Business document templates. Office work from A to Z

Documentation support for an institution is not as easy a job as it might seem at first glance. Office work in a preschool educational institution—samples of documents, orders, correctly executed—is the basis of any organization. Document specialists have a serious and responsible task of complying with the rules and regulations when compiling papers and working with them.

Classification of documents in office work

To successfully manage document flow, you need to know into what types and subtypes office work divides sample documents. In a modern office, in addition to the usual papers, there are also emails, which are also part of the management system. So, the main office documents:

  1. Incoming, i.e. those coming from outside:
    • requests;
    • notifications;
    • orders of higher organizations;
    • advertising information, etc.
  2. Outgoing, i.e. sent from the organization:
    • letters, including emails;
    • inquiries and responses to inquiries;
    • accounts, acts;
    • powers of attorney;
    • certificates, copies upon request;
    • reports, etc.
  3. Internal, not extending beyond the enterprise:
    • order (a sample paperwork document can be found in the article), instructions;
    • regulations;
    • contracts;
    • confidential and marked “DSP” - for official use;
    • memos, statements;
    • log books, etc.

Internal documents can also be transmitted and registered electronically. But this is not always acceptable: important regulations, especially personnel regulations, that require employees to be familiar with, must be printed and signed.

Maintaining electronic log books is becoming an increasingly popular method of accounting. Such journals should be protected from retroactive changes so that they can inspire confidence in the event of controversial situations.

When you are tasked with conducting paperwork, sample documents will come in very handy. Many of them are compiled in free form, in compliance with corporate design rules, if any. But having some paperwork documents (samples) on hand is very convenient.

Sample request

Sample Thank You Letter

Sample information letter

Sample order for the allocation of financial assistance

Sample order for main activities

Sample certificate

Sample notification

Organization of office work in accordance with the rules

Commercial organizations usually determine their own internal rules for document flow. Letterhead documents for office work with a special design can be developed. Sometimes several types are approved for different purposes. But we must not forget that there are rules for preparing documents in office work - GOST R 7.0.97-2016. It regulates a number of requirements for documentation. Of course, the secretariats of government agencies must strictly follow the templates for paperwork, but everyone should take some changes into account.

In accordance with GOST, issued copies must be certified indicating the organization and case in which the original is stored.

For example: “the original is in Polet LLC in file No. 01BU/2016/03.” The case number is entered according to the nomenclature of cases.

You should also adhere to the standard regarding the recording of incoming documents in office work. For this purpose, it is mandatory to keep a special journal in which all incoming office documents are recorded. The journal must contain the following columns: date, number, name, where it was received from, to whom it was addressed or assigned by management. The number, in accordance with the journal entry and date, is indicated on the incoming document.

Outgoing document samples are registered in the same way. A journal should also be kept for them. Accurate maintenance of log books is very important. It plays an important role if the deadlines for the execution of documents in office work, the dates of orders, the loss of important papers, or in the event of legal disputes are disputed, and also helps to establish performance discipline in the organization.

Letters must also be drawn up taking into account the basic requirements: it must contain basic details, name, address, telephone number, signature of the manager or responsible person. They are drawn up on company letterhead; this standard applies to all outgoing letters and certificates. Examples of documents are presented in the article.

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In office work, an inventory of documents, a sample of which can be found below, is used in cases where it is necessary to compile a complete list for a particular set. Its preparation always makes sense, since it is the main confirmation of the transfer of documents to the addressee in a certain quantity.

You can download a sample form at the end of the article.

It is always drawn up in cases where a document is moved both outside the company and within it. In this case, the term should be understood not only as a list of a certain number of papers, but also as one document. It is important to understand that, in essence, any movement involves drawing up an inventory that performs several functions at once:

  1. First of all, this is the main document that confirms the fact of sending and transmitting 1 or several documents from a specific sender to a specific addressee.
  2. Allows you to quickly track current document flow and detect the movement of a particular paper.
  3. Finally, thanks to it it is possible to draw conclusions about internal logistics - i.e. how exactly the document flow goes, in what directions, on what days, and to what points. Thanks to this, it is possible to optimize delivery processes within the company, which will save a significant amount of resources.

Inventory of documents sample 2019

Compilation is at the discretion of the company. Usually it is developed in the company's accounting policy, and its sample is approved for all cases of transfer of documents.

A standard form template includes the following sections:

  1. Addressee's name – i.e. a company, a representative of a government body or a private person to whose address a set of documents is transferred.
  2. The name of the organization that transfers the documents.
  3. Date of preparation.
  4. A table with the inventory itself, which indicates:
  • serial number;
  • full title of the document;
  • number of copies;
  • number of sheets.
  1. Next, a line is usually written about how many sheets of documents were transferred.
  2. This is followed by the signature of the person responsible for the transfer, as well as a note on acceptance of the documents indicating the full name, position of the accepting employee and the date of acceptance.

If necessary, you can also additionally write in what form the documents are being transferred - original or copy (certified or not certified).

A document is being drawn up in 2 copies– one remains with the sender, and the other is transferred to the recipient. If necessary, you can make 1 more copy, which will be transferred for safekeeping to the administration, accounting department and other interested employees.

NOTE. The number of sheets in the table is indicated immediately for all copies of documents - i.e. common to each document. All lines that are left empty in the table are crossed out with a pen.

An option for compiling in a specialized program is shown in the video:

Main varieties

Different companies have their own forms and approved samples of document inventories, which are compiled according to uniform rules. Depending on the purpose of documents, several groups are distinguished:

  1. Internal - for transferring a set of papers within one enterprise, department, branch or between different branches, structural divisions of a large company.
  2. Inventory for the transfer of documents to third-party companies - these templates can be developed taking into account other considerations, depending on what additional information should be provided to counterparties, representatives of the tax service, and other government departments.

The most extensive classification is related to what documents are described for transfer to another company or for internal use. For example:

  1. Inventory of the certification case.
  2. Inventory of primary accounting documents.
  3. Personal files of employees and many others.

How to compose correctly

A case inventory is one of the most common types. It is compiled according to certain rules. The following points are indicated:

  1. Document serial number - this means that in a personal file or other folder that groups files, each document is always numbered with a unique digital or alphanumeric combination.
  2. Index – in some cases, the document is also assigned its own unique index. This is especially true when one case contains a very large number of papers, so along with the number, a letter combination is written down, which allows you to quickly find it in the general list. If there is no index, the mark “without index” or “b/n” is put.
  3. Date – here we do not mean the date the document was drawn up, but the date of its registration. Sometimes these indicators do not match, so they should be checked in advance to avoid discrepancies later.
  4. The title of the document is always drawn up in such a way that by its name one can easily determine not only the essence, but also its belonging to a certain category of cases or section of office work.
  5. Sheet numbers are usually placed at the top and in the center, but are always at the discretion of the organization. For convenience, the company’s accounting policy always makes an initial decision, according to which all documents, including their pages, are drawn up.
  6. Notes are an optional, but quite common section in which the responsible person can add his comments regarding the movement of documentation or case folders. For example, the file was archived or the document was seized for transfer to a counterparty (or, conversely, returned), etc.
  7. The final mark is a record that reflects the total number of documents, pages, copies, types (originals, certified and uncertified copies). It is provided for convenience so that the required papers can be found immediately.

If documents have lost their relevance and their storage period in the official document flow has expired, they are handed over to the archive. In this case, a transfer inventory is always drawn up, even if the document is submitted in the amount of 1 unit.

In a sample of such an inventory of documents, the basic form of a tabular presentation of information is preserved. However, an additional column “Deadline dates” is introduced, which refers to the deadlines for the expiration of the document storage period. As a rule, these dates are determined in accordance with regulatory documents (for example, route sheets are stored for a minimum of 5 years).

Among archival documents, a large group consists of those papers that are supposed to be stored permanently. When compiling inventories of such documents, you need to take into account several features:

  1. There is no column “Storage period”, since permanent storage is assumed.
  2. All numbering is done in simple chronological order, since new documents are counted in the order in which they are received.
  3. Often a preface or explanatory note is drawn up, which indicates the purpose of the documents, the principles of their classification, grouping into a given group, etc.
  4. In this case, inventories are compiled in 4 copies if we are talking about an organization supplying documents to a state or municipal archive\ In the case of private companies, the decision is made by authorized persons.

An example is given below.

Download sample forms:

(word) - for transfer to another organization

- for archiving

What should an organization's letterhead look like and how to create it? Read about this in our article.

From the article you will learn:

In what cases should you use a letterhead?

Business correspondence is an integral part of the company’s information interaction with partners and official structures.

It is part of the outgoing and incoming flows in the structure of the general document flow of any organization. The genre variety of business letters is extremely large: from commercial proposals and advertising materials to claims, demands and letters of instruction.

Existing norms and rules of business correspondence require the secretary to be able to format outgoing correspondence properly.

Designed ahead of time personal business letter form makes this task much easier. It not only speeds up the process of creating a letter, but also acts as a business card for the company, contributes to the formation of a respectable image and demonstrates the presence of style among its management.

In turn, the recipients of the correspondence will receive the necessary information about your company, its details and contact information. A letter written in a strict business style gives the message an official status and facilitates the subsequent processing and storage of documentation coming from your address. At the initial stage of a company’s development, when business reputation is at the stage of formation, and the costs of large-scale promotion are still very limited, the style of business letters plays a decisive role in the formation of a business image.

Requirements for the design of company letterheads

The task of creating an organization's letterhead is usually entrusted to the office management service. Of course, several people take part in this process - the secretary monitors compliance with existing standards for the design of a business letter, an accounting employee checks the relevance of bank details, and a professional designer develops a style registration of the form.

In the Russian Federation, at the legislative level there is no definition of “organization letterhead”. There are a number of general requirements for the preparation of business correspondence. These include the provisions of some GOSTs:


Composition of requirements

GOST 9327-60 Paper and paper products

The standard establishes requirements for paper formats used in office work:

format A4 (210 x 297 mm) or A5 (210 x 148 mm)

GOST 6861-73 Colored writing paper

The standard sets requirements for the quality and color of paper used in office work: usually white, yellow or cream paper.

GOST R 6.30-2003 Unified documentation systems

The standard establishes the basic requirements for the preparation of official documents.

The text of the letter itself is typed in a font of at least 12 point, the typeface can be any of the standard Microsoft Office set, most often it is Times New Roman.

Using two different fonts in the header of the form is not advisable. In the message itself, you can use italics or bold text to highlight important points. It is absolutely forbidden to highlight parts of the text in CAPITAL letters, it is also not nice, like shouting during a conversation.

These were general points, now let’s look step by step at how to create a letterhead header yourself, without missing a single component.

Let us immediately note that it is most convenient to create all design elements in the header in order to prevent them from being accidentally changed.

Step-by-step creation of a letterhead header

Step 1.

We place the company logo and name. The main purpose of these elements is instant identification of the sender and the convenience of further processing of correspondence. If the company logo is under development or is missing altogether, then instead you can simply give the full name of the company in large font. If there is an abbreviated version of the name in the Charter of your company or in other constituent documents, then it must be indicated immediately below the main one (in parentheses). We determine the font size approximately as follows - if the main text of the message is typed in 12 point, then 16 point is suitable for the name, if the main text is 14, then the name is 18.

Step 2.

We post official company data and TIN/KPP details. This information is placed on one line. Right under no you can give your OGRN number. The font size used to type this data is 8-10.

Step 3.

We post bank details, current account and correspondent account, name and BIC of the bank.

Step 4.

We post your company’s contact information: telephone numbers with city code, postal address with zip code, email and address of a page or website on the Internet.

When you are finished entering data, do not forget to separate the header from the main text with one solid line.

Tips for formatting text on your organization’s letterhead:

  1. As per modern business standard, the date format should be digital 08/01/2017;
  2. The "Addressee" field is filled in in the following order: company name, position, initials and surname of the recipient.
  3. Initials must be placed before the surname - A.E. Petrov, but not Petrov A.E..
  4. The addressee's position and surname are given in the dative case, i.e. answers the question "Who?"
  5. It is always necessary to indicate the title of the business paper: “Invitation”, “Notification”, “Claim”, “Demand”, etc.
  6. At the end of the letter it is necessary to indicate not only the surname and initials of the person who composed it, but also his position.
  7. Only state organizations have the right to use the state symbols of the Russian Federation; private companies are prohibited from doing this.

Sample letterhead of an organization


Since there are no legal regulations regarding an organization’s letterhead, each company can develop it to its own taste, guided solely by business ethics. However, keep in mind that a well-written, well-designed and printed on expensive paper form will say much more about your company than dozens of empty advertising phrases. A corporate logo designed by a professional designer will increase the recognition of your company and emphasize its status.

A letter written in a strict business style gives the message an official status and facilitates the subsequent processing and storage of documentation coming from your address. At the initial stage of a company’s development, when business reputation is at the stage of formation, and the costs of large-scale promotion are still very limited, the style of business letters plays a decisive role in the formation of a business image.

Official documents created by legal entities or individuals must be executed and certified in the prescribed manner.

When preparing organizational and administrative documents, it is customary to use a pre-made form.

A document form, as defined by GOST R 51141-98, is “a set of details that identifies the author of an official written document.” GOST R 51141-98. Record keeping and archiving. Terms and Definitions. M., 1998.-S. 2, paragraph 44.

Document forms can be printed in a printing house, and when using a PC, the form can be entered into the machine’s memory and automatically output when the document is printed. No matter how the form is produced, it is necessary to take into account certain requirements that are established by GOST R 6.30-97 for the types of forms, their design, accounting and storage, including forms with the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, coats of arms of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Forms must be made on white paper or light-colored paper of appropriate quality.

When designing document forms, the dimensions of the areas for the location of the details used on the forms must correspond to those shown on the sample form.

On the form, in accordance with the established sizes and rules for the design of details, permanent details are applied, the locations of some variable details, which should be in the upper (header) part of the form, are marked in the form of corners or lines. Also, the corners mark the fields of the document and the location of the details applied at the bottom of the form.

Document forms can be produced in A4 and A5 formats, with angular and longitudinal options for the location of details. When producing forms by printing or using computer technology, the details are always drawn up in a centered way, when produced using a typewriter - in a flag way.

The following types of forms are established for an organization, structural unit, or official: general form; letter form; form of a specific type of document.

The general form is used to prepare any types of documents except letters.

Depending on the constituent documents of the organization, the following permanent details can be written on the general form:

01 - State Emblem of the Russian Federation;

02 - coat of arms of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

03 - emblem of the organization or trademark (service mark);

04 - organization code;

06 - name of the organization; 12 - place of drawing up the document.

For variable details, limit marks in the form of lines are applied to the general form - for details:

09 - document date;

10 - registration number of the document (for this detail the “No” sign is also printed in advance).

In the form of corners, the locations of the following details are distinguished:

14 - addressee (the beginning and end of the attribute, which simultaneously indicates the border of the right field);

17 - title to the text of the document;

18 - control mark;

28 - mark on receipt of the document by the organization;

29 - identifier of the electronic copy of the document.

Between detail 04 “Organization code” and details 09 “Document date” and 10 “Document registration number”, space is left for applying (imprinting) detail 08 “Name of document type”.

When the name of the type of document is entered into the general form, for example, “order”, “act”, “protocol”, this form becomes a form of a specific type of document - order form, act form, protocol form, etc. Thus, a form of a specific type document is actually a type of general form, since a general form without using the name of the type of document is not used at all when drawing up organizational and administrative documents.

Detail 05 “Document form code” is imprinted on the form when registering a specific type of document, since each type (variety) of document has its own unified form code according to OKUD.

Samples of a general form and a form for a specific type of document are given in the appendix. 2-6.

The letter form is used when drawing up only one type of document - an official letter, so there is no need to indicate the name of the type of document in it. In the letter form, in place of detail 10 “Name of the type of document” is placed detail 07 “Reference data about the organization”, and in place of detail 12 “Place of document preparation” is placed detail 11 “Link to the registration number and date of the document”, which is so necessary for correspondence.

Detail 07 “Reference information about the organization” must contain information about the place of preparation, therefore there is no need to use detail 12 “Place of preparation of the document.”

Thus, the letter form differs from the general form in only two details. All other details, for which marks in the form of corners are applied on the general form, are also used on the letterhead and are drawn up according to the same rules. Letter forms are given in the appendix. 7-10.

The form of a structural unit of an organization or an official is designed if the head of the unit or official has the right to sign. The name of the structural unit or the name of the position is entered on the form after detail 06 “Name of the organization.”

Samples of official forms are given in the appendix. 11, 12.

Forms of organizations with reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and coats of arms of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (stamped forms) are printed products subject to accounting.

Stamp forms are produced only by printing and stamp-engraving enterprises that have licenses for the relevant type of activity and certificates of technical and technological capabilities for high-quality production of the specified type of product.

In order to produce a stamp form or any other form in a printing house, it is necessary to make a layout of the form on a scale of 1:1, on which permanent details must be applied, the necessary marks for variable details, and the dimensions of the areas where the details are located are indicated. It is necessary to indicate the type and color of paper, select the necessary fonts, indicate the circulation, agree on the deadlines and production costs. The layout of the form must contain an indication that the head of the organization allows this layout to be printed (usually the word “I authorize” is written). The layout must also include the signature of the manager and the seal of the organization.

The organization's stamp forms must have serial numbers, which are stamped in a typographical manner or with a numberer. Sometimes series of these numbers are also put on stamp forms. Each type of stamp form is recorded in a separate journal (or other registration and accounting form), and the forms themselves are stored in securely locked and sealed cabinets. Their destruction occurs in the prescribed manner, according to an act with a mark in the registration form.

The organization of production, storage, accounting, issuance, checking the availability of stamp (as well as simple) forms in organizations is assigned to the unit responsible for office work. The office management instructions of any organization must have a section describing the procedure for the production and use of organization forms.

General requirements for the production and storage of forms with the reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and the coats of arms of the constituent entities of the federation are given in Section. 5 GOST R 6.30-97 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements."

Control questions

1. What is a document form as defined by GOST R51141-98?

2. In what ways can document forms be produced?

3. What is the basis for designing a document form?

4. How many types of forms are established by GOST R 6.30-97?

5. To prepare what types of documents is a common form used?

6. What permanent details can be applied to each type of form?

7. In what ways can places for variable details be marked on forms?

8. How does a general form differ from a letter form?

9. What are the requirements for the production of a form with the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation or the coats of arms of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation?

10. What must be submitted to the printing house to produce the form?

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