Adjustable pedestrian crossing. New rules for driving unregulated pedestrian crossings

According to official statistics from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the main reason for the majority of road accidents in the country is citizens’ complete disregard for traffic rules at pedestrian crossings.

This can be partly explained by the fact that people have the right of way on such sections of highways. However, this rule does not always apply to all pedestrian crossings.

Traffic regulations for land crossings

According to current traffic regulations, places where ground crossing of the roadway is permitted must be equipped with appropriate markings (“zebra crossing”) and signs. The absence of such signs indicates that people are prohibited from crossing the road in this area.

There are two types of pedestrian crossings, each of which has separate travel rules:

  1. Adjustable.

In addition to the markings on the road surface, such crossings have a traffic light. The latter regulates traffic in this area. At the same time, according to the new rules for driving pedestrian crossings, when the green signal turns on, drivers must let people pass who have not crossed to the other side. Otherwise, the motorist will be fined.

  1. Unregulated.

As in the first case, the presence of a pedestrian crossing is indicated by markings applied to the road surface. According to the rules, the driver is obliged to stop in front of a zebra crossing if:

  • a pedestrian stepped on it;
  • did not complete the crossing of the roadway.

Moreover, the driver does not have the right to sound a horn, thereby urging people on. This, as well as movement through the crossing while there are people on it, is punishable by fairly high fines.

Is it always the driver's fault?

Unfortunately, today many citizens are confident that if they step on a pedestrian crossing, all motorists are obliged to let them pass. This is true when crossing the roadway is not regulated by a traffic light. Moreover, some people believe that, in principle, they should be allowed to pass when they cross the road, regardless of where the traffic is taking place.

According to traffic rules, people have the right to cross highways only in places equipped with appropriate road signs and markings, or at intersections along the sidewalk line.

In other cases, citizens must be guided by the following rules:

  1. When crossing in areas not intended for this purpose, they can move only after assessing the distance for approaching vehicles and making sure that further actions are not associated with danger.
  2. When driving across the highway in places not designated for this purpose, citizens should not interfere with the traffic flow.
  3. When entering the highway, pedestrians have the right to stop only for safety reasons. In other cases, they are required to cross the highway.

All pedestrians must comply with traffic regulations. They, like drivers, are also road users. This means that pedestrians are held accountable for not following the rules.

Latest changes in traffic rules

In 2014, a new edition of the traffic rules was released with changes that directly affected pedestrians:

  1. Zebra crossing on tram tracks.

Previously, the traffic rules defined the concept of “pedestrian crossing” as a section of a highway with special markings. Now it also applies to tram tracks.

If people cross the latter in areas equipped with appropriate signs, then the tram driver, like the motorist, is obliged to let pedestrians pass.

  1. Everyone must stop before the stop line.

All drivers, regardless of which lane they were previously in, are required to stop if a person crosses the zebra crossing.

Moreover, motorists are prohibited from overtaking on such sections of the highway.

  1. New term "give way".

The current version of the traffic rules includes the term “give way”. It means the following: drivers are required to let people pass if they step onto the roadway in a specially equipped area where citizens have priority right of movement.

Congestion problem

In megacities, traffic congestion is a fairly common occurrence. Therefore, there are often cases when drivers have to stop right at a zebra crossing, although this is prohibited by the current version of the traffic rules.

According to the rules of the road, if there is a possibility that a motorist will have to brake directly on the road markings, he is obliged to warn such a situation in advance.

In other words, even if the car stops at a zebra crossing due to a traffic jam, the driver will in any case be punished in accordance with the norms of the Code of Administrative Offences.

This requirement is due to the following:

  • staying on the zebra crossing, the car interferes with the normal movement of people;
  • the car reduces visibility on the road, and therefore another driver can drive ahead at the moment when people are walking along the zebra crossing.

In both cases, there is a high risk of accidents and injuries.

It should also be noted that at a pedestrian crossing, drivers:

  • turn around;
  • move backward;
  • leave your cars (not just stop).

A pedestrian crossing is one of the special sections of the road, therefore separate rules apply to it.


Today, in order to improve safety, pedestrian zones are equipped with additional signs, markings and other latest inventions. In particular, these could be devices that create special animation, a separate edge with reflective properties. In addition, an additional sign began to be hung directly above the zebra crossing. Also among the innovations that increase the level of safety is the widespread introduction of speed bumps installed a few meters before the pedestrian crossing.

If the driver does not allow people to pass on sections of the road where they have the right of way, then the motorist will be fined in the amount of:

  • 1.5 thousand rubles if the actions were performed at an unregulated crossing;
  • 1 thousand rubles for a regulated violation and 5 thousand rubles for a repeated violation.

Under certain circumstances, a motorist who fails to stop at a stop line may have their driver's license suspended for four months. And crossing the latter even in the absence of people is punishable by fines in the amount of 800 rubles.

In accordance with the adopted Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 14, 2014 No. 1197 “On Amendments to the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation.” These changes will mainly affect interactions between drivers and pedestrians. In particular, overtaking at pedestrian crossings will be prohibited; pedestrian crossings can now be located not only on the roadway. There are not many changes, but they are important, so you should familiarize yourself with them in advance.

Tram tracks and pedestrian crossing

The concept of “pedestrian crossing” has been updated.

As it was:“Pedestrian crossing” is a section of the roadway marked with signs 5.19.1, 5.19.2 and (or) markings 1.14.1 and 1.14.2 (hereinafter the numbering of road markings is given in accordance with Appendix 2) and allocated for the movement of pedestrians across the road. In the absence of markings, the width of the pedestrian crossing is determined by the distance between signs 5.19.1 and 5.19.2.

How it became:“Pedestrian crossing” is a section of the roadway, tram tracks, marked with signs 5.19.1, 5.19.2 and (or) markings 1.14.1 and 1.14.2 (hereinafter the numbering of road markings is given in accordance with Appendix 2) and allocated for pedestrian traffic across the road. In the absence of markings, the width of the pedestrian crossing is determined by the distance between signs 5.19.1 and 5.19.2.

From November 29, the pedestrian crossing area will expand. From now on, a pedestrian crossing can be not only on the roadway, but also on tram tracks. Thus, pedestrians crossing the tram tracks at the pedestrian crossing will enjoy all the benefits of this crossing. for example, a tram driver, moving along the rails, will have to give way to pedestrians.

However, pedestrians should remember that the tram is heavy and it will not be able to stop abruptly, so you should not throw yourself under the wheels of the tram at crossings, it is better to let it pass and only then cross the road.

Prohibition of overtaking at a pedestrian crossing

As it was: 11.4. Overtaking is prohibited:

  • at pedestrian crossings if there are pedestrians on them;

How it became: 11.4. Overtaking is prohibited:

  • at controlled intersections, as well as at unregulated intersections when driving on a road that is not the main one;
  • at pedestrian crossings;
  • at railway crossings and closer than 100 meters in front of them;
  • on bridges, overpasses, overpasses and under them, as well as in tunnels;
  • at the end of a climb, on dangerous turns and in other areas with limited visibility.

Thus, from November 29, overtaking at pedestrian crossings will be prohibited in any case. Previously, overtaking was prohibited only when there were people at the pedestrian crossing.

Passing pedestrians at crossings

As it was: 14.1. The driver of a vehicle approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing must slow down or stop before the crossing in order to allow pedestrians crossing the roadway or entering it to cross.

How it became: 14.1. The driver of a vehicle approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing is obliged to give way to pedestrians crossing the road or entering the roadway (tram tracks) to cross.

Looking at the changes, you can see that in principle nothing has changed; the legislator decided to return to the wording that was in force before 2010.

From November 29, the phrase “let pedestrians through” will be removed from the rules. Due to the lack of decoding of this concept, drivers could not clearly understand it.

Drivers must now give way to pedestrians at uncontrolled crossings.

“Give way (do not interfere)” is a requirement that means that a road user must not start, resume or continue moving, or carry out any maneuver if this may force other road users who have priority over him to change direction. movement or speed.

Paragraph 14.2 of the traffic rules has also been changed:

As it was: 14.2. If a vehicle stops or slows down in front of an unregulated pedestrian crossing, then drivers of other vehicles moving in adjacent lanes can continue driving only after making sure that there are no pedestrians in front of the specified vehicle.

How it became: 14.2. If a vehicle stops or slows down in front of an unregulated pedestrian crossing, then drivers of other vehicles moving in the same direction are also required to stop or slow down. It is allowed to continue driving, taking into account the requirements of paragraph 14.1 of the Rules.

Previously, this clause only applied to drivers driving in adjacent lanes. From November 29, all drivers moving in this direction will be required to slow down or stop. For example, if you are driving in the third lane of a four-lane road, and in the first lane vehicles slow down for a pedestrian crossing, you will also be required to slow down or stop. You can continue driving only after you give way to pedestrians.

Prohibition of cyclists on pedestrian crossings

Previously, vehicles, including bicycles, could not cross the road at pedestrian crossings. However, not all cyclists could associate their bicycle with a vehicle.

Since November 29, 2014, the prohibition of cyclists on pedestrian crossings has been written down in a separate line:

What happened: 24.8. Cyclists and moped drivers are prohibited from:

  • drive a bicycle or moped without holding the handlebars with at least one hand;
  • transport cargo that protrudes beyond the dimensions by more than 0.5 m in length or width, or cargo that interferes with control;
  • transport passengers if this is not provided for by the design of the vehicle;
  • transport children under 7 years of age in the absence of specially equipped places for them;
  • turn left or turn around on roads with tram traffic and on roads with more than one lane for traffic in a given direction;
  • drive on the road without a fastened motorcycle helmet (for moped drivers);
  • cross the road at pedestrian crossings.

For drivers, the introduction of this clause simplifies the paperwork in the event of an accident involving a cyclist at a pedestrian crossing. Now it will be enough to indicate that the cyclist violated paragraph 24.8 of the Traffic Rules.

Pedestrians with reflectors

How it became: When crossing the road and driving along the sides or edge of the roadway in the dark or in conditions of insufficient visibility, pedestrians are recommended, and outside populated areas, pedestrians are required to carry objects with reflective elements and ensure that these objects are visible to vehicle drivers.

This paragraph applies to pedestrians OUTSIDE populated areas. This amendment aroused the greatest interest in the forums. Some were in favor of this amendment, others were against it. However, here, rather, the question is about one’s own safety, because on country roads at night, pedestrians are very difficult to see, and remembering that the permitted speed outside the city is higher, it becomes clear that the driver has fewer opportunities to see a pedestrian. Reflectors will help reduce pedestrian deaths on country roads. After the amendments come into force, in the event of an accident involving pedestrians on a suburban highway, in the absence of reflectors on the pedestrian’s clothing, the driver will be able to shift part of the blame onto the pedestrian’s shoulders.

It is known that drivers must give way to pedestrians at pedestrian crossings, but how can this be done so that traffic police officers do not have complaints, and if they do, then only justified ones?

Let's look at the example of an unregulated pedestrian crossing.

Requirement of the Traffic Rules to give way

14.1. The driver of a vehicle approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing is obliged to give way to pedestrians crossing the road or entering the roadway (tram tracks) to cross.

After entering , the requirement became defined - instead of “skip”. This is defined by the term.

“Give way (do not interfere)” is a requirement that means that a road user must not start, resume or continue moving, or carry out any maneuver if this may force other road users who have priority over him to change direction. movement or speed.

With regard to pedestrians, this is often forced to change speed both up and down. A pedestrian has three positions when a driver can violate the requirement to give way.

  • On the roadway;
  • At the intersection of trajectories;
  • On the sidewalk or curb.

Pedestrian movement along the roadway

  • One of the popular traps for drivers is when a pedestrian begins to cross the road from the left side of a wide roadway or even an oncoming roadway. Drivers fall for the clipping from paragraph 14.1 “give way to pedestrians who have entered the roadway.” But to violate the “give way” requirement, it is necessary to force a change in speed. In this situation, the accusation is unfounded.

    If a pedestrian nevertheless changes speed, then the reason for the change in his speed should be precisely the approaching car, and not any reasons at the request of the pedestrian.

    Pedestrian movement at the intersection of trajectories

    In such a situation, it is difficult to give an objective assessment of the driver’s actions. A pedestrian may simply be afraid of an approaching car, and the driver, in turn, subjectively assesses the situation. To avoid a controversial situation, the driver should stop in front of the pedestrian crossing without resorting to emergency braking, which will confirm that there is no threat to the pedestrian.

    Pedestrian movement on the sidewalk

    You know that the sidewalk is part of the road. And it is possible that a pedestrian, moving in a transverse direction, stops in front of the roadway due to an approaching car.

    There is a pedestrian crossing the road, there is a change in the pedestrian's speed, there is a change in the pedestrian's speed due to a car - that's the fine. But we will disappoint the inspector. Try to determine for yourself what else is missing to create a violation by the driver. Look carefully at the image.

    I extract the answer from the text of the Rules. Once again from the text of the requirements of clause 14.1.

    14.1. Driver of a vehicle approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing must give way pedestrians crossing the road

    And from the term.

    “Pedestrian crossing” is a section of the roadway, tram tracks...

    Yes. There is no crosswalk on the sidewalk, and there cannot be pedestrians crossing the road. Pedestrians cross the road at a pedestrian crossing, and a pedestrian crossing is a section of the roadway or tram tracks.

    Yes. According to the text and against common sense, it is impossible to start crossing the road without entering the roadway.

    Yes. There cannot be a pedestrian crossing over a bicycle path.

  • Good afternoon, dear reader.

    This article will focus on not giving right of way to pedestrians. This violation is quite popular, and traffic police officers often conduct raids at pedestrian crossings.

    Let's look at situations in which pedestrians have the right of way, as well as the penalties that can be imposed on the driver. Let me remind you that the last time the penalty for not allowing pedestrians, cyclists or other road users to pass was increased November 10, 2017.

    Article 12.18. Failure to give priority in traffic to pedestrians or other road users

    Failure to comply with the requirement of the Traffic Rules to give way to pedestrians, cyclists or other road users (except for vehicle drivers) who have priority in traffic -

    entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount from one thousand five hundred to two thousand five hundred.

    In 2019, the fine is 1500 - 2500 rubles.

    The selection of a fine in the specified range is made by a traffic police officer. At the same time, he must take into account. Thus, if the driver committed a violation for the first time, then, as before, he will receive a minimum fine of 1,500 rubles.

    In addition, I suggest you download and print the current table of fines:

    Situations in which the pedestrian has the right of way

    At a pedestrian crossing

    14.1. The driver of a vehicle approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing is obliged to give way to pedestrians crossing the road or entering the roadway (tram tracks) to cross.

    The most common situation that does not raise questions for drivers is a pedestrian at a pedestrian crossing:

    It is with crossings that drivers associate a fine for not allowing a pedestrian to pass, but this is far from the only situation in which a penalty can be imposed.

    When turning at an intersection

    13.1. When turning right or left, the driver must give way to pedestrians and cyclists crossing the roadway onto which he is turning.

    The situation that raises the most questions is the turn at the intersection:

    Please note that the driver must give way to the pedestrian when turning at an intersection in all cases. Including if:

    • The pedestrian has a red traffic light.

    The only case when you do not need to give way is if you are moving straight at the intersection and at the same time there is no marked crossing.

    When entering and leaving the adjacent territory

    8.3. When entering the road from the adjacent territory, the driver must give way to vehicles and pedestrians moving along it, and when leaving the road - to pedestrians and cyclists whose movement path he crosses.

    Blind pedestrians in all cases

    14.5. In all cases, including outside pedestrian crossings, the driver is obliged to give way to blind pedestrians signaling with a white cane.

    On the way to public transport

    14.6. The driver must give way to pedestrians walking to or from a fixed-route vehicle standing at the stopping place (from the door side), if boarding and disembarking is carried out from the roadway or from a landing area located on it.

    In this case, you need to give way only if the following conditions are simultaneously met:

    • At a public transport stop.
    • Pedestrians walk towards a route vehicle. If passengers get off a bus that, for example, transports employees of an enterprise, then the driver is not obliged to yield to them.
    • Pedestrians approach the bus from the door.

    Let me give you an example of a common road accident that all drivers should know about. On the opposite side of the road (on the left) there is a public transport stop. An oncoming bus stopped there. Seeing this, pedestrians on the right side of the road begin to run across the road without looking at the cars. As a rule, people of retirement age suffer from this.

    From the point of view of traffic regulations, the driver is not obliged to give way to these pedestrians. Nevertheless, it is much easier to slow down than to be involved in an accident (even if innocent) and spend several hours dealing with the traffic police.

    On the side of the road

    Moped drivers are allowed to move along the side of the road if this does not interfere with pedestrians.

    25.2. Horse-drawn carts (sleighs), riding and pack animals must move only in one row, as far to the right as possible. Driving on the side of the road is allowed if this does not interfere with pedestrians.

    Well, one more situation is the permitted movement on the side of the road. Mopeds and horse-drawn vehicles on the side of the road must give way to pedestrians. Violation of this rule may also result in a fine.

    How to give way to a pedestrian

    Another important question that should be addressed in this article is “How to give way to a pedestrian?” The fact is that the text of the traffic rules related to this issue has been changed several times in recent years. At first the rules required giving way to a pedestrian, then letting him pass, then giving way again. Multiple changes have led to many drivers simply not remembering how to actually act.

    So, if you look again at the points given above, you will notice that in almost all cases (except for blind pedestrians), the driver must give way:

    “Give way (do not interfere)” is a requirement meaning that a road user must not start, resume or continue moving, or carry out any maneuver if this may force other road users who have priority over him to change direction. movement or speed.

    Thus, the driver must pass through the crossing without changing the speed or direction of movement of the walking pedestrian.

    For example, if a pedestrian is walking in the adjacent lane in the direction of your car, you should definitely stop.

    However, if the road is wide (6 lanes) and the pedestrian is just starting to walk along the roadway from the opposite side, then it is not necessary to stop. Even if the driver passes through the crossing, this will not in any way affect the speed and direction of the pedestrian.

    The same applies to the situation when a pedestrian walks in the adjacent lane in the direction from your car. There is no point in waiting for the pedestrian to reach the sidewalk; the rules allow driving through the crossing.

    As for blind pedestrians signaling with a white cane, you need to let them through. Those. You just need to stop and wait until the pedestrian leaves the roadway.

    In conclusion, I would like to note that over the past few years, driving culture has improved significantly. As a rule, drivers allow pedestrians to pass at crossings without any problems. Accordingly, fines began to be imposed less frequently.

    Good luck on the roads!


    Quote: "Including if:

    there are no crossing markings at the intersection;

    the driver is driving along the main road;

    the driver receives a green traffic light, allowing him to turn;

    The pedestrian has a red traffic light."

    Question: when a red light appears on a pedestrian at a traffic light with a designated pedestrian phase. Also skip when turning?

    when a red light is on for a pedestrian, at a traffic light with a designated pedestrian phase. Also skip when turning?

    Yes. Because otherwise, at best, there will be a fine for both, each for his own violation, and at worst, a criminal offense for harm to health.


    1.3. Road users are required to know and comply with related to them requirements of the Rules, traffic lights, signs and markings, as well as comply with the orders of traffic controllers acting within the limits of the rights granted to them and regulating road traffic with established signals.

    So a red light on a pedestrian does not affect the driver’s responsibilities in any way.

    13.3. An intersection where the traffic order is determined by traffic lights or traffic controller signals is considered regulated. 14.1: ** The concepts of a controlled and unregulated pedestrian crossing are similar to the concepts of a controlled and unregulated intersection established in paragraph 13.3. Rules

    Your statement is wrong, Keeper_Riff. In this case, the pedestrian crossing is considered regulated; with a “red man”, the driver is not required to let pedestrians pass.

    In this case, the pedestrian crossing is considered regulated; with a “red man”, the driver is not required to let pedestrians pass.

    We are not talking about a controlled crossing, but about the obligation to yield to pedestrians when turning at an intersection. Whether it's a controlled intersection or not, the rules are the same. Now the driver is not required to “let you through” at all, thank God this concept has been removed. Just give way.

    Just give way.

    Absolutely right.
    We are not talking about a controlled crossing, but about the obligation to yield to pedestrians when turning at an intersection. Whether it's a controlled intersection or not, the rules are the same.
    No, they are not the same. Exactly on unregulated at the intersection, as well as at adjustable when pedestrians have a “little green man”, 13.1. When turning right or left, the driver must give way to pedestrians and cyclists crossing the roadway onto which he is turning.

    In the case of a controlled intersection and a controlled pedestrian crossing, when there is a “red man” for pedestrians, the driver is not obliged to yield to pedestrians.


    Our traffic cops interpret the term Give Way like this: “Thus, the very creation by the driver of a situation that MAY force road users to change the direction of movement or the speed of movement is regarded by the Russian Traffic Regulations as failure to comply with the requirement to “Give Way,” without necessarily causing consequences in the form of a change in the direction of movement or speed of movement by another road user." that is, they say that they are obliged to provide an advantage and then pass.... On December 1, 2017 there will be a trial, but I think there will be no point ((((


    This is how everything is interpreted correctly. You shouldn’t force them, otherwise it will be too late, because ALREADY being forced to slow down (turn away), but unsuccessfully (reacted late, there’s nowhere to turn away, it’s slippery, etc.), will lead to an accident (and you can even not hit, but you provoked him).



    This is how everything is interpreted correctly. You shouldn’t force them, otherwise it will be too late, because ALREADY being forced to slow down (turn away), but unsuccessfully, will lead to an accident (and you may not even get into the accident itself, but you provoked it).

    What are you talking about???)))))))) We are talking about a complete ban on any actions if they could hypothetically lead to a change in speed or direction of movement. Examples No. 1, a pedestrian has entered an unregulated pedestrian crossing 20 meters away and he is walking very slowly, the driver passes first (without causing interference) and both are fined. Example No. 2: you get ahead of a passing vehicle and then change lanes into its lane (without causing interference) and again get a fine. Example No. 3 When leaving a residential area, drivers must GIVE THE ROAD to other road users, that is, we wait until EVERYONE who has the right of way has passed and passed, and leaving is prohibited even if you do not create interference. that's what their explanation is about


    The term has been used all my life like this: If you don’t create interference, then pass, but with this formulation it turns out that it is necessary to provide an advantage in any case, even when objectively this is not required.

    After the legislator made changes to the traffic rules, many drivers began to wonder how to properly let pedestrians pass. It should also be noted that not only beginners, but also people with extensive driving experience are interested in this.

    Currently, the fine for a driver not letting a pedestrian pass at a crossing has become even greater than before. Therefore, the violator may lose not only 1500, but even 2500 rubles. Everything will depend on the severity of the offense committed. You also need to know about the amendments made to the traffic rules so that in the event of an accident, police officers can determine the culprit of the accident. Read more about the new rules for allowing pedestrians to pass in this article.

    There have been changes

    New travel rules came into force at the end of October 2014. Currently, certain changes have also been made to the traffic rules. Particular attention is paid here to the relationship between drivers and pedestrians. It is also necessary to point out that the actions of road users that were previously permitted are now considered violations.

    In addition, already in the fall of 2017, amendments were made to increase the fine for the fact that the driver did not let a pedestrian pass.

    The new edition of the traffic rules contains all the changes made. These include the following:

    • overtaking is prohibited at unregulated crossings;
    • the rules for allowing pedestrians have been changed;
    • Cyclists can no longer ride on pedestrian crossings.


    Currently, new rules for pedestrian crossing are in force in Russia. But what changes have occurred in traffic rules? How does the current version of the traffic rules differ from the previous one?

    It should be noted that previously the driver was obliged to let a pedestrian pass at a zebra crossing. In other words, the person driving had to slow down and stop so that the latter could safely cross the road. Currently, according to the new rules, the driver is required to give way to a pedestrian. On the one hand, it seems that the meaning of these concepts is the same, but nevertheless they differ from each other.

    Giving way to a pedestrian means not interfering with him when moving along a pedestrian crossing. In addition, the driver can drive this section of the road as long as the person is at a decent distance from him.

    In addition

    It should also be noted that not all drivers correctly understand the meaning of the term “give way to a pedestrian.” Currently, the concept of “give way” has been introduced. Previously, in order to let a pedestrian pass, the driver had to slow down or stop completely in front of a zebra crossing (unregulated crossing), if the person was already walking along the roadway or had just entered it.

    Currently, after the introduction of the term “give way” to a pedestrian, a person driving should not take such actions that would force a traffic participant who entered a zebra crossing to change his speed or direction of movement. This is necessary in order to avoid an emergency.

    It is possible that if the new rules for allowing pedestrians are observed, drivers will be more responsible for the safety of people on the road.

    By bike

    If a person crosses a zebra crossing in a given vehicle, should the driver give way to him? After changes were made to the traffic rules, disputes on this issue between drivers do not subside. Moreover, cyclists themselves think that they enjoy the same benefits as pedestrians. Actually, this one is not like that.

    After amendments were made to the traffic rules, cyclists were prohibited from moving along unregulated pedestrian crossings. According to the traffic police, when crossing the road at a zebra crossing, the latter should hurry up. Indeed, in the event of an accident, the driver of the car will no longer be guilty if the documents indicate that the cyclist violated the current traffic rules (clause 24.8). This is the law.

    Thus, the new rules for allowing pedestrians to pass do not apply to persons riding bicycles.

    Currently, traffic rules have become more advanced than they were before. After all, according to the new rules, passage that intersects with tram tracks is considered mandatory. This was not the case in the previous version of the traffic rules.

    Therefore, many drivers, avoiding traffic flows, did not even think about giving way to people crossing the zebra crossing. Because pedestrians did not have the right of way there. Thus, people's lives were in great danger. In addition, in the event of a road accident, a driver who hit a pedestrian at a zebra crossing on tram tracks could find a loophole in the law and remain innocent of the accident. Currently this can no longer be done. After all, now the section of tram tracks belongs to a pedestrian crossing.


    So, here it wouldn’t be out of place to talk about what a pedestrian crossing is? Previously, this term meant a section of road marked with markings (zebra crossings) and corresponding signs along which people and cyclists moved.

    But how is this term spelled out in the rules at present? The new edition of the traffic rules states that a pedestrian crossing is a section of the roadway (including tram tracks), marked with signs and markings (zebra crossing). This is how this concept is now interpreted.

    It is also necessary to indicate that pedestrian crossings occur on various sections of roads, including intersections. As a rule, its width is indicated by markings. If there is none, then the length of the transition is determined by the corresponding signs. All drivers know this.

    Despite the fact that the rules for allowing pedestrians to pass at a pedestrian crossing have changed significantly, each traffic participant must act in such a way as not to create an emergency situation.

    He is responsible for his own safety

    In most cases, pedestrians believe that the truth is always on their side. This happens even when they cross the road in the wrong place. What should a driver do in such cases? Be more careful, be careful and do not accelerate too much, let pedestrians pass if they are already walking along the roadway. This will be the right thing and no one will get hurt.

    However, this does not mean at all that a pedestrian should throw himself under the wheels of a car just because he saw a pedestrian crossing and decided to start moving. You need to be more careful on the roads. In addition, a pedestrian should enter the roadway only when he is sure that it is safe to do so.

    Where is the traffic light

    Such transitions are called controlled. Because here all traffic participants are guided by Po. Passing a pedestrian at a controlled crossing is carried out according to the following principle: if a person began to cross the road while the traffic light was green, but suddenly the red light turned on, then the driver is obliged to give the latter the opportunity to cross the road and only then start moving. Otherwise, a traffic accident will occur.

    What else do you need to remember?

    According to the new rules for allowing pedestrians in 2017, enshrined in the traffic rules, the driver must give the opportunity to cross the road to a blind person who signals with a white cane. At the same time, it must be remembered that people deprived of vision cannot determine the location of the section of the road where the crossing is located (regulated and unregulated). Therefore, they need to give way even outside the pedestrian crossing area.

    If the car stops

    If a car stops in front of an unregulated crossing, then other vehicles must perform the same action. It will be possible to continue driving after people have crossed the roadway. It is also necessary to remember that when approaching a pedestrian crossing, the driver is obliged to reduce speed. However, if a person is standing next to the roadway and does not even think about crossing the road, then the motorist should not let him pass.


    So, as mentioned earlier, there have been minor changes in the traffic rules regarding the rules for allowing pedestrians to pass at pedestrian crossings. The latest amendments were made not long ago. But what has changed and what needs to be paid special attention to?

    Many drivers remember from driving school that there has always been such a rule: when approaching a pedestrian crossing (unregulated), the driver is obliged to reduce speed or even stop in order to let pedestrians pass. This meant that it was impossible to continue driving until the person crossed to the other side of the roadway. Currently, according to current traffic regulations, the driver is obliged to give way to a pedestrian. Many will say that the meaning has not changed. Although the legal meaning here is completely different.

    The meaning of the term “give way” to a pedestrian means that the driver should not perform actions that would cause a person to change the speed and direction of his path. In this case, the motorist does not necessarily have to stand on the roadway if the latter is still far from him. But if a pedestrian is already walking along the crossing, then the motorist must let him through (without touching or running over).


    Pedestrian crossings are an area of ​​increased attention from traffic police officers. After all, it is on this section of the road that the largest number of road accidents occur in which people die. For this reason, if traffic rules and rules for allowing pedestrians are not followed, drivers will face a considerable fine.

    In the previous edition of the Code of Administrative Offenses, its amount was 1,500 rubles. Nowadays everything has changed. Since the beginning of November this year, this fine has increased and now ranges from 1,500 to 2,500 rubles. Thus, if a driver does not give way to a pedestrian on foot in cases where the latter had the right of way, then he will have to be held accountable for this by law.

    It should also be noted that the minimum fine of 1,500 rubles will be received for such an offense only by a motorist who has not previously been held accountable for not letting a person pass at a zebra crossing. Otherwise, the inspector will issue him a fine in the amount of 2,500 rubles. In other words, everything will depend on the severity of the offense committed.

    Thus, the minimum fine for failing to let a pedestrian pass remained the same, but the maximum increased by one thousand rubles. Therefore, there is no need to break the rules, and everything will be fine.

    Overtaking at a zebra crossing

    So, in the previous edition of the traffic rules, this maneuver could be performed even at a zebra crossing if there were no people at the crossing. Currently, overtaking on this section of the road is strictly prohibited. This innovation is due to the fact that the driver, when performing such a maneuver, exceeds the permissible speed several times, thus causing a person to simply step on a zebra crossing. Therefore, overtaking at the crossing is prohibited. Getting ahead of a zebra crossing is also unacceptable. If the driver commits such an offense, the latter may receive a fine for failing to let a pedestrian pass. This is important to know.


    So, this means that significant changes have affected the rules (traffic rules). The pass is mandatory for all drivers of vehicles crossing the roadway through this section of the road. Otherwise, the motorist may receive a considerable fine.

    Once again, it is necessary to say that in these traffic rules there is now such a term as “give way” to a pedestrian. This means that the driver does not have the right to perform such actions because of which a person walking or entering a zebra crossing will have to change the speed or direction of his movement. Previously, there was no such clarification in the rules. A driver approaching an unregulated crossing had to stop or slow down to let the person pass. Currently, there is no such wording in the traffic rules. Thus, the driver can continue driving as long as the pedestrian is far away from him. But the latter is obliged to give way to him when the latter began to cross the roadway along a zebra crossing at a close distance from him and not hit him.

    If a traffic police inspector decides to fine a citizen driving a car because he did not stop but continued driving while the pedestrian was far away from him, then this will be unlawful. Here witnesses can come to the rescue, including the person who crossed the road. After all, the latter will be able to confirm that the driver of the car did not prevent him from crossing the roadway.

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