Beauty salons and hairdressers. Legal requirements

When planning to open a business in the public service sector - be it a hairdressing salon or a nail studio, an entrepreneur is faced with the need to complete numerous papers. The list, which includes documents for a beauty salon necessary for work, should be studied at the stage when a business plan is being developed, and you don’t even have to think about SES checks. Then it will be much easier to collect a package of papers, and it will not be difficult to calculate how to break even with the return on investment of a new business.

When choosing a premises and preparing documents for opening a beauty salon, it is important to remember the established standards and sanitary safety requirements. The requirements set by the state for the business registration process itself are quite flexible. It is only necessary to select the proper form of ownership, as well as determine OKVED codes suitable for the types of activities that employees will be engaged in. You do not need a license to open a hairdresser. Therefore, you won’t have to find out how much it costs either.

The first steps towards your own business

The list of steps to open a hair salon is surprisingly simple. For everything to go smoothly, all you need to do is:

  • open an individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • find a suitable facility for opening a hairdressing salon and buy or rent space;
  • fulfill the requirements of regulatory organizations for sanitary and fire supervision;
  • pass inspection and receive permission to open.

For Rospotrebnadzor, which monitors enterprises and organizations operating in the service sector (this includes cosmetic services), every beauty salon is a source of increased sanitary hazard.

Do not delay in finding a sanitary and epidemiological station that will perform work on a contract basis. The sooner a permanent service agreement is concluded, the easier it will be to complete all approvals. Consultation with a specialist will come in handy even if there should be no claims from regulatory authorities.

What contracts will need to be concluded?

Documents for opening a hairdressing salon include not only a basic package of papers. This requires a wider range of required documentation. For example, in Moscow and the region, you will have to draw up an agreement for waste removal, appoint someone responsible for the implementation of fire safety rules, and undergo appropriate training. Mandatory papers also include log books for entering data on the frequency of sterilization of instruments, general cleaning, and the use of bactericidal and disinfectants used by employees.

When opening a beauty salon in Moscow, its owner receives a conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor. What will happen if this is not done? Businesses will simply not be allowed to operate. This is why it is better to strictly follow the standard procedure and not try to go against the system.

Sanitary safety

For a beauty salon, fairly high sanitary safety standards apply. Each such service enterprise needs to develop an individual production control program, according to which personnel will be trained. Installed (and mandatory for use) sterilization equipment must be examined by SES specialists with the subsequent drawing up of conclusions and reports. It is mandatory to conclude contracts for:

  • sanitization of the ventilation system;
  • disinsection and disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems;
  • control of rodents and insects (mandatory for all hairdressing salons and nail studios);
  • waste removal - both salon-specific (hair, nails) and household waste;
  • undergoing medical examinations by staff, including medical registration. books for SES.

A complete list of documents for a beauty salon or hairdresser can be obtained from Rospotrebnadzor or from specialists from the sanitary and epidemiological station.

Is a full package of documents required?

Each contract for carrying out sanitary measures, on an ongoing basis, adds to the service enterprise’s chances of successfully opening and passing all inspections. But among the opening documents there are also those that cannot be obtained quickly or processed without the involvement of third parties. For example, a contract for the removal of fluorescent lamps must be concluded by the owner of the premises. The tenant must ensure that he will be able to obtain it without undue difficulty.

The list of documents for SES is also quite difficult to cover at once. But, if service contracts are concluded with one company, the scale of the problems will be significantly less. Sanitary service specialists will help you correctly draw up each logbook, develop a PCP, and draw up reports on the work already completed. Qualified consultation with a specialist will also help you find out what documents are needed for opening.

Personnel control

How to start your own business? What documents are needed to successfully pass all checks? The abundance of unanswered questions can make a novice entrepreneur’s head spin. And even if you plan to work as an individual entrepreneur, you will have to obtain a personal medical record confirming the right to operate in the service sector. And if you plan to recruit staff for a beauty studio in Moscow, then it will not be enough to simply register employees in accordance with Labor Code standards. It will be necessary to conclude an agreement allowing staff to undergo regular medical examinations, and also ensure that the laundry used is washed on an ongoing basis.

When opening a beauty studio, documents for it should be drawn up based on the list of requirements established in the region and all-Russian standards. In Moscow and the Moscow region, sanitary standards are strictly checked, and very substantial fines are established for their violation.

Beauty studio: what documents are needed?

The results of laboratory tests compiled after studying swabs and samples taken by specialists, permitting documentation for conducting medical activities (if a cosmetologist works, you will need to enter into an additional agreement for cleaning and waste removal) - all this is needed to open a hairdressing salon in Moscow. On average, it takes from 30 to 60 days to complete formalities. But the papers that are needed to open a salon are required not only for submission to various authorities. Internal document flow will also have to be improved.
To open a salon, you should carefully plan all the stages and systematically implement them. Study labor protection standards, fire safety requirements, sanitation and hygiene. In this case, it will take much less time to open a beauty salon. And most importantly, it will be possible to avoid wasting time and effort.

Full package of documents

The list of documents required for a hairdresser or beauty salon is not a secret - it is presented in the public domain and, if desired, can become a guide to action when carrying out business activities. But when working with papers, it is better to have a professional consultant on hand who can help draw up an order appointing a person responsible for compliance with production control standards. In this case, the likelihood of errors will be much lower. And when performing work and services by employees of a beauty salon or hairdresser, it will be possible to avoid claims from regulatory organizations.

The Sanitary and Epidemiological Station is your reliable partner

When opening a beauty salon or hairdresser, you can rely on your own strength. It will make it much easier to find out what documents you may need before opening a beauty salon. And most importantly, everything you need: from disinfection of ventilation to extermination of rodents, can be ordered from one company. All sanitary documents will be completed on time and in full compliance with the rules of Rospotrebnadzor. It is worth paying attention to the fact that SES has all licenses for the services provided and provides a guarantee for the completion of work.

The standards of the manicure salon are regulated by SanPiN. Thanks to this, clients receive services of the highest quality. There are legislative recommendations, and there are those whose compliance is the responsibility of the salon manager. In this article we will look at the nuances and features of this issue.

Room standards for a manicure salon

Many entrepreneurs are interested in opening a manicure salon, since such a business is quite profitable. To organize a salon where manicure services will be provided, you will have to prepare a lot of documents.

Those who have already opened a manicure salon claim that the most difficult thing is to obtain documents that are of a sanitary-epidemiological and permitting nature. To become their happy owner, you will have to prepare the object so that it fully meets all standards.

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The standards for a nail salon assume that the premises meet certain requirements.

  1. A manicure salon can only be located on non-residential territory. If you want to open an office in an apartment, then it must be transferred to the status of a non-residential property.
  2. Manicure rooms with only one or two workstations must have an area of ​​at least 15 square meters. m.
  3. The manicure room must have a ceiling height of 3 m.

In addition, the manicure salon must be provided with proper equipment. The walls should be faced with tiles or other material whose surface is smooth. It is important that wet cleaning can be done with ease.

How to disinfect and sterilize manicure cutters

Of course, there are requirements for the level of service and hygiene standards. If the sanitary, epidemiological and hygienic standards of the manicure room are met, then the entrepreneur receives the appropriate package of documents.

Storage standards for materials for the manicure salon

You should carefully consider the zoning of the room and the arrangement of equipment. This determines how comfortable your customers will be, as well as what the profit of your establishment will be, and therefore the success of the business as a whole. Decide how to arrange each work station. It is important to take into account the features of the room: layout, ergonomics, area. Think about storing the tools and materials you use on the job. Of course, all this should be planned taking into account that the sanitary standards of the manicure room have their own requirements and must be observed.

If you haven’t taken something into account, then you may have to make a rearrangement, move jobs, coordinate this with each of the authorities, which, of course, will not give you any pleasant feelings. It is extremely important to take into account the sanitary standards of the manicure room at the planning stage. Think about how many specialists you will have working for you and where the workplaces will be located. Evaluate how convenient it is for both the client and the employee. If you do not have the knowledge or skills to plan space, we recommend turning to professionals. You will be able to avoid unnecessary problems and headaches.

A warehouse in a manicure salon is usually designed to store:

  • materials for nail service;
  • consumables for procedures;
  • working equipment, tools;
  • household supplies;
  • stationery and supplies;
  • advertising products;
  • stock of goods that are sold in the office (cosmetics for home care, etc.).

Nail salon sanitation standards require that warehouses store products in groups based on how quickly the product expires and how often the product is used. We must not forget about proper storage conditions, that is, temperature, humidity, lighting, tightness, etc.

The temperature in the warehouse should be 0–25 degrees. If you look at the label of most products used in manicure salons, you will see exactly these indicators. The fact is that at temperatures below zero the product can harden, and at temperatures above 25 degrees the process of oxidation will begin. Also, avoid sudden changes in temperature and direct sunlight. Otherwise, the product may lose its properties or gain some others.

It is important to understand that some materials cannot be stored together due to their nature. For such a product, you should choose a tightly sealed container. It is imperative to place a label on it, on which the name of the product must be written in both Russian and other national languages. Remember that nail salon regulations are designed to keep you, your clients and employees safe.

If such a drug is stored in an open container that does not have a label, then this situation is fraught with unnecessary consequences. Nail salon regulations require that some of the substances be stored in glass containers with thick walls. For example, perhydrol is considered such a drug. The chemical contained in a glass vessel should be placed in a box divided into cells. This is necessary to protect the container from possible damage.

Follow nail salon regulations and store your materials in tightly closed containers. Be sure to take into account the rules that are indicated on the packaging of each product. It is not allowed to touch the substance with your hands, because this risks introducing microorganisms into it, the presence of which can negatively affect the quality of cosmetics. In order to get the product out, you should use a spatula. Thanks to this approach, the material will be stored longer. If the product is in a tube, then its shelf life is much shorter. The fact is that the specialist presses on the tube, and thereby lets air into it, and with it many harmful bacteria. It is best to store the drug in a container with a dispenser. This allows you to avoid opening the bottle every time you need to use the product. Thanks to the dispenser, the material will be stored for a long time and oxidize slowly. If we are talking about a drug that is in an ampoule, then it is important to understand that after opening the ampoule it can no longer be stored.

Nail salon regulations suggest that the flammable substance should be stored in an airtight glass or metal container. If the container is not closed tightly, the liquid may evaporate. Large vessels should be placed in one row in height.

SanPiN standards for manicure salons regarding sterilization and disinfection of instruments

So, your client’s nails have gel polish with a stunning design. She smiles, expresses her gratitude, and leaves you. The master is also pleased with himself and his work. So what now? After the specialist has completed his work, you should not relax. Everything that was used during work should be processed. We are talking about processes such as disinfection and sterilization, which are required by the standards of a manicure salon.

These terms have differences, and the processes are complementary to each other, not mutually exclusive. Thanks to disinfection, you can get rid of pathogenic microorganisms, but not their spores. But sterilization involves the destruction of everything, including spores.

Sterilization of manicure instruments according to SanPiN is carried out in three stages: pre-sterilization treatment, sterilization and storage. We will consider the features of each stage in detail.

To carry out sterilization work, we will need some equipment. Of course, in our time, boiling is not the answer. There are other new methods that are more effective and convenient. We list the most popular of them:

1. Dry heat cabinet

The dry-heat oven is considered the “gold standard” of sterilization work. It acts like an oven, that is, it heats the instruments. Temperature range - 180–260 degrees.

Treatment lasts 1–2 hours. The device is affordable and allows you to process a large number of tools at the same time. However, it also has disadvantages. We are talking about high energy consumption, as well as the fact that due to exposure to high temperatures, tools can deteriorate over time.

2. Autoclave

An autoclave is also used to sterilize instruments. According to the principle of operation, it resembles a double boiler. The duration of sterilization is much shorter, the level of energy consumption is lower. In addition, there is virtually no risk that the tools will deteriorate after processing.

All this is possible through a combination of pressure, humidity and temperature. The autoclave is considered an almost ideal device for sterilization. Its only drawback is its high cost.

In addition, exclusively distilled water is used for sterilization. If you use a regular one, there is a risk that you will damage both the device itself and the instruments being processed.

Sanitary standards for a manicure room require compliance with the rules of pre-sterilization treatment. Before sterilization, the instrument is placed in a craft bag. An instrument sealed with paper clips is sterile for three days. If you seal a Kraft bag, sterility is maintained for 20 days, and heat sealing ensures that the instruments are sterile for 30 days.

3. Glasperlene sterilizer

A compact and inexpensive glasperlene (“ball”) sterilizer allows processing to be carried out very quickly. The operation will take only 15–180 seconds.

However, the device also has disadvantages:

  • During sterilization, the working surface of instruments is immersed in quartz, which is highly abrasive, which causes dulling of instruments;
  • Balls require replacement 1-2 times a year. If this is not done, the thermal conductivity of quartz gradually deteriorates;
  • The glass-perlene unit allows you to process only the working area of ​​the instrument, but the handle is not sterilized.

According to the FDA, an organization that knows a lot about safety, a roll-on sterilizer is not suitable for sterilization, and its use does not mean that you comply with the sanitary standards of the nail salon.

4. UV and ultrasound

Sterilizers also include ultraviolet and ultrasonic devices. However, it is important to understand that the effect of such treatment is much weaker. Ultrasound can only prepare instruments for further sterilization. And ultraviolet light allows you to store sterilized instruments. In other words, these devices are needed before and after sterilization, but cannot replace it.

5. Disinfectants

If physical sterilization cannot be carried out, then disinfectants are used. The use of the products “Lysoformin”, “Bacillol”, “Deskosept” is widespread. However, the disinfectant cannot provide sterilization, and the sterilizing liquid medium, alas, has strong corrosive properties.

Before immersing instruments in the sterilizer, they must be processed, that is, disinfected and washed. This order cannot be violated. First, the instrument is handled, then it is disinfected, and then washed. If you wash before disinfecting, you risk releasing a lot of potential viruses into the sewer pipes, which means you are violating the sanitary standards of the nail salon.

To disinfect, place the instruments in a bath containing a disinfectant solution.

After the instruments have been disinfected, they must be washed and dried using a disposable sterile wipe, packaged in a craft bag if necessary, and sent for sterilization.

At the last stage, the instruments are sent for storage. An ultraviolet “cabinet” is great for this. We are talking about the same “sterilizer” that, unfortunately, some specialists use to sterilize instruments. Of course, the norms of the manicure salon are violated, and both clients and nail technicians are at risk.

The harmful virus can be transmitted through scissors, wire cutters and other tools. All nail technicians are trained on how to properly disinfect and sterilize equipment and tools, observing the sanitary standards of the manicure room. However, the results of inspections show that the situation leaves much to be desired.

Employees of the sanitary and epidemiological service identify violations. Among them, the most common are the lack of certified disinfectants and sterilizers, violation of sterilization and disinfection technology, and the lack of a minimum set of instruments in the amount of three sets.

The master often forgets that he himself is at risk by violating the norms of the manicure salon. It is important to remember that the one who causes harm to health is a criminal.

According to the American essayist Emerson, wherever there is life, there is danger. Nowadays there are opportunities that reduce all risks to a minimum. The main thing is to use them and follow the rules of the manicure salon. We recommend paying attention to modern devices, resources and capabilities and using them in your manicure salon.

Which SanPiN norms for manicure and pedicure salons are most often violated?

1. Availabilitydirt, debris and other signs indicating a lack of cleanliness

What to do: Require that each area be kept clean. Wet cleaning should be carried out two or more times a day, and general cleaning should be done weekly. Alas, sometimes the inspector notes that the premises are so dirty, and the nail salon standards are violated with such blatant regularity, that he is surprised that there are any clients. If the same can be said about your establishment or you suspect that employees are committing some minor violations, then do not despair. We recommend hiring a visiting cleaner who will take out the trash, wash towels, and maintain general order. Clients will definitely notice that the manicure room has become cleaner and will appreciate it.

2. Insufficiently clean foot baths

What to do: Please note that sanitary standards for manicure salons in the United States require a fine for lack of cleanliness in the pedicure bathroom. Unfortunately, the master regularly cleans the bathtub, but does not pay attention to the removable parts or its base, in which dirt accumulates as a result. By the way, in Russia the inspector may require that employees record each cleaning of the bathtub in a log. And if records are not kept, then you can get a fine.

3. Devices and tools that are used repeatedly are not cleaned or disinfected before starting to work with the client.

What to do: There are two types of tools used in the salon:

  • made of a hard, non-porous material, such as metal, plastic or glass;
  • made of porous material, such as fabric or wood.

The first type of instruments is used repeatedly, cleaning and disinfecting before use. After each client, the instruments are placed in containers with a disinfectant solution. After disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization are necessary. Be sure to make a note in the journal about the sterilization. Each container with a working solution must have a lid, a clear inscription with information about what kind of drug it is, what its concentration is, its purpose, and the date of preparation.

4. Disposable tools, such as a file, are used repeatedly

What to do: We are talking about files, wooden sticks, cotton wool, paper discs and towels. These items cannot be cleaned or disinfected. After use they are thrown away. Explain to the professionals that it is extremely important to put the wooden stick in a trash container with a lid immediately after you have finished using it. Otherwise, you can confuse a dirty tool with a clean one and violate the sanitary standards of the manicure room.

Some entrepreneurs complain that disposing of this stuff is quite expensive. We recommend that you negotiate with neighboring salons and purchase tools in bulk.

5. Unsafe cosmetics are stored incorrectly

What to do: Every perfume, cosmetic or nail and skin care product must have documents confirming its safety. The example demonstrated by our American colleagues is indicative. In the early 70s, the liquid acrylic used to extend nails included the monomer methyl methacrylate (MMA). But in 1978 it turned out that this substance is unsafe and its use for manicure work can have negative consequences. The client may experience skin allergies, and there is also a risk of losing nail plates. Removing artificial nails was very difficult, and as a result, injuries to the nail plates often occurred. It is surprising that today this substance is still used in some nail salons. The fact is that the product is unsafe, but attracts with its cheapness. If your salon still uses MMA, we recommend choosing other products and increasing the cost of services to cover the cost of new products.

6. The master does not wash his hands before starting the procedure, or does not ask the client to do so

What to do: Obviously, soaking your hands and feet before a manicure/pedicure does not mean washing them. How can you ask your client to wash her hands without her being offended and thinking that you think her hands are dirty? Hand out the soap and a clean brush and explain that this preparation will make the finish more durable. We recommend demonstrating that you also wash your hands before the procedure. By the way, this is a great opportunity for a casual conversation. Be sure to disinfect hand and foot baths after each of your clients. Immerse them in a container with a disinfectant solution, turning on a mode that allows you to destroy the causative agents of fungal diseases.

Sterilizer for manicure instruments: which one is better to choose?

What can happen when violating hygiene standards in a manicure room?

If employees do not comply with hygiene standards in the manicure room, this can lead to the occurrence of the following diseases:

  • pustular skin infections (streptococcal or staphylococcal nature);
  • fungal skin infections;
  • other more serious infections that enter the human body through the blood (hepatitis B and C, syphilis, HIV, etc.).

The master uses tools and touches human skin, so there is always a threat of infection. Let's consider the features of hygiene during various procedures.

1. Manicure procedure

Carrying out a manicure requires the use of scissors, files, tweezers, nippers, and spoons. The latter are needed to move the cuticles. This is one of the safest tools, because its use does not involve breaking the skin. Moreover, in most cases the master uses disposable spoons. But cutters, tweezers, and scissors are used to cut tissue, so they need to be treated with an antiseptic to avoid the occurrence of infectious diseases. These are the norms of a manicure salon when carrying out such a procedure as a manicure.

2. Pedicure procedure

To perform a pedicure, use the same devices that are needed for a manicure. Of course, similar disinfection is required. It is important to consider that patients may have a fungal infection on their feet. The fungus remains on the tools used. In addition, spores can remain on the work surface for a long time. If a spore gets on it, then a kind of capsule is formed that protects the microorganism. The fungus can only be eliminated using a special sterilizing solution. If you do not treat the instrument after the previous client, both the master and the next visitor can easily become infected.

Fines for violating SanPiN standards for a manicure salon

A scheduled inspection of the nail salon is carried out every three years. Rospotrebnadzor is dealing with this issue. They notify you of the upcoming inspection in advance. If employees discover that the sanitary standards of a manicure salon are not being observed, this could result in hefty fines and even closure of the salon.

  1. According to 6.Z of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation “Violation of legislation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population,” failure to comply with the norms involves the imposition of a fine on an individual entrepreneur without forming a legal entity - from 500 to 20 thousand rubles or the closure of the manicure salon for up to 90 days, for legal entity - from 10 thousand to 20 thousand rubles or closure of the manicure salon for up to 90 days.
  2. If the sanitary standards of the manicure room, specified in Art. 8.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation “Failure to comply with environmental and sanitary-epidemiological requirements when handling production and consumption waste or other hazardous substances”, the fine may be more serious. For an individual entrepreneur - 30–50 thousand rubles or closure of a manicure salon for up to 90 days, for a legal entity - 100–200 thousand rubles or closure of a salon for up to 90 days.
  3. If the sanitary standards of the manicure room described in Art. 14.4 “Sale of goods, performance of work or provision of services to the population of inadequate quality or in violation of the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation”, a fine may be imposed on an individual entrepreneur in the amount of 10–20 thousand rubles, on a legal entity - 20–30 thousand rubles. If the sanitary standards of a manicure salon are violated repeatedly, the fine will be 15–30 thousand rubles for an individual entrepreneur. In this case, confiscation of items associated with violation of requirements is possible. For a legal entity, the fine is 30–50 thousand rubles. There is also a risk that the items will be confiscated.
  4. Article 14.45 “Violation of the procedure for selling products subject to mandatory confirmation of conformity” involves imposing a fine on an official in the amount of 20–40 thousand rubles, and on a legal entity in the amount of 100–300 thousand rubles.

Beauty salons, beauty salons, spa salons and hairdressing salons are classified as organizations providing personal services. This type of business is popular and economically profitable today. Salons are created at various levels: from premium class to economy options. But they all comply with the requirements of the laws of the Russian Federation and Rospotrebnadzor.

How are the activities of beauty and health studios regulated?

What regulatory and legislative acts will regulate the activities of the salon depends on the services that are planned to be provided. For hairdressing salons, the main regulatory document is:

  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated April 26, 2011 No. 342n with amendments reflected in the Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated December 12, 2012 No. 590n.

If the salon provides services:

  • tattoo;
  • piercing;
  • ear piercing;
  • massage therapist;
  • cosmetologist doctor.

The administration of such a salon should be guided by:

  • by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 381n.
  • by letter of the Ministry of Health dated March 14, 2008 No. 537-12.

These types of activities are classified as medical in the field of cosmetology and, unlike others, are subject to licensing.

Licensing structures and authorities issuing permission to open a salon

The bodies that accept documents for licensing are:

  • Roszdravnadzor.
  • Federal local offices.

Medical licenses are unlimited, but they can be revoked if there are violations in the work of the organization/individual entrepreneur. The state fee for obtaining a medical license is 7,500 rubles.

Before contacting the licensing authorities you need to:

  • Register an LLC/IP with the tax service (registration period is 7 days).
  • Prepare documents for the premises. This is done at the registration chamber, the registration period is 30 days.
  • Obtain permits from the fire inspectorate (7 days).
  • Receive a conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor (21 days).
  • Obtain permission from local authorities (the period depends on the region).

Before contacting the SES and licensing structures, you need to prepare a set of contracts.

Agreements to be concluded

Agreements are concluded with housing associations, water utilities, and energy companies serving the area where the salon is located.

  • For utility services.
  • Heating.
  • Water consumption and water disposal.
  • Electricity consumption.
  • Alarm (fire/security).
  • Waste removal.

Additionally, agreements with the laundry may be required for washing work clothes, towels, and linen when providing relevant services to clients.

Requirements for the placement of a beauty salon and spa

One of the frequently asked questions is whether the sanitation station allows such an organization to be located in a residential building? The answer is yes. A hairdressing salon and all types of beauty salons can be located on the ground (basement)/first (second) floor of a residential building, as well as:

  • in a separate building/structure;
  • built-in and attached part of the house;
  • in the shopping center;
  • in medical and health complexes on any floor, the main emphasis of the EMS is on compliance with the norms and rules of hygiene and epidemiology.
  • complexes that do not have natural insolation.

In the latter case, the SES is very strict in ensuring sanitary standards for artificial lighting. Insists on the use of LDS (daylight illuminators with improved light transmission) and compliance with all microclimatic indicators at a comfortable level.

SES requirements for the premises of a beauty salon

The list of requirements is quite long. It is worth familiarizing yourself with it if you are referring to SanPIN and other regulations governing the activities of beauty studios. We will provide a short list of mandatory requirements.

Premises requirements

Even the smallest beauty salon (hair salon) should have:

  • Waiting hall;
  • dressing room;
  • bathroom for workers;
  • utility room;
  • kitchen;
  • workroom/rooms (offices).

All premises of a beauty studio/hair salon/SPA must have internal utilities (sewage, water supply). When located in a residential building, ventilation is organized separately from the general building ventilation.

Each type of service requires a separate office. For example, manicure, pedicure, massage, cosmetic procedures, injection and cosmetic procedures, piercing and tattooing - all these procedures are performed in separate rooms. It is acceptable to perform manicure and pedicure in the same room, provided that the work stations are separated by a partition. If the salon has a solarium, it must be located in a separate room with its own ventilation.

Requirements for surfaces, coating, equipment

SES requires that equipment used in a beauty salon/hairdresser have:

  • Certificate of quality.
  • Agreement for warranty and further post-warranty service.

All equipment, equipment and surfaces must be easy to clean and disinfect. This means that all surfaces must be moisture resistant and not destroyed by disinfectants. Each master is required to work with individual tools. Instruments must be sterilized. All related products must be of proper quality and available in the required quantities. Cleaning in the premises of hairdressing/beauty salons is permitted only with wet cleaning. It is carried out at least 2 times during the working day.

Requirements for beauty salon workers

The main requirement for personnel working in a hairdressing salon or beauty studio from the SES:

  • availability of a medical book;
  • regular medical examinations.

When performing licensed activities, beauty salon workers must have:

  • education, in accordance with the profile of the activity performed;
  • certificates of completion of advanced training courses;
  • and experience in a similar position.

Beauty salon employees must carefully monitor their own hygiene, wash their hands after working with each client, and use products to moisturize and soften the skin.

What does the SES check?

Since 2015, inspections by Rospotrebnadzor, in particular by district SES, can be scheduled or unscheduled. In all cases, the commission may demand from the head of the enterprise or his representative:

  • Medical records of employees.
  • Compliance of premises and equipment of workplaces with standards.
  • Microclimate conditions, noise, lighting.
  • Documents of conformity for products.
  • Certificates of state registration of medical devices. This group includes syringes, gloves, laser equipment, etc.
  • Production control program, in accordance with SP 1.1.1058-01.
  • Certification of workplaces. Its owner is obliged to carry out this work within 2 months from the opening of the salon/hairdresser. The assessment of production environment factors is carried out by special organizations.
  • Availability of personal protective equipment for workers (gloves, finger pads, etc.) and a first aid kit.
  • Journal of production control and sterilization processing.

Inspecting authorities may pay attention to the presence/absence of fire extinguishing equipment and an evacuation plan. If the salon provides medical services, in addition to the SES utility service, representatives of the FMBA (medical and biological agency) will visit it. They will require a license and other documents allowing them to perform medical procedures.

Fines for violating the sanitary regime

The type of penalties and the amount of the fine depend on the violation, its repetition, and the damage that such violation causes to the state or clients. Provided:

  • fine of a legal entity/official/individual;
  • deprivation of license;
  • administrative closure of an enterprise for up to 90 days;
  • criminal liability.

The minimum that a fined person must pay is 100 rubles for an individual, 500 rubles for a legal entity and an administrative employee. On average, fines from the SES range from 5 to 10 minimum wages. But the amount could be higher. You can download from the link

Since hair salons involve close contact with the client's skin and hair, it is very important to observe hygienic principles of work. All requirements are regulated by SanPin rules. The last time resolution No. 59 was issued was in 2010. However, after this time it underwent a number of additions and changes, mainly towards simplifying the requirements. We will look at the main aspects of sanitary standards in hairdressing and beauty salons that are relevant now.

For example, the resolution takes into account even such a small thing as a draft. There should be no air flows higher than 0.1 meters per second in the cabin. Air humidity is normalized to 40-60%, as well as temperature standards. In the room where clients' hair is washed, the temperature cannot be lowered below 22 degrees. But in the common room, you need to start working air conditioners, which will cool the atmosphere.

According to the director of the Alta-T company, Vladimir Averkiev, it is very important when designing and renovating a room to leave access to heating systems and microclimate equipment. So that they can be provided at any time for control, cleaning, and repair work. Vladimir also advises choosing devices with a smooth surface to make cleaning easier and faster.

Supply and exhaust ventilation must be installed in the hairdressing salon. It allows for forced air exchange with the street. This is a necessary requirement for all hair salons that employ more than three hair employees. Excluding cosmetologist and manicurist. For small beauty salons, where there are up to three hairdressers, it is not necessary to install a ventilation system. It will add about 30% of the costs to the cost of repairs. Here it is enough to ventilate the room using a window. The same rule applies to salons installed on the technical floor of residential buildings. The ventilation system must be subjected to maintenance according to the plan specified by the manufacturer in the product data sheet.

Punishments for violating sanitary standards are determined by Federal Law No. 52 of 1999. The fines therein are determined by the consequences of the violations. So, for example, if this affected the health of many people (infection, poisoning), then even a prison sentence of up to 1 year is possible. In milder cases, a legal entity receives a fine of up to 20 thousand rubles, an entrepreneur up to 1000 rubles, and a private person 500-1000 rubles. A very unpleasant punishment for any businessman will be the suspension of commercial activities for up to three months.

Surprisingly, despite the severity of the punishment, problems with inspection bodies, in the middle and economy segments it is very difficult to find a beauty salon where instruments are properly disinfected. Typically, combs simply stand in a common stand and pass through a huge number of clients' heads. However, SanPin standards prescribe a lot of small instructions that should prevent any transmission of microbes.

According to the rules, all instruments are disinfected after use. Without these measures, lice can easily be transmitted in hairdressing salons. In cosmetology - skin infection, fungal diseases. HIV, hepatitis, herpes and a host of other dangerous viruses can be transmitted in a pedicure salon. Many clients do not even know that all the tools from a special package with an indicator must be printed right in front of him.

Tool processing takes place in several stages. First, they are all soaked in a disinfectant. Ethyl alcohol, chloramine, formaldehyde, carbolic acid. The concentration of the substance and the soaking time are clearly regulated. They are then stored under ultraviolet light.

If we are talking about metal instruments, they are also processed in a dry heater or a special autoclave. In a nail specialist’s office, it is recommended to store all instruments in a disinfection unit. The operation of the sterilizer is recorded in a special log.

Order of the FMBA of Russia dated September 29, 2017 N 193 "On approval of forms of checklists (checklists) used by officials of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency and its territorial bodies when conducting scheduled inspections as part of the implementation of federal state sanitary and epidemiological supervision at enterprises (facilities) of public catering, trade, and also in hairdressers, beauty salons, solariums"

The order approved 3 checklists (checklists) used when the FMBA of Russia conducts scheduled inspections when carrying out:

  • federal state sanitary and epidemiological supervision of compliance with mandatory requirements at public catering enterprises (facilities);
  • federal state sanitary and epidemiological supervision of compliance with mandatory requirements at trade enterprises;
  • Federal state sanitary and epidemiological supervision of compliance with mandatory requirements in hairdressing salons, beauty salons, solariums.

Each check sheet is presented in the form of a table consisting of three columns. The first column contains a direct question reflecting the content of the mandatory requirement being verified, the second column includes the answer to the question posed, the third contains an indication of the regulatory legal act (its structural unit) that contains the corresponding mandatory requirement.

When conducting scheduled inspections using checklists, the subject of the scheduled inspection will be limited to the approved checklist. In this case, the answer to the question posed clearly indicates compliance or non-compliance by the person being inspected with the corresponding mandatory requirement.

Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the location, structure, equipment, maintenance and operating hours of organizations providing hairdressing and cosmetic services


I. Scope and general provisions

1.2. Sanitary rules establish mandatory sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the location, structure, equipment, maintenance and operating hours of public utility organizations providing hairdressing and beauty services.

1.3. The sanitary rules are intended for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs whose activities are related to the design, construction and operation of public utility facilities, providing hairdressing and beauty services, as well as bodies authorized to carry out federal state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

1.4. These sanitary rules do not apply to departments of reconstructive plastic surgery, cosmetic departments and clinics, clinics and departments for the treatment of diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, cosmetology, massage rooms and solariums within medical institutions.

1.5. Control over compliance with these sanitary rules is carried out by bodies authorized to carry out federal state sanitary and epidemiological supervision in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.6. It is allowed to use, store and sell to visitors of public utility organizations that provide hairdressing and cosmetic services, perfumes and cosmetics and hair, nail, and skin care products that have documents confirming in the prescribed manner the safety of the products used.

2.1. Public utility organizations providing hairdressing and beauty services can be located either in a separate building or in an attached, built-in or attached to residential and public buildings (as part of consumer service enterprises and public shopping centers, beauty and health centers, bathhouses , hotels and other public buildings).

2.2. It is allowed to place public utility organizations providing hairdressing and beauty services on the ground floors of residential buildings or on two floors (first and second) if there is an isolated entrance from the residential part and an autonomous ventilation system, in the basement and ground floors of buildings, in shopping centers and complexes without natural light, subject to compliance with hygienic requirements for air exchange of premises and microclimate parameters, the use of fluorescent lamps with improved color rendering and the implementation of measures provided for by hygienic requirements for the organization of technological processes, production equipment and working tools.

2.3. In public buildings - rest homes, sanatoriums, boarding schools, healthcare and social service organizations intended for permanent residence of the elderly and disabled, social service centers, medical organizations, including in hospitals, for serving patients and staff - it is allowed to accommodate public utility organizations appointments providing hairdressing and beauty services on any floors, subject to the requirements of these sanitary rules.

III. Requirements for the design and equipment of hairdressing salons, beauty salons and cosmetology rooms

3.1. Excluded.

3.2. In the premises of public utility organizations providing hairdressing and beauty services, a room or a special place must be allocated for disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization of instruments, equipped with a sink with hot and cold water supply.

3.3. Cabinets - cosmetic, pedicure, massage, solarium, piercing, tattoo - must be located in separate rooms.

3.4. It is allowed to place separate workstations for manicure in public buildings, including shopping centers, subject to hygienic requirements for air exchange of premises and microclimate parameters.

3.5. It is allowed to combine manicure and pedicure services in one isolated room, provided that one workstation is organized for a manicure-pedicure specialist.

3.6. Pedicure rooms must have at least 2 foot baths with hot and cold water supply and a separate sink for washing hands. One bath is allowed using disposable liners. For pedicure rooms that provide only hardware pedicure services using technology that does not involve the use of water, the mandatory installation of foot baths is not required.

3.7. In beauty salons, it is allowed to organize up to 3 workplaces, provided they are isolated by partitions 1.8-2.0 m high.

3.8. Workplaces are equipped with furniture that allows for treatment with detergents and disinfectants.

3.9. Hairdressers' workplaces are equipped with chairs, dressing tables with sinks for washing hair. If there is a separate room or special place for washing hair, it is permissible to install vanities without sinks.

3.10. Hairdressing salons must have utility, auxiliary and household premises (dressing rooms, rest and meal rooms, bathrooms, storage rooms), as well as premises or space for storing equipment, garbage and cut hair.

3.11. It is allowed to combine a meal room with a dressing room for staff if the number of workers per shift is less than 10 people, as well as combining a lobby with a dressing room for visitors and a waiting room.

3.12. Premises for storing clean linen and perfumes and cosmetics are equipped with racks or cabinets; for dirty linen - containers with lids, the coating of which allows them to be washed and disinfected.

3.13. At the workplace, it is allowed to store perfumes and cosmetics products used during a work shift, subject to compliance with the requirements for storage conditions specified in the instructions for use.

3.14. Post-production work must be carried out in an isolated room, the area of ​​which and the set of equipment are taken into account the volume and nature of the work being carried out.

4.1. It is allowed to use ultraviolet radiation devices (solariums) with both vertical and horizontal arrangement of ultraviolet lamps of various types (high and low pressure) in any combination. UV-C equipment is not permitted in tanning salons.

4.2. All devices (solariums) must have technical passports and instructions in Russian, as well as documents confirming in the prescribed manner the safety of the products used.

4.3. The required area of ​​the room where the solarium cabin is installed is calculated by the formula , where is the area occupied by the device itself (according to the technical description) and is the undressing area in accordance with Appendix 1 to these sanitary rules.

4.4. The premises where solarium cabins are located, in the absence of other services provided by this organization, must include the operator’s work area (Appendix 1). When organizations provide other household and beauty services, the operator’s area can be equipped together with the visitor reception area. If solarium services are provided in automatic mode (without the participation of an operator using a coin acceptor and/or card reader), then an operator zone is not required. Staff and visitors must have access to a washbasin and toilet.

4.5. The operator's area is equipped with a remote control for the solarium(s), which prevents unauthorized changes in the session time by the client.

4.6. The room for operating solariums must be equipped with mechanically driven supply and exhaust ventilation, providing 3-4 air changes per hour. In case of installation of models equipped with their own ventilation system, natural air flow into the room is allowed.

4.7. The temperature and humidity in the solarium cabin must comply with the requirements of the technical documentation for this device, but not exceed +28°C. The air temperature in the room where the solarium cabin is located should be +18-24°C.

4.8. Replacement of lamps must be carried out at the standard operating hours specified in the technical data sheet of the lamps, with a mandatory mark in the log. Information about the next replacement should be available to visitors of the solarium and located in a visible place. Used lamps must be sent to specialized organizations for their disposal in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.9. The decoration of solarium premises should provide for the possibility of wet cleaning and disinfection.

4.10. After each session, all surfaces of the solarium cabin with which the visitor came into contact must be treated with disinfectants that have passed state registration in the prescribed manner. When using a vertical solarium, visitors must be provided with disposable towels for lining the cabin floor or disposable slippers.

4.11. It is necessary to periodically clean the ventilation holes inside the device as they become dirty.

4.12. The levels of physical factors affecting the staff and visitors of solariums should not exceed hygienic standards:

Electromagnetic field strength no more than 25 V/m;

The electric field strength of industrial frequency current (50 Hz) is no more than 0.5 kV/m.

4.13. The permissible intensity of ultraviolet radiation for household products with irradiation effect should not exceed 1.9 in the range of 280-315 nm and 10 W in the range of 315-400 nm. Radiation in the range of 200-280 nm is not allowed.

4.14. The following information must be brought to the attention of consumers:

The need to carefully read the instructions for insolation;

About the need to use special glasses to avoid damage to the eyes from UV rays;

On the mandatory determination, in order to avoid damage to the skin, of the exposure time (session) using a table describing a person’s phototypes and other irradiation conditions depending on them (a table describing a person’s phototypes should be available to visitors and located in a visible place);

About the impact of some cosmetics and medications on changes (increases or decreases) in sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation and associated restrictions;

About maintaining a 48-hour interval between the first two sessions;

A warning about the need to consult a doctor to determine the possibility of taking insolation procedures;

About the carcinogenic danger of ultraviolet radiation;

About the need to use tanning cosmetics in a solarium to avoid the adverse effects of ultraviolet radiation;

On the ban on visiting the solarium by persons under 18 years of age;

About the list of diseases for which the use of this procedure is limited or contraindicated (melanoma, cancer).

5.1. Materials (waterproof paints, enamels, tiled and glazed tiles, materials with laminated coatings and others) used for finishing the premises of public utility organizations providing hairdressing and beauty services must have documents confirming, in the prescribed manner, the safety of the products used.

5.2. The surfaces of walls, ceilings and floors, the outer and inner surfaces of furniture must be smooth, easily accessible for wet cleaning and resistant to treatment with disinfectants.

5.3. Floor coverings in public utility organizations providing hairdressing and beauty services, including solariums (linoleum, metlakh, ceramic-granite tiles, plank (painted), parquet floors and others) must be smooth and allow for wet cleaning using detergents and disinfectants.

VI. Requirements for water supply and sewerage

6.1. Public utility organizations providing hairdressing and beauty services must be equipped with centralized water supply systems, including hot water, and sewage systems.

6.2. The quality of the water used must comply with the hygienic requirements for the water quality of centralized drinking water supply systems.

6.3. In the absence of centralized water supply and sewerage systems in a populated area, public utility organizations providing hairdressing and beauty services are equipped with autonomous systems.

6.4. In the absence of a centralized hot water supply, the installation of both flow-through and non-flow water heating devices is allowed.

6.5. All production and sanitary premises are equipped with stationary sanitary fixtures.

VII. Requirements for indoor microclimate

7.1. In public utility organizations providing hairdressing and beauty services, compliance with the microclimate parameters specified in Appendix 2 to these sanitary rules must be ensured.

7.2. Heating devices must have a smooth surface that allows wet cleaning. Heating appliances should be placed in places accessible for cleaning, inspection and repair.

7.3. The use of ventilation chambers as utility rooms and storage rooms is not allowed.

7.4. In the premises of public utility organizations providing hairdressing and beauty services, general mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation should be provided with the air exchange rate specified in Appendix 3 to these sanitary rules. The ventilation system for all premises of public utility organizations providing hairdressing and beauty services may be common, with the exception of utility and sanitary premises.

7.5. In public utility organizations providing hairdressing and beauty services with no more than 3 workplaces (with the exception of a nail technician’s office and a beauty salon), including those located on non-residential floors of residential buildings, unorganized air exchange is allowed due to room ventilation through opening transoms or natural exhaust ventilation.

7.6. The nail extension technician's workplace is equipped with local forced exhaust ventilation.

7.7. Equipment for ventilation and air conditioning systems should not be located adjacent to, above or below rooms with permanent occupancy.

7.8. All ventilation units must have passports and undergo scheduled preventive maintenance in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

7.9. The levels of physical factors in the workplace must comply with the hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises, sanitary noise standards in the workplace, and in public buildings.

VIII. Requirements for artificial and natural lighting

8.1. Lighting in workplaces must comply with the hygienic standards specified in Appendix 4 to these sanitary rules.

8.2. For general and local artificial lighting of production and auxiliary premises, incandescent lamps, fluorescent and halogen lamps with protective fittings, LED, compact fluorescent lamps can be used.

8.3. Combined lighting (general and local) must be provided at all workplaces in manicure and pedicure rooms and decorative cosmetics rooms. At workplaces in hairdressing salons, the use of general lighting is allowed.

9.1. All premises and equipment must be kept clean. In public utility organizations providing hairdressing and beauty services, it is necessary to carry out preventive disinfection, including disinfection of room surfaces, furniture, equipment, air, tools, linen, work clothes and other items used in work, as well as disinfestation and deratization.

9.2. In order to carry out preventive disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization, physical methods and/or chemical disinfectants that have passed state registration in the prescribed manner must be used.

All manipulations that can lead to damage to the skin and mucous membranes are carried out using sterile instruments and materials. Reusable products are subject to pre-sterilization cleaning before sterilization.

It is permitted to use disinfectants, disinfection and sterilization equipment that have documents confirming, in the prescribed manner, the safety of the products used.

9.3. The presence of rodents and household arthropods (insects, ticks) is not allowed in all main and utility rooms.

9.4. Wet cleaning of premises (wiping floors, furniture, equipment, window sills, doors) must be carried out at least twice a day (including at the end of work) using detergents and disinfectants or products that have both a detergent and disinfectant effect.

Separate cleaning equipment must be allocated for cleaning the main and auxiliary premises, as well as bathrooms. Cleaning equipment (buckets, basins, rags, mops) are marked indicating the premises and types of cleaning work, used strictly for their intended purpose, processed and stored in a specially designated room (or locker). At the end of cleaning, equipment is treated with detergents and disinfectants and dried.

9.5. At least once a week, all premises must be thoroughly cleaned in accordance with a schedule approved by the administration. During general cleaning, walls, floors, baseboards, doors, windows, furniture and equipment are washed and treated with disinfectant solutions.

9.6. The cut hair is collected in a closed scoop directly next to the chair and placed in sealed containers (disposable plastic garbage bags or kraft paper bags), and then the bag or bag is closed, tied up, stored in a utility room and removed (disposed of) along with solid household waste. waste.

9.7. If lice (pediculosis) are detected on a client during the service process, it is necessary to stop the manipulation and refer the client to a specialized institution (sanitary checkpoint) for anti-pediculosis measures and consultation. Tools and linen used during maintenance are disinfested with anti-lice agents (pediculicides) in the form of an emulsion concentrate according to the instructions for use of the product. The hair is collected in a hermetically sealed bag or bag and also treated with pediculicide, after which it is removed (disposed of).

9.8. It is not permitted to reuse garbage bags and sacks or to empty them into a household waste container.

9.9. To prevent the spread of parenteral hepatitis, HIV infection, tuberculosis, fungal diseases and other infections, used products and instruments are disinfected and sterilized.

9.10. Only clean linen should be used for customer service. The supply of clean linen (towels, napkins, sheets, etc.) must be in quantity to ensure its individual use for each client. Storage of clean and used linen, perfumes and cosmetics, as well as detergents and disinfectants should be kept separately. Storing clean linen on open shelves or in workplaces is allowed only in individual packaging.

The use of disposable caps, capes, towels, sheets, and napkins is permitted. Peignoirs made of synthetic fabric should only be used with a clean cotton napkin or a disposable collar.

9.12. Washing of used linen and work clothes should be carried out centrally. It is possible to organize the washing of used linen directly in the hairdressing salon if there is a separate room with special equipment. Work and personal clothing of personnel should be stored separately.

9.13. Removal of cut hair from the client's neck and face should be carried out with a clean individual napkin or cotton swab. Brushes may be used to remove cut hair only if they are disinfected after each client.

9.14. When performing a perm, the hair is wetted with the solution using a swab, which is changed after each client.

9.15. Clips, curlers, caps and nets for perming hair, caps for highlighting are washed under running water with detergents after each client.

9.16. Combs, brushes, and scissors for cutting hair are washed under running water after each client, placed in sterilizers approved for use in the prescribed manner and having instructions for use in Russian, or in solutions of disinfectants according to the regime used for fungal diseases.

9.17. Removable knives of electric razors are wiped twice (with an interval of 15 minutes) with a swab soaked in a non-corrosive disinfectant solution in concentrations used for viral hepatitis.

9.18. The pillow placed under the foot during a pedicure must have an oilcloth cover, which after each use is wiped with a rag moistened with a disinfectant solution in the concentration and exposure used for disinfection for fungal diseases. The use of disposable covers is allowed.

9.19. Foot baths and hand baths must be disinfected after each client by being completely immersed in a disinfectant solution in accordance with the instructions for use of the product used according to the regimen used for fungal diseases.

9.20. When performing manicures and pedicures, disposable waterproof wipes must be used for each visitor, which must be disinfected and removed (disposed of) after use.

9.21. For hairdressing salons and offices for manicure, pedicure, piercing, peeling, tattooing, and cosmetic services, a minimum set of standard tools or replaceable disposable tool elements to serve one client must be determined. You should have at least three such sets per workplace.

9.22. Instruments for manicure, pedicure, tattooing, piercing, peeling, gauze napkins, cotton balls, as well as other consumables are sterilized in sterilizers, packaged in sterilization packaging materials approved for use in the prescribed manner and stored in them. Sterilization of unpackaged instruments is allowed, provided that they are used within an hour or stored in sterilizers.

9.23. Electrodes for cosmetic equipment and devices are wiped twice with a swab soaked in a non-corrosive disinfectant solution (with an interval of 15 minutes), in concentrations used for viral hepatitis.

9.24. Instruments used for manipulations that may cause damage to the skin or mucous membranes (manicure, pedicure, tattooing, piercing, peeling, cosmetic services) are placed in a disinfectant solution after each client without prior rinsing with water. Disinfection is carried out according to the regimen used for viral hepatitis. After disinfection is completed, the instruments are subjected to pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization.

9.25. Equipment, apparatus and materials used for sterilization of instruments must have a document confirming their safety during use and instructions for use in Russian.

9.26. To organize an anti-epidemic regime and daily control of the disinfection regime, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization of instruments used in manicure, pedicure, tattooing, piercing, peeling and cosmetic services, a trained employee is appointed as the head of the organization.

9.27. To ensure disinfection measures, there must be a supply of means for disinfection, pre-sterilization cleaning and sterilization, which have passed state registration in the prescribed manner.

9.28. Containers with working solutions of products must be equipped with lids and have clear labels indicating the name of the product, its concentration, purpose, and the date of preparation of the working solution. In order to prevent occupational diseases of the skin, eyes and upper respiratory tract in workers, it is necessary to:

Ensure centralized preparation of working disinfectant solutions in special rooms with mechanical or natural supply and exhaust ventilation (if there is a separate room), or in a specially equipped place;

Pour dry disinfectants into special containers and gradually add water;

Maximize the use of original disinfectants in small packaging;

Close containers with working disinfectant solutions tightly with lids. All work with them should be done with rubber gloves;

Strictly follow occupational safety measures in accordance with the instructions for the disinfectant used and using personal protective equipment.

9.29. The administration of a public utility organization providing hairdressing and beauty services is obliged to ensure, in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, preliminary (upon entry to work) and periodic medical examinations*, the necessary conditions to prevent the adverse effects of production factors on workers, ensuring personnel with special clothing and personal protective equipment.

9.30. In order to prevent infection with parenteral hepatitis and HIV infection, all manipulations during which hands may become contaminated with blood should be carried out using rubber gloves. During work, all damage to the skin should be isolated with finger pads and adhesive tape.

For personal prevention purposes, workers must be provided with a first aid kit.

Workers are required to observe the following rules of personal hygiene:

Before and after serving the client, wash your hands thoroughly with soap;

In beauty salons, to treat hands, use skin antiseptics approved for use in accordance with the established procedure;

Carry out hand skin care using protective and softening creams and lotions;

Use rubber gloves when coloring hair;

Do not smoke or eat in the workplace.

X. Requirements for the management of production and consumption waste

10.1. Industrial waste must be stored in special, tightly closed waste receptacles.

10.2. Cut hair should be collected in closed containers, which are installed in the utility room.

10.3. Fluorescent lamps, solarium lamps and bactericidal lamps are stored in utility rooms in packages in accordance with the requirements of sanitary legislation. Removal and disposal of fluorescent lamps is carried out in accordance with hygienic requirements for the disposal and disposal of production and consumption waste. Disposal of lamps to container sites for household waste is not permitted.

* Federal Law of March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 14, Art. 1650, 2002, N 1 (Part 1), Art. 2; 2003, N 2, art. 167; 2004, N 3607; 2005, N 1752; 1), art. 5498; art. 21; art. 29; art. 3213; Art. 6070; 24, Art. 29; Art. 3418; Art. 3616, Art. 4984; , Art. 6223; 2009, No. 1, Art.

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