Sales registration. How to justify a zero rate. "1C": report for a store on retail sales

An individual entrepreneur sells goods to Belarus using the patent taxation system. What documents should he provide to the buyer and should he report to the tax authorities? indirect taxes? Activities include trade, shop, fishing and hunting.


The documentation procedure depends on whether the goods are sold wholesale or retail.

An individual entrepreneur, within the framework of the patent taxation system, can only sell goods at retail. At the same time he is in mandatory must provide the buyer with a cash register receipt or form strict reporting to confirm payment for the goods. When selling goods, an entrepreneur can register sales receipt or invoice.

From paying VAT and reporting on this tax individual entrepreneur released.

Wholesale sales of goods are subject to taxation under the general or simplified taxation system; the patent does not apply to these operations. In this case, you need to draw up an agreement, an invoice for the shipment of goods and other documents, if they are provided for by the terms of the agreement.

If the goods are exported within the framework of the customs export procedure, the entrepreneur who pays taxes within the framework of the general taxation system when performing this operation must make tax return for VAT and document the fact of export.

What taxes and contributions must be paid under the patent tax system?

Tax exemption

An entrepreneur under the patent tax system is exempt from paying:
- VAT (except for VAT on the import of goods and when carrying out transactions under contracts joint activities, trust management property or under concession agreements);
- property tax individuals(only in relation to property that is used in entrepreneurial activity, to which it applies patent system, );
- Personal income tax (only in relation to income received from business activities in respect of which the patent tax system is applied).

An entrepreneur may use, in business activities in respect of which the patent system is applied, property from an approved regional authorities, as well as objects formed, in particular, as a result of the division of such real estate, which are subject to inclusion in this list.

In relation to such real estate, the entrepreneur is obliged to pay property tax for individuals.

What kind of trade is considered retail?

Situation: In what cases can the sale of goods to another organization (entrepreneur) be considered retail trade th

The sale of goods is recognized as retail trade, provided that the buyer will use the purchased goods not for business purposes, but for personal purposes(). However, the law does not oblige the seller to control the subsequent use of the purchased goods by the buyer (). It follows that the category of the buyer does not affect the recognition of the transaction as a retail transaction. An organization (through a representative) can also purchase goods at retail, for example, to support its activities (office equipment, office furniture, vehicles etc.). In order for the sale of goods in this case to be considered retail, the following conditions must be met:

  • the selling organization is engaged in retail trade;
  • the product sold can be used for personal purposes (i.e. it is not a trade item, cash register equipment);
  • a representative of the purchasing organization does not require an invoice or delivery note to be issued;
  • The seller organization issues a payment document to the buyer.

Such clarifications are contained in letters from the Ministry of Finance of Russia, and. The position of the financial department is supported by the court ().

Situation: in what cases is the contract retail purchase and sale must be concluded in writing

Transactions of organizations among themselves, with entrepreneurs and citizens must be concluded in writing (). However, if the transaction is executed at the time of its execution, then written contract not required (). Consequently, the sale of goods may not be formalized by an agreement.

A retail purchase and sale agreement is considered concluded from the moment a cash receipt, sales receipt or other document confirming payment (for example, a strict reporting form) is issued to the buyer (). These documents confirm the conclusion of a retail purchase and sale agreement. That is, as a rule, a retail transaction is executed upon its completion, so it can be concluded orally. However, if the moments of transfer of goods and payment do not coincide (for example, a deferred payment is granted), then a written agreement must be concluded.

In some cases, a retail purchase and sale agreement must be concluded in writing, regardless of other conditions:
- when selling goods by samples or remotely ();
- when selling multi-volume books to citizens periodical coming out separate volumes(Rules approved).

Cash trading

When selling goods at retail for cash (or using payment cards), issue and issue to the buyer cash receipt. These are the requirements Civil Code RF and Article 2 of the Law of May 22, 2003 No. 54-FZ.

When conducting individual species activities when trading goods, a cash receipt may not be issued. These types of activities include, in particular:

  • providing meals to students and staff in educational institutions;
  • trade at markets, fairs, exhibition complexes;
  • trade in kiosks of ice cream and soft drinks on tap;
  • sale of tea products in passenger carriages of trains.

A complete list of activities for which a cash receipt may not be issued is established in Article 2 of Law No. 54-FZ of May 22, 2003. In addition, when conducting activities subject to UTII ().

Attention: for non-use in established by law cases of CCT ().


In addition to a cash receipt, a sales receipt () can serve as confirmation of the conclusion of a retail purchase and sale agreement. In most cases, issuing a sales receipt is not necessary, but is possible (for example, at the buyer’s request).

A sales receipt must be issued upon sale. the following products to the population:

  • at peddling trade, with the exception of food products(Rules approved);
  • textile, sewing, knitting, fur products(Rules approved);
  • technically complex goods household use, for example, household radio-electronic equipment, communications equipment, photographic and film equipment, musical equipment, electrical household appliances, etc. (clauses and Rules approved);
  • cars, motor vehicles, trailers, numbered units (Rules approved);
  • precious metals And precious stones(Rules approved);
  • animals and plants (Rules approved);
  • weapons and ammunition (Rules approved);
  • building materials and products (Rules approved);
  • furniture (Rules approved).

For failure to issue a sales receipt when selling goods, the release of which is necessarily documented by this document, administrative responsibility ().

During an inspection, Rospotrebnadzor employees may impose or issue a fine. The fine is:

  • for an organization - from 10,000 to 30,000 rubles;
  • For officials(for example, the head of an organization, cashier-operator (seller)) - from 1000 to 3000 rubles.

Such rules are established by articles of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses.

A sales receipt can be drawn up in . It must contain a number of mandatory details:
- Name, serial number and the date of issue of the document;
- name of the organization (full name of the entrepreneur), TIN;
- name and quantity of paid goods (works, services);
- payment amount;
- position, surname and initials of the seller, his personal signature.

Situation: Is it possible to issue the buyer a consignment note in form No. TORG-12 instead of a sales receipt? The organization sells goods at retail

In addition, the requirement to draw up a sales receipt is one of the requirements for the sale of certain types of goods. Consequently, if the organization did not issue a sales receipt, it violated the rules of trade and consumer rights. In particular, the FAS came to this conclusion Northwestern district V .

For failure to comply with such requirements.

Situation: what documents to use to formalize the sale of goods to the public for cashless payments. For example, a citizen paid for a purchase through a bank

Issue a sales receipt and invoice.

In this case, there is no need to issue a cash receipt, but it is necessary to confirm the transfer of the goods. That’s why they issue a sales receipt ().

With an invoice, everything is not so clear. VAT payers are required to present this document, although the citizen buyer does not need it. Therefore, issue an invoice, but only in one copy. At the same time, VAT on a separate line may not be highlighted (clauses and art. 168 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, letters from the Ministry of Finance of Russia and).

What is the ambiguity of the situation? Issuing an invoice is one of the sales of goods wholesale trade th, not retail. That is, the mere issuance of an invoice can lead to re-qualification of the transaction. If the document is not completed, the seller will be charged with gross violation of the rules for accounting for income and expenses and taxable items ().

But there is a way out. In such a contradictory situation, it is necessary to prepare all documents correctly. The main thing is to show that the buyer is an individual, and not a representative of an organization or an entrepreneur. So, be sure to indicate the buyer’s full name on the invoice and issue a sales receipt. This will confirm that the sale is retail. And vice versa, by indicating an organization or individual entrepreneur in the invoice by the buyer, and also by issuing an invoice instead of a sales receipt, for example, by, you will contribute to the recognition of the sale as a wholesale one. This conclusion follows from.

It is permissible not to fill in the TIN of the citizen buyer in the invoice. The buyer himself may not know it. And despite the fact that usually the TIN is required to be entered, in the case under consideration this will not be gross violation. In an empty column, simply put a dash ( , ).

An invoice is issued for each sale, but it is not necessary to register them individually in the sales book. It is enough to issue an accounting certificate with summary data on sales for a calendar month (quarter). This is stated in.

How to document the sale of goods in bulk

The composition of the documents that must be presented to the wholesale buyer will differ from those that are usually drawn up for retail sales. For information on what kind of agreement to draw up for retail trade and what documents to confirm payments under it, read the recommendations. Read more about documents for wholesale trade.

Contract of sale

In this case, it is not necessary to create single document. You can exchange letters, telegrams, telefaxes and other documents, including electronic ones. The requirement for a contract to be in writing will be met if it can be established that the document originated from a party to the contract. For example, such an agreement will be considered correspondence between the parties, from which the intentions clearly follow to sell and buy a certain amount of goods at a certain price. Such rules are established in Article 434 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

In an agreement or a document replacing it, for example an invoice, you must indicate everything essential conditions. Namely, the name and type, quantity and price of the product. Instead of the price, the contract can indicate the method for determining it. This procedure follows from Article 432 and Article 454 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Packing list

Release of inventory items must be formalized primary document. Just like any other . This document will be the delivery note. Its form must be approved by the manager by order to accounting policy. You can use a unified one or create own document. IN the latter case it is important that the form covers everything necessary details. IN otherwise the document cannot be considered primary. This means that it cannot be used as confirmation of a completed transaction and the inspectors can withdraw expenses for it.

Make two copies of the delivery note. One for yourself - based on it, write off the goods sold. Give the second copy to the buyer.

Types of waybills

Depending on the type of transportation of goods, they use various shapes invoices confirming delivery:

  • road transport - a waybill according to, approved, and a consignment note, for example, according to, approved;
  • rail transportation- railway consignment note for;
  • shipping- bill of lading;
  • delivery by air- waybill.

If a transportation contract has not been concluded and the buyer removes the goods using his own transport, the costs of transporting the goods and the fact of its transportation are confirmed waybill car. Similar explanations are contained in.

What reporting does an entrepreneur need to submit?


Entrepreneurs on common system taxation, in addition to the reporting specified above, must submit declarations on taxes paid within the system (personal income tax, VAT, etc.).

Such entrepreneurs pay personal income tax and hand over:

Also, entrepreneurs on the general taxation system are VAT payers, therefore they must submit a declaration for this tax (Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

How to pay VAT when exporting to participating countries Customs Union

Export to the countries of the Customs Union is the export of goods sold from the territory of Russia to the territory of another state of the Customs Union (Appendices 18k). Moreover, these can be both domestically produced and imported goods.

Operations that certain conditions considered exports are named in the table below.

What is exported from Russia Place of origin of goods Where Special conditions Base
Goods - results of work under a work contract Made in Russia CU member countries The rule does not apply to goods made from customer-supplied raw materials. appendices 18 to appendices 18 to
Goods under trade credit or loan agreements Manufactured in Russia or abroad CU member countries - applications 18k
Returned unsold goods Imported to Russia from CU member countries CU member countries The purchase and sale agreement or an additional agreement to it must indicate that the Russian buyer can return to a foreign supplier goods that were not sold in Russia. Then, to confirm the zero VAT rate, you need to include this agreement (additional agreement) in the package of documents.

If Russian organization removes goods and transfers them to his separate division located in a member country of the EAEU, the object of VAT taxation does not arise. Even if in the future the division will sell the received goods in the territory of this country. Such explanations are contained in.

When to determine the tax base

Determine the tax base on the last day of the quarter in which you collected full package supporting documents (, letters

VAT rate

When exporting goods to countries participating in the Customs Union, charge VAT at a rate of 0 percent.

A Russian organization can sell goods through its branches, which are located on the territory of the member states of the Customs Union. In this case, she is also entitled to a zero VAT rate.

At the same time, the right to zero tax rate The exporting organization must confirm.

This procedure applies regardless of whether the import of exported goods into the territory of a country participating in the Customs Union is subject to VAT or not.

How to justify a zero rate

To justify the application of a zero VAT rate when exporting goods to countries participating in the Customs Union, a Russian organization must perform the following actions:

  • collect a package of documents confirming the fact of export to the countries participating in the Customs Union;
  • fill out a VAT return;
  • submit a package of supporting documents and a declaration to tax office.

What documents to collect

The package of documents confirming the fact of export to the countries participating in the Customs Union includes:

  • agreement on the basis of which the Russian seller exported goods (purchase and sale agreement, leasing, trade credit, agreements for the manufacture of goods or for the processing of customer-supplied raw materials);
  • the buyer (with the exception of export under the regime of a free customs zone or a customs warehouse) about the import of exported goods and the payment of indirect taxes or that the import of such goods is not subject to VAT (). The application can be submitted either to in paper form(in four copies), or in in electronic format with enhanced qualified electronic signature. If the application is received from the buyer electronically, then it must also contain a message about the marking by the tax office of the importing country. In this case paper application not required ().
    If information about applications is received by the tax office within the framework of certain international interdepartmental agreements, information about them must be included in the list of applications;
  • a copy of the customs declaration (if exported in a free customs zone or customs warehouse). In this case, the buyer’s application for the import of goods is not submitted;
  • transport and (or) shipping documents confirming the movement of goods from the territory of Russia to the territory of another country - a member of the Customs Union (if the preparation of such documents is provided national legislations);
  • other documents confirming the validity of applying the zero VAT rate (for example, intermediary agreements, if a Russian organization exports goods through an intermediary ()).

What documents are needed if processed products from customer-supplied raw materials are exported?

For such a situation, the package of documents includes:

  • agreement (contract) for processing of customer-supplied raw materials;
  • transport and shipping documents confirming the import of raw materials for processing and the export of processed products;
  • documents confirming the fact of completion of work (for example, an act on the processing of customer-supplied raw materials);
  • an application for the import of processed products into a country participating in the Customs Union and other documents confirming the export of goods from the territory of Russia. If information about applications is received by the tax office within the framework of separate international interdepartmental agreements, information about them must be included in the list of applications. Submit the list of applications to the tax office instead separate statements. It can be submitted on paper or electronically with an electronic (digital) signature. The form of the list of applications and the procedure for filling out are established by the Federal Tax Service of Russia. If processed products are exported to countries outside the Customs Union, an application (list of applications) is not submitted;
  • a copy of the customs declaration certified by the state - a member of the Customs Union into whose territory processed products are imported - when selling processed products in the regime of a free customs zone or a customs warehouse. In this case, the buyer’s application for the import of goods (list of applications) is not submitted;
  • customs declaration, confirming the export of processed products outside the territory of the member countries of the Customs Union (if processed products are exported to another country outside the Customs Union);
  • other documents.

The chief accountant advises: You can quickly track the receipt of copies of statements from foreign partners about the import of goods and payment of VAT on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. There is an electronic service for exporters who sell products to the countries of the Customs Union.

2.2. Documentation of sales of goods in wholesale and retail trade

Sales of goods to customers from wholesale warehouses are carried out on the basis of agreements concluded with them (Appendix D) based on previously submitted orders and applications.

Documentation of the release of goods from wholesale warehouses when they are delivered to customers by road.

Private Unitary Enterprise "Belkoopopttorg", as a rule, ships goods to retail outlets trade organizations by car. Applications and orders from buyers for the import of goods are not documented in this organization and, accordingly, are not registered anywhere.

When selecting goods, the warehouse manager of PUE "Belkoopopttorg" draws up and inserts a packaging label or specification into each container. They indicate all information about the goods and containers, signed by the financially responsible person. Each container is sealed and labeled. If the buyer identifies discrepancies in quantity and quality when accepting goods, he can identify the culprits who caused the shortage or mis-grading of goods during their packaging and dispatch.

For the goods and containers actually released from the warehouse, the PC operator issues a consignment note of form No. TTN-1 (Appendix E, G) in four copies. The second copy remains with the shipper and is intended for writing off inventory items. The first, third and fourth copies, certified by the signatures (stamps) of the shipper, are handed to the driver. The first copy is handed over by the driver (forwarder) to the consignee and is intended for the receipt of inventory items from the consignee. The third and fourth copies are handed over to the carrier.

Processing of invoices in the private unitary enterprise "Belkoopopttorg" is carried out in an automated way on a PC. The computer program for automating BFT accounting, used in the Belkoopttorg private unitary enterprise, allows you to quickly enter sales data: the operator issues a consignment note in an automated way, and the amount of goods sold and the corresponding amount of the buyer’s debt, that is, sales proceeds, are automatically reflected. Thus, promptly obtained implementation information can be used to make appropriate decisions. management decisions(the need to implement new additional purchases goods, taking measures to stimulate sales of slow-moving goods, etc.).

In the goods and waybills, the PC operators of the private unitary enterprise "Belkoopopttorg" indicate all the necessary details. Glassware is indicated on a separate line, since a wholesale markup is not charged on it. However, the disadvantage is that the Belkoopopttorg private unitary enterprise systematically violates the procedure for filling out invoices: the invoices do not contain the driver’s signature certifying the acceptance of goods for transportation from the shipper, as required by law.

In the consignment note, the accountant of the private unitary enterprise Belkoopopttorg confirms with his signature the correctness of taxation and calculation of results, the head of the organization gives permission for the release of goods and containers, and the warehouse manager confirms their release. There is no log of the transfer of goods from the warehouse to the expedition to the Belkoopttorg private unitary enterprise.

Next, on the basis of the consignment note, the accounting department of the private unitary enterprise "Belkoopopttorg" writes out payment request(Appendix I), which indicates its number and the cost of the goods supplied. It is advisable that in order to obtain prompt information about the shipment of goods, control the timeliness and accuracy of settlements with customers payment requirements registered in a special journal (the organization in question does not maintain such a journal).

An important question is the definition sales prices. Private Unitary Enterprise "Belkoopopttorg" sells goods at prices agreed with customers and including a wholesale markup in amounts not exceeding the established maximum levels. For some products, customers are provided with discounts from the established selling price.

Selling prices are recorded in the approval protocol (Appendix K), which is signed by the heads of the organizations - the seller and the buyer.

To strengthen control over the safety of goods in warehouses, fulfill the turnover plan and financial results PUE "Belkoopopttorg" organized financial reporting responsible persons.

In the private unitary enterprise "Belkoopopttorg" a commodity report (Appendix L), reflecting the receipt of goods from suppliers, internal movement, shipment of goods by buyer (indicate the number and date of the contract, the name of the buyer), cost, as well as the numbers of corresponding accounts with account 41/1 “Goods and containers in wholesale warehouses”, is compiled by the manager of each warehouse in two copies according to the document flow schedule as required accumulation of documents in automated form. Then (at the end of the month) a journal (postings) is compiled for warehouses for the month (Appendix M). Based on the data from it, at the end of the month, they receive consolidated memorial orders No. 12, 13, 13a “Goods and containers in warehouses” for wholesale trade for the month as a whole for the organization (Appendix H), which shows the amount of revenue from the sale of PUE “Belkoopopttorg” .

At the end of the month, the accountant of the Belkoopopttorg private enterprise for all areas of activity makes calculations of the realized trade markup (Appendix P), costs of goods sold (Appendix P) and VAT on goods sold (Appendix C). These amounts are summarized in memorial order No. 40 “Calculations of realized overlay and distribution costs for the balance of goods” (Appendix T).

At the end of the month, commodity reports, along with the documents and calculations attached to them, are filed in books. The second copy of the product report remains with the financially responsible person. At the end of the month, the accounting department of PUE "Belkoopopttorg" also draws up a certificate of wholesale trade turnover (Appendix U), which is also filed in the book along with commodity reports.

In order to ensure control over the availability and movement of goods, as well as to prevent abuse by financially responsible persons, PUE “Belkoopopttorg” organizes a quantitative and total accounting of inventory items in storage areas.

Documentation of the sale of goods by pick-up.

The buyer's representative accepts the goods directly from the warehouse wholesale organization. For selected products in in the prescribed manner the computer operator of the private unitary enterprise Belkoopopttorg issues a consignment note. The buyer's representative presents an identification card (passport) and gives the warehouse manager a power of attorney (Appendix F) to receive inventory items. However, shipments are often made using powers of attorney, which do not indicate the list of goods to be received, which is a violation of the instructional documents regulating the procedure for filling out powers of attorney.

The buyer's representative accepts goods based on quantity and quality, which he signs in all copies of the shipping documents.

Based on the invoices, the accounting department of PUE "Belkoopopttorg" issues a payment request (Appendix I) and together trade documents sends them to the buyer.

Documentation of the sale of goods accepted for commission. When the commission agent (PUE Belkoopopttorg) sells goods transferred to him by the principals, the sale is carried out at the approved selling prices of the manufacturing enterprises without the right to charge a wholesale markup. For the execution of the order, the principal pays the commission agent a commission specified in the contract.

Upon execution of the order, the private unitary enterprise “Belkoopopttorg” is obliged to submit to the principal a report (certificate of work performed) (Appendix X) and transfer to him everything received under the commission agreement, that is, the commission agent’s report is the primary document confirming the fact that the commission agent has fulfilled the assignment under the commission agreement.

At the end of the month, data on the sale of goods accepted for commission is systematized in memorial order No. 39 “Development sheet for acts commission"(Appendix C). Amounts received as commissions are reflected in the General Ledger.

Documentation of sales of goods in retail trade.

Selling goods for cash at PUE "Belkoopopttorg" it is carried out using cash registers. When the store closes, the store manager, in the presence of the cashier, takes readings from the cash totaling counters (receives a printout), which are recorded in the cashier-operator’s book. The control tape allows you to see the amount of revenue for the day, which is also recorded in this book.

Revenue is handed over daily to the main cash register of the private unitary enterprise "Belkoopopttorg", and it is shown in the incoming part of the report of the cashier of the main cash office on the basis of incoming cash orders (Appendix III). Sum goods sold is reflected in the expenditure part of the commodity-money report (Appendix Ш) on the basis of receipts for cash receipts. These amounts must be identical. The delivery of proceeds from the main cash desk to the bank is formalized by a cash receipt order (Appendix E).

Serious violation of requirements regulatory documents on the part of the private unitary enterprise "Belkoopopttorg" is the fact that the receipts cash orders are not regularly signed by the chief accountant, and expenses, in addition, are not signed by the director.

The commodity and cash report for retail trade is submitted to the accounting department once a week. After reporting month, as in wholesale, a journal of transactions is compiled and all data is summarized in memorial orders 14, 15, 15a “Goods and containers in retail enterprises” (Appendix U).

Since it is impossible to obtain operational data on the sale of goods in retail, as in wholesale trade, they are often entered into computer program with a delay, then the possibility of making operational management decisions based on reliable and high-quality information about volumes is excluded retail sales.

Thus, in general, the sale of goods in the Belkoopopttorg private unitary enterprise is formalized properly, however, there are some omissions: some documents are not drawn up (applications-orders of organizations purchasing goods, a log of registration of buyer orders - for subsequent monitoring of their execution, a log of the transfer of goods with warehouse for forwarding - to monitor the timely delivery of goods to customers and the return of finalized documents); the procedure for filling out consignment notes is systematically violated: there is no driver’s signature certifying the acceptance of goods for transportation from the shipper, as required by law; Goods are regularly shipped using powers of attorney, which do not indicate the list of goods to be received, which is a violation of the instructional documents regulating the procedure for filling out powers of attorney; serious violation The requirements of regulatory documents on the part of PUE "Belkoopopttorg" is that cash receipts and expenditures are not always signed by the chief accountant, and expense receipts periodically do not have the signature of the director of the organization. All shortcomings require correction and proper control in the future by the administration of the business entity under study.

1C: Retail 8 Sales management

Sales registration

Registration of retail sales is carried out using a document KKM check. Sales registration can be done directly in the list of documents KKM check or using a specialized RMK interface. The second method is convenient to use for streaming sales, when the actual sale - consulting and selection of goods - is carried out by the seller, and the purchase is processed by another employee, the cashier.

When registering sales in RMK, a list of goods is generated. The interface is optimized for creating a list of products using a barcode scanner. Also implemented quick search by the most popular fields: article, name, product code.

Pre-configured automatic, managed or manual discounts are applied to the product list. When proceeding to payment, the list of goods, according to the sales distribution settings of a given store, is divided into receipts by organization. Receipts are printed on fiscal or non-fiscal printers that are pre-configured when connecting to the program.

To provide fast processing check, the cashier can cancel the check if the buyer refuses the purchase or delay completing the check to serve another buyer. Postponed checks are stored until the end of the shift, and work with them can be resumed at any time.

Possible when paying by check various options: cash only, payment card, bank loan, gift certificate or complex look payment. Separate buttons are provided for frequently used payment types, which allows you to speed up payment processing.

In addition to the receipt for goods sold, the cashier can print additional documents: sales receipt, warranty card for goods with serial accounting, the latest slip receipt, copies of punched receipts.

Based on the KKM checks punched during the shift, when it is closed, a Report on retail sales , which is the final document for the shift. Totals by payment type are saved on separate page; The quantity of goods sold is summed up by item and characteristics. Gifts issued from the shopping cart are included in commodity part report, and those issued according to a separate list are recorded on a separate page. This approach allows you to automatically generate a document for writing off issued promotional gifts.

A shift can only be closed if there is a match accounting amount sales and control sum according to the Z-report fiscal registrar. When closing a shift, the user can analyze errors when printing checks and correct discrepancies in the data. Cash register receipts included in the report are saved in the information base for further analysis.

Returns from retail customers during a work shift, the so-called “same-to-day returns,” can be processed directly in the RMK interface using a document KKM check with surgery Return. When generating a report on retail sales, returned goods are taken into account when generating the product part of the report and are listed on a separate page of the report.

Returns from a retail buyer not on the day of purchase and returns for small wholesale purchases are made using a document Return of goods from the buyer.

Refunds to the buyer are made in accordance with the payment type of the purchase document. If payment for the goods upon sale was made with a payment card, then the payment can only be returned to payment card. Cash withdrawal Money not allowed.

The program provides approximately 30 reports that analyze sales from a variety of perspectives.

3.0" step by step reflect all retail operations. In this material we will look at the receipt of products and their movement to retail, sales in retail warehouses, sales of products at non-automated retail outlets, as well as collection or receipt of proceeds to the cash register.

NTT include trade objects that do not have the ability to supply Personal Computer, or with general information base data to establish a connection. This, for example, could be outbound trade or a stall.

Receipt of products to the enterprise

In almost all cases, in order to get into the NTT warehouse or retail warehouse, the products first arrive at the wholesale warehouse. It is then processed in this warehouse and moved to retail.

We will not describe the arrival at the wholesale warehouse, since we have dedicated a separate material to this. Just so that our further actions, here is an example of filling out a 1C document:

in the 1C program for retail

After entering 1C, it is necessary to set retail prices for products. To carry out this operation, use a document called “Setting item prices.” The latter is entered in the section named “Warehouse”. But we will generate a document based on the receipt document. First, you need to go to the previously generated product receipt document and press the button called “Create based on.” Once done, select the item named “Set item prices” in the drop-down list.

Next, a new document window should open, in which all the basic details will already be filled in. You will only need to specify the price type. Create two such documents at once so that you don’t have to return to them later. this section. In the existing documents, assign prices of types under the names “Retail price” and “”. The prices must be the same. Further, for example, we offer the document:

The key called “Change” will also provide access to special options for manipulating prices. For example, it is possible to decrease or increase by a certain percentage.

Moving products from wholesale to retail warehouses

And now the right products can already be moved from a wholesale warehouse to retail. To this end, in software product There is a document called "Movement of Goods" which is located in a section named "Warehouses".

Before making the move, you need to create two trains - one with the “Manual retail outlet” attribute, and the second with the “Retail” train type.

For this purpose, compositions are formed in the section called “Directories” - “Warehouses”.

Let's give the first of the trains the name “Store No. 2”, its type - “ Retail store" We select the price type from the directory with the name “Item Price Types”:

The second one will be called " Shopping room" The warehouse type will be “Manual retail outlet”, the price type will be “Retail”, and nomenclature group We will deliver “Products”.

In addition, we will create two documents “1C 8.3”: moving to the warehouse premises “Trading Hall” and “Store No. 2”. Documents also need to be generated based on the goods receipt document. IN in this case All that remains is to fill in the details called “Receiving warehouse” and the quantity of products:

At the end, the products will be in retail warehouses. There is an opportunity to begin processing the sale of prepared products.

"1C": report for a store on retail sales

In order to reflect the sale of products in retail, a document called “Retail Sales Report” from the section named “Sales” will be useful. First, let's prepare a sales document from a retail warehouse. The latter, by the way, is not much different from the document called “Implementation (acts, invoices).” The only difference is that the counterparty is not indicated, and it is immediately possible to reflect the proceeds from the sale itself.

To do this, select a cash register account. For analytics in 1C, you can also fill in the “DDS Movement” attribute. It will be on the cash register account. Example document:

Selling goods in NTT

In the case of sales of products in a non-automated point of sale at the end of the shift we have no information how many products have been sold. But we know exactly how much was moved from the wholesale warehouse. In order to calculate the quantity products sold, it is necessary to calculate the balance of products in the warehouse and subtract it from the receipt quantity. Let's consider an example: fifty packages of sweets were transferred to NTT, but as a result of the trade, thirty packages remained. According to this, twenty packages were sold.

In order to reflect this calculation in the software product, you need to use a document called “Inventory of goods”, which is located in the section named “Warehouse”.

After that, go to the menu called “Warehouse”, then click on the link called “Product Inventory”. And at the end, click on the “Create” button.

After this, add the item in the table and indicate the actual balance for warehouse. It is possible to use a key such as “Fill”. The deviation from the accounting quantity will be precisely our sales of products:

Once done, navigate through the document and click on the button called “Create Based on”, and then select “Retail Sales Report” from the drop-down list. Will be formed new document, reflecting the sale of products in NTT.

Reflection of retail revenue in 1C

For now, we'll just write it down, since the document won't be processed at this time. This means that it is also necessary to reflect the receipts of retail revenue in the section called “Bank and cash desk”. For example, here is the document:

Now you need to post a document named “Retail Sales Report”.

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