High alert mode. On the introduction of the operating mode “Increased readiness for emergency situations in peacetime and wartime”

Extreme (combat) readiness

In the system of ensuring the security of people, values, enterprises, institutions, important facilities and the country as a whole, a significant role

belongs special individuals and groups, being ready for immediate action in case of sudden onset of extreme or emergency situations. Such people and structures exist in the system of forces for emergency situations and civil defense, in the internal affairs bodies, in the internal troops, in the Federal Border Service, in the Armed Forces, in the system of bodies of the penal system, search and rescue organizations, in enterprises and institutions , at the place of residence. These are duty and security guards, rescue, duty and emergency groups, emergency medical care, shifts, guards, patrols, patrols, ambushes, watches, crews, crews of duty vehicles, units, ships and aircraft, etc. They are most often located around the clock in established places near the technical equipment or weapons they need for immediate action. Their main tasks are to conduct surveillance, monitor the situation, promptly detect emerging threats and increase their level, take immediate measures, acting in the manner and within the limits provided for by special regulations.

People and resources on the ground are external indicators of readiness for immediate action. But no less important are morning indicators - indicators real possibility people ensuring preparedness and safety, immediately and with maximum success complete the tasks assigned to them. All data and experience indicate that ensuring such

the opportunity is much more difficult than being assigned to duty and burdened with responsibilities.

Let us recall that all mental phenomena, according to the form of existence, are divided into two groups: stable (permanently or for a long time inherent in the human psyche V in the form of properties, qualities, abilities, knowledge, skills, abilities, habits) and dynamic (rapidly arising, occurring, changing, intensifying, weakening and disappearing - mental processes and mental states). These mental phenomena characterize the internal extreme (combat) readiness of a person, forming in it two groups of components:

sustainable- formed during extreme training, represented in the general extreme abilities and extreme preparedness of a person and a group and determining the very possibility of successful actions when extreme conditions arise;

dynamic - in the form of a mental state of readiness for immediate and extremely successful actions, in which the elements of abilities and extreme preparedness necessary for action in expected extreme situations are updated. In this state, the possibilities of action available to a person (group) in the event of a real occurrence of an extreme situation are updated and initially implemented.

The first group of components of a person’s extreme combat readiness is his general extreme abilities and extreme preparedness - the basis of extreme (combat) readiness. They persist for a long time and appear as long-term, “preliminary” readiness, readiness for various actions, formed by the entire system of preliminary work with a person, a group and their extreme preparation. Second - state of extreme (combat) readiness (readiness), which defines dynamic, immediate, momentary readiness that persists for a short time, readiness for specific extreme actions. You can figuratively imagine this state in the pose of a sprinter, who is curled up externally and internally into a ball at the start and is ready, at a signal, to instantly rush forward with all his might towards the finish line, like an arrow from a tightly drawn bow.

The internal readiness for action is complete in which both of its components are necessarily represented. the main task readiness of the duty forces, which include trained professionals, lies in the formation and maintenance of their state of extreme (combat) readiness. Its solution is associated with four particular problems:

- formation state of readiness before going on duty, watch, guard duty, etc.;

- maintaining condition at the proper level during the entire duty, watch, guard, flight, hike, sailing, etc.;

- increase level of preparedness in case of aggravation of the situation, emergence and increase of immediate threats;

- strengthening readiness based on experience acquired during duty, etc.

Quality of both groups of components ts the success of solving the main and particular problems is determined by level of extreme (combat) readiness of a specific person or group, according to this indicator it is assessed as:

Full (combat);



Combat readiness can, even when mistakenly assessed as complete, turn out to be illusory readiness, pseudo-readiness, which, unfortunately, happened quite often.



(combat) readiness

Some people may have a question: is it necessary to distinguish all this, isn’t it enough that a professional is a professional, and, when necessary, he will act as he should? However,

The question of readiness to act in extreme situations is so important, and mistakes in answering it entail such serious consequences that a superficial approach and neglect of natural dependencies is unacceptable.

The presence of preparedness, as a set of persistently inherent advantages in a person, necessary for the upcoming activity, is a potential, an opportunity, and state of readiness - this is reality, the realization of possibilities not yet in actions, but in the active totality of mental processes immediately preceding them, representing their origin, manufacturing to go to them. Humans generally belong to “state-determined systems,” as they are called in general systems theory. For such systems, being in a certain state determines its capabilities at the moment and its further changes, the “line of behavior.” Preparedness is what is stored V memory, hidden, capable of manifesting itself, but not yet manifesting itself, and the state of readiness is its first manifestation before actions. Preparedness exists in the form of knowledge, skills, abilities, habits, qualities, attitudes, mechanisms, etc., and the state of readiness is a certain functional level of internal activity and mobilization of the system’s capabilities. The mental state is ready

hundred is a special mental state of a person in which his abilities and preparedness are not potentially, but actually and maximally expressed at the moment.

The state of readiness, in addition, according to the structural and content characteristics - unity of general and special (specific, situational) components of actual(currently ongoing) mental activity that meets the requirements of the upcoming extreme (combat) and compared to it. Success in any complex task, be it the work of a worker, peasant, driver, athlete, builder, engineer, doctor, rescuer, military man, manager, etc., depends on the general mobilization of a person to carry it out: attitude towards him, conscientiousness, honesty, hard work , responsibility, composure, organization, discipline, self-demandingness, willpower, ability to control oneself, etc. This is also necessary when performing various duties, for example, for a soldier - when repairing equipment, being on duty and guard, and using weapons. Therefore, any state of readiness to carry out any extreme activity in its structure and content includes general mobilization, expressed in the corresponding mental processes of general motivation, understanding, attitude, tension, conscientiousness, composure, self-demandingness, willpower, etc. Their manifestations and strength depend on the general extreme abilities of a person, his social development and upbringing. Willingness to act in a deadly situation is determined, first of all, by a person’s love for the Fatherland, the strength of a Russian’s sense of civic duty and national dignity, love and devotion to the people, respect for their history; feelings of continuing the work of his ancestors and responsibility for the future of Russia. In addition to this, the victory of our people over a terrible and strong enemy in the Great Patriotic War, which was very difficult, but was achieved because the overwhelming number of people of that generation were patriots, ready to stand for their Motherland to the death, and if necessary, lay down their heads for it. Fatherland.

Strengthening the general components of extreme (combat) readiness is the most important task solved during extreme training, and their actualization before action is the task of creating a state of readiness. They are its foundation, but no one considers a house built if only the foundation is laid, but there are no walls or roof. In order for extreme (combat) readiness to be complete, special components must be present in it. An athlete, for example, needs to get ready not for the competition in general, but for the start of the 100-meter dash,

or to perform exercises on the uneven bars, etc. The duty officer, the watchman, the patrolman, etc. also need to be ready to perform special actions - to eliminate the fire that has arisen, to keep a vigilant observation of the situation, to maintain the readiness of the missile for launch, not to let the intruder cross the guarded border, repel a sudden attack, open fire to kill, etc. The state of extreme (combat) readiness of the same professional for various extreme (combat) Actions depends each time on the characteristics of these actions and the situation, i.e. according to special (specific) components, it needs special formation each time. Most often, special components and states of extreme (combat) readiness are:

Clear knowledge of one’s responsibilities in a specific situation of monitoring the situation and during its dangerous aggravations;

A clear mental plan of action in various options for increasing the level of threats and the emergence of dangers;

Knowledge of the nature of possible threats and the likelihood of their change;

Knowledge of signs of threats, their changes and implications for the performance of their duties;

Psychological orientation towards vigilant monitoring of the situation, alertness to signs of threats; directed and intense attention to them and their changes;

The desire to immediately detect the slightest signs of threats and their changes (even if someone is trying to disguise them), to unravel hidden, implicit signs and give them an appropriate assessment;

Making efforts to maintain a high level of sensitivity of that sense organ(s) (vision, hearing, smell, etc.) that is of dominant importance for the timely detection of changes in signs of threats;

Achieving an optimal level of functional psychological (psychophysiological) activity of processes, systems, organs that provide the first, immediate and extremely effective actions in the event of a dangerous increase in the level of threats;

Trained in highly effective performance of actions necessary in the event of an extreme situation;

Motivational-volitional attitude to perform duties and actions with high efficiency;

Emotional-volitional attitude to face difficulties and dangers in expected extreme situations;

An attitude of resourceful action when faced with any surprises in possible extreme situations.

The more complex the conditions and activities, the more important the specialization of readiness for their specific characteristics becomes. The less successful she is, the more likely it is that when extreme situations arise, her shortcomings will be compensated for by nonspecific manifestations - increased stress, overexertion, running around, turmoil, rage, etc.

The events of recent years prove the correctness of the ancient Greek proverb: “If you want peace, prepare for war.” By working out the worst-case scenarios, it is possible to test the combat readiness of troops, as well as send a signal to a potential enemy or unfriendly neighbor. The Russian Federation achieved a similar result after conducting a series of military exercises.

The concern of the United States of America and NATO is explained by the fact that combat readiness in Russia is aimed not at one of the worst scenarios, but at several: for the sake of peace in its country, the Russian army is ready for war in any direction.


Combat readiness is a state of the Armed Forces in which various army units and units are able to prepare and engage in battle with the enemy in an organized manner and in a short time. The task set by the military leadership is carried out by any means, even with the help of nuclear weapons. Troops in combat readiness (CR), having received the necessary weapons, military equipment and other material resources, are ready at any moment to repel an enemy attack and, following orders, use weapons of mass destruction.

Plan for bringing to BG

In order for the army to be brought into combat readiness, the headquarters is developing a plan. This work is supervised by the commander of the military unit, and the result is approved by the senior commander.

The BG plan provides for:

  • the procedure and methods for notifying military personnel and officers for assembly;
  • their location is indicated;
  • actions of the duty officer and in the military unit;
  • actions of the commandant service in areas where personnel and military equipment are concentrated.


Combat readiness for each level begins with a signal received by the duty officer of the military unit. Next, using the “Cord” system installed in each military unit, telephone or siren, the unit duty officer is notified by the unit duty officer and the commander. Having received the signal, the information is clarified, and then using a voice command: “Company, rise! Alarm, alarm, alarm!” - the units on duty notify all personnel about the start of the operation. After this, the command is given: “Muster has been announced” - and the military personnel are sent to the units.

Those who live outside the military unit receive the command to gather from the messengers. It is the responsibility of the driver mechanics to arrive at the park. There, the attendants hand out the keys to the car boxes. Drivers are required to prepare all necessary equipment before officers arrive.

Loading of army property is carried out by personnel according to the combat crew. Having prepared, under the supervision of senior officers, all the necessary equipment for sending to the location, the personnel wait for the arrival of officers and warrant officers who are responsible for transporting the property of the military unit. Those who did not enter are sent to the collection point.

Degrees of combat readiness

Depending on the situation, BG can be:

  • Constant.
  • Increased.
  • In a state of military danger.
  • Full.

Each degree has its own events in which military personnel take part. Their clear awareness of their responsibilities and ability to quickly complete tasks testifies to the ability of units and groups of troops to act in an organized manner in situations critical to the country.

What is needed to conduct a biopsy?

Combat readiness is affected by:

  • combat and field training of units, officers and staffs;
  • organizing and maintaining the army in accordance with the requirements of the combat regulations;
  • equipping army units and units with the necessary weapons and equipment.

The ideological education of personnel and their awareness of their responsibilities is of great importance to achieve the necessary

Standard BG

Constant combat readiness is a state of the Armed Forces in which units and units are concentrated at a permanent location and are engaged in daily activities: a strict daily routine is followed, and high discipline is maintained. Some are engaged in routine maintenance of equipment and training. The classes conducted are coordinated with the schedule. The troops are ready to move to the highest level of combat at any time. For this purpose, designated units and units are on duty around the clock. All activities occur as planned. Special warehouses are provided for storing material and technical equipment (ammunition, fuels and lubricants). Vehicles have been prepared that, at any moment, if necessary, can transport them to the area where the unit or unit is deployed. Combat readiness of this level (standard) provides for the creation of special reception centers for the loading and removal of military personnel and officers to places of mobilization.

Increased BG

Increased combat readiness is a state of the Armed Forces in which units and units are ready to act in a short period of time to repel military danger and carry out combat missions.

In case of increased combat readiness, the following measures are provided:

  • cancellation of vacations and transfers to the reserve;
  • strengthening the outfit;
  • implementation of round-the-clock duty;
  • return to the location of some units;
  • checking all available weapons and equipment;
  • supplying combat training equipment with ammunition;
  • checking alarms and others;
  • preparing archives for delivery;
  • officers and warrant officers are equipped with weapons and ammunition;
  • officers are transferred to barracks position.

After checking the military base of a given level, the readiness of the unit for possible changes in the regime is determined, the amount of material reserves, weapons and transport required for this level for the removal of military personnel and officers to places of mobilization is checked. Increased combat readiness is used primarily for training purposes, since operating in this mode is expensive for the country.

Third degree of readiness

In a regime of military danger, combat readiness is a state of the Armed Forces in which all equipment is withdrawn to a reserve area, and army units and subunits raised on alert quickly set out to carry out tasks. The functions of the army in the third level of combat readiness (the official name of which is “military danger”) are the same. The war begins with the announcement of an alarm.

This level of combat readiness is characterized by:

  • All branches of troops are withdrawn to the concentration point. Each unit or formation is located in two prepared areas at a distance of 30 km from the permanent deployment point. One of the areas is considered secret and is not equipped with utilities.
  • According to the laws of war, personnel are supplemented with cartridges, grenades, gas masks, anti-chemical packages and individual first-aid kits. Units of any military branches receive everything they need at concentration points. In the army of the Russian Federation, tank troops, after arriving at the place designated by the command, are refueled and equipped with ammunition. Other types of units also receive everything they need.
  • The dismissal of persons whose term of service has expired is cancelled.
  • Work on accepting new conscripts is stopped.

Compared to the two previous levels of combat readiness, this level is characterized by high financial costs.

Full combat readiness

In the fourth degree of war, army units and formations of the Armed Forces are in a state of highest combat readiness. This regime provides for measures aimed at transitioning from a peaceful situation to a military one. To accomplish the task set by the military leadership, personnel and officers are completely mobilized.

At full combat readiness the following are provided:

  • 24/7 duty.
  • Carrying out combat coordination. This event means that all units and formations in which personnel reductions were made are staffed again.
  • Using encrypted coded or other classified communications, orders are given to military personnel and officers. Commands may also be given in writing and delivered by hand. If orders are given orally, they must be subsequently confirmed in writing.

Bringing to combat readiness depends on the situation. BG can be carried out sequentially or bypassing intermediate stages. Full readiness can be declared in the event of a direct invasion. After the troops are brought to the highest level of combat readiness, a report is made from the commanders of units and formations to the highest authorities.

When else is the fourth level of readiness carried out?

Full combat readiness in the absence of a direct invasion is carried out with the purpose of checking a particular district. Also, this declared degree of BG may indicate the beginning of hostilities. Checking full combat readiness is carried out in very rare cases. This is due to the fact that the state spends a lot of money to finance this level. The declaration of full combat readiness throughout the country can be carried out for the purpose of a global check of all units. In each country, according to security rules, only a few units can be constantly in the fourth level BG mode: border guard, anti-missile, anti-aircraft and radio technical units. This is due to the fact that in the current conditions a strike can be delivered at any minute. These troops are constantly concentrated in the required positions. Like regular army units, these units also engage in combat training, but in case of danger they are the first to act. Especially in order to respond to aggression in a timely manner, the budgets of many countries provide funding for individual army units. The state is unable to support the rest in this regime.


The effectiveness of checking the readiness of the Armed Forces to repel an attack is possible if secrecy is maintained. Traditionally, combat readiness in Russia is under the close attention of Western countries. According to European and American analysts, attacks carried out by the Russian Federation always end with the appearance of Russian special forces.

The collapse of the Warsaw bloc and the advance of NATO forces to the east are considered by Russia as a potential threat, and therefore are the reason for the subsequent adequate military activity of the Russian Federation.


On the subject “Organization of medical support for the population in emergencies of a natural, man-made nature and in wartime.”

High alert mode. Definition and main activities.

Completed by intern:Checked by: Department Assistant
UEF and FT NizhSMA

1. Increased readiness. Definition
2. Unified state system for prevention and response to emergency situations. Civil Defense and RSChS events
3. CoES and fire safety activities
4. Full-time emergency rescue units. Activities of the RCMK, TCMK.
5. Actions of government bodies to organize the life of the population.
6. Activities of medical service units

High alert mode - introduced when the industrial, radiation, chemical, biological (bacteriological), seismic and hydrometeorological situation worsens, or when a forecast is received about the possibility of an emergency.

The Unified State System for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations - RSChS, is designed to protect the population and territories from emergency situations of a natural, man-made and other nature, to ensure the protection of the population, territories and the environment, material and cultural values ​​of the state in peacetime. Unites governing bodies, forces and means of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, organizations (including private ones), whose powers include resolving issues of protecting the population and territories from emergency situations.
Objectives and leadership of the Unified State System for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations

In its activities, the Unified State System for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations solves the following main tasks:
1. Development and implementation of legal and economic norms related to ensuring the protection of the population and territories from emergency situations.
2. Implementation of targeted and scientific and technical programs aimed at preventing emergency situations and increasing the sustainability of the functioning of enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms.
3. Ensuring readiness for actions of control bodies, forces and means intended to prevent and eliminate emergency situations.
4. Collection, processing, exchange and distribution of information in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergency situations.
5. Preparing the population to act in emergency situations.
6. Forecasting and assessing the socio-economic consequences of emergency situations.
7. Creation of reserves of financial and material resources for liquidation of emergency situations.
8. Implementation of state examination, supervision and control in the field of protection of the population and territories in emergency situations.
9. Elimination of emergency situations.
10. Implementation of measures for social protection of the population affected by emergency situations, carrying out humanitarian actions.
11. Implementation of the rights and responsibilities of the population in the field of protection from emergency situations, including persons directly involved in their elimination.
12. International cooperation in the field of protecting populations and territories from emergency situations.
An important condition for the successful functioning of the Unified State System for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations is the continuous implementation of all measures to protect the population and territories from emergency situations.
Organizational structure of the bodies of the Unified State System of Prevention and Liquidation...

In high alert mode, VSMC carries out the following main activities:

Notifying the personnel of management bodies, formations and institutions of the disaster medicine service about the introduction of a high-alert regime, their collection in a timely manner;

Strengthening the duty dispatch service, transferring, if necessary, the staff of disaster medicine centers to round-the-clock work (partially or completely), creating additional operational groups, providing them with vehicles and communications;

Analysis of the reasons that led to the introduction of a high-alert regime, forecasting possible developments of the situation and preparation of proposals to the chairman of the interdepartmental coordination commission of the disaster medicine service on the content and organization of events;

Clarification of plans for medical and sanitary provision of the population in an emergency, taking into account the situation that has arisen and the measures proposed to be carried out by the disaster medicine service;

Carrying out measures for the medical protection of the population and participating in its preparation for actions in the event of emergency situations; clarification of the need for medical personal protective equipment, the procedure for issuing them to the personnel of the disaster medicine service and the population, the need and procedure for their use;

Checking readiness to use material and technical resources and reserves of medical equipment and their replenishment; carrying out measures to reduce the time it takes to issue property to medical units of the disaster medicine service, organizing the replenishment of missing items of their equipment;

Clarification of plans for interaction with governing bodies, institutions and organizations of other ministries and departments whose forces are part of the disaster medicine service;

Strengthening monitoring of the sanitary, hygienic and epidemiological situation, predicting the possibility of the emergence of mass infectious diseases, analyzing information on the sanitary and epidemiological situation in the territory of a possible emergency, developing proposals for organizing and conducting sanitary and epidemiological surveillance and a set of anti-epidemic (preventive) measures to prevent the occurrence mass infectious diseases.

As you can see, all the measures taken by the service during the introduction of a high-alert regime are aimed at reducing the time required to achieve its full readiness to eliminate a possible emergency. It is obvious that the content, volume and order of implementation of measures must correspond to the nature and scale of the expected emergency.

The decision to organize notification and collection of only management personnel or all personnel of the management body, personnel of formations and institutions is made by the head of the disaster medicine service of the appropriate level. When introducing the regime under consideration, a pre-developed procedure for collection during working and non-working hours is put into effect.

The main source of information about the situation is the relevant authorities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and health care institutions located in or near the emergency zone. To clarify the situation, an operational group of the disaster medicine service and representatives of the service to the management bodies of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations can be sent to the zone of a possible emergency.

In a high-alert mode, information is exchanged on the situation, the state of readiness of forces and means to carry out measures to mitigate the impact of damaging factors from the source of a possible emergency, and the joint use of formations and institutions of various ministries and departments in the event of an emergency.

To ensure round-the-clock operation of control bodies in a high-alert mode, the duty and dispatch service is strengthened by personnel from other departments of the center, and a shift work schedule of 12 hours a day is put into effect.

Depending on the situation, the scale of the predicted or occurring emergency, by decision of the relevant executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments within a specific territory, one of the following modes of operation of the RSChS is established:

A) daily activity routine - under normal production and industrial, radiation, chemical, biological (bacteriological), seismic and hydrometeorological conditions, in the absence of epidemics, epizootics, epiphytoties and fires;

b) high alert mode is introduced when the industrial, radiation, chemical, biological (bacteriological), seismic and hydrometeorological situation worsens, when a forecast is received about the possibility of an emergency;

V) emergency mode - in the event of and during the liquidation of natural and man-made emergencies.

Depending on the operating mode, RSChS carries out the following activities.

During daily activities RSChS carries out:

1. Monitoring and control of the state of the environment, the situation at potentially hazardous facilities and in the territories adjacent to them;

2. Planning and implementation of targeted and scientific-technical programs and measures to prevent emergencies, ensuring the safety and protection of the population; reducing possible losses and damage, as well as implementing measures to improve the sustainability of the functioning of industrial facilities and sectors of the economy in emergencies;

3. Creation and maintenance of readiness of forces and means for eliminating the consequences of emergencies;

4. Improving the preparation of government bodies for civil defense and emergency situations, forces and means for actions in emergencies;

5. Organization of training of the population on methods of protection and actions in emergencies;

6. Creation and replenishment of reserves of financial, material and technical resources for emergency response;

7. Registration of targeted types of insurance;

8. Participation in carrying out advance measures to prepare for the introduction of civil defense.

In high alert mode, RSChS carries out the following activities:

1. Direct management of the relevant emergency commissions, the functioning of subsystems and units of the RSChS, the formation, if necessary, of operational groups to identify the reasons for the deterioration of the situation directly in the area of ​​a possible disaster, the development of proposals for its normalization;

2. Strengthening the duty dispatch service;

3. Strengthening monitoring and control over the state of the natural environment, the situation at potentially hazardous facilities and adjacent territories; forecasting the possibility of emergencies and their scale;

4. Taking measures to protect the population and the environment, to ensure the sustainable functioning of facilities;

5. Bringing forces and assets to a state of readiness, clarifying action plans and moving, if necessary, to the proposed emergency area.

In high-alert mode, RSChS control is carried out from points of permanent location of day-to-day control bodies and (if necessary) from auxiliary control points (mobile and stationary).

In an emergency situation, the following activities are carried out:

1. Organization of population protection;

2. Deployment of operational groups to the emergency area;

3. Determination (reconnaissance) of the boundaries of the emergency zone;

4. Organization of emergency response, protection of the population and territory, carrying out emergency rescue and other urgent work to evacuate the population;

5. Organization of work to ensure the sustainable functioning of economic sectors and facilities, priority life support for the affected population, provision of emergency medical care, and implementation of other urgent measures;

6. Carrying out continuous monitoring of the state of the natural environment in the emergency area, the situation at emergency facilities and in the adjacent territory.

In an emergency situation, the RSChS is controlled from daily control points and auxiliary control points (mobile and stationary) depending on the development of the emergency situation.

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