Samples of round seals. Samples of seals

When considering a sample seal for documents, you can note those points that are required. Print Diameter standard sizes ranges from 38 to 42 mm, but most people order the size 39 mm. The print must contain the following information: name of organization, status of organization, number state registration organizations, location.

If we consider a sample seal for documents that is made for doctors or entrepreneurs, then the following must be indicated: last name, first name, patronymic and specialty for the doctor, and type of activity for entrepreneurs. If print internal use, then it should bear the inscription of the department or its purpose. If the seal is registered in the register of seals, then the seal must indicate this number. At the request of the customer, the print can contain various graphic elements and additional elements protections that insure against counterfeiting. Also, a sample seal for documents may contain a logo or coat of arms, but so that there is a logo of the organization and the coat of arms of Moscow or Russian Federation, then the organization must have the permitting right for this application. If there is no permission for the company logo, then this logo can only be used for additional seals and internal seals.

All people who plan to study commercial activities, immediately encounter such a problem as ordering the production of a seal and stamp. This service They offer specialized organizations, by visiting which you can view available samples. But in addition to this method of ordering, many organizations operate on the Internet, where samples of seals and stamps can be downloaded at any time. This method of ordering is very simple and practical, which allows you to quickly and without interrupting your main work place an order and receive it using courier service, which you choose yourself.

Samples of seals can be downloaded for free on all websites of companies that provide these services. After downloading the samples, you can look at everything in a relaxed atmosphere and decide on the type of seal or stamp to choose. In addition, you can decide on the degree of protection. As protection, companies offer four degrees of protection, as well as the application of various individual logos and other elements.

In modern times, free download of stamp samples has become available. You can also view information on the Internet that will help you choose a seal and stamp. There is information on the Internet about seals for various specialties, indicating various nuances, which must be observed. You can examine in detail the shapes of the seals, which can be rectangular, round, or triangular. The main seal for various types of activities is considered to be a round seal. Additional seals may take other forms.

Samples of seals and stamps download, provides the opportunity to review and make a joint decision together with other management employees in the selection. When choosing, you need to decide on the material that will be used in the manufacture of seals and stamps. The material can be either rubber or photopolymer. You also need to decide what type of equipment is needed, that is, either manual or automatic. If there is a lot of paperwork, then automatic equipment will be more profitable and practical.

Samples of seals can be downloaded for free, making it possible, together with other company management, to create a layout for a future seal. Then this layout is sent to a stamp manufacturing company and a sketch is created based on the layout, which can be adjusted. And according to the corrected sketch, the print is made.

In traditional office work, to confirm the authenticity of a document and give it legal force seals and stamps are used. Document stamps are one of the most common imprints in any company’s documentation. The list of documents certified by it is determined by the relevant order.

From the article you will learn:

Samples of organization seals and stamps

Current legislation determines seal as a mechanical device for making an impression on paper. This imprint is required to confirm the authenticity of the signature. official. The requirements for its content, production and use are minimal. Basically, they concern societies with limited liability(LLC) and joint stock companies(AO).

  • OOO it is necessary to indicate the full name of the company in Russian and information about its location. The name can be duplicated in any foreign language.
  • Legal requirements for OJSC similar (No. 208-FZ dated December 26, 1995 “On Joint-Stock Companies”).
  • For individual entrepreneurs It is not necessary to have your own imprint, although one can be developed if necessary.
  • Separate units large companies use the cliché of the parent organization indicating its own status: branch or representative office.

In addition, there is a state standard regulating the use of state symbols (GOST R 51511-2001 “Stamps with reproduction state emblem Russian Federation"), applied by those organizations that have the right to manufacture such devices. As for other forms of organizations, they have the right to independently develop an organizational stamp and determine the procedure for its application.

Types of seals and stamps

All company seals can be divided into four groups: stamp, main (without state symbols), belonging to structural divisions and auxiliary.


Placed on special important papers. Manufactured by certified workshops and in mandatory are registered. The authorities have the right to use them state enterprises and educational institutions.


They are used to confirm the signature of the company’s top official on documents sent to third-party institutions ( government bodies, banks, counterparties).

Made for organizational units

Perform the functions of the main seal for documents in separate divisions and contain an indication of the status of the unit (branch, representative office).


In essence, they are stamps for making reference marks, for example, about receipt, registration, execution, etc. They can have not only a rectangular, but also a triangular or round shape.

This classification has been in practice for quite some time. It is due to the fact that many organizations prefer not to limit themselves to using one stamp for all types of official papers. They produce additional stamps so that all responsible employees have the opportunity to quickly certify official documentation.

The legal force of all stamps is equivalent if they contain the name and address of the organization and are round in shape, and also correspond to the scope of use.

Here are just a few typicalsamples of IP, LLC seals, seals foreign companies and companies, personal seals, doctor's seals, which you can focus on. We will develop and offer a sketch (layout) of the print for you, taking into account all your wishes and suggestions and send it by e-mail for coordination and approval.
Check Please carefully read ALL the data - write down the necessary corrections.Your approval of the layout is the basis for the production of the seal.An error found in the finished product, if the layout approved by the customer, is not a basis for claims.

We will make simple sketches for you for free! Complex and individual sketches - price for design development by agreement...

If you liked any of the samples presented, just tell us its number + information about your print and your order will be ready!

Samples of SIMPLE stamps:

-with one circle (LLC, individual entrepreneur, doctor’s stamp):


-with two or more circles, microfont:


Examples of COMPLEX seals with graphic elements, braids, etc.:

Samples of braids and guilloche meshes for protecting seals:


We recommend making prints with fine graphics (braids, meshes, etc.) using the laser engraving on rubber!



Samples of personal seals. Facsimile. Children's, school seals and stamps. Bookplates.

Samples of funny and cool seals and stamps, seals and stamps as a gift:

Funny and cool seals and stamps are a great gift for friends, co-workers, work colleagues, boss and everyone who appreciates humor, jokes and practical jokes.

(click on the picture to enlarge the image)

Samples of stamps for scrapbooking, stamps for designing postcards, photo albums, personalized seals and stamps, stamps with various inscriptions and with any image.

Prices for polymer stamps for scrapbooking depend on the order quantity and the availability of a sketch (for clients working with us on permanent basis the price will be as low as possible, especially if there is a sketch (layout in vector). Call us - we'll tell you everything, explain...

Samples of stamps for scrapbooking on a New Year theme:
(click on the picture to enlarge the image)


Production prices new seal are always fixed and depend only on the equipment you choose (manual plastic - free, automatic equipment - from 250 rubles), and the prices for making stamps from an impression usually depend on the complexity of the sample you provide - availability graphic elements, borders, logos, etc...
Send your stamp to us by e-mail and we can give you the final price.

Samples of seals, types of seals, samples of seals of individual entrepreneurs, LLC, OJSC, CJSC... Sample of a doctor's seal. Stamp of a dentist, therapist, cardiologist. Order a seal in Pushkino, Mytishchi, Moscow, urgent seals and stamps. Sample of personal seal. Sample of children's print. Sample bookplate. Sample facsimile. Personal stamp. Children's print. Children's seals and children's stamps from 150 rub. any size.... Doctor's stamp. Bookplate. Facsimile. Facsimile signature. Seal of an organization, enterprise. Stamp layouts. Seal of an individual entrepreneur.A sample of a cool and funny seal, stamp.Making stamps for scrapbooking according to your sketches. Stamps for scrapbooking, postcards. Order a stamp for scrapbooking. Stamping. Everything for stamping. Production of personalized seals and stamps. Master's personal stamp. Seal cadastral engineer. Foreign seals and stamps, samples of foreign seals and stamps, production of foreign seals, Chinese seals, Uzbek, Vietnamese seals, etc. Polymer stamps for scrapbooking to order. Making stamps with various themes. Stamps with inscriptions. Stamps for scrap. Stamps for designing photo albums. Order a personalized stamp. Cool and funny seals and stamps. Making cool and funny seals and stamps according to your layout or sketch. Manufacturing of medical seals.

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