How long is the urban planning plan for a land plot valid? What is a GZU: decoding, how to get this document and why it is needed

Approval of the urban development plan of a land plot (abbreviated GPZU) from the beginning of July 2017 has a different procedure. Previously, Article 46 (Part 17) of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation was in force, according to which municipal authorities were obliged to prepare and approve the GPZU within 30 days (month) from the date of filing an application from an individual or company. On July 1, Article 57.3 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation came into force, according to which municipal authorities have 20 days from the date of filing an application to prepare and register the GPZU with the subsequent issuance of the document to the applicant. What kind of document is this? Who approves it and how? We will consider these and other nuances below.

GPZU for individual housing construction (IHC) is a land surveying project that necessitates the construction or reconstruction of a specific property. The document contains information about the proximity of other structures to the building being constructed (reconstructed), both planned and already built. Also, the GPZU notes all communications, linear objects, as well as other information that allows you to minimize risks and manage the land allotment more efficiently.

The document must be received before the start of design. Investing in a project without preparing and approving the GPZU is considered a gross violation. The development of GPZU is developed in relation to land plots that:

  • They are registered in the cadastre.
  • They have a draft layout.
  • They have rules for construction and land use.
  • They have a ready-made land surveying project.

GPZU is the main document when resolving issues regarding construction work related to capital construction projects. The urban planning plan reflects existing standards that regulate the rules of construction work.

Without GPZU it is impossible to construct new facilities near existing buildings. An urban planning plan is required in the following cases:

  • Obtaining a building permit.
  • Creation of project documents.
  • Development of a project regarding the boundaries of the land plot.
  • Carrying out control of work performed.
  • Putting the finished structure into operation after construction (reconstruction).

The structure and content of the GPZU comply with current standards and legislative norms. The form of the document is determined by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development number 207. It takes into account all the nuances on the basis of which construction planning is carried out. In general, when drawing up and approving the GPZU, the authorized bodies are guided by the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. It contains the necessary information to create an ideal construction project.

The urban planning plan itself reflects various provisions of the articles of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The document is also based on a number of laws in force in the country on electricity, gas supply, technical regulation and others. They define the requirements, compliance with which during construction is mandatory.

Who approves the urban plan?

Coordination and approval of GPZU is the task of local administration bodies. As a rule, the structure includes special units dealing with issues of urban planning and architecture. They are the ones who undertake the development of the GPZU. It is worth noting that the document in question does not apply to dacha land surveying.

An application for registration of a GPZU is submitted to the local government body at the location of the land plot. To simplify the procedure, you can contact the MFC. On the territory of Moscow, the provision of an urban development plan is included in the list of five public services that are provided by the Mosarchitecture in electronic form.

How to properly approve?

Regardless of the region of the Russian Federation, the application is submitted by the holders of rights to the land plot. These can be individual entrepreneurs, individuals or companies who are owners, tenants or belong to the category of land users or landowners. At the same time, the plots themselves must be registered with the state in the cadastre.

In the process of preparing the GPZU, local governments use the following documents:

  • Documents of urban zoning and territorial planning.
  • Design standards in the field of urban planning.
  • Territory planning papers.
  • Information contained in the state real estate cadastre, as well as in information systems related to urban planning activities and territorial planning.
  • Technical conditions for connecting capital construction objects to engineering and technical networks.

Within 7 days from the date of receipt of the application for the provision of GPZU, the administration sends a request to various structures to provide technical conditions for connecting the planned facility to reconstruction or construction. Providing technical specifications to the municipal government is a mandatory requirement. The deadline for the provision of technical specifications is established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Article 48, clause 7). If in the application for the provision of GPZU the person entitled to the plot did not indicate the purpose of its use, the authorized organization determines the greatest load in possible places of connection to engineering and technical support (based on the information contained in the rules for land use).


Companies and individual entrepreneurs, taking into account the current resolution, must submit applications exclusively in electronic form. Individuals have a choice - registration in classical (paper) form or in electronic form through the portal (in one window of the Moskomarkhitektura). To submit documents electronically, you must do the following:

  • Go to the website under the “Services” tab.
  • Register your personal account.
  • Monitor the progress of preparation of the GPZU.

Registration of a personal account can be done on the mentioned website or through the existing network of MFCs providing public services. Such centers help clients prepare documents and provide advice on issues of interest. Moscow developers choose the option of receiving an urban development plan at their personal discretion - on paper or electronically.

Taking into account current regulations, the following documents are required to receive the service:

  • Applications for obtaining GPZU, which must be drawn up taking into account Appendix number 1 to the administrative regulations.
  • A document that confirms the identity of the applicant (one or more) who is an individual or a representative of a company. If an authorized person applies, an identification document or power of attorney must be issued.
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (if we are talking about individual entrepreneurs).
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (for companies).

Practice shows that the further a populated area is located from the administrative center, the more the conditions for registering a GPZU change. The recipient of the document may be required to take a topographical survey of the land plot. Some regions of the Russian Federation even require a fee for providing an urban planning plan.


Not a single regulatory document mentions the validity period of the GPZU. At the same time, there is an indication that such a document is of an unlimited duration. The cost of drawing up an urban development plan is quite high, so it would be wrong for a construction company to recognize it as time-bound or urgent. Therefore, there is no need to additionally approve the GPZU, go through re-approval procedures or re-register the document.

The only thing that may occur is the need to make changes caused by various reasons. Failure to complete such work results in the impossibility of starting construction and design.


Amendments to the document deserve special attention. Work is carried out if errors or untruthfulness of some information are identified. The bottom line is that the legal force of information entered into the GPZU extends only at the time of entry, preparation and approval. Afterwards, the situation changes taking into account what work is planned for other structures. The close relationship between objects within a common context can be determined within the general urban planning context.

A change in one object on a nearby plot of land may lead to the need to make changes regarding the object being built. The process for making changes is determined taking into account the existing rules and regulations that are introduced by the municipality. These rules are identical for all construction companies.

In some regions, with the help of a special act, requirements are established for the revision and harmonization of information included in the urban planning plan. This work should be carried out once a year. In other cases, the municipality informs the developer about the impossibility of conducting further activities until the situation is agreed upon and amendments are made to the existing GPZU.

Municipal authorities can make additions. If the requirement to change the document is a recommendation from the local government itself, the construction company should not suffer losses from performing such work. In addition, being forced to draw up an urban development plan at your own expense is illegal. At the present stage, situations arise every now and then in arbitration courts regarding the need to make additions (changes) to the urban planning plan.

The judicial authority takes the side of the plaintiff in a situation if the initiative to make amendments comes from the defendant, and he himself has nothing to do with the changes that affect the relevance of the information in the urban planning plan. Despite this fact, the judicial authority always considers the objective facts that determine the need for amendments.

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An urban planning plan for a land plot is a document that indicates the main restrictions and parameters of permitted construction on a specific land plot (registered in the cadastral register).

The urban plan is developed and issued for the purposes of:

  • implementation of new construction
  • carrying out reconstruction of capital construction projects
  • assessing the urban development potential of a land plot

The urban planning plan is a necessary document for:

  • To develop design documentation for new construction or reconstruction
  • To conduct an examination of design documentation
  • To obtain a construction permit and obtain a Facility Commissioning Certificate

The investment attractiveness of the land plot and, in general, the possibility of realizing the plot owner’s plans for the construction or reconstruction of the facility depend on the parameters of the possibility of developing objects that are indicated in the GPZU. The more important is the advance assessment of possible parameters that will be included in the Urban Plan and the more important is the need to attract a professional team with knowledge of urban planning legislation, the intricacies of decision-making in regulatory authorities and the nuances of ensuring the interests of the owner of the land plot.

RANTA Development provides professional support for the release of GPZU with the parameters required by the Investor.

Legal nature of the urban planning plan of a land plot

Before the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation came into force in Moscow, a document similar in purpose was drawn up - an Act of Permitted Use of a Plot of the Territory of an Urban Development Object (Land Plot) - abbreviated as ARI. But if the ARI assumed coordination at different levels of the possibility of construction “in manual mode” (which provided ample opportunities for “spot development”), then later the GPZU became an element of territorial planning, showing compliance with the development plans of the territory.

Now the urban planning plan of a land plot is in the nature of an extract (certificate) from the Land Use and Development Rules of the municipality in accordance with the current regulations, urban planning and technical restrictions in relation to the land plot. The GPZU must include all parameters of urban development that are necessary for further design and construction. It also indicates the main approvals that need to be made during the development and approval of the Project.

The document does not establish the right, but only collects the current parameters (possibilities and limitations of construction and reconstruction).

  • Individual number (identifier) ​​of the Urban Plan, location address and cadastral number of the site, its area;
  • name of the applicant and developer;
  • drawing of the urban planning plan of the land plot and urban planning regulation lines; The GPZU drawing is built on a topographic basis, usually M1:500.
  • boundaries of the land plot;
  • boundaries of public easement areas;
  • minimum setbacks from the boundaries of the land plot in order to determine the places of permissible placement of buildings, structures, structures, outside of which the construction of buildings, structures, structures is prohibited;
  • information about the town planning regulations of the land plot;
  • information about the permitted use of the land plot (information about all types of permitted use of the land plot),
  • information about restrictions on the use of a land plot, including if the land plot is fully or partially located within the boundaries of zones with special conditions for the use of territories;
  • requirements for the purpose, parameters and placement of a capital construction or reconstruction project on a land plot;
  • information about capital construction projects, unfinished construction projects; and cultural heritage sites;
  • information on technical conditions for connecting to engineering support networks;
  • information about the possibility of dividing the plot

The validity period of the GPZU is 3 years.

The parameters specified in the GPZU are not dogma. If necessary, there are a number of ways to achieve adjustments to the parameters specified in the Urban Plan in accordance with the Investor’s development plans. Among others, these are the following methods:

  • Making changes to the PZZ (link to the service page Making changes to the PZZ)
  • Development of a Territory Planning Project (link to the service page Development and approval of PPT)
  • Change in land legal relations (change in land area, change in category and VRI)

In addition, it should be remembered that the issuance of a GPZU can be challenged in court.

The key to successfully obtaining a GPZU with the required parameters is a high-quality urban planning study and collection of the necessary documents:

  • Application for the provision of public services.
  • Identification document of the applicant.
  • A document confirming the authority of the applicant's representative: for a representative of a legal entity - a notarized power of attorney signed by the head of the legal entity or an authorized person, for a representative of an individual - a notarized power of attorney.
  • Copies of the certificate of ownership of the land plot and current title documents for the land plot, including the lease agreement for the land plot or other agreement on the use of the land plot.
  • Cadastral extract of the land plot (USRN extract). Copies of cadastral passports of buildings, structures, structures, unfinished construction projects (form approved by order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated February 18, 2008 No. 32) located on the land plot.
  • Copies of certificates of state registration of rights to buildings, structures, structures located on a land plot, acts of rights to real estate or other acts of rights to real estate, issued before the entry into force of the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 122-FZ “On state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it.”
  • An extract from the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It (when applying from owners of premises in apartment buildings). A copy of the charter with all amendments and additions to it (for legal entities).
  • A copy of the state registration certificate (for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs).

Timeframes and costs for issuing an urban planning plan

The Town Planning Code sets the deadline for issuing GPZU 20 working days.

There is no fee for drawing up a town planning plan for a land plot (Part 6, Article 57.3 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation).

However, in practice, situations arise when in order to obtain a GPZU with the required technical and economic indicators, there is a need for all kinds of preliminary actions, clarifications, requests and approvals. This leads to the extension of the time frame for receiving the GPZU for many months. The Investor's costs to achieve the result may also be far from zero.

Thanks to the accumulated experience and connections, RANTA Development specialists will be able to competently carry out preparatory actions, prepare a package of documents for prompt passage through the necessary authorities, reduce costs and speed up the receipt of GPZU. The cost of our services will pleasantly surprise you!

Risks urban planning plan of the land plot

Many are frightened by how you can get a GPZU incorrectly and then make changes to it in a time-consuming and costly manner. This is wrong! With the introduction of amendments to the Town Planning Code, obtaining a GPZU has become a fairly “safe” event. However, if you have not conducted preliminary research (audit), then you need to be prepared to receive a result that is not entirely expected.

The main, most common troubles when obtaining a GPZU:

  • receipt of a “nulevka” GPZU issued “according to the existing situation”, i.e. not allowing construction or reconstruction (for example, in Moscow - in territorial zones with indices “0” and “F”);
  • obtaining a GPZU with parameters that do not take into account the Investor’s plans for asset development;
  • receiving a refusal to issue a GPZU due to incorrectly prepared documents.

Failure to comply with the requirements of the Town Planning Code, standards and regulations during the development of the GPZU, or incorrect preparation of documentation in the future will lead to refusal to issue a permit for the construction or reconstruction of the facility. That is why it is better for the Investor to turn to specialists who can protect his interests and prepare an Urban Development Plan with the required parameters, with the possibility of developing the land plot.

In Moscow and the Moscow region, RANTA Development employees are able to effectively achieve the goals and results desired by the investor. Our company has been providing services at competitive prices in the capital and the region for a long time; we cooperate with both small private investors and large corporations.

How is the GPZU registered in Moscow: what does an investor need to know?

In Moscow, urban planning plans for land plots are issued by the Committee on Architecture and Urban Planning of the City of Moscow (Moskomarkhitektura).

In general, the procedure for obtaining a GPZU, according to the administrative regulations, is quite simple. However, there are often cases when developers, investors and owners of land plots in Moscow regularly encounter significant difficulties in preparing documents and obtaining the required result. Without being specialists in matters of construction and urban planning, it is extremely difficult to carry out the development and approval of GPZU with the necessary parameters in Moscow in a high-quality and professional manner.

RANTA Development carries out the following stages of obtaining a GPZU in Moscow:

  • An urban planning audit is being carried out, identifying limitations and opportunities in relation to the land plot. We first find out what parameters are possible for the site and how we can influence their improvement. RANTA Development employees communicate and preliminarily stipulate the achievability of the parameters and the need for preliminary actions (clarification of the boundaries of the land plot, the need to amend the land plot, settlement of land legal relations, etc.).
  • Employees prepare the necessary package of documents and submit them to the Moscow Architecture Committee.
  • Specialists provide support for documents through the Moskomarkhitektura, NIIPI General Plan of Moscow, State Land Planning Committee, Prefecture, DGI, Department of Cultural Heritage, Moskomstroyinvest and other authorities, as necessary.
  • The last stage is obtaining a GPZU with the parameters required by the Investor (TEP).

As a rule, registration of a state land plot in Moscow lasts from 20 working days (according to the Administrative Regulations) to 3-6 months (if it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparatory work, such as clarifying the boundaries of the land plot, settling land legal relations, etc.) .

Obtaining GPZU in the Moscow region

At the moment, the Urban Plan of the land plot is an extract from the Land Use and Development Rules of the municipality, taking into account the current PPT, PMT and other documents. The GPZU is issued after the submission of an application drawn up by either an individual or a legal entity or their representatives.

In the Moscow region, the GPZU is issued upon application to the Main Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Moscow Region (with the exception of individual housing construction projects). It is most convenient to apply for GPZU electronically in order to receive this service in accordance with the current administrative regulations.

The issuance of an urban planning plan for a land plot for individual housing construction objects is carried out by local administrations of municipal districts or urban districts.

RANTA Development specialists provide professional support for the preparation of documentation through the Ministry of Construction of the Moscow Region, the Interdepartmental Commission (IMC) and the Urban Planning Council of the Moscow Region, the Main Directorate of Architecture of the Moscow Region (GUAG), and other authorities in the Moscow region.

What are the main factors that determine the cost?

The cost of preparation support and the cost of obtaining GPZU is individual for each site and to some extent depends on the area and characteristics of the land plot.

In our experience, the price for obtaining a GPZU in Moscow is higher, because in the capital there are much more restrictions on construction sites and a more complex decision-making system than in the Moscow region. Accordingly, it takes much more effort and time to achieve results and, accordingly, higher costs.

In the Moscow region, the cost of professional support and obtaining an Urban Development Plan for a land plot is on average lower than in Moscow.

RANTA Development specialists are ready to assess the level of complexity of obtaining a state land plot for your land plot, develop an action plan and issue a commercial proposal for their services. Contact us!

Currently, in order to carry out development of a planned site, it is necessary to draw up a document such as a GPZU. "What it is?" - you ask. A detailed answer to this question will be presented in this text.

GPZU - what is it?

This term stands for urban planning plan. It is one of the most important documents necessary for the construction of any facility. His role is important. GPZU in construction belongs to the initial permitting materials. It specifies the purpose of the structure, the number of floors and other necessary parameters. Registration of the GPZU occurs both as a separate document and as an integral part of the territorial land surveying project.

Why is this plan necessary?

The form of the GPZU was established by the government of the Russian Federation. It defines the requirements necessary for the development and operation of land. This is important. In essence, the GPZU explains to the developer how the land plot is allowed to be used and what the maximum parameters for its development are. The latter concerns the height of the structure and the percentage of use of the territory.

Investor-developers will need this document in the following cases:

1. To submit design documentation for examination.

2. For and for the commissioning of the facility.

Obtaining a GPZU involves collecting the necessary package of documents. A list of them can be found on the Moskomarkhitektura website, as well as in this article.

Legal basis

It is based on the following documents:

  1. 5 Chapter on the planning of the territory of the Russian Federation.
  2. Articles 14, 15, 16 of the Federal Law “On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation.”
  3. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 840 of December 29, 2005 “On the form of GPZU”.
  4. Instruction No. 93 dated August 11, 2006 (approved by the Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation) on the procedure for filling out the form of this document.

Purpose of the GPZU

You can read about this in Articles 41 and 44 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Having studied them, you can understand that this document is needed to clearly define the site where construction will take place. This is important. GPZU applies both to already built-up areas and to those areas where construction of objects is only planned. This is fully consistent with the information contained in the 10th part of Article 38 of the Law “On the State Real Estate Cadastre”.

Russian legislation clearly defines what information is indicated in this document. These are 8 main points:

This material may also contain information about whether it is possible to divide the land territory indicated in it into several plots.

Importance of the document

Obtaining a GPZU is necessary for the following actions:

The above highlights the importance of this document. The issuance of GPZU is carried out only after approval and receipt of a town planning conclusion from the city government. This is a pretty significant condition. All this is necessary for registration of the GPZU. Moscow is no exception. In this case, you will need the same materials from the capital government authorities.

GPZU as a separate document

This has already been mentioned above. GPZU can be issued separately from the territory surveying project. To do this you need to submit an application.

GPZU must be issued within 30 days. This is exactly the line allotted to the body in order to prepare and approve the urban development plan. This document is then provided to the applicant. There is no charge for this.

Important criteria

Having examined the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, namely those parts of it that relate to this document, we can come to the following conclusions:

List of documents required to obtain a GPZU

The following documents are attached to the application for the release of this material:

  1. Passport (copy). For individuals.
  2. If necessary, a copy of the power of attorney.
  3. certain territory.
  4. A copy and object of capital construction (if any).
  5. territories with existing communications. The execution period is no more than one year.
  6. Technical passports of capital construction projects on a land plot (if available).
  7. Materials indicating the technical conditions for the possibility of connecting to networks of engineering and technical support for capital construction projects.
  8. An extract from the state register of cultural heritage objects, as well as the conclusion of the relevant body that is authorized to protect them (if necessary).

On what basis does the GPZU expire?

This happens in the following cases:

  • Relinquishment of ownership of land territory.
  • Termination of permission to use subsoil.
  • Implementation of forced termination of the right to property and other powers over a certain territory. Including the seizure of land plots for municipal or state needs.
  • Termination of lease agreements and other agreements on the basis of which legal entities and individuals acquired rights to certain plots of land.

Difficulties associated with GPZU

As required by relevant legislation, the information required to fill out sections of this document must be established by the rules of development and land use, the land surveying project or territory planning materials. If all of them are missing, then these criteria are approved by temporary regulations. So, for Moscow there are still no special rules for development and land use. Regarding territory planning documents and land surveying projects, only 30% of the urban territory is provided with them. However, there are also no time regulations. This means that the preparation and filling of the GPZU takes place in accordance with only one draft of the rules for development and land use. Thus, the parameters for using a certain area, regarding height and density, are very easy to change by reducing them. This happens based on the decision of the working groups of the Moscow Urban Planning Land Commission. Thus, changing the GPZU is a fairly simple process.

Using Moscow as an example, let's look at one difficulty. It lies in the fact that in 2010 the General Plan of this city came into force. In accordance with it, 70% of the capital's territory falls into development and reorganization zones. This leads to the fact that the receipt of GPZU for these areas must be preceded by the development of documents on their necessary layout. Almost the entire remaining territory of the city fell into the stabilization zone, and these are mainly preserved residential buildings. In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, land use rules are developed in order to comply with and ensure the rights and interests of rights holders of sites and objects for capital construction. This should be achieved by giving them the choice to use a given area in the most efficient way. But, as practice shows, when the GPZU is considered at meetings of working groups of the urban planning land commission, few can fully realize their intentions and legal rights regarding the construction of real estate.

But how can we judge that the required territory has been fully formed and all rights to it have been registered? In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, specific land surveying and planning projects are being developed to establish the boundaries of the site. This is a necessary action. But if the boundaries already exist, which may happen during formation and cadastral registration, then there is no need to prepare documents on the planning of the territory. After all, a very important rule when surveying is its inviolability. Therefore, for such land territories, the plot planning project is rather a formality. After all, these boundaries will not change anyway. The downside is that most of these sites were formed using a procedure for approving their location, the flaws of which are well known to everyone. This means that the prospects for the development and use of the territory, as well as its limitations, were not taken into account. In general, after reading specialized literature, one can come to the conclusion that GPZU was mistakenly classified as materials necessary for territory planning. This is an objective fact. After all, the preparation of the GPZU and the development of planning documents have nothing in common.

Bottom line

Nowadays it is difficult to find people who thoroughly understand all the intricacies of urban planning legislation. However, in order to ensure high-quality support for the approval of the necessary GPZU at meetings of working groups of the relevant land commission, in order to obtain the most convenient specified document, it is necessary to seek help from professionals in this field. This will be the best option. As a result, the question will be easily resolved: “GPZU - what is it and how to register it?”

For any type of construction work, be it commercial or private development of land, permission from the relevant authorities and execution of certain documents is required. Let's consider what is the GPZU of a land plot, without obtaining which construction on the land plot is illegal.

GPZU and ZOS: what is it?

The first abbreviation stands for “urban planning plan for a land plot.”

So, what is this plan for? It reflects the boundary of your site and its layout, and it is intended only to obtain building permits. The GPZU plan records where on your site the local government will allow you to build, and where the law prohibits it.

The restriction of the zone free for development is due to the fact that various communication cables and pipes running underground may be located directly under your site, and, therefore, may be affected as a result of construction work. This is the main factor, but besides it there are others, for example, fire safety norms and regulations, sanitary and epidemiological standards, building height standards, development prospects for nearby areas, the presence of growing ravines and reservoirs near the site, etc.

ZOS stands for conclusion of conformity, and is issued by the state construction supervision body if the construction work performed does not diverge from the GPZU. This document is provided to the owner of the site within 10 days after receiving his application.

What information is contained in the document?

The information included in the urban plan of the land plot is regulated by Article 44, Part 3 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and contain the following:

  • boundaries of a specific land plot;
  • boundaries of public easement zones;
  • minimum distance to the border of the land plot;
  • information about the regulations. Moreover, if the site is not intended for municipal needs, the GPZU contains information about all types of permitted construction work under this regulation;
  • information about the use of the site permitted by law;
  • information about cultural or capital construction objects.

How to get a document?

The registration process begins by contacting the local executive authority with a corresponding application, providing all the necessary documents. The process for obtaining a plan will be completed within 30 business days from receipt of the application.

Possible difficulties upon receipt

Although 30 days is the norm regulated by law, in fact, as practice shows, the period for obtaining a GPZU is more than three months, because the application must go through several commissions and receive permission from all necessary authorities. In order to receive a document faster without breaking the law, you can contact a special agency providing this kind of services.

In some cases, executive authorities may refuse to issue a town planning plan, which, with rare exceptions, is almost always illegal. For example, they may refer to the fact that the development of the plan is carried out only as part of special projects for land surveying, and the land survey of the territory where your site is located has not been carried out. Such a refusal has no legal force, since it stems solely from the shortcomings of the bodies in charge of land management, and this is not your problem. But, unfortunately, in case of refusal, obtaining a document is only possible through the court.

In general, in some cities and towns, there are still no rules for land use and development. One of them is Moscow. On average, Moscow is provided with territorial planning documentation for 30-35% of all urban land. At the same time, there should be temporary regulations in place, but they often don’t exist either. In such cases, the city commission on urban planning and land use makes a decision on issuing a GPZU independently.

Required documents

To obtain a site plan, you first need to collect the following documents for obtaining GPZU, How:

  • a copy of the certificate of registration of rights to the land plot;
  • extract from the cadastre;
  • copy of the passport.

You must have a certificate of registration of rights to a land plot in your hands, and an extract from the cadastre can be obtained via the Internet, by email from the Federal Service for State Registration of Cadastre and Cartography or, in short, RosReestr. The letter will arrive to you within three days, but you will have to pay 220 rubles for the service.

Who issues the document

GPZU is issued by local executive authorities. If your site is located in a village or town, such a body will be the local administration, and if in a city, then the city committee for architecture and urban planning, it is from these institutions that you will need to order the document.


Validity period of the GPZU is not defined by current legislation, and is a document limited in time or unlimited. This issue has not been resolved today and remains a “loophole” for fraud.

In short, the document will be in force until the executive authority cancels it. This can happen if changes were made to the documents on which the plan was drawn up or a new law was adopted that conflicts with it. In remote areas and villages, the GPZU is actually indefinite.


The procedure for obtaining GPZU costs, which is absolutely free and accessible to everyone.

Example document

The title page of the completed GPZU looks like this:

Before the construction of any structure, special survey work must be carried out, on the basis of which one can understand how to properly design and create structures. To build a truly high-quality, safe, reliable and durable building, numerous nuances are taken into account.

In order for the structure to accurately meet numerous architectural rules, safety requirements and aesthetic characteristics, an urban planning plan is first drawn up.

The procedure for its formation is a complex and lengthy process, performed only by professionals.

Definition of concepts

An urban development plan (UP) is a land surveying project that takes into account the main parameters of the existing plot of land on which it is planned to erect a residential building.

A document is drawn up not only before the construction of any building, but also before carrying out the reconstruction procedure.

Main purpose This document records some data:

Based on the information contained in the urban planning plan, risks are minimized performing any dangerous or unnecessary actions. At the same time, it is possible to effectively and efficiently manage existing land plots.

The construction of any structure without the prior development of an urban planning plan is considered a significant violation of the norms.

He must be developed for areas:

  • consisting of ;
  • to which construction rules apply and;
  • having a planning project;
  • possessing .

It is the local authorities that must coordinate and approve this document.

GP does not apply for land surveying of summer cottages.

Legislative regulation of the issue

The main document, which contains the rules and nuances of the formation of an urban planning plan, is presented in Art. 57.3 GrK.

Changes are periodically made to it, with the latest adjustments being made in 2016 by Federal Law No. 373.

The basic data that should be studied in legislative acts by every land owner includes:

Meaningful information The GPZU contains information about the availability of communications, the development of infrastructure, transport links and other indicators that are essential for every person.


When making a decision regarding the construction of any capital structure, information from the GP is taken into account. It is often on the basis of the data available in this regard that companies and individuals refuse to build.

In the document There are current and current standards, on the basis of which the process of building a house is regulated. Included are numerous requirements that must be taken into account by developers or private owners when constructing a facility.

Without a plan impossible to build a new object, so the document is used for different actions:

Thus, the need for this plan may arise among land owners for various reasons and at different periods of time.

Compilation rules

The formation of this document is carried out by local authorities.

You must apply for its creation to these authorities at the location of the existing site. For this purpose, it is permissible to use the services of an intermediary provided by the MFC.

Statement the formation of a document can only be submitted by copyright holders who are represented by owners or official users, landowners or tenants who have a correctly drawn up document in their hands.

To create an urban development plan, local authorities use information from various sources, which include:

To receive a document land owners must prepare a special application, accompanied by other necessary documents. Over the next seven days, administration employees send requests to various resource supply companies and other government agencies, which allows them to obtain up-to-date data on the land. Based on them, an urban planning plan is formed, which additionally includes information about the possibility of connecting buildings on the site to various communications or about the rules for reconstruction.

The received plan is considered valid and relevant for the next three years. It also terminates when an application is submitted, on the basis of which the land owner receives permission to build any facility on the existing territory.

Once the three-year period ends, it is not permissible to use the information from the plan for other purposes. Therefore, a three-year period is given to the developer for the design and construction of any facility.

Refusal to provide an urban development plan may be due to the fact that it is applied for by a person who does not have the right to do so, since he is not the legal owner of the land. It will also not be possible to make a document if there is no documentation for the redevelopment that is properly approved.

Document form

The structure of this document is strictly regulated and unchangeable.

It should contain certain relevant information, and also take into account numerous standards when filling out different sheets and points of the plan.

IN structure GPZU has a text document, as well as a special topographic plan.

Definitely part of this plan information available:

IN text part contains information about the urban planning regulations of the territory, its permitted use, permanent structures built, as well as engineering support and other data. Both parts of the document must complement each other, so it is not allowed that the information does not coincide with the existing drawing. The most important information is considered to be data on specially protected areas or lands belonging to cultural heritage.

Thus, the urban planning plan of any territory is considered an important document, without which it is impossible to begin the construction of any object or carry out reconstruction. It is formed by municipal authorities based on an application submitted by the owner or tenant of the land.

To learn about what a GP for a land plot is and how to formalize it correctly, see the following video:

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