Download a research paper on the topic. Research work in elementary school: topics, design, examples

Today's school graduate must have not only knowledge of basic subjects, but also practical skills and abilities. To achieve this result, current teachers use innovative teaching tools, one of which is learning activities. Already in the elementary grades, schoolchildren can be provided with interesting topics for carrying out research work in order to identify and develop their abilities in a form that is interesting to the student.

Modern teaching methods have changed significantly in recent years. To identify the individual abilities of schoolchildren, today many teachers offer interesting topics for scientific learning activities already in elementary school.

This allows students to be motivated to acquire knowledge, and also contributes to their general and personal development.

The learning activity of schoolchildren is a specially organized individual or joint activity with other children. It can be creative, educational or playful. It is advisable to introduce its basics already in the lower grades.

At the same time, it becomes possible to solve the following pedagogical problems:

  1. To stimulate students to develop their creative activity.
  2. Acquiring the skills of exploratory learning as the most effective.
  3. Arouse interest in studying science.
  4. To develop the ability for independent learning and knowledge of the world around us.
  5. Development of communication skills and the ability to work in a team.
  6. Involving parents in the learning process.

This teaching method allows you to develop in a child independence, innovative thinking and the ability to objectively evaluate the results of his own business.

For its successful implementation, the teacher must create the necessary conditions, the main of which are I:

  • definition of motivation;
  • creating a creative atmosphere among students;
  • psychologically comfortable environment for each participant;
  • Research topics for elementary school should be selected taking into account age characteristics.

Important! This teaching method is more aimed at high school students. However, the foundation of knowledge and skills is laid at primary school age. Therefore, it should be implemented as early as possible.

It is extremely important, especially for younger students, to create a favorable environment for conducting classes. In this case, the psychological factor is of paramount importance. Proposed research works for children in 1st grade must correspond to their age characteristics.

This condition also applies to other age categories of participants. Project topics for schoolchildren in the first two years of study are chosen by the teacher. Starting from the third year of study, students can independently choose a problem that is interesting to them.

Project Selection

In developmental education, the process of developing research activity includes several stages, which are presented in the table.

StageYear of studyTasksMethods
First1 Teach the student how to correctly pose questions, the ability to observe, and make assumptionsCollective discussions, examination of objects, modeling of problem situations - in the process of conducting lessons. Excursions, educational games, modeling using available materials - outside of lessons
Second2 Teach the student to determine direction, compare facts, analyze them, draw conclusions and be able to draw them up, develop independence, support initiativeConducting debates, discussions, observations in accordance with the developed plan, presentations by children and teachers with stories - in the process of conducting lessons. Excursions, role-playing games, experiments, reports, individual modeling - outside of school hours
Third3–4 Accumulation and use of experience. Solving problems independently. Awareness of reasoning and conclusionsConducting research lessons, surveys, experimental activities and protecting the results

Cognitive interest is most characteristic of early school age. It is on this psychological and physiological feature of this age category that the scientific learning activities of children are based and the topics of primary school research work are selected.

Starting from the fifth year of study, the establishment of social relationships with others and the desire to take a worthy place in the team comes to the fore. At this age, schoolchildren begin to clearly demonstrate independence, and their areas of activity expand.

The teacher’s task at this stage is to support and guide the creative and educational aspirations of students. Research topics should be selected taking into account the interests of the student. For 5th grade, there are many areas for research that allow teenagers to show independence, their thinking abilities and expand the space of their actions.

Useful video: the art of writing a research paper

The scientific learning process in elementary school has its own specifics. It lies in the special role of the teacher, who must approach such an activity creatively. This will make the learning process interesting, and therefore more productive.

Important! A primary school teacher must be able to captivate children, show them the importance of their work and achieve the active participation of parents in this process. This is a great opportunity to get closer to children based on common interests and joint activities.

The participation of the children's parents is very useful. Knowing the character and hobbies of their child, they can help him choose a topic, select the necessary literature and other materials to carry out the necessary research.

Projects in junior school

For the youngest schoolchildren, general primary school research topics are offered, for example:

  1. How to protect my planet.
  2. Favorite toys.
  3. Disney cartoon characters.
  4. How to make a doll with your own hands.
  5. History of Matryoshka.
  6. How to decorate a Christmas tree.
  7. What nature can tell.
  8. Rare birds.
  9. Phone history.
  10. Bicycle in different countries.
  11. How a dog became a man's friend.
  12. Independent cats.
  13. How lessons are taught in other countries.
  14. Why is New Year celebrated in winter?
  15. The benefits and harms of tea.

This list can be continued endlessly. Kids are very inquisitive. They can be offered any topic that interests them. In the process of studying it, children will gradually learn to correctly plan and carry out scientific learning activities, which includes the following stages:

  • choosing a topic;
  • goal definition;
  • carrying out research;
  • preparation for defense;
  • protection.

Questions for research activities in some subjects can be proposed for students of both primary and secondary schools.

The world around us

On this topic, the teacher can offer one of the following questions for students from the first to the fourth year of study:

  1. How to protect coniferous forests.
  2. How can you use packaging to your advantage?
  3. Plants of the Red Book.
  4. The mystery of the birth of stars.
  5. Why does the cat purr?
  6. Why do birds fly away?
  7. Is salt harmful or beneficial?
  8. What fish can live in the same aquarium?
  9. Why chips are bad for your health.
  10. Who are ants?
  11. What kind of honey is called linden honey?
  12. Correct hardening.
  13. What is lemonade made from?
  14. How are wild strawberries different from strawberries?
  15. The kindest dogs.

Any object or phenomenon of the surrounding world is suitable for research activities in this direction. At the same time, the child will learn the step-by-step implementation of his project, which will help when developing more complex problems in subsequent years.

Russian language

This subject is studied at school throughout the entire period of study. The teacher’s creative approach to teaching a serious subject will help make its study entertaining, starting from the first days. The following topics proposed for research work in the Russian language can be simplified or complicated, taking into account the individual abilities of the student:

Project topics for 1st grade:

  • alphabet in names;
  • how to show letters with gestures;
  • funny alphabet;
  • what is a dictionary for?
  • history of riddles;
  • how to learn .

Research topics for grade 2:

  • why did they come up with the rules;
  • speaking correctly is fashionable;
  • how to put emphasis correctly;
  • what are parts of speech used for?
  • write a letter to a friend;
  • We use words in a figurative sense.

For 3rd grade:

  • how words are born;
  • riddles about pronouns;
  • what does a word consist of?
  • cases and their names;
  • noun – the main part of speech;
  • how to construct a sentence from words.

Russian language projects

For 4th grade:

  • how a word affects mood;
  • history of proverbs;
  • speaking surnames using examples of famous writers;
  • the history of my name;
  • what are punctuation marks used for?
  • How commas affect the meaning of a phrase.

For 5th grade:

  • verb importance;
  • history of etiquette;
  • words of foreign origin;
  • why are polite words needed?
  • how not to get a request refused using words;
  • dialectisms using examples of works;
  • influence of the Internet on the Russian language.

Some research questions on the Russian language are relevant for any age. On the recommendation of the teacher, you can select a topic for study that will be especially relevant among students.

Russian literature

The school curriculum provides for the study of literature from the 5th to the 11th year of study. The following project topics for interesting research projects on literature will provide the opportunity to delve deeper into the chosen issue in a fun way:

  1. Heroes of the epic “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber” in cinematography.
  2. Mythological subjects in painting.
  3. Russian poets and love lyrics.
  4. How to perceive proverbs.
  5. Can you believe a fairy tale?
  6. Fables and fairy tales - what's the difference?
  7. Images of animals in fairy tales.
  8. Images of plants in the poems of A. Fet.
  9. Screen adaptation of works by Russian classics.

Important! In the age of computers and the Internet, it is very difficult to attract schoolchildren to read books. Research projects can be stimulating for children.

These projects, with a competent approach, can greatly interest schoolchildren and encourage them to read the works of the school curriculum, intended for study in the 5th grade.

Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber


Knowledge of history gives a person a more complete understanding of events occurring in the present time. When choosing a project topic for research work on history, the student must understand the full responsibility of the upcoming project. When performing it, the author must be extremely objective in his conclusions and not succumb to the desire to embellish historical facts.

The study of history as part of the school curriculum begins in the 5th year of secondary school. Children can be offered the following directions:

  1. Who opened the tomb of Tutankhamun.
  2. History of ships of the Ancient World.
  3. Ancient Egypt and art.
  4. History of costumes of ancient peoples.
  5. Myths and legends of Ancient Greece.
  6. The first Christian churches.
  7. The first Olympic Games.
  8. Patriotic people of Greece.
  9. Spartan education.

When carrying out research work on history collectively, children have the opportunity to become closer during the collection of information and a general discussion of the obtained facts and learn to find solutions and draw conclusions during the discussion.

Ancient Egypt and art

English language

Today, the study of English as part of the school curriculum is provided from the second year of secondary school. But since different educational institutions begin to learn a foreign language at different times, and the level of training can vary significantly, it is difficult to classify project topics for research work in English by year.

It is advisable to discuss projects in groups. This allows children to overcome the barrier of oral communication in a foreign language, study more deeply the features of the English language and understand the translation of expressions that are difficult from this point of view.


When studying this subject at school, many schoolchildren are faced with the problem of memorizing the multiplication and division tables. Project topics for research papers in mathematics make the study of this material interesting. During the 3rd year of school, children are encouraged to explore problematic material in a fun way. The third grade of primary school is very important when studying mathematics, as it provides the basic knowledge for further study of this exact science.

Useful video: where to get topics for research and projects?


Modern methods of educational activities in school are designed to teach students to learn. This will allow him to study independently in the future. To implement this direction, today school teachers quite widely use the scientific learning activities of schoolchildren.

It is becoming increasingly popular at school. When students engage in research, they are faced with the question: “How to write and format this type of work?” It should be noted that this is not an easy question. Therefore, our article will tell you how to write a research paper, and also suggest the most interesting topics for research. So, first things first.

Stage 1. Selecting a topic

Before going to the library and selecting the necessary literature, it is important to think about the topic of research. But where to start? First, you need to ask yourself some important questions about your research. After all, choosing a topic is the most important and important step! It is important that there is enough material and literature on your problem. If you are researching a new phenomenon, keep in mind that there will be very few sources of information. If the problem has been little researched, will your own opinion be appropriate in this work?

Research work at school or university should be on a topic that interests you. If you study something that is important to you, the result will be positive. Research papers on literature are very popular today. Children consider the features of poetics in poems by various writers, study oral folk art in their native lands, and so on.

Teacher's opinion

Be sure to discuss the chosen topic with your teacher. Listen to his advice, perhaps the teacher’s ideas will be original. High-quality work is in the sphere of interests of the teacher. Remember that teachers will always help you.

Don't be afraid to adjust your research topic. It happens that the work does not get off the ground. Don't despair! It is enough to review the topic together with the teacher and continue research work on literature, history, social studies, and so on. You can adjust not only the topic, but also the goals and tasks. Please note that you cannot deviate too much from the original theses. This can fundamentally affect the progress of work in the future.

Stage 2. Collection of information

To figure out how to write a research paper, you need to know the algorithm. After choosing a topic, the next step is collecting information. Once the topic is chosen, you need to select encyclopedias, books, magazines, newspaper interviews, blog posts that are relevant to your problem.

Attention! The more sources you read, the better, even if you are writing a research paper on mathematics that is based on calculations.

Along the way, refer to empirical studies that have been endorsed by other experts on your topic. Don't neglect the library. The method, of course, is “old-fashioned”. But this is where a lot of information awaits you! Ask questions to the reading room staff. Contact them for help. After all, this is precisely their job.

Reach out online for help. You should not use the first three links for your request. The information you find on the Internet should be analyzed, since websites and various forums are not the most reliable sources. You will find a lot of useful knowledge on sites with domains:

  • gov and others.

When formulating your query, use synonyms and cognates.

Stage 3. Analysis of the information received

And we continue to figure out how to write a research paper. We move on to the next, analytical stage. At this stage of research, you need to systematize and structure the information found. First, you need to read everything. Secondly, make the necessary notes in the margins and add bookmarks, as this will be useful to you later! It is very convenient when information is organized by color. Let's say, if you are writing a research paper on mathematics, then you can mark information about the discovery in orange, text about scientists in red, and so on.

Once you have decided on your sources, you need to create a preliminary bibliography. It is necessary to list the authors, the year of publication of the book or magazine, where it was published, and the number of pages. And, of course, be sure to write down the page number that contains the necessary information. This will be useful to you even at the defense stage!

Stage 4. Determining the essence of the study

There are two approaches to how to write a research paper. This fact is worth considering before getting involved in the workflow. So:

  • Discussion research paper. It is based on a controversial issue or argument in favor of a point of view. Naturally, the problem today should be controversial, then your opponents will be interested and will be able to provide counterarguments.
  • Analytical research work. Offers listeners a fresh idea or perspective that addresses an important issue. Interesting topics for research papers of this nature may not cause loud controversy during the defense. You must convince your listeners that your views have merit.

Stage 5. Structure of scientific work

The researcher must understand that his work must be strictly structured.

1. Title page.

3. Introduction. It reveals the problem, topic, relevance, purpose, novelty, literature review and methodology.

4. Theoretical chapter.

5. Practical chapter. There may be several of them, depending on the purpose and objectives of the study.

6. Research results.

7. Conclusion. Contains conclusions, as well as the practical significance of the study.

8. List of sources used.

9. Application. Their number also depends on the study.

Stage 6. Working on the text

Before you sit down at the computer and print your research, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for formatting such work. Check margins, line spacing, color, font, point size, etc. If these rules are not followed, the commission has the right not to accept your work. Save your research on multiple storage media:

  • e-mail;
  • flash drive;
  • hard drive;
  • virtual disk.

Rewrite them regularly. If your laptop or computer breaks down, you will have the latest version of the study at your fingertips.

Now you know how to write a research paper. And we bring to your attention a list of interesting topics.

Possible research topics

You can explore anyone and anything. Every object or phenomenon deserves this. For example, consider sample topics in chemistry:

  • aromatherapy;
  • gifts of fire;
  • history and properties of soap;
  • secrets of salt.

Ecology can also offer interesting topics for research. For example:

  • where it is easier to breathe;
  • research of water in a certain area;
  • nanotechnology;
  • studying the properties of water;
  • living colors;
  • microflora;
  • problems of homeless animals;
  • haymaking and so on.

We offer you a list of common topics:

  • ways to quickly memorize poems;
  • what is the difference between Russian and European snowman;
  • how to learn to forgive insults;
  • how weather events affect mood;
  • how to learn about mood using gestures;
  • what can you tell about a person’s character from his handwriting;
  • symmetrical landscapes;
  • magic numbers in fairy tales;
  • evolution of mobile phones;
  • device and operation of a piano;
  • differences in road signs in Russia and Europe;
  • does the character depend on the name;
  • electricity in the body;
  • How to find and maintain emotional balance.

As a rule, environmental topics deserve special attention in 2017. 2016 was declared the year of cinema. The year 2015 was dedicated to literature.

There is currently some debate about 2018. The first propose declaring it the year of theatre, the second - the year of Russian unity, and the third - the year of the fight against cancer. The controversy still hasn't subsided.

Our article has come to an end. We wish you creative success on your research path!

Types of research work

Text works




Poster presentation

Literature review


Scientific article

Scientific report


Video, slides

Working model or layout with text support

Report- this is an oral story (essay) on a given or independently formulated topic.

Scientific report- this is a document containing a statement of the results of research activities or experimental design work, published in print or read in an audience.

Requirements for the report:

Reflected novelty and practical significance topics.

Reveals main content topics.

Justified conclusions and suggestions(copyright).

May have the form connected text or theses(published in collections based on the results of the event: conference, seminar, symposium, etc.).

Poster presentation

This report form has been accepted in modern international practice as the most successful, ensuring ease and concentration of content perception at conferences, exhibitions and other events.

A special stand is provided for each research work. Materials intended for a poster presentation can be pre-designed on a sheet of Whatman paper. At the top of the stand the title of the work is attached (840 × 100 mm, font no less than 48), below it the name of the author and scientific supervisor (font 36), the name of the institution, city are indicated . The stand number allocated during registration is indicated in the left corner.

Requirements for a poster presentation

Visibility. Aimed at developing an idea of ​​the topic and nature of the work performed.

Illustrative ratio ( photographs, diagrams, graphs, block diagrams, etc.) and text material set to 1:1. In this case, the text must be written in a font that is easily readable from a distance of 50 cm.

Optimality. The amount of information should allow you to fully study the stand in 1 - 2 minutes.

Popularity. Information must be presented in a form accessible to conference participants.

Structure of a poster presentation

Goals and objectives of the work.

Description of what was done during the research process.

Methods used during research activities.

Main results and conclusions.

Thanks to the organizations and specialists who provided assistance in the work.

It is advisable to present the research methods and results in graphical or illustrative form.

Literature review

Literature review- a brief description of what is known about the phenomenon under study from various sources, indicating the areas of research conducted by various scientists.

Procedure for working on a literature review

General familiarization with the source of information (quick reading or viewing).

Highlighting the most important parts of what you read.

Drawing up a thesis plan for what you read.

Extracting complete and meaningful quotes from the text with exact references to the source, indicating its output data.

Compare this information with that obtained from other sources.

Critical assessment of what you read, making comments only on an objective basis.

In a literature review, you need to show that it the author is familiar with the field of study from several sources and is able to set himself a research task.

Preparation of a literature review- a mandatory stage of research work, focused on deep mastery of the material and ensuring scientific reliability and validity of judgments.

Scientific article

Scientific article- a unique literary genre. The purpose of writing a scientific article is to identify a scientific problem and known methods for solving it.

Structural components of a scientific article

Description of the problem and its relevance for theory and practice.

Brief information about the research methodology.

Analysis of own scientific results and their generalization.

Scientific report

Scientific report- a document containing a detailed description of the methodology and progress of the research, its results, as well as the conclusions obtained in the process of scientific research or experimental work.

Target scientific report - comprehensively cover the work performed upon its completion or over a certain period of time.

Structure of a scientific report

A brief summary of the plan and program of the completed stages of scientific work.

The significance of the work carried out, its research value and practical significance.

Characteristics of the research methods used.

Description of the research results.

A conclusion summarizing the results of the study and highlighting open questions.

Conclusions and suggestions for future research activities.


Review(from lat.recensio- review) - critical analysis and evaluation of a new work of art or scientific work.

A review can be presented in various genres: critical article, essay, review.

Stages of working on a review

Collection of material for analysis:

Assessing the relevance of the problem raised. Seeing a given problem in the context of others or the entire system of reasoning.

Evaluation of the composition of the source text (abstract).

Assessing the stylistic unity of presentation.

Writing an analytical text based on the collected material.

Thinking through the personal position of the reviewer:

Formation of a holistic emotion. evaluation of the text by the reviewer (what made a deep impression, what the author was most successful in, etc.)

Choosing a compositional solution for a review

3 parts (introduction, main part, conclusion), their size, change of micro-topics in each of them. Integrity of the composition.

Writing a review

Checking its thematic and compositional integrity, coherence, expressiveness, targeting, persuasiveness of the author’s position

Abstract(from lat.referre- report, inform) - 1) a brief oral report or written presentation of the contents of a book, scientific work, problem, results of scientific research, etc.; 2) a report on any topic, covering it based on a review of the literature and other sources.

This is a secondary text created as a result of systematization and generalization of the primary source material, itsanalytical processing.

N.B.! The teacher must remember that the essay is not a summary of literary sources. The genre of this work requires the author to analyze the information used and draw independent conclusions.

Principles of organizing work on an abstract

It is advisable attract to this kind of work students with a penchant for research with analytical skills and critical thinking.

Solution about engaging in this type of activity, the student must accept on one's own.

Teacher provides assistance in choosing a topic abstract and advises student in the process of work.

Research activities Not must wear mass character.

When starting work, the student should know exact deadlines for completing the essay(they depend on the complexity of the topic).

Must be specified deadlines for submitting drafts abstract, time is allocated for revision and editing.

Abstract is due for review scientific supervisor no later than a week before the defense.

Registration requirements abstracts must be the same for everyone and expressed in formal terms

Abstract structure


Justification for the choice of topic, formulation of the problem, its relevance.

Goals and objectives of the work.

Subject and object of research, hypothesis (if it is a research abstract).

A brief presentation of primary sources (who developed this problem, in which articles, what points of view exist on this problem, what trends have developed in the interpretation of the problem, etc.).

The volume of the introduction should not exceed 1 - 2 pages.

Main part.

Structuring the material into sections in accordance with the key concepts of the topic, on the basis of which the problem is revealed.

Arranging each section (chapter) according to the type of argument (thesis - arguments).

Description of the essence of a concept or problem, argumentation system (examples).

Mandatory decoding of the information used (formulation of footnotes, comments).

Each section of the main part of the abstract ends with a logical conclusion arising from the content of the referenced sources and its own assessment of the material.


Summing up the results of the work, formulating conclusions based on the analyzed sources.

Confirmation of the relevance of the stated topic (problem), its practical significance (where the results obtained can be used, etc.).

Formulating your position (generalization).

Identification of prospects for solving the stated problem (including addressing new problems that emerged during the research).

The volume of the conclusion should not exceed 1 - 3 pages.

List of sources.

It is formatted in accordance with GOST: in alphabetical order, all bibliographic data are indicated: author’s surname and initials, book title, year and place of publication, section, chapter, page, etc.

Abstract evaluation

When evaluating an abstract, the following must be taken into account: components works:

depth and completeness of the topic,

originality (freshness, novelty) of the topic,

relevance of the topic,

scientific evidence (adequacy of information transfer),

structure of work (compositional integrity),

unity of presentation style, etc.


compliance with the design standard (A-4, font 12 point, spacing 1.5; margins at least 2 cm, page numbering in the upper right corner, starting from the 3rd page),

aesthetics of illustrative material.

Representation at the defense procedure(in accordance with the requirements for the protection procedure)

Review written by the supervisor in accordance with the requirements for the review format and based on the specified components of the work.

A preliminary assessment is given.

Project(from lat.projectus- thrown forward) -1) plan, plan; 2) developed construction plan, mechanism, technological process diagram; 3) preliminary text of a document.

Design is the process of creating a project - a prototype, a prototype of a proposed object or state.

Types of project

Mono-subject project → within one subject. It is carried out in a classroom-lesson system.

Interdisciplinary (interdisciplinary) project → within several subjects, based on cross-disciplinary skills and abilities. Carried out in extracurricular activities.

Oversubject project → at the intersection of areas of knowledge and beyond the content of school subjects. It is carried out in extracurricular activities and is of a research nature.

Work on the project


work on


at this stage



Teacher activities


Defining the theme and goals of the project. Formation of a working group.

Discuss the subject of the project with the teacher and receive additional information if necessary. Set goals.

Introduces the meaning of the project approach and motivates students. Helps in setting the goals of the project. Monitors student activities.

Planiro -

a) Identification of information sources.

b) Determining ways to collect and analyze information.

c) Determining the method of presenting the results (project form).

d) Establishing procedures and criteria for assessing the results and process of project activities.

e) Distribution of tasks (responsibilities) between team members.

Form tasks.

Develop an action plan.

Select and justify their criteria and indicators of success of project activities.

Offers ideas, makes assumptions.

Monitors student activities.


Collection and clarification of information, solving intermediate problems. Discuss alternatives using brainstorming. Choosing the optimal option. Basic tools: interviews, surveys, observations, experiments, etc.

Carry out research, solving intermediate problems.

Observes, advises, and indirectly directs the activities of students.

Formulation of results and (or) conclusions

Information analysis. Formulation of conclusions.

Perform research and work on a project, analyzing information. They draw up the project.

Consults students.

Project protection

Preparation of a report: justification of the design process, presentation of the results obtained.

Possible forms of report: oral report (including demonstration of materials), written report.

Participate in collective self-analysis of the project and self-assessment of activities.

Listens, asks appropriate questions in the role of an ordinary participant. Directs the analysis process as necessary.

Evaluation of the results and process of project activities

Analysis of project implementation, achieved results (successes, failures) and their reasons.

Participate in assessment through collective discussion and self-assessment of activities

Evaluates students' efforts, their creativity, and the quality of their use of sources. Determines the potential for continuation of the project and the quality of the report.

Topics of research works and projects for junior schoolchildren on general topics
Is a chicken egg strong?
Does toothpaste affect the strength of teeth?
Children's fantasies
Keyboard riddle
The art of creating a book
Computer games – are they good or bad?
Colors in our lives
A little story about my big family
Math in the kitchen
The weather center "People's Signs" reports...
Cartoons: what is it?
The world of a child: a look through time
Youth jargon in the speech of modern schoolchildren
The image of the dragon in children's literature
About some ways to survive in nature
What do footprints in the snow tell?
Origami and mathematics
Why are there so many holes in bread?
Where did the bread on the table come from?
The benefits of paper
Why is the water in small reservoirs green?
Why did the puddle dry up?
Why don't ships sink?
Why is the sea salty
Why are we crying? Where do tears come from?
Why is the pillow soft and the floor hard?
Why does milk sour?
Why does popcorn shoot?
Why is the snowdrift striped?
PochForest is our friend
My Garden of Eden
My favorite fruit is orange
New Year's beauty
Why do leaves change color in autumn?
About tops and roots, or why branches stretch to the sun and roots to the ground
Useful properties of viburnum
Portrait of an apple tree
Why don't the seeds germinate in an apple?
Journey of the bone

Why does the Christmas tree have prickly needles?
Russian birch
What do we know about tree bark?
What is birch bark?
What is leaf fall?
This Mexican stranger is an avocado
Apple tree and apple
Amber - magical tears of trees.

Why is bread black and white?
Why is tea brewed in hot water?
Journey of a water droplet
Speech aggression of younger schoolchildren or some secrets of words
Russian hero: the embodiment of my dream
A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it...
To sleep or not to sleep? That's the question!
Bread is the head of everything!
Color and children
What is a microscope?
What is an experiment?
What's in our salt shaker and sugar bowl?
Miraculous transformations, or What is cheese?

The world around us

Research paper topics for elementary school about nature
And we have pineapple!
"White birch tree under my window"
My birch, my birch!
Evergreen beauty of the forest
Forest life
Who paints the leaves green?

I was born a gardener

Me and my family

Topics for research papers for primary grades about family:
The influence of the computer on children
The magic of colors
War and our family
My family tree
From the history of children's responsibilities
Name in a person's life
My ancestry
My Family Timeline
Reward in our house
Holidays for our family
Letter from my grandmother to her grandson
Family traditions
Family heirlooms
My family's sports life
Our home. Our yard.


Primary School Research Paper Topics on Houseplants
Growing cacti at home
Green window sill at school
Cactus - a prickly friend
Who are you, sour lemon?

world of cacti
The world of plants on the windowsill
Is it possible to grow a large cactus at home?
Is it possible to grow a plant in a closed glass jar?
My green friends
My favorite flower is begonia
My flower garden
My garden
My miracle flower
My hobby is cacti
About indoor plants
Why do leaves on trees turn yellow in the fall, but not on houseplants?
Secrets of "grandmother's geranium"
Amazing cacti
Violet for mom
Violets as a gift for grandma
What do we know about lemon?

Plants and berries

Topics for primary school research papers about plants:
Visiting the white water lily
Can the dandelion plant be used as food?
My little world of wild plants
Dandelion - little sun
Strawberry portrait
Look, dandelion!
Why doesn't every seed give birth to new life?
Why is a sunflower called the flower of the sun?
Why does the plant grow
About tops and roots
Natural community – meadow
The role of plants in human life
What kind of raspberry is it?
What do we know about sunflowers?
Berry alphabet
Berry Watermelon.


Topics for elementary school research papers about vegetable gardening
Pharmacy in the garden: grandma's cabbage
Oh, potatoes, potatoes!
Oh, carrots, delicious!
Without windows, without doors, the room is full of people
"Jolly Beans"
Where does onion grow best?
Where do loofahs grow?
Riddles about vegetables and fruits
Whoever undresses him sheds tears
Favorite potato in our family's life
Medicinal plants

Topics for primary school research projects about medicinal plants:
Grandma's Pharmacy
Nettle. What do I know about her?
Medicines - weeds
Do indoor plants cure colds?
The tenderness of chamomile - for soul and body
Why do nettles sting?
Benefits of aloe
I don't walk in the steppe, I walk around the pharmacy...


Research topics for junior schoolchildren about flowers
Forcing hyacinth on March 8 - "Gift for Mom"
Let's grow tulips ourselves and then give them to mom
My favorite roses
Miracle flowers - marigolds
Give a flower to mom
Monitoring the growth and development of garden and varietal tulips
Sunflower - sunny flower
Why do flowers smell?
Why are flowers colorful?
Why does grandma have the most beautiful flowers at her dacha?
Journey through the kingdom of flowers. Lily of the valley
Journey through the kingdom of flowers. Lotus
Journey through the kingdom of flowers. Dandelion
Journey through the kingdom of flowers. Snowdrop
Save the May lily of the valley!
Tulip for mom
Sun Flower
Flower for mom
Flowers for home and soul
Flowers in the garden and at home
The wonderful world of fragrances

Bow from seven ailments
Monitoring the development of onions
Our friend - leek
Do zucchini seedlings need fertilizing?
Inhabitants of the garden plot
Bean experiment. Germination
Organic farming
Where did tomatoes come from and why were they called that?
Selection of plants for rock garden
The benefits of potatoes for human health
Tomato is the fruit of health
Potato Festival - Bulba
Senor Tomato
Are beans a good or bad neighbor in the garden?
One pea, two pea...
What is our life? Game? No – squash caviar!
Steps of life. Life history of a bean seed

I'll give my mother a bouquet...


Primary school research topics about animals:
The life and death of dinosaurs on planet Earth
Why do I eat an apple?
Crocodile tears
Who lives in our forest?

Who lives under the tubercle?
Who builds a house on the river?
Who are hedgehogs and what do we know about their lives?
Who is an elephant?
Who are you, dog?
Culinary preferences of a squirrel
Favorite pet
I love you, my furry friend!
Curious animal - squirrel
People and cats.
People and dolphins
Mammoths - ancient and powerful
The bear is fabulous and real
World of funny animals
Zebra World
World of whales
Horse world
World of Dogs
Can a hamster replace a bobak, and a boibak a hamster?
My poodle
My cat
My pet is a German Shepherd
My favorite animal is a dolphin
Is it possible to make friends with a horse?
My pets
My mysterious cats
My cats
My favorite rabbits
My favorite horses
My favorite hamsters
My pets
My four-legged friends
My faithful friend is a dog
My pet is a Syrian hamster
My pet is a Scotch Terrier
My favorite is the guinea pig
My fluffy affectionate cat Ryzhik
My red fidgety cat
My puppy: first month of life
Guinea pig is an ideal animal for children of any age
My favorite cat
My favorite dog
My amazing encounter with dolphins
Beaver watching
Observing golden hamsters
Monitoring the development of a baby rabbit during artificial feeding
Observations of domestic and wild mice
We are not afraid of the gray rat!
Our favorite zoo
Unusual facts about an ordinary hedgehog
Nora is home. Animal houses
About leopards
My cat's lifestyle and behavior
Lifestyle of bats
One day in the life of a hamster
About cats
Deer are our friends
Differences in behavior between large and small dogs
A very long-necked animal with a wonderful name - giraffe
Behavior of domestic pigs
Cat behavior
The Lost World of Dinosaurs
Why did dinosaurs become extinct?
Why do whales come to the surface and release a fountain of water?
Why does a cow give milk?
Why did dinosaurs become extinct on Earth?
Why does the killer whale squeak?
Why is a tiger striped?
Why does Khomka have thick cheeks?
Why do cats' eyes glow in the dark?
In the footsteps of the Ussuri tiger
Habits and habits of my cats
About hares...
Furry weirdos
Different breeds of horses
Squirrels live next to us...
Is it a pig?
A dog is man's friend
Is a dog a man's friend or a man a dog's friend?
A dog is a true friend
Keeping and raising a puppy
"Creatures who love us more than themselves"
Who has the longest tail?
Who has a tongue on their leg?
Amazing cats
Amazing dolphins
The amazing world of giant dinosaurs
Could dinosaurs fly?
Can dolphins talk?
Can animals count?
Cat's mental abilities
Whiskers, paws and tail, or What does the cat want to tell us?
Tailed hydraulic builders
"Tail, tail, tail"
Hamster in search of truth
Puff hamsters
Ferret. Can he replace a cat?
King of the Dinosaurs
Whose nose is better?
How is a hare different from a rabbit?
How are elephants treated?
What do I know about dolphins
What I learned about cats
What do we know about cats?
Jaguar - a majestic predator
I am all for loving all dogs.


Primary school research project topics on mushrooms:
Mushroom basket
His Majesty the Boletus
What do the names of mushrooms tell us?
Mold is also a mushroom!
You, fox, red mushroom!
The amazing kingdom of mushrooms
Amazing find
Guess the fungus!
What kind of mushroom has a thin stem?


Research topics for junior schoolchildren about birds:
How does a sparrow winter
Who lives in the nest?
Who are the birds?
Who are finches?
Chicken is not an ordinary bird!
Swallow - the messenger of goodness and happiness
Swallow's Nest
The world of our hobbies. Budgerigars
Bird World
Can a primary school student keep an ostrich at home?
My cranes
My favorite penguins
My observations of the barn swallow
My singing canaries
My feathered friends
My wavy friend
My pet is Kesha the parrot
Wise Raven
We taught the parrot
They brought spring on wings...
Observing birds visiting the feeder
Observing the lifestyle of a domestic gerbil and studying the influence of temperature on the shape of its nest
Observing the behavior and reproduction of the mallard at home
Observations of the city swallow population
Wagtail observations
About sparrows
Feathered architects
Bird behavior in winter
Tit behavior in winter
Feed the birds in winter!
Let's help wintering birds
Corella parrot. My little research
Why does a bird knock on the window in winter?
Why does the rooster crow at the same time at dawn?
Why don't many rooks fly away in winter?
Why is a budgie a budgie?
Why do birds fly?
Why do birds fly away in the fall?
Why does the bullfinch have a red breast?
Birds are our friends
Birds of our school yard
Birds outside my window
Birds are our friends
What kind of bird is a sparrow?
What kind of bird is this jackdaw?
Miracle from an egg
Whose nest is this?
Whose nests are better?


Who are snakes?
Frog with the soul of a princess
My Turtle's World
My friend is a turtle
My pet turtle
Observation of the development of the frog (Rana arvalis Nilsson) in an aquarium
Unusual lizards
About turtles
Are snakes dangerous?
Are lizards healthy?
Why are frogs green?
Why does a lizard's tail break off?
The Frog Princess, or How I raised a frog myself
This fabulous creature is a frog


Primary school research paper topics about fish:
Aquarium and its inhabitants
Aquarium fish - what are they?
Catch, fish, big and small...
My aquarium
We created an aquadome, the fish are having fun in it
Observing the behavior of common crucian carp when kept in an aquarium
Watching Parrotfish
Inhabitants of reservoirs
Inhabitants of fresh water bodies
Why do flounder have eyes on one side?
Fishes of our waters
There is no fish more predatory than pike...
What happened to the chum salmon?


Research topics for junior schoolchildren about insects:

Mosquito: you can’t execute, you can have mercy...
Who lives in the computer?
How does one adapt to the world around them?
Who is Medvedka
Who are spiders?
Small but remote, or How insects move
Honey lads
World of bugs
World of dragonflies
My discovery about the fly
My insect collection
Ants and their kingdom
Ant's life
Observing the development cycle of the peacock butterfly
Observation of the life and behavior of the praying mantis in captivity
Observation of the development cycle of the Colorado potato beetle
Observations on the development of an anthill
Insects in my yard
Insects. What are they?
About spiders
Where did redheads come from and where are they taking us?
Oh those mosquitoes!
Oh, those hornets!
Spider is man's friend
Protective coloring of animals (Why is the grasshopper green?)
Do we understand animals, or how to attract butterflies to your garden
Fluttering flowers
Why don't butterflies live in the city?
Why does a water strider walk on water?
Why doesn't the water strider sink?
About ants
Bee is man's friend
Bee family
Are ants intelligent?
How many dots does a ladybug have?
The amazing world of butterflies
Praise the bee!
Why are spiders interesting?
The miraculous transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly

Worms, snails, bacteria, microbes

Watching an earthworm
My Achatina, Ulyana!
Don't look down on a simple worm
Oh, these bacteria!
Who are microbes?
The world of “invisibles” around us, or How to catch a microbe?

Basics of Geography

Sights of our city
Does our village have a future?
Is there water in the air?
How a snowflake is born
Who lives in Africa?
Who can predict the weather for us?
Search route for Captain Grant (based on the book by J. Verne “The Children of Captain Grant”)
My favorite vacation spot
Dunno in the Lugansk region.
From whom does the river run?
Where did tea come to us from?
Why doesn't water run out on Earth?
Why is the volcano called a volcano and why does it “breathe fire?”
Why do volcanoes erupt?
Why is sea water salty?
Why do waterfalls appear?
Why does the Christmas tree have prickly needles?
Colorful seas
Snow research
Seven Wonders of the World
Seven Wonders of Russia
Seven wonders of Ukraine
Color and names of seas
What are icebergs?
What is quartz?


Topics of primary school research work on ecology:
Were about dust
Homeless animals are a problem for each of us
Living water
Live, spring!
How to save our river?
What kind of water do we drink?
What kind of air do we breathe?
How cartoons affect a child's psyche
Protecting nature means protecting the world
Cleanliness on my street. What can I do with trash?
Ecology of my village
Ecology of our reservoir
Eco-products from my garden.

Physical education and health basics

Primary school research topics in physical education:
If you want to be healthy
Healthy lifestyle
Ski history
My diet
Milk is good for children
Yard dangers
Prevention of caries in young children.
Is ice cream healthy?
Is yeast good or bad?
Useful properties of kumiss
Benefits and uses of vitamins.
Family sports life
What are vitamins?
Rhythmic gymnastics.
Chocolate – harm or benefit.
I'm a cyclist.

Russian language and literature

The route of Doctor Aibolit in the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky "Aibolit"
Non-fairy tale reflections on a fairy tale (analysis of the main character traits of the characters in fairy tales about animals).
Pinocchio and Pinocchio
Along the paths of the Fable
Search for words-verbs that are not written together.
The Tale of Tsar Saltan.


Primary school research topics in mathematics:
Author's problems in mathematics for 1st grade students.
Author's problems in mathematics for primary school students.
Arabic numbers
Arithmetic of remainders
Arithmetic is the science of number.
In the kingdom of giant numbers
Great numbers
Fun puzzles
Fun math train
Fun forest math problems.
Fun puzzles for young fishermen.
Time, age, calendar
Time. Measuring time. Watch.
All about the number 13
Division with remainder
Divisibility of natural numbers
Ancient units of length
Ancient length measures
Units of measurement in Ancient Rus'
Units of measurement of length in different countries and at different times.
Problems in drawings
Tasks for the attentive and quick-witted.
Outdoor tasks
Fairy tale problems
Entertaining tasks
The art of guessing numbers
How to quickly learn the multiplication table
How to learn to count quickly
How good it is to be able to count!
Magic number 7
Magic numbers in nature
The magic of numbers 3, 11, 13
Mathematics in the life of a cat
Mathematics in my family
Mathematics through the eyes of children
Mathematics is interesting.
Mathematical proverbs
Math coloring pages for 1st grade.
Mathematical tales
Mathematical kaleidoscope.
Length measures
Measures of length in Rus'
Measures and their measurements
World of numbers
The world of number three
My homework
My favorite number
My favorite number is 7
Can natural numbers be called surprising?
My wonderful friends are numbers
My summer encounters with mathematics.
My favorite number is five!
At a math lesson
Natural numbers in human life.
Learn to solve equations
Our creativity in mathematics.
Non-standard tasks
About inches, inches and centimeters
From addition to division
Quick counting techniques
Mental counting techniques
Quick counting techniques
Mental counting techniques
About the number zero
"One, two, three, four, five, let's start measuring"
Developmental tasks in mathematics
Talk about zero
Different ways to multiply
Expanding parentheses
I solve problems with joy
Roman numbering
Russian system of measures
Russian measures of length
Secrets of the multiplication table
System of length measures
How much does a kilogram of potatoes from my garden cost?
Multiplication methods
Methods of oral multiplication and division.
Ancient monetary units
Ancient measures of length and weight
Ancient measures of length, volume and weight in Russian proverbs and sayings.
Country of Good Mathematics
Multiplication table
Multiplication table on fingers
Mysterious number 12
Mysterious number 7
Word problems for movement
Topology through the eyes of an elementary school student.
Fun math
Exciting weigh-ins
Can animals count?
Unconventional ways to memorize the 9 multiplication table.
Multiplication with passion
Mental arithmetic - mental gymnastics
Leading numbers in my class phone numbers.
Clock and time
Numerical giants
Miracle problem book

Basics of Chemistry

Growing a crystal from salt
Growing a crystal from copper sulfate.
Growing crystals at home.

Fundamentals of Computer Science

Topics of research projects for preschoolers in computer science:
The history of the computer.
As our ancestors believed
Types of accounts in different countries.
The first electrical counting device.


Primary school research topics in music:
“Poems that Sing” (songs based on poems by the poet-storyteller S.G. Kozlov).
Bayu-bayushki-bayu (lullabies of the Russian and Yakut peoples).
Seeing music through drawing.
The effect of music on aquarium fish.
Harmony in our family.
Children's musical instruments
Children's percussion instruments
An interesting history of the xylophone.
The history of one instrument.
The history of the origin of the balalaika.
Spoons as a musical instrument.
My grandmother's favorite songs.
Musical colors
Let's talk about mom with music.
Sergei Prokofiev. Music for children.
A fairy tale in music.
Ditties about numbers.

Professions and hobbies

Cars are modern and vintage.
Vintage cars
Calendar of family professions.
My hobby is vintage cars.
My insect collection.
Postage stamps.
Our dream professions
The professions of our parents.

Research work. What is a research paper? Research work "." Research paper on the topic. Research competition. Research work on local history. Research methodology. Educational and research project. Research project "Snow Maiden". Research creative project.

Educational and research work of students. Research work of teacher and students. Organization of educational and research work. Research methods and techniques. Competition of creative and research works. Creative research paper on the topic. Research work “The Secret of the Name.” What is a Rainbow (Research Paper).

Research work Topic: “Bears”. Research project. Research work "Guinea pigs". How to prepare a research paper presentation. “About our names” Research project. Research project “I remember. Research work on the topic: “What is in your name.

Research work on the topic: “Palm oil.” Research work on the topic “Ornament”. Research work on the topic: “Computer slang.” Research project. Research work “Where we come from. Research paper on the topic: Why we play Lego. Research project “My Native Street”.

Detailed plan for creating a research paper.

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