The longest Schengen visas for Russians. Where is the best place to make a hotel reservation?

Every traveler, both avid and newbies, is interested in the question: where is the easiest way to get Schengen. This desire is justified by a number of reasons: the presence of unpleasant experience in the design permit document previously, uncertainty about positive result at independent decision issue, lack of priorities regarding the choice of country for travel.

Advantages of a Schengen visa

​The Schengen visa has one big advantage, expressed in the ability of its holder to freely cross the borders of the member countries of the Schengen Agreement. In this case, you can apply for it at the embassy of any of these states.

It should be noted that not all Schengen countries, despite the identical principles for issuing permits, are distinguished by favorable migration policy and issue visas upon request, so it is no wonder that tourists prefer to apply for permits to states that are more predisposed to issuing the document. So where is the easiest place to get a Schengen visa?

List of Schengen countries with the most loyal migration policies

The easiest way to get Schengen is in the following European countries:

  • France. A permit issued by the French embassy gives the right to freely enter and exit the country for 5 years. Also during this period, a foreigner can cross the borders of other states in the Schengen area;
  • Spain. Spain is one of the Schengen countries with the most favorable visa conditions. Unlike other members of the Schengen Agreement, the Spanish Migration Service does not restrict the movement of even those foreign tourists who have certain entry bans;
  • Italy. The only reason to stay without Schengen to Italy is if you apply too late, so travelers looking to get permission to cross the Italian border should hurry;
  • Slovakia. Slovakia - quite favorable country for citizens of the Russian Federation. However, neglect of the rules of entry and exit, as well as exceeding the established period of stay on the territory of the state may cause refusal to issue a visa in the future;
  • Finland. The Finnish government is particularly loyal to the residents of St. Petersburg, which justifies the endless flow of tourists from the city on the Neva;
  • Greece. Schengen to Greece is issued for 12 months. The registration procedure takes place in stages.

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Schengen visa to France

To obtain Schengen in France, you must contact the country’s Moscow embassy with a corresponding application and a certain package of documents. A permit is issued for 5 years, during which a foreigner can cross the French border without any restrictions. Moreover, you only need to provide the documents necessary to obtain a visa during your first application. Each subsequent one is not burdened with collecting and submitting materials.

The period of permanent stay in France with a Schengen visa cannot exceed 3 months.

How to get Schengen to Spain

To obtain a multiple-entry visa to Spain, you need to fill out a form with your personal data and indicate the type of permit you are applying for. The requirement to indicate the purpose of issuing this particular type of permit is, as a rule, advisory in nature.

The number of previous trips to Schengen countries does not affect the issuance of the document in any way, so both experienced travelers and pioneers can count on a positive response. When staying in Europe under the Schengen visa issued by the Spanish embassy, ​​you must carefully observe migration rules and adhere to deadlines in order to avoid difficulties with obtaining a visa in the future.

Procedure for obtaining a Schengen visa to Italy

Usually, migration authorities Countries issue Schengen cards with a validity period of 12 months. If a tourist applies for a multiple visa to Italy not for the first time, and nothing “criminal” happened during previous trips, he has the opportunity to obtain permission to stay in the country for a longer period. An important role in obtaining a multiple visa is played by the fact that the applicant complies with the rules and regulations established Visa Code from 2010.

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Schengen to Slovakia

The Republic of Slovakia willingly welcomes tourists not only from Russia, but also from other CIS countries. To obtain permission, you must provide required package documents and enter personal data in the form. Since on official portal The Slovak Embassy does not provide sufficient information on the visa application procedure; to clarify the information of interest, it is better to contact the country’s visa authorities.

A Schengen visa to Slovakia can be obtained mainly for one year; much less often, permission to cross the Slovak border is issued for 2 or 5 years.

Features of the procedure for obtaining Schengen in Finland

The features of Schengen in Finland are the following facts:

  • Residents have a greater chance of receiving it North-West region Russia;
  • Upon first application, a visa is issued for a month. You can obtain a multiple-entry visa only upon subsequent applications.

Multiple visa to Greece

The Schengen registration procedure for Greece is carried out in stages. If the applicant has previously traveled with a Schengen visa, then when applying to the Greek embassy, ​​he will be able to immediately obtain permission to cross the borders of the state for six months. If you plan to visit Greece again or more, you must indicate “365/90” in your application. This mark is the basis for issuing a multiple visa valid for 12 months.

According to her, quite a few European countries are ready to issue a multiple visa if a person has already received permission to enter the Schengen zone. Italy, France, Greece, Spain, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, and Latvia do this without any problems.

Sometimes the presence of European travel is mandatory requirement. For example, on the official website of the Czech Embassy in Russia it states that an applicant “for a multiple-entry visa is required to prove when submitting an application that he has already received at least one Schengen visa in the past, which he used for its intended purpose.” The validity period depends on the visa history: first it is given for six months, then for a year, for two, and so on. For a multiple visa for up to five years, the Poles require the tourist to have at least two “correctly used Schengen visas.”

“It’s more difficult to predict the validity period for someone who doesn’t have a visa. The highest chances of getting a multiple visa—from two months to six months—are at the consulates of the Netherlands, France, Greece, and Spain,” says Anna Filatovskaya.

The general director of the tour operator Mouzenidis Travel Russia, Alexander Tsandekidi, also agrees with her. At a press conference held this week in Moscow, he cited the following statistics: “From 2016 to 2017, of the total volume of Greek visas issued through us, the share of multivisas with a validity period of from one year to three and five years amounted to 70-75%. And we hope that in the new season this indicator will increase by 5-10%."

"The simplest, in my opinion, is greek visa, the most complex are German, Belgian and Austrian. The consulates of these countries require more documents and issue multiple visas less often. It often happens here that the Greeks, Italians, and Spaniards issue six-month entry permits to tourists who have not previously visited the Schengen countries,” says Tatyana Shulenina, general director of the travel agency King Travel Service.

Personal experience

At a specialized professional forum, representatives of travel companies are even trying to compile some kind of statistics on multiple visas.

The leaders are Italy with one- and two-year visas, Greece (three-year visas) and France, which also often issues visas for long terms(according to travel agencies, two and five years). There are examples when the French put a six-month stamp on a passport with one Bulgarian visa and entry and exit stamps to Romania, Moldova, Tunisia, and Morocco without any problems.

According to the experience of travelers, for the Greeks even a single entry, for example Polish visa for nine days may serve as a basis for issuing a three-year Schengen permit.

With Hungary it is more difficult. Among the precedents are the right to a single entry for the duration of the trip, a four-day multiple visa for experienced travelers, and a five-year Schengen visa in a “clean” passport.

Getting a multiple entry visa to Germany is also not easy. Often, visas are issued only for travel dates to those who have several passports. multiple terms for a year. But there are also exceptions. “Four aunties went to Germany together on vacation, they received a full range of visas: for five years, for three years, for a year and for the dates of the trip. They applied together, they traveled together,” representatives of travel agencies report.

The easiest way to resolve the issue of multiple-entry Schengen visas is for those who live in border areas.

For example, residents of the North-West region of Russia, when they first contact the Consulate General of Finland, are usually immediately issued a multiple visa for six months. The list of documents required for travel has also been shortened.

Prints and retina

By the way, those who receive a Schengen visa for the first time or previously did so before September 2015 should remember about biometrics. For two and a half years now, in order to be allowed to enter any of the Schengen countries, Russians have had to undergo fingerprinting and a retinal scan.

The main difficulty is the need to appear in person at the consulate or visa center. The collected data is valid for five years, so it’s easier to submit documents later. And the consulate will treat you more loyally.

Another important advice: when filling out a visa application form, the dates of travel must indicate real, confirmed hotel reservations, tickets (if we are not talking, for example, about traveling to personal transport), insurance. But in the appropriate paragraph (24th) note “multiple entry”.

It would seem an obvious thing, but sometimes tourists, when filling out the form, forget about it.

“The chances of obtaining a visa, including a multiple-entry one, will increase if you provide the most reliable information about yourself and the purpose of your trip: it is important to prove that your goal is tourism. The basic package of documents can be expanded by providing additional guarantees your return to Russia (statements of long-term deposits, documents confirming that you own real estate in Russian territory that you have a family here and so on),” experts say visa department tour operator "Biblio-Globus".

Experts advise against doing this fake certificates, reservation and account statements are grounds for refusal. They may also be refused due to incorrectly executed documents, violations of migration or visa laws in the Schengen countries, criminal history, and so on.

The European Commission is reviewing the procedure for issuing Schengen visas (for stays of up to 90 days in any 180-day period). From December 15, 2017 to February 2, a collection of opinions and proposals was carried out. Anyone could fill out an online form on the website, for example, representative offices European Union V Russian Federation.
This information is currently being processed. The European Commission plans to take this into account when developing new legislative proposals in the field of visa policy.

It is almost impossible to be denied a visa to these countries. Russian tourists all year round they love and wait there. We're sharing six beach destinations that are easier to get to than you think.

(Total 7 photos)

1. Spain

Why it’s easy: the Spaniards issue Schengen visas like hot cakes, and the number of Russians in the cities and resorts of this country is growing every year. It is very easy to obtain a visa if all conditions are met, and the number of refusals is minimal. However, keep in mind that due to the large influx of vacationers at visa centers, it is advisable to submit documents in advance - at least two weeks before the trip.

Spain is subject to the Schengen Agreement, so the Schengen visa you receive will allow you to visit neighboring France, Portugal and, of course, Andorra, which is the most convenient place to get to.

2. Bulgaria

Why it’s easy: Bulgaria is not Schengen yet, but if you have a valid Schengen multiple visa, then a national Bulgarian visa you won't need it. You can apply for a visa to this country either with the help of a travel agency, or on your own - at visa centers, which are already available in 20 Russian cities. The visa processing time is four days. Cost for Russian citizens (consular and service fees) - 2700 rubles. An urgent visa will cost 4,450 rubles, and it will take two days (it can only be single-entry). A nice detail: the Bulgarians give all “first timers” a six-month multivisa at once, and those who have already bask on the beaches of the Bulgarian Riviera - an annual one.

3. Malta

Why it’s easy: the Maltese authorities are very interested in increasing the tourist flow from Russia. And although there are no visa concessions, they make the process of obtaining a visa as comfortable as possible. In the new holiday season, the time for issuing a Maltese Schengen card for our compatriots in most cases is only 72 hours. A visa can be obtained either through a travel agency or through visa centers located throughout Russia. There is no pre-registration at the centers: submission of documents is on a first-come, first-served basis. The consular fee is 35 euros. If you're lucky, the Maltese will put a six-month multivisa in their passport, but, alas, this does not happen often.

4. Greece

Why it’s easy: in the coming summer season, the already loyal Greeks intend to issue significantly more multiple-entry visas to Russian tourists. All Russian citizens Those who have a foreign passport with a recently issued Schengen visa from any country can receive a multiple visa valid from one to three years within 48 hours.

In addition, the Greeks continue to have a rule according to which, from June 7 to September 30, the islands of Rhodes, Kos, Lesbos, Chios and Samos can be visited without a Schengen visa. The main condition is that you need to arrive to the islands from Turkey by ferry. And book a hotel in advance on one of the listed Greek islands. You can do all this with the help of one of the Turkish travel agencies, where a day before the ferry departure you need to take a copy of your passport, an application for single entry visa and photo.

5. Croatia

Why it’s easy: just two years ago it was possible to get to the Croatian piece of the Adriatic coast without the hassle of documents. Now, to holiday in this country you need a visa (not Schengen, but a national one), which can be obtained quite quickly at the Croatian Embassy in Moscow, at visa centers, or with the help of travel agencies accredited at the embassy. The visa fee will be 35 euros for a regular visa and 69 euros for an urgent visa. Deadline for issuing a passport from ready visa does not exceed five days.

6. Cyprus

Why it’s easy: Cyprus is not part of the Schengen zone, and a visa for this Island state is drawn up according to a simplified principle. You need a form that can be filled out online on the website of the Cyprus Embassy in Moscow - and within a day it will be sent to your email address a message will come with unique number. This is a so-called pro-visa valid for 90 days. This “light” visa to Cyprus gives the right to one entry into the country through the airports of Larnaca and Paphos.

A multiple-entry visa to Cyprus is also free. It is issued for Russians by consulates in Moscow or St. Petersburg in one or two days. Its validity period is three years with the possibility of staying in total up to 90 days. Holders of a valid Schengen visa do not need a Cyprus visa.

A Schengen visa is the ultimate dream of many tourists. It is needed by those Russians who want to travel openly and freely throughout Europe. Having such a visa in your passport opens up a lot of wonderful opportunities: with it you can freely move from one Schengen country to another, without observing any bureaucratic formalities. This procedure was established many years ago, and 2019 did not bring with it any significant changes in this matter.

Attention! Since September 14, 2015, for all those applying for Schengen visas, mandatory delivery biometric data. It is necessary to undergo the procedure of dactyloscopy (fingerprinting) and photographing at the visa center. The received data will be valid for 5 years (59 months). Due to this initial registration visa implies the mandatory personal presence of the applicant when submitting documents. Children under 12 years of age are exempt from fingerprinting (but not photography).

Initially, the creation of the Schengen zone implied relief visa regime between European countries and ensuring a common socio-cultural space. For European residents, the signing of this agreement has greatly facilitated the ability to travel to neighboring countries and became a significant step towards creating a single European community.

For residents of our country this decision resulted in ambiguous and contradictory consequences. Of course, obtaining a Schengen visa is a great chance to travel to most countries of the Old World without having to apply for new visa. However, as practice shows, often obtaining such a visa results in some problems. It is not very easy to apply for it yourself, and quite high and strict requirements are imposed on applicants. However, if you can provide full list necessary papers and prove your responsibility and trustworthiness, obtaining such a visa becomes quite possible. This will open up a lot of new opportunities for you.

On this moment The Schengen countries include 26 of the 28 European Union states (with the exception of and), these are:

as well as four countries not included in it - , Liechtenstein, and In total, this agreement in different time signed by twenty-six states that are today active members of this agreement. Having received the appropriate visa from any of these countries, you will be able to visit not only this country itself, but also any other state that is part of the Schengen zone.

Different types of visas

The type of visa issued to the applicant depends, first of all, on the main purpose of his trip abroad. Today the most common are the following types Schengen visas:

Tourist visa

Of course, it is she who is in the highest demand among travelers. It is necessary for those who plan to visit one or several countries of the agreement in order to explore the most important sights and get acquainted with the culture of this state(or several states at once). This type of visa is for a short period. The validity period of the visa is determined by the diplomatic structures of each individual country, so it may vary. As a rule, a visa of this type is allowed for a period of no more than three months.

student visa

Issuance practice similar documents It is especially common in those countries where the education system is very developed. Such countries include, for example, France, Germany, the Czech Republic, Austria, Spain and others. Today, students from all over the world study at universities, institutes, academies and colleges in these countries. Among Russians today, studying at foreign universities is also considered very prestigious. Many educational establishments Europe is absolutely open to foreign students and hospitably welcome young people from other countries. student visa, as a rule, refers to the number long-term visas. It is usually issued for a period of about six months to a year and requires mandatory renewal after this period. To obtain such a visa, in addition to the main list of documents, you must provide appropriate confirmation that you have been accepted to study at a particular university and that you have been provided with a place to live for the entire duration of your studies.

Work Visa

Persons who have an official invitation from an employer in a certain territory can count on receiving it foreign country. Most often, such applicants include highly qualified specialists in a particular field in which Western employers are interested. Applying for such a visa is quite difficult, and to obtain it you need compelling and documented reasons.

These are the main types of Schengen visas. Today they are issued by almost all states that are part of the agreement. More detailed information about other types of visas, as well as about valid visa rules each country you can visit it diplomatic mission in Russia (or on its website on the Internet).

Long-term multiple visa

A separate type of Schengen visa, which is the most popular and relevant today, is a long-term multiple visa. In fact, it is practically no different from the usual tourist visa, except, of course, for its validity period. It can be issued for one, two, three, four or five years. Such a document makes it possible to enter the territory of any Schengen country an unlimited number of times during the entire period of validity of this visa. It is ideal for those who quite often travel to Europe for tourism purposes or, for example, on short business trips.

A Schengen visa for 5 years will save you from the need to prepare a complete list of documents and stand in tiresome queues at the embassy and worry about whether they will give you permission to leave or not. True, obtaining such a visa is quite difficult. Usually it is issued only to those tourists who have repeatedly made trips to European countries and have demonstrated their absolute reliability, financial security and responsible, honest behavior. A one-year visa is, of course, more accessible, but getting it is not so easy. Therefore, if you are going on your first trip abroad, it is better not to take risks and apply for an ordinary short term visa. And in the future, when you have already made several trips abroad, and your passport contains stamps about visiting various Schengen cities and countries, you will be able to apply for a long-term multiple visa.

Features of applying for a child visa

At the moment, almost all countries included in the agreement area have standard, almost identical requirements for those tourists who travel with children. Most of these states specify the following rules for such applicants:

  • The child can have his own passport, or be included in the document of one of the parents. If a child is going to go abroad without parents (accompanied by any third parties), the presence own passport Necessarily. You also need to fill out separate passport teenagers over 16 years old.
  • To obtain a child visa, you must present, among other documents, the child’s birth certificate.
  • If a minor travels abroad only with his mother or father, a notarized permission to travel to this trip from the second parent. If your child is traveling with certain third parties (for example, on a school trip or with grandparents or other relatives), you must provide notarized consent from both parents.

As a rule, these are exactly standard requirements apply to applicants traveling with children. For more detailed information, you can check with the diplomatic mission of the country you are planning to visit soon.

List of required documents

To obtain a Schengen visa, you need to provide the following approximate set of documents to the Embassy (or the official Visa Center of the selected country):

These are the main documents for a Schengen visa, which are usually required at all European embassies. Let us emphasize once again that a complete set of papers and requirements for their execution are individual in each specific case. Accurate and up-to-date information For information about the documents required for a visa, look on the website of the embassy of the country you are going to visit.

Video: documents and obtaining a Schengen visa

Medical insurance for Schengen visa

Having health insurance in some cases is prerequisite to obtain a visa. Although the embassies of some countries have not yet included health insurance in the list of required documents. In any case, even if you do not necessarily need to obtain insurance, it is better to obtain this document in order to avoid various problems.

Today you can apply for it at almost any insurance company. This simple procedure, which will not take up much of your time. You will only need to provide the insurance company employee with your personal information and information about your upcoming trip. If you wish, you can even take out insurance yourself, without visiting the office of a particular organization, but by registering on the company’s official website. The cost of insurance is determined by the duration of the trip, the country of destination, the amount of coverage and other factors. On average, the preparation of this document should cost you 2-3 thousand rubles.

remember, that medical insurance for a Schengen visa is not just a document required to obtain a visa. This is your guarantee that you will receive the necessary medical care V foreign country. In case of insured events, you will not have to pay for your treatment yourself (which, as you know, is very expensive in Europe). The insurance company will bear all costs.

Schengen visa cost

Of course, applying for a Schengen visa invariably involves certain costs. First of all, each applicant is required to pay the standard consular fee.In most cases, the cost of a Schengen visa is 35 euros. If you are applying for a visa through an official visa application center rather than the Embassy, ​​the cost of this fee may increase slightly.

If you need urgent visa, you will have to pay twice as much (usually 70 euros). Children under six years of age are traditionally exempt from paying all fees.

For those who want to apply for a visa with minimal costs, it is best to deal with this issue yourself. If you are ready to pay a certain amount to simplify your task, you can contact one of the specialized travel agencies who offer assistance in obtaining a visa. The cost of such services may vary (it is determined directly by the company itself). Minimum price, which is offered by travel agencies, fluctuates at the level of 3000-4000 rubles. By paying this amount, you will save yourself from having to personally visit the embassy, ​​stand in queues and apply for a visa. An employee will do all this work for you. travel company. If you decide to go this route, be very careful. Trust only responsible and reliable partners who have the appropriate accreditation. A list of accredited companies can usually be found on each embassy's website.

"Underwater rocks"

Applying for a Schengen visa is a rather delicate and difficult process that can be accompanied by a number of difficulties. Let's take a brief look possible problems problems that sometimes arise when obtaining a visa, and we’ll also talk about how to avoid them. So, the main difficulties include the following points:

Visa refusal

Unfortunately, Schengen countries traditionally demonstrate a fairly high refusal rate. Some states in Lately have significantly tightened the requirements for applicants and refuse to obtain a visa even for seemingly minor violations. For example, the embassies of France and Italy may not allow you to enter their country if on your previous trip you “redeemed” your visa not in the country of entry, but in another Schengen state. True, these are still isolated cases. As a rule, the main reasons for refusal are inappropriate behavior of the tourist during the previous trip, criminal acts, unsatisfactory size monthly income and other factors.

Difficulties during an interview

To avoid problems, remember that your task at the interview is to make a favorable impression on the consular officer and convince him that you do not have any grounds for a travel ban. Be calm, natural and confident. Answer questions clearly, clearly and comprehensively. Don't fuss or worry, it always creates a negative impression. Think about yours in advance appearance. You should look very dignified, but at the same time discreet and discreet. Ideal option For both men and women, for example, a business suit in a classic style will be suitable. Don't neglect it mandatory item. It is not uncommon for consulates to refuse to issue a visa to an applicant simply because of his unpresentable appearance.

Difficulty paying fees

Each embassy presents its own rules related to payment consular fees. Representative offices of some countries only accept advance payment receipts from the bank. Other consulates have their own cash desks where you can pay the fee directly when submitting your application. Issues of choosing a currency also differ in each specific case. In some places you can only pay in euros, and in others in rubles or any other currency. You should definitely find out all these nuances in advance.

"Rule of first entry"

In some cases it also causes certain problems. Of course, a Schengen visa gives you the opportunity free movement in all Schengen countries. However, not all so simple. Some customs services do not allow travelers with visas from other countries to enter their countries. Therefore, if you plan to visit several Schengen countries, from Russia you first need to go to the state whose visa is in your passport. But once you find yourself in the Schengen zone, you will be able to move around it freely and unhindered.

Additional controls at the border

According to the Schengen Agreement, customs Service any country of the agreement may also introduce additional border controls for all tourists visiting this country. As a rule, such control is related to security requirements and is caused by any large-scale events (political meetings and summits, international sports matches and competitions, global cultural events, etc.).

"Empty passport"

Difficulties may arise due to "empty" passport without visa stamps. If you have never been to the Schengen countries, when filling out documents, consulate staff may have doubts: can they give you permission to leave? Are you trustworthy and responsible enough? Will you encounter any financial difficulties during your trip? All these doubts can ultimately lead to visa denial. Therefore, if you have " empty passport", it is better to start your foreign travels by visiting those countries that demonstrate fairly soft and loyal requirements for applicants. Such states that are friendly towards Russians include, for example, Malta, Spain and Finland.

These are the most common problems that can ruin your upcoming trip. To avoid them, you must be clearly aware of their causes and be well prepared. A serious and responsible approach, careful planning of your actions and organization are the key to successfully resolving the visa issue.


Summarizing all of the above, let us once again outline the sequence of your steps on the path to obtaining the coveted Schengen visa:

  • Decide on your destination country.
  • Find the official website of the embassy of that country on the Internet or visa center. Please study it carefully and familiarize yourself with the basic requirements for applicants (key information can be found on our website).
  • Find on the website a list of documents required to obtain a visa of the type you have chosen. Collect all these documents.
  • Take several high-quality photographs according to established rules.
  • Download on the website questionnaire. Fill it out carefully and carefully (by hand or on the computer). Don't forget to sign and date it.
  • Sign up for an interview and submit an application (unless, of course, the embassy of the country you are going to allows pre-registration for applicants).
  • If you have to go through an interview procedure at the Embassy, ​​it is worth preparing for it in advance. Study the information available on the Internet, read reviews about how the interview is going at this Embassy. You can make a list for yourself sample questions questions that you may be asked and rehearse your answers.
  • Before visiting the Embassy, ​​make sure once again that you have collected a complete and reliable dossier and that all your documents are completed correctly.
  • At the appointed time (or without an appointment, depending on the destination country), go to the Embassy or Visa Application Center.
  • After submitting your application, you will only have to wait for the decision of the Embassy. As a rule, the processing time for applications for a tourist visa takes no more than two weeks.

If you approach the preparatory process responsibly and seriously, complete all documents properly, provide reliable information to the embassy and behave naturally and confidently during the interview, you will certainly succeed without unnecessary problems and delays in obtaining a Schengen visa.

Prospects for visa relations between Russia and the Schengen countries

According to established tradition, the European community is a rather closed space that is not ready to let everyone into its territory. This means that obtaining permission to enter a particular Schengen country is not so easy. To do this, you need to provide a full set of well-executed and reliable documents, as well as prove your responsibility and solvency. And even if all these conditions are met, applicants often encounter certain difficulties.


France – this country is one of the most loyal to visa applicants from Russia. The consulate in Moscow issues multiple-entry Schengen visas already at the first application, and those who travel constantly are often given multiple entry visas lasting 5 years! This is an unprecedented period, other countries do not do this. At the same time, you only need to show documents for the first trip. It is best to indicate France as the country of entry, and in the column about the number of entries, check the box next to the multiple value. In the “Duration of stay” field, write 90 days. In fact, there is no direct connection between the duration of the visa and the value in this field; the employees themselves decide which visa to issue you. Be sure to make your first trip as described in accompanying documents, and in general, it’s better to get French stamps more often.

IN last years Italy began to show special friendliness towards Russian tourists. The country's consulate willingly issues multi-entry visas for up to a year to applicants, and during 2014 the country has a “year of tourism from Russia” promotion; many applicants unexpectedly receive a multiple-entry visa for 2 years. If over the past couple of years you have made at least two trips to the Schengen country, then you can safely count on a multiple visa valid for at least a year. But be careful, Italians check all hotel reservations and air tickets quite carefully.

Another country that easily issues long-term and multiple-entry visas to Russian tourists is Spain. It is not at all necessary to visit Spain before submitting your application; you do not even need to have Schengen visas in your passport. A six-month multiple visa upon first application is a reality, and if you are an active traveler, you can count on even more. It is recommended to check the “multi” box when selecting the number of entries. True, some tourists note that if you received a visa for this southern country, but you can’t say from your stamps that you spent a lot of time there, then the next time you apply there is a risk of getting an internal visa, which allows you to stay only in Spain.

There are other countries that sometimes issue long visas to Russians. For example, Slovakia promised that it would issue visas to tourists from Russia for 2 and 5 years, but in reality this does not happen as often as we would like. There is no way to predict the decision of the Slovak consulate in advance.

Greece is a country that has always easily granted visas to Russians, but they are very rarely long-lasting. As a rule, the length of stay does not exceed the declared first trip. However, a trend towards improvement has already emerged; Greece is increasingly issuing multiple visas, especially to those who frequently visit the country.

Finland – This country treats applicants from the North-West region very well. They are almost guaranteed to receive a long-term multiple visa, provided they have local registration. Finland is not so generous towards other applicants.

Helpful advice

According to the rules of the Schengen Agreement, choosing a country to submit documents follows one of two rules. The first is the rule of first entry. The country through which you are entering must give you the coveted entry permit. The second rule involves contacting the consulate of the country in whose territory you intend to stay the longest. If you are planning a trip to different countries, during which you plan to stay in each of them for approximately equal time, then use the first rule.

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All about religion and faith - “prayer to the Chernigov Mother of God” with a detailed description and photographs. Ilyinsko - Chernigov Icon of God...
The post is long, and I’ve been racking my brain trying to figure out how to make something so lean as a dessert without it being applesauce. AND...