Sample document. Job regulations of the federal state civil servant filling the position of the chief specialist of the department in the Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

Appendix No. 3 to the Regulations on the procedure for development and approval job description employee customs authority Russian Federation and official regulations of the state civil servant of the customs authority of the Russian Federation

FEDERAL CUSTOMS SERVICE ___________________________________ (name of the customs authority) _______________________________________________________________ (name of the structural unit of the customs authority) I APPROVED _________________________________ ( Job title, special rank _________________________________ (classy rank) official, _________________________________ approving the regulations) ___________ _____________________ (signature) (initials, surname) "__" ____________ 20__ N _______________________ OFFICIAL REGULATIONS ________________________________________________ (position name) I. General provisions 1. 2. etc. II. Qualification requirements _____________________________ (name of civil servant position) 3. 4. etc. III. Job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities ______________ (name of civil servant position) 5. Job responsibilities 1) 2), etc. 6. Rights 1) 2) etc. 7. Responsibility 1) 2) etc. IV. List of issues on which _______________________________ (name of civil servant position) has the right or obligation to independently make management and other decisions 8. 9. etc. V. List of issues on which _________________________________ (name of civil servant position) has the right or obligation to participate in the preparation of draft regulatory legal acts and (or) draft management and other decisions 10. 11. etc. VI. Timing and procedures for preparing, reviewing draft management and other decisions, the procedure for agreeing and making these decisions _______________________________________________ (name of civil servant position) 12. 13. etc. VII. The procedure for official interaction __________________________ (name of the civil servant position) in connection with the execution job responsibilities with civil servants of the customs authority, civil servants of other government agencies developed in accordance with the requirements of the order of the Federal Customs Service of Russia dated "__" __________ 20__ N _____ "______________________".

(name of order) ____________________________ (name of position, ____________________________ special rank (class rank) of the person ____________________________ ____________ _________________________ responsible for the development of (signature) (initials, surname) regulations) "__" ___________ 20__ AGREED BY: __________________________ (name of position, __________________________ special rank ____________ _________________________ (class rank)) (signature) (initials, surname) "__" _________ 20_

Appendix to the Order of the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government - Head of the Office of the Mayor and the Moscow Government dated February 9, 2012 No. 4-RR
SAMPLE OFFICE REGULATIONS OF A STATE CIVIL EMPLOYEE OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW, FITTING THE POSITION OF THE STATE CIVIL SERVICE OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW I APPROVED __________________________________ (position, surname, first name, patronymic of the person who approved the official regulations) OFFICIAL REGULATIONS of a state civil servant of the city of Moscow holding a government position civil service

of the city of Moscow __________________________________________________________________ (name of the position of the state civil servant of the city of Moscow, filling the position of the state civil service of the city of Moscow, indicating the structural unit and the name of the state body of the city of Moscow)

In accordance with Moscow City Law No. 3 of January 26, 2005 “On the State Civil Service of the City of Moscow” and Decree of the Moscow Mayor dated March 31, 2005 No. 20-UM “On the Register of Positions of the State Civil Service of the City of Moscow” position _________________________ (name positions) refers to the group of positions of the state civil service of the city of Moscow (highest, main, leading, senior, junior) categories ("managers", "assistants (advisers)", "specialists", "supporting specialists"). A state civil servant of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as a civil servant), filling the position of _______________ (name of position) in a government body of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as a state body), is appointed to the position and dismissed from office in in the prescribed manner

1. Qualification requirements necessary to perform official duties

1.1. To fill the position _________ (name of position) with a civil servant, the following requirements are established:

1.1.1. (Indicated qualification requirements to level vocational education, established by law of the city of Moscow dated January 26, 2005 N 3 “On the state civil service of the city of Moscow”).

1.1.2. (Qualification requirements for length of service in the state civil service are indicated ( civil service other types) and length of service (work experience in the specialty), established by the Moscow City Law of January 26, 2005 No. 3 “On the State Civil Service of the City of Moscow”).

1.1.3. (Qualification requirements for professional knowledge and skills necessary for the performance of official duties by civil servants are indicated).

2. Job duties, rights and responsibilities

2.1. The basic rights and responsibilities of a civil servant holding the position of ____________________ (position name) are established by the Federal Laws “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation”, “On Anti-Corruption”, the Moscow City Law “On the State Civil Service of the City of Moscow”, decrees of the Mayor of Moscow, and others legal acts, Official regulations, these regulations.

2.2. In accordance with the tasks and functions assigned to (state body, structural unit of state body), a civil servant performs the following official duties:

2.2.1. (Specified exhaustive list official responsibilities of a civil servant, with the exception of participation in the process of providing public services provided to citizens and organizations (job responsibilities are reflected in section 7).

2.3. A civil servant has the following rights:

2.3.1. (The rights of a civil servant are indicated).

2.3.2. (The right to use an electronic digital signature is indicated ( electronic signature).

2.4. A civil servant is responsible for failure to comply and improper execution their official duties, provided for by these official regulations, for the use of an electronic digital signature (electronic signature) in the manner established federal legislation and legal acts of the city of Moscow.

3. List of issues on which a civil servant has the right or obligation to independently make management and other decisions

3.1. A civil servant has the right to independently make management and other decisions on the following issues:

3.1.1. (Issues determined by the job responsibilities of the civil servant are indicated).

3.2. A civil servant is obliged to independently make management and other decisions on the following issues:

3.2.1. (Issues determined by the job responsibilities of the civil servant are indicated).

4. List of issues on which a civil servant has the right or obligation to participate in the preparation of draft regulatory legal acts and (or) draft management and other decisions

4.1. A civil servant has the right to participate in the preparation of draft regulatory legal acts and (or) draft management and other decisions on the following issues:

4.1.1. (Issues determined by the job responsibilities of the civil servant are indicated).

4.2. A civil servant is obliged to participate in the preparation of draft regulatory legal acts and (or) draft management and other decisions on the following issues:

4.2.1. (Issues determined by the job responsibilities of the civil servant are indicated).

Decisions on the provision of public services to citizens and organizations are indicated in section 7.

5. Time frames and procedures for preparing and reviewing draft management and other decisions, the procedure for agreeing on and making these decisions

When preparing draft regulatory legal acts, draft management and other decisions, a civil servant must be guided by the Regulations of the Moscow Government and other legal acts of the city of Moscow.

6. The procedure for official interaction of a civil servant in connection with the performance of official duties

6.1. In connection with the performance of official duties, a civil servant interacts (state bodies, public associations, legal entities, structural units government bodies of the city of Moscow, with whom the civil servant, in the performance of official duties, carries out constant interaction, as well as individuals).

6.2. Service interaction is based on the requirements for official behavior, specified in Article 14 of the Moscow City Law of January 26, 2005 No. 3 “On the State Civil Service of the City of Moscow”.

7. List of public services provided to citizens and organizations

In this section:

7.1. A list of public services is indicated in the provision of which the civil servant holding this position has the right to participate, or a provision is included that the civil servant does not participate in the provision of public services.

7.2. The decisions (actions) taken by a civil servant are indicated, which he has the right (obligation) to take when participating in the provision of public services to citizens and (or) organizations.

It is also necessary to indicate the decisions made by civil servants when providing public services to citizens and organizations that are signed electronically. digital signature(electronic signature).

8. Indicators of efficiency and effectiveness of the professional work of a civil servant

Indicators of efficiency and effectiveness of the professional official activity of a civil servant are applied after the entry into force of legal acts of the Russian Federation, the city of Moscow and a government body establishing indicators of efficiency and effectiveness of the professional official activity of a civil servant.

I am familiar with the official regulations:
N Last name, first name, patronymic Date and number Date and signature of the civil servant, order to familiarize himself with the regulations of the person appointed to the position and receive a copy of it

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Approximate form

APPROVED Head Federal service on labor and employment __________________ M.A. Topilin (signature) "__" __________________ 200_

OFFICIAL REGULATIONS of a federal civil servant holding a position in the federal civil service in the Federal Service for Labor and Employment

Section I. General provisions

1. These official regulations regulate the procedure for federal civil servants of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment (hereinafter referred to as Rostrud) of the category ___________________________________ professional official activities, which are integral part administrative regulations Rostrud and service contract.

2. Position __________________________________________________________ (position name) in accordance with the Register of positions of the federal state civil service, approved by Decree President of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2005 N 1574 “On the register of positions in the state civil service” is a position in the federal state civil service (hereinafter referred to as the civil service) belonging to the ____________ group of civil service positions.

3. The civil servant filling the position of __________________________________________________________________________, (name of position) carries out professional official activities on the basis of the order of Rostrud on his appointment to the position and in accordance with the service contract concluded between this person and the representative of the employer - the head of Rostrud.

4. Direct subordination of a civil servant, the procedure for vesting his powers, the procedure for delegating his powers ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

Section II. Qualification requirements

5. To fill this civil service position, the following qualification requirements are imposed on a civil servant:

5.1. Availability of professional education ____________________________ (specify education) 5.2. Having at least ___ years of experience in the civil service of the Russian Federation (other types of public service) or at least ___ years of work experience in the specialty. 5.3. Availability

professional knowledge

and skills necessary to perform job duties.

Section III. Official duties, rights and responsibilities of a civil servant for failure to perform (improper performance) of official duties

6. Job responsibilities and rights:

6.1. Goals and objectives: ___________________________________________

6.2. Job responsibilities: _________________________________

6.3. Rights: ___________________________________________________

8. ______________________________________________________________

7. Responsibility: _________________________________________________

9. _____________________________________________________________

Section IV. List of issues on which __________________________ has the right or obligation to independently (name of position) make management and other decisions

10. Preparation and consideration of draft management and other decisions are carried out taking into account the deadlines:

established by the President of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation;

established federal laws and other normative legal acts regulating the consideration of appeals from citizens and deputies State Duma, members of the Federation Council, others officials and organizations;

regulations of Rostrud, as well as other regulations Rostruda, regulating the procedure for working with instructions from officials mentioned in paragraph two of this paragraph, as well as with requests specified in paragraph three of this paragraph;

leadership of Rostrud.

The procedures for preparing and reviewing draft management and other decisions, the procedure for agreeing on and making these decisions are established by regulatory legal acts and regulations of Rostrud.

Section VII. Official interaction in connection with the performance of official duties with civil servants of the same government body, civil servants of other government bodies, other citizens, as well as with organizations

11. In the process of carrying out professional work activities, the following interacts: ___________________________________________.


Head of Department

I have read the job regulations and the second copy has been received.

______________________ __________________________ (signature, date) (last name, first name, patronymic)
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