Recommended questions for certification of a veterinarian. The procedure for testing the knowledge of specialists in the field of veterinary medicine of acts regulating the implementation of veterinary certification, and practical skills in drawing up veterinary support

Document's name:
Document Number: 212
Document type: Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia
Receiving authority: Ministry of Agriculture of Russia
Status: Active
Acceptance date: May 03, 2017
Start date: 01 September 2017

On approval of the application form for certification of specialists in the field of veterinary medicine and the Procedure for testing the knowledge of specialists in the field of veterinary medicine of acts regulating the implementation of veterinary certification, and practical skills...



In pursuance of paragraph 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 9, 2016 N 1145 “On approval of the Rules for the certification of specialists in the field of veterinary medicine” (Collection of legislation Russian Federation 2016, N 46, art. 6473)

I order:

1. Approve the Procedure for testing knowledge by specialists in the field of veterinary medicine of acts regulating the implementation of veterinary certification, and practical skills in preparing veterinary accompanying documents in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this order.

2. Approve the application form for certification of specialists in the field of veterans in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this order.


at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
August 21, 2017,
registration N 47862

Appendix No. 1. The procedure for testing specialists in the field of veterinary medicine of acts regulating the implementation of veterinary certification, and practical skills in drawing up veterinary accompanying documents

1. Present Order establishes the rules for testing the knowledge of veterinary specialists in acts regulating the implementation of veterinary certification, and practical skills in drawing up veterinary accompanying documents (hereinafter referred to as the qualification exam).

2. The purpose of the qualification exam is to test the knowledge of specialists in the field of veterinary medicine (hereinafter referred to as the applicants) in the preparation of veterinary accompanying documents for goods included in the List of regulated goods, for which certified specialists who are not authorized persons of bodies and institutions can carry out the preparation of veterinary accompanying documents. included in the system of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated December 18, 2015 N 647 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 25, 2016, registration N 41209).

The qualifying exam consists of computer testing and practical task.

3. The certification commission establishes a list of questions offered to applicants for qualifying exam in the form of tests (hereinafter referred to as a list of questions in the form of tests) with at least two answer options and in the form of a practical task (hereinafter referred to as a list of questions in the form of a practical task). Questions in the form of tests offered to applicants during the qualifying examination must have one clearly identifiable correct answer.

4. The list of questions in the form of tests must include at least 100 questions.

The list of questions in the form of a practical task is established by the certification commission for each qualifying exam and must include two practical tasks designed to test the applicant’s skills in preparing veterinary accompanying documents. At each qualifying examination, applicants are asked new list questions in the form of a practical task.

5. The list of questions in the form of tests must be updated by at least 10 percent within calendar year, including taking into account changes made to legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of veterinary medicine, as well as publication (without answers to questions) on the official website of the body executive power subject of the Russian Federation in the field of veterinary medicine, which created certification commission.

6. Individual sets of tests and lists of questions in the form of a practical task offered to applicants for the qualifying exam are not subject to disclosure, including to applicants, or transfer to applicants before the qualifying exam.

7. Before the start of the qualifying exam, the applicant fills out a registration form, after which he is assigned registration number, which is used when conducting a qualifying exam, including when determining the results of a qualifying exam.

In the registration form, the applicant indicates following information: last name, first name, patronymic (if available); name of the subject of the Russian Federation; registration address at place of residence, address Email(in the presence of).

8. Before the start of computer testing, a representative of the certification commission instructs applicants on organizing computer testing. When conducting computer testing, each applicant receives an individual set of tests, generated from a list of questions in the form of tests automatically in real time through random sampling. An individual set of tests consists of questions on the preparation of veterinary accompanying documents. An individual set of tests includes 10 questions from the list of questions in the form of tests.

9. The applicant receives access to an individual set of tests after entering the registration number.

The applicant is given 30 minutes to complete the computer test.

The applicant's access to the individual set of tests is terminated upon expiration of the time provided to the applicant for completing computer testing.

10. The applicant gets access to everyone next question an individual set of tests to answer after answering the previous question.

Review of answers to questions on an individual set of tests by the applicant is allowed only during the time allotted for computer testing.

11. Computer testing is carried out in rooms equipped computer equipment, which allows you to create and deliver to each applicant an individual set of tests in real time. Each applicant must be provided with a separate work desk.

12. The results of computer testing are formed immediately after the computer testing.

13. The qualifying exam in the form of completing a practical task is held on the same day after the qualifying exam in the form of computer testing.

The applicant is given 30 minutes to complete the practical task.

14. When solving practical problems, the applicant can use legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, acts that constitute the law of the Eurasian economic union, on which the decision is based practical problem.

15. When conducting a qualification exam, the applicant is prohibited from:

a) use legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, acts constituting the law of the Eurasian Economic Union (except for the acts specified in paragraph 14 of this Procedure, when solving a practical problem), reference and other materials, as well as communications and computer equipment, except provided for in paragraph 17 of this Procedure;

b) negotiate with other applicants;

c) keep any records on paper or other information media (except for the paper information media provided to the applicant by the certification commission);

d) leave the premises in which the qualifying exam is being held during the qualifying exam;

e) remove practical problems, as well as sheets of solutions to practical problems, from the room in which the qualifying exam is being held.

The applicant who violated specified requirements, is removed from the premises in which the qualifying examination is held and is considered to have failed the qualifying examination.

16. Only applicants, representatives of the certification commission, and specialists carrying out Maintenance computer equipment.

17. If, during a qualifying exam in the form of computer testing, a technical failure occurred in the operation of computer equipment or other circumstances arose that prevented applicants from completing computer testing, the certification commission sets for them another date and time for them to undergo computer testing (taking into account the issues of individual recruitment tests to which applicants provided answers before a technical failure of computer equipment or the occurrence of other circumstances that prevented applicants from completing computer testing).

If, during a qualifying exam in the form of performing a practical task, circumstances arise that prevent applicants from completing practical tasks, then if it is impossible to eliminate specified circumstances the certification commission sets for them a different date and time for the qualification exam (taking into account the practical tasks to which the applicants provided answers before the occurrence of circumstances that prevent the applicants from completing the practical tasks).

18. For each correct answer to a question in the computer testing format, the applicant receives 10 points, for an incorrect answer or no answer - 0 points.

For completing each practical task, the applicant receives 50 points if there are no errors, or 40 points for 1 error, or 30 points for 2 errors, or 20 points for 3 errors, or 0 points for 4 or more errors.

When performing a practical task, an error is considered to be one discrepancy made by the applicant with any provision of legislation or other regulatory legal act Russian Federation in the field of veterinary medicine.

19. An applicant who has received at least 80 percent of the maximum possible number of points based on the results of computer testing is allowed to complete the practical task.

An applicant who has received at least 70 percent of the maximum possible number of points based on the results of completing a practical task is considered to have passed the qualifying exam.

20. The results of computer testing and practical assignments are entered into the protocol of the certification commission.

Appendix No. 2. Form. Application for certification of specialists in the field of veterinary medicine


To the executive authority
subject of the Russian Federation in the region
veterinary medicine (name of authority)

From (last name, first name, patronymic
(if any) applicant)
(registration address at the location
residence, telephone number, address
email (if available),
details of the identification document
applicant's identity)

on certification of specialists in the field of veterinary medicine

I ask you to certify me as a specialist in the field of veterinary medicine for the preparation of veterinary accompanying documents for goods from the list approved by Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated December 18, 2015 N 647 “On approval of the List of regulated goods for which certified specialists can carry out the preparation of veterinary accompanying documents, not who are authorized persons of bodies and institutions included in the State system veterinary service Russian Federation" .

I declare my consent to the processing of my personal data contained in the application and the documents attached to it, in the manner established by law Russian Federation in the field of personal data*.
* Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ “On Personal Data”.

Information about the availability of veterinary education:

Information about work experience in the field of veterinary medicine:

Information about the absence of outstanding or unexpunged convictions for intentional crimes

I confirm the accuracy and completeness of this information.

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
Official Internet portal
legal information, 08.21.2017,
N 0001201708210014

On approval of the application form for certification of specialists in the field of veterinary medicine and the Procedure for testing the knowledge of specialists in the field of veterinary medicine of acts regulating the implementation of veterinary certification, and practical skills in drawing up veterinary accompanying documents

Document's name: On approval of the application form for certification of specialists in the field of veterinary medicine and the Procedure for testing the knowledge of specialists in the field of veterinary medicine of acts regulating the implementation of veterinary certification, and practical skills in drawing up veterinary accompanying documents
Document Number: 212
Document type: Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia
Receiving authority: Ministry of Agriculture of Russia
Status: Active
Published: Official Internet portal of legal information, 08.21.2017, N 0001201708210014
Acceptance date: May 03, 2017
Start date: 01 September 2017

1. How valid document the procedure for issuing veterinary accompanying documents (hereinafter referred to as VSD) is regulated in electronic form?
2. What veterinary accompanying documents are required? in electronic format can it be prescribed by a certified specialist?
3. What list is used to issue EVSD for certified persons?

4. Within what period are VSD issued at the request of the person who applied for registration of VSD?
5. Do persons authorized to conduct veterinary control (supervision) in the Russian Federation have the right to require the owner (carrier) of controlled goods to present VSD on on paper, if the VSD is issued in electronic form?
6. Can a certified person represent several organizations, individual entrepreneurs, individuals?
7. What measures are applied to an authorized person of the organization if 2 or more critical errors are made when registering an EVSD?

8. For how long are VSDs issued in electronic form stored in the federal state? information system(hereinafter referred to as FSIS)?
9. For what period are VSD valid when registering a produced batch of controlled goods?
10. For what period are VSD valid when registering a moved (transported) consignment of controlled goods?
11. For what period are VSD valid when registering the transfer of ownership of a batch of controlled goods?
12. When transporting how many animals (when registering a VSD), is it necessary to attach an inventory of the animals?
13. What data in FSIS does an unregistered user have access to?
14. Type of operation when creating a “production/processing” transaction, which allows you to generate production certificates without necessarily indicating the final volume (weight, size) of the produced batch at the time of registration finished products and the volume of raw materials used for its manufacture. Such production certificates can be supplemented (or supplemented several times - as the necessary data becomes available) with the missing information after the initial issuance of a certificate for a production batch, and, accordingly, the registration of one or more transport certificates for part of this production batch.
15. Is the service area of ​​authorized persons indicated if they are registered with access rights that provide for the possibility of registering or canceling VSD?
16. Is registration of persons who are authorized persons of bodies and institutions included in the system of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation (or employees of organizations subordinate to them) allowed, as representatives of organizations, individual entrepreneurs and individuals?
17. Is registration of the same representative allowed by several organizations, individual entrepreneurs, and individuals?
18. Is registration of several representatives by one organization allowed?
19. For cancellation of registration of an individual entrepreneur or individual in the FSIS, one of the grounds is?
20. If there is a need for laboratory research, inspection, veterinary and sanitary examination of regulated goods, VSDs are issued and (or) issued within?

21. For how long is the registration of an authorized person of an organization suspended in the event of repeated (5 or more) non-critical errors when registering the VSD?
22. When the rights of a representative in one organization are annulled, are his rights in other organizations annulled if he represents several organizations, individual entrepreneurs, or individuals?
23. The meat of which wild game animals is subject to testing for trichinosis?
24. An operation performed in GIS Mercury on controlled products entered in the enterprise’s product log (input and/or output) - production, processing, transportation, sale, change of owner, etc.

25. A document confirming the safety of raw milk (raw milk, raw skim milk and raw cream), which is issued by a state veterinarian for milk producers on farms of any form of ownership - on farms owned owners of private household plots, peasant farm, individual entrepreneur or legal entity.

26. On the basis of a certificate of safety of raw milk, which is issued by a state veterinarian, can a milk producer independently issue electronic VSD for transport batches of raw materials traveling to the place of sale and/or processing.

27. How normative document Have the Rules for the certification of specialists in the field of veterinary medicine been approved?
30. In what period can the applicant apply for certification again if accepted? authorized body decisions to refuse certification?
31. Who cancels the applicant’s certification?
32. What is the validity period of the VSD when registering for animals?
33. How long are VSDs stored in the “draft” state in FSIS?
34. How is an entry added to the production log?
35. Is the certificate of safety of raw milk issued by Mercury a veterinary accompanying document?
36. Name the statuses of the region in regionalization.

37. What type of VSD does not have printed form(cannot be printed) and serves as the basis for creating a transport VSD.

38. If the VSD is issued in electronic form, the owner (carrier) of the controlled goods is obliged, at his own discretion:

39. Non-critical errors made by an authorized person of the organization when registering the VSD (with subsequent suspension of its registration for up to 3 months) are considered:

40. The name of the access right that is granted to a registered user of FSIS, who is an authorized person of a body or institution included in the system of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation, who can issue VSD for animals sick with contagious diseases and animals suspected of being infected with them, toxins of biological origin, natural or laboratory samples of pathogens of infectious animal diseases, pathological or other biological material and samples external environment that contain or may contain pathogenic organisms.
41. What defines the concept of “Frozen meat products”?

42. Which products in the “Product Magazine” section can be combined:

43. What does the concept of “supervised object” mean in the GIS “Mercury”?

44. In what case can a specialist with the “Administrator” role delete or edit a sampling report?

45. In which section of the GIS “Mercury” is the function of creating an act on the established discrepancy in quantity and quality when accepting inventory items implemented?

46. ​​Which products are not covered by TR CU 034/2013?

47.List the subsystems included in the GIS Mercury.

48. Who in the Altai Republic is the authorized body for the creation of certification commissions?

49. Is registration of VSD required during the production and movement of a batch of controlled goods if it is sold to the end consumer?

50. Is VSD registration carried out when transferring ownership of a controlled product?

51. Is registration of VSD required during the production and movement of a batch of controlled goods if it is used by the manufacturer of this controlled goods for purposes not related to the implementation entrepreneurial activity?
52. Is registration of VSD required when moving farm animals for grazing, watering, bathing, walking, carried out by the owner of the animal or his authorized person?

53. Is registration of VSD required when producing a regulated product for the purpose of keeping and (or) feeding animals belonging to the manufacturer of the regulated product?

54. Is there a fee for certification (re-certification) of authorized persons in the field of veterinary medicine?

55. What defines the concept of “Perishable food products” is food products whose shelf life does not exceed:

56. What is traceability food products?

57. What methods are used to identify food products?

58. What defines the concept of “Food Safety”?

59. What food products of animal origin are subject to veterinary and sanitary examination?

60. The name of the access right that is granted to a registered user of FSIS, who is an authorized person of an organization that is a manufacturer of regulated goods and (or) a participant in the circulation of regulated goods, and can administer the list of users of this organization.

61. What defines the term “Meat on the Bone”?

62. What defines the term “Chilled Meat”?

63. What defines the concept of “fresh meat”?

64. What defines the term “Animal Party”?

65. Product of slaughter, the use of which for food purposes is permitted after neutralization:

66. What, according to TRTS 034/2013, defines the concept of “minced meat”?

67. What slaughter and meat products are allowed to be transported in bulk?

68. Is it allowed to defrost frozen slaughter products and meat products, during transportation, storage and sale:

69. What types of veterinary brands exist?

70. Which Technical Regulations Customs Union(TRTS) establishes requirements for the labeling of slaughter products and meat products?

71. What period of storage of documents confirming the safety of unprocessed food (edible) raw materials of animal origin must the manufacturer observe from the date of issue?

72. Costs associated with the transportation of low-quality and dangerous food products, their storage, examination, use or destruction are paid:

73. What defines the concept of “Batch of food products”?

75. If, upon arrival at the enterprise, part of the cargo does not comply established requirements, you need to do the following:

76. To check the electronic veterinary accompanying document for public form, nessesary to use:

77. Indicate the correct action if the incoming IRR is issued for products in the assortment?

78. VSD is not required in the case of:

79. To carry out the operation of clearing incoming electronic VSD in the Mercury system, in order to confirm the receipt of products accompanied by electronic VSD, the following actions must be performed:

80. In which program block is it possible to delete or change the production log?

81. When extinguishing VSD, there is non-editable data:

82. How can I change my password?

83. How is information entered into the input product log in the “Mercury” subsystem. HS"?

84. Is it possible to keep a log of manufactured products at the enterprise in the “Mercury” subsystem. HS"?

85. Where in the system is information about the results of the veterinary and sanitary examination carried out at the enterprise entered:

86. When issuing a certificate of safety of raw milk, the date of production is indicated:

87.Which order of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture has lost force?

88. Cancellation of VSD for a transport batch of controlled goods transported with a change of owner (carrier) or without a change of owner (carrier) is carried out within?

89. What is indicated in the column " Special marks" veterinary certificate when transporting controlled goods between constituent entities of the Russian Federation?

90. What is included in the inventory when transporting more than 5 animals?

91. The cancellation of VSD for a transport batch of controlled goods, the ownership of which is transferred without moving the goods, is carried out within?

92. Based on the results of consideration of the application, authorized persons make one of the following decisions:

93. When exported from the territory of the Russian Federation controlled goods accompanied by veterinary certificates.

94. Starting from June 15, 217, when preparing veterinary accompanying documents in the Mercury system, the movement of regulated products and live animals is monitored for compliance veterinary rules of the Russian Federation:

95. For everyone technical issues related to the operation of the Mercury system can be contacted at:

96. If the owner of the product moves cargo to his enterprise in another region of the Russian Federation, what “transaction” must be completed:

97. When transferring ownership of cargo, without transportation, a “transaction” is drawn up:

98. The difference between conventional VSD and VSD for biological waste is that the list of purposes for the use of biological waste does not include:

99. The norms and procedure for sampling products are regulated.

The business entity subsystem (Mercury.HS) allows you to register the entire cycle of work with products of animal origin:

  • Registration of incoming consignment (reception)
    • via electronic VSD
      • reception of the party in in full
      • partial or full refund
    • according to paper VSD
      • acceptance of the batch in full
      • partial or full refund
  • Registration of results for inventory(in case the actual balances differ from what is indicated in the journal)
  • Registration of disposal
    • processing
    • at the recycling plant


Users of the Mercury.XC subsystem can have certain roles that provide various rights:

  • Authorized applicant - this role allows you to submit applications for issuing VSD in the Mercury system (the condition is met if they do not have a role for issuing VSD).
  • Certified specialist- the role allows you to register VSD for certain products, With specific goals, according to order dated December 18, 2015 No. 647 dated December 18, 2015.
  • Authorized person - the role allows you to issue VSD for certain products, for certain purposes, according to the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation No. 646 dated December 18, 2015.
  • VSD damping- the role allows you to extinguish incoming VSD.
  • Registration of returnable VSD- the role allows you to issue refundable VSD when the certificate is canceled. If the role is specified without the “Extinguishing VSD” role, then it will not be possible to issue return VSD.
  • Certification of FBR catches- the role allows you to register VSD for ABR catches before they arrive for processing and (or) at the site of veterinary and sanitary examination in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation No. 646 dated December 18, 2015.
  • Registration of VSD for a production batch- the role allows you to register transactions with the “processing/production” type.
  • Registration of VSD for raw milk - the role allows you to issue VSD for certain product items, if these items were obtained on the basis of the transaction “certificate of safety of raw milk”.

Registration of incoming shipments using electronic VSD

General process

Incoming electronic VSD can be found in the section " Veterinary documents " → "Inbox" → "Decorated". During the batch acceptance process, the incoming VSD must be cleared (confirm the fact of receipt of the product to the recipient), indicating the accompanying information; different registration scenarios are described below.


If the information about the batch corresponds to that specified in the VSD, there are either no discrepancies in volume or are no more than 5% and the batch is accepted in full, then you must cancel the VSD by clicking on the " button To repay". In the window that opens " VSD damping"in the block" Factual information"indicate actual information about the batch (the discrepancies should not exceed those indicated above). After the VSD is canceled, information about the accepted products automatically falls into the section" Product Magazine" → "Input products " → "Decorated".

The information in the incoming IRR corresponds to the actual information, the batch is partially accepted, a refund is issued for part of the volume

If the information about the batch corresponds to that specified in the VSD, there are either no discrepancies in volume or are no more than 5% and the batch is partially accepted, then you must cancel the VSD by clicking on the " button To repay". In the window that opens " VSD damping"in the block" Factual informationInformation about cancellation" tick " split the party" and indicate the volume and number of packages of accepted products; a return VSD will be automatically generated for the remainder. After the VSD is canceled, information about the accepted products automatically enters the section " Product Magazine" → "Input products" → "Unformed", information about returned products is included in the section " Veterinary documents" → "Outgoing" → "Decorated".

The information in the incoming VSD corresponds to the actual information, the batch is not accepted, a refund is issued for the entire volume of the incoming batch

If the information about the batch corresponds to that specified in the VSD, there are either no discrepancies in volume or are no more than 5% and the batch is returned in its entirety, then you must cancel the VSD by clicking on the " button To repay". In the window that opens " VSD damping"in the block" Factual information"indicate actual information about the batch (discrepancies should not exceed those indicated above) in the block" Information about cancellation" tick " split the party" and indicate the volume and number of packages of accepted products - 0, thus a return VSD will be automatically generated for the entire batch. After the VSD is canceled, information about the returned products goes to the section " Veterinary documents" → "Outgoing" → "Decorated".

If the information about the batch does not correspond to that specified in the VSD, the discrepancies in volume are more than 5% and the batch is accepted in full, then you must cancel the VSD by clicking on the " button To repay". In the window that opens " VSD damping"in the block" Factual information"Indicate actual information about the batch. After clicking on the button" To repay"the form will open" Product Magazine" → "Input products" → "Decorated", the journal entry will contain a link to the non-compliance act.

The information in the incoming IRR does not correspond to the actual information, the batch is accepted partially, a refund is issued for part of the volume

If the information about the batch does not correspond to that specified in the VSD, the discrepancies in volume are more than 5% and the batch is accepted partially, then you must cancel the VSD by clicking on the " button To repay". In the window that opens " VSD damping"in the block" Factual informationInformation about cancellation" tick " split the party" and indicate the volume and number of packages of accepted products; a return IRR will be automatically generated for the remainder. After clicking on the button " To repay"the form will open" Adding an act of non-compliance", in which it is necessary to indicate the reason for the discrepancy. After extinguishing the VSD, information about the accepted products automatically falls into the section " Product Magazine" → "Input products" → "Decorated", the log entry will contain a link to the act of non-compliance. Information about returned products is included in the section " Veterinary documents" → "Outgoing" → "Decorated".

The information in the incoming VSD does not correspond to the actual information, the batch is not accepted, a refund is issued for the entire volume of the incoming batch

If the information about the batch does not correspond to that specified in the VSD, the discrepancies in volume are more than 5% and the batch is returned in its entirety, then you must cancel the VSD by clicking on the " button To repay". In the window that opens " VSD damping"in the block" Factual information"indicate actual information about the batch in the block" Information about cancellation" tick " split the party" and indicate the volume and number of packages of accepted products - 0, thus a return IRR will be automatically generated for the entire batch. After clicking on the button " To repay"the form will open" Adding an act of non-compliance", in which you must indicate the reason for the discrepancy. After the VSD is canceled, information about the returned products goes to the section " Veterinary documents" → "Outgoing" → "Decorated".


  • be among the enterprises served the enterprise for which the electronic VSD was issued,
  • have the right to “Extinguishing VSD” - to accept the batch in full,
  • have the right to “Registrate return VSD” - for partial or full return of the batch.

Registration of incoming shipments using paper VSD (VSD is not available in the Mercury system)

General process

Information about received raw materials that have a paper VSD is entered manually into the product log. The possibility of manually adding information was created due to the presence of a transitional stage between the transfer of VSD on paper to electronic form, and also since cargo can arrive from Belarus and Kazakhstan via VSD on paper. Different scenarios for processing an incoming batch are described below.


The information in the incoming VSD corresponds to the actual information, the batch is accepted in full

In this scenario, it is enough to manually enter information about the accepted products into the " Product Magazine" .

The information in the incoming IRR corresponds to the actual information, a partial or full return of the batch is issued

If the return of products is issued on paper VSD, it must be duplicated in Mercury. For execution of this paragraph it is necessary to enter information about the received products in the product log, the procedure is described in the link

The information in the incoming VSD does not correspond to the actual data, the batch is accepted in full

Information about received raw materials that have a paper VSD is entered manually into the product log. When entering information, actual product data is indicated. Detailed description The procedure for acceptance by paper VSD is described at the link.

The information in the incoming IRR does not correspond to the actual information, a partial or full refund of the batch is issued

If a product return is issued on a paper VSD, it must be duplicated in Mercury. To fulfill this point, it is necessary to enter information about the received products into the product log; when entering information, the actual data about the products is indicated, the procedure is described at the link. Next, to duplicate the paper return VSD, it is necessary to issue a transaction of the type “transportation with change of owner” for the returned part of the product.


To register an incoming shipment via electronic VSD, you must:

  • log in to the Mercury.XC subsystem,
  • be among the enterprises served the enterprise to which the paper VSD arrived,
  • to accept the shipment in full, have minimum rights (one of: Authorized applicant, Certified specialist, Authorized person, FBR catch certification),
  • for a partial or full return of the shipment

Registration of the production batch

General process

Based on the results of the production of a batch of products, it is necessary to make an entry about this in the production journal; for this, a transaction of the “processing/production” type is used. In this case, a production VSD will be issued for each name of the manufactured product, the raw materials used in production will be written off from the product log and the new entry about manufactured products.

The production certificate can be seen on the "tab" Veterinary documents" → "Production" → "Decorated". The production certificate contains such batch attributes as product name, production date, expiration date, etc. The information specified in the production certificate is immutable; they are transferred to transport certificates, which are issued when moving all or part of this production batch.

If errors were made when issuing a veterinary certificate or the raw materials and/or products for which this certificate was issued veterinary certificate, is recognized as dangerous in veterinary and sanitary terms, then such a certificate must be canceled in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation No. 529 dated December 27, 2016. To cancel a VSD, the user must have the right to issue a VSD of the same type as the one being cancelled, and include among the enterprises served the enterprise that produced the product.



To register a VSD for a production batch, you must:

  • log in to the Mercury.XC subsystem,
  • have the right to “Registrate VSD for a production batch.”

Registration of transport consignment for shipment

General process

When moving a batch of products or changing its owner, it is necessary to register this product transport VSD. To create it, you must complete a transaction of one of the following types:

  • "Transportation with change of owner",
  • "Transportation without change of owner"
  • "Change of owner without transportation."



To register a transport VSD for a production batch, you must:

  • log in to the Mercury.XC subsystem,
  • include among the enterprises served the enterprise that produced the product,
  • have the right to register VSD for relevant products(Certified specialist, Authorized person, Certification of FBR catches).

Registration of inventory results

General process

In the event that the actual balances of products differ from what is indicated in the production log, it is necessary to conduct an inventory, indicating the actual volume of available products.



To carry out an inventory:

  • log in to the Mercury.XC subsystem,
  • be among the enterprises served the enterprise where it is necessary to conduct an inventory.

Registration of disposal

General process

In accordance with the Veterinary and Sanitary Rules for the collection, disposal and destruction of biological waste, approved by the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the Russian Federation V. M. Avilov dated December 4, 1995 N 13-7-2/469 biological waste are:

  • corpses of animals and birds, incl. laboratory;
  • aborted and stillborn fetuses;
  • veterinary confiscated goods (meat, fish, other products of animal origin), identified after a veterinary and sanitary examination at slaughterhouses, slaughterhouses, meat and fish processing organizations, markets, trade organizations and other facilities;
  • other waste obtained from the processing of food and non-food raw materials of animal origin.

Biowaste can be entered into the product input log either manually or by recycling products from the input log.


Entering a record manually is done in the section " Product Magazine". To make an entry of this type in the product directory, there is a separate item “biowaste” in the section “Non-food products and other.”

After making an entry about biowaste in the journal on this type products can be issued VSD. The difference between conventional VSD and VSD for biowaste is that the list of purposes for the use of biowaste is limited to the following:

  • disposal by processing at veterinary and sanitary recycling plants (workshops);
  • destruction;
  • processing for feed purposes;
  • burial;
  • disinfection.

To process products from the input log into biowaste, you must first write off the products from the input log. Products are written off using a transaction special type“processing/production”, it is necessary to add to this transaction the products that will be processed into biowaste. After completing this transaction, you must manually record the generated biowaste in the production log.


To register a VSD for biowaste you must:

  • log in to the Mercury.XC subsystem,
  • have among the enterprises served an enterprise that intends to dispose of biowaste,
  • have the right to register VBD for the relevant products (Certified Specialist, Authorized Person, Certification of VBD catches).

Errors that occur

  • When entering any information into the Mercury system (entries in the product log, transactions, inventory records), you must pay attention to the fields marked with an asterisk; they are required to be filled in; if at least one of these fields is not filled in, the system will not attempt saving and will display the error "It is impossible to save the data: required information has not been specified or incorrect data has been entered - if any required fields". To avoid similar situations All required fields must be filled in.
  • An error may also occur due to the restriction of user rights for the operation being performed. For example, when registering a transport VSD for a certain product, the error “This transaction cannot be processed in offline mode, since the user role does not allow you to issue VSD, but you can send this application for consideration by the GVE." If such an error occurs, you can send an application for consideration to the GVE or apply for expanded rights to the administrator of the Business Entity or the appropriate Territorial Administration.
  • Another type of error related to the restriction of user rights can occur in a situation where the user has the role “Canceling VSD” and does not have the role “Registration of return VSD”, and when canceling the incoming VSD, tries to split the batch and issue a return VSD, in this case the form will not have the option to split the batch and the message “It is impossible to split the batch and issue a refundable IRR because the user is not assigned the appropriate role” will be displayed. If such an error occurs, you must contact the administrator of the Business Entity or the relevant Territorial Administration for extension of rights. After expanding the rights, it will be possible to repay the VSD and issue a refund.


  • - Web interface of the "Mercury.HS" subsystem

Ministry Order Agriculture RF dated May 3, 2017 No. 212 “On approval of the application form for certification of specialists in the field of veterinary medicine and the procedure for testing veterinary specialists’ knowledge of acts regulating the implementation of veterinary certification, and practical skills in drawing up veterinary accompanying documents”

In pursuance of paragraph 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 9, 2016 No. 1145 “On approval of the Rules for the certification of specialists in the field of veterinary medicine” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation 2016, No. 46, Art. 6473), I order:

1. Approve the Procedure for testing the knowledge of veterinary specialists in acts regulating the implementation of veterinary certification, and practical skills in drawing up veterinary accompanying documents in accordance with this order.

2. Approve the application form for certification of specialists in the field of veterinary medicine in accordance with this order.

Minister A.N. Tkachev

Registration No. 47862

Information on the availability of veterinary education: ________________________________________________________________________________

Information about work experience in the field of veterinary medicine: _______________________________________________________________________________

Information about the absence of outstanding or unexpunged convictions for intentional crimes ________________________________________________________________

I confirm the accuracy and completeness of this information.

Date "___" __________________

Signature of the applicant _______________________/(full name of the applicant)


Document overview

Certification of specialists in the field of veterinary medicine includes a review of documents submitted by applicants (including applications) and a qualification exam.

The rules for such an exam are regulated. It consists of computer testing and a practical task.

The exam checks whether the applicant knows the acts on veterinary certification issues and whether they have practical skills in preparing veterinary accompanying documents.

The list of questions in the form of tests must include at least 100 points. It is updated by at least 10% during the calendar year and published (without replies) on the official website regional body authorities in the field of veterinary medicine, which created a certification commission. An individual set of tests includes 10 questions.

The practical task consists of 2 tasks to test the applicant’s skills in preparing veterinary accompanying documents. Each qualifying exam presents a new set of questions in the form of a practical task.

The computer test takes 30 minutes. The practical task is completed on the same day. 30 minutes are also provided. Applicants who have received at least 80% of the maximum possible number of points based on the test results are admitted to it.

The exam is considered passed if, based on the results of solving the practical task, at least 70% of the maximum possible number of points is scored.

The application form for certification of a specialist in the field of veterinary medicine has been approved.

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