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Visit our online craft store. In this lesson we will tell you about where cross stitch actually begins. You will find answers to the questions: what is the structure of fabrics for embroidery; how to position the needle correctly; how to do a single cross. Let's also try to embroider a small piece of canvas together.

Fabric structure

The special finishing of the Aida fabric, which forms distinct squares, makes it easy to count the threads, and small holes in the corners of the squares make it easier to pass the needle.

Linen (or cotton) fabric with a uniform weave of threads is also used for cross stitch. As can be seen in the figure, the rather sparse structure of the fabric allows you to easily count the threads.

When cross stitching, the stitches of one cross are made exclusively in one square. The needle is in vertical position in relation to the blade (point facing up or down).

On tissue samples shown in enlarged form, the structure and position of the needle are clearly visible.

Performing a single cross

The cross stitch is formed by two diagonal stitches, which are performed in the same sequence throughout the entire work. First, a diagonal stitch is placed from left to right (bottom), and then a diagonal stitch from right to left (top). In the picture on the left, a circle marks one square of Aida fabric.

Embroidering on Aida fabric with an even number of threads

The cross stitch technique depends not only on the structure of the fabric used, but also on the number of threads - even or odd. On this page we will tell you how to start cross stitching with an even number of cotton floss threads, namely in two, four, etc. folds.

1. Thread the needle with twice the number of threads less than that, which will be used for embroidery, and insert the needle into the fabric from the front side of the work at the point of crossing of the threads forming the lower left corner of the square.

2.Pull the thread to remove it from the needle.

3.Thread both ends of the thread into the needle, doubling it in this way and securing it to the fabric.

4. Start making a bottom diagonal stitch in one square of fabric.

Embroidering on linen with an even number of threads

1. Thread the needle with threads, the number of which is half that which will be used for embroidery, and insert the needle into the fabric from the front side of the work at the point where the two threads of the first square intersect.

2. Pull the thread to remove it from the needle, thread both ends of the thread into the needle, thus doubling it and securing it to the fabric. Start sewing the bottom diagonal stitch.

Embroidery on Aida fabric with an odd number of threads

Here we will tell you how to start embroidering with an odd number of threads on Aida fabric using iris No. 5 and No. 8 or cotton embroidery threads (or single-fold cotton floss threads on thin linen).

1. Thread the needle, stitch from right to left, passing the needle under the two vertical threads of the Aida square and from bottom to top under the two horizontal threads of the next square of fabric.

2. Repeat similar stitches (under the two vertical threads of the square and under the two horizontal threads) on at least three squares of the Aida fabric.

3. Insert the needle into the top left hole of the last square and out through the bottom right hole.

4. Tighten the thread so as to hide its beginning under the threads of the first square, then sew the bottom diagonal cross stitch.

Embroidering on linen with an odd number of threads

Determine the number of fabric threads (both in width and height) on which the cross will be made. The picture below shows cross stitch on a square of three threads of fabric in width and height.

1. By front side work, mark under the threads corresponding to the three crosses. Bring the needle under the crossing threads in the lower left corner.

2. Tighten the thread so that the beginning of the thread is hidden under the first basting stitch, then sew the bottom diagonal stitch, catching specified quantities threads

Continued work

Now let’s try to cross-stitch a small section of fabric together. As you may have noticed, the needle with the point facing up or down is always in a vertical position, maintaining the same direction throughout the row. Each stitch covers one square of Aida fabric or the same number of threads across the width and height of linen or cotton fabric.

3 8 388 0

From an early age, girls learn to cross-stitch in craft classes. The basics here are simple. But probably one out of ten students is interested in this skill after that. They start creating much less.

Various books on store shelves entitled “Embroidery for Beginners”, “How to Start Embroidering” are what beginning craftswomen dream of. But it's all quite expensive. If you are really interested in this topic and want to learn how to cross stitch, read on. We will tell you what this requires and what points you should pay attention to.

You will need:

What do you need for work?

For beginners, there are special kits that include everything you need:

  1. Scheme;
  2. a set of threads;
  3. canvas;
  4. needles;
  5. final drawing;
  6. a case to store everything you need.

If you decide to buy threads separately, please note that they must be specific: thin “iris”, woolen threads, “floss”.

The palette depends on the manufacturer. Choose according to your taste or according to the scheme.

Be careful, various cheap and low-quality threads may change color after washing.

Don't forget about the color combination, this is also quite important.

The process of choosing a canvas is quite simple. This is usually a fabric made of wool, linen or other material. You can buy “small checkered” fabric at any sewing and embroidery store. Take some needles there.

You can purchase a hoop. This is optional, but will make things easier. It is used for convenience and evenness of stitches.

How to start

Before starting embroidery, it is best to wash and iron the fabric.

To prevent its edges from unexpectedly crumbling, treat the edges in advance. This can be done by sweeping them sewing machine, seal with tape or glue.

Do backup copy scheme. Quite often, embroidery takes quite a long time, so to preserve the design, it is recommended to take a photo.

Where to start

To accurately determine the center, fold the fabric in half.

The direction is usually called a "snowflake". The embroidery seems to diverge from the center to the edges.

Sometimes they choose a different method - they start from a corner and move in a circle.

How to secure a thread

Never create knots.

  1. If you have an even number of threads, use this method: fold the thread in half, pull the ends into the eye of the needle and make the first stitch. Insert the working thread into the loop formed.
  2. Another option looks like this: fasten the thread under the stitches, bring the thread to the face, make a stitch (half-cross), pull the thread inside out and thread it into the loop.

How to “put” crosses

There are many options for “putting” a cross. The most common of them are English (classical) and Danish. The essence of the first is that a second one is superimposed on one half-cross. The Danish method varies: first a row of half-crosses is embroidered, and then a second row is superimposed on them, directed to the beginning.

What can you embroider?

By doing cross stitch you can create a picture, gift cards, or decorate any accessory or item of clothing. You can decorate decorative elements: pillows, blankets, bedspreads, curtains.

Gifts decorated by hand in the form of cross stitch are not only beautiful and original, it is also pleasant, because a gift made with your own hands is valued many times more.

You can also submit your paintings to competitions, organize exhibitions, or transform your hobby into a business. By the way, embroidery on clothes has been a trend for several years now. You can check this by watching fashion shows.

How to speed up your work

If you want to work faster and more productively, learn to insert and remove the game with two hands.

That is, one works hard, the second brings up. There are double-sided needles, they also help speed up the embroidery of a design.

How to finish

Upon registration final work, you can place the name of the embroideries. Then wash the painting at a certain temperature. A table of types of material and maximum washing degrees can be found on the Internet.

After this, leave the embroidery over the container so that the water can drain from it. It is advisable not to hang it on a rope, otherwise there will be a crease. Next, after drying, iron the fabric.

Cross-stitch- one of the most popular types of needlework. Using a needle and various threads, a simple fabric is transformed into a work of art. It’s so nice to subsequently show or give to family and friends the results of your work. And the product will delight the eye with its uniqueness for a long time.

Embroidering is a great stress reliever and helps you relax. The portability of this hobby allows you to take embroidery with you anywhere. Turn on your favorite music and embroider.

Two ways to start embroidering

First way(simple) - buy a small embroidery kit, no more than ten colors. The set already contains everything you need except the hoop. Have fun embroidering! And the joy from the result with a small embroidery size and number of colors will not take long to arrive.

Second way- assemble the set yourself. What is needed for embroidery:

1. Canvas.
The canvas is divided into two types. Aida is a fabric that forms distinct squares with holes in their corners. It's easy to count threads. One cross - one square.
Uniform weave fabric - linen or cotton fabric with a uniform weave of threads, the structure of the fabric is quite rare. The cross is sewn using two threads.

2. Needles.
It is better to choose needles with a blunt, rounded end and a large eye. The rounded end is needed to easily fit into the holes between the squares without damaging the fabric or your hands. The large eye does not fray the thread.
It is necessary to have 6-7 needles of varying thickness and length. With thin needles they embroider on voile, cambric, crepe de Chine and thin linen; medium in length and thickness - on canvas, linen and cotton fabrics, large - on coarse fabric, in particular wool. The needles are stored in a dry place to prevent corrosion.

3. Thimble.
The thimble should be selected exactly according to the size of the middle finger of the right hand so that it is not large and at the same time does not squeeze the finger. The best thimbles are made from stainless steel. IN Lately began to produce thimbles with bottoms. They are more convenient to use than the previously common thimbles without a bottom. When you first start working with a thimble, you feel awkward in moving your fingers, but over time this feeling disappears. It is recommended to work with a thimble.

4. Hoop.
A wooden hoop with a screw holds the fabric tension best. When purchasing hoops, pay attention to their surface, which should be well processed. Then they will not damage the canvas sharp corners. Plastic hoops are often made of soft material, so it is difficult to stretch the canvas onto them.

5. Threads.
For cross stitch, floss, acrylic, and wool are usually used. Which company? Everyone chooses for themselves depending on their desires and capabilities.

Many people believe that cross stitch is a common hobby that does not require special skills. This opinion can be refuted, since embroidery is an art. Like all types of art, it requires diligence, perseverance, and concentration. Beginning needlewomen can learn embroidery techniques on the Internet. Today on the Russian Internet you can find advice on where to start embroidering, a description of the process of completing the work and its correct completion. Cross stitch for beginners will help you step by step in understanding all the nuances of embroidery.

Today, novice embroiderers manufacturers offer a variety of kits that already contain everything necessary materials for needlework. The set includes canvas, embroidery pattern, and specially selected threads. This allows you to get started right away and not waste time on preparatory work.

Often experienced needlewomen select all the materials themselves. To do this, you need to have information about the types of fabric, threads and needles, and also draw up diagrams correctly.

Different embroideries suggest the use of different types of materials. Essentially, the embroidery kits are the same. However, they include different types fabrics, threads and patterns.

Embroidery materials:

  • Canvas;
  • Hoop;
  • Floss;
  • Scissors.

Embroidery may also require additional accessories. Specialty stores sell felt-tip pens, boards, frame clips, etc. All these devices make the work of needlewomen easier.

How to learn cross stitch for beginners step by step: preparatory stage

An embroidery project requires additional preparation before its implementation. It is very important to follow all preparation rules, since their quality will affect the subsequent work process. You need to take care of the quality of fabric and threads, choose the right needles and even scissors.

It should be taken into account that it is better to wash embroidery fabric before starting work, since after washing the base may “shrink”.

It is also necessary to take into account that the edges of the fabric may fray and become frayed during work. They should be pre-treated with threads or glue. The best type of fabric for embroidery is canvas.

How to prepare step by step:

  • Scheme;
  • Textile;
  • Threads;
  • Preparation of additional materials.

All materials must be of high quality. The final result will depend on this. It is best to embroider using a hoop. They will help to properly stretch the fabric, which will allow you to make stitches easily and accurately.

Step-by-step steps: how to cross stitch for beginners

Beginning needlewomen should take into account that embroidery can be of different types. Sometimes the pattern can be applied directly to the fabric, then you can embroider directly according to the color design. More difficult is the process of transferring the drawing from the diagram.

If the drawing is applied to the diagram, you will need to understand its decoding. In them, each color has its own symbol, which allows you to choose correct color threads

Embroidery is done on canvas, which can be roughly divided into squares. The cross from the diagram is transferred to the square. You need to start embroidery with one color, sequentially embroidering cross after cross.

Step-by-step cross stitch:

  • Decide on the start of embroidery.
  • Select the appropriate thread color.
  • Fasten the thread in the needle and on the canvas.
  • Choose the correct direction of the thread and follow it.

Usually each kit contains instructions for embroidery. In it you can read in detail about where to start, what the sequence of work is and its completion. Before starting work, you should familiarize yourself with the types of seams.

Types of seams: what you need to know

Cross stitch can be done in different ways. As a result, the work will look similar, only the stitching method will be different. The instructions will tell you about the order of the threads.

Exists single rule for each method: the top stitches should face the same direction.

When making stitches, it is important to pay attention to the fact that if they are located close to each other, then the thread may not be cut. The thread can be pulled on the wrong side and covered with the following stitches. You should try to make sure that the wrong side consists of strictly horizontal or vertical rows.

Let's learn to distinguish between types of seams:

  • Double-sided cross;
  • Half-cross;
  • One fourth of the cross;
  • One eighth of the cross;
  • Three-quarters.

Very often, beginning needlewomen get nervous when they don’t get a stitch or it turns out incorrectly. In such cases, you should not rip the threads right away. Very often it is possible to correct errors without removing the superimposed threads.

How to cross stitch correctly for beginners

Many experienced needlewomen use one embroidery method, the one they like. That is why embroiderers often argue about which technology is the best. Beginner needlewomen can be advised to try several techniques at once in order to understand which one is most convenient for them.

Any technique is subject to the rule of stitching: the top stitches should “look” in one direction.

To better understand the issue, experienced needlewomen advise watching a number of video tutorials. The stitching technique will vary depending on the design and the method of its implementation. However, every needlewoman must master two basic techniques.

Stitching methods:

  • English. The classic method, which involves applying a half-cross, then applying a second half-cross to the first.
  • Danish. Allows you to work with large drawings. It involves applying a row of half-crosses, followed by the application of the top row, which returns the embroiderer to the beginning of the embroidery.

It is better to master new techniques by performing small-sized drawings. If the design is colored, it is better to start embroidery with darker shades, gradually moving to light ones. Depending on the shape of the figure, different types of stitches are used.

Cross stitch rules for beginners

To make the work easy, but at the same time useful, beginning needlewomen are advised to use canvas with large squares. They will allow you to get better at stitching and practice stitching. various types. The main thing is that the stitches are even and neat.

In order for the embroidery to turn out beautiful, the embroidery must be done sequentially. It doesn’t matter at all what embroidery technique is used.

For large canvases, two application techniques are often used: English and Danish. This makes it possible to apply horizontal and vertical rows in different areas. Advice for beginners - the first works should not contain more than 4 colors.

Before you begin, you need to make sure that all the necessary materials and tools are at hand. You can prepare the necessary palette of threads in advance so that you can choose the appropriate color if necessary. Once everything is ready, you can begin preparing the canvas.

For high-quality canvas tension, it is best to use a hoop. It is convenient to use a medium-sized hoop when working with fragments.

After the canvas is tightly stretched, you can proceed to determining the center of the pattern. This will help you correctly determine the proportions and outline correct diagonals. Many needlewomen advise filling the canvas, starting from the center and moving towards the edge.

Embroidery rules:

  • You should always start work with the largest colored area.
  • It is better to start embroidery with dark shades.
  • Large embroidery is best filled in fragments.
  • As you embroider, you should cross out the finished sections on the diagram.
  • Make sure that the stitches are made in the same direction.

There is no need to be nervous while working. Even if something doesn’t work out, the main thing to remember is that mastery comes with experience. And an incorrectly executed stitch can always be redone. You can use sets for children. For clarity, you can start learning online, watch video lessons, find a master class on how to sew correctly and embroider a picture that you like. It is important to know where to download the diagram from, since not all of them are of high quality.

Cross stitch for beginners step by step: how to start

Different needlewomen start work in different ways. It all depends on personal preference and convenience. The most common ways to start are to stitch from the center and from the edge.

It is important to remember to attach the thread correctly. When starting to embroider, under no circumstances should the thread be tied into a knot.

You should also ensure the correct number of threads in the needle. There should always be an even number of them. To make the reverse look neat, the threads are secured under the embroidered crosses.

Tips for starting embroidery:

  • Fasten the thread correctly.
  • Decide on the type of stitches.
  • Thread the needle.

The work will be completed faster if the needlewoman works with both hands at once. Right hand should be on top, the left one should be on the bottom. Experienced needlewomen use double-sided needles, which speeds up the work process.

Cross stitch kits and lessons for beginners

Today, many women are returning to such a hobby as embroidery. It allows you not only to relax, unwind, regain harmony, but also to create real masterpieces. Modern manufacturers offer needlewomen a wide variety of kits that will help make their work easier.

It is better for beginning craftswomen to start with small embroidery patterns. This will allow you to get better at stitching and get better at stitching.

Embroidery kits are divided into types. Each of them is designed taking into account the skill of the embroiderer and her capabilities. The kits are very convenient because they already contain all the necessary materials for work.

Types of images:

  • Animals;
  • Landscapes;
  • Still lifes;
  • Portraits;
  • Subject paintings.

Ready-made kits for beginners can be purchased in specialized stores or online. Kits for beginner craftswomen contain a diagram with simple plots. The sizes of such paintings are small, which makes embroidery easy and quick.

The basics of embroidery are simple, the main thing is patience and inspiration. The training period is very important. A good gift For beginners, this is a beautiful children's book containing tips and secrets of beautiful embroidery.

Cross stitch lessons for beginners step by step (video)

Cross stitching can be called an art. This is painstaking and hard work, the end result of which is a real work of art. But in order to truly fulfill beautiful work, you need to learn embroidery techniques. This will take time and perseverance. It is best for beginning needlewomen to start with embroidery kits, which already contain all the necessary materials, as well as instructions. Embroidery is not slave labor, it is a pleasure if you do it from the heart. pure heart and with inspiration.

Every woman can learn to cross stitch. This does not require any specific knowledge or expensive materials. All you need is desire, patience and perseverance.

The technique of cross stitch is one of the most beautiful and simplest, which can be mastered in just a couple of evenings. This is because it does not require special knowledge and skills, and the result is striking in its elegance and expressiveness. You should forget about “grandmother’s napkins” embroidered with flowers, because modern cross stitch involves creating the most beautiful pictures.

Cross stitch picture

Cross stitching has acquired the status of a highly paid job these days. self made, capable of creating unique patterns and designs to decorate your home. Recently, it has been noticed that cross stitch has found its place on fashion catwalks, decorating the clothes of fashionistas. Learning to embroider is not at all difficult, the main thing is to have desire and patience.

cross-stitched skirt

Video: “Cross stitch. Embroidery process"

Cross stitch tools

Like any handicraft, cross stitch requires perseverance and attention. You don't need any complicated tools, all you need is:

  • fabric for cross stitch (canvas)
  • hoop
  • floss threads
  • embroidery pattern

cross stitch kit

Cross stitch is called a counting needlework technique, all because you have to accurately count the number of rows and embroidered blocks. Therefore, it is worth taking care of the right fabric, which greatly facilitates the work process. Choose a thick canvas with small holes and if you are a beginner, do not give preference to mesh, which needs to be applied to regular fabric. An inexperienced craftsman can easily get tangled in the mesh and make the embroidery sloppy. In modern stores you can buy canvas of any colors and shades: white, black, colorful.

cross stitch canvas

Large weaving of the canvas will ensure correct and easy counting, and will also prevent the threads from intertwining. This fabric will allow you to embroider in blocks and fragments, tightening a section of fabric into a hoop. You can choose either wooden or plastic hoops. The choice depends only on preferences.


The needle also does not require any specific choice. However, experienced needlewomen claim that it is better to give preference to medium-length needles with a blunt tip and without a large eye. The small eye should easily pass the thread without tangling it and easily pass through the canvas without deformation.

embroidery needle

As a rule, there are three types of threads for cross stitch:

  • cotton floss
  • silk floss
  • wool threads (thin, twisted)

Such threads fit perfectly onto the canvas, creating an even pattern. Moreover, nowadays there is absolutely no difficulty in finding the right shade, since there is a full palette in stores.

floss threads

Video: Cross stitch. Where to begin?

How to secure the thread when starting embroidery?

A neat reverse side is considered the height of the art of any needlework, so when starting to embroider, you should pay due attention to every detail. There should be no “errors” on the back side of the design; when embroidering the “face”, pay attention to which stitch remains on the reverse side. Don't allow:

  • nodes
  • long threads
  • screed
  • weaves
  • confusion

neat reverse side of embroidery

You can make a strong knot in the first thread at the beginning of embroidery! To do this, you need to insert a needle into the lower left corner of the canvas. Step back literally a millimeter and thread the needle again, leaving a miniature loop. Pass the thread through this loop and secure the knot.

Usually, the floss thread is divided into two threads (there are six in total) and embroidered with them, so that a sufficiently thin thread can leave an unnoticeable knot, both on the front and back sides. Some craftsmen count a couple of stitches and thread the thread from right to left, leaving it in the fabric and then covering it with a pattern.

method of securing the thread

Cross stitch technique

The main secret that can make your embroidery beautiful and neat is even and uniform stitches. First of all, such stitches depend on the quality of the canvas, as already mentioned: you need to choose a fabric with a large weave.

First, secure the thread firmly, then insert the needle from the inside into the lower left hole of the cell and apply a stitch, inserting the needle into the upper right hole. The stitch goes diagonally. This is followed by the so-called “mirror” stitch, which is repeated in the opposite direction: from the right corner to the left.

There are two main ways to apply stitches:

  • English
  • Danish

If English means making each cross separately, then Danish means applying stitches diagonally to the end of the row and moving the “mirror” stitches in the opposite side along the entire row.

Each of the methods is a personal choice of the needlewoman and it does not have any disadvantages. Try both techniques and choose the one that suits you. Very often both techniques are combined when large paintings are embroidered. All because separate areas require monotonous embroidery, when you need to fill several fragments with one color, and others with detailing and multi-colored crosses.

The English method is convenient for embroidering vertical columns, and Danish has horizontal rows.

detailed cross stitch

Video: Cross stitch. Lessons for beginners

Lotus cross stitch pattern

The delicate and strong lotus flower has incredible energy and is therefore very revered in eastern countries. IN Ancient China the lotus flower was comparable to a deity and was considered sacred. It is believed that growing out of mud and silt, a flower of extraordinary beauty is comparable to a person and is an example to him. Modern teaching Feng Shui says that the presence of a flower in the house can bring purity and wisdom to the owners, as well as be a reliable talisman that protects against evil.

lotus embroidery

The proposed lotus embroidery pattern is suitable for everyone:

part 1

part 2

Cross stitch bouquets of roses, diagram

Roses are a symbol of luxury and prosperity. They are considered the most beautiful and noble flowers, the sensuality of which was sung by more than one classic. Flower buds and open petals are considered the embodiment of femininity and can enhance the positive energy of everyone.

embroidery "roses"

The proposed scheme is simple to implement by a master of any level:

scheme “bouquet of roses”

Cross stitch snowdrops

Snowdrops are delicate primroses that bring a feeling of spring and peace to every home. A painting with embroidered snowdrops will fit perfectly into the interior and give “spring” to its residents at any time of the year. Small snowdrop buds are easy to embroider and can be done by every needlewoman.

embroidery pattern “snowdrops”

Cross stitch of mimosa, diagram

Few people know that mimosa is not just a symbol of the women's holiday “March 8”. Since ancient times, mimosa has symbolized resurrection and self-confidence. The sunny flowers of the plant, which have a tart smell, embody peace, life and joy.

embroidery pattern "mimosa"

Cross stitch patterns for landscapes and nature
Mill cross stitch

Creating colorful paintings with landscapes and nature requires perseverance and patience, but they can reward the needlewoman with excellent results and a beautiful three-dimensional image. Typically, such embroideries require a large palette of threads and take at least a month of work.
embroidery pattern “river”

Goldfish cross stitch pattern

It is no coincidence that many needlewomen embroider goldfish in their paintings. After all, the real gold fish symbol of good luck and prosperity. She is able to bring success and wealth to the residents of the house.

embroidery pattern “goldfish”

How to embroider an icon with a cross? Patterns for cross stitch embroidery icons

First of all, it is worth noting that only professionals should undertake icon embroidery, since this type of creativity does not tolerate mistakes, knots, or tangled threads. A purely embroidered icon carries a charge of positive energy and fills the soul with kindness and faith. Icons should be embroidered with good intentions and love in the heart.

scheme 1 scheme 2

Video: “Cross stitch. Beautiful inside out"

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