Self-session of spiritualism. What is spiritualism and how dangerous is it? How to determine the presence of spirit during a session

Spiritualistic seance - what it is, how to conduct it

is a ritual for summoning spirits, demons, and guardian angels. It is created by a certain number of people sitting in a circle (mostly 4 or more people).

They sit in a circle for a reason, since this position creates a certain energy that is given to summon spirits.

It also serves to ensure that the spirit has the opportunity to show its presence with various knocks and other sounds.

Common rules to follow when summoning a spirit:

Considering that spirits are most active after 12 at night and before 4 in the morning, it is during this period of time that it is best to perform seance.

Before starting the ritual, it is necessary to open the door or window to allow a resident from the other world to enter the room.

The ritual must be performed by candlelight, and all electrical devices that create light must be turned off.

No metal on the body. This is one of the basic rules for conducting a spiritualistic seance.

It is forbidden to drink alcohol and eat fatty foods.

In order to perform a seance, you must have a Ouija board. You can either buy it in a special store, or make it yourself.

To begin with, the main person who will speak and summon the spirit must take a magic circle and place it on the table, and then light the candles.

After everything is done, all participants in this process must touch the plate with their fingertips and say: “Spirit (name), come to us!”

If the saucer begins to move, congratulations, you have summoned a spirit! Next you should ask him a few questions.

The most important:“Will you be able to talk?”, “How are you feeling?” According to the rules, the saucer must move, depicting its answer (yes or no). Do not ask about their life and death - this is strictly prohibited.

Situations can be different: some spirits like to joke, some have no desire to communicate. This all depends on the spirit you have summoned.

After you have talked to him, thank him and say goodbye, then hit the board three times with the saucer. Thus, you have released the spirit you summoned.

If the spirit is not summoned, try several times. There may be cases when a participant in the process frightens the spirit or behaves inappropriately. Try to conduct a seance without it.

You must understand that seance– these are not toys, so spend it with complete seriousness.

In extreme cases, the spirit may not get back and then everything will go against you. Be careful!

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Fashion for mysticism. Spiritualistic seances in the salons of Russian high society

In the second half of the 19th century, St. Petersburg salons were at the peak of fashion. In some they played music and talked about literature. In others, they argued heatedly about politics and lost fortunes at the card tables. Thirdly, they shared gossip and pretended to be in love. But all the salons became infected with the new overseas entertainment - spiritualism.

The emergence of spiritualism in America and Europe

The nature of spiritualism was first touched upon in 1760 by the Englishman George Littleton in his book Contact with the Other Side. But the practice really became popular in the USA and Great Britain only in the middle of the 19th century. The White House itself fell to the onslaught of this mysterious ritual. Then-President Abraham Lincoln and First Lady Mary Todd Lincoln conducted seances after the death of their son.

The Fox sisters from New York State, USA, were recognized as the first mediums. They heard strange knocking noises in their house, the source of which was unknown to any of the household members. One of the girls, Kat, expressed a theory that some intelligent but incorporeal entity was trying to communicate with them. The girls communicated with the “entity” using a special method that resembled Morse code: one blow is “no”, and two blows is “yes”. From the “conversation” the sisters learned that this was the soul of a murdered traveling merchant. Soon everyone in the area was talking about the girls, and then throughout the country.

Other specialists in contact with spirits began to appear in the United States. Competition forced them to leave America in search of adherents, fans and patrons. First France, then Italy and finally Russia surrendered to the spiritualists without a fight. The Romanov family was one of the first in Russia to fall before outright mysticism.

How Alexander II evoked the spirit of his father-emperor

The first fan of spiritualism in the imperial family was Alexandra Iosifovna, the wife of Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich. In 1853, the maid of honor of the wife of the heir, Maria Alexandrovna, Anna Tyutcheva, wrote with irritation in her diary about spiritualistic seances as fun “after tea”: every evening before going to bed, the Tsarevich’s entourage “interrogated” the tables and hats.

After his coronation in 1856, Alexander II was preparing a large-scale reform - the abolition of serfdom - and felt an urgent need to talk with the spirit of the late priest. It was then that the famous European medium David Hume was invited to Russia.

In total, “table spinner Hume” held three sessions. They were attended by members of the imperial family and some close associates of high society. After the first session, Anna Tyutcheva wrote down: “The table rose to a height of half an arshin above the floor. The Empress Mother felt a hand touch the flounces of her dress, grabbed her hand and took off her wedding ring. Then this hand grabbed, shook and pinched everyone present, except for the Empress, whom it systematically walked around. She took the bell from the sovereign’s hands, carried it through the air and handed it to the Prince of Württemberg.”.

At both the first and second sessions, the spirits of Emperor Nicholas I and the little Grand Duchess Alexandra allegedly appeared. They also appeared in the second session. Both answered questions from Emperor Alexander II, indicating the letters of the alphabet by knocking. He himself wrote down the answers on paper, but they were “worthless and empty.”

Anna Tyutcheva was not allowed to attend the third session, but the empress’s pallor and nervousness after it deeply shocked the maid of honor. According to the empress, she wrote down:

“The table suddenly rose, spun and knocked, beating out the beat of the anthem “God Save the Tsar!” The knocking spirit could be heard: three times for “yes”, once for “no”, five times for the letters of the alphabet. Everyone present, even the skeptics Gorchakov and Vladimir Bobrinsky, felt the touch of mysterious hands and saw how they quickly ran across the tablecloth. The Emperor says that he saw the fingers of his hand, transparent and glowing. Lieven claims that their touch is something between a material touch and a light electric shock.”

The spirits did not tell the emperor anything sensible, and his interest in David Hume dried up. But the rumor that the sovereign himself was calling on the spirits had already spread throughout the country. There was no turning back - spiritualism went to the people. After a few years, the entertainment, which was perceived as fun for bored nobles, became universal hysteria.

Spiritualistic seances as an alternative to balls and opera

Russian society was split into three camps regarding fashionable spiritualism: some perceived it as amusing indulgence, some took it seriously, and some condemned it. Anyone who thought that spiritualism was only a temporary phenomenon was mistaken. Table turning has been relevant in Russia for almost 60 years. So are political circles and dinner parties.

The tentacles of spiritualism penetrated almost every home, where people became bored with talking about poetry and dancing square dances. Not only the progressive high society, but also representatives of the bourgeoisie and even the philistinism became fascinated by the new entertainment. However, they tried not to talk about holding evenings with the participation of mediums. On the one hand, this practice was condemned by the Orthodox Church, and on the other, spiritualistic seances were still considered vulgar.

The mystical surroundings were important to spiritualists. They prepared for contacts with spirits just as carefully as for a social event. To turn the tables, they always gathered in the salon at night and removed all the icons. Several people took part in the action, one of them was supposed to be a medium - an extremely sensitive person playing the role of an intermediary between the worlds. Ladies and gentlemen sat down at the table, joined hands and invoked the spirit. Even more interest from the public appeared when they were going to summon a demon. The appearance of evil spirits during table-turning was recognized even by scientists - admittedly those who themselves were fond of spiritualism. Among them are Gustav Fechner and Alexander Butlerov.

The main adherents of spiritualism in Russia were the wealthy landowner Alexander Aksakov and professor Yegor Wagner. They organized a thematic circle in St. Petersburg. Its participants studied mediumistic phenomena and organized “séances.” In 1871, they invited the medium David Hume to Russia, who had previously conducted sessions for Emperor Alexander II. And now the legendary Scottish perfume specialist has conquered the Russian intelligentsia with his “work.”

“Everything that I managed to see during this time was quite enough to convince me of the objective and real existence of mediumistic phenomena and the absence of any charlatanism on the part of Hume.”

Alexander Butlerov

Campaign against mediums

In 1874, members of the spiritualist circle of Alexander Aksakov signed the American medium Bredif on tour to St. Petersburg. His ideas caused fierce controversy in society and in the press. For example, Bredif sat behind a curtain with the lights off, and the outlines of luminous female hands appeared on the fabric. He was called a charlatan, a deceiver and a person who plays with the feelings of people whose relatives died. A whole campaign against mediums began.

The scientist Dmitry Mendeleev spoke out against spiritualist madness in Russia. In 1875, a commission for “mediumistic phenomena” was created at St. Petersburg University. It included 12 prominent physicists and chemists. Loud revelations of mediums began - both famous and not so famous.

By that time, every second adventurer had declared the “gift of seeing.” These were maids and midwives, milkmen, grocers and women of easy virtue. It was not only Dmitry Mendeleev’s commission that declassified the scams of pseudo-mediums. Among the charlatans outraged by the impudence was the American Harry Houdini, a professional magician whose name thundered throughout the world. He arrived in St. Petersburg and in the house of the editor of the magazine “Nature and People” Wilhelm Casimir Bittner exposed one trick after another, amazing the audience with the simplicity of the explanations. Harry Houdini demonstrated 17 techniques, invisible to people, with which he made “mediumistic sounds.”

The last powerful wave of spiritualist mania covered Russian society at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1906, a major congress of spiritualists took place in Moscow, in which 97 delegates took part. At this time, the circulation of the Spiritualist magazine reached an astronomical figure for those times of 30,000 copies, and the number of spiritualist circles reached 160. Over time, many followers of spiritualism became disillusioned with mediums, and the passion for table-turning gradually began to weaken until it came to naught.

Are you interested in spiritualism? Do you want to contact a deceased relative? Do you want to communicate with the spirit haunting your home, or are you just curious about the other world?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then I will try to give you step-by-step instructions for conducting a session yourself to communicate with the spirit world, as well as share some tips and tell you the pros and cons of mediating with the other world.

Before we begin, let's cover a few points.

Firstly, what is your purpose for conducting a seance? This will determine how you conduct the entire session.

If you want to contact a deceased relative, then you already know who you will call from the other world.

On the other hand, if you want to communicate with the spirit haunting your home, then you do not know who you are calling from the other world to you. You don't know whether this spirit is good or bad. Therefore, be extremely careful, or even better, contact a professional for a spiritualism session!

Remember that you should never ask a spirit from the other world stupid questions, such as which team will win a football match, what number to bet on, etc., as this will only irritate the spirit. Understand that the spirit must cross worlds to come to your call, and sometimes this can be very painful!

To conduct any communication session with the other world, there must be at least three people. Of these, only one will serve as a medium, leading the task of summoning and communicating with the spirit, while the others will only follow his lead. Only a professional esotericist can independently summon a spirit from the other world, since he knows how to then guide the spirit back to the Gate.

Remember that a spirit from the other world very rarely answers your questions in human language.

For this reason, you must provide him with suitable means of communication, such as:

  • Ouija board. It is a flat board with the alphabet, numbers, and the words “hello”, “goodbye”, “yes” and “no” drawn on it. A movable indicator in the form of a small saucer without drawings, with an arrow drawn on one side so that the arrow points to letters and words on the board. The summoned otherworldly spirit uses telekinesis to turn the arrow and answer your questions.
  • Pendulum. A simple pendulum can also be used for fortune telling. The medium holds the pendulum in his hand and asks questions to the spirit. If the pendulum swings sideways, the spirit says "no", while moving back and forth on the pendulum indicates "yes", and swinging around and around means that the spirit is undecided on the answer, and then you need to formulate your question differently.

Once you have everything ready, gather the participants in a small, empty room where you will not be disturbed. Choose a round or oval table for everyone to sit around during the ritual. Place candles, light them, and turn off any other lighting. Place fragrant flowers and a piece of bread on the table to attract the spirit. Make sure your Ouija Board is on the table.

All participants in the seance must sit at the table, hold each other’s hands, creating a closed circle, and close their eyes.

A good place to start is with prayer, which helps cleanse the environment and radiate positivity. Now everyone should concentrate on the spirit you want to evoke and then slowly ask the spirit to join you, very calmly and welcomingly.

Wait a moment and ask the spirit to give a sign of its presence. Don't ask for a specific sign!

When you are sure that the spirit is present, begin to communicate.

Start slowly with simple yes or no questions and gradually move up to more difficult questions.

Always be calm and respectful of the otherworldly spirit. However, be careful, at the very first sign of any rudeness on the part of the spirit, politely ask him to leave, if he does not listen, forcefully end the seance by blowing out the candles and turning on the lights. After this, thank the spirit for its help and end the session immediately.

Although the session can be very interesting and will help you find answers to your questions, remember that a self-session of spiritualism can be dangerous, and be careful!

Here are a few caveats:

  • Do not do anything that may show disrespect to the spirit or anger it;
  • Do not force anyone to enter into a seance against their will, and feeble-minded people and children should be kept away from seances;
  • For beginners, it is better to hire a professional! An otherworldly spirit that appears is not always good. Professional mediums and esotericists know how to deal with such situations.

Sometimes otherworldly beings may try to harm you with misinformation, such as telling you that you will soon die, forcing you out of fear to fulfill the wishes of the spirit itself.

Be extremely attentive, vigilant and careful!

I hope my article was useful to you. Wish you all the best!

Can be defined as a process in which a person calls upon spirits to ask them a question of interest. Since ancient times, people have been interested in it, attracting them with its secrets and riddles. Many people are still fascinated by mysticism with all its components.

Many people want to conduct a seance at home. But summoning spirits is not so easy. It’s worth thoroughly preparing for this so that everything goes smoothly. To begin with, the one who decides on this session needs to recruit four or five more people who agree to keep him company. Only an experienced medium is capable of conducting a seance alone. The consequences, in this case, will not be as negative as if a beginner took on this matter alone. So, next you need to choose a leader - someone who is at least a little familiar with spiritualism. The time must be chosen strictly between 00:00 and 4:00. To enhance the activity of spirits, you can wait for the full moon.

Of course, you can’t do without equipment. Here you will need a saucer and a board on which you need to write numbers up to ten, letters and the answers “yes” and “no”. To make the atmosphere more mysterious, you can fill the room in which the seance is taking place with incense, candles, and light a fireplace. You must remember to take off your jewelry and warn others about it.

A lot depends on whose spirit is to be invoked. For example, if this is a deceased relative, it is worth placing his personal belongings in the room. And if this is one of the famous people, say, a writer, you need to put one of his books or a portrait on the table.

So, the most important thing begins. Participants in the session need to sit around the table. The presenter should place the saucer on the Ouija board and begin to summon the spirit. The phrase “Spirit... come” is suitable for this. Moreover, it must be repeated many times, until the moment when the summoned spirit appears. How can you understand that he has already arrived? It's simple: you need to carefully observe the saucer and the situation. The spirit has already appeared if the saucer moves, if the candle has gone out, if a light breeze has passed... Participants may experience a slight trembling caused by the unusualness of their position.

It is necessary to take into account that perhaps the spirit is not inclined to answer prepared questions. He may get angry and want to leave. Sometimes spirits deliberately lie. To ensure the veracity of the answer, you must first ask the question to which the answer is well known. If the test shows that the spirit is lying, it is better to simply thank him and say goodbye, otherwise he will become aggressive.

There is a topic that is better not to touch upon - the Spirit will slowly move the saucer from one letter to another, and the folded words will be its answer. For general questions, the saucer should move toward the “yes” and “no” signs.

Now we need to say goodbye to the spirit. First you need to thank him for the conversation, and then turn the saucer over and knock it on the board three times. This concludes the seance. Do not forget that this process should not last more than an hour. The time of the spirit should not be abused. Many people may feel exhausted after the session. But after some time the strength will be restored.

Recently, scientist Yu. A. Fomin expressed his point of view, the essence of which was that recently many spiritualistic seances have become widespread, which does not have the best effect on both the person himself and society as a whole. The negative impact is manifested in the deterioration of the human condition - both mental and physical. History knows many cases in which a seance ended in major failure. Therefore, you should not abuse such activities. Otherwise, serious problems may arise.

Communication with spirits (spiritism), in particular, dead people have been practiced at all times. Obviously, the ability to speak with the dead is based on the belief that a person has an immortal soul, which after death goes to the afterlife. The opportunity to touch this mysterious world, receive information, knowledge and secret signs from its ethereal inhabitants excites the imagination.

Also very common among all peoples are the practices of communicating and obtaining strength and protection from animal spirits. It is believed that dead animals willingly cooperate with the person they like. They are attracted by the prospect of exchanging their strength and special qualities for the opportunity to continue their lives with the help of the energy of the practitioner who called them.

For example, having asked the question of how to make a love spell, we are faced with the fact that rituals can be performed with the help of a variety of Powers. Not the least place in magical love practices is occupied by rituals performed with the help of the power of a totem animal. Parts of the animal, special secret sounds and words are used, which are known to attract the help of the animal chosen for the ritual.

With the help of people's spirits, you cannot make a love spell, but you can get important information about your chosen one, about the prospects of your personal life, or ask for help in winning the love of the chosen character.

The method of communicating with spirits is called spiritualism. Spiritualism has been known since ancient times, for example, the Bible describes how King Saul summoned the shadow of the prophet Samuel. As children, many of us dabbled: we summoned the brownie, the spirit of Pushkin, and various other spirits. It usually didn't work out very well, but if done correctly, it could be successful.

We will look at the most common technique of spiritualism. To do this, we need a Ouija board, a group of people, preferably at least 3 people, a quiet room and patience.

Making a magic board.

You can purchase a Ouija board at a store or make it yourself. They are completely different in the arrangement of letters and numbers. Let's consider the simplest option. We take a smooth board approximately 50 cm wide by 100 cm long, draw on it the letters from “a” to “z” in two semicircles at the top and bottom. Approximately in the middle we write the numbers from 0 to 9. You can also draw various symbols, for example, just above the numbers, draw the sun and next to the word “yes”, below the numbers the moon and the word “no”. And finally, you need to make a pointer; it can be cut in the shape of a heart from the same wood as the board, or you can use a porcelain saucer with an arrow. To make the pointer slide easier, the board should be varnished. In the absence of a board, some use a large sheet of thick paper or laminated cardboard and draw symbols on it.

Team selection.

It is ideal if five people participate in a spiritualism session, but life is harsh and it is not always possible to find the required number of participants. As a last resort, the ritual can be performed alone, although success in this case cannot be guaranteed. Participants should not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and eating a lot before the ceremony is prohibited. It is better for impressionable people not to participate in a session of spiritualism. Also, this activity does not tolerate skepticism; there is no need to invite erniks and jokers to the session.
The primary task is to choose your medium, the person through whom communication with the spirit will take place. You also need a person whose responsibility will be to record the testimony.
Think carefully in advance and write down the questions you want to ask the spirit. Questions should concern your affairs; asking spirits about their affairs is unacceptable. If you are interested in love affairs, then you can ask the otherworldly guest about how your chosen one treats you, whether it is worth doing a love spell or whether there is a chance to do without magic.

Preparing the room.

The most ideal time for a session is late at night, after midnight. Be sure to open the window or window slightly. In the room in which the ceremony is performed, electrical appliances and candle lighting must be turned off. Participants should remove all metal jewelry. During the session you cannot speak out loud, only in a whisper.

Calling spirits.

Place the board you made on the table. Holding hands, stand around the table, look at the quiet flickering of the candles, gradually clear your thoughts of vanity, and fully concentrate on the upcoming action. After you put your thoughts in order, you can slowly sit down.

Next, the medium lightly places the fingers of his right hand on the pointer, the rest of the participants join him and all in a harmonious chorus begin to say: “Spirit (name of the river) come,” until signs of the presence of the spirit appear:

  • the pointer may start to move
  • you may have a strange uneasy feeling
  • there may be something like a breath of draft, a chill
  • the most spectacular manifestation of the spirit is in the form of a ghostly cloud, although only experienced spiritualists achieve this.

When a messenger of the other world appears, you can begin to carefully ask questions. The dialogue should be conducted as follows:

“Spirit (name of river) are you here?”
The arrow should move to the word “yes”.
“Are you ready to talk to us?”

If the answer is “yes,” continue to ask questions tactfully and quietly.

It is recommended that beginner spiritualists conduct a session for less than an hour, because you will not have enough concentration to hold the spirit for longer. If contact is interrupted, the door between the worlds will close and the ethereal creature may remain with you, manifesting itself in the form of a poltergeist.

At the end, it is important to end the session correctly: thank the spirit for the conversation and say goodbye by knocking on the table three times.

Spiritualism - classification of spirits

The spirits themselves can be divided into three categories:

  • informative (exactly what we wanted)
  • crafty
  • background.

At first, mainly the crafty and background ones will come: the spirits of primitive people, the spirit of those who died suddenly, the spirits of suicides who cannot leave the lower layers of the astral plane. Information from them is of little value, but there can be a lot of harm. Be careful with them, be critical of their responses, and say goodbye and end contact as quickly as possible.

After the ritual, you need to reinforce your strength with food and rest. We must discuss what happened among ourselves carefully and with restraint. They may listen to you from there, and rudeness, skepticism, and jokes will harm further attempts to talk with spirits.

For the first time, do not demand much from yourself; only as you acquire the skill will you be able to communicate with spirits for a long time and efficiently. If the session did not work out, then do not be upset, but try to repeat the experience after a while.

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