Request for information to a medical institution. If the document turns out to be fake. Official resource of the FSS

It happens that an employer doubts the authenticity of the sick leave certificate that was provided to him by the employee. After all, the situation is when dishonest employee who already has a certain reputation at work without having good reason for absenteeism, he is forced to look for a way to justify himself to management, not wanting to bear any punishment, including the imposition of penalties.

To solve his problem, a person can contact one of the companies that promise to provide sick leave in as soon as possible for a reasonable fee. Often in this market you can find scammers who provide fake documents. Even the employee who wanted to receive this kind of service may not be aware of this.

To prevent the employer from getting caught unpleasant situation during the next inspection by regulatory services, he must know how to distinguish fake sheet from the present.

Procedure for issuing a document in 2017

Knowing the procedure will help you avoid trouble with a fictitious sick leave certificate. official registration of this document. The law introduced such a term as a certificate of incapacity for work, this is what it is officially called sick leave. Such a document is issued in the event of temporary disability of the insured person - the employee. This condition can be caused by an illness or injury of the employee, the need for him to care for a sick relative, etc.

For getting sick leave man who falls ill must personally contact medical institution or call a doctor at home. Only licensed medical institutions can issue sick leave. That is, the document can only be issued by a doctor who has a license allowing him to carry out medical activities.

Each patient request is registered in a certain way. The date when the application occurred is considered the date when the period of incapacity began, that is, it is on this date that the sick leave will be opened. Starting from this day, the employee can legally be absent from his workplace for a valid reason.

According to the instructions on the basis of which medical institutions operate, sick leave cannot be opened backdating. Often this is simply impossible, because big number medical organizations are equipped with modern computer equipment and use special software during registration of patient requests.

This prevents a person from asking for a sheet for the days that precede his visit to the clinic. Considering this fact, the demand for the services of dubious companies that offer sick leave for any period is quite high.

When a person has recovered, he re-applies to the medical structure in order to close his sick leave. At this stage, you need to know that when a certificate of incapacity for work is filled out and issued to a person, a tear-off spine remains in the clinic, which contains information about the person to whom the document was issued, as well as a unique twelve-digit document number.

This is important to know for anyone who wants to check whether a certificate of incapacity for work was actually issued. It is also important for the employee to keep this in mind in the event of a dispute with the Fund. social insurance, if the employer loses the sheet that he received from the employee. The authenticity of the sheet can be verified immediately after it is received by the employer.

When is verification necessary?

Not established at the legislative level certain period, which is reserved for checking the sick leave that was provided to the employer by the employee. However, there is one rule: the sooner this is done, the better. After all, if a counterfeit is detected after some time, the employer himself will have to bear responsibility.

Most the best option– start checking immediately after sick leave is provided by the employee. Often, a fake can be identified by simply checking two forms.

Procedure for verifying the authenticity of a sick leave certificate

What you need to know to verify the authenticity of a sick leave certificate and what such a procedure is:

  • The very first thing we must not forget is sick leave refers to documents strict reporting, making it almost impossible to obtain it illegally or buy it. If an “underground” certificate is issued, the doctor most likely will not enter it into the appropriate database.
  • In 2011, the sick leave changed: it new size– A4 format instead of the usual A5. It has many degrees of security: 12-digit barcode, blue with fields yellow color for filling. The columns of the paper are filled in in capital block letters. For this purpose, black feather or gel pen. The form can also be filled out using computer technology. The sheet is equipped with watermarks and color shading.

Additional fields have appeared on the form in which the patient’s medical card number must be entered, an identification number and card number pension insurance. The form also contains fields for the employer to fill out. It is quite difficult to forge a document in connection with such innovations. The certificate is issued by an authorized medical institution or doctor.

You can check the authenticity of a sick leave certificate:

  • by going to the clinic where the sick leave was issued. The institution’s database must store information about the document issued and the employee’s illness;
  • by sending a request to a medical institution, which is most often a clinic, asking for information about sick leave;
  • by contacting the Social Insurance Fund to determine whether the issuance of sick leave was legal;
  • through the organization's security service. Most often, its employees have connections with law enforcement agencies, which can obtain any information legally.

On the FSS website or by application

To check your sick leave, you can contact the Social Insurance Fund office. In case employees of this institution If the employer can be convinced that their concerns are justified, they will organize and conduct an inspection.

Also on the Foundation’s website, information is systematically updated about stolen and lost disability certificates, which as a result were declared invalid. Therefore, you can check the sheet online by logging into the official website of the FSS.

By number

The easiest way to determine the authenticity of a sick leave certificate is by number. In 2017, each form is assigned an individual serial number, and this happens in a random sequence. Some time ago, numbers were assigned in order.

The Social Security Fund has special department, recording the numbers of the forms that will later be in no particular order heading to regional branches fund. Taking this into account, the employer can determine that the form is fake by making a corresponding request to the Social Insurance Fund.

It is carried out using a regular fixed-term contract.

You will quickly find out whether it is possible to dismiss an employee who has not completed the probationary period.

Due to incorrect filling

The fact that a sick leave form is genuine does not guarantee that it was issued by a proper medical institution. Fake document can be determined by the fact that it is filled out in violation of the established order.

To enter information into the form, only black ink can be used, use ballpoint pen forbidden. There must be a space between words, but leaving the field is not allowed.

What other points should an employer pay attention to when receiving sick leave from its employee:

  • Ambulance doctors do not have the right to issue the document; blood transfusion services; emergency departments hospitals; mud baths; organizations for the protection of consumer rights in the medical field;
  • the paper must indicate the name of the institution, most often this is a clinic at the person’s place of residence or a hospital where the person spent a certain time;
  • the sheet indicates the date when the document was issued, registration number institutions, full name the patient and the date he was born, the cause of temporary disability is indicated in the form of a code;
  • representatives of the medical structure must correctly indicate the place where the person works;
  • it is mandatory to indicate the period during which the person was incapacitated; such a period can sometimes be extended;
  • the record is certified by the doctor, indicating his name, position and signature;
  • The sick leave certificate must have two seals of the medical institution.

Request to the clinic

The director of the organization in which the person who provided sick leave works has the right to appeal official request to the clinic to find out whether the leaflet is genuine or a fake. If the medical structure refuses to provide the requested data, you need to contact the Social Insurance Fund with an application.

To make a request you need to know the following details:

  • name of the medical institution;
  • employee personal data;
  • details of the employing organization indicating the legal form;
  • the date the document was drawn up;
  • must stand personal signature leader and seal of the organization.

A sample request can be found on the Internet on specialized websites.

If issued retroactively

A certificate of incapacity for work can be issued from the date when the patient consulted a doctor. However, a fairly common offer from various companies on the Internet is to purchase sick leave retroactively.

We need to figure out whether the backdating is legal in such a document and how such sick leave can be obtained. This is only possible if you purchase one of the counterfeit types of sheets: a new form or a ready-made sick leave.

The difference between them is that the finished sheet was issued by a medical institution for monetary reward and was not entered into the database. This is possible due to the fact that the company from which clinics and hospitals purchase forms can resell them, about which the medical structure will not know anything. In such a situation, the clinic will not bear any responsibility for this fact.

Concerning blank form, then the person can purchase such a sheet personally and fill it out independently. Purchasing a document will not be difficult, since such offers from scammers can be found at every step.

However, it is aimed at uninformed people, since others know that a fake document is easy to identify and identify. For this there is certain order, with whom the employer is familiar.

If the document turns out to be fake

If detected fake document The employer's case should be taken up by the prosecutor's office. The first step to take is to take the sheet to independent examination and establish reliably that it is fake. After this, you should write an application to the prosecutor's office and send it along with a certificate of incapacity for work and the results of an independent examination. A copy of the sick leave is sent to the prosecutor's office, the original is provided only if such a request is received.

In this case we're talking about that the person who provided a false document will not receive compensation from social insurance. But this is not the only argument in favor of identifying the providers of fake sick leave certificates. The most important thing is to expose criminals and suppress criminal activities.

In the event that the organization did not immediately discover that the paper was counterfeit and the employee was paid according to such a document, you must also contact Judicial authority, where you should file a claim for the return of benefits that were paid illegally. After this, the employer does not need to fear liability; the employee who knowingly used a forged document will face punishment.

Responsibility for counterfeiting

Practice shows that employees often use fake sick leave certificates when they need to justify their absence from work, but they did not have a legal basis for absence. However, not all of them know that they face liability for such an act.

What types of punishment can be applied to an employee in in this case:

  • disciplinary liability in the form of a reprimand, reprimand or dismissal;
  • financial liability, in the event of which you will have to compensate for damage and pay a fine;
  • criminal liability, in the event of which correctional and forced labor, as well as restriction of freedom or arrest.

Liability threatens not only the employee, but also the employer. This is possible when he fails to check the strict reporting form, and the sick leave turns out to be fake. In this case, a fine of up to 80 thousand rubles will be imposed on the organization.

At the legislative level, the possibility of using criminal liability for using fake sick leave certificates physical persons, and for their production and sale.

The leadership of organizations that engage in such activities risk being punished with imprisonment for up to two years, forced labor may be imposed for the same period, but a person can be arrested for up to six months.


How can an employer verify the authenticity of a sick leave certificate? First, you should know that a sick leave certificate is a document strict reporting, so it is almost impossible to obtain or buy it illegally. And if a doctor gives you sick leave “undercover,” he most likely will not enter its data into the database.

The document must be established sample. Since July 1, 2011, the certificate of incapacity for work has completely changed. And it's not just about color or shape. Now the sick leave sheet has an A4 format instead of the old A5 (that is, it is the same size as the typewritten sheet we are familiar with), has a multi-level degree of protection, including due to a bar code with a unique combination of 12 digits, blue color with light yellow fields to fill out. The columns of the Certificate of Incapacity for Work must be filled out in capital block letters only. black gel or fountain pen, or fill in computer technology. These requirements are caused by the need to scan and transfer sick leave to electronic form. In addition, the sheet has watermarks and color shading.
Also on sick leave additional fields will appear on the sheet where you need to enter the number medical card sick, TIN and pension insurance card number. In addition, new form sick leave contains fields filled in by the employer. It is quite difficult to fake innovations. Now the employer will not only have to sign the sick leave form Chief Accountant, but also a leader. If an employee provides an old-style certificate of incapacity for work after July 1, 2011, it will be considered illegally issued.

The slip must be issued authorized organization(doctor).

Send the employee to the clinic where the sick leave was issued. All information must be stored in the database.

Send a written request to the clinic with a request to confirm the authenticity of the certificate of incapacity for work. An example text of such a request: “Please confirm the authenticity of the certificate of incapacity for work No. ..., Appendix: 1 sheet. Signature.”

Write an application to the Social Insurance Fund for the district, region, city. This structure initiates an inspection at the clinic and establishes the legality of issuing a sick leave certificate.

Contact the company's security service. In most cases, its employees have connections in law enforcement agencies, and they can definitely get any information at the clinic or hospital in a legal way. At the same time, we are not talking about intimidation.

If violations are identified, write a statement to the prosecutor's office. Remember: counterfeiting not only leads to financial losses. For counterfeiting and sale false documents there is a deadline real deprivation freedom up to two years. And for using a fake - fine up to 80 thousand rubles, correctional labor up to two years or arrest for six months.

Sick leave sheet– this is a document of strict accountability, information about which is entered into the patient’s personal outpatient or inpatient card, or into the logbook. The document has a unified A-4 format, barcode, watermarks. Forgery of sick leave certificates is punishable by law.


Secondly, look at the security metal thread - a strip running in shiny dotted lines across a Russian banknote of any denomination. It is solid, but embedded in the bills so that it goes both inside the paper layer of the bill and outside. This can be seen by holding the bill up to the light. Counterfeiters imitate this strip or by sticking ordinary aluminum foil with the same dotted line, or applying silver paint. If you look at such a bill in the light, then solid line in most cases you won't see it.

Thirdly, pay attention to microperforation - another method of protection Russian money from fakes. With a laser, many small holes are applied to banknotes, which are visible to the eye, like a pattern of the denomination of the bill on which they are applied. Counterfeiters often imitate micro-perforations by piercing bills with needles. If you spend in this place banknote finger, such a surface feels rough to the touch. There are no rough edges on a real banknote.

Fourthly, swipe your finger over the inscription “TICKET OF THE BANK OF RUSSIA” on the real bill. You will notice that this is a raised image. It is also present in the corners bills in the form of raised dots and stripes made for visually impaired people.

Fifthly, pay attention to protective fibers printed on banknotes. They should be located not only on the surface of the bill, but also in its thickness. Counterfeiters, as a rule, apply only external imitation of fibers.

Sixth, take a magnifying glass and look at the structure of the colors applied to the real bill. This structure is a single whole, unlike counterfeits made on inkjet or laser copying equipment. If you look at these with magnification fakes, either dots or toner crumbs will be visible.

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Apple products are very popular and are in great demand among consumers. This success is overshadowed by the fact that it appeared on store shelves a large number of fake devices. To determine the authenticity of a phone, you need to pay attention to some details.


You can determine the authenticity of an iPhone 4s various methods. First, measure the screen of your device - a real phone has a diagonal of 3.5 inches, which is approximately 8.9 cm. If the screen is significantly smaller or larger, the phone is a fake. Also examine the body of the device - it should be made of tempered glass and have a steel frame. If the phone is made of plastic, then it is definitely a fake.

Examine the SIM card slot. Thus, Apple produces the iPhone 4s with only one card slot, which is located on the side of the phone. The device body is monolithic, i.e. The user cannot remove the cover to remove the battery or replace it. If you have to remove the back panel to insert the SIM, the device is also a fake. It is worth noting that the operator card connector for the phone is made in Micro-SIM format, which is almost 2 times smaller than the standard one.

Explore serial number device, which has a fixed length of 11 characters. It must match the number indicated on the device packaging and in the device menu (item “Settings” - “Basic” - “About this device”).

Pay attention to the quality of the device's case and screen. Also, some fakes are equipped with a stylus to control elements on the display. Apple doesn't make devices with styluses, and a genuine 4s won't respond to touches from a plastic or metal pointer.

A situation often arises when it is necessary to confirm the authenticity of documents that are presented either in the form of duplicates, or in the form of copies, or do not correspond to the usual type of design.

First of all, if these are domestic Russian documents and they are used within the country, for example, a birth certificate or other types of papers, you can use the services of a notary. To do this, you will need the original document, with which you must come to the notary service to receive all the relevant marks. The notary will check the original and the copy and put a stamp and signature on the document being confirmed.

When reconciling documents, the notary checks the details on the original and copies, looks at the dates of preparation or acceptance of the document, and verifies signatures officials, looks through the seals. Difficulties with confirming the authenticity of a document can only arise if the copy of the document provided does not correspond to the competence of this body, his extradition was committed in violation of the law, etc.

Please note that to perform a procedure such as checking a document for authenticity, you will need to pay a fee in the amount set at the notary's office.

If you need to confirm the authenticity of documents that were issued abroad, you will need a slightly different scheme. Documents that will require confirmation of authenticity in this situation include a marriage certificate, documents on education received abroad, etc. You can prove the authenticity of such documents using an apostille. This is peculiar notarized translation document that is confirmed necessary stamps, signatures and indication of the person who attested to the truth of the information.

In order to obtain an apostille, you need to contact the official authorities with a corresponding request, presenting an identity document. You will definitely need a receipt for payment of the state fee for obtaining an apostille. A similar certification of authenticity will be required for each document that you intend to confirm.

It is worth considering that for documents that you will export to other member countries Hague Convention, you will also need to obtain an apostille for documents, only in Russia.

You can check the authenticity electronic documents- this prospect interests many businessmen who are switching to doing business on the Internet. For this purpose it is used electronic digital signature, which is a guarantee of the authenticity of a contract drawn up on a computer, but not printed. Make one today digital signature not that difficult. But it will significantly simplify the process of document flow between the two companies and will save money on a courier, who usually carries documents for signature.

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  • how to check the authenticity of sick leave certificates
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