Penalties for driving and parking on the lawn. Parking on the lawn in winter

Currently, the number of car enthusiasts is growing exponentially. And every day a person has to think about where to park his car.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


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Most often, people park them right on the lawn, but according to the law this is not allowed. Let's look at these and many other issues in more detail.

What can be considered a lawn?

Before understanding what is considered parking on a lawn, you should first understand in more detail what can legally be considered a lawn.

A lawn is a piece of land with natural or artificially created grass cover.

The cover is created by planting it with seeds of specially selected grasses, which serve as a background for planting or as an element of the landscape.

Car parking rules

Parking or parking of the car is carried out only in the designated areas. They are indicated by a road sign or marking.

What is allowed

Parking or parking a vehicle is permitted only in designated areas.

What is prohibited

Parking a car on lawns and sidewalks, near children's playgrounds is prohibited for all citizens, including military personnel. This is considered a serious traffic violation.

Types of driver responsibility

If a motorist parks his car in a place not intended for this purpose, he faces an administrative fine.

Established at the federal level

For incorrect parking, a fine is imposed on the motorist, which is fixed by Federal laws:

  • : “Failure to comply with the requirements regulated by road signs or markings results in the driver receiving a warning or an administrative fine of 1,500 rubles.
  • : If incorrect parking was done by a resident of Moscow or St. Petersburg, then he will have to pay about 300,000 rubles.

In Moscow and Moscow Region

In Moscow and Moscow Region, the amount of fines for illegal parking is much higher compared to other cities.

They are regulated by the following documents:

  • , which establishes a ban on entry and parking of cars on the lawn.

In St. Petersburg

In this city, offenders are fined in accordance with Article 12.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, where a green area and a sidewalk have equivalent meanings.

In addition, careless motorists are fined here for improper parking in accordance with the law, which provides for a fine for the destruction or damage of green spaces.

Fines for parking on the lawn in 2019

Who is fining?

Many people who often park on the lawn wonder who issues the administrative fine.

Traffic police officers can impose a fine for parking on the lawn.

In this case, the grounds for imposing a fine are:

  • Their identification of a parked car that violates the requirements stipulated by road signs, markings, and parking rules.
  • Providing information from various public organizations, media sources, and government agencies about the violation that occurred.
  • Providing information from individuals about violations of parking rules.
  • Providing relevant organizations with photo or video materials showing violations of parking rules.

Where to complain?

Having seen an offense, many people think about how to deal with the offender.

A person who discovers that a car was parked incorrectly can send a complaint against the car owner to:

  • District police departments and traffic police departments.
  • District government.

The complaint, which is filed with these authorities, must contain the following data: personal data of the applicant, fact and evidence of the offense.

In addition, send an appeal to the traffic police directly from the official website of the inspection

To do this, you need to select the appropriate section.

Then fill in the personal information of the person making the complaint.

After this, we add our photo, video and other available evidence in a special form.

At the final stage, we receive an identification number for the application and then wait for the department’s response within 30 days.

Where to complain in Moscow?

A special application called “Moscow Assistant” has been created for Muscovites.

With its help, you can send a complaint against the violator and attach evidence to it. However, this application is currently only valid within the Third Transport Ring.

There is also an “Angry Citizen” application for all Moscow residents, to which you can send complaints or a hotline that helps you directly contact traffic police officers. Hotline phone number: 495-205-85-62.

This year, the system for identifying cars that were parked on the lawn in the Moscow region was simplified: while previously tracking of offenders was carried out by traffic police officers, at the end of 2019 the Mobile Reporter application was created, which independently records violators and sends their data to the system .

The governor of the Moscow region, Vorobiev, stated that the owners of such cars could be fined based on photos and videos that were transferred to the relevant authorities by third parties.

He also announced plans to introduce the “Convenient Parking” program, which provides a sufficient number of spaces for cars in the local area.

And new fines for illegal parking will be used to improve the local area.

How to prove a fact?

In order to prove the existence of an offense, a person must provide evidence to the competent authorities.

These include photography - snapshots and video shooting.

The photo must contain the car number and house number, as a link to the area where the violation occurred.

Where to send photos?

If a person wants to send photo or video evidence by mail, then you can find out the address at the regional traffic police department.

Also, the institution’s staff will provide more complete information on how to properly prepare documents.

Amount of punishment

Many violators are interested in the question of what the fine is for this offense.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the amount of the fine depends on the violator.

Region Article Type of intruder Fine, rub.
Regions of the Russian Federation Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation art. 12.19 p.1 For all 500
Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation art. 12.19 p.5 Residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg 2500
Moscow and Moscow region Article 4.18 of the Moscow City Code No. 45 Ordinary citizens From 4-4 500
Officials 50 000
Legal entities 300 000
Article 8.25 of the Moscow City Code No. 45 Ordinary citizens 5 000
Officials 30 000
Legal entities 300 000
Saint Petersburg Law “On Administrative Offenses in St. Petersburg” dated May 31, 2010 No. 273-0 Ordinary citizens From 3,000 to 5,000
Officials From 5,000 to 40,000 rubles
legal entities From 150,000 to 500,000 rubles

Only a traffic police officer can answer in more detail the question of how much a motorist will have to pay for this violation.

What should a motorist do?

If a motorist receives such a fine, then the procedure for his actions should be as follows:

  • if you agree with the fine issued, pay it at the bank;
  • If you disagree with the fine issued, you should appeal it.

How to pay?

The fine is paid by the motorist within the time limits established by law.

If he does not do this on time, then additional measures of prosecution may be applied to him.

You can pay the fine in several ways:

  • through the cash desk of Sberbank;
  • through the cash desks of other banks that are optimal for the client;
  • through special terminals located in the department of traffic inspectors;
  • through the online payment acceptance service located at each bank.

Is there a 50% discount?

A fine for illegal parking must be paid by the motorist within 60 days from the date of receipt.

A 50% discount is provided for those violators who pay the receipt within 20 days after receiving it.

After this time, the driver will have to pay the full amount.

How to avoid?

A motorist can appeal a complaint filed against him in the following cases:

  • no connection to a specific area;
  • there is no green grass or other greenery in the parking area;
  • there is no playground nearby;
  • according to the project, the place where the car is parked is not a lawn, so such parking is not a violation of the law;
  • the motorist had his own personal reasons for leaving the car in an unauthorized place;
  • Parking was provided in winter. There are no legal rules that regulate parking in winter.

How to challenge or appeal?

Many violators who do not agree with the fine imposed on them often wonder how to appeal it.

The car owner can appeal the fine within 10 days. In this case, the driver must be sure that the fine was imposed on him illegally or that the evidence provided does not establish the existence of an offense.

Also, the outcome of the appeal process depends on the organization that imposed the fine.

For example, if a document is received from the traffic police, then the complaint is sent to them by mail or personally issued in the name of the chief who issued the receipt.

If the receipt was issued at MADI, then it is also issued by mail or issued by the car owner in person.

What documents need to be attached?

To appeal you will need:

  • a completed complaint against a decision on an administrative violation;
  • copies of the original resolution, on both sides;
  • application for consideration of a complaint without the personal presence of the car owner;
  • additional documents proving the innocence of the car owner. This could be a receipt or a DVR recording.

If a person has missed the deadline for appealing the imposed fine, he must file a petition to reopen the consideration of the case.

Sample complaint

The complaint must be submitted in free form, but the following main points must be included:

  • Address of the place where the complaint is filed.
  • Full name of the addressee: personal data of the head of the department.
  • Full name of the applicant who wrote the complaint.
  • The applicant's residential address and contact telephone number.
  • Next, in the middle of the paper, write the word: “Statement.”
  • Then comes the main part. It describes the essence of the complaint and tells what measures were taken to independently resolve the problem. The following describes the request to take action against this violator.
  • Next is the number and signature.

Arbitrage practice

Lawyers note that there are many reasons that help a motorist avoid a fine:

  • In different cities, different areas are called lawn. Thus, if a person parks a car in a place where there is no grass or other green space, then before paying a fine, you need to find out whether they are considered a lawn by law.
  • In most cases, courtyard lawns are such only thanks to the efforts of janitors. In this case, issuing a fine will be considered legal.
  • The motorist can prove his innocence by citing the fact that he unintentionally stopped at the indicated place.
  • In this case, he must be sure that there were no witnesses during this action, and there are no surveillance cameras on the houses. Force majeure situations are also grounds for appealing a fine.

The driver can prove his innocence by citing the fact that he was forced to stop at a given place for health reasons or in order to avoid an accident.

Is it possible to resolve the issue without conflict?

If residents do not want to call the police to issue a fine, then alternative methods can be used to solve the problem.

Communication with the driver

  • Initially, you should talk to the car enthusiast and tell him that:
  • Constant parking in the yard pollutes it and spoils the asphalt.
  • The constant dirt that accumulates on the wheels remains on the lawn and playground and deteriorates the overall appearance of the yard.

If a driver parks his car next to a playground, then his children breathe in all the dirt from the car.

Cleaning together will be very helpful. It will help avoid conflict and improve the condition of the yard.

Meeting of dissatisfied residents

If the driver does not want to communicate and continues to park the car in the wrong place, then you need to gather all the residents and hold a collective meeting.

Neighbors, having discovered a motorist’s car on the lawn, can independently call and call an inspector and tell him about the offense.

The employee must go to the scene of the incident, draw up a protocol and record the offense.

Using specialized programs

Currently, many programs have been developed that help record offenses.

For example, in 2019, a program for smartphones called “Moscow Assistant” was released.

The program helps you file a complaint with the appropriate organization about a violation of parking rules and attach evidence to it.

As we all know, you can't drive on the lawn. But there is no punishment for such an offense in the traffic rules. And they can issue a fine for parking. How does this happen?

Let's start with the definition; there is no legal basis in the legislation. But on the site it can be considered an offense if there is a record of this in the laws of the region. Often, legislation that determines the amount of a fine for parking on green spaces is found in laws that are related to the improvement of the place where the offense was recorded. There are subjects where a ban on damaging a grassy plot of land has been established, but administrative liability is not provided for, then the authorities punish violators under Article 12.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for improper parking. There are also those in which the city administration is limited to collecting from drivers the cost of a damaged “green” section of the city without drawing up a protocol (for example, this is practiced in Samara, Moscow and St. Petersburg).


But this does not mean at all that you can park your car on it without consequences. You may be fined and even have your car towed. What are law enforcement officers guided by when making such decisions? FC “On Administrative Offenses” Art. 12.19, paragraph 1. But regional authorities establish their own types of responsibility. Administrations set from 500 to 5 thousand rubles. Muscovites and guests of the capital will pay 4–4.5 thousand rubles for causing damage to their vehicles. The capital even has an automatic system that tracks cars that are left in the wrong place. Moreover, decisions are drawn up as many times as the system records an offense. If a car enthusiast parks his car there every day, then he will have to pay 5 thousand rubles for all days. Penalty amounts may vary in different regions.

In winter

Difficulties in making decisions arise in winter. Due to the fact that in winter, when everything is covered with snow, it is very difficult to determine where the roadway ends and where the green spaces begin. If it is an unfenced area with clearly defined boundaries. It is also possible to avoid punishment if legally the area that was used to park the car is not recognized as a lawn (sports or children's playground), in which case the traffic police inspector cannot punish the owner of the car. To assign the status to this site, residents of a house near which a legally unrecognized area is located have the right to go to court and only after that can the violator be fined.

To check this, you need to contact the management company with a request. They must have documents for land surveying. There, the boundaries of the roadway are clearly separated from sidewalks and playgrounds and sports grounds. If, according to the documents, this is a roadway, and you are charged with parking on green spaces, do not be afraid to challenge this in court. There is also a special coating that is not subject to rolling out; you can also park your car on it.

The same applies near houses and near bodies of water. Doing this is strictly prohibited. Both from a legal and moral point of view. Nowadays there are a huge number of car washes - both expensive and cheap. And everyone can choose the one that suits their pocket and is more convenient for them. There are self-service car washes, the price tag there starts from 50 rubles. Washing cars in courtyards is considered unsanitary conditions, for violation of up to 5,000 rubles. It’s easy to calculate how many washes your paid collection will last you for. Raids to detect violations are carried out regularly, and neighbors may complain about those who like to wash their “iron horse” near their house. So there is no need to hope that you will not be punished. And it’s more pleasant to live in a yard that is clean and comfortable.

But punishments alone cannot solve the problem; it is necessary to organize parking lots and fence off green areas. There are precedents when drivers take a statement of penalties imposed on other violators in this place, and then the demand already comes from district administrations and management companies. They take money from people, but do not take action to prevent repeated violations.

Many people take care of their yards on their own and do not wait for management companies to do the landscaping. They plant grass, flowers, and clean up. And someone comes and, due to the fact that there is nowhere to park their car, drives into green spaces, after which they become unusable. This state of affairs is unacceptable, and such violations must be strictly suppressed. There are places in many yards where the ground is rolled out by cars to such an extent that furrows from the wheels remain there, and in wet weather the cars begin to slip and scatter dirt all over the street. Cars already take up a lot of space in our lives, and we can’t even imagine life without them. But not everyone has the opportunity to visit suburban areas. And they can only bring nature into their yards on their own; let’s not deprive people of this opportunity. Be polite and cultured. Respect yourself and others.

What is the fine for parking on the lawn (parking lot) in 2017? To answer the question, it is necessary to take into account the region in which the violation was established and Russian legislation.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


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In 2017, the number of car enthusiasts is growing at a rapid pace. Because of this, in many cities, parking a car or other vehicle turns into a whole problem.

Many motorists decide to park their vehicle on the lawn, but according to Russian law this is a violation of traffic rules.

Let's take a closer look at the fines for parking on the lawn and ways to avoid punishment.

What you need to know

To address the basic issue, it is initially recommended to understand what is legally considered a lawn.
This will avoid problems with traffic police officers and automatically the obligation to pay a fine.

Necessary information

The definition of “lawn” means a plot of land on which grass cover is located artificially or naturally formed.

The cover is formed by planting a plot of land with seeds of specially selected grasses, which are the background for planting or one of the components of the landscape or plantings. Explanations on this issue are presented in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Collection payment

The issued fine can be paid by the owner of the vehicle only within the periods established by Russian legislation.

If the established deadlines are ignored, additional measures will be taken against the motorist, entailing serious consequences.

You can pay the issued fine in one or several ways, namely:

If you have a personal account on the State Services portal, you can pay the fine online. For payment you can use not only a bank card, but also electronic wallets.

Current standards

The main regulatory documents on the basis of which a fine for illegal parking is calculated are:

In Moscow and the region, the main regulatory documents are considered to be:

  1. Moscow City Code on Administrative Offences.
  2. Moscow Government Decree No. 743-PP - reflects the mechanism for recording violations of traffic rules.
  3. Moscow City Law No. 17 of May 1999 - prohibits entry and parking of cars on the lawn.

This list of legislative acts is not exhaustive, but contains all the necessary information.

What is the fine for parking on a lawn?

The size of the fine directly depends on the region in which the offense was recorded. For example, in St. Petersburg in 2017 the fine is:

In other regions of Russia, owners of vehicles that have committed an offense will be forced to pay a fine of 500 to 1 thousand rubles.

Moreover, it is necessary to pay attention to the possibility of a discount that can be obtained when paying a fine in the first 20 days from the date of receipt of the Resolution.

Who has the right to impose a penalty?

Only traffic police officers can issue a fine for violating parking rules. Moreover, the grounds for issuing a fine are considered to be:

A vehicle found parked on the lawn Which violates the requirements stipulated by Russian legislation (ignoring road signs, markings, etc.)
Information received from various public organizations Media and other channels about the offense that occurred
Received from individuals Information regarding violations of established parking rules
Received photos or video materials Confirming the fact of ignoring parking rules by vehicles

In other words, traffic police officers can issue a fine if there is evidence of a violation of vehicle parking rules.

How much is the cost in Moscow

In 2017, there are penalties for residents of the capital for parking on the lawn:

As you can see, the fine for parking on the lawn for a legal entity is the largest in Moscow.

In 2016, Moscow introduced an innovative system for tracking unscrupulous vehicle owners who park their cars on the lawn. The system is called mobile inspector.

It means a device with a video camera that records offenses. A special feature is that the equipment automatically transmits information about the violator to the traffic police.

It is important to remember that the amount of liability cannot be limited to a fixed amount, since it is influenced by several factors: the section of the road, the regularity of violations, and so on.

Is it possible to pay half

The issued fine for illegal parking, including on the lawn, must be paid within 2 calendar months from the date of receipt of the relevant Resolution.

You can apply for a 50% discount only if the violator pays the fine within the first 20 days from the date of receipt of the Decree.

Video: fine for parking on the lawn

If the offender misses the established grace period for any reason, the fine is paid in full.

In what cases is parking in the yard permitted?

In some situations, Russian legislation provides for the possibility of parking on the lawn.

For example, this is possible with eco-parking (when the parking area was sown with special varieties of grass that have a high level of resistance to collisions or was equipped with a special lawn grid).

However, such parking spaces are extremely rare in practice. Another option is the zone in which the “Parking” sign is located, or the city has annulled the requirements regarding the ban on this type of parking.

During the winter period, violators can challenge the issued fine. This is possible if, for example, the lawn is completely covered with snow.

However, Russian legislation does not allow direct parking on such lawns in winter. Parking on the lawn is also permitted with the permission of the traffic police inspector himself.

For example, if he stopped the car for inspection and the only place to stop (without interfering with traffic) is the lawn.

In other situations, parking is considered illegal and is subject to a fine in the prescribed amount.

How to challenge (appeal)

Vehicle owners have the right, in accordance with the current Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, to appeal the decision in such cases as:

  • there is no connection to a specific region/district;
  • there is no green grass or no other greenery where the vehicle is parked;
  • There is no children's playground near the parking lot;
  • according to the city project, the place where the parked car is located does not belong to the lawn, therefore there is no corpus delicti;
  • the vehicle owner had compelling reasons for parking in prohibited areas;
  • parking was in winter. There are no rules for parking in winter in Russian legislation.

An appeal is possible within the first 10 calendar days from the date the fine was issued. In such a situation, drivers must be completely sure that the sanction is illegal and there is no evidence base.

To appeal a fine you can contact:

  • directly to the traffic police office in the region in which the fine was issued;
  • to the judicial authority.

To apply to a judicial authority, you must draw up a statement of claim and attach evidence.

If its size is no more than 5 thousand rubles, then the best option is to pay within the first 20 years at a discount.

In the Administrative Code Punishment for violating the rules of parking and stopping cars is prescribed in Article 12.19. In cases when it comes to cars on lawns, it is possible to fine a driver based on this document only in the case of driving, but not parking on it.

The absence of articles in the traffic rules and the Code of Administrative Offenses providing for punishment for leaving a car on the lawn, does not relieve drivers from liability for this violation.

Punishments for offenses of this nature regulated by regional legislation and codes. The amount of fines for them may vary.

In what cases can you come in?

For driving and parking cars on the lawn, regarded as traffic violations, punishment - administrative fine.

Car owners may be fined for parking cars on lawns based on Article 12.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses or local laws in case of violation of traffic rules.

Cases when a car owner drives into such territory in winter, there may be an exception, because this note is not always included in the relevant law, and it is not always possible to determine where the lawn begins under the snow.

Is parking allowed?

Leaving a car on the lawn will not result in a fine in the following cases:

In all other cases, the car owner who parked his car on the lawn you will have to pay a fine.

The traffic police officer will draw up a report, and the driver will be invited to the commission. If the car owner is able to explain himself to the members of the commission, he will be given a warning reprimand. If the driver does not appear at the commission meeting at all, he will no longer be able to challenge his guilt.

Moving around green spaces

For driving on the lawn, the driver can be prosecuted and will receive a fine in the event that this violation occurred in a populated area, the Code of Administrative Offenses of which provides for punishment for damage to green spaces.

If the local administrative act does not mention this, then the owner of the car will not be punished for such a violation.

Is parking allowed in winter?

In a number of settlements in our country, leaving a car on the lawn in winter the owner will not have to pay a fine.

The bottom line is that not all local regulations on this topic talk about punishment for a car parked in such a place in winter. Besides, in winter, when there is a lot of snow, it is not always possible to understand where the asphalt ends and the lawn begins.

If the regional Code of Administrative Offenses stipulates a fine for parking/parking on the lawn, then a police officer has the right to issue a fine to the car owner and in winter, but the owner of the car in this case can challenge this.

What are the consequences of violating traffic rules in this matter?

Responsibility for parking a car on the lawn may incur not only punishment - a fine, which is provided for in almost all local legislative acts related to this issue - but also car evacuation.

Any resident of a house next to which a car is parked that interferes with the movement of pedestrians, has the right to call the police and a tow truck. This right is assigned to citizens by Article 12.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

How to fight and where to complain?

The fight against illegal car parking on the lawn is possible. For this you will need to photograph the car so that the license plates are included in the frame, and the photo reflected the time and date of shooting.

You must submit your complaint about parking on the lawn and accompanying photographs. send to the administration of your locality for consideration by the commission.

If parking on the lawn next to the house interferes with the free movement of pedestrians, you can remove it - you need to complain to the police and tow truck service.

When parking their cars, owners should remember that leaving the car on the lawn will be considered by the traffic police as a violation punishable by a fine. Entering and driving through such territory will also lead to the need to pay an administrative fine.

The Code of Administrative Offenses and the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation do not provide for articles directly related to parking, travel and access to lawns. Punishments for these offenses are fixed at the local level through legislation and laws.

In a number of cases, including winter, the driver will not be punished for parking, driving and hitting a lawn, because from a legal point of view, a lawn is not always a lawn, and snow in winter does not allow defining clear boundaries between the asphalt and the area with plantings.

A car parked on the lawn interfering with the free movement of pedestrians, at the request of citizens may be evacuated.

If the car owner received a fine for parking, driving or entering such an area, There's no point in trying to get away with it. Firstly, a fine from such a driver will still be collected in court, and secondly, during a meeting of the administrative commission, the violator will be able to explain himself and get off with a severe reprimand.

What to do to remove cars from the lawn or yard, watch the video:

Reading time: 6 minutes

Every law-abiding driver knows that parking on lawns is prohibited. This is an administrative offense for which a monetary penalty is expected. The fine for parking on the lawn in 2019 is a considerable amount. We'll talk more about parking rules, the amount of punishment, the procedure for issuing a fine and the possibility of appealing.

Lawn concept

Surprisingly, you will not find an interpretation of the term “lawn” in any legislative act. However, parking on a lawn area is considered an offense if it is provided for in the regional law of the relevant territory. It also happens that regulations related to the improvement of a particular subject do not provide for a ban on damaging grassy areas of land: in this case, it is not established what the fine is for parking on a lawn - they are simply fined for incorrect parking.

The term “lawn” can be found in traffic rules (traffic rules), but only in conjunction with the concept of “sidewalk” - no other interpretations can be found there. However, if you rely on the definition from a regular dictionary or on objective ideas about this word, a lawn is any well-groomed piece of land on which there is short-cut grass (usually perennial or ornamental).

If the driver has committed an offense, he faces the following types of liability:

  • according to the Law “On Environmental Protection”;
  • according to the regional Code of Administrative Offenses (CAO);
  • according to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Therefore, it is very important to understand what this responsibility is expressed in, how to avoid it or challenge it.

Who fines

First of all, you should understand who is fined for parking on the lawn. Since parking in the wrong place is a significant offense, it entails a monetary penalty. The Russian Federation Law on Administrative Liability states that traffic police officers have the right to impose fines.

Who issues a fine for parking on the lawn of local areas? Here the situation is different, and the powers are vested in the city administration. If you notice an offense of this nature, you should contact its employees.

So, from the above we can conclude that all monetary penalties are issued in accordance with regional laws (city/village/town) by the following services:

  • traffic police;
  • local administration.

Fines may vary in size, but more on that below.

Has the fine been canceled?

This summer, news feeds were full of information about a Belgorod citizen who was fined for parking on a lawn, and he appealed to the Supreme Court and won the case. Has the fine for parking on the lawn been abolished? In fact, the situation is like this: the Supreme Court made a decision that prohibits the introduction of regional fines and punishments if they are not prescribed in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. That is, any regional authority can establish its own requirements only of a nature that does not contradict federal legislation.

Federal laws “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” and “On environmental protection” include a ban on parking on lawns.

However, administrative liability is not provided for such a violation, and one could conclude that the fine for parking on the lawn was canceled. But regional services still continue to impose monetary penalties; they find other reasons for this: for example, as mentioned above, they fine for illegal parking.

Parking rules

In accordance with the law, parking is a specially designated place intended for organized parking of vehicles on a paid or free basis. The parking space may be adjacent to:

  • roadway;
  • roadside;
  • sidewalk;
  • bridge;
  • overpass.

It can also be part of:

  • under-bridge and under-overpass spaces;
  • buildings;
  • structures;
  • buildings;
  • areas.

The decision on paid or free parking can be made by:

  • owner of the road;
  • owner of the land plot;
  • owner of the relevant part of the building/structure/structure.

In the traffic rules in section 12, which is called “Stopping and Parking,” the points regarding parking rules are clearly stated. It also highlights situations in which stopping or parking is prohibited. It is extremely important to familiarize yourself with them, because if you break the rules, you may incur administrative liability. In the specially prepared article “” you can read about the size of monetary penalties and the cases in which they occur.

Checking fines

There are situations when a car driver is not sure whether he has been charged a fine or what the fine will be for parking on a lawn. For this purpose, the legislation provided for online verification options, which added significant convenience to all vehicle owners.

You can check the availability of administrative penalties today on the following sites:

  • Moscow Service Portal;
  • traffic police website;
  • on Yandex in the “Parking” section, “Checking fines”.

How to pay

You never know when you might unexpectedly become a criminal. Therefore, if it suddenly happens or happens that you need to pay a fine, you should be aware of the ways in which this can be done. Today there are the following options:

  • through the cash desk of Sberbank;
  • through cash desks of other banks;
  • at Russian Post;
  • in traffic police departments;
  • through terminals in the cars of inspection staff;
  • online payment of fines on websites.

Plus, you can pay fines via the Internet not only from a plastic card, but also from a mobile phone account. The question of options for reimbursing penalties for offenses is discussed in more detail in the article “”.

How to dispute

We have already talked about how to avoid possible misunderstandings with a traffic police officer. In addition, everything is reduced to a minimum - study the parking rules, and also remember in which places you can stop and park in accordance with traffic rules. However, if the offense has already occurred, how can you challenge the fine for parking on the lawn?

Parking on the lawn. What is the fine for this: Video

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Eating deliciously and losing weight is real. It is worth including lipotropic products in the menu that break down fats in the body. This diet brings...

Anatomy is one of the oldest sciences. Already primitive hunters knew about the position of vital organs, as evidenced by...

Structure of the Sun 1 – core, 2 – zone of radiative equilibrium, 3 – convective zone, 4 – photosphere, 5 – chromosphere, 6 – corona, 7 – spots,...

1. Every infectious diseases hospital or infectious diseases department, or multidisciplinary hospitals must have an emergency department where it is necessary...
ORTHOEPIC DICTIONARIES (see orthoepy) are dictionaries in which the vocabulary of the modern Russian literary language is presented with...
A mirror is a mysterious object that has always inspired a certain fear in people. There are many books, fairy tales and stories in which people...
1980 is the year of which animal? This question is especially of concern to those who were born in the indicated year and are passionate about horoscopes. Due...
Most of you have already heard about the great Mahamantra Mahamrityunjaya Mantra. It is widely known and widespread. No less famous is...
Why do you dream if you are not lucky enough to walk through a cemetery? The dream book is sure: you are afraid of death, or you crave rest and peace. Try...