Penalty for driving without a front or rear license plate, or with false license plates. What is the fine for driving without license plates? Let's look at the nuances and find out how to avoid unpleasant situations. The number on the car fell off. A fine.

The traffic rules of the Russian Federation stipulate that each car must have its own registration number. It can be obtained from the traffic police department when registering the car. To do this, you will need to come to the department, submit documents, undergo technical maintenance, and after that, traffic police officers will issue license plates for the car.

The driver is obliged to take care of the license plates of his vehicle. If they are lost, he must as soon as possible. Driving without license plates on public roads is punishable quite severely, including deprivation of your driver's license.

Table of contents:

Who can drive without license plates in Russia

The license plate is a kind of vehicle identifier, without which it will not be recognized, for example, by cameras when recording a violation. Therefore, in the Russian Federation it is strictly regulated that every passenger car, truck, special and other transport must have its own state number. At the same time, a number of vehicles moving in traffic on public roads can do without state license plates:

  • Trams;
  • Trolleybuses;
  • Mopeds with power less than 50 hp;
  • Bicycles.

Note: Trams and trolleybuses are marked with license plates, which allow them to be identified if necessary, but these are different from state license plates.

Violations of the rules for using license plates

According to the traffic rules, the driver is required to install on the car 2 plates with numbers received from the traffic police when registering the car. The license plates must be located on specially designated areas on the front and rear of the vehicle. In addition, they must be distinguishable by cameras recording the violation and the human gaze.

That is, the following violations are treated almost identically to driving without license plates:

  • Placing license plates on a car in the wrong place;
  • Installation of license plates on a car that differ from the accepted state standard;
  • Driving with someone else's license plates;
  • Riding with one number.

Damaging or soiling license plates to such an extent that one or more letters (numbers) can be misread does not amount to driving without license plates, and the penalties for such an offense are less severe.

How long can you drive without license plates?

After purchasing a new or used car, the driver has 10 days to register it and, accordingly, receive license plates. During this time, he has the right to drive without license plates, whereas until 2013 there was a law according to which drivers were issued transit plates before receiving full identification plates.

Also, if the license plates were stolen during a trip, the driver has the right to use the car to deliver it to its destination, for example, to home. It is important to note that he must first arrive at the traffic police station without a car and report that the license plates were stolen from his car. The inspection staff will record this fact, and the driver will have the opportunity to freely reach his destination.

Fine for driving without license plates in 2019

The punishment for driving without license plates varies, depending on the reason that forced the driver to travel in an unmarked car. In 2019, the following fines are provided for driving without license plates and other violations related to state vehicle registration plates:

Please note that if a driver is disqualified for driving a car without license plates,

Any decent driver, watching a car moving without license plates, will think that the car was stolen or “some scammers are driving.” However, it happens that the driver did not notice the missing sign before the trip. Regardless of the situation, driving a car with missing license plates is punishable by law.

A pressing question for all drivers is what will be the fine for driving without license plates? It is necessary to understand what measures will be taken by the road patrol service for the absence of a license plate.

There are circumstances when, or, what happens more often, it is stolen. Driving without a license plate also entails legal proceedings, which usually result in deprivation of rights for up to one year. This usually happens due to the driver’s banal inattention, but this does not exempt him from administrative punishment.

Currently, penalties for traveling by vehicle in the absence of identification marks can occur in the following cases:

  • placement of the gas protection device in an inappropriate place;
  • no front or back number;
  • the presence of devices capable of changing or hiding the sign;
  • physical damage to the seal or dirt that interferes with identification.

In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, for driving without license plates in various situations, public services can deprive of rights for up to 1 year. The law prescribes monetary penalties and confiscation of driver's licenses for a period of 1 to 3 months for the absence of front and rear signs.

Expert opinion

Natalya Alekseevna

By law, vehicles must be equipped with registration numbers on both sides, with the exception of motor vehicles. When purchasing a new car, a temporary registration will not be issued; instead, the driver is given 10 days to register.

Upon expiration of the registration period, the inspector will issue a fine for driving without license plates on the basis of Part 1 of Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. If you stop an unregistered vehicle a second time, the measures will be more stringent.

One category of non-compliance with the rules includes driving a car with old (not reissued) or counterfeit plates. Fake or forged license plates on a car, according to Part 3 of Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for citizens of Russia face a fine of 2,500 to 500,000 rubles.

It should be noted that the driver bears this penalty only for installing false signs. Being caught driving a car with false license plates can result in deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for a period of 6 months to a year. If traffic police officers have already stopped a car without a sign in front or behind, driving may result in confiscation of the driver’s license for a period of 1 to 3 months, as well as a monetary penalty.

According to statistics, in 3 out of 5 cases the loss is caused by incorrect installation of the car registration plate. However, even under such circumstances, driving a car is prohibited, since the loss of a state sign implies an administrative violation.

The amount of the administrative penalty will be the same in all cases: the vehicle has only one registration plate without a rear number, or there are no plates on both sides of the car. If a car is in motion without a registration plate, even unintentionally, government services apply sanctions.

What can be the fine for driving without a license plate?

Due to certain circumstances, a motorist may lose the registration plate of his car. How much do you need to unfasten to cover an administrative penalty for driving with missing signs?

Driving without front and rear license plates is punishable by a fine of 5,000 rubles.

The amount of the fine for not having a number.

The question regarding driving without license plates at all is somewhat more complicated, since the car may have been recently purchased. You can be fined for such violations only after 10 days from the date of purchase of a new vehicle. When purchasing a used car, re-registration is required, and the amount of recovery in such circumstances fluctuates about

Often, license plates are stolen by criminals in order to further demand money for it. In such a situation, you should definitely file a statement with the police.

If he repeatedly drives a car without driver's license plates, he faces a more serious penalty in the form of deprivation of his license. But even in this situation, its amount depends on the circumstances. Detection of counterfeit signs by traffic police officers involves confiscation of the driver's license for a period of 6 months to 1 year.

In case of loss of the sign or evasion of registration, the inspectorate imposes a ban on driving vehicles for a period of 1 to 3 months. The law provides for an alternative: deprivation of rights for up to 3 months or a fine of 5,000 rubles.

When can you avoid a fine?

Motorists often wonder whether it is possible to avoid a fine for lack of license plates if they lose this plate along the way? For the loss of at least one license plate, punishment is regulated in Part 2 of Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Protocol for lack of license plate on a car.

Driving without a license or with a damaged or altered plate is prohibited by law, so you won’t be able to avoid sanctions. If you accidentally lost your license plate, you will still have to pay a fine for driving without a license plate. However, sometimes traffic police officers commit procedural violations in their work.

Common errors include: incorrect indication of the place, time and situation of the violation of the law in the protocol and resolution, as well as clerical errors and corrections made without the presence and signature of the driver. You can focus your attention while filling out the form and not pay the fine.

To avoid an incident, check the presence of license plates when leaving home, work, or during stops. If you purchased a new car that does not have a vehicle registration certificate, you must take out a compulsory motor liability insurance policy and contact the traffic police with an application to register the vehicle for registration.

How long can you drive without a guard?

According to the current law, adopted on October 15, 2013, temporary license plates are no longer issued when registering a vehicle. Instead, the car owner is provided with

The vehicle owner is fully responsible for his vehicle. A possible fine for driving a car without license plates is regulated by the Traffic Regulations and the Administrative Code.

To record and personalize all types of vehicles, special metal plates with a number are attached to them. These plates are usually located in front and behind the vehicle, excluding trailers and motorcycles.

General information about license plates

When carrying out registration actions at the traffic police, license plates are also issued simultaneously with the issuance. They are metal plates of the appropriate type, of a certain size, with embossed numbers and letters of the Latin alphabet. The location of registration plates is clearly regulated and is not subject to change.

What are the dangers of driving without license plates?

The fine for the absence of a registration number, as well as for its incorrect installation, is five thousand rubles. The fine, according to Article 12.2 Part 2 of the Code of Administrative Offences, can be replaced by deprivation of driver's license for 1-3 months.

Vehicle owners who use special materials and reflective films that prevent license plate identification are also subject to an administrative fine.

If the letters are faded or have a non-standard format, the fine will be 500 rubles, but if you're lucky, you can get off with a verbal warning.

If the front or rear number is missing

For the law, it doesn’t matter at all whether you don’t have one number or both. The fine for driving without license plates in 2016, unfortunately, in any case will be five thousand rubles or you will lose your license for at least a month. It doesn’t matter whether you deliberately did not post the number or whether it was stolen or lost on the road.

In the event of theft of license plates, the owner of the vehicle, among other things, is obliged to pay a fine for not ensuring their safety.

Maximum driving time with missing license plates and possible fines

Depending on the situation, a different period is given. Let's consider the most common cases:

  • New car from the showroom. Since 2013, paper temporary numbers, or so-called transit numbers, are no longer issued. The owner has ten days to register his new car. If registration actions are not completed within the established period and, accordingly, numbers are not received, then in accordance with Article 12.2.ch1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, a fine of 500 to 800 rubles is issued. If you are caught again without license plates and proper registration, they will charge you 5,000 rubles or deprive you of your driver’s license for 3 months. Although now in most car dealerships you pick up a car with a package of documents and license plates.
  • Buying a used car. A period of 10 days is also given for re-registration of the car. If the new owner is in no hurry to register the purchased car in his name, then this may result in you receiving fines. Moreover, not only for violation of traffic rules, but also in accordance with Article 19.22 Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, a fine for violating state registration rules in the amount of 1,500-2,000 rubles can be issued. First of all, you need to contact the buyer so that he pays the fines and re-registers the car in his name. If for some reason he ignores you, then you should contact the nearest MREO with an application to terminate the registration of the vehicle in connection with the sale to another person. In addition to the application and passport, you must have a purchase and sale agreement in hand.
  • If the number is lost. In this case, driving is prohibited, otherwise a fine of 5,000 rubles will be issued or your driving license will be deprived. And even if you found the loss, but did not attach it to its proper place, but simply put it behind the glass. In case of loss, you should contact the nearest traffic police department for.

Does a motorcyclist need a license plate?

Many car owners are beginning to envy bikers who deftly dart between rows in traffic jams. And not many cameras have time to record the fact of speeding.

Sports motorcycles in their design often did not previously have areas for attaching a license plate, which is why many people had the feeling that the motorcycle did not need a license plate. But this is a misconception. Yes, a motorcycle has only one registration plate, but it must be present.

The registration period for a motorcycle is exactly the same as for a car – 10 days. Motorcyclists pay a fine for driving without license plates on equal terms with motorists. This also applies to the purely formal presence of a number, mounting it at an angle or on the trunk.

There are numbers, but they are foreign

This section includes both real license plates, but from a different car, and fake license plates. Numbers that are not manufactured according to government orders, as well as the so-called “interrupted” numbers, when the numbers or letter designations on the real number are changed, can be counterfeit.

If a car is under repair for a long time, some car enthusiasts deregister the car to avoid paying taxes. But often there is a need to move or transport the car to another workshop. In such cases, valid license plates from another car are attached to the car, because the chance of being stopped without license plates is higher than with them. This misconception can be very costly.

There are several situations worth talking about:

  • Setting up fake numbers. The fine in this case for an individual will be 2.5 thousand, for officials - from 15 to 20 thousand, and for legal entities - from 400 to 500 thousand in accordance with Article 12.2 Part 3 of the Code of Administrative Offences.
  • Driving with fake license plates. According to Article 12.2 Part 4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, such an offense is punishable by deprivation of rights for half a year to a year.

In conclusion, I would like to say that you should not neglect the established deadlines for registration actions. It is much easier and faster to register a car and attach a license plate than to look for ways to avoid it. If for some reason you are forced to travel without license plates, then remember that the amount of administrative punishment is established for each case individually.

Driving without license plates is considered a violation of traffic rules, and, according to Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, helps to bring the offending driver to administrative responsibility in the form of a fine.

What is the penalty for driving without license plates under the Law? Read in the article.

State registration numbers (or simply numbers) are signs identifying a vehicle, made on a metal plate, which are placed on the front or rear of the vehicle.

Driving without a front or rear license plate may result in a fine being issued.

What laws regulate the mandatory installation of state registration plates?

  • Article 2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, according to which, when driving without state registration numbers (which must be installed on the front and rear of the vehicle), as well as driving with dirty signs, the guilty driver will be subject to administrative liability in the form of a fine of in the amount of 5,000 rubles or deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for a period of 1 to 3 months;
  • Traffic Rules, according to which all vehicles (with or without a trailer) must have front and rear state registration numbers;

Exceptions to the Rules are trams, trolleybuses and bikes.

What's the fine?

According to Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, for driving without state license plates, the driver faces a fine of five thousand rubles or deprivation of a driver’s license.

What is the fine for driving without a front or rear license plate? The same as for driving without front or rear license plates at all 5000 rubles.

Pay a fine online:

In what cases is it acceptable to drive without license plates?

Driving without license plates may not always result in a fine. So, you can drive without license plates:

  • Vehicles such as trams, trolleybuses and bikes;
  • Drivers of new cars;

However, only for ten days until the car is registered.

What fine will the owners of a new vehicle have to pay if the deadline for obtaining registration numbers is overdue?

According to Article 12.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, if the driver of a new vehicle does not apply to the traffic police and register it, after receiving state registration numbers within ten days after its purchase, then when checked by a road inspection officer, he will receive a protocol and will have to pay a fine in the amount of five hundred to eight hundred rubles.

What fine will owners of a new vehicle have to pay if they are re-caught with unacquired registration numbers?

According to Article 12.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, if a driver who has not received registration numbers for a new car is stopped again by a road patrol officer, he will be issued a fine of five thousand rubles;

An alternative to a five thousand fine may be deprivation of control of a vehicle for a period of one to three months.

If the sold car drives without signs

What happens if you sell your car and its new owner does not register it in his name? When stopped by traffic inspectors, the new owner of the vehicle begins to “collect” fines, the payment of which will be the responsibility of the previous owner.

In addition, the previous owner of the vehicle, according to Article 19.22 of the Code of Administrative Offences, will have to pay fine from 1 to 2 thousand rubles. In this case, in order to achieve justice, the old owner of the sold car must:

  • Contact the new owner of the vehicle and demand payment for all issued fines, as well as register the vehicle with the traffic police department;
  • If the new owner of the car does not follow the recommendations, you need to go to the traffic police department yourself and submit an application to deregister the previous vehicle;

At the same time, you need to have with you a document confirming that you once owned this car (purchase and sale agreement).

  • Another way to force the new owner to register the vehicle is to put their former car on the wanted list;

After he finds it, the new owner will get in touch himself, since they will want to confiscate the wanted car, and since he has not yet registered it, he will not be able to confirm that the car is not stolen without the old owner.

What to do if numbers are lost?

If one of the license plates (no matter front or rear) was accidentally lost, then, according to Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, you cannot drive without them.

What should you do if your state registration numbers are lost? Submit an application to the traffic police department with a request to restore the license plates. In this case, there is no need to go through the re-registration procedure (de-registration from the previous registration and registration with a new one).

Documentary and technical responsibility for the vehicle lies entirely on the shoulders of the car owner. Most drivers ignore traffic rules (TRAF) and the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (CAO RF). Such disregard for established norms and orders always entails punishment. What fine for driving without license plates awaits a careless driver? More detailed information is provided below.

Any vehicle (except trams, trolleybuses and mopeds) that participates in road traffic must have registration numbers. As practice shows, many drivers brazenly break the law and allow themselves to use a car without state signs.

Car owners attribute the reasons to the lack of opportunity to complete documents and register their vehicle, but there are also lazy drivers. In both cases, the owner violates traffic rules.

Situations in which an administrative penalty is imposed:

  1. Lack of government numbers.
  2. The sign placement is out of place.
  3. Unreadable signs.
  4. Other people's registration numbers.

You can avoid certain payments for violation only if:

  1. The identifying signs were lost.
  2. Purchasing a new car.

Drivers are interested in questions: what is the fine in 2018, violation, consequences and amount of fines.

What size of fine will drivers face in 2018 for driving without license plates?

Each car has its own registration number. A metal plate is the basis for making a special sign for a car. The material is used not only for passenger cars, but also for automotive equipment in general (for example, motorcycles or trailers).

According to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation), article subdivision 12.2, a fine for driving without a state license. numbers in 2018 will be:

  • 5,000 thousand rubles;
  • deprivation of rights to drive a vehicle for 1 to 3 months by court decision.

Attention! Only an employee of the State Road Safety Inspectorate (STSI) has the right to issue a fine. The transfer of a case to court also occurs with his help. Only a court has the right to revoke a driver's license.

The registration number of the car is lost, what to do in this situation

If you lose the license plate number on your vehicle, you must submit a written application to the traffic police. Service employees will conduct an investigation to identify the fact of forced confiscation of numbers by law enforcement agencies earlier. Having not found any problematic situations, the driver is faced with several ways to solve the difficulties.

Registration of a lost license plate. Required documents:

  1. Owner's passport.
  2. Original vehicle registration certificate.
  3. TS passport.
  4. Insurance policy (original).
  5. Valid driver's license.
  6. Temporary registration – certificate.

Re-registration takes from 3 working days. The state duty is 25,000 thousand rubles. After payment, the driver is issued a new registration number. The entry and a copy of the certificate are included in the vehicle passport.

Reproduction of a duplicate on official sources. A company with official permission has the right to carry out such actions.

If you lose one sign, you are given the opportunity not to contact the traffic police. When the driver confirms ownership of the vehicle, the organization will reproduce its services.

Driving without a front or rear registration number

There are different situations: one of the signs is lost or thieves brazenly removed it from the car. In this case, the driver has no rights. Since the second part of Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (CAO RF) states that driving without a rear number plate or without a front number plate is prohibited.

In this case, the vehicle owner needs to collect all the documents in advance, otherwise he will face:

  • fine 5,000 thousand rubles;
  • deprivation of rights by court decision.

To avoid such legal proceedings, it is recommended to check license plates before traveling.

Trailer without license plates: what to expect in this case

Administrative prosecution applies to all vehicles that participate in road traffic without state license plates. The trailer must have the appropriate documents and signs.

Requirements for operation according to state standards:

  1. Trailer insurance policy or a brief entry about it in the main document - the passport.
  2. Confirmation of the right to drive a car with a trailer (documentary).
  3. The unit must not obscure the rear lights.
  4. Light equipment for license plates on the trailer.

In the absence of a state number, the trailer is considered unregistered. After purchase, it is necessary to urgently register the non-mechanical vehicle with the traffic police.

Attention! The law allows you to use a trailer that does not have license plates for 10 days after purchasing it.

The owner of the unit, having completed full registration, receives documents and license plates. The document contains a complete list of technical and external characteristics.

Violation is punishable by:

  1. Administrative liability in the amount of 500 to 800 rubles for the absence of license plates and documents on the trailer.
  2. Repeated violation entails a larger penalty of 5,000 thousand rubles and possible deprivation of the driver’s license for up to 3 months.

The laws of the Russian Federation state the forced use of signs; non-compliance will always be punished. Administrative offenses are resolved during the trial.

Motorcyclists without license plates: will there be punishment?

A universal and simple method in the fight against traffic jams is a motorcycle. In the spring, drivers are thinking about purchasing an easy way to get around city traffic jams. Such transport has advantages when it is not registered. There is no transport tax, and the speed sensor will not be able to detect anything. But what to do when a traffic police inspector catches a careless driver?

The nuances of owning a unit:

  1. A motorcycle is registered in the same way as any other vehicle.
  2. After purchasing a new vehicle, you are given 10 days for registration.
  3. After the time has expired, if registration has not occurred, traffic police officers have every reason to fine the owner.
  4. For incorrect registration of license plates on a motorcycle, a fine may be imposed under Article 12.2 of Part 2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

How much a fine will cost a driver for violating the rules will be clarified during court proceedings.

Is it possible to use a new car without license plates?

According to the law of the Russian Federation, driving without state signs is prohibited, but there is a pitfall here too.

You can drive a car without license plates after purchasing it; to do this, you must have:

  • vehicle purchase and sale agreement;
  • car passport;
  • insurance.

The driver is given 10 days to register his car at any traffic police department. After the expiration of the period, the inspector has every right to issue a fine of 500 to 800 rubles - for the first time. A second similar violation entails a larger fine of 5,000 thousand rubles. But when the case is transferred to court, a higher authority deprives the drivers of their license for 3 months.

You are allowed to drive a new car in 2018, but only for a certain period of time. The main requirement is not to delay registration with the traffic police department.

What are the dangers of driving with fake license plates?

The very fact of falsifying documents is destructive. This is a gross violation of administrative legislation, which is becoming stricter every year. Using someone else's license plates will lead the would-be driver to the full rigors of the law.

Part 3 of Article 12.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation states that establishing false numbers is fraught with a fine of 2,500 thousand rubles. The official who is responsible for the use of the vehicle pays a fine in the amount of 15,000 thousand rubles to 20,000. A legal entity imposes a penalty of 400 thousand to 500,000 rubles.

Part 4 states that the intentional use of false license plates entails the deprivation of a driver's license. The term is based on 6 months to 1 year. The decision is made by a judge in the courtroom.

Legal driving periods without license plates

On Russian roads you are allowed to drive without license plates only:

  • tram;
  • trolleybus;
  • moped;
  • bike

The period of use of a vehicle without license plates is 10 days!

List of main violations and their consequences:

  1. One of the numbers is present - a 5,000 thousand fine plus possible deprivation of rights for a period of one to three months.
  2. Loss of a license plate – 5,000 thousand rubles.
  3. Dirty rooms – 500 rubles.
  4. Someone else’s license plates – 2,500 thousand rubles and deprivation of rights from six months to a year.
  5. Buying a new car - from 500 to 800 rubles after 10 days have passed from the date of purchase.

How to restore license plates on a car

The process of restoring registration numbers will take a lot of effort and expense.

List of required documents for re-registration:

  • a written statement from the owner of the fixed changes, stating the reason;
  • Russian Federation car owner's passport;
  • OSAGO;
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.

Attention! After submitting the application, the driver is provided with a completely new combination of symbols on the license plates.

Further actions of the driver:

  1. Finding a company that has official permission to make a copy of the registration number.
  2. The registration card and old number are provided to the company.
  3. Conclusion of an agreement.

Advice! It is not important to contact the traffic police to restore license plates. Collecting a lot of documents, writing an application, going through all the authorities is long and very tedious.

The cost to a commercial organization for restoration is from 1000 to 1500 thousand rubles per duplicate.

Application through the traffic police - 2000 thousand rubles for license plates, PTS - 350-450 rubles, STS - 500 rubles.

Benefits of duplication:

  • complete absence of queues;
  • fast production;
  • After restoration, you can immediately use the vehicle.

The disadvantage is possible problems in the future with traffic police inspectors.

The video discusses the question of whether it is possible to drive without license plates, and what punishment will follow for this.

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