Labeling system for products made from natural fur. Labeling during production, import and sale

Based on the pilot project regarding chipping of fur products adopted in April 2016, the sale of fur coats that do not have chips is prohibited from August 12, 2016. All market participants must microchap fur clothing: product manufacturers, importers, sellers, individual entrepreneurs.

Chips are control identification marks (CIS) with RFID tags; their memory contains complete information about a specific item made of natural fur.

Receiving chips – chipping system:

System operator marking of fur products The Federal Tax Service was appointed, and the production of KiZov was entrusted to Goznak. Depending on the method of applying the chips to the fur product, there are: hinged, sewn-in, or adhesive. Green tags are for domestic products, and red ones are for foreign ones.

The Federal Tax Service accepts applications for chips. She also checks fur products, clarifies information about the origin of the fur, manufacturer, seller, etc. The chipping process takes 2-3 weeks, so businessmen should take care in advance to timely purchase chips for their products, otherwise they will not be able to sell them.

Foreign suppliers will now have fur coats microchipped prior to customs inspection in the Russian Federation, in warehouses or factories in their state. Data on labeled products will be entered into the Federal Tax Service information system. Access to the information on the chip will be provided to sellers, tax officials, customs officials, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Buyers will also be able to check the tags on fur coats by going to the Federal Tax Service website, entering the code from the chip in a special field, or scanning the tag in the store with a smartphone or tablet using a special application, after which all information about the product will be revealed to them.

Chip replacement procedure:

Replacing a broken chip is not easy. If the chip is damaged, the entrepreneur must draw up a damage report and order a new key. During the production period of the tag (2-3 weeks), the item on which the chip has broken cannot be put up for sale.

Connecting to the Labeling Information Resource?

  1. Taxpayers must first register in the Personal Account of the Marking system using an electronic digital signature;
  2. Submit an application for a KiZ through your Personal Account, providing a full description of the product;
  3. Entrepreneurs must also apply for the production of chips and pay their cost;
  4. After receiving the chips, businessmen mark the goods and report the marking carried out through the Personal Account of the Information Resource.
  5. Transfer of information about the tag is provided by the program

A mark (control (identification) mark) is a strict reporting form with elements (means) of protection against counterfeiting (secure printed products), containing a built-in radio frequency tag, intended for marking goods.
Types of control (identification) mark:
1. Sewn in
2. Adhesive
3. Mounted (invoice)
Dimensions of the control (identification) mark: 25 mm x 160 mm 53 mm x 80 mm
The color of the control (identification) mark depends on the method of putting the product into circulation.
If the product was produced on the territory of the Russian Federation, then the color of the control (identification) mark is green. If the goods were transported to the customs territory of the Russian Federation, then they are red.
Stamps (KiZ) You order in the marking information system, they are produced by the issuer.

After some time, the GS1 portal will process your file and display the processing results in the form of a table. In addition, a file with the processing results will be sent to you at the specified email address.
This file will have the same name as the one you previously downloaded to GS1 - but there will be the following changes:
* If you filled out the line correctly, column number 2 will indicate the issued GTIN number, and column number 32 will indicate (OK).
* If you filled out the line incorrectly, nothing will be indicated in column number 2, and in column number 32 - the reason for the error. For example, “The date of issue of the Declaration is not specified” or “The required field Size is not filled in.”


You can always generate and receive a file with the results of processing your articles by clicking on the button: upload.

Starting from the moment of publication, you will no longer be able to edit the article description. That is, in the template, of course, you can change it as many times as you like - but in the Marking system nothing will change. Therefore, until you are sure that the data entered is correct, set the publication date to the end of the year.

Work on the site Marking.

To work in the marking system, you need IE version 9 or higher, therefore Windows XP will not work.
After registering in the marking system, you will be asked to fill out an application:

In the checkpoint field you indicate zeros (if you are an individual entrepreneur).
You can take the GСP field from the GS1 RUS website (if you are registered) or fill it with zeros.
The full name of the organization means the full name of your legal entity or individual entrepreneur (full name)
In the field "Short name of the organization" - indicate briefly the full name of the individual entrepreneur
In the "Legal address" field - indicate the address of registration of the place of residence

What products are subject to marking?

Answer: ALL PRODUCTS MADE FROM ANY NATURAL FUR, belonging to the heading “Items of clothing, clothing accessories and other products made of natural fur” with HS code 4303, are subject to labeling.

For information: heading 4303 covers all articles of clothing, including accessories (muffs, collars, etc.), made from:
- natural fur;
— other materials lined with natural fur;
other materials in which natural fur is attached to the outside (except for cases where the fur is only a trim).

Description of the product by the manufacturer

1) full name of the product
2) brand or trademark (if available)
3) Name of the company that manufactured the product
4) country of origin of the goods
5) Code TN VED (commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity)
6) Product size
7) Type of Fur
8) Has the product been painted?
9) Product model
10) Color
11) date and number of the declaration of conformity ("missing" received before the introduction of mandatory declaration)

Each batch is issued its own GT with a number, also known as an article
if the products are the same - you can have one GT number, for different ones - different

If the goods are received from an individual: “absent” - the goods are received from an individual (in GS1)

Description of the product by the seller

1) KIZ identifier;
2) RFID tag chip identifier KIZ TID;
3) serial global trade item number SGTIN;
4) taxpayer number;
5) name of the product;
6) an indication of the regulatory document establishing the requirements for the quality of the product (declaration of conformity);
7) name of the product manufacturer;
8) type of product (its description - material, color, size, model, etc.);
9) name of the country of origin;
10) method of releasing goods into circulation (import into the customs territory of the Russian Federation or production on the territory of the Russian Federation);
11) registration number of the customs declaration for the goods (for importing organizations);
12) global trade item identification number GTIN. (we receive it in GS1Rus and GS1Rus sends GTIN for inclusion in the tax marking.)

Based on the results of marking the balances, an inventory sheet (inventory) must be drawn up, containing for each unit of goods, in addition to the information indicated above, information about the supplier of the goods (its Taxpayer Identification Number). The inventory sheet must be transmitted electronically to the Federal Tax Service, on the territory of which the organization is located, within the same time frame as information about the labeling of the goods.

How to legalize imported goods without documents

1) You conduct an internal audit, audit, inspection, whatever you want to call it.
2) Based on this check, having found goods whose legality of import you cannot clearly confirm with any documents, you submit an application to the nearest customs authority.
3) Next, the customs authority conducts an on-site customs inspection. During the customs inspection, if it confirms that you do not have any documents, you have the right, either during the course or as a result of the results, to declare the goods in a simplified manner. The simplified procedure is prescribed by the 537th order of the Federal Customs Service of 2011. Where it is not necessary to attach either contracts or transaction passports. You indicate the cost of this product, you describe it, you pay the established duty and tax, and declare the cost without VAT, of course.
4) You pay duty, tax and, let’s say, legalize this product. From now on it is legalized for you. Why only based on the results of a customs inspection - because this order is exactly what it is called, that an order on a simplified procedure for declaring goods was established during an on-site customs inspection. 537 of 2011. It takes up, in small print, one page. There is an order confirming the order. And it takes up half a page for the order itself and half a page for the order, where the fields are written where the declarant must fill out, and submits it to any customs authority in a simplified manner.

Both duties and taxes are established by government decree. Ten percent plus 18 VAT means only 30 (28? editor's note) percent. Wonderful. So you know that the agreement will only apply to seven product codes, finished products. There were questions here, but I don’t have a separate fur hat or separate fur mittens.
43031090 and then the ninth and tenth digit of the code is ten - a product made of mink, 20 - a product made of arctic fox, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80. That's it. Only in relation to these seven codes, TNV codes will be... This is for what the marking will apply, for which products marking will be required. The last two numbers are 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80. This is in the agreement, and will probably be in the government decree.

What to do if the declarations are lost or you simply did not ask for them at the time of purchase?
1) Take an inventory.
2) Draw up a report on the “discovery” of fur coats without declarations.
3) You declare them voluntarily (you take “responsibility” for their quality)
4) You can trade.

Is it necessary to describe the goods in GS1 RUS before registering in the Marking system?

If you are a participant in the Experiment, then in order to label your leftovers you need to register in the UNISKAN/GS1 RUS System and describe your goods.
You can familiarize yourself with the detailed procedure in the subsection “Labeling system for products made from natural fur” - “Basic actions for labeling” - “How to describe your goods” on the official website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, link attached: https://www.nalog .ru.../describe_prod/
The description of goods on the GS1RUs website is necessary to obtain a GTIN.

If the KIZ is for the remaining goods without individualization, do you need to describe your goods on the GS1RUS website?


What requirements must RFID equipment for marking fur products meet?

1) Operation in frequency ranges that meet the requirements of the ISO 18000-63 standard (860 – 960 MHz for the UHF RFID protocol);
2) support for data transmission protocol - EPCglobal UHF Class 1 Gen 2/ISO/IEC 18000-63:2013 and other compatible versions of the standard.

How to make a KIZ status: Issued by the issuer, confirmed by the customer

This status is received by KIZ, in the program of the Federal Customs Service (FCS).
In order for a KIZ to receive this status: Issued by the issuer and confirmed by the customer - it is necessary to enter the required KIZ in the imported goods section, adding to it a description of the fur product.

A fur coat occupies a special place in a woman’s life. For some it is a dream, but for others it is a necessity. However, both categories agree on one thing - no one wants to buy clothes made of low-quality fur or counterfeit ones. In order not to waste money, it was invented to put chips on fur coats containing important information.

On women's forums, deceived customers constantly talk about fakes that quickly become unusable. This is because the majority of Russian fur coats are from a “gray” illegal manufacturer, which is impossible to find and make a claim against. In 2017, the state promised women to take control of all fur manufacturers and carry out total microchipping of fur products. This will affect both Russian and foreign factories, where these tags will be sewn or installed directly.

Which fur coats should be microchipped?

To prevent unscrupulous manufacturers from selling a rabbit under the guise of a chinchilla, and passing off a marten as a sable, to convince us, the buyers, that this is not dyed, but the most natural fur, a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation was adopted on August 12, 2016.

This decision gives the buyer the right to know what a mink coat actually looks like, painted in all sorts of colors, or made from a rabbit. Now he decides for himself what he wants - a mink or a rabbit, and pays according to the value of the skin.

According to the law, starting from 2017, all fur products sold must be chipped, that is, equipped with a special radio frequency tag that is protected from counterfeiting. It can be stitched or glued into the product, and can also be an invoice. For Russian goods the sign will be green, for foreign goods it will be red.

These rules apply to all items of clothing and individual parts. They primarily concern manufacturers from countries that are members of the economic union. These include countries of the former CIS that produce mink coats, products made from nutria, fox, rabbit, arctic fox, raccoon, and sheepskin. If the product has fur only on the inner lining or the fur pile is attached inside out, chipping is also required. Clothes made from valuable animal fur, such as collars, boas, and muffs, fall under the category of mandatory identification using chips.

In the event that sellers justify the lack of labeling by purchasing goods before 08/12/2016 - the moment when the law on chipping fur coats 2016 came into force, this is a clear violation, an attempt to mislead the buyer, which threatens unscrupulous merchants with a significant fine.

What can be sold without a chip?

Since 2017, all fur coats without a chip are illegal. But there are fur products that are not covered by the new law on chipping fur coats. These include: fur hats; scarves; products with fur trim; haberdashery goods (pillows, bags, blankets, covers); gloves, mittens; shoes; toys; sports accessories.

What you need to know when buying a fur coat

When purchasing a fur coat, make sure that the chip is in place, secured with a disposable seal, or sewn into the seam with a factory stitch. You can find out all the information about your upcoming purchase yourself, without resorting to the services of fur specialists. To do this, you need to download a special application to your mobile phone with information about microchipping fur coats. Scan the QR code on the product tag with your mobile phone. Send the product code for verification and receive the verification result with complete information about this fur product - the value of the fur, the country of origin, the brand, the quality category. The whole story will be studied in detail by you, and you will be able to make your own purchasing decision.

Who benefits from microchipping fur products?

When the system is fully operational

On August 12, 2016, the Government of the Russian Federation obliged manufacturers, sellers, and suppliers to provide appropriate labeling for products made from natural fur. At women's forums, this news was received with enthusiasm, anticipating loud revelations of unscrupulous businessmen. However, according to the latest news, this process is not going so successfully, due to the fact that it is at different stages of implementation in the treaty countries. Because of this, it was decided to extend the pilot project, which allows for voluntary and gradual chipping of fur coats by manufacturers.

Will fur coats become more expensive?

Like any innovation, chipping involves additional costs. We are talking about taxes, customs duties and the cost of manufacturing the chips themselves. Buyers need to be prepared to bear part of the costs themselves, since, according to experts, the price of fur coats will increase by an average of 30%. And this no longer inspires much optimism regarding the introduction of innovation.

They are responsible for quality. Checked by Pulse

Summing up the article on microchipping of fur products, we decided not to be unfounded and not to refer only to official information. Pulse correspondents decided to find out whether it is possible to purchase a high-quality, and most importantly, “legal” fur coat in the stores of our Ivanteevka. Or will you still have to go to the capital for expensive goods?

Without thinking twice, we, a correspondent and photographer of the city newspaper, went to one of the city’s shopping centers. At the fur outerwear store, we were received warily at first, but after explaining the purpose of our visit—to find out whether there were chips on the fur coats being sold—they not only showed us, but also told us in detail about the control and identification marks. And not only. Friendly sales consultant Inna gave us a real tour of fur products and told us how and where they come from in our city.

— Labeling of fur products, as required by law, appeared in 2016. The chip can be hanging, or it can be sewn into the lining of a fur coat,” Inna shares with us. — We purchase our fur products only from Russian manufacturers. At the Pyatigorsk factory, in Minvody, in Stavropol. Products made from mouton are in great demand among Ivanteevsk ladies - this is the warmest fur, cannot be compared with mink or astrakhan fur.

We were able to check a mouton fur coat for quality and legality in a matter of seconds. Using a special program in a mobile phone, scanning the QR code, they immediately received all the information on the smartphone screen.

“The buyer can check any fur coat for quality the old-fashioned way, by lifting the lining, this way you can see the finishing of the skin, you can see if it will crack or fall off,” says Inna. — People who use the Internet are more advanced (some come with sons or daughters), they know about chipping. The older generation chooses a suitable model, focusing on appearance, the opinion of the seller and their own wallet.

Prepared by Yulia Postriganeva

Photo by Mikhail Alenin

However, both categories agree on one thing - no one wants to buy clothes made from low-quality fur or counterfeit ones. In order not to waste money and nerves, it was invented to put chips on fur coats containing important information.

What is microchipping of fur products?

Russian government agencies, led by the Federal Tax Service, decided to take control of all fur coats and sheepskin coats made from natural fur. In this regard, Russian and foreign manufacturers must equip all goods with special marks - control identification marks. Answering the question of what a KIZ is, it can be noted that this type of marking must contain all the information about the product being sold, which is also recorded in a special journal of the Federal Tax Service.

The chip on fur products is attached to the inside or next to the label, which is an integral part of the product when sold. Microchipping fur coats is equally beneficial for the state and the client, since there is often a chance of encountering unscrupulous manufacturers and incurring significant costs. The presence of an electronic information chip is good news, indicating the quality of outerwear.

Labeling system for products made from natural fur

An RFID tag is a method of identifying a fur coat or sheepskin coat using radio frequency signals. The marking of fur products is carried out according to the instructions and under the guidance of the Federal Tax Service, and the manufacture of embedded microcircuits is carried out by Gosznak. With the entry into force of the new law, entrepreneurs are required to order labels in advance, which can only be produced after inspection by the Federal Tax Service. It is impossible to counterfeit or damage the chip, since it is equipped with the following types of protection:

  • holographic tags;
  • resistance to even the most severe frosts;
  • special graphic signs.

What does a chip on a fur coat look like?

Women who buy clothes made of fur are interested to know whether embedding microcircuits will spoil it. It doesn’t matter whether the microchipping of a fur coat is made from mink or rabbit skins - the mark will not affect the appearance in any way. KIZ for fur products can be sewn onto the lining, glued or attached in the form of a label. It is important that the buyer has free access to the microcircuit and can pick it up and check the information contained in it.

From foreign factories, before importing into Russia, entrepreneurs must export fur coats with chips. Red labels have been developed for them, and green labels for domestic products. During the chipping process, each fur coat or sheepskin coat is assigned a unique number contained on a microcircuit, which has very modest dimensions - 53 by 80 mm or 25 by 160 mm.

What does chipping fur coats give?

Experts in the fur industry agree that marking fur coats through chipping was invented for safety. This is a buyer's guarantee, preventing the risk of wasting time and money on a poor quality purchase. If the clothes are really made from rabbit, then there is no point for the manufacturer to change this information, as well as information about the brand.

A billion counterfeit products enter the markets and in this case the state does not receive the lion's share of taxes and customs duties. It is possible that this fact forced the Federal Tax Service to adopt a law on chipping fur coats. Its use not only informs the buyer whether the fur is natural and what the country of origin of the clothing is, but also allows you to control the payment of taxes.

How to check a fur coat using a chip

If the seller says that the fur coat is made of rabbit or mink, and promises that the fur will last a long time, do not take his word for it. The KIZ for fur products is built in along with a special code that each buyer can scan using a mobile application. This is not difficult to do: you need to bring your phone camera to the graphic mark, and the program will recognize it and display all the information about the fur coat.

You can check your fur coat by chip number on the website using step-by-step instructions:

  1. Go to the official website of the Federal Tax Service.
  2. Scroll down the page a little and on the right you will see “Labeling system for products made from natural fur.”
  3. Next, according to the instructions in the blue field, you need to select information for buyers.
  4. Enter the code and click “Check”.

Fur coat with a chip: we buy fur products according to the new rules

On August 12, 2016, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 787 dated August 11, 2016 came into force, which obliges manufacturers, sellers and importers to label products made from natural fur with special control (identification) marks - KiZ. What is changing for buyers, how to choose the right fur coat according to the new rules, what to look for when buying - the website understands everything especially for its readers.

Why did you decide to microchip your fur coats?

To reduce the number of gray and counterfeit goods in Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). The main idea of ​​labeling fur coats is that each one can be traced all the way - from production to sale to the end consumer. With such control, fur coats are unlikely to appear out of nowhere, because the sale of unmarked products will be fraught with heavy fines. Fur products were chosen for the pilot project due to the high proportion of low-quality products - up to 80%. If the project is successful, other products (shoes, children's items, medicines, etc.) will begin to be chipped.

What specific fur products should be tagged with chips?

The labeling rules apply to all items of clothing, parts of clothing and accessories for clothing made of natural fur (muffs, boas, ties, collars, etc.) that go on sale in the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan). Products made from mink, nutria, arctic fox, fox, rabbit, hare, raccoon, sheepskin and other types of natural fur are marked. If the products have only a lining made of natural fur, or the fur is attached to the outside, they also need to be marked. The exception is those items of clothing where fur serves as a trim (collar, lapels, cuffs, pocket trims, etc.). Even if the fur coat was purchased by the store before August 12, 2016, it must still be marked.

What fur products can be sold without labeling?

  • mittens, mittens, gloves made of leather and natural fur;
  • bags, backpacks, traveling bags, etc.;
  • shoes;
  • hats, parts thereof;
  • toys, sports equipment, etc.

Who is required to microchip a fur coat?

All companies and individual entrepreneurs involved in their sale will have to label fur products, that is, retail and wholesale sales, transfer under an agency agreement or on commission, import into the territory of the Russian Federation, etc. When individually tailored to the order of an individual, the fur product does not need to be marked.

Why is a microchipped fur coat better for the buyer?

Special marking of a fur coat (KiZ) confirms its authenticity and legality of origin. Using an individual code with KiZ, anyone can check any fur coat from the store on the website of the Federal Tax Service. Using the same link, you can download free mobile applications for iOS or Android to your smartphone. With their help, you can read the QR code from a fur coat with your phone right in the store and find out all the information about it: name, type of fur, country of manufacture, manufacturer, brand, seller, declaration of conformity number. That is, you can see the entire history of the fur coat and you will know exactly where and what it was made from.

What does a KiZ chip look like on a fur coat?

KiZ is a strict reporting form with a radio frequency tag and protection against counterfeiting.

KiZ for fur products, photo:

KiZ can be sewn into the seam of the product from the wrong side, glued to a sewn-in marking label, or hung in a button hole, hanger or loop fastener on the front of the product with a disposable seal. Its dimensions are 25mm*160mm or 53mm*80mm. A red KIZ indicates that the fur coat was imported into the Russian Federation from other countries. The green KiZ is attached to fur products produced in the Russian Federation.

What should you check when buying a fur coat or fur product?

  • Availability of KiZ, information on the number from it on the Federal Tax Service website or through the mobile application. If there is no KIZ on the fur coat, or there is no data on its number in the system, you are probably dealing with a fur coat that was handmade or brought in a suitcase from Turkey.
  • Product label, mark on leather fabric in products without lining. Pay attention to the specified standard or technical conditions, data on the color and its color, grade. group of defects, type of skins, size, release date.

What will happen to a store if it sells fur coats without labeling?

Fur products displayed for sale must be marked. If a store offers unmarked fur coats for sale, it faces liability under Article 15.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses for selling goods without markings. The fine under it ranges from 5,000 rubles for individual entrepreneurs and from 50 to 300 thousand rubles for organizations. Unmarked goods are subject to confiscation. For special cases, there is criminal liability under Article 171.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Given the increased liability, it will simply be unprofitable for stores to sell fur coats of dubious origin without labeling.

Additional Information

Article from the website Parity - protection of consumer rights. Sample claims.

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2 comments on ““Fur coat with a chip: we buy fur products according to the new rules””

I bought a mink coat in December 2016, they gave me a receipt for it - with a note in it - that it is natural fur, and the fur coat has a tag on the sleeve made of thick black cardboard and a golden rose emblem indicating the size, length, number, color, below barcode. The store is very large and has been selling mechanical products for 15 years. One year warranty. But the country of manufacture is not indicated, how can you find out? Thank you.

All about microchipping fur coats: what is it and why?

For Russia, buying a fur coat is not just a fashion statement or an indicator of status. It is also the desire to be warmly dressed in harsh winter conditions. It is fur that gives these sensations and helps to adapt to the climate. But until now, no one has given a guarantee that by wearing mink, sable or arctic fox fur coats, you will become the owner of a quality product.

On women's forums, deceived customers constantly talk about counterfeits that quickly become unusable, and it is unrealistic to prove the manufacturer's dishonesty. This is because the majority of Russian fur coats are from a “gray” illegal manufacturer, which is impossible to find officially and make a claim against.

In 2017, the state promises women to take control of all fur manufacturers and carry out total microchipping of fur products. Judging by the latest news, this will affect both Russian and foreign factories, where these tags will be directly sewn in or installed.

The authors of the new law are confident that not only the state will benefit from microchipping, but also the customers, who will be 100% informed about their purchase. You will be able to fully find out about the origin of your fur coat without leaving the checkout. To do this, you need to download an application to your mobile phone with information about chipping fur coats in 2016. You will learn how to do this from the video.

Which fur coats should be microchipped?

To prevent unscrupulous manufacturers from selling a rabbit under the guise of a chinchilla, and passing off a marten as a sable, to convince us, the buyers, that this is not dyed, but the most natural fur, a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation was adopted on August 12, 2016.

This decision gives the buyer the right to know what a mink coat actually looks like, painted in all sorts of colors and made from a rabbit. Now he decides for himself what he wants - a mink or a rabbit, and pays according to the value of the skin.

According to the new law, in 2017 all fur products sold will be chipped, that is, equipped with a special radio frequency tag that is protected from counterfeiting. It can be stitched or glued into the product, and can also be an invoice. For Russian goods the sign will be green, for foreign goods it will be red.

These rules apply to all items of clothing and individual parts. They primarily concern manufacturers from countries that are members of the economic union. These include countries of the former CIS that produce mink coats, products made from nutria, fox, rabbit, arctic fox, raccoon, and sheepskin. If the product has fur only on the inner lining or the fur pile is attached inside out, chipping is also required. Clothes made from valuable animal fur, such as collars, boas, and muffs, fall under the category of mandatory identification using chips.

In the event that sellers justify the lack of labeling by purchasing goods before 08/12/2016 - the moment when the law on chipping fur coats 2016 came into force, this is a clear violation, an attempt to mislead the buyer, which threatens unscrupulous merchants with a significant fine.

What can be sold without a chip?

In 2017, all fur coats without a chip are illegal. But there are fur products that are not covered by the new law on chipping fur coats. These include:

  • fur hats;
  • scarves;
  • products with fur trim;
  • haberdashery goods (pillows, bags, blankets, covers);
  • gloves, mittens, fur coats;
  • shoes;
  • toys;
  • sports accessories.

What you need to know when buying a fur coat

When purchasing a fur coat, make sure that the chip is in place, secured with a disposable seal, or sewn into the seam with a factory stitch. The latest news about chipping fur coats confirms the opportunity to independently find out about the upcoming purchase. To do this, go to the tax service forum, download the free application to your phone, and using the individual code of the fur coat, immediately confirm or deny its legality, find out information about the value of the fur, the country of origin, the brand, and the quality category. The whole story will be studied in detail, and you will be able to make your own purchasing decision without resorting to the services of fur specialists.

When the system starts working

On August 12, 2016, the Government of the Russian Federation obliged manufacturers, sellers, and suppliers to provide appropriate labeling for products made from natural fur. At women's forums, this news was received with enthusiasm, anticipating loud revelations of unscrupulous businessmen.

However, according to the latest news, this process is not going so successfully, due to the fact that it is at different stages of implementation in the treaty countries. Because of this, it was decided to extend the pilot project, which allows for voluntary and gradual chipping of fur coats by manufacturers.

Will fur coats become more expensive?

Like any innovation, chipping involves additional costs. We are talking about taxes, customs duties and the cost of manufacturing the chips themselves. Buyers need to be prepared to bear part of the costs themselves, since, according to experts, the price of fur coats will increase by an average of 30%. And this no longer inspires much optimism regarding the introduction of innovation.

Leave your comment:

Guest book:

How long did fur coat typing last?

Hello, please tell me whether the owner of a fur coat has the right, when selling a fur coat, to remove the chip from it and keep it for himself. Thank you.

In Samara, in ODO they sell fur coats; when selling, they cut off the chip, which means they hang it on another fake one.

a rabbit fur coat, and a mink chip, no disposable ones

no seals, just on a cord, read on the app

as much as they like, it means they find a way to deceive

the law, who checks and fines them?

Does the seller have the right to remove the chip when selling a nok fur coat?

Hello, please tell me whether the seller, when selling a fur coat, has the right to remove the chip from it and give a discount of 5 thousand rubles to the buyer. Thank you

Good day. I need to know whether to sell a mink coat with a chip or to remove the chip from the coat?

The turnover of fur products has been taken under control, now a fur coat with a chip

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From August 12, the sale of fur products without special markings is prohibited. Earlier, the Federal Tax Service announced the creation of a special system to control the circulation of marked fur coats

From August 12, 2016, labeling of fur products becomes mandatory in all EAEU countries. The sale, purchase, storage and transportation of any items of clothing made from natural fur is prohibited. Since April 2016, a pilot project for labeling fur products has been operating in Russia. The relevant Federal Law “On the ratification of the Agreement on the implementation in 2015–2016 of a pilot project on the introduction of marking of goods with control (identification) marks for the commodity position “Items of clothing, clothing accessories and other products made of natural fur” President of Russia Vladimir Putin signed in April.

Labeling of fur products

In Russia, from August 12, the circulation of clothing made of natural fur without special markings will be prohibited. Control over this, as well as the formation of a labeling system for light industry goods in the Russian Federation, is carried out by the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

The legislative framework

The need to label fur products is due to the fact that the Government of the Russian Federation in September 2015 entered into an agreement with the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union on participation in a pilot project to control the circulation of fur. The document was ratified by the State Duma on April 15, 2016, and on April 26 it was approved by the President of Russia. In accordance with the document, from April 1, 2016, all participants in trade turnover, from manufacturers and importers to retailers and commission agents, are required to ensure that natural fur and products made from it are marked with special chips. At the same time, the status of a participant in trade turnover does not matter: the new rule applies to both legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

How does it work and how much does it cost?

On the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, in the new section on the system of mandatory labeling of fur products, interested parties can find all the necessary information about the pilot project to record the turnover of fur products. In particular, about how to register in the “Marking” system. To do this, you need to create a personal taxpayer account and enter into an agreement with the issuer of control (identification) marks (KiZ) of fur products.

08/25/2017 / News Microchipping of fur coats

On the territory of Russia there is a Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 11, 2016 No. 787 (as amended on October 12, 2016) “On the implementation of a pilot project to introduce labeling of goods with control (identification) marks for the product position “Items of clothing, clothing accessories and other products made from natural fur." This by-law obliges all participants in the sales chain of fur products (from manufacturers to sellers) to mark goods with a special chip with an RFID tag. It is impossible to counterfeit this chip, since it is equipped with printing protection. Products without proper labeling cannot be sold in the territories of the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEC), namely in the territories of Belarus, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.

The need for chipping fur coats arose against the backdrop of massive consumer dissatisfaction and complaints regarding the quality of products, the service life of clothing items, as well as a large number of fakes. This is because most Russian fur products were from a “gray” illegal manufacturer, which is officially impossible to find. According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, chipping of fur coats, fur vests, and sheepskin coats made of natural fur has led to a “whitewashing” of the market. Until the end of 2016, all finished products had to be marked with special marks (KIZ), and starting from 2017, manufacturers and sellers had to order new KIZ for new products.

What is microchipping?

Chipping is the marking of a product with a special sign that contains the following information:

  • name of the material,
  • place of production,
  • chain of intermediaries,
  • date and place of sale.

This marking can be stitched with a factory seam or glued into the product, or it can be an invoice, the main thing is that there is a disposable seal.

What fur products, other than fur coats, must be microchipped?

All fur products produced and sold in the territories of the EEC must be labeled. If the product is sewn individually to order, then microchipping is not necessary.

Fur products subject to labeling include: fur coats, vests, short fur coats, sheepskin coats made of natural fur, as well as items of clothing such as muffs, collars, boas, boas, etc. In addition, chipped products include clothing with a fur inner lining or with reverse fur pile. The exception is products where fur is used only for decoration as sleeves, collars, pockets, etc. Also not subject to microchipping are: fur hats, scarves, gloves and mittens, and fur bags.

Tangible benefits of microchipping

Before the widespread introduction of chipping of fur products, the verification procedure was carried out manually: the customs control unit checked the name of the product and identified it, confirming that the product was a fur coat (vest, etc.), and not, for example, a down jacket. If controversial issues arose, the goods were sent for examination, which significantly increased the ease of sale of the product. The introduction of markings has significantly simplified these procedures, including remote checks, because the necessary information was read from the chips.

In addition, now the consumer can be confident in the authenticity of the product, the material used and the place of production. And since all the important information is contained in the labeling, the buyer can easily find out everything about the product using smartphones and a program that reads the QR code (you need to download a free application with a database of chipped fur products).

Further development of chipping

In the future, chipping is planned to be introduced for all outerwear and footwear. Currently, leather shoes are marked on a voluntary basis. Children's goods may also be chipped, since the share of counterfeit goods in Russia reaches 40%. Another group of products that may be brought under control is medicines. According to the Moscow Department of Health, approximately 7% of all medicines in the capital are of poor quality, expired, or have incorrect production technology. Some companies already practice the drug labeling procedure, these include: R-Pharm, Biocad, Katren and others.

The only disadvantage of chipping, according to experts, is the mandatory increase in the price of labeled goods, since the procedure is not free and entails additional equipment for production facilities and warehouses.

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Why are fur coats chipped in Russia and how can a buyer learn to read these codes?

Buying a good fur product is not an easy task. The stores today offer a huge range of fur coats to suit every taste and budget. But even a high price is not a guarantee of quality. Russia has decided to combat counterfeit fur products using electronic chip labeling. We explain what microchipping is and how to read the markings in our regular “Question and Answer” column.

Chipping of fur products involves marking them with control (identification) marks (KiZ). KiZ is a strict reporting form with anti-counterfeiting elements and containing a built-in radio frequency tag. They come in sewn-in, glue-on, and overlay types.

Fur products must now contain RFID tags (RFID (Radio Frequency Identification). These tags allow you to read all the information about the product thanks to a scanner. The scanners “hear” RFID tags from a distance of tens of meters, which will allow customs to instantly clear containers with marked cargo, and the regulatory authorities will check the legality of goods in trade and suppress the trade in unmarked products. Goods produced in Russia will be marked with green KiZs, overseas fur coats will be marked with red ones.

On the tax website you can enter the KIZ number. After entering it, the buyer will find out the type of fur, the brand, in which country and at which enterprise his fur coat was sewn.


On the tax website you can enter the KIZ number.

and if you have an old phone... should you rent a phone?

"products lined with natural fur"

And then, if a Chinese rabbit suddenly became a sable, would anyone besides the Chinese know about it? The Chinese will put a tag on it. That makes sense.

The reason for chipping fur coats is tritely simple - a drop in consumer demand. Against the backdrop of the current dollar exchange rate in relation to Russian salaries, large traders became sad and decided, as we usually do, to eat up the smaller ones. “Brought it” to the right place - and there you go, microchipping. And you say quality.

"Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man; his number is six hundred and sixty-six." Chapter 13 Revelations of St. John the Theologian.

T-shirts and underpants are also often counterfeited. Both food and medicine. Chip everything!

This is another absurdity, and some especially gifted ones will believe that the chip that they will draw the right way, almost in the next basement, is a guarantee of quality!! What can we talk about, if ladies from our city brought a GORGEOUS fur coat from Beshkek for 50 thousand rubles, then for 100 thousand, which is less than 1500 dollars, they want to have, I quote, “an exclusive fur coat made from auction fur,” they need to see a psychotherapist, not read chips. There is no way, well, buy a decent down jacket for those thousand, but no, everything is COOL with us

Do fur coats need to be microchipped in thrift stores?

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When using any information and photographic materials in full or in part, a hyperlink to the Amitel Information Agency website is required. The editors can not share the view of the authors.

Labeling fur products: what fur producers, importers and sellers should do

On August 12, 2016, mandatory labeling of fur products was introduced. This means that from this date, manufacturers, importers and sellers of natural fur must provide the goods with special marks, or check the presence of marks on previously marked products. In addition, information about the production, shipment and sale of fur must be transferred to an information system supervised by tax authorities. In this article, we told you what participants in the fur market should do to fulfill their new responsibilities: how to register in the state “Marking” system, where to order control marks, what equipment to purchase, etc. The article also states what responsibility awaits those who evade marking.

Introductory part

The pilot project for mandatory labeling of goods made from natural fur can be divided into two stages.

The first stage is experimental. It started on April 1, 2016 due to the fact that the countries belonging to the single Eurasian Economic Union adopted an agreement on the implementation of a pilot labeling project (signed on 09/08/15)*. But, since this agreement had not yet entered into force in April of this year, participation in the project was voluntary. This means that fur producers, importers and traders could choose to start labeling, but they were not required to do so. At the same time, there was no liability for refusal to mark.

The second stage is the main one. It began on August 12, 2016, since it was from this date that the above agreement came into force. Now participation in the pilot project has become mandatory. Rules for the implementation of a pilot project on labeling have been developed (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 11, 2016 No. 787; hereinafter referred to as the Labeling Rules), and all participants in the fur market must adhere to them.

What is product labeling

To fulfill the obligation to label products made from natural fur, a company or entrepreneur must perform two actions. The first is to attach a control (identification) mark (abbreviated as KIZ) to the product, or check its presence on the marked product. The second is to transfer information about the purchase, import or sale of a fur product to a special information resource. This is a system called “Marking”, which is operated by the tax department. Let us add that control over the labeling process is also carried out by tax authorities.

What products are subject to labeling?

The list of goods subject to labeling is given in Appendix No. 1 to the Labeling Rules. It includes items of clothing made from mink, nutria, arctic fox or fox, rabbit or hare, raccoon, sheepskin and other types of fur. For each type of product, the corresponding code is indicated according to the unified commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity of the unified Eurasian Economic Union (TN FEA of the EAEU). All specified codes belong to group 43 “Natural and artificial fur; products made from it."

In practice, it can be difficult to figure out whether a particular product belongs to goods subject to labeling. For example, is it necessary to mark a mink collar sewn to a drape coat? You can find the answer using a document called “Explanations for the commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity of the Customs Union (TN FEA CU)” (approved by decision of the Customs Union Commission dated November 18, 2011 No. 851, posted on the website of the Eurasian Economic Commission). Thus, from the explanations to group 43, in particular, it follows that lapels and collars are decoration items that, in general, do not belong to fur clothing. This means that a mink collar does not require marking.

In what cases is marking not necessary?

Clause 2 of the Labeling Rules lists operations with fur products for which there is no need to label the product. This includes, among other things, export outside the Eurasian Economic Union, transportation under customs control and sale in duty-free stores. In addition, this includes the delivery and storage of products intended for testing in the field of standardization and technical regulations, as well as the delivery and storage of exhibits from international exhibitions. This also includes the importation of free humanitarian aid into the country and operations for the confiscation, seizure and seizure of goods.

Labeling is also not required when the product is stored or used by the manufacturer itself, or when the products are used by individuals for personal purposes. Finally, delivery and storage of products returned by customers to the retailer with return documentation is not covered by labeling.

What is a control (identification) mark?

The characteristics of the KiZ, the procedure for its application, and the requirements for the information contained on it were approved by decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated November 23, 2015 No. 70 (posted on the Federal Tax Service website). According to this document, KiZ is a strict reporting form with security elements, made of textiles, paper or plastic. The control mark is frost-resistant and can withstand temperatures of -40 degrees Celsius and below.

There are three types of control signs: sewn-in, adhesive and overhead (hinged). Sewn-in KiZs are inserted into the seam during the production of the product, adhesive ones are applied to a special marking label (if available), and invoices are attached to a loop or hanger. Participants in the fur market have the right to choose which type of CIZ is preferable to them. Without exception, all control signs do not allow reuse, since disconnecting the CIZ from the marked product leads to damage to the sign. KiZ can be either red or green. A red mark is used to mark a product manufactured outside of Russia. Green signs mark domestic fur products.

Each control (identification) mark contains visually readable information. This includes, in particular, the short name of the product group. It is the same for all fur products and looks like “Products made from natural. fur." Plus, the sign indicates the 2-character code of the state that released the product into circulation (for Russia it is RU), and the KIZ identification number. In addition, each key contains information that can only be read using special devices. This is a radio frequency tag (RFID) tag that contains a serialized Global Trade Item Identification Number (SGTIN). This number can be applied by the fur market participant himself. There is another option - order a control plate from the manufacturer with the serial number already applied. Also, each KiZ has a linear barcode and a two-dimensional QR code.

The only company that produces control signs is the Perm Printing Factory, which is a branch of Gosznak JSC. Each participant in the fur market must enter into an agreement with the factory and order KiZ for their products. The cost is fixed and is: for sewn-in and adhesive signs - 15 rubles each. (including VAT), for an invoice (mounted) sign - 22 rubles. (including VAT).

Equipment and programs for marking

Participants in the fur market will need so-called RFID readers. They are needed to read barcodes from a control (identification) tag. Another purpose of this equipment is to record a unique serial number of a trade item on an RFID tag. Also, using readers, you can check the keys received from the manufacturer for defects.

To carry out all of the above actions, software must be installed on the RFID equipment. It can be downloaded for free on the Federal Tax Service website in the “Labeling system for products made from natural fur” section, or you can develop it yourself. Ready-made free programs are supported only by certain reader models (they are also listed on the Federal Tax Service website).

Marking of inventory balances

The first thing that all participants in the fur market have to do is to label the remains of fur products put into circulation before August 12, 2016. They are given 45 working days for this, which are counted from August 12 (clause 18 of the Labeling Rules). Therefore, all balances must be marked no later than October 13th. Those who voluntarily labeled residues during the experimental phase do not need to do so again.

When marking residues, it is not necessary to record the serial global identification number SGTIN in the control mark. To label leftovers, you need to go through the following steps sequentially:

1. Go to the Marking system portal and create a personal account there. But first you should go through an automatic check and make sure that your computer has all the necessary programs and settings.

Then you need to install an enhanced qualified electronic signature (ECS) key certificate. Organizations and individual entrepreneurs that previously opened personal accounts of legal entities or personal accounts of individual entrepreneurs have already acquired such certificates and can use them for marking. Subscribers of the Kontur.Extern system for preparing and sending reports can use the signature certificates with which they submit reports. Those who do not yet have a CEP certificate need to purchase one from a certification center.

Order an electronic signature to work in the “Marking” system

Please note: companies should use the electronic signature of the manager when logging into their personal account in the Marking system for the first time. In the future, the system will allow other employees to join in the work.

2. Describe your products on the portal of the automatic identification association “UNISKAN / GS1 RUS”. To do this, you need to fill out an application and send its original and scan to the association. In response, she will send a registration number, as well as a login and password to enter your personal account (detailed instructions are provided on the Federal Tax Service website in the section “Labeling system for products made from natural fur”). By entering it, a fur market participant will be able to describe the goods. As a result, each product group will be assigned a Global Trade Item Identification Number (GTIN).

3. Conclude an agreement with Gosznak JSC, order, pay, receive control (identification) marks and apply them to products (detailed instructions for obtaining KIZ are provided on the Federal Tax Service website in the section “Labeling system for products made from natural fur”). The receipt of keys and their application to products must be reflected in the “Marking” system. In this case, each control character will be tied to one or another GTIN.

Labeling during production, import and sale

Starting from August 12, 2016, manufacturers and importers are required to label each fur product released into circulation. The serial number SGTIN must be written on each control (identification) mark. Importers who bring goods from member countries of the single Eurasian Economic Union receive products with attached Keys. They must transfer information to the Marking system within 3 working days from the date of shipment of the marked product, but before putting it up for sale.

Other importers, as well as Russian manufacturers and commission agents who have accepted goods from individuals without individual entrepreneur status, must first order and attach KIZ, and then transfer the information to the Marking system. No specific deadlines have been set for them. The main thing is that fur products are labeled before they are offered to customers.

Wholesalers and intermediaries, having received marked products from suppliers, principals or consignors, are required to check whether information about the product is entered into the “Marking” system. Then, within 3 working days from the date of receipt of the products, they need to enter the relevant information into the “Marking” system.

When further shipping goods to Russian buyers or intermediaries, data must be entered into the “Marking” system within 3 working days from the date of shipment. If goods are shipped to countries that are part of the single Eurasian Economic Union, information must be transferred to the “Marking” system no later than the day of crossing the Russian border. If the goods are exported outside the single Eurasian Economic Union, there is no need to transfer information.

Responsibility for failure to label

Starting from August 12, fur market participants who have not fulfilled their labeling obligations bear administrative responsibility in accordance with Article 15.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Thus, for the production of goods without labeling or in violation of labeling rules, a fine is provided:

  • for organizations - from 50 thousand to 100 thousand rubles,

There is a fine for the purchase and sale of goods without labeling:

  • for organizations - from 50 thousand to 300 thousand rubles,
  • for officials and individual entrepreneurs - from 5 thousand to 10 thousand rubles.

In addition to a fine, violators will face another punishment - confiscation of unmarked fur products.

Also, from this date, for refusal to label fur products, criminal liability is applied in accordance with Article 171.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. This may be a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles or in the amount of wages or other income for a period of up to 2 years. Another option is possible - forced labor for up to 3 years, or imprisonment for up to 3 years with a fine of up to 80 thousand rubles or in the amount of wages or other income for a period of up to 6 months. If the judges consider that the crime was committed by a group of persons and (or) on a particularly large scale, then the punishment will be even more severe.

*Full name of the document: Agreement on the implementation in 2015 - 2016 of a pilot project to introduce marking of goods with control (identification) marks for the product position “Clothing items, clothing accessories and other products made of natural fur”, concluded in Grodno on September 08. 15

The government forced stores to label fur coats. In this article we will look at everything that fur sellers need to know: how to register in the system, where to order control marks and what equipment to buy.

What is marking of fur products and why are chips needed?

Resolution No. 787 dated August 11, 2016 obliges fur products to be labeled. Sellers hang control marks (KiZ) on fur coats or check their presence when they receive the goods. Companies report to the Federal Tax Service when they accept or sell fur products. These rules are followed by manufacturers, importers, wholesalers and retail stores.

The state sees the path of each fur coat - from production to sale to the final consumer. According to a similar scheme, drug sellers report in the “Marking” system, and alcohol sellers report in the Unified State Automated Information System.

Control mark on a fur coat

The marking scheme looks like this:

  1. The manufacturer made a fur coat, put a chip on it and informed the Federal Tax Service about it. Now the state knows about a new product on the market. Clothes from another country are also marked.
  2. The manufacturer sends the product to the warehouse of the wholesaler. Both parties report to the system.
  3. The store accepts the goods from the supplier and informs the Federal Tax Service about it. If the chip breaks or comes off, the seller puts up a new one.
  4. When a customer buys a fur coat, the store reports the sale. The state sees that the product is out of circulation.
  5. The buyer reads the QR code from the control mark and checks the legality of the fur coat.

The state knows about every fur product that was made in Russia or imported from another country. It is impossible to sell goods in a store that were brought illegally from Turkey.

If you bought a fur coat in Italy for yourself and do not sell it, then labeling is not needed.

I heard that this is only an experiment, which means it is not necessary to label the products

After August 12, 2016, all sellers are required to microchip fur coats and comply with the rules of 08/11/16 No. 787. Labeling fur products is a pilot project because the system is being tested on it. By 2024, the government plans to label outerwear, shoes, medicines and perfumes.

Why do you need to mark fur coats?

The state needs to remove counterfeit goods

When sellers smuggle clothing through customs, the government receives less tax. During the year of the pilot project, 24% of fur sellers were legalized. Rospotrebnadzor seized 10,000 fur coats worth 500 million rubles. Stores sold them without chips or violated labeling rules.

The store needs to remove unscrupulous competitors

Unscrupulous competitors import fur from abroad, do not pay duties and lower prices for goods. It is difficult for honest sellers to compete with such people.

And buyers trust more the store that sells labeled fur coats.

Buyers - make sure of the quality

At home or directly in the store, the client reads the QR code from the chip and receives information about the product: name, type of fur, country of manufacture and brand. Buyers who do not have a phone or a special application check the legality of the fur coat on the Federal Tax Service website.

Checking goods by KIZ number on the tax website

What is a control sign (KiZ)

KiZ is a strict reporting form with an embedded RFID tag (chip). The sign is printed with a unique product number, information about the fur and a QR code for authentication via phone. KiZ cannot be faked, and if you try to remove it from a fur coat, it will become damaged.

The signs are produced long and wide. The only difference between them is the form.

Long and wide KiZ

If the control mark is red, the fur coat was brought from another country, if it is green, it was made in Russia.

How to attach KiZ to a fur coat

  • Sew into the seam from the wrong side during production. This sign is printed on fabric.
  • Glue onto the sewn-in label. The sign is printed on self-adhesive paper.
  • Hang on a loop, clasp or hanger. In this case, the sign is attached to a disposable plastic seal. If the seal is broken, the KiZ is invalid.

Control mark on plastic base

Which fur products must be labeled?

Products made from natural fur are marked: mink, nutria, arctic fox, fox, rabbit, hare, raccoon or sheepskin. It doesn’t matter whether the entire fur coat consists of fur or just the lining. The control mark is not needed if the only fur trim is the collar, lapels, cuffs or pocket trims.

Not marked:

  • mittens and gloves;
  • bags, backpacks and traveling bags;
  • shoes;
  • hats;
  • toys and sports equipment.

If I am selling a drape coat with a mink collar, do I need labeling?

How to connect to the marking system and receive KiZ

Register on the website

Through your personal account, stores register goods, report sales and order tags. You will need it for work. The one used for document management, electronic reporting or online cash register registration is suitable.

You can register in the system only with the signature of the head of the company. After the first visit, you can connect other employees to your personal account.

How to register in the “Marking” system - instructions from 1C

Sign an agreement with the manufacturer of control signs

Conclusion of an agreement with the manufacturer

Join the GS1 Association

Each product item is assigned a GTIN code. Based on this code, a unique SGTIN number is generated for each fur coat, which is programmed into the chip.

To obtain product numbers, you must join the GS1 Association. Entry fee - 25,000 rubles, annual membership fee - 15,000 rubles. To relieve the burden on small businesses, the Federal Tax Service agreed with the Association on a grace period. The seller does not pay a membership fee if he describes less than 10 new product items by the end of 2018.

On the Association’s portal, the participant receives unique numbers for each product item. To do this, the seller prepares descriptions of all products: name, manufacturer, country of manufacture, unit of measurement of the quantity of goods.

The association only assigns GTIN codes to products. This is not enough to sell fur coats. Next, you need to generate an SGTIN, program it into the RFID tag and enter the information in your personal account of the Federal Tax Service.

Order KiZ in your personal account

For each fur coat you need to make chips with an SGTIN number. On the Markings website, make a statement - how many signs are needed and what kind. The tax office will check it in 3 days or less, and then send it to Goznak. An entrepreneur will not be issued a KiZ if he has arrears in taxes, arrears of penalties, or has violated labeling rules more than twice.

You can order immediately programmed chips. The manufacturer will write SGTIN codes on the signs, and you just attach them to your fur coat.

If you order “blank” signs, then you will have to program them yourself, and then enter the data into the “Marking” system. To record RFID tags you will need a scanner for 60,000–200,000 rubles. If you don’t want to buy expensive equipment, contact a company that will write the chips for you.

Pay control signs

The price of one KiZ including VAT: sewn and adhesive - 15 ₽, mounted - 22 ₽.

Fur marking from registration to sale

How to accept and sell fur products

Manufacturers and importers - label

Fur coat manufacturers order sewn-in signs and mark each product. Importers attach KIZ to goods at the border. Thus, the state immediately sees when a new fur product appears on the Russian market.

Received the goods - reported

When a wholesaler ships a product to a retailer, both report to the system within three days. During acceptance, the store checks the chip on each fur coat.

It happens that a sign comes off, breaks or gets damaged during dry cleaning. Then the company draws up a report of damage, loss or destruction and writes off the sign in your personal account within one day. Within 17 working days, the seller is obliged to put a new KiZ on the fur coat and register it in the “Marking” system.

Personal account in the “Marking” system

Sold the goods - reported

The store or supplier enters information into the system after they have sold at least one fur coat. The seller has 3 days to do this. If a company transports fur to Belarus, Armenia or another country of the Eurasian Economic Union, it must report on the day of crossing the border.

What equipment should I buy to work with marked fur?

To read radio frequency tags or program a product code into them, you need an RFID reader. And for the device to work with marked fur, you need special software. The free Federal Tax Service program only supports Bookos 2.0FE and ATID AT-870 readers. If you have a different device, you will have to write the software yourself or buy, for example, 1C.

Mobile RFID reader Atid AT870 - 130,000–150,000 ₽

It is not necessary to purchase RFID equipment. To save money, stores buy a 2D scanner and accounting program. Tags are ordered from the manufacturer immediately with recorded SGTIN codes. You can also order empty keys and program them in other companies.

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What are the penalties for violating the rules for marking fur coats?

The fines are listed in Art. 15.12 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. If a company sews fur coats and does not label them:

  • organizations - 50,000–100,000 ₽;

If the store sells unmarked fur, the control mark is damaged or can be removed from the fur coat:

  • organizations - 50,000–300,000 ₽;
  • officials and individual entrepreneurs - 5,000–10,000 ₽.

In addition to a fine, unmarked goods will be confiscated from the violator.

If there were more than 2.25 million rubles worth of unmarked goods, then the seller was subject to criminal liability under Article 171.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Fine up to 300,000 rubles, forced labor or imprisonment for up to three years.

Let's summarize

  1. Sellers mark fur coats with control marks: sewn-in, glue-on, or hanging.
  2. Companies report to the Federal Tax Service when they sew fur coats, bring them from abroad, accept them and sell them.
  3. Collars, cuffs and other trim are not marked.
  4. To order KiZ: register on → sign an agreement with Goznak → join the GS1 association → order and pay for the chips.
  5. To avoid buying an RFID reader, order programmed keys immediately.
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