Shylo Alexey Nikolaevich Russian Railways will ruin the TsFTO. Alexey Shilo: “The most striking event of the year is the launch of the Freight Transportation electronic trading platform

At the end of last year, the management vertical, headed by the president of the company, which has been in place since the founding of JSC Russian Railways in 2003, has undergone changes. The usual “president - vice-presidents” scheme was changed at the initiative of the head of the monopoly Oleg Belozerov: the president became general director, the vice-presidents became deputy general directors.

The changes were intended to emphasize, in a good sense, the hired status of the management of Russian Railways in relation to the state, the government, excluding the demonstration of autonomy and independence. What the previous head of Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin, was reproached for.

However, the changes themselves, in essence, can hardly be called radical. As well as personnel policy Oleg Belozerov. Upon arrival in Russian Railways in August 2015, the new head of the corporation promised that there would be no large-scale changes: “I’m not planning any revolutions. We will do everything that can be done progressively, in an evolutionary way.” Such an approach is hardly dictated by natural caution. Belozerov did not bring his team to Russian Railways, and a personnel revolution in the absence of “revolutionaries” is impossible.

Of course, there were some reshuffles and resignations. Representatives of the old Yakunin guard said goodbye to their positions: first vice-president Vadim Morozov, responsible for the economic and production activities of Russian Railways, and vice-presidents Oleg Atkov and Valery Reshetnikov, responsible, respectively, for working with public organizations and the strategic development and implementation of the Russian Railways reform. The vice president of security also left Alexander Bobreshov, who was considered Yakunin’s confidant. Galina Kraft replaced as chief accountant Elena Kharybina.

Oleg Atkov (left), Valery Reshetnikov

In the management elite of Russian Railways (with a certain degree of convention), several main groups can be distinguished: “techies”, “lobbyists”, “technocrats” and “overlookers”.

“Railway technicians” are grouped around a representative of the old team - the first deputy general director Anatoly Krasnoshchek. Of the three “firsts,” he is certainly the “first.” Under Belozerov, the apparatus weight of Anatoly Anisimovich increased significantly. In addition to the issues of organizing transportation, which he was in charge of during the Yakunin era, he received the functionality of a retired Vadim Morozov: that is, in fact, the entire production unit.

Oleg Valinsky

Krasnoshchek’s sphere of influence includes his former colleagues at the Oktyabrskaya Railway: Deputy General Director - Head of the Traction Directorate Oleg Valinsky and Deputy General Director - Head of the Central Directorate of Infrastructure Gennady Verkhov. Recently, the affairs of several protégés of Anatoly Anisimovich have gone uphill: Deputy General Director - Head of the Central Traffic Control Directorate Pavel Ivanov, a young and ambitious director of the Center for Branded Transport Services (CFTS) and part-time commercial director of Russian Railways Alexey Shilo, former head of the capital's metro, and now director of Russian Railways for passenger transportation Dmitry Pegov and subordinate to him Pavel Burtseva– Head of the Passenger Transportation business block.

The figure stands somewhat apart Sergei Kobzev, Deputy General Director - Chief Engineer of JSC Russian Railways, an experienced 53-year-old specialist who worked in the central office of the Ministry of Railways under Gennady Fadeev.

Sergey Kobzev

Clearly in counterbalance to the influence of Anatoly Krasnoshchek’s bloc, O. Belozerov increased the status of the head of the financial and economic bloc Vadim Mikhailov. Mikhailov came to Russian Railways under Yakunin from the Moscow office of Ernst & Young, an auditor and consultant to the corporation, but it was under the new leadership of senior vice presidents that he moved to the first level.

Under his care after the departure of the Vice President Salman Babaeva the commercial block has been transferred, which Mr. Mikhailov manages very confidently. More and more often, Mikhailov makes statements regarding the strategic development of the monopoly. It was he who defended the interests of the monopoly during the tariff campaign for 2018, acting as its representative in negotiations with federal executive authorities and members of the Russian Railways Consumer Council. And it is worth noting that his authority and influence grew noticeably after the approval of tariffs in almost unchanged form from those proposed by the monopoly.

Vadim Mikhailov

With his “technocratism,” Mikhailov is close to the company’s general director Oleg Belozerov. At the same time, Mikhailov’s position cannot be assessed unambiguously. Vadim Valerievich, being in a key position, remains a stranger in the corporate environment; the attitude towards him on the part of railway technicians is, one might say, sarcastic. And he, a keen connoisseur of antiques and art, has nothing to talk about with his colleagues who have gone through the entire career ladder from lineman to railway general. In addition, Mr. Mikhailov is a key figure in negotiations with the government and the monopoly’s largest clients on the subsidized and revenue side of the company’s budget.

This same “technocratic” group includes the Deputy General Director - Head of the Traffic Safety Department Shevketa Shaydullina, Deputy General Director for Capital Construction Oleg Tony, Deputy General Director for Social Affairs Dmitry Shakhanov, as well as the head of the Legal Department Vadim Bynkov.

The “supervisors” are called upon to monitor the activities of other divisions of the company from the perspective of Oleg Belozerov’s interests. First of all, this Anatoly Chabunin, Deputy General Director - Director for Internal Control and Audit, to whom, in addition, the block of competitive procedures is reassigned, which significantly increases his level of influence in the company. Moreover, it is the issue of procurement and putting things in order in this area that is the most painful issue both for the company as a whole and personally for Oleg Belozerov, who upon his appointment was tasked with optimizing the corporation’s expenses.

The eradication of potentially corrupt procurement and order schemes, which the media and even company auditors have repeatedly written about, can save tens and hundreds of billions of rubles. Leaks in the media, which periodically occur, indicate that there is a fierce internal struggle within the corporation for control over the expenditure of financial resources, and the main controller Chabunin plays a key role here.

Deputy General Director Andrey Starkov oversees issues of corporate governance and property disposal, heads the boards of directors of key subsidiaries of Russian Railways. Another deputy, career intelligence officer Nikolay Fedoseev, Responsible for corporate security. Director of Economics and Finance Olga Gnedkova, although he belongs to Yakunin’s team, obviously enjoys Belozerov’s trust.

And finally, a group of “lobbyists”. Their task is to provide a favorable environment for the company’s activities, proving to various representatives of federal and regional authorities and the public the importance of Russian Railways. The result is decisions made on small regional and mega-projects, budget allocations and legislative and regulatory decisions that are beneficial to the company. These include the “third” first deputy general director Alexander Misharin.“Caliph for an hour,” during which, thanks to a mysterious information sabotage in 2013, Alexander Sergeevich found himself in the place of Yakunin himself.

Alexander Misharin

Misharin is in charge of the development of high-speed and high-speed traffic. Actually, who, if not Misharin, should be responsible for this direction: it was Alexander Sergeevich in 2009, when he was the governor of the Sverdlovsk region, who put forward the idea of ​​​​building HSR “Moscow – Kazan – Ekaterinburg”. Despite extensive criticism and even skeptical statements on this matter Vladimir Putin, as well as the failure to launch the high-speed railway for the 2018 World Cup, the topic of high-speed communication is not closed. And it is very lively discussed in various versions. This means that the monopoly’s lobbying efforts are not in vain. And there is no doubt that they will only intensify - the stakes are too high. For example, the cost of constructing the Moscow-Kazan high-speed rail exceeds 1 trillion rubles. In addition, professional interest here is sometimes inseparable from personal interest. Thus, according to Vedomosti, people close to Misharin run the institute Mosgiprotrans, who received an order for 22 billion rubles as part of the Moscow-Kazan-Ekaterinburg highway project.

About diverse activities Petra Katsyva The site explained in detail. Despite the scandalous trail. Katsyv did not fall out of the leadership ranks of Russian Railways, having received the post of Deputy General Director - Head of the Center for the Development of the Moscow Transport Hub. Pyotr Dmitrievich’s entry into the corridors of power in the capital and Moscow region is too important. And too much money is at stake. The investment program of Russian Railways this year for the development of the railway infrastructure of the Moscow hub provides almost 11 billion rubles. This, of course, is not trillions of HSR (mostly hypothetical), but it is real money and a concrete perspective for several years ahead.

Peter Katsyv

Lobbying activities (including abroad) are carried out in accordance with their official duties by the Secretary of State - Deputy Director General Anatoly Meshcheryakov and another deputy of Belozerov, the head of the “railway Ministry of Foreign Affairs” Vyacheslav Pavlovsky. Based on the results of the past year, the corporation’s lobbyists can count several high-profile hardware victories in the GR field. This is the speech of the head of state at the Railway Congress, and the days of Russian Railways in the State Duma that passed without a hitch, which is not surprising, given that the State Duma Transport Committee is controlled by the railway monopolist. Unlike the committee of the previous convocation of the Duma, in which railway operators were in charge. The main antagonist of the railway giant in 2017 was FAS. However, the regulator lost outright in the behind-the-scenes battles and at the end of the year agreed to almost all of Russian Railways’ proposals on tariffs for 2018 and the long term.

Let’s talk separately about the personal advisors of General Director Oleg Belozerov. Among them there are still many representatives of the “old guard”, such as Gennady Fadeev, Vadim Morozov and Valentin Gapanovich. There are advisors on a voluntary basis, such as former vice-president of Russian Railways Sergei Maltsev, whom we have already talked about in detail. Although this is most likely a tribute to politeness, and the influence of businessman Maltsev within the management of Russian Railways is close to zero.

Among the general's advisers there are irreplaceable heavyweights who participate in making almost all important decisions within the scope of their activities. These include Tamara Ivanovna Stebunova(former deputy head of the FTS), who at Russian Railways is responsible for the methodological justification of the monopoly’s tariff policy and Price list 10-01. She brought a whole team of specialists to the corporation, led by Vladimir Vargunin, for which an entire department was created in the monopoly - tariff setting methodology. Tamara Ivanovna, together with her deputy, draw up reasoned responses to claims that arise from Russian Railways FAS. And, judging by the large number of conflicts between the monopoly and the regulator, the advisers have plenty of work to do.

There are people who give top management and the CEO himself advice of a slightly different kind. And they control such subtle matters as PR, for example, including personal PR. It's worth remembering here Svetlana Kryshtanovskaya, which came after Oleg Belozerov from Ministry of Transport. Some people call the adviser a confidential person for the head of Russian Railways.

Despite the gradualness of personnel changes in the monopoly, they demonstrate one obvious trend in the management policy of Russian Railways - control over assets and financial flows is increasingly isolated into a separate area and acquires key importance, relegating production activities themselves to the background.

Zakhar Maksimov
The publication uses materials from the Institute for Research on Railway Transport Problems

Shilo Alexey Nikolaevich

Director of JSC Russian Railways for commercial activities - Head of the Center for Branded Transport Services (CFTS)

In 2000, he graduated from the Ural State University of Transport with a degree in transportation organization and management in transport (railway). In 2001 - majoring in economics and management at a railway transport enterprise.

He began his career in railway transport in 2000 as a station duty officer at the Kurya station of the Sverdlovsk Railway. Then he worked as head of the Chaikovskaya station, deputy head of the Perm-Sortirovochnaya station, head of the Perm-2 station, deputy head of the Perm branch of Sverdlovsk Railways, first deputy head of the Tyumen branch of Sverdlovsk Railways, first deputy head of the transportation service of Sverdlovsk Railways, in senior positions in the Sverdlovsk and Gorky traffic control directorates, Deputy Head of the Central Traffic Control Directorate (Development).

February 2015 – Head of the Department for Management of the “Railway Transportation and Infrastructure” business block of JSC Russian Railways.

February 2017 – General Director of the Center for Branded Transport Services, a branch of JSC Russian Railways.

May 2017 – Director of Russian Railways OJSC for commercial activities – General Director of the Center for Branded Transport Services (CFTS).

Chabunin Anatoly Mikhailovich

Deputy General Director – Director for Internal Control and Audit

(issues of internal control and internal audit)

Born in 1960 in the Novosibirsk region.

In 1990 he graduated from the Novosibirsk Institute of National Economy with a degree in finance and credit.

He began his career as a worker at the Novosibirsk Elektrosignal plant. After military service, he worked in the financial department of the administration of the Chanovsky district of the Novosibirsk region, in the branch of the Federal Treasury in the Chanovsky district, CJSC East Siberian Contract Corporation, head of the budget and financial department of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, head of the financial and economic department of the Federal Energy Agency, head of financial department, deputy head, head of the Federal Road Agency.

2013–2015 – Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Financial and Budgetary Supervision.

September 2015 – appointed Director of JSC Russian Railways for Internal Control and Audit.

October 2015 – appointed vice president of JSC Russian Railways.

November 2017 - appointed Deputy General Director - Director for Internal Control and Audit of JSC Russian Railways.

Charkin Evgeniy Igorevich

Director of Information Technology of JSC Russian Railways

In 1999 he graduated from the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation with a degree in economics, finance and credit.

2002–2003 - Head of the Projects Department in the field of information technology of OJSC Mining and Metallurgical Company Norilsk Nickel.

2003–2006 – senior positions in the information technology department of the Moscow branch of Severstal-Group CJSC.

2007–2009 – senior positions in the information technology department of the general directorate of OJSC Severstal.

2009–2012 - Director of Information Technology of OJSC Severstal.

2012–2014 – Director of the Information Technology Department of the State Corporation Rosatom.

2014–2015 – Director of Information Technology of LLC Management Company “Metalloinvest”.

Since December 28, 2015 – Director of Information Technology of JSC Russian Railways.

Pegov Dmitry Vladimirovich

Director for Passenger Transportation of JSC Russian Railways

In 1992, he graduated from the Leningrad Electromechanical College with a degree in maintenance, repair and operation of traction rolling stock. In 1997 – St. Petersburg State Transport University with a degree in locomotives (electric locomotives and electric trains). In 2013 – Higher School of Economics with a degree in jurisprudence.

He began his career in railway transport in 1994 as an assistant driver of an electric train at a locomotive depot, then worked as an electric train driver, a driver-instructor for locomotive crews (for high-speed traffic), and deputy head of the multiple unit depot of the St. Petersburg - Moskovskoye Oktyabrskaya Railway - a branch of OJSC " RUSSIAN RAILWAYS". In 2004 he headed this depot.

June 2009 – Head of the North-Western Directorate of High-Speed ​​Transport - a structural unit of the Directorate of High-Speed ​​Transport - a branch of JSC Russian Railways.

February 2010 - headed the Directorate of High-Speed ​​Transport - a branch of Russian Railways, supervised the launch of the first high-speed trains "Sapsan", "Allegro", "Lastochka" and the development of high-speed transport on the Russian railway network.

2014–2017 - Head of the State Unitary Enterprise "Moscow Metro".

May 2017 – Director of JSC Russian Railways for Passenger Transportation.

Sanko Valentin Mikhailovich

Director for Energy Complex of JSC Russian Railways

In 1990 he graduated from the Leningrad Order of the Red Banner of Labor Financial and Economic Institute. ON THE. Voznesensky.

Candidate of Economic Sciences.

1998–2001 - General Director of JSC Vologdaenergo.

2001–2005 - General Director of OJSC Northern Energy Management Company.

May 2005 – General Director of OJSC OGK-6.

2009–2012 - Advisor to the General Director of OJSC RAO ES of the East.

2014–2015 – Advisor to the General Director of JSC "High-Speed ​​Railways", Advisor to the President of JSC "Russian Railways"

December 2015 – Director of Transenergo, a branch of JSC Russian Railways.

In April 2016, he was appointed director of JSC Russian Railways for the energy complex.

Tanks win over long distances

Alexey Shilo has been appointed General Director of the Center for Branded Transport Services, a branch of Russian Railways.


By order of the President of JSC Russian Railways, Alexey Shilo was appointed General Director of the Center for Branded Transport Services (CFTS), a branch of JSC Russian Railways.
Salman Babaev, who previously headed the CFTO, will continue to work as vice president for commercial activities.
The Corporate Transport Service Center is a separate division of JSC Russian Railways. The main task of the branch is to generate revenue for the company’s budget through the sale of services related to the transportation of goods and the use of public railway transport infrastructure. The CFTO includes 16 structural divisions throughout the Russian Federation. The total number of employees is about 11 thousand people.

Shilo Alexey Nikolaevich was born on July 21, 1978. In 2000, he graduated from the Ural State University of Transport with a degree in Transportation Organization and Management in Transport (Railway), and in 2001, with a degree in Economics and Management in a Railway Transport Enterprise.

He began his career in railway transport in 2000 as a station duty officer at the Kurya station of the Sverdlovsk Railway. Then he worked as the head of the Chaikovskaya station, deputy head of the Perm-sortirovochnaya station, head of the Perm-2 station, deputy head of the Perm branch of Sverdlovsk Railways, first deputy head of the Tyumen branch of Sverdlovsk Railways, first deputy head of the transportation service of Sverdlovsk Railways, in senior positions in the Sverdlovsk and Gorky traffic control directorates, Deputy Head of the Central Traffic Control Directorate (Development).

Since February 2015, Alexey Shilo at JSC Russian Railways held the position of head of the Department for Management of the “Railway Transportation and Infrastructure” business block.

The Board of Directors of Russian Railways OJSC decided to change the composition of the company's board.

The company's board includes Dmitry Pegov and Alexey Shilo.

By order of the general director of the company Oleg Belozerov, Dmitry Pegov was appointed deputy general director of JSC Russian Railways, and Alexey Shilo was appointed deputy general director of JSC Russian Railways - head of the Center for Branded Transport Services, a branch of JSC Russian Railways.

Previously, Dmitry Pegov served as director of Russian Railways for passenger transportation. In his new position, he will continue to oversee passenger transportation for the Russian Railways holding.

Alexey Shilo until today held the position of Director of JSC Russian Railways for commercial activities - General Director of the Center for Branded Transport Services. In his new position, he will continue to oversee the company's commercial activities and freight transportation.

Dmitry Pegov was born on May 22, 1973. In 1992 he graduated from the Leningrad Electromechanical College with a degree in “Maintenance, repair and operation of traction rolling stock”, in 1997 – from the St. Petersburg State University of Transport with a degree in “Locomotives (electric locomotives and electric trains)”, in 2013 – from the Higher School of Economics majoring in "Jurisprudence".
He began his career in railway transport in 1994 as an assistant driver of an electric train at a locomotive depot, then worked as an electric train driver, a driver-instructor for locomotive crews (for high-speed traffic), and deputy head of the multiple unit depot of the St. Petersburg-Moskovskoye Oktyabrskaya Railway. In 2004 he headed this depot.
In June 2009, he was appointed head of the North-Western Directorate of High-Speed ​​Transport, a structural subdivision of the Directorate of High-Speed ​​Transport, a branch of JSC Russian Railways.
In February 2010, Dmitry Pegov headed the Directorate of High-Speed ​​Transport, a branch of JSC Russian Railways. He oversaw the launch of the first high-speed trains “Sapsan”, “Allegro”, “Lastochka” and the development of high-speed transport on the Russian railway network.
In 2014-2017, he headed the State Unitary Enterprise “Moscow Metro”.
Since May 23, 2017, Dmitry Pegov has been the director of Russian Railways OJSC for passenger transportation.

Alexey Shilo was born on July 21, 1978. In 2000, he graduated from the Ural State University of Transport with a degree in Transportation Organization and Management in Transport (Railway), and in 2001, with a degree in Economics and Management in a Railway Transport Enterprise.

He began his career in railway transport in 2000 as a station duty officer at the Kurya station of the Sverdlovsk Railway. Then he worked as head of the Chaikovskaya station, deputy head of the Perm-Sortirovochnaya station, head of the Perm-2 station, deputy head of the Perm branch of Sverdlovsk Railways, first deputy head of the Tyumen branch of Sverdlovsk Railways, first deputy head of the transportation service of Sverdlovsk Railways, in senior positions in the Sverdlovsk and Gorky traffic control directorates, Deputy Head of the Central Traffic Control Directorate (Development).
Since February 2015, Alexey Shilo at JSC Russian Railways held the position of head of the Department for Management of the “Railway Transportation and Infrastructure” business block.
Since February 2017 – General Director of the Center for Branded Transport Services, a branch of JSC Russian Railways.
Since May 10, 2017 - Director of Russian Railways OJSC for commercial activities - General Director of the Center for Branded Transport Services (CFTS).

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