Register of contracts: a new form of reporting on purchases carried out by certain types of legal entities. Register of contracts: a new form of reporting on purchases carried out by certain types of legal entities What is a copy of a contract

Article 4.1. Federal Law No. 223-FZ of July 18, 2011 “On the procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 223-FZ) provides for the maintenance in a unified information system of a register of contracts concluded by customers based on the results of procurement ( further - register of contracts). It is stated that the procedure for maintaining such a register is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

In pursuance of this provision of the law, on October 31, 2014, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted Resolution No. 1132 “On the procedure for maintaining a register of contracts concluded by customers based on procurement results” ( further - PP 1132), some of the provisions of which came into force on January 1, 2015. At the same time, a number of rules regarding the inclusion in the Register of documents on amendment, execution, or termination of the contract come into force on January 1, 2016.

Let us dwell on the key provisions of PP 1132 that are most significant for customers:

1. The register of contracts includes information about contracts concluded by customers after January 1, 2015. If the agreement was concluded in 2014 and will be executed in 2015, information about it does not need to be entered into the register.

2. The register of contracts does not include information and documents that are not subject to placement in the unified information system relating to procurement:

Information about which constitutes a state secret;

On which decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation were adopted in accordance with Part 16 of Art. 4 of Law No. 223-FZ.

3. Inclusion in the Register of contracts with a value of up to 100/500 thousand rubles is the right of the customer. The register includes information regarding these contracts if they are sent by the customer to the Federal Treasury for inclusion in the Register.

4. The register is maintained electronic. Ensuring the maintenance of the register in a unified information system is carried out by the Federal Treasury by generating register entries on the basis of information and documents or making changes to them. A sequential collection of register entries forms a register.

The procedure for publishing information about the contract in the UIS

After the Resolution came into force, the majority of customers faced the problem of practical publication of information about environmental protection contracts concluded after January 1, 2015 and the procedure for filling out the relevant fields and sections contained in the Register of Contracts.

Currently, the draft Order of the Ministry of Finance dated December 29, 2014 No. 173n “On the procedure for generating information and documents, as well as the exchange of information and documents between the customer and the Federal Treasury for the purpose of maintaining a register of contracts concluded by customers based on the results of procurement” ( further - Order), which details the specifics of how customers fill out information about the concluded contract, is being registered with the Russian Ministry of Justice and has not been officially published.

We believe that this Order will not undergo significant changes after registration, so customers can contact it if questions arise related to the inclusion in the Register of information about concluded contracts, as well as about their execution, modification, or termination.

Thus, in particular, the draft Order establishes the procedure for the generation of information and documents, as well as the exchange of information and documents between the customer and the Federal Treasury for the purpose of maintaining a register of contracts concluded by customers based on the results of procurement ( further - Order), and also establishes rules for the formation of information and the exchange of information and documents between the customer and the Federal Treasury for maintaining a register of contracts.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of the Procedure, the formation by the customer of information and documents included in the register of contracts is carried out using the state integrated information system for public finance management "Electronic budget", access to which is carried out through a single portal of the budget system of the Russian Federation after completing the registration procedure in the information system in the manner established for registering customers on the website

1. Thus, in order for the customer to generate information and documents included in the register of contracts, the customer, through his personal account on the website, enters the “Register of Contracts” section, after which he automatically enters the unified portal of the budget system of the Russian Federation “Electronic budget”, in which the Register of Contracts is opened.

2. In the lower field of the specified section, created and published contracts are visible, as well as a tab for creating a new contract.

3. After clicking on the “Create contract” tab, the customer is taken to the tab for filling out information about the contract, after which he fills in the number and date of the contract.

7. After filling out the information about the protocol, the customer goes to the “Information about the supplier” tab, in which he fills out all the mandatory (marked with a red asterisk) sections in which he indicates the relevant information about the supplier.

If the supplier belongs to small and medium-sized businesses, or during the procurement the customer established a condition on the mandatory involvement of co-executors from among such entities in the execution of the contract, the customer puts marks in the appropriate fields of the section.

Proper completion of these fields is important for customers who are subject to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 11, 2014 No. 1352 “On the specifics of the participation of small and medium-sized businesses in the procurement of goods, works, and services by certain types of legal entities.”

8. In addition to information about the name of the supplier, INN, KPP, the customer also fills in information using the OKOPF code (All-Russian Classifier of Organizational and Legal Forms), as well as the OKPO code (All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations.

Directory "All-Russian Classifier of Organizational and Legal Norms"

9. It is also possible to automatically fill in information about the supplier after clicking on the “Download information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs” section by filling in information about the participant’s TIN and KPP.

10. After filling out the relevant information about the supplier’s constituent data, we proceed to filling out the section on the location of the supplier.

The customer also fills in information about the location of the participant using the OKTMO code (All-Russian Classifier of Municipal Territories).

12. Next, fill out the “Information about the subject of the agreement” tab, indicating the OKDP code. The field “Quantity (volume) of goods, works, services” is filled in automatically from information about the purchase, based on the results of which the contract is concluded.

It should be noted that in accordance with paragraph 3 of the Resolution, regarding the inclusion in the Register of Contracts of documents on amendments to the contract, execution, termination of contracts, as well as a copy of the concluded contract, signed using an enhanced qualified electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the customer, the provisions of the Decree come into force from January 1, 2016.

In this regard, in this case, the customer can attach a draft contract, which is part of the procurement documentation.

15. After attaching the relevant document, information about the agreement is sent to the Federal Treasury to verify the accuracy and correctness of filling out information about the agreement.

It makes sense to recall that information about the concluded agreement is included in the Register contracts within 3 working days from the date of conclusion of the contract.

In turn, the Federal Treasury within 3 working days from the date of receipt of information and documents from the customer for inclusion in the Register, ensures verification of information for compliance with the requirements of the Resolution.

In addition, the draft Order of the Ministry of Finance contains information on documents and information that must be included by customers in the Register of Contracts when amending, terminating and executing contracts.

1. When generating information about the details of a document that is the basis for termination of the contract, the following information must be indicated::

Date of the document that is the basis for termination of the contract; number of the document that is the basis for termination of the contract (if any);

Date of entry into force of the judicial act (in the case of specifying a document that is the basis for termination of the contract, judicial act);

Date of notification to the supplier (contractor, performer) of the unilateral refusal to perform the contract (in the case of specifying a document that is the basis for termination of the contract, the customer’s decision to unilaterally refuse to perform the contract);

The date of notification of the customer about the unilateral refusal to perform the contract (in the case of specifying a document that is the basis for termination of the contract, the decision of the supplier (contractor, performer) on the unilateral refusal to fulfill the contract).

Information about the code of the reason for terminating the contract is generated in the information system automatically after specifying the name of the reason for terminating the contract.

Electronic copies of documents confirming the grounds for termination of the contract, signed with an electronic signature, are additionally attached to the information on termination of the contract.

2. If, when concluding and (or) executing a contract in accordance with Part 5 of Article 4 of Law 223-FZ, the volume, price of purchased goods, works, services or terms of execution of the contract change, when generating information and documents for inclusion in the register of contracts the following information is indicated:

Details of documents confirming agreement between the supplier (contractor, performer) and the customer of changes in the volume, price of purchased goods, works, services or terms of execution of the contract (hereinafter referred to as approval documents):

Dates of approval documents;

Numbers of approval documents (if available);

Information about changes in information about the volume, price of purchased goods, works, services or terms of execution of the contract.

Information about changes in information about the volume, price of purchased goods, works, services or terms of contract execution is generated in accordance with the rules for the initial generation of relevant information for inclusion in the register entry of the register of contracts.

When generating information about changes in information about the volume, price of purchased goods, works, services or terms of contract execution, the customer indicates the unique number of the register entry of the register of contracts, to which changes (additions) are made in the format of the structure of the unique number of the register entry of the register of contracts, approved in the prescribed manner

3. When generating information regarding the results of the execution of the contract, including payment for the contract, the following information is indicated:

code and name of the document(s) on the acceptance of the goods delivered, the work performed (its results), the service rendered, including during individual stages of the contract execution (hereinafter referred to as the acceptance of goods, works, services) provided for by the contract, taking on the following meanings:

01 - delivery note;

02 - waybill;

03 - railway waybill;

04 - air waybill;

05 - bill of lading;

06 - act of acceptance of goods;

07 - act of acceptance of goods received without a supplier’s invoice;

08 - act of acceptance and transfer of fixed assets (except for buildings, structures);

09 - act of acceptance and transfer of the building (structure);

10 - act on acceptance and transfer of groups of fixed assets (except for buildings, structures);

11 - act of acceptance and delivery of repaired, reconstructed, modernized fixed assets;

12 - act of acceptance of completed work;

13 - acceptance certificate for the completed construction of the facility;

18 - invoice for payment;

19 - invoice;

20 - certificate of completion of work;

21 - act on acceptance of materials;

22 - act on the curtain of containers;

23 - act of receipt of packaging not specified in the supplier’s invoice;

24 - act on identifying deficiencies in the work performed (services provided);

25 - act of non-performance of work (provision of services);

31 - act of acceptance (receipt) of equipment;

37 - other acceptance documents not listed above; details of the document(s) on the acceptance of goods, works, services provided for by the contract, as well as determining (their) improper performance of the contract or non-fulfillment of the contract;

The quantity of goods delivered, the volume of work performed or services provided, stipulated by the contract, in accordance with the document(s) on the acceptance of goods, works, services stipulated by the contract, as well as determining(s) the improper performance of the contract or non-fulfillment of the contract;

National code letter designation and name of the unit of measurement of the quantity of goods supplied, the volume of work performed or service provided in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Units of Measurement (OKEI);

Name and code of the currency in which payment for the contract is made; the amount of payment for the contract in accordance with the payment document; date of payment of the contract in accordance with the payment document; information about changes to the contract indicating the terms of the contract that have been changed.

When generating information about the details of the document on acceptance of goods, works, services provided for in the contract, the following information is indicated:

Date of the document that is the basis and result of acceptance of goods, works, services provided for in the contract;

Number of the document that is the basis and result of acceptance of goods, works, services provided for by the contract (if any).

The code of the document on acceptance of goods, work, services is generated in the information system automatically based on information about the name of the document on acceptance of goods, work, services.

Legislation on procurement carried out by certain types of legal entities continues to develop. In order to properly implement the main regulations in this area, Article 42 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 396-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” introduced a number of changes and additions to the Federal Law of July 18, 2011 No. 223 -FZ “On the procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities” (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 223).

Thus, on January 1, 2015, it came into force Part 4.1 of Federal Law No. 223 “Register of contracts concluded by customers”, which provides for maintaining in a unified information system (hereinafter referred to as the UIS) a register of contracts concluded by customers based on the results of procurement (hereinafter referred to as the register of contracts).

In Part 1 of Art. 4.1 of Federal Law No. 223 it is noted that the maintenance of a register of contracts in a unified information system is ensured by the Federal executive body, which carries out law enforcement functions for cash services for the execution of budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation, that is Federal Treasury. The procedure for maintaining such a register, as well as the procedure and timing for placing information and documents in it, are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Procedure and deadlines for providing information

The procedure for maintaining a register of contracts concluded by customers based on the results of procurement within the framework of Federal Law No. 223 has been established Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2014 No. 1132“On the procedure for maintaining a register of contracts concluded by customers based on the results of procurement” (hereinafter referred to as Resolution No. 1132), which came into force from January 1, 2015, with the exception of certain subparagraphs of the document, which come into force on January 1, 2016.

Please note that the need to include information and documents on contracts concluded by customers in the register of contracts applies only to contracts concluded after January 1, 2015. That is, if an agreement was concluded in 2014 and will be executed in 2015, information about it does not need to be entered into the register of agreements. This directly follows from Part 2 of Resolution No. 1132.

We also note that on the basis of Part 6 of the Rules the register of contracts is maintained electronically. Before the UIS is put into operation, a register of contracts is maintained on the official site to post information about orders in the customer’s personal account by filling out the form provided.

The register of contracts includes information on the conclusion of contracts, on changes in the terms of contracts indicating the conditions that were changed, information on the results of the execution of contracts, as well as information on the termination of contracts and other information provided for in clause 2 of the Rules approved by Resolution No. 1132 (hereinafter - Rules).

According to Part 2 of the Rules, the register of contracts also includes information about the procurement method, information about the supplier (contractor, performer), as well as information about subcontractors from small and medium-sized businesses, information and documents relating to the results of the contract (including payment) etc.

Relatively deadlines inclusion of information in the register of contracts, we note the following.

Based on Part 2 of Art. 4.1 Federal Law No. 223 and clause 2 of the Rules during three working days From the date of conclusion of the contract, customers enter the following information and documents into the register of contracts:

1) name of the customer;

2) information about the procurement method, information about the procurement, the participants of which can only be small and medium-sized businesses;

3) date of summing up the procurement results (if available) and details of the document confirming the basis for concluding the contract (if available);

4) date of conclusion of the contract, contract number (if any);

5) the subject of the contract, the price of the contract and the term (period) of its execution;

6) information about the supplier (contractor, performer);

7) information about the establishment in the contract of a requirement to involve subcontractors (co-executors) from among small and medium-sized businesses in its execution;

8) number of the purchase notice (if available).

Note also that in case of concluding agreements with subcontractors during three working days From the date of conclusion of such contracts, customers enter into the register of contracts:

1) information about the establishment in the contract of a requirement to involve subcontractors (co-executors) from among small and medium-sized businesses in its execution, including the total cost of contracts concluded by the supplier (contractor, performer) with these entities;

2) information about contracts with subcontractors, including the name, company name (if any), location of the subcontractor, its tax identification number, as well as the subject and price of the contract with subcontractors.

Regarding the procedure for including in the register of contracts information and documents relating to changes in the terms of contracts, their execution or termination, as well as providing copies of the concluded contract, we note that the obligation to enter the relevant information into the register falls on customers from January 1, 2016 (subparagraphs “g ", "h", "l" and "m" of paragraph 2 of the Rules come into force on 01/01/2016).

Thus, from January 1, 2016 for ten days From the date of amendments to the contract or execution or termination of the contract, the obligation of customers begins to form and send to the Federal Treasury:

1) information about changes in the terms of the contract indicating the changed conditions, as well as documents confirming such changes;

2) information and documents relating to the results of the execution of the contract, including payment for the contract;

3) information about termination of the contract, indicating the grounds for its termination and documents confirming such termination.

Information and documents, subject to inclusion in the register, within the time limits specified above, sent by the customer to the Federal Treasury electronic. In this case, all sent documents and information must be signed using an enhanced qualified electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the customer (clause 11 of the Rules).

It is also noteworthy that, in accordance with clause 19 of the Rules, access to information and documents on changes to the terms of contracts indicating the changed conditions, to information and documents on the results of execution of contracts (including payment), on termination of contracts indicating the grounds for termination, and copies of concluded agreements are provided exclusively by the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation (its territorial division), i.e. this information is not publicly available.

Federal Treasury within three working days from the date of receipt of information from the customer, ensures verification of the provided information and documents, as well as formation of a registry entry based on the information provided. The procedure for generating and changing a unique register entry number has been approved By Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 16, 2014 No. 149n“On approval of the Procedure for creating and changing a unique register entry number in the register of contracts concluded by customers based on the results of procurement.”

What is not included in the register of contracts?

In accordance with Part 3 of Art. 4.1 of Federal Law No. 223, information and documents that are not subject to placement in the Unified Information System are not entered into the register of contracts.

Let us turn to Part 15 of Art. 4 Federal Law No. 223, which states that the following categories of purchases are not subject to placement in the Unified Information System:

Procurements, information about the implementation of which constitutes a state secret;

Procurements for which decisions were made by the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with Part 16 of Art. 4 Federal Law No. 223.

Lists of goods, works and services, information about which constitutes a state secret, are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

In addition, the Government of the Russian Federation has the right to determine a specific procurement, information about which does not constitute a state secret, but is not subject to placement in the Unified Information System, as well as lists and (or) groups of goods, works, services, information about the procurement of which does not constitute a state secret, but and are not subject to placement in the EIS.

The following cases have been established:

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 23, 2013 No. 671-r “On approval of the list of services in the field of insurance of business and (or) political risks associated with export lending and investments, information about the purchase of which does not constitute a state secret, but is not subject to posting on official website on the Internet information and telecommunications network for posting information on placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services";

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 25, 2012 No. 1775-r “On the list of goods, works, services in the field of nuclear energy, procurement information on which does not constitute a state secret, but is not subject to posting on the official website” (with amendments and additions) .

Small volume purchases: procedure for posting information

Let us also recall that according to Part 15 of Art. 4 Federal Law No. 223 for the customer m still with the right not to post is protected in the EIS information on the purchase of goods (works, services), the cost of which does not exceed 100 thousand rubles. If the customer’s annual revenue for the reporting financial year is more than 15 billion rubles, the customer has the right not to place in the EIS information about the purchase of goods(works, services) , the cost of which does not exceed 500 thousand rubles.

These provisions undoubtedly free many customers from the time spent entering information about so-called small-volume purchases into the Unified Information System.

Part 3 of the Rules contains a similar provision. However, if the customer, in accordance with Part 15 of Art. 4 of Federal Law No. 223, a decision was made not to place information about procurement in the Unified Information System; information and documents relating to contracts are included in the register of contracts if they are sent by the customer to the Federal Treasury.

Thus, the customer independently makes a decision to include or not include in the register of contracts information about concluded contracts, the cost of which does not exceed 100 thousand rubles. and 500 thousand rubles. respectively.

Document flow procedure

In order to effectively implement Federal Law No. 223, p. Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2014 No. 173n“On the procedure for generating information and documents, as well as the exchange of information and documents between the customer and the Federal Treasury for the purpose of maintaining a register of contracts concluded by customers as a result of procurement” (hereinafter referred to as Order No. 173n). The document came into force on March 8, 2015, with the exception of some specific provisions.

Order No. 173n established that until January 1, 2016 when customers generate information and documents for the purpose of maintaining a register of contracts concluded as a result of procurement, instead of codes and names of positions of the All-Russian Classifier of Products by Type of Economic Activity (OKPD), corresponding to the names of the subjects of contracts concluded by customers based on the results of procurement, as well as contracts concluded by suppliers (contractors, performers) with subcontractors (co-contractors) from among small and medium-sized businesses, codes may be indicated and names of positions of the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities, Products and Services (OKDP).

The customer generates information and documents included in the register of contracts using the state integrated information system for public finance management “Electronic Budget” (, access to which is provided through a single portal of the budget system of the Russian Federation on the Internet.

It has also been established that when generating this information, customers use directories, registers and classifiers used in information systems in the field of state and municipal finance management in the manner established by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation (clause 16 of Resolution No. 1132).

It should be noted that Order No. 173n applies to legal relations that arose from January 1, 2015.

In conclusion, we note that maintaining register of contracts within the framework of Federal Law No. 223 n aimed at ensuring openness and transparency of procurement, and to prevent corruption and other abuses in the procurement process certain types of legal entities.

Information and documents to be placed in the register of contracts can be divided into four categories: information about the customer, information about the supplier (contractor, performer), information about the subject of the contract, as well as about individual conditions of the procurement.

Thus, legislation within the framework of Federal Law No. 223 from January 1, 2015 gave customers a new obligation - maintaining a register of contracts concluded as a result of procurement. It is worth noting that, most likely, this measure was adopted by analogy with the provisions of Federal Law No. 44-FZ of 04/05/2013 “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs”, the norms of which from 1 January 2014 provide for maintaining a register of contracts.

permitted only with written permission of the copyright holder .

We remind you that the use of the result of intellectual activity, if such use is carried out without the consent of the copyright holder, is illegal and entails liability established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and other legal acts.

It is used by participants in the contractual process to record concluded transactions and is an internal office management tool. Any transaction after signing is registered by responsible persons. After the contract has been submitted for registration, it is assigned a unique number by which it will be registered in the organization.

There is no standard form for the register of contracts, so each organization draws it up independently, based on its needs and the specifics of its activities. For simplicity, many keep a register of contracts in Excel; the form can be downloaded in our material. The register of contracts under 44-FZ, a sample of which can be downloaded in the article, includes the following information (Parts 2, 3, Article 103 44-FZ):

  • name of the customer and supplier;
  • contract price;
  • source of financing;
  • method of determining the supplier;
  • date of summing up the results of the procurement procedure;
  • object of purchase;
  • details of the document confirming the basis for concluding the contract

You can include other information in the register of contracts under 44-FZ if necessary. A register of contracts is maintained in Excel, a sample will be presented below.

What is the difference between procurement bases?

Let's figure out what a register of contracts and a register of agreements are, how to properly maintain them and how they differ from each other.

The register of contracts under 44-FZ is a database that contains information about all agreements that are concluded by customers in accordance with the norms of the Federal contract system. Please note that it is more correct to call it a register of contracts.

The register of contracts, according to the norms of Law No. 223, includes information about agreements concluded by certain types of legal entities as a result of procurement in accordance with the norms of Federal Law 223.

A register of contracts 223-FZ and 44-FZ is maintained on the EIS website.

There are exceptions, they are established by law. As a general rule, the Treasury does not submit information on purchases that constitute . Data on purchases in the amount of up to 100,000 rubles and others specified by 44-FZ and 223-FZ are also not included.

The obligation to submit data for accounting of agreements under 44-FZ is assigned to customers (or authorized persons), as well as to budgetary institutions, state and municipal enterprises. Data in the register of contracts - sample according to 223-FZ is also entered by the customer (or an authorized person).

Violation of the procedure for providing information is subject to administrative liability.

How to enter information into the database according to 44-FZ

Information and documents are submitted to the Federal Treasury through the system. You can enter it through the Unified Portal of the Budget System of the Russian Federation, but it is more convenient to do this through the government customer’s personal account in the Unified Information System.

In order to generate information about the agreement in the personal account of the Unified Information System, you must click on the “Generate information about the contract” button.

After the form for filling out registration data opens, the contractor needs to fill out the tabs step by step:

  1. General information.

This tab contains all information about concluded agreements. To fill out the form, you need to find the corresponding notice, and the main parameters will be filled in automatically.

The fields “Purchase No.”, “Unique schedule position number”, “Purchase identification code” and “Method of identifying supplier” are not available for further editing.

  1. The “General Data” block contains information about the details of the document confirming the basis for concluding a contract, the basis for concluding a contract with a single supplier or using a closed method (if necessary).

The date of conclusion and the method of indicating the price of the contract are also indicated here (selected from the values: price, approximate price value or maximum price value), as well as the presence of an advance. The price is recorded in the currency of the agreement.

Then the number of stages and the start date of the agreement are recorded.

The register entry number will be generated automatically after the information about the contract is published. The date the document was completed is also filled in automatically. After entering data into all cells, the file must be saved and checked for violations.

All information and documents entered must be signed by a person who has the right to act on behalf of the government customer.

Sample register of government contracts

We'll tell you how to fill out the register of contracts under 44-FZ; the 2019 sample is similar to the form that was used in 2018.

As already mentioned, it is maintained electronically on the “Electronic Budget” portal. If necessary, you can create and print a list of contracts in your personal account. To do this, click on the “Print form of the register of contracts” button on any of the tabs except “Preparation of information”. The form contains posted data about contracts, changes, execution or termination. Data is grouped by budget level and displayed in separate browser windows.

We offer a free download of a sample contract register in Excel for internal use. It can be used to account for agreements whose data are not entered into the UIS.

Deadlines for publication and amendments to 44-FZ

The deadline for sending information is 5 working days from the date of conclusion, amendment, termination or execution of the contract, acceptance of goods (work, services) (Part 3 of Article 103 44-FZ).

The customer is obliged to make corrections within one business day if the Treasury identifies errors during verification. Otherwise, the information will not be included in the database. Also, changes should be made as soon as possible if the customer independently discovers errors.

To make corrections in the Electronic Budget system, you need to correct fields with erroneous information, attach the correct documents, then sign and send the corrections to the system.

From 07/01/2018, the supplier’s postal address is indicated in the contract conclusion information.

After the date of sending the information to the register, the Federal Treasury sends a message to the customer within 1 hour. After that, within 3 working hours. days Treasury:

  • checks (hardware and software);
  • sends to the customer a protocol that contains a list of identified inconsistencies and the reasons why information and documents are not included in the register of contracts.

Within 1 working day, the customer is obliged to correct the comments and re-send the information.

After the date of inclusion of the register entry, within 1 business day, the Federal Treasury sends the customer an email. in the form of a notification about the inclusion of a registry entry in the contract database.

Information in the register of agreements (sample for agreements containing state secrets) is formed in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 130n dated December 23, 2013. Such registry entries are assigned a unique number.

Customers should be aware that a Government Decree is in development, suspending until 01/01/2020 the effect of paragraphs 10 and paragraphs. “c” clause 14, which defines mandatory checks of information that the customer enters into the register of contracts (a sample in Excel is available for download). Thus, the regulatory authorities will not verify the accuracy of the following information on contracts until 01/01/2020:

  • period of execution;
  • quantity of goods, volume of work (services);
  • unit of measurement;
  • execution, termination;
  • conditions for the accepted budget commitment.

How to enter information into the database according to 223-FZ

Maintaining a register of contracts under 223-FZ works like this. The information and attached documents are sent by the customer to the Federal Treasury also through the “Electronic Budget”. You need to fill out the appropriate forms in the web interface or send information from the Unified Information System, which is used to generate information.

Step 1. On the page with the list of agreements, you need to click on the “Create information about the agreement” button.

In this case, the contractor has the opportunity to use a contract template by selecting the appropriate template from the list of presented ones.

The record can also be created manually. To do this, a notice is selected, on the basis of which information about the concluded contract is generated.

Step 3. Then fill in the supplier information. Information about the contractor can also be downloaded from the lists of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

Step 4. All necessary data about the subject of purchase is entered.

Step 5. Then scanned copies of documents (for traditional procurement) or electronic documents (for electronic procurement) are attached.

The generated file must be signed by an authorized representative of the customer using an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

Deadlines for publication and corrections under 223-FZ

Data and documents must be sent to the Federal Treasury within three working days from the date of conclusion of the agreement. In case of change, execution or termination, information is entered within 10 days from the date of occurrence of these events.

If the customer receives a refusal to include information in the database, within three working days from the date of receipt of the Federal Treasury’s protocol on the refusal, he must generate the missing information and documents and (or) modify them appropriately. And then send the changed data to the Federal Treasury in the same order as the original ones.

Sample database of agreements under 223-FZ

We present the register of contracts; you can download the form in Excel below.

The rules for maintaining the register of contracts, the composition of the information included in it, and the timing of placing data in the register of contracts are reviewed by an expert from the journal “Accounting in Budget Institutions.”

The procedure for maintaining the register of contracts

The procedure for maintaining a register of contracts involves joint actions of customers and the Russian Treasury. Following the results of the contract conclusion procedure, the customer (the responsible authorized person of the customer) is obliged to enter into the register of contracts the information provided for by Resolution No. 1132. Thus, customers generate information about the concluded contract and send it to the Treasury of Russia. A unified form for sending such information has not yet been approved; Resolution No. 1132 defines only a list of data and documents. In turn, the Russian Treasury checks the information and documents provided. If, as a result of the audit, no violations are identified, the Treasury of Russia creates a register entry and assigns a unique identification number to the agreement.

The register is maintained electronically. Before the unified information system in the field of procurement is put into operation, it is posted on the official website. The question of the technology for further interaction between the customer and the Russian Treasury remains open. We can assume two scenarios:

  1. Customers generate data in any form and send it to the Russian Treasury through the official website.
  2. To unify the information provided, a standard interface form for the register of contracts will be developed and implemented. Accordingly, customers will fill out the proposed fields step by step, and the Russian Treasury will automatically check and compare the correctness of filling in all fields, while the register entry will be automatically entered into the register of contracts.

Resolution No. 1132 determines what information about procurement under Law No. 223-FZ is not included in the register of contracts. Firstly, this is information about concluded contracts that is not posted in a unified information system (for example, information about the purchase of goods, works, services, the cost of which does not exceed 100 thousand rubles). Secondly, information on the procurement of goods, works, services and the conclusion of contracts, which constitute a state secret, is not entered into the register of contracts.

The data that needs to be placed in the contract register can be divided into four groups: information about the customer, information about the supplier (contractor, performer), data about the subject of the contract and a description of the special conditions of the purchase. A detailed list of information required for the register of contracts includes:

  • customer name;
  • information about the procurement method, information about the procurement in electronic form, as well as about the procurement, the participants of which can only be small and medium-sized businesses;
  • date of summing up the procurement results (if available) and details of the document confirming the basis for concluding the contract (if available);
  • date of conclusion of the contract and its number (if any);
  • subject of the contract, its price and execution period (period);
  • information about the supplier (contractor, performer);
  • information on contracts with subcontractors, that is, on the establishment in the contract of a requirement to involve subcontractors (co-executors) from among small and medium-sized businesses in its execution, including the total cost of contracts concluded by the supplier (contractor, performer) with these entities;
  • in the case of involving subcontractors - the company name (if any), location of the subcontractor, its taxpayer identification number, as well as the subject and price of the agreement with subcontractors;
  • purchase notice number (if available).

Since the form of the register of contracts has not been determined by January 1, 2015, customers can independently develop and apply such a form. A sample register of contracts can be downloaded

Customers must enter information regarding the contracts that are concluded into the register of contracts. These conditions must be met on the basis of the legislation on the contract system - Law. From January 1 of this year, the same requirements began to be imposed on the procurement of goods by legal entities. For procurement activities, a register of contracts is maintained, which will accurately display all the necessary data on the entities entering into the contract.

Procurement reporting, or register of contracts under 223-FZ

Now those enterprises that carry out procurement must provide information on the number and value of contracts that they have concluded. Information is posted on the official website, no later than the 10th day of the month following the reporting month.

Contracts are drawn up based on the results of the purchase of goods, on purchases from a single supplier, as well as on purchases from small entrepreneurs. Information about the cost of the purchase is a state secret, but there are exceptional cases in which this information is also provided on the official website.

From the very beginning of 2015, an additional form came into force - the so-called register of contracts. Now, in fact, customers have another obligation to detail the information contained in the concluded contracts. There is also a special resolution that specifies the basic rules for maintaining the new register that has entered into force - Resolution No. 1132.

The register of contracts is similar to the register of contracts, which acts as mandatory for customers. The register receives only information about those contracts that were concluded in 2015, that is, after the project came into force, and if the contract was concluded back in 2014, but it was intended for 2015, then no data is entered into the register.

Maintaining a register of contracts

The process of maintaining a register of contracts under Federal Law 223 involves the actions of customers, as well as the treasury, when the customer enters into the register of contracts all the information specified in the resolution. Thus, the customer generates information about the concluded contract, which is subsequently sent to the treasury. There is no specific form for sending this information yet, but the list of documents that will be received has already been approved. The Treasury checks all documents within a certain period of time, and if there are no violations, then a register entry is created, and the contract receives its own individual number.

The register is maintained electronically, and in order for uniform information to be put into operation, all necessary information is posted on the official website. All that remains is to resolve the issue of further action by the customer and the Treasury, and in this case there are two options for how events will develop:

  1. Customers will independently generate data and then send it to the Treasury through the website.
  2. Development of a special contract register form so that each customer can fill out the fields step by step, and then comparison and verification of the authenticity of the documentation will occur automatically.

DO NOT need to be included in the register

The resolution talks about what information does not need to be included in the register of contracts.

  • information about contracts that cannot be placed in a single system, so it can be any kind of information about procurement;
  • information about those procurements that constitute a state secret.

Data groups in the registry

In general, the data that takes place in the register of contracts can be divided into 4 groups.

  • information that characterizes the customer himself;
  • information that will provide information about the supplier;
  • subject of the contract, data about it;
  • a description of the conditions under which the purchase takes place, as well as some circumstances provided for by the contract.

The register MUST be entered

If we talk about a detailed list of information for the register of contracts, then it should include several main points: the name of the customer, the procurement method and the circumstances according to which it was selected, the date of summing up the purchase results, as well as the date when the contract was concluded, the contract number, if there is one, subject of the contract, price, information about the supplier. The contract also contains information such as information about contracts with subcontractors, and at this stage it is implied that the contract establishes requirements for the involvement of small and medium-sized business subcontractors in the execution. The total number of contracts concluded by the contractor with other entities is also indicated. This information is indicated if necessary. Also, if subcontractors are involved, information about the company name (if any) is entered into the contract, as well as information about the location of the subcontractor. There is also the price of the contract with the subject of the contract with subcontractors.

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