reads a poem:
There are boxes in front of us,
It looks like a tower
An evil wizard lives in it,
Dissatisfied, hiding his gaze,
The naughty ones are waiting for the guys.
As he begins to ask them:
“Can I be friends with you?
I'm a cheerful light
The box has become too small for me!
Is it difficult to take a match?
Let me go for a walk?
I will run and play pranks,
I can make everyone happy!”
Very cunning light!
But the guys don’t know
That you can’t be friends with someone like that,
Matches are hidden for a reason!

Educator: Tell me what kind of fire it is. That's right, fire is bright red or orange, it's very hot.

Children's answers: fire gave people warmth, light, and protected them from wild animals.

Educator: Fire cannot live without smoke. Try to guess the riddle.

The red bull lies on the ground,
Blue bull - reaches for the sky.

Children: The red bull is fire and the blue bull is smoke.

Educator: Did you know. What in ancient times primitive people Were you afraid of fire and didn’t know how to “tame” it? At night they hid in deep caves, covered themselves with the skins of wild animals and trembled with cold and fear, because they did not have a fire. Which would keep them warm. They could not fry meat or bake cakes, nor could they use burning branches to drive away predatory animals. However, primitive people often saw how, during a thunderstorm, lightning struck a tall old tree, and it caught fire. When the tree burned, only a handful of black ash remained.

Educator: Why, guys, is the light cunning and evil? After all, he is so small. Before you have time to light a match, it goes out. And one match can cause a fire. It’s a pity that not all the guys understand this; they play with matches. This is where the evil wizard catches them.

Educator: Look closely at this poster. (Image of a house fire.) What is shown here?

Children's answers.

Educator: Children, tell me, what caused the fire?

Children give various options answers:(from careless handling of matches, from improper use of electrical appliances and heating stoves, carelessness, negligence in handling burning objects and flammable materials).

Educator: Now tell me, how can you make fire? (matches, lighters, gas stove).
— Fire can be big and small, dangerous and useful. Why do people make a fire? Why do we need fire?

Children: to keep warm, cook food, burn garbage, etc.

Educator: And now I propose to play the game “The Benefits and Harms of Fire.”
- Why do we say that fire is our friend?

Children's answers.

Educator: That’s right, fire is our friend: factories need it for smelting metal, factories need it to operate machines, schools, kindergartens need it for lighting and cooking. What harm does fire cause?

Children: things, apartment, house, forest can burn; fires happen from playing with matches, lighters, from leaving electrical appliances on, or gas stoves on.

The teacher organizes the game “If there is a fire.”

Children stand in a circle. The teacher has a red balloon in his hands. The player must quickly say the last word poetic line and pass the ball to another.

Previously, if there was a fire,
The signal balloon soared high
This red ball is not without reason
Called firefighters to fight (fire)

Where people are careless with fire,
There a ball will rise into the sky,
There will always be a threat to us
Evil fire - (fire).

(The child passes the ball to the person standing next to him.)

One two three four
Who has a fire (in the apartment)?
Smoke suddenly rose in a column
Who didn't turn off (the iron)?
A red glow ran
Who (played) with matches?
The table and cabinet burned down at once
Who dried clothes over (gas)?
The flame jumped into the grass
Who burned (the leaves) near the house?
Who threw it into the fire?
Unfamiliar (objects)?
Remember every citizen
This number is (01).

I saw smoke - don’t yawn
And the firefighters (call)!

Educator: And now, children, we will conduct an experiment with fire.

The teacher lights candles on a metal tray.

Educator: When we lit the candles, what did we see? (Ogonyok). It is bright, beautiful, and attracts attention. Do you think it's possible to touch it? (No) Explain why? (You may get burned. If you accidentally drop a candle on the carpet or floor, a fire may occur.) Yes, indeed, fire is a bright, attractive element, but at the same time very dangerous.

If fire becomes dangerous, how can a person cope with it? (It needs to be put out) What is fire afraid of? (Water, snow, sand, earth).

Let's check the correctness of your statements. We store material in containers that is used to extinguish the fire. Do you recognize them? (Yes). Let's conduct an experiment: pour some water on a burning candle. (The child follows the teacher’s instructions.) What's happening and why? (The fire went out because he is afraid of water).

Similar experiments are carried out with other materials: sand, earth, snow.

Educator: Tell me, guys: when we can’t put out the fire on our own, what should we do?

Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, we're calling the fire brigade.

Educator: Now let's play. Find the “fourth extra” object in the pictures. /Smoking cigarette, electric welding spark, glass of water, electric stove/.

Educator: Now guess the riddles:

1) He is beautiful and brightly beautiful
But it is burning, hot, dangerous! (fire)

2) It gives warmth and light,
No need to joke with him, no! (fire)

3) If smoke billows out,
The flames beat in tongues,
And fire is everywhere, and heat
This is a disaster...(fire)

Educator: Now we will play the game “Talking on the Phone”. And let's repeat the rules for calling firefighters.

Children play a game and learn the rules for calling firefighters.

Educator: Let's repeat... Simple fire safety rules must be strictly observed in your home.

Children's answers:

  • do not turn on the iron or other electrical appliances without an adult;
  • do not leave electrical appliances (iron, burner) on after working with them;
  • Do not cover electric lamps and other electric lamps with paper;
  • Do not use gasoline to light the stove;
  • do not play with sparklers, lighters, firecrackers, even in new year holidays;
  • you cannot play with matches;
  • don't approach gas stove;
  • do not put objects into the socket;
  • in case of fire call -01.

Educator: Well done boys! We remembered the fire safety rules. And now I invite you to draw objects that could cause a fire (children draw on sheets of paper).

Target: Reinforce fire safety rules.

Form: lesson-game

During the classes

1 .Org.moment

2 . Introduction

A student reads a poem:

It's always different
Amazing fire.
Then an ugly brawler,
That's the quietest of the quiet ones.
Then he's a hurried snake
Slips on dry grass
That shaggy red mane
Blazes at dawn.
Yes, there are different types of fire:
Pale yellow, bright red,
Blue or gold
Very kind, very evil.

3. Problem situation

4 . Fire is one of nature's greatest wonders

with whom man became acquainted at the dawn of his existence. Fire gave people warmth and light, protected them from wild animals, and was used for cooking and making tools.

People have learned to make and store fire. Thanks to fire, humanity penetrated into space.

5. However, when fire gets out of control, it turns into a terrible disaster.

– What a disaster a fire can become when it gets out of control. Fire

-What is a fire? (definition from the explanatory dictionary)

Fire– uncontrolled combustion process, accompanied by destruction material assets and creating a danger to life.

6 . Information sheet.

Fire has long been man's friend. Our ancestors considered him a living being. He was worshiped. He helped them fight for existence.

Years and centuries passed. Gradually people got to know fire better and it lost the power of a deity. But he never stopped being a friend and helper. The power of the fire-friend is great, very great. But if its power is handled carelessly and unwisely, then fire can become a terrible, insidious enemy!

There are approximately 5 million fires a year on our planet. Every 5 seconds a new fire breaks out. Their number is growing. Fire, the enemy, has left its mark in the history of all eras and peoples. Thousands of cities and villages disappeared in giant flames. Millions of lives were lost. To prevent this from happening, you must handle fire carefully.

– What causes the fire?

7 . Staging "Sliver"

(We need models of the stove and woodpile)

Narrator: One day they chopped firewood in a peasant's yard and put the wood chips in a bucket. But one very curious piece of wood jumped out and went to inspect the house. He looked at the stove door and saw that there was a black coal there, smoking slightly.

Sliver: Who are you, where did you come from?

Ember: I am birch.

Sliver: What kind of birch are you? You don't look like her at all!

Ember: This is what I have become now, but before I was a birch! Come with me and lie in the oven.

Sliver: I won’t go into the oven, the fire lives there. Better come with me and lie down in the woodpile. It's dry and warm there.

Narrator: And that’s what the coal needs. A sliver of coal led to the woodpile, and they climbed into the very middle. We lay down in the very middle. The coal leaned its hot side against the wood and began to set it on fire. The wood chips burned down along with the wood. And instead of a birch woodpile, only smoldering coals remained. And who knows, maybe one of them is that restless, stupid sliver.

What is the main cause of fires?

Causes of a house fire: Students express their opinions

Causes of home fires

Conclusion: The main cause of fires is careless handling with fire.

8 . If a fire is allowed to occur, the fire brings great disasters.

Destroys all living things in its path. And the worst thing is people are dying! Every year, 30-40 children die in fire (that’s an entire class), and at least 100 receive injuries and burns.

If you get a burn...

– Doctor’s speech

  • Place the burned area under running cold water.
  • When the pain subsides, apply a clean, dry bandage.
  • Consult your doctor.
  • If bubbles have formed at the burn site, they should never be opened.
  • If the burn is severe, then before the doctor arrives, the victim should be given warm tea and covered warmly. In case of shock, give him 20 drops of valerian tincture.

Now let’s check if you know what to do if...

9. Riddles

Come on, guys, don't yawn,
Answer in unison.
A coal fell on the floor,
The wooden floor was on fire.
Don't look, don't wait, don't stand,
And fill it with... (water)

If little sisters
Lighting matches at home
What should you do?
Matches right away... (take away)

Got hot if suddenly
Electric iron,
What should you kids do?
Remove the plug from... (socket)

If suddenly a fire broke out,
You are obliged at that very moment
Call the fire department,
About the fire... (report)

Every citizen knows
Firefighter number... (01)

Who is careless with fire?
There's a risk of fire there,
Children remember
That you can’t joke with... (fire)

10. Quiz

All students are divided into 4 teams.

Exercise 1

Solve the crossword

  1. shines and burns
  2. liquid fire extinguishing agent
  3. solid product to extinguish fire
  4. household appliance, which when turned on can cause a fire
  5. How do you supply water during a fire?
  6. fire engine signal
  7. where do they get water to extinguish a fire?
  8. main means of fighting fire

(answers: 1. flame; 2. foam; 3. sand; 4. iron; 5. hose; 6. siren; 7. well; 8. water)

Task 2

Put it in order

  • Saving people
  • Hospital
  • Service call 01
  • Salvage
  • Firefighting
  • Providing first aid

Task 3

Find a match

Task 4

Tell me

Task 5

Draw a logo

  • Don't touch the matches -
    There's fire in the match
  • 01 single phone
    Firefighters and rescuers
  • Let him remember
    Every citizen
    Firefighter number 01

11. Based on the results of the quiz, students are given reminders:

If there is a fire in the house.

Rule 1. If the fire is small, you can put it out immediately by throwing a thick cloth or blanket over it or pouring a bucket of water.

Rule 2. If the fire does not go out immediately, immediately run away from the house safe place. And only after that call fire service by phone 01 or ask an adult about it.

Rule 3. If you can't escape from a burning apartment, call by phone 01 and tell the firefighters the exact address and number of your apartment. After that, call passers-by from the window for help.

Rule 4. In a fire there is much smoke more dangerous than fire. Most people in a fire die from smoke. If you feel like you are suffocating, squat down and crawl towards the exit - there is less smoke below.

Rule 5. While waiting for the firefighters to arrive, do not lose your head and do not jump out of the window. You will definitely be saved.

12. Summary



students draw their own conclusions

13 . The lesson ends with ditties

We, cheerful girlfriends,
We'll sing ditties for you,
And in the meantime let's touch on
Fire safety topics.

My brother is a smoker,
I'm afraid I'll burn with him.
I'm his fire extinguisher
I'll give it to you on your birthday.

At Matryona's house
The son of Erem distinguished himself.
He was playing around with matches
And he set the apartment on fire.

Zina turned on the stove once,
Well, I forgot to turn it off.
So as not to cause a fire,
Turn off the electric oven.

I say: “Aunt Masha,
Be careful with fire -
The house and the porridge will catch fire,
And then the house will burn down!"

One day Ivan lay down
With a cigarette on the sofa.
As a result, early in the morning
No Ivan, no sofa.

Eh, I wish I could douse them once,
These violators
From head to toe
From a fire extinguisher.


Conversation with middle school children preschool age

Purpose: prevention of fires and deaths of children, training them in fire safety measures.

Introductory part

Hello guys! I am glad to welcome you. Today we will talk to you about fire. And we learn that he can be both good and evil

Everyone knows: the man without fire

Doesn't live a single day.

In the fire, as in the sun, it is light,

It's warm during the fire and in winter.

Look around, guys:

Fire is our everyday friend.

But when we are careless with fire,

He becomes our enemy.

Main part

The history of fire

How did man learn to handle fire? Fire appeared in ancient times, when people lived in tribes in caves, dressed in animal skins, hunted animals and ate raw meat. They saw fire only during a thunderstorm, when dry trees caught fire from lightning. People were afraid of fire and fled from it in horror. But one day, on the edge of a forest set on fire by lightning, the bravest ancient man picked up a burning branch. A fire was made from her. This is how a man got a hand-held fire, which became his faithful friend and assistant. The fire dispersed the darkness - and along with it, fear. The most formidable animals - lions and tigers - were afraid of him, and when people were sitting around the fire, the animals did not dare to approach them. The fire warmed a person, gave him warmth. Later, people learned to cook food over a fire - they fried meat, baked potatoes...

When people began to build houses, they always installed stoves where they lit a fire.

And now we continue to use fire. And today he helps people in their daily work.

Conversation with children on the topic “Good fire, evil fire”

Teacher: How does fire help us? What do we use it for?

Children: possible options answers (We cook food on fire, warm houses, use it as decoration, when we light candles, for lighting...)

Teacher: But a fire can get out of a person’s control: a candle overturned, a hot coal fell out of the stove, a thrown cigarette butt began to smoke... What could happen?

Children: Fire.

Definition of fire

Teacher: What is a fire? Let's try to define fire.

Children : when something is burning (children give possible answers).

Teacher : Guys, think about it, a fire is also a combustion, but you can’t call it a fire. How is a fire different from just a fire or a bonfire? What happens during a fire, how is it dangerous for people, their homes, and nature?

Children: possible answers from children (people get burns, injuries, die, houses and forests burn down, animals suffer, and other answer options).

Definition of the concept of fire

Teacher: So, let's define fire. A fire is a fire that has escaped the control of a person and cannot be controlled. A fire destroys houses, forests, destroys other objects, and harms human life and health.

The concept of fire hazards, first aid for burns

Teacher: For human life and health, the most terrible aspects of a fire are flames and sparks, high temperature, toxic substances from burnt objects, smoke, and lack of oxygen in the air. These phenomena are called dangerous factors fires that are harmful to health and sometimes lead to death. So, when exposed to flames, sparks, high temperature a person can get burns, suffocate from smoke, and from exposure toxic substances- get poisoned.

Often during a fire, buildings begin to collapse - bricks, beams, and other burning objects fall. They can also injure a person, lead to fractures, bruises, and hit the head.

As we have already said, you can get burned from fire. Have any of you been burned? How did you feel?

Children : possible answers from children (It hurt)

Teacher : Guys, remember, if you get a burn, you can’t put anything on the wound; it’s better to wrap the burned part of the body with a bandage or clean cloth and urgently contact an adult so that they call a doctor.

If your clothes catch fire, you cannot run - the fire will flare up more intensely. You need to fall to the ground and roll on it. The flame should go out. It is prohibited to tear off clothes from a burned body.

Teacher : That's how much trouble and sorrow a fire can bring us. Therefore, we must try to prevent its occurrence. After all, it is often the person himself who is to blame for starting a fire.

Teacher : Now, guys, imagine that autumn has come, the leaves are falling. You probably helped clean them up. Often adults, forgetting about the danger, burn leaves right next to buildings, which leads to a fire.

Teacher : On New Year We try to decorate the Christmas tree beautifully. But remember, under no circumstances should you light candles on it, since the needles of our forest beauty burn very well and quickly. It is dangerous to decorate the Christmas tree with flammable toys, cotton wool, or light sparklers near it.

Teacher: Guys, you know that the cause of a fire can be electrical appliances left unattended - irons, televisions, stoves, tape recorders, lamps. Often people use faulty appliances, which also leads to fire.

Teacher: Children's pranks with fire are one of the most common causes of fires. Children play with matches, light fires, turn on the gas, turn on electrical appliances without the permission of adults, and often remain at home unattended, starting dangerous games with fire.

The teacher sums up the topic “Causes of fires”: So, we see that fires start most often due to the fault of people, due to their carelessness and careless attitude to the fire. Therefore, we must handle fire very carefully: do not play with matches, do not light fires, do not leave candles burning, and always turn off electrical appliances.

Use fire carefully

Always be careful with him

So that it never happens

You've got some random trouble.

Teacher: Now guys, we're going to play a little.

Relay game "Find the danger."

During the game, objects are used that can cause a fire - matches, electrical appliances, lighters, sparklers, pyrotechnics, etc. As well as fireproof items: scissors, key chains, glass beads, ballpoint pens etc.

The teacher explains and shows: Your task is to, one by one, run up to the table on which the objects are lying, select the ones that are flammable and bring them to the start. At the end of the game, each participant explains his choice and describes possible situation, in which this object was a source of danger.

Teacher: Well done boys! You did a very good job today, with your answers you helped us uncover such a complex topic. We hope that our conversation will be useful to you in your life. You will be attentive and careful with fire, you will not allow trouble. Fire will only be your friend.

Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy

Tell students why fire can be not only a friend, but also an enemy for a person;

about the use of fire in everyday life;

about the causes of the fire and fire safety measures.


Progress of the lesson.

    Organizing time.


- Guys, what is a fire? Our lesson is devoted to the topic: “Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy.”

— When fire is a person’s friend, in what situations?

Fire is one of the greatest wonders of nature with which ancient man became acquainted. Fire gave a person warmth, protected him from wild animals, fire was used for cooking, making tools and hunting. Today we will learn how fire, which is necessary for humans, can also be dangerous and how this danger can be prevented.

Fire can be different: pale yellow, bright red, blue or gold. Fire is good, very evil.

    Division into teams and their names.

For our lesson we need two teams, two captains and the names of the teams.

- Guys, what kind of little lights fly into different sides from the fire? (sparks)

They are very dangerous. Why? How can you extinguish these sparks? (water)

Teams: “Sparkles” and “Droplets”

4. Riddles.

The first task is to solve riddles.

A coal fell onto the floor and lit the wooden floor.

Don't look, don't wait, don't stand.

And put it out (with water)

If little sisters light matches at home,

What should you do? Matches right away... (take away)

The ship goes back and forth.

If you stop the grief, if you make a hole, it’s the sea. (iron)

The daughters are sleeping peacefully in a wooden house.

The sleepyheads, the quiet ones, have fire in their heads. (matches)

It may melt, but not the ice.

It's not a lantern, but it gives light. (candle)

In the hut there is a hut, in the hut there is a pipe.

There was a noise in the hut, there was a noise in the chimney.

People see the flame. But it doesn’t simmer. (bake)

A midge and an aspen leg were flying.

She sat down on a haystack and ate all the hay. (match)

The house is a glass bubble, and a coal lives in it.

He sleeps in it, and when he wakes up, it lights up with a bright flame. (bulb)

A white pillar stands on the roof and grows higher and higher. Higher.

So he grew to heaven and disappeared. (smoke)

A red-hot arrow felled an oak tree near the village. (lightning)

5. Determine which poem the lines are taken from.

Much has been written literary works on the topic of fires and their prevention. Now you need to determine which works the lines are taken from.

    The sea is on fire.

A whale ran out of the sea.

- Hey, firefighters, hurry up! Help, help! (K. Chukovsky “Confusion”)

2. What is that smoke overhead? What's that thunder over the pavement?

The house is on fire around the corner. What darkness is all around!

The team is putting up the stairs. Saves the house from fire! (S. Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa”)

6. Competition “Who can complete the drawing faster.”

Not only have many literary works been written about fire safety rules, but many drawings have also been drawn. I have several parts from two drawings. But they are all mixed up. You need to collect two drawings. Whose team is faster?

7. Playing out situations.

Fire is the enemy, and often, due to negligence and failure to comply with fire safety rules, it does terrible things. Imagine that you find yourself in such a situation. What will you do?

1.You are walking down the street. What's burning? House or something else (fire). What will you do?

(immediately call an adult for help, call fire department and move away from the dangerous place)

2. A man ran out of a smoke-filled room, fell and scratched his knee. What will you do? (Help to get up, if possible, wash the wound and see a doctor. Inform adults about the fire.)

Let every citizen remember. Firefighter number 01!

— What phone number will you call to report a fire?

8. Ditties.

And now the guys, with their ditties, will remind us of the fire safety rules that must be followed in order to do this. So that fire does not become an enemy.

1. We cheerful girlfriends will sing ditties for you.

Meanwhile, let’s touch on fire safety topics.

2. It’s not in vain that people say

"There is no smoke without fire!"

In a word, nowadays it’s like this

We will sing to the topic of the day!

3.Know adults and children

You are responsible for fires!

Be vigilant always

Trouble will not come to your house.

4. Burn papers, strike matches -

These are bad habits!

Let both old and young take into account

Where there is negligence there is fire!

5. Ella played with the iron

So the tablecloth burned.

To avoid burning down your house,

Don't play with the iron!

6. The son was playing pranks with matches,

Almost burned down the apartment.

Hide the matches in a lock

So that my son couldn’t get it.

7. To avoid fires,

Know young friends.

At houses and barns

No fires allowed!

9. Physical education minute.


Koshkin's house caught fire.

The cat jumped out

Her eyes bulged.

A chicken runs with a bucket

Cat's house is flooded.

10.Complete the proverb.

Many sayings and proverbs have been compiled on this topic. I will tell you proverbs where one word is missing. You must complete the proverb with one word for the proverb to make sense.

Don't mess with (fire) - you might get burned.

Where (fire) there is smoke.

Expensive in case of (fire) and a bucket of water.

Sen does not get along with (fire).

-(The fire) cannot be put out by a tear.

Don't joke with (fire) - you'll get burned.

A (small) spark leads to a big fire.


Guys, who puts out fires? What is the name of the profession of these people? (firefighters) . This profession is very difficult, noble. Many poems and songs have been written about people of this profession. Now I’ll sing you a song about firefighters, and you sing the chorus with me.

Somewhere in this world firefighters live.

They put out fires all year long, doing work.

They always have no peace, work always calls,

People are always calling, asking for urgent help.

La-la-la-la, hard work.

Now we will play games.

12. The game is a competition.

1. extinguish the candle with water from a medical syringe. (teams compete)

2. (a drawing is posted on the board). There are five fire safety violations in this picture. Name and show them. (Whose team is faster).

3. (game for attention) I name the words, and you guys clap your hands if this word is related to fire. If it's a different word, keep quiet. (Matches, flowers, fire, coal, soup, apple, sparkle, mug, candle, bag.)


— Guys, you know how to behave in order to prevent a fire and not cause harm. Here are the tasks for each team.

1. Is it possible to touch hot objects with your hands?

2. Is it possible to make fires and burn garbage in a city or village?

3. How will you act if children play with matches in front of your eyes?

4. In what places can fires be lit? (near water)

13.Talk about your drawing.

— Guys, you drew a lot of drawings on fire theme. Who wants to talk about their drawing? What fire safety rules did you show in the picture?

14. Quiz.

- You must finish my words:

At home the pole suddenly rose,

Who didn’t turn off……(iron)

One two three four

Who has a fire in .....(apartment)

A red glow ran

Who's with the matches... (played)

— The table and cabinet burned down at once

Who dried clothes over... (gas)

The fire ran into the yard,

Who burned it there... (bonfire)

The flame jumped into the foliage,

Who burned... (grass) near the house

Who threw it into the fire?


Remember every citizen

This number….(01)

Dm saw - don’t yawn,

And the firefighters... (call)

15. Conclusion.

Thank you guys for the correct answers, for Active participation. For your work, I present you with tokens “From Young Firefighters.” Now you know that playing with fire is dangerous. I think that you will always follow the Fire Safety Rules.

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