Download the FNP rules for conducting industrial safety examinations. Industrial safety examination

Industrial safety examination (ISA) is the process of assessing the compliance of an object with industrial safety requirements and standards. The latter in the industrial sector are described and regulated in paragraph 1, Article 13, 116 of the “Federal Law on Industrial Safety”.

The implementation of any work related to safety assessment at industrial enterprises has its own specific order and sequence of actions. Thus, the examination can be divided into several conditional stages.

1. Negotiation. At the beginning, the customer and representatives of the expert organization resolve issues regarding the entire upcoming process. The organization explains to the customer all the nuances of the verification, the customer receives information about exactly what documents he must provide. During the initial stage, a clear calendar plan is drawn up and the timing of the examination is specified. .

2. Preparation of the document database. The customer must provide in full all the necessary information, all technical documentation, without which it is impossible to carry out the work. Wherein:

  • It is indicated which objects are subject to examination and all the necessary information about them is given;
  • To conduct an examination, an organization must receive a certain set of documents (in each specific case, the package of documents may vary depending on the object that is subject to examination). This can be design and construction documentation, various kinds of instructions, technical regulations, etc.;
  • If the customer has test reports, any certificates, calculations, these may also be necessary;
  • Samples of equipment may be provided if necessary.

An example of conducting an industrial safety examination of the SERCONS Group of Companies

How long will it take?

This question is always asked by the customer. It can only be answered by studying the amount of work that will need to be done. In other words, the time that will need to be spent on industrial safety expertise is always determined by the degree of complexity of the order. But in any case, carrying out all the necessary actions does not take more than three months. The countdown begins from the day the customer provides the entire set of documents to begin work. Until the expert organization receives a complete set of documents, no work on conducting an industrial safety survey will be carried out.

3. Carrying out industrial safety examinations (industrial safety examinations): at this stage, experts (one or more) are appointed who will conduct the inspection. All information that was previously provided by the customer is subject to analysis. To what extent do all documents, measurements, calculations, etc. comply with all standards prescribed by law?

To check all the necessary parameters and ensure that all data complies with industrial safety conditions, experts can carry out the necessary tests, measurements, etc. according to the developed program for carrying out industrial safety surveys.

To carry out an industrial safety examination, specialists can be sent to the inspection site, and a commission can be created, which includes employees of the organization with the necessary qualifications. They are personally present on site:

  • assess the conduct of the production process;
  • monitor the actions of both the workforce and management;
  • assess the condition of the premises and equipment located at the enterprise;
  • check the presence of markings;
  • pay attention to the technical and methodological documentation base (their presence or absence), to work instructions, etc.;
  • check how accurately the reporting documentation is maintained.

After all the important nuances have been taken into account and verified, they are summarized, and the remaining points required to fully complete the industrial safety review are discussed with the customer.

4. Issuance of the document itself - the expert opinion. It is the main stage of the entire event. To begin with, the commission and experts conducting the examination, having summarized all the data received, draw up a draft conclusion. It is this document that the organization relies on to issue the main conclusion (positive or negative). The customer receives the designated project, gets acquainted with it, and can send his comments in response. 14 days are given for this (from the moment the customer receives the draft conclusion).

If after the examination a positive conclusion is drawn up and no violations were identified, then in this case the document lists those objects to which this conclusion applies. Also, the document may contain additional conditions for the operation of certain equipment.

If, after conducting an industrial safety inspection, violations are identified and experts draw up a conclusion that the object does not comply with existing requirements, then the customer receives documents indicating all the shortcomings and violations. They need to be eliminated. A positive conclusion is issued only after problems and violations have been corrected, after which a re-examination is carried out.

The document (examination conclusion), which is issued to the customer after an industrial safety examination, is signed by the head of the organization that conducted the inspection, and must also have the organization’s seal. The conclusion is stitched, the number of pages is indicated in it. In this form, the document is transferred to the customer.

5. Information about industrial safety must be entered into the register of Rostechnadzor (RTN). The customer himself is obliged to submit an application to the RTN authorities for inclusion in the register after receiving the conclusion. The application is submitted according to the address principle (to the territorial department of Rostechnadzor). The application is registered at the territorial authority, after which the information must be entered into the register within five working days. The conclusion is assigned a special designation, which is placed on the main (title) page and consists of several, more precisely, four, groups of symbols. Each group has its own meaning:

  • First of all, the digital code of the territorial body in which the conclusion is entered into the register is entered;
  • The second group of signs is the object of examination itself;
  • The third is the number assigned to the conclusion (ordinal number);
  • The last numbers are the year of entry into the register.

What is indicated on the form in the conclusion

  1. Name of the examination report;
  2. Information about the basis for the examination, information about the organization that carried out all the actions, about the experts and their competence to conduct such activities;
  3. A list of those objects on which the examination was carried out and which are subject to the resulting conclusion;
  4. Information about the customer;
  5. The purpose of the examination is indicated;
  6. Data on those documents that were provided for consideration by the customer are recorded;
  7. Description of the object where the examination was carried out;
  8. The result of the examination;
  9. Conclusions made by the commission, as well as recommendations to the customer;
  10. Appendices can be added to the main form, which will indicate a list of all documentation used, as well as test reports.

Possible results

After the expert commission carries out its work, the specialists draw up a report that reflects all the actions taken, research and their results. A project is drawn up that serves as the basis for the main conclusion. It can be both positive and negative. If all standards and norms are met at the facility, a positive conclusion is issued. It does not cover some part of the object, its workshop, zone, but refers to the entire object as a whole.

A negative conclusion serves as a signal to the customer that it is necessary to eliminate the deficiencies identified during the examination. After their elimination, a re-inspection should be carried out. The executing organization can give recommendations to the customer regarding the measures that should be taken to correct the situation and, in the future, obtain a positive conclusion.

Responsibility of examination organizations

Administrative and criminal liability is provided for issuing false reports. If such violations are detected, such documents are excluded from the register.

A conclusion of the EPB is considered deliberately false if:

  • It was prepared without reason, i.e. without actually carrying out the necessary measures to study documents, conduct tests, etc.;
  • A conclusion, the data of which does not reflect the real facts about the condition of those devices that were subjected to examination and do not agree in content with the materials that were provided to the experts.

To ensure the safe operation of the facility, a regulatory framework has been developed, certain standards, the violation of which can have serious consequences. Determining how well an object complies with all safety requirements is the purpose of conducting an industrial safety inspection.

To get a real assessment of the security situation at an enterprise, you should contact only those organizations that already have experience and have proven themselves in the market for providing such services. Only by working with professionals can you be sure of an objective procedure and a real assessment of industrial safety.

Regulatory framework 2016-2018

In connection with the entry into force, the central department of the Federal Office provided clarifications regarding the registration of expert opinions with clarified arguments for refusing to include them in the official register.

According to changes since 2016, a refusal to enter information about the epidemiological record into the register is provided for if it is carried out by an expert who has not passed certification in the manner established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 28, 2015 No. 509. From the moment these changes come into force, registration of conclusions carried out by specialists , not certified according to the new rules, is strictly prohibited.

Approved by the Resolution of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated November 6, 1998 N 64 Registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 8, 1998 N 1656, by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia N PB 03-246-98

Rules for conducting industrial safety examinations
(with Amendment No. 1 (PBI 03-490(246)-02), dated August 1, 2002 No. 48)

I. Scope of application

1. The rules for conducting an industrial safety examination (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) establish the requirements for the procedure for conducting an industrial safety examination (hereinafter referred to as the examination) and the preparation of the examination conclusion.

2. The rules are developed in accordance with:

Federal Law "On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities" dated July 21, 1997 N 116-FZ (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997, N 30, Art. 3588);

Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1994, No. 32, Art. 3301 and 3302);

Regulations on the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 3, 2001 N 841 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, N 50, 12/10/2001);

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 17, 1998 N 779 “On the federal executive body specially authorized in the field of industrial safety” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, N 30, Art. 3775);

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 28, 2001 N 241 “On measures to ensure industrial safety of hazardous industrial facilities on the territory of the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, N 15, 04/09/2001);

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2000 N 1008 “On the procedure for conducting state examination and approval of urban planning, pre-design and design documentation” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, N 1 (Part II), 01.01.2001);

Order of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 1991 N 136-rp “Issues of the State Committee for Supervision of Safe Work in Industry and Mining Supervision under the President of the Russian Federation” (Gazette of the Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR and the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, 1992, No. 3).
(Clause as amended, put into effect on September 9, 2002 by Resolution of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated August 1, 2002 N 48 - see the previous edition).

3. The rules are intended for organizations carrying out industrial safety assessments. These rules were developed taking into account the regulatory documents of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

4. The rules are mandatory when conducting an examination:

1) project documentation for the construction, expansion, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, conservation and liquidation of a hazardous production facility;

2) buildings and structures at a hazardous production facility;

3) technical devices used at a hazardous production facility;

4) industrial safety declarations and other documents related to the operation of a hazardous production facility.

II. Basic definitions

For the purposes of these Rules, the following definitions apply.

Objects of examination are design documentation, technical devices, buildings and structures at a hazardous production facility, industrial safety declarations and other documents related to the operation of a hazardous production facility.

The industrial safety examination system (hereinafter referred to as the Examination System) is a set of participants in the industrial safety examination, as well as norms, rules, methods, conditions, criteria and procedures within the framework of which expert activities are organized and carried out.

License - a special permit to carry out a specific type of activity subject to mandatory compliance with licensing requirements and conditions, issued by a licensing authority to a legal entity or individual entrepreneur" (Article 2 of Federal Law No. 128-FZ of 08.08.2001) (definition of the concept as amended from September 9, 2002 by Decree of the State Mining and Technical Supervision of Russia dated August 1, 2002 N 48, - see previous edition)

Expert organization is an organization licensed by the State Mining and Technical Supervision Authority of Russia to conduct industrial safety examinations in accordance with current legislation.

Expertise conclusion is a document containing substantiated conclusions about the compliance or non-compliance of the object of expertise with industrial safety requirements.

Expert - a specialist who carries out an industrial safety examination.

The customer is the organization that applied for the examination.

III. General provisions

3.1. The examination rules determine the requirements for the procedure for conducting the examination, execution and approval of the examination conclusion.

3.2. Industrial safety examinations are carried out by organizations licensed by the State Technical Supervision Authority of Russia.

3.3. Licenses to conduct industrial safety examinations are issued by the Gosgortekhnadzor bodies of Russia in accordance with the established procedure.

Monitoring of compliance by expert organizations with licensing requirements and conditions is carried out by the bodies of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia in accordance with the established procedure.

3.4. A schematic diagram of the organization of industrial safety examination is presented in Appendix 1.

The Supervisory Board is formed from representatives of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, its territorial bodies and organizations subordinate to it. The Supervisory Board exercises control over the activities of the Expertise System. The composition of the Supervisory Board is approved by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

The Advisory Council consists of representatives of organizations interested in the activities of the Expertise System and has an advisory function. The composition of the Advisory Council is approved by the Supervisory Board.

Industry commissions are created by the Supervisory Board and solve specific, professional tasks in areas corresponding to their competence.

The coordinating body coordinates the activities of industry commissions, and also analyzes and summarizes information on the activities of expert organizations, the state of the regulatory and methodological framework of the Expertise System. The functions of the coordinating body are performed by the state unitary enterprise "Scientific and Technical Center for Safety in Industry" ("SUE STC "Industrial Safety"), created in accordance with the order of the President of the Russian Federation to coordinate work and conduct an independent examination (Order of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 1991 N 136-rp) (paragraph as amended, put into effect on September 9, 2002 by Decree of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated August 1, 2002 N 48 - see the previous edition).

3.5. The functioning of the Expertise System is determined by the requirements of the following documents approved by the Supervisory Board of the Expertise System:

Regulations on the Supervisory Board;

Regulations on the Advisory Council;

Regulations on industry commissions;

Requirements for the Coordinating Body.

IV. The procedure for conducting the examination

The entire examination process must be documented. The examination process consists of the following stages:

Preliminary stage;

Application, schedule, contract or other documents establishing the conditions for conducting the examination;

Examination process;

Issuance of an expert opinion.

4.1. Preliminary stage.

4.1.1. When a customer contacts an expert organization regarding the issue of conducting an industrial safety assessment, the expert organization conducts a preliminary stage of negotiations with the customer.

4.1.2. The preliminary stage of negotiations is carried out to inform the customer about the procedure for conducting the examination, as well as to discuss issues related to the examination, including:

Preparation for on-site examination (if necessary);

Drawing up a calendar plan.

4.1.3. Preliminary negotiations are documented by the expert responsible for conducting the negotiations.

4.2. Application or other documents establishing the conditions for conducting the examination.

4.2.1. The examination is carried out on the basis of the customer’s application or other documents in accordance with the conditions agreed upon by the expert organization and the customer.

4.2.2. Documents for the examination are drawn up after preliminary negotiations.

4.2.3. In documents:

The contracting parties are determined;

The objects of examination are determined;

A list of information necessary to carry out an examination of the object is provided in accordance with the current regulatory technical documentation;

The customer confirms the agreement to fulfill the requirements mandatory for conducting the examination, in particular to accept an expert or group of experts (if necessary) and pay the costs of the examination process, regardless of its result;

The timing of the examination is determined.

4.2.4. The duration of the examination is determined by the complexity of the object of examination, but should not exceed three months from the date of receipt of the set of necessary materials and documents in full in accordance with the current regulatory technical documentation, and the fulfillment of all other conditions for the examination.

4.2.5. The expert organization begins to carry out the examination only after receiving a set of necessary materials and documents in full in accordance with the requirements of current regulatory technical documents.

4.3. Examination process.

The examination process includes:

Selection of materials and documentation necessary for the examination of the object;

Appointment of experts;

Carrying out an examination.

4.3.1. Materials and documentation necessary for the examination.

To carry out the examination, the customer must provide the following data:

Data about the customer and the object of examination;

Design, design, operational, repair documentation, declaration of industrial safety of a hazardous production facility, technical device passports, instructions, technological regulations and other documentation that has codes or other indications necessary for identification (depending on the object of examination);

Test reports, certificates, including, if necessary, for components, strength calculations, etc. (if necessary);

Samples of equipment (if necessary).

If the submitted materials and documentation do not meet the established requirements, the expert organization notifies the customer of the deadline for submitting materials and documentation in full in accordance with the current regulatory technical documentation. The period for sending a notification by the expert organization should not exceed 7 days from the date of receipt of the materials.

If the requested materials and documentation are not submitted within the time period agreed upon by the customer and the expert organization, the examination will not be carried out, and the materials and documents will be returned to the customer.

4.3.2. Appointment of experts.

Experts must be officially appointed, their powers must be determined in the manner established by the expert organization.

To carry out the examination, one or, if necessary, a group of qualified experts is appointed.

In the case of an examination by a group of experts, a leading expert is appointed who is responsible for the results of the work of the group of experts.

4.3.3. Carrying out an examination.

The examination consists of establishing the completeness, reliability and correctness of the information presented, its compliance with standards, norms and industrial safety rules.

In some cases, an expert organization can carry out tests using methods and programs agreed with the customer.

If necessary, an expert organization can conduct an on-site examination (to the customer).

On-site examination consists of the following stages:

Introductory part;

Direct on-site examination;

Final part. Introductory part of the on-site examination.

Objectives of the introductory part:

Explain to the employees of the customer organization the purpose of the examination and the tasks of the expert (group of experts);

Inform that any data and information obtained during the examination are considered by employees of the expert organization as confidential, taking into account the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation;

Discuss and determine the scope of work;

Determine, in agreement with the customer organization, employees of the customer organization as accompanying experts;

Explain the meaning of the final part;

Approve, together with the customer, a calendar plan for conducting on-site examinations. Direct examination on site.

During an on-site examination, experts observe the normal progress of work at the site and also conduct a comprehensive check:

Competencies of employees and managers;

Suitability of premises and instrumentation, as well as the condition of testing facilities and instruments from the point of view of their maintenance;

Availability of reliable marking and identification systems;

Availability of relevant regulatory technical, methodological documents, rules, work instructions and their implementation;

Compliance with the requirements for the content and execution of reporting documents.

The expert group must, upon its request, receive at its disposal all the necessary test results, documents, calculations, protocols and reports in writing. The final part of the examination is on site.

Each expert provides a certificate based on the results of assessing the state of affairs in his part of the examination. The leading expert summarizes the results and offers them for discussion with the customer. In the final part, the activities necessary for the further completion of the examination, as well as a calendar plan for their implementation, are agreed upon with the customer. The mentioned activities are documented in a form (the form of which is given in Appendix 2) and approved by the signatures of the customer’s representative and experts. The examination is completed only after these measures have been implemented.

Activities are determined during the examination process and represent the fulfillment of requirements that the customer must fulfill within a certain period of time in order to enable the completion of the examination process.

Conditions to be fulfilled are provisions that do not prevent the issuance of an expert opinion. They are formulated by the leading expert in the conclusion and supplemented, approved, limited or canceled by the bodies approving the expert opinion. Verification of compliance with these conditions is carried out by an expert organization.

4.4. Issuance of an expert opinion.

4.4.1. Preparation of a draft expert opinion.

The results of the work carried out by experts are documented by each member of the expert group in the form of a report. The expert organization stores expert reports in its archives for the entire duration of the license.

In the case of a group of experts, all reports are summarized in a draft expert opinion drawn up by the leading expert based on the reports of the members of the expert group.

The draft expert opinion serves as the basis for consultations and decision-making on issuing a positive or negative expert opinion.

A copy of the draft examination report is sent to the customer. Comments on the draft examination report can be sent by the customer to the expert organization in writing and no later than 14 days after receiving the draft.

4.4.2. The decision to issue a positive or negative examination conclusion is made on the basis of review and analysis of documents obtained during the examination, checking the condition of the object or conducting the necessary tests.

4.4.3. If the expert opinion is positive, it lists the objects that are subject to the expert opinion with or without conditions.

4.4.4. In the event of a negative conclusion on an object of examination that is in operation, the expert organization immediately notifies the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia or its territorial body to take prompt measures for the further operation of the hazardous production facility.

4.4.5. If a decision is made to issue a negative expert opinion, the customer must be presented with substantiated conclusions:

On the need to refine the submitted materials based on the comments and suggestions set out in the final report of the expert (leading expert);

On the inadmissibility of operating the object under examination due to the lack of compliance with industrial safety requirements.

4.4.6. If a decision is made to issue a negative expert opinion, the customer has the right to submit materials for re-examination, subject to their processing taking into account the comments identified during the examination. The procedure for conducting the examination in this case corresponds to that set out in paragraphs. 4.1-4.4.

4.5. The conclusion of the examination may be challenged by the customer in accordance with the established procedure.

4.6. The requirements that must be taken into account when examining the industrial safety of various facilities are established by Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia as a specially authorized body in the field of industrial safety, taking into account these Rules, as well as the Regulations on the conduct of state examination and approval of urban planning, pre-design and design documentation in the Russian Federation, approved by Government Decree Russian Federation dated December 27, 2000 N 1008 (clause as amended, put into effect on September 9, 2002 by Resolution of the State Mining and Technical Supervision of Russia dated August 1, 2002 N 48 - see previous edition).

V. Requirements for drawing up an expert opinion

5.1. The examination conclusion must contain:

Name of the examination report;

An introductory part, including the basis for conducting the examination, information about the expert organization, information about the experts and the availability of a license to conduct an industrial safety examination;

List of objects of examination, which are subject to the effect of the examination conclusion;

Customer information;

Purpose of the examination;

Information about documents examined during the examination (design, design, operational, repair, industrial safety declarations), equipment, etc., indicating the volume of materials that have a code, number, brand or other indication necessary for identification (depending on the object of examination) ;

Brief description and purpose of the object of examination;

Results of the examination;

The final part with substantiated conclusions, as well as recommendations for technical solutions and implementation of compensatory measures;

Appendices containing a list of normative technical and methodological documentation used during the examination, test reports (when carried out by an expert organization).

5.2. The examination conclusion is signed by the head of the expert organization, certified by the seal of the expert organization, bound with an indication of the number of stitched pages and handed over to the customer.

5.3. The customer submits the examination conclusion to the central office or territorial bodies of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia for consideration and approval in the prescribed manner.

5.4. Requirements for approval of the examination conclusion are established by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia as a specially authorized body in the field of industrial safety, taking into account these Rules.

VI. The procedure for maintaining records of expert organizations and experts

6.1. Accounting is maintained for the purpose of accumulating and analyzing official information on industrial safety expertise.

6.2. Credentials are used to provide information in the prescribed manner to interested federal executive authorities, other legal entities, as well as individuals.

6.3. Accounting involves the following operations:

Checking the completeness and compliance with established requirements of received materials;

Making registration records and assigning registration numbers;

Maintaining an archival fund of documents submitted for registration;

Preparation of accounting materials for publication;

Information services for interested legal entities and individuals.

6.4. The coordinating body of the Expertise System keeps records of:

Regulatory technical documents of the Expertise System;

Expert organizations;


Accounting forms are determined by the Supervisory Board.

Annex 1

approved by the resolution of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia

Schematic diagram of the organization of industrial safety examination

Appendix 2
to the Rules for conducting industrial safety examinations,
approved by the resolution of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia
dated November 6, 1998 N 64

Organization: Expert (leader):

*1. Done by an expert

The customer's representative confirms with his signature that the agreed measures will be carried out, and a written message about the changes made has been sent to the expert organization.

(place, date)

Expert (leader) __________________ Customer ____________________

Federal Law dated July 21, 1997 No. 116-FZ “On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities” (as amended).

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 4, 2012 No. 682 “On licensing activities for conducting industrial safety examinations” (as amended).

Order of RTN dated November 15, 2012 No. 658 “On approval of the Administrative Regulations of RTN for the provision of public services for licensing activities for conducting industrial safety examinations.”

Order of RTN dated November 29, 2005 No. 893 “On approval of the Procedure for drawing up the declaration of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities and the list of information included in it”, RD 03-14-2005.

Resolution of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated November 6, 1998 No. 64 “On approval of the Rules for conducting industrial safety examinations”, RD 03-246-98 (as amended).

RTN Order No. 436 dated 01.08.2012 “On the Temporary Procedure for Approval of Industrial Safety Expertise Conclusions.”

12.2 Basic definitions

Industrial safety examination- assessment of the compliance of the object of examination with the industrial safety requirements imposed on it, the result of which is a conclusion.

Objects of examination- design documentation, technical specifications, buildings and structures at hazardous production facilities, industrial safety declarations, justification for the safety of hazardous production facilities and other documents related to the operation of hazardous production facilities.

Industrial safety examination system- the totality of participants in the examination of industrial safety, as well as norms, rules, methods, conditions, criteria and procedures within the framework of which expert activities are organized and carried out.

12.3 The following are subject to industrial safety examination:

Documentation for conservation and liquidation of hazardous production facilities;

Documentation for the technical re-equipment of hazardous production facilities in the event that the specified documentation is not included in the design documentation;

Specifications used at hazardous production facilities, buildings and structures at hazardous production facilities, intended for the implementation of technological processes, storage of raw materials or products, movement of people and goods, localization and elimination of the consequences of accidents;

Declaration of industrial safety, developed as part of the documentation for technical re-equipment (in case the specified documentation is not included in the design documentation of the hazardous production facility);

    justification of the safety of the hazardous production facility, changes made to the justification of the safety of the hazardous production facility.

12.4 Rules for conducting industrial safety reviews

Industrial safety examinations are carried out by organizations that have a license to conduct this examination, at the expense of the organization that intends to operate the hazardous production facility or operates it.

In the event of a negative conclusion on an object of examination that is in operation, the expert organization immediately notifies RTN or its territorial body to take prompt measures for the further operation of the hazardous production facility.

If a decision is made to issue a negative expert opinion, the customer must be presented with substantiated conclusions:

On the need to refine the submitted materials based on the comments and suggestions set out in the final report of the expert (leading expert);

On the inadmissibility of exploitation of the object of examination due to the lack of compliance.

If a decision is made to issue a negative expert opinion, the customer has the right to submit materials for re-examination, subject to their processing taking into account the comments identified during the examination. The conclusion of the examination may be challenged by the customer in accordance with the established procedure.

The examination conclusion is approved by the head of the expert organization, certified by the seal of the expert organization and transferred to the customer.

The customer submits the examination conclusion to the Central Office or territorial departments of RTN for consideration and approval in the prescribed manner.

Reception, registration, consideration and approval of expert opinions are carried out, as a rule, by RTN bodies.

The register of industrial safety examination conclusions is maintained by the federal executive authority in the field of industrial safety in accordance with administrative regulations.

How to conduct an industrial safety examination of technical devices? What are the rules for conducting examination of hazardous production facilities? Why is an examination of design documentation needed?

Greetings, dear readers of the HeatherBeaver online magazine! Today I, Alla Prosyukova, will tell you about industrial safety expertise.

1. What is an industrial safety assessment and when might it be needed?

Independent expertise is in demand in various spheres of society, including in the field of industrial safety.

(EPB) is a confirmation of compliance of the object of examination with current industrial safety standards.

Industrial safety inspection is carried out in relation to all enterprises that contain production facilities and devices of any hazard class.

This kind of examination is aimed at protecting the interests of people and society as a whole from incidents at facilities classified as dangerous, as well as their consequences.

The objects of examination include: buildings, structures, equipment, technical devices used in hazardous enterprises.

The main cases when EPB may be required:

  • There are no documents for the technical device:
  • the technical passport does not indicate the service life of the object;
  • the technical device was affected by external power loads not taken into account by the design parameters;
  • repair work is carried out to change the structure of the object or replace the materials of its supporting structures:
  • the facility is undergoing reconstruction or modernization;
  • changes/additions are made to project documents;
  • new construction is underway;
  • at the request of supervisory authorities.

Depending on the type of hazardous object, the direction of work and its required volume within the framework of the industrial safety regulations are determined.

  • checking the design documentation of a hazardous facility;
  • checking technical devices (their availability and compliance with industrial safety standards);
  • comprehensive inspection of a hazardous industrial facility.

The duration of the electronic security policy depends on its complexity: for simple objects – up to 30 days; objects of medium complexity – up to 60 days; complex objects – up to 90 days.

During the examination process or in preparation for it, questions often arise that require qualified legal assistance. Don’t waste time looking for a professional service, immediately contact the lawyers of the online service.

Getting legal assistance on the site is extremely simple: just fill out the form on the main page. With this service you can get guaranteed high-quality legal advice. Moreover, most consultations are absolutely free. High-quality, fast, inexpensive - the main advantages of a legal resource.

4. Professional assistance in conducting industrial safety assessments - review of the TOP-3 expert companies

To orient you in the market for expert services in the field of industrial safety, we present 3 expert companies that can provide professional assistance in this matter.

Since 2006, the Protos Expertise company has been successfully operating in the field of industrial safety and legal consulting.

The company’s business model is based on “three pillars”: consulting, insurance, industrial safety expertise. This approach comprehensively solves the problems of Protos Expertise clients.

Over the entire period of its activity, the company's clients have become 588 enterprises and organizations from all regions of Russia. Among the clients there are many well-known companies, such as: VOLVO, GAZ, Vostok-Service, SIAL, etc.

Advantages of the company "Protos Expertise":

  • full legal support for the client;
  • short deadlines for obtaining permits;
  • services are provided throughout the Russian Federation;
  • only satisfied customers.

The company has been operating since 2009. “Unified Standard” offers its clients various services not only in the field of certification, but also in the field of labor protection and industrial safety.

Distinctive features of the company:

  • own quality management system;
  • advanced IT solutions;
  • advanced management technologies;
  • availability of access to the ISO International Directory;
  • highly professional employees.

The RPS company was founded in 2001. Industrial, fire and environmental safety is the area of ​​professional interests of RPS LLC. The organization offers its clients the most accurate and genuine results, transparent contractual cooperation and economically sound pricing.

Thanks to this, RPS LLC enjoys well-deserved respect and trust from such large clients as Rosneft, MOEK OJSC, Atomenergomash OJSC, Major Express, etc.

The main activities of the company are presented in the table

Area of ​​activity Competencies
1 Fire safetyDevelopment of fire safety documents, cooperation with supervisory authorities
2 Diagnostic CenterDiagnostics and inspection of production facilities
3 Industrial SafetyInteraction with Rostechnadzor, preparation of industrial safety documents
4 Certification AuthorityCertification of equipment and production
5 The educational centerTraining of customer personnel in industrial safety rules, training of experts in the field of industrial safety

Assessing the knowledge of food safety experts

6 Personnel centerSelection of engineering personnel based on client requests

5. Why you should think about conducting a high-quality industrial safety assessment - 3 main reasons

Many managers of Russian companies rely on the Russian chance and delay the implementation of the EPB.

Reason 1. Lack of decent expertise is a risk to the health and life of employees

Before “safely forgetting” about industrial safety rules at their enterprise, managers need to think about what risks this may entail for people’s health and lives.

Judicial practice and legislation - Order of Rostekhnadzor dated November 14, 2013 N 538 (as amended on July 28, 2016) On approval of federal norms and regulations in the field of industrial safety "Rules for conducting industrial safety examinations

2. Applicants for the provision of public services are individuals applying for certification, having special knowledge in the field of industrial safety and meeting the mandatory requirements for experts in the field of industrial safety established by the federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Rules for conducting industrial safety examinations" ", approved by order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision dated November 14, 2013 N 538 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 26, 2013, registration N 30855; Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 2013, N 296), as amended by order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision of July 3, 2015 N 266 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 6, 2015, registration N 38384; official Internet portal of legal information ru, 2015, N 0001201508100054) (hereinafter referred to as the applicants).

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