The certificate for the day off is comic. DIY gift certificate: the best present for a loved one

If you are not alone, then you always have many reasons to give gifts and pleasant surprises to your loved one. Whether it’s celebrating the New Year, a birthday, or an anniversary of acquaintance or marriage, you want to give your lover something special and memorable. But our desires do not always coincide with our possibilities. On the contrary, there is often simply not enough money for a high-quality and desired gift. How to get out of this situation if you don’t want to end up in right moment with empty hands?

There is an excellent alternative - to make a gift certificate for your beloved man yourself. Yes, yes, with your own hands! Even if your Creative skills leave much to be desired, you can use our hand made ideas. Go for it!

Select the theme of the gift certificate

The certificate that we offer you to give is a symbolic gift. The article does not we'll talk about purchasing a real subscription to any service. We are considering the option of producing the certificate entirely at home. All you need is the availability of available tools, which can be supplemented depending on your capabilities and wishes. The exclusive certificate you give will give your loved one the right to perform own desire. Be sure that you will be the first to give him such an amazing and original gift!

  • Certificate for hunting/fishing, etc.

Is your lover an avid fisherman or hunter, and is this hobby a stumbling block in your relationship? Give your boyfriend a pleasant surprise - give him a handmade certificate. Let this be the best fishing of his life - undisturbed by calls, unhindered, without strict time control and certainly with an overnight stay. Having agreed the only condition- that he should return smelling of fish and mud, and not of strong drinks and women's perfume.

  • Relaxation massage certificate.

How often do you pamper your loved one with a massage? It's no secret that a relaxing massage is rightfully considered one of the most pleasant pleasures in the world. A self-made certificate for massage of any part of the body will certainly please your loved one. Just be sure to specify the time of the procedure in the gift document, otherwise your lover may cheat and use it every day.

  • Certificate of desire in the bedroom.

A very intimate gift that will appeal to relaxed couples. If you are conservative in bed, and your man dreams of experiments, or has hinted about them more than once, he will appreciate such a certificate. Present your gift on a tray surrounded by candles and rose petals, with glasses of champagne. This surprise of yours will forever remain an unforgettable memory in his life.

Certificate "Ideal Beloved"

Are you ready to give your boyfriend or spouse a real jackpot, leaving him stunned? An excellent DIY option would be a certificate for several wishes or points. Such a gift is used not once, but as each specific desire is spent.

To create a checkbook you will need a color printer, A4 paper, a hole punch, scissors and a little creative magic. In the creation program Microsoft documents Office Word Using the table, create small cards in the form of pictures, adding inscriptions to them. A simpler option is to simply write your wishes on a blank sheet of paper in a beautiful font without using pictures. We printed it out and cut it into even cards. A neat hole with a hole punch, secured with lacing or tape, and your checkbook wishes are ready. As your wishes are fulfilled, you can put your signatures in the book about the service used, or completely remove sheets from it.

“Check” options:

    1. Gift Certificate with points.

Simple and at the same time effective way creating a certificate. You don’t need to cut anything out; you can put the entire list on one A4 or even A5 sheet. Come up with 10-12 wishes, assign any number of points to each. Print out your handmade gift and insert or paste it into a romantic card. As you spend points, simply cross off your fulfilled wish from the list.

If the two previous methods are designed for at least 10 wishes, then this option is more compact, but no less presentable. Not every girl can endlessly fulfill desires, even pleasant ones. And a limited number - only three - is much easier to complete. And they will be used faster. Such a surprise will undoubtedly please both your loved one and you. The method of its manufacture is generally no different from the previous one. Just decorate the certificate with a frame and a nice font, put it in an envelope and give it to your loved one.

You can present a gift certificate that is not related to the fulfillment of wishes. Design it in the form of a postcard, where the “filling” will be the top 10 reasons for your lover’s adoration, etc. Such a gift will be unforgettable. touching and romantic. The truth is that best gift– this is made with your own hands and will never lose its relevance.

These shares of happiness (comic certificates) somehow accidentally, by themselves, were born out of a light, semi-serious conversation about

Accordingly, the actions also turned out to be humorous, in some places funny, in some ways creative, in others philosophical.

Which one do you want?

They are different, and they can also be used in different ways:

Like a joke certificate

guests, friends, colleagues; at a wedding, anniversary, corporate event.

For example, if you are the host, then print out this picture and hand it to your guests - immediately upon entering or after the first toast. You can first read the text for everyone - for fun, and so that the guests already know what they are about to be handed.

Certificate text

will be the following:

This Gift Certificate gives you the right to purchase a little happiness in the form of:

Big piece of cake

An extra glass of tea from secret cellars, when all other strategic reserves have already been declassified and emptied (or confiscated by the spouse)

Another plate of special salad urgent requirement“Give me the salad!” (you know what I mean, right?)

Certificate denomination: 1 piece, 1 glass, 1 plate. The validity period is NOT limited, but supplies of raw materials are limited, so we recommend making an exchange this evening or at some other time in the near future. Exchanged for the above material happiness only when visiting the receiving party.

And substitute the appropriate word, for example:

Anniversary of Ivan Ivanovich

Valentine's birthday

Banker's Day

Parties to celebrate a successful purchase of Microsoft shares (a long-awaited merger, boss's birthday, etc.).

If, on the contrary, you are a guest, then print out several of these cool certificates and hand them over to the owners, explaining what to do with them. That is, retelling what I wrote above.

As a funny gift for a colleague or friend

Here it is better to give a share to one person, and not to several - so as not to depreciate it immediately)):

On your birthday

On the day of some personal celebration on a special occasion (bought a car, planted a tree, defended a dissertation, made a dream come true)

Any day, for no reason, if you need to cheer up a friend (colleague) and support him. Or, on the contrary, lowering it to the ground, lightly knocking the pedestal out from under your feet before life knocks it out - it will be more painful.

When presenting a promotional gift, say:

This Happiness Promotion to the bearer gives the owner the right to be happy in any weather, in any situation and with any boss (underline as appropriate), and also to continue to remain happy


reprimand, dismissal, divorce, loss of passport, money and conscience - because this is a ticket to a new life;


global warming, global cooling, solar flares and star wars– because you are here and now, and your little happiness is nearby, take care of it;

a fun weekend, a failed vacation, a hard week at work.

And even after the collapse of the prices of all other shares, there is no reason to worry - shares of happiness are always in price! If you have happiness or at least one share of it, you are a rich person!

The maximum denomination is absolute complete happiness. Valid only one-way - like a one-way ticket, without stops and transfers to Schastya station, therefore it is NOT accepted back.

Like a comic instruction

newlyweds at a wedding

You print out this double promotion and fill out the top lines on both sides. In the columns “Exclusively for...” write the names of the bride and groom in in different order. For example: for Masha and Vitya, on the other hand - for Vitya and Masha. In order not to leave even a small reason for a quarrel and immediately teach mutual respect.

When presenting, tell the young people:

This certificate is double, and the happiness promotion is only valid together with your other half. Without her, she is nothing, zero, an empty place, because there is NO half happiness! Happiness can be big or small, strong or fragile, but it cannot be half, it is always whole!

And you are the two halves of your personal happiness, and without each other you are nowhere, otherwise, probably, why would you get married? Take care of each other and take care of this certificate of happiness. It cannot be sold or exchanged, but it is very easy to lose. And you need to pass it on by inheritance.

In 25 years, at your silver wedding, tell your children how you preserved and increased your happiness. Teach them how to be happy and make others happy!

Bitterly! But then it must be sweet!

Dear readers!

My texts cannot be copied, but my drawings can still be copied. All promotions increase when you click on them with the mouse, today I deliberately overloaded the site (and the hosting scolds me very much for this) so that you could see them in large size. And print for personal use- of course, with reference to me, since my work was invested in them. Do not delete the site address - on the contrary, be proud that this site, in my person, is doing something exclusively for you! It's always worth a lot!

If you liked my comic promotions and certificates, and you intend to use them, pay me.

Now I’m not joking: I don’t need alms, donate to other groups too (if necessary, I’ll tell you which ones), but please pay for my work. For now - any amount you consider possible. Just like I pay for the work of the girl from whom I took the frames. For now - a little, then, I hope, I can do more.

It’s somehow more correct. Happiness shares are priceless, but the time to release them costs something)))

With the wish to be able to appreciate your happiness and the work of others,

Your Evelina Shesternenko.

If you don’t know what to give your friends for their birthday, and this problem arises quite often, then a good solution would be to take an interest in the assortment of stores whose purposeful activity is to provide their customers with a huge selection of interesting, stylish, fun and not particularly affordable options gift. I would like to offer for consideration such an option as comic certificates. What it is and what it looks like, what the cost is - this is what may be of interest, and we will devote this note to these questions. So, first thing.

What is a “funny certificate”?

This is an analogue of any original document (educational diploma, passport, diploma, license, certificate), made in line with a humorous style. Accordingly, the document is equipped with a certain holiday date: international or celebrations of each individual individual (birthday, promotion, marriage, mother-in-law, etc.).

The manner of execution of this type of souvenir

As stated above, comic certificates for the most part look similar to original documents. That is, in most cases the original format is preserved. For example, a comic letter, certificate or certificate is A4, laminated or glossy, with the same design as the original, filled out according to a humorous legal template. The style and manner of filling out the text for any document is preserved - because otherwise there would simply be no point, this is the joke.

The target audience

Any person who has more or less money, regardless of age, will be able to appreciate such a gift. The point here is different - to choose this most humorous gift certificate wisely, so that it really suits the event and is not offensive to the given one. It is important not to “overdo it” with humor.

How much can a certificate of this type cost?

On this moment, according to the state of the market this year, price limits for this product range from 50 rub. and higher. The most simple options- paper, glossy, laminated, cardboard - can cost 50 rubles, 79, 105, 200. More solid options are also possible, which will cost much more. This includes a wall option using silver or gold. Prices for such a product start from 2500 rubles and above.

But in general, ready-made certificates There are a lot of “done” and very different ones. Here are at least some of them on the following topics:

1. Variations on a wedding theme (humorous " marriage contracts", "licenses for use" by one of the newlyweds, "operating instructions", "certificate" for mother-in-law's love, anniversary diplomas).

2. On the subject of the birthday - diplomas, decrees on awards, certificates for gifts.

3. Professional options - driver license, international passports, education diplomas, certificate of a fisherman (doctor, teacher, lawyer, housewife, seller, etc.) master class.

What else should the buyer know?

As an independent gift, comic certificates (not those for 4,500 rubles, of course) rarely appear. It's better if they are an addition to something. For example, when a guy gives a gift to a girl in honor of their date together (or another celebration of that kind), or the company congratulates its friend. It would be nice to combine a comic birthday certificate with other gifts, if we are talking about this holiday. A budget option for a present for a twenty-year-old student from her friends - a cake and a piece of humor in the form of a “License to Blow Out the Brain.”

For young couples, a certificate for the fulfillment of a wish or an invitation (complete with, say, movie tickets) is suitable. In honor of the holiday, you can give your wife a certificate of exemption from homework(It would be nice if the certificate is comic, but the release is real). If a quarrel occurs in a couple, then give the “Act of Surrender” as a sign of reconciliation - and so on, and so on.

You can choose a background, template, text and make such a gift yourself if there is no suitable ready-made product for a particular occasion. What if there is one, but it doesn’t suit some criteria, but you don’t have time to flip through the pages of online stores or go to real ones? If you have a sufficient sense of humor and “straight hands” in relation to Photoshop, creating your own unique comic certificates will not be difficult. No Photoshop skills? Every third or fourth person will be able to do what you need, just find such a person among your friends, or take it as a sign from above that it’s time to start mastering this program - it will come in handy in life.

What else you will need to do (more precisely, preferably, for better preservation) is to laminate your work. In fact, it turns out that it was made by yourself, and your efforts should be appreciated an order of magnitude higher. By the way, the price will be approximately the same as simply purchasing it in a store. Perhaps even cheaper (although where is it cheaper already?). Therefore, if you have enough desire and creativity, go for it.

The bustle before the wedding affects all participants in the celebration. While the bride and groom are choosing outfits and looking for a banquet hall, the invited guests are deciding on a gift for the newlyweds. Among the variety of offers, it is now difficult to choose something original, especially because you need to consider a gift not for one person, but for two at once. And here it’s worth remembering about comic certificates that will adequately complement sum of money and will delight the newlyweds with subtle humor.

Gift certificate ideas for newlyweds

Comic ID ideas great amount. But how do you choose the most extravagant gift of all? You need to take into account what interests or worries the young couple. Do they need housing or are they paying off a loan? Collecting money for new car or want to go to Honeymoon? Based on their immediate needs, compose an appropriate certificate and package it beautifully as shown in the video:

Give the newlyweds a funny tax exemption certificate for their wedding. Taxes take up a significant portion wages? Please the young people that from now on they are relieved of this responsibility. Or present a document for the right to own a lunar plot, and in addition provide a visa under which they have the right to visit the Moon at any convenient time.

Writing humorous texts

If you want the newlyweds at the wedding to remember you with the best side, compose a document about a happy marriage, which will be presented during the feast. You need to give a joke ID with original congratulations that will make everyone smile. As an example, we would like to offer you several options for humorous texts. So the certificate could be:

  1. To fulfill a wish. From the moment of delivery, the donor undertakes to fulfill one wish of the newlyweds. Restriction: Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
  2. In the form of an exclusive photo with the bride and groom.
  3. Giving the right to come to the newlyweds at any time of the day to drink tea with delicious treats.
  4. Guaranteeing free delivery of the newlyweds home after the banquet at the expense of the witness.
  5. Forgiveness to those in common. The document guarantees the owner absolute forgiveness at any time for an act of any gravity and relieves all responsibility for the act. The “sin” is forever forgotten and never remembered.
  6. Offering dedication. The donor undertakes to give himself to the newlyweds on any day for autonomous use as a maintenance worker.

Cool certificates for wedding guests

To make the wedding interesting and fun, you should present comic obligations not only to the newlyweds, but also to the guests. The main thing is not to offend anyone with a bad joke or inadvertently touch on a person’s problem. To please the guests, you need to ask in advance what hobbies the person being gifted has, what kind of family closeness they are to the bride and groom, so that the gift is not considered familiarity. Here are examples of neutral, humorous certificates for wedding guests:

  • financial wealth;
  • the most cheerful guest;
  • invitation to golden wedding newlyweds;
  • a tourist trip to the land of “happiness”;
  • dance with the bride/groom;
  • travel in the newlyweds' car in front and fastened;
  • the right to order your favorite song at the holiday.

Options for comic certificates for wish fulfillment

There is not a single person at a wedding, be it the bride, groom or guest, who would not love the “Wish Fulfillment” certificate. When giving, say that this humorous gift has the far from comic power of materializing thoughts. You need to make a wish upon receiving it cherished wish and enter it into the certificate. Efficiency of this document has been tested by time, and thousands of lucky people have become convinced of its power.

Newlyweds can give such a gift to each other. This will be an interesting intrigue between lovers. The advantage of such a comic certificate is that with its help it is easy to find out what your partner dreams of, especially if he does not talk about his desires. Place the certificate in a beautiful frame and don’t forget to add that the role of the Goldfish is played by the donor.

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