Adjustable pedestrian crossing. Road sign pedestrian crossing

On November 29, 2014, clauses 14.1 and 14.2 of the traffic rules were changed. The rules for driving unregulated pedestrian crossings have changed.

Previous version of clause 14.1 of the traffic rules

14.1. must slow down or stop before crossing to allow pedestrians to pass, passing roadway or those who entered it to make the transition.

There is no definition of “letting pedestrians pass” in the traffic rules and you need to think for yourself how to let pedestrians pass correctly. At the same time, your opinion, the traffic police inspector or the judge may not coincide at all.

Also, the paragraph indicates only the roadway, whereas tram rails are not roadway and there is no need to let a pedestrian on them pass.

“Carriageway” is an element of the road intended for traffic trackless Vehicle.

That is, there are obvious shortcomings in clause 14.1.

New edition of clause 14.1 of the traffic rules

14.1. The driver of a vehicle approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing, must give way to pedestrians crossing the road or entering the roadway (tram tracks) to cross.

Now not only the roadway is indicated, but also the tram tracks. The text “must slow down or stop before crossing” has been deleted.

The definition of “give way to pedestrians” has been replaced by “give way”, which is available in the traffic rules.

1.2. The Rules use the following basic concepts and terms:

"Give way (do not interfere)" is a requirement meaning that the participant traffic must not begin, resume or continue movement, perform any maneuver, if it might force other road users who have priority over him, change direction or speed.

In the new edition the text turned out to be incorrect.

14.1. The driver of a vehicle approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing is obliged to give way to pedestrians crossing the road or entering the roadway (tram tracks) to make the transition.

Please note that the highlighted text becomes meaningless if you consider that the road includes a roadway and tram tracks (if any). If a pedestrian crosses the road, the driver is obliged to yield to him within the meaning of clause 14.1, regardless of whether the pedestrian entered the roadway (tram tracks) or not.

"Road" - a strip of land or a surface of an artificial structure equipped or adapted and used for the movement of vehicles. A road includes one or more carriageways, as well as tram tracks, sidewalks, roadsides and median strips, if any.

Responsibility for not allowing a pedestrian to pass

Article 12.18. Failure to give priority in traffic to pedestrians or other road users

Failure to comply with the requirement of the Traffic Rules to give way to pedestrians, cyclists or other road users (except for vehicle drivers) who have priority in traffic - entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand five hundred to two thousand five hundred rubles.

Decision of the Supreme Court N AKPI12-205 of April 17, 2012

The decision applies to previous edition clause 14.1 of the traffic rules, but still confirms the correctness of what is written above.

Clause 14.1 of the Rules stipulates that the driver of a vehicle approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing is obliged to reduce speed or stop before the crossing in order to allow pedestrians crossing the roadway or entering it to make the crossing. Speaking about the contradiction of the contested provision with subparagraph "b" of paragraph 2 of Article 21 of the Convention on Road Traffic, Ch. indicated in a statement that it prohibits drivers from continuing to move through an unregulated pedestrian crossing if there are pedestrians on it, even if this does not interfere with the movement of these pedestrians and danger to their life and health. This statement is based on an incorrect interpretation of clause 14.1 of the Rules. The obligation of the driver of a vehicle approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing to reduce speed or stop before crossing is made dependent precisely on the need to let pedestrians cross the roadway or enter it to make the crossing. This duty does not arise in cases where there is no need to give way to pedestrians (for example, when the trajectories of a vehicle and a pedestrian do not intersect).

Thus, the contested norm is consistent with subparagraph "b" of paragraph 2 of Article 21 of the Convention on Road Traffic, which establishes that if the movement of vehicles on pedestrian crossing is not regulated by road lights or traffic controllers, drivers must, when approaching this crossing properly reduce your speed so as not to endanger pedestrians who have entered or are entering the crossing; If necessary, you must stop and let pedestrians pass.

Previous version of clause 14.2 of the traffic rules

14.2. stopped or slowed down vehicle, then drivers of other vehicles moving in adjacent lanes, can continue moving only after making sure that there are no pedestrians in front of the specified vehicle.

New edition of clause 14.2 of the traffic rules

14.2. If in front of an unregulated pedestrian crossing stopped or slowed down vehicle, then drivers of other vehicles moving in the same direction also must stop or slow down. It is allowed to continue driving, taking into account the requirements of paragraph 14.1 of the Rules.

In the new edition we see almost the same as in the previous edition. If you have violated this traffic rules point, then there is no responsibility for this. Liability under Article 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses arises only if you do not give way to a pedestrian.

Responsibilities of a pedestrian

4.5. At unregulated pedestrian crossings, pedestrians can enter the roadway (tram tracks) after assessing the distance to approaching vehicles, their speed and make sure that the transition will be safe for them.

Theory and practice

In accordance with the traffic rules, if you did not force the pedestrian to change their trajectory or speed, then you did not violate anything. The same opinion is shared by Supreme Court. In addition, the only way to reliably verify that you have interfered is by interviewing the pedestrian.

Of course, the traffic police officer sees and understands whether you have given way or not, but it all depends on the task assigned to the inspector. If his task is to draw up a certain number of protocols for good performance, then it doesn’t matter whether you fulfilled the traffic rules or not. Of course, it is necessary to fight, but you must understand everything.

DVR and witness

If you did not interfere with the pedestrian, then there is no violation. It is quite difficult to prove that you did not interfere with the pedestrian. A video recorder or a survey of a pedestrian whom you interfered with or did not interfere with can help, but in most cases the inspector will not involve the pedestrian and will not look at the recording, unless he makes sure that you do not have “hard” evidence - there is nothing on the recording it is seen.

If there is no evidence, then it is quite difficult to challenge everything in court, since there is a term “NOND SP”, which stands for “there is no reason not to trust a police officer.” And in fact, according to the law, the police officer is objective and has no interest in bringing an innocent driver to justice, unless, of course, you can prove the opposite.

Comments (21)

Nowhere and no one writes about the most important thing: about a pedestrian KILLED at an unregulated crossing. Meanwhile, traffic rules are adopted not by pedestrians, but by drivers of fancy foreign cars.

A car is precisely a weapon. A two-ton blank, accelerated to the point of INSTANTLY crippling a living person, is approaching a place where the appearance of this very still living person is very, very likely.

How to get rid of a candidate killer who is least of all interested in saving the life of a person crossing his “path”? How can I help him get away with a mild fright? For the "guy" this is the "revenue part of the budget." It is the traffic police officer who “determines” on the spot who is to blame for what. And here a pack of scoundrels appears at his fingertips - “specialists” from “jurisprudence” who turn strict and exact science exactly in the "drawbar".

The bastard in soft chairs with mandates of “people's representatives” changes the “Rules” so as not to suffer if something happens. And at the same time, to cover up the kids and relatives, who are also sometimes a little “that” and some scumbags or slaves inadvertently...

But in the description of bone fractures, the “massive” term “road accident” or “car injury” even appeared, and they directly indicate that the main cause of such injury is a road accident!

And the question is not only whether or not humanity is ready for cars and “roads”, but also whether class society is ready to preserve and protect its (namely, ITS! - that is, OWN) population.

Pedestrians would also do well to start observing traffic rules - look around and make sure that the crossing will be safe.

Alexey, first of all, the weapon is not a car, but the bad head of either a driver or a pedestrian. All road users need to look around - then there will be no one to blame.

"The rules for driving unregulated pedestrian crossings have changed"

A better start to this material would be:

The rules for driving over unregulated pedestrian crossings have changed!

Hello. Should a driver slow down before an unregulated pedestrian crossing if his view is obstructed by cars standing on the side of the road and he cannot see whether a pedestrian is walking there or not, and to what speed.

If there are no pedestrians, then you don’t have to decelerate; there is no fine for this. But you still need to be especially vigilant in such situations. It’s better to reduce the speed anyway, just in case, otherwise there will be problems in case of an accident will be very serious.

What are you reading on your carts?

“Give way (do not interfere)” is a requirement that means that a road user must not start, resume or continue moving, or carry out any maneuver if this may force other road users who have priority over him to change direction movement or speed.

And nothing else.

The traffic police won't even listen to this. The main phrase for them is “those who have entered the roadway.” The pedestrian has taken the first step onto the roadway, that’s all, he must stand up and wait until he walks towards you, maybe 40-50 meters.

Now animals have become smarter. The dog stood next to the zebra, the cars back and forth, waited until the cars stopped to let her through, only then did she cross the road. And some pedestrians rush at the zebra crossing without even looking around. These laws are adopted not for the safety of pedestrians, but to make money. For some reason these policemen always stand at pedestrian crossings. Bottom line: An adequate driver and pedestrian will always understand each other. And why do we need your concern? Traffic police, get down to business.

Essentially nothing has changed in 2019. The traffic police fines the same as before, only writers on the Internet mislead drivers. The moral is that the rules are in order to rip off the last skin from the people, and scribblers help them with this. Otherwise, how can you explain that the rules can be interpreted in any way you like? Ivan Susanin probably wrote them, but forgot that the people were not gentry.

The collection of traffic rules contains instructions for the driver and the responsibilities of a pedestrian. But without knowing the basic principles of behavior on the road, it is impossible to become a driver, and becoming a pedestrian is as easy as shelling pears. If you think that to move along the roadway without the assistance of a vehicle, it is enough to know that you can cross the road only when the traffic light is green and you should move along a pedestrian crossing - you are mistaken.

To be a completely law-abiding pedestrian requires a little more knowledge. We are not talking about intricate rules that need to be learned by heart. Traffic rules for pedestrians are quite simple and understandable - once you understand them, they will stay with you for the rest of your life. But, sometimes without even realizing it, by observing them we can save more than once human life, your own and more.

Who is called a pedestrian?

A pedestrian is any person who moves along or across the roadway without being in a vehicle. The person driving a bicycle or moped is considered a driver, and the one who rolls a vehicle next to him is a pedestrian. The principles of behavior on the road are different for both.

A wheelchair that is not equipped with a motor is not considered a vehicle. A person traveling on it is a full-fledged pedestrian. Although, for example, he must move along the edge of the roadway according to the rules for drivers - in one direction with the general flow of cars.

Purpose of the sidewalk

Sidewalks are intended for pedestrian movement along the roadway. They are usually adjacent to the vehicle traffic lane or bike path or may be separated from them by a metal fence or lawn. The safest way for a pedestrian is to move along a sidewalk separated from the roadway by a piece of land.

The sidewalk is intended for pedestrians, but in some situations vehicles can also move along it. Entry into the pedestrian zone is permitted in exceptional circumstances for vehicles belonging to road and utility companies, as well as when delivering goods. Parking in the pedestrian zone is only possible in places where a special sign is installed.

The sidewalk is not intended for cycling, but certain situation this is not prohibited by law. Such a situation is the simultaneous absence of a bicycle path and the ability to move along the edge of the roadway. Driving on the sidewalk should be on the right edge.

Rules for movement in the absence of sidewalks

Sometimes the absence of a sidewalk on a section of a country road can mean a ban on pedestrian traffic along it. This prohibition is determined by an installed road sign, which looks like a blue rectangle with a white car depicted on it. If this sign is not present, you can travel along the bike path or along the side of the road.

If there are none, the pedestrian has the right to move along the edge of the roadway. In this case, you are allowed to walk strictly in one row and only towards moving traffic. If a person rolls a bicycle or moped or uses a wheelchair, the direction of his movement must coincide with the direction of movement of other vehicles.

Moving in the dark

IN late time day, you should try to be as careful as possible. It is the pedestrian's responsibility to take care of own safety. Clothing with reflective elements will serve him well in this situation. Another option to ensure your own safety is to pick up an object with light-repellent areas. Such measures should become the rule for those traveling outside the city. Within a populated area, they can be regarded as urgent advice, but not law.

Crossing the roadway

A pedestrian crossing, which can be above ground, underground or on the ground, provides the most safe method highway crossings. Find these specifically designated areas possible according to established road signs. Increased danger, observed in the vehicle movement zone, is reduced to zero when it is used to cross it. underground crossing or a bridge.

An above-ground pedestrian crossing does not guarantee absolute safety. Violation of related rules by both drivers and pedestrians often becomes cause of the accident. The traffic rules collection describes the conditions that must be observed when moving along a pedestrian crossing.

Crossing the road along an unregulated zebra crossing

A zebra crossing is a special marking on the roadway in the form of parallel white or yellow stripes- You can only move on foot. It is prohibited to cross a pedestrian crossing on a bicycle or moped. If movement along it is regulated by a traffic light, you should focus only on it, but if it is absent, pedestrians and drivers are subject to other rules.

At an unregulated pedestrian crossing, priority is given to pedestrians. This means that a person can cross a zebra crossing at any time, and the driver must stop immediately. In some places, speed bumps are located on both sides of the crosswalk, which encourages drivers to slow down and makes pedestrians feel safer.

Mistakes at an unregulated pedestrian crossing

It is the responsibility of the pedestrian to take care of his own safety, and therefore, before crossing the zebra crossing, you should make sure that the vehicles in motion have time to slow down. An emergency situation may arise if a pedestrian appears on the road unexpectedly for drivers. Most often this happens when you are in a rush, talking on the phone, or when your view is blocked by parked cars.

A pedestrian must assess the situation on the road before even setting foot on a zebra crossing. After he takes the first step, he should make sure that nearby drivers notice him and begin to slow down. After this, he needs to confidently walk to the other side of the road, without twitching in doubt. The movement of pedestrians along the zebra crossing should be smooth and fast.

Crossing a controlled pedestrian crossing

The responsibility of a pedestrian is to cross the roadway at an intersection strictly when the traffic light is green. All vehicles are required to let a person pass crossing the road to the green light.

If a pedestrian does not have time to cross the entire zebra crossing before the traffic light changes color, he should wait for the required signal, stopping on the marking line separating the lanes. Moving along a zebra crossing or marking line when red and yellow color traffic lights are strictly prohibited.

Crossing the roadway in the absence of a pedestrian crossing

If there is no pedestrian crossing in a person’s field of vision, cross the opposite side the road he can at the nearest intersection. At the same time, pedestrian rules oblige him to cross the roadway strictly along the line of the sidewalk or shoulder, making sure in advance that approaching drivers will have time to reduce the speed of their vehicles.

If there is no pedestrian crossing or intersection within sight, traffic rules for pedestrians allow them to move to the opposite side in any direction. safe place the road is strictly perpendicular to the edge of the road. It is prohibited to cross a road other than at a pedestrian crossing if there are four or more lanes of traffic on it.

Moving in a group

When moving along the roadway, groups of people must be organized foot column. The beginning and end of such a column should be indicated by two people holding red flags in their hands. At poor visibility the one in front must hold a lit white lantern, and the one at the end of the column must hold a red one.

The pedestrian is obliged to move along the roadway in the direction opposite to the movement of vehicles, but the column does not obey this rule and moves in the opposite direction. A row of an organized column may consist of no more than four people, not including guides.

Groups consisting of children are allowed to move only on sidewalks or verges, and cross the road only at pedestrian crossings. Children can move around in the area traffic only accompanied by adults and exclusively during the daytime.

Getting in and out of the vehicle

If the boarding area for public vehicles is not equipped with a special platform, exiting onto the roadway is permitted only after it has come to a complete stop. Run to someone who has stopped vehicle from the opposite side of the road is strictly prohibited.

After exiting a bus or trolleybus, a pedestrian must walk around the back of the vehicle if necessary to cross to the opposite side of the road. However, it is better to cross the road after the vehicle has left, and even better to slowly cross the road at a pedestrian crossing or at an intersection. Moving across the roadway in places where standing vehicles are in the way good review, is highly undesirable.

Penalties for pedestrian violations

Behind traffic violation Pedestrians are subject to a fine. The more serious the violation and the consequences that follow, the greater the fine. In cases where as a result misconduct a pedestrian caused harm to someone, the court can punish the perpetrator with imprisonment for up to two years, and if the victim died, the term can double.

In practice, it is quite rare to prove a pedestrian’s guilt in an accident, since it is quite difficult to determine the speed at which he was moving and the trajectory of his movement. And the “visibility limit” of a pedestrian is a rather controversial concept. Moreover, most often it is he who receives the most serious damage as a result of his action.

However, the frequent impunity of pedestrians when violating traffic rules should not encourage them to neglect the principles of behavior on the road. After all, it is they who have to suffer the most from violation of these reasonable requirements. Inattention and irresponsible behavior on the roadway sometimes costs a pedestrian not only his health, but also his life. But even if everything does not end so sadly, the stress experienced at a dangerous moment will not be forgotten for a long time by both the driver and the pedestrian himself.

There is only one conclusion: the rights and responsibilities of pedestrians should be clearly understood by every sane person. Ignorance or neglect of them can be a very high price to pay. Crossing the road only at in the right places, exclusively at a green traffic light, showing special vigilance and accuracy on the roadway, the pedestrian thereby shows respect for own life, and to the lives of the people around us.

According to official statistics Ministry of Internal Affairs, the main reason for the majority of road accidents in the country is complete ignorance citizens of traffic rules at pedestrian crossings.

This can be partly explained by the fact that people have the right of way on such sections of highways. However, this rule does not always apply to all pedestrian crossings.

By current traffic rules, places where ground crossing of the roadway is permitted must be equipped with appropriate markings (“zebra crossing”) and signs. The absence of such designations indicates that in this place People are prohibited from crossing the road.

There are two types of pedestrian crossings, each of which has separate rules directions:

  1. Adjustable.

In addition to the markings on the road surface, such crossings have a traffic light. The latter regulates traffic this area. At the same time, according to the new rules for driving pedestrian crossings, when the green signal turns on, drivers must let people pass who have not crossed to the other side. Otherwise, the motorist will be fined.

  1. Unregulated.

As in the first case, the presence of a pedestrian crossing is indicated by markings applied to the road surface. According to the rules, the driver is obliged to stop in front of a zebra crossing if:

  • a pedestrian stepped on it;
  • did not complete the crossing of the roadway.

Moreover, the driver does not have the right to serve sound signal, thereby urging people on. This, as well as movement through the crossing while there are people on it, is punishable by fairly high fines.

Is it always the driver's fault?

Unfortunately, today many citizens are confident that if they step on a pedestrian crossing, all motorists are obliged to let them pass. This is true when crossing the roadway is not regulated by a traffic light. Moreover, some people believe that, in principle, they should be allowed to pass when they cross the road, regardless of where the traffic is taking place.

According to traffic rules, people have the right to cross highways only in places equipped with appropriate road signs and markings, or at intersections along the sidewalk line.

In other cases, citizens must be guided by the following rules:

  1. When crossing in areas not intended for this purpose, they can move only after assessing the distance for approaching vehicles and making sure that further actions not associated with danger.
  2. When driving across the highway in places not designated for this purpose, citizens should not interfere with the traffic flow.
  3. When entering the highway, pedestrians have the right to stop only for safety reasons. In other cases, they are required to cross the highway.

All pedestrians must comply with traffic regulations. They, like drivers, are also road users. This means that pedestrians are held accountable for not following the rules.

Latest changes in traffic rules

Released in 2014 new edition Traffic rules with changes that directly affected pedestrians:

  1. Zebra crossing on tram tracks.

Previously, in the traffic rules, the concept of “pedestrian crossing” was understood as a section of a highway with special markings. Now it also applies to tram tracks.

If people cross the latter in areas equipped with appropriate signs, then the tram driver, like the motorist, is obliged to let pedestrians pass.

  1. Everyone must stop before the stop line.

All drivers, regardless of which lane they were previously in, are required to stop if a person crosses the zebra crossing.

Moreover, motorists are prohibited from overtaking on such sections of the highway.

  1. New term "give way".

The current version of the traffic rules includes the term “give way”. It means the following: drivers are required to let people pass if they step onto the roadway in a specially equipped area where citizens have priority right of movement.

Congestion problem

In megacities, traffic congestion is a fairly common occurrence. Therefore, there are often cases when drivers have to stop right at a zebra crossing, although this is prohibited by the current version of the traffic rules.

According to the rules of the road, if there is a possibility that a motorist will have to brake directly on the road markings, he is obliged to warn such a situation in advance.

In other words, even if the car stops at a zebra crossing due to a traffic jam, the driver will in any case be punished in accordance with the norms of the Code of Administrative Offences.

This requirement is due to the following:

  • staying on the zebra crossing, the car interferes with the normal movement of people;
  • the car reduces visibility on the road, and therefore another driver can drive ahead at the moment when people are walking along the zebra crossing.

In both cases, there is a high risk of accidents and injuries.

It should also be noted that at a pedestrian crossing, drivers:

  • turn around;
  • move backward;
  • leave your cars (not just stop).

Pedestrian crossing is one of the special areas roads, so separate regulations apply to it.


Today pedestrian areas in order to increase safety, they are equipped with additional signs, markings and other latest inventions. In particular, these could be devices that create special animation, a separate edge with reflective properties. In addition, they began to hang directly above the zebra crossing additional sign. Also among the innovations that increase the level of safety is the widespread introduction of speed bumps installed a few meters before the pedestrian crossing.

If the driver does not allow people to pass on sections of the road where they have the right of way, then the motorist will be fined in the amount of:

  • 1.5 thousand rubles if the actions were performed at an unregulated crossing;
  • 1 thousand rubles for a regulated violation and 5 thousand rubles for a repeated violation.

A pedestrian crossing is called special place on the road surface, which serves for pedestrians to cross to the other side of the street.

A zebra crossing can be made using the ground method, with appropriate signs, road markings, or have a traffic light either above the roadway or underground.

The mayor made a pedestrian crossing from officials' replies. Respect!

As a rule, pedestrian crossings are installed in front of intersections, in close proximity to bus stops, minibus taxis and trolleybuses, as well as in other areas where the flow of pedestrians requires traffic regulation: in the area of ​​schools, sports grounds, clinics, entertainment centers etc.

Ground pedestrian crossings can be:

  • adjustable;
  • unregulated.

Ground crossings are usually marked with zebra crossings, and depending on the intensity car traffic it may alternate with red or yellow stripes; additionally, road signs and a traffic light must be installed.

Unregulated zebra crossings

Uncontrolled pedestrian crossings are the easiest to install and very cheap. On these sections of the roadway, drivers vehicles are required to give way to passers-by.

As a rule, such zebra crossings are installed on a roadway that has no more than two lanes in one direction, and the flow of cars is not too large. They are indicated by mandatory signs 5.19.1 and 5.19.2 “Pedestrian crossing”.

Also, this area may be equipped with a traffic light, however, it will be unregulated due to the fact that it is turned off or constantly blinking yellow signal.

In megacities, starting from 2010, on streets and avenues with heavy traffic, and additional funds to make the pedestrian crossing more visible.

Such means include:

  • reflective edging around the “Pedestrian Crossing” road sign in yellow or green;
  • installation of duplicate signs 5.19 above the road surface;
  • animated signs;
  • additional lighting zebra zones;
  • artificial bumps in front of the zebra crossing in the form of speed bumps;
  • yellow flashing signals or traffic light T7;
  • additional stripes on a zebra are red or orange.

Unfortunately, all these methods cannot guarantee complete safety for pedestrians.

There are several reasons for this:

  • inattention of pedestrians and failure to comply with traffic rules;
  • violation speed limit drivers of motor vehicles.

Adjustable Transitions

The main means of regulating pedestrian crossings is a properly functioning traffic light. Adjustable zebra crossings are usually installed at street intersections.

Also adjustable pedestrian paths They are also installed outside these areas, then traffic lights are equipped with buttons for turning on the green light at the request of a passerby.

Transit and travel rules

Russian traffic rules regulate the rights and obligations of drivers and pedestrians regarding crossing the road at a zebra crossing.

When passing an unregulated pedestrian crossing, and also if the traffic light in this area is not working, the driver is obliged to give priority to the pedestrian.

If a pedestrian crossing is equipped with traffic lights for pedestrians and drivers, then the crossing can only be done when the signal is green.

The driver is obliged to give way to people passing through him when turning onto the roadway where the traffic light is green.

Pedestrian Crossing Standards

Today there is a set of requirements applied to the placement of crossings, as well as to equipping these areas with road signs on the street, markings, speed limits and traffic lights.

On highways within a city or town, zebra crossings should be located every 200-300 meters. When the length of the roadway is up to 500 meters, no more than two crossings should be installed with an interval of 150-200 meters.

Within the city, zebra crossings for pedestrians should be installed in areas where retail and catering outlets are located, in the area medical institutions, and opposite sidewalks and pedestrian paths leading to these establishments.

Outside a city or town, crossing points should be clearly visible from both sides of the highway or road for cars, at a distance of at least 150 meters.

If the road has a carriageway width of more than 15 meters, then ground zebra crossings are equipped with special sections called “safety islands”. In addition, such wide roads should have a nearby traffic light with a green light button on demand.

Equipment with mandatory signs

The “Pedestrian Crossing” sign must be installed in front of all ground zebra crossings that are not equipped with traffic lights, and also, in populated areas, in front of areas whose visibility distance is less than 150 meters.

There are 2 types of signs: 5.19.1 should be installed to the right of the roadway, and 5.19.12 – to the left. If the road has a dividing strip in the form of an avenue or boulevard, then signs must be installed accordingly on each part of the roadway for vehicle traffic.

The sign should be installed at a distance of no more than 100 cm from the zebra border.

Marking equipment

To mark the location of a pedestrian crossing, road markings 1.14.1 and 1.14.2 are used. People call it a zebra.

With width road surface, not exceeding 6 meters, part of the road is equipped with markings 1.14.1, and if more than 6 meters 1.14.2. The lines must be drawn parallel to the axis of the road surface.

Traffic light equipment

Pedestrian crossings in areas of heavy traffic should be equipped with traffic lights. There are several types of this means of regulation.

Traffic light T.7 is used to indicate uncontrolled intersections and places for pedestrians to cross the street, while models P1 and P2 are designed to regulate the movement of passers-by at intersections.

Since 2004, in accordance with GOST R 52289, these devices provide for the use of sound for people with disabilities.

Speed ​​hump equipment

Unregulated pedestrian crossings may be equipped with artificial humps, forcing drivers to slow down.

According to GOST, they should be installed in front of children's rooms. educational institutions, playgrounds, public recreation areas, stadiums, train stations, supermarkets and other facilities mass gathering of people.

Also, according to GOST, this construction must be accompanied by road signs 3.24 and 5.3.1.

Where to go for installation

Unfortunately, today all norms and standards are not fully observed. And if for residents of large cities, as well as in the capital, the maximum possible comfortable conditions to cross streets, then in provincial settlements there is serious problem.

Statistics show that the lion's share of road accidents involves fatal in a metropolis, as a rule, pedestrians are to blame, since they cross the street in in the wrong place, whereas most similar incidents in small towns occur due to the fault of motorists and non-compliance with traffic regulations road markings.

Today, it is quite difficult to achieve the installation of a zebra crossing, however, as practice shows, it is possible. The State Traffic Inspectorate resolves such issues, so requests to install a traffic light, road sign, crossing, or improve markings should be directed to them.

Difficulties in resolving this issue most often arise due to the ownership of a particular section of the road. Therefore, the action plan should be as follows.

Appeal to the district traffic police, where an application is submitted with free form, with a request to install a pedestrian crossing or traffic light on a particular section of the road.

The application must state the whole essence of the issue, always referring to the norms and standards for the arrangement of zebras. Also, photographs of the road section, taking into account the location of the area, must be attached to the application.

The application must be written in your own hand and submitted to district administration Traffic police and registered. By law, you must be given a detailed answer within 10 working days.

If the traffic police ignores your request, you can write a complaint to the prosecutor’s office about the inaction of employees highway patrol service. A “political” way of organizing traffic is not excluded. You can contact the deputies local council with a request to consider this question.

The issue of road safety is the prerogative of both drivers and pedestrians. However, ridiculous accidents do occur as a result objective reasons when no one is to blame. Bad weather, incorrect markings, or just a banal coincidence are to blame.

It becomes sad when the only culprit of the incident remains on the sidelines, when it was possible to prevent the tragedy in advance by installing all the necessary structures.

Be careful!

Good afternoon, dear reader.

The sixteenth article in the "Traffic Signs" series will look at following signs special instructions:

Bus and (or) trolleybus stop location.
- Tram stop location.
- Taxi parking area.
- Crosswalk.
- Artificial roughness.

We will talk about the features of installing these signs, as well as the violations associated with them.

In addition, according to paragraph 18.3 of the traffic rules in populated areas, drivers must give way to public transport that starts moving from the designated stopping place. For this violation the driver will receive a warning, or administrative penalty in the amount of 500 rubles.

A few more prohibitions related to stopping public transport: turning around is prohibited there (clause 8.11 of traffic rules) and driving in reverse(clause 8.12 of the traffic rules). The fine for these violations is provided for in Part 2 of Article 12.14 of the Code of Administrative Offenses and amounts to 500 rubles.

Tram stop sign

Road sign A “tram stopping place” is established on the road in the following cases:

  • To the right of the roadway if the tram tracks run in the middle of the road.
  • To the right of the roadway on the road with one way traffic, if the tram tracks are located to the left of the road.

In addition, a duplicate sign is installed either at the beginning of the landing area raised above the roadway, or above the left lane this direction(on roads with 2 or more lanes for traffic in a given direction).

Please note that the "Tram Stopping Place" sign is installed on the roads in order to help the driver comply with the requirements of paragraph 14.6 of the rules:

14.6. The driver must give way to pedestrians walking to or from a fixed-route vehicle standing at the stopping place (from the door side), if boarding and disembarking is carried out from the roadway or from a landing area located on it.

For violating this clause of the rules, the driver will receive a fine of 1,500 rubles.

Taxi parking sign

The road sign "Taxi parking area" is used to designate the corresponding parking areas:

Because the passenger taxis do not have an advantage in relation to other road users, it is not possible to violate the requirements of this sign.

Pedestrian crossing sign

Road pedestrian crossing sign used to mark the boundaries of a pedestrian crossing, in the absence of appropriate markings on the road:

Please note that there are 2 different signs pedestrian crossing (5.19.1 - on it the pedestrian walks into left side, and 5.19.2 - on it the pedestrian goes to the right). The first sign is installed on the right side of the road, and the second, respectively, on the left. IN in this case(in the absence of road markings) signs are used to indicate the boundaries of a pedestrian crossing.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in practice, pedestrian crossing signs different sides roads are sometimes installed strictly opposite each other, i.e. it turns out that the beginning of the transition coincides with its end. Naturally, a pedestrian cannot move around such a structure without violating the rules, and in some cases this can be used to their advantage.

Among the features of installing this sign, it should be noted that on roads with dividing strip pedestrian crossing signs installed on each roadway separately. Those. one sign on each side of each roadway.

Let me remind you that pedestrian crossing coverage area determined by the following criteria:

  • According to the markings, if any.
  • According to signs 5.19.1 (start) and 5.19.2 (end), if there are no markings.

Currently, pedestrians have priority when crossing the road along unregulated crossings. If the driver does not allow the pedestrian to pass in time, he will receive a fine of 1,500 rubles.

In addition, turning around (clause 8.11 of the traffic rules) and reversing (clause 8.12 of the traffic rules) are prohibited at pedestrian crossings. The fine for these violations is provided for in Part 2 of Article 12.14 of the Code of Administrative Offenses and amounts to 500 rubles.

Speed ​​bump sign

Road sign artificial hump used to indicate the boundary of a speed bump.

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