How much money should be in the account to... How much money should be in the account to obtain a Schengen visa?

The package of documents required for a visa usually includes financial papers, which the applicant must submit to consular or embassy officials. Most often this is a certificate from the place of employment indicating the position, length of service and salary, but sometimes certificates and extracts from banking institutions are required. How to get a bank statement to apply for a visa and what requirements must it meet?

What is the document for?

Bank documents are usually provided by private entrepreneurs, as well as applicants who do not have official income or receive too little salary to travel abroad. An extract is required to confirm the tourist’s financial situation and his ability to pay all expenses for his stay in a foreign country, and they, in turn, will not fall on the state budget. In addition, representatives of the receiving state must be sure that the applicant earns well and has no intention of remaining abroad illegally. The positive or negative decision of consular officers to issue a visa largely depends on the level of income and the availability of funds in the account.

How much money is required for the trip?

To obtain a visa, a tourist must have a certain amount of financial resources in his account. The amount depends on the specific country and is determined taking into account the duration of the trip. In some cases, the specific amount depends on the citizenship of the tourist: for example, when entering Belgium, residents of Belarus must have 45 euros per day, while residents of other countries must have at least 50.

Table. Minimum amounts for travel to some countries.

A countryMinimum amount per person
Austria60 euros per day
Belgium95 euros per day
Bulgaria50 euros per day
Hungary30 thousand Russian rubles for the entire trip
Great Britain100-130 pounds per day
Germany45 euros per day
Holland34 euros per day excluding accommodation costs
GreeceThere is no official information about the minimum amount, but you need to count on at least 50 euros per day
Denmark50 euros per day
Iceland50 euros per day
Spain64.5 euros per day, but not less than 581 euros for the entire trip (9-10 days)
ItalyThe amount of funds depends on the duration of the trip and the number of tourists: 280 euros for one person (1-5 days), 215 for two or more
Latvia14 euros daily
Lithuania40 euros per day
Liechtenstein100 Swiss francs per day
Malta50 euros daily
Norway50 euros per day
Poland30 euros per day
PortugalFor the first day of stay 75 euros and 40 for all the rest
Slovakia56 euros per day
Slovenia65 euros per day
FinlandMinimum amount information is not provided
FranceThere is no specific information, but it is better to count on at least 45-50 euros daily
CzechDepending on the duration of the trip: CZK 1,100 per day for up to 30 days, CZK 34,340 for a trip of up to two months, CZK 38,380 for a trip of three months or less. Tourists under 18 years of age need to have half of these amounts
Switzerland100 francs daily
Sweden53 euros per day
Estonia58 euros per day

Which card is better - Visa or Mastercard

If the applicant does not have a bank account, it is better to open one at least six months before the trip and actively use it. The best option is an account in euros, since the currencies of the countries of the former USSR are unstable and at the time of submitting documents the situation may change for the worse. True, the consulates do not have any special rules regarding currency (the amount is translated into euros according to the current exchange rate), so this issue is decided by the account owner.

Attention: before traveling, it is better to check on the official website of the country's consulate, as adjustments are constantly being made to the list of requirements.

What certificate is needed for a visa?

Before going to a banking institution for a certificate, you should clarify which document is needed to obtain a visa. In some cases, a check printed from an ATM indicating the account balance, and photocopies of both sides of a plastic card or a certificate of currency purchase is sufficient, and sometimes a statement indicating the flow of funds, mainly receipts to the account, is needed.

Table. Bank documents for travel to a number of European countries.

A countryWhat document do you need to provide?
AustriaCertificate from a banking institution reflecting all transactions
BelgiumCertificate of currency purchase
HungaryDocument reflecting the status of the account
GermanyAn extract from the card account indicating the balance of money that the applicant will be able to use during the period of validity of the visa documents
HollandOriginal bank account statement indicating transactions, certificate of currency purchase
GreeceOriginal certificate of account availability with a certain balance
IcelandAccount statement
SpainA document from the bank with transactions for the last three months, a scan of a credit card with an ATM receipt, confirmation of a currency purchase
ItalyAny document confirming the financial status of the applicant: account statement, original and photocopy of passbook or traveler's checks, copy of credit card and ATM receipt with remaining funds
LatviaScan of a credit card with a limit and relevant documents, an agreement on opening a deposit account, an extract from a current account
LithuaniaBank statement (excluding deposit accounts), traveler's checks
NorwayStatement of account transactions for the last three months
PolandCredit card with a limit, traveler's checks, certificate from a banking institution
PortugalBank statement
SlovakiaTraveler's checks and proof of purchase
FranceSavings account statement for six months
CzechAccount document
SwitzerlandBank statement
SwedenAn extract from a banking institution, a document confirming the purchase of currency
EstoniaStatement from any bank account

The term “bank account statement” usually means any account opened with a specific banking institution (deposit, card account, etc.). If we are talking about a credit account, then it is not always an indicator of a tourist’s solvency - some consulates consider such funds to be exclusively the property of the bank, and not the applicant. The same applies to deposits, so it is best to clarify this issue with the consulates or immediately open a current account. In addition, it is very important to clarify what type of document is required to obtain a visa - one that confirms the availability of funds in the account, or a statement recording transactions and movement in the account, as this is of fundamental importance.

Important: if the embassy staff considers that the funds in the tourist’s accounts are not enough for the trip, additional documents confirming solvency may be required - securities, documents on ownership of securities, real estate or a car.

How to get documents from the bank?

There are several ways to obtain a bank statement or certificate. The standard way is to go to the nearest branch and make a corresponding request to the managers. In addition, many financial institutions provide an online banking service that allows you to generate and print a document yourself, and the well-known Russian Sberbank makes it possible to receive a statement from an ATM. However, consular officers may point out that there is no wet stamp, so it is better to have the certificate certified at a bank branch.

Rules for issuing a bank certificate

You can obtain a bank statement from the department for working with individuals; the document must contain the following data:

  • personal information about the account holder: full name, contacts, etc.;
  • full name of the banking institution;
  • date of conclusion of the account opening agreement;
  • balance of funds;
  • date of issue of the document;
  • Full name, position and signature of the employee who issued the certificate;
  • seal.

In some cases (this information can be clarified on the official websites of representative offices of different countries) the statement must indicate transactions for the last few months - from 3 to 6. Sometimes consulates require that funds in the account be frozen until a decision is made on issuing entry documents.

For reference: it is not possible to obtain a bank certificate for free in every institution - the cost can be about 100-200 rubles, and the turnaround time is 1-2 business days.

The language of the document also depends on the rules of the particular consulate - in most European countries, except Ireland and the UK, certificates are accepted in the applicant’s native language. If the statement needs to be translated into English, it is better to use the appropriate bank service or contact a translation agency.

Validity period of the certificate or extract

The validity period of a bank certificate is usually 21 days (in some banks a month), so you need to make sure that it does not expire before the due time. It is better to leave a small “corridor”, otherwise consulate staff may request a more recent document, which can lead to delays in obtaining a visa.

Card account statement

Most Russians open card accounts in banks, which is very convenient when traveling abroad - money can be withdrawn in any state where a unified banking system operates.

In this case, the statement and card linked to the account must meet a number of important requirements.

  1. Information about the account and card owner must fully correspond to that indicated in the document.
  2. The validity period of the plastic card must be longer than the intended trip.
  3. When receiving for a long period of time, financial resources are not calculated for the entire period of its validity, but only for the first trip.

If the applicant has several accounts opened with one bank, they should be collected into one certificate. You can attach tax returns (for private entrepreneurs) to the document from the bank, as well as receipts for the purchase of foreign currency - this will have a positive effect on the decision to issue a visa.

Is it possible to do without bank documents?

If the applicant does not have a permanent place of work and an appropriate salary, it will not be possible to do without a certificate or bank statement - consular officers will simply refuse to obtain a visa for an insolvent person. Among tourists who do not have sufficient funds to obtain a visa, there is a practice of depositing money into an account and withdrawing it after receiving documents. It should be noted that such tricks will not work in every case - employees applying for a visa may become suspicious about the funds that have recently appeared in the account, which will result in a refusal to issue a visa. It is strictly not recommended to buy documents from private companies that offer such a service - they (the documents) are fake and can cause numerous problems.

If there are no problems with bank documents, and the consulate staff has approved the visa, you should not throw away the certificates and statements, as they may be requested when crossing the border.

Video - How to get a bank statement?

When planning a trip to a country that is part of the Schengen zone, Russian citizens are faced with the question when preparing documents: how much money should be in their personal account to obtain a Schengen visa?

If you are officially employed in a reputable company, a certificate from your employer about the amount of your income for the last 6 months will be suitable as proof of financial security.

Some embassies optionally or mandatory require a certificate of an open account and the flow of funds on it for the last 3-6 months. But only if your employer “let you down.”

A visa by invitation implies in the latter clarification whether the receiving party undertakes to financially support your stay in the country.

If the applicant is not solvent, he can submit a certificate from the trustee that the trip is being financed at someone else's expense.

When preparing documents for your trip, inquire about the minimum cost of a one-night stay in a foreign region. The higher the standard of living in your chosen country, the more money you will have to prepare to support your trip.

Cost of staying in another country

As of 2017, embassies provide the following information regarding the daily “cost of living” in a particular country:

  • For Russians who decide to visit Australia – 60 €, according to the requirements of the German embassy. The bank certificate form must include account history for the last six months.
  • Accommodation in Belgium or Luxembourg will cost you from 50 to 95 € per day. A certificate of currency purchase is suitable as proof of solvency.
  • Hungary will cost you no less than 30,000 rubles. for the entire trip. The consul decides how exactly you should confirm your solvency.
  • Germany – 45 €. When applying for a one-time visa, a bank account statement will be sufficient. But this must be a certificate from ProCredit Bank, and money cannot be withdrawn from an existing account before the trip.
  • The approximate amount for Greece, Denmark and Iceland is 50 € per day, but the consulate does not provide exact data.
  • A Spanish visa requires a minimum of 580 € in an active account, 65 € per day.
  • If you are going to Italy, reserve at least 280 €, but the more exact amount depends on the number of days you plan to spend in the country. If it is impossible to provide an account statement, a passbook with the required amount of funds in the account will do.
  • To visit Latvia, save up funds at the rate of 14 € per day.
  • Lithuania – 40 €/day.
  • Malta – 50 €/day.
  • Netherlands – 34 €/day, but without accommodation.
  • Norway – 50 €/day.
  • Poland – 30 €/day.
  • Portugal – 1 day 75 €, the rest 40 €.
  • Slovakia – 56 €/day.
  • Slovenia – 65 €/day.
  • Finland – when applying for a visa, an account statement is not required.
  • A visa to France requires traveler's checks, which are accepted by the embassy as proof of solvency, but representatives do not provide information regarding the daily cost of staying in the country.
  • Czech Republic – 1,100 CZK, for a stay in the country for up to 30 days.
  • Switzerland and Liechtenstein – 100 francs.
  • Sweden – 53 €/day.
  • Estonia – 58 €/day.

Have you noticed that not all representatives of other countries in Russia provided clear information regarding the daily cost of staying in the country. If there is no data, roughly focus on the average figure of 50 €.

A certificate from the bank is requested in English, because it is listed as international in all official documents.

The visa regime of the Schengen zone implies travel not only to the countries of the European Union, so be careful and, if you are visiting a country for the first time, find out what currency is circulating there.

All data you provide to obtain a visa is checked for authenticity, so be careful and take this moment seriously. If you provide false information, you risk being rejected.

Let us remind you: if you do not have personal funds for the trip, and your official salary is less than 25,000 rubles, write a letter of sponsorship - the consent of another individual to pay for your trip in writing. All embassies require a copy of the caregiver's passport, but some also require a certificate of solvency.

Registration of visas for the whole family requires only your presence, but a package of documents for each member, including children, with confirmation of family ties.

  • Certificate in form 2-NDFL. This certificate confirms your official income and implies that you are officially employed, have an employment agreement and are a responsible taxpayer. Otherwise, how could the minimum amount required for departure appear in your account? To obtain a 2-NDFL certificate, submit an oral or written application to an accountant, and, according to the law, the employer will provide you with a document with a blue seal and signature within 3 days.
  • Tax declaration in form 3-NDFL. This document will confirm your financial solvency. If the migrant provides proof of residence, the tax office has the right to independently request tax returns from the relevant authority. All individual entrepreneurs, owner-sellers of personal property, lessors, etc. must submit an income statement to the tax service and pay deductions.
  • Bank account statement. If you are not employed under an employment agreement, no one will provide you with a certificate of employment. In this case, you need to open a bank account (let it be a plastic card or savings book) and start collecting funds. At the right time, you will provide the migration service with an official bank statement about the amount in your account to the migration service.
  • Certificate of dependency and certificate of income of the guarantor. These documents are necessary for a spouse, where one of them is a Russian citizen (in case of obtaining a residence permit in Russia), and the second wishes to obtain a temporary residence permit. For example, a family lives in Moscow, the spouse is a foreigner and they have a child. The migration service must provide a certificate of dependency and a second certificate in form 2-NDFL from the spouse’s employer. Each family member must be provided with a proper living wage. It’s easy to calculate: the income of a Muscovite spouse per month from May 1, 2018 should be: 18,742 rubles. + 18,742 rub. for the spouse + 14252 rub. per child = 51,736 rubles. Thus, the annual income that is subject to confirmation is 620,832 rubles. Don't forget, the cost of living for children is lower than for an adult. The size of the PM may vary depending on the region and the adoption of legislative regulations from quarter to quarter of the year.

How much money do I need to deposit into my account for the documents to be approved when applying for a residence permit?

The minimum requirement when applying for a residence permit: the amount in the personal account must be more than twelve subsistence minimums of the region in which you live - the annual subsistence level (ML). As of May 1, 2018, the monthly minimum for Moscow, for example, is 18,742 rubles and 13,750 rubles for the Moscow region. Thus, if we are talking about the capital, the account should have at least 224,907 rubles, for the Moscow region - 165,000 rubles.

However, some lawyers who practice assistance in obtaining a residence permit say that most often a certificate of availability of a bank deposit may reflect the amount of monthly subsistence minimum (depending on the subject of the Russian Federation) for only six months, and not for twelve. This is exactly how many months it takes for the migration service to consider an application for a residence permit.

The calculation is made according to the same scheme: multiply 18,742 rubles by six. Total minimum deposit amount for Moscow: 112,452 rubles. For other regions the amount is lower. For example, for the Altai Territory 11,163 rubles * 6 months. = 66,978 rubles, for the Republic of Sakha 17,388 rubles * 6 months. = 104,328 rub.

Which calculation scheme to use depends on the migration authority you are applying to.

It is important that if you need to obtain or renew a residence permit, you should first consult with a lawyer.

Even the vast expanses of your native country are not a very good reason to refuse to travel abroad. And if some CIS countries are ready to receive their neighbors on a visa-free basis, then most tourists from the post-Soviet space will need visas to enter the countries of the European Union. Not least in the list of documents required for its registration is a bank statement for a Schengen visa in 2019.

Brief definition of Schengen visa

The Schengen zone has existed since 1985. This agreement implies simplification of passport control at state borders, as well as police and judicial cooperation. As it expanded, 26 powers entered the Schengen zone, albeit with varying degrees of involvement.

For those who cannot present a passport of a citizen of an EU country at the Schengen border, a visa is provided. In general, it is a special type of document that allows not only entry into the territory of the state that issued it, but also further unhindered movement within at least 26 other countries. Only Great Britain and Ireland stand out from the general series, which retained the right to admit people only on national visas.

Rules for issuing a bank certificate for obtaining a visa

In order for a certificate from a banking institution to be accepted and serve as a sufficient basis for issuing a visa, you need to ensure that it is completed correctly. Basic rules of registration that will help satisfy the requirements of consulate employees:

  1. The document is drawn up on company letterhead with a “wet” seal and the signature of the head of the department.
  2. The account can be either a debit or a credit account with a sufficient available limit of funds.
  3. The balance amount is usually indicated in the account currency and, at the client’s request, in the euro equivalent on the date of issue of the certificate.
  4. The document must not be older than 30 days.
  5. These are the basic requirements, but there are a couple more nuances that are worth taking into account:

  • a certificate is issued, most often in the state language (for example, Russian), but this may not be suitable for the visa department of the consulate, and, therefore, more will be required;
  • they will not approve a visa if a potential tourist provides information about his deposit account, since such deposits usually cannot be withdrawn ahead of schedule, that is, the person will not be able to spend this money abroad.

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Certificate from Sberbank for obtaining a visa

For example, one of the largest credit institutions - Sberbank of Russia - offers its clients several options for obtaining the required document on the account status:

  • personally;
  • by mail;
  • mini-statement from an ATM;
  • through an electronic account.

The online electronic service, of course, saves a lot of time, but since the one printed at home will not be stamped, you still need to visit the bank branch. Moreover, the balance on the card can be confirmed at any office, and information about the movement of funds can only be confirmed at the branch where the account was opened.

The applicant may ask to have the certificate sent to him by mail, but this should take into account the loss of time. After all, no one will need expired paper.

Validity period of a bank certificate or visa statement

It is easier to prove your worth to the consulate employees who will make a decision on issuing a visa if the information about the balance and movement on your accounts is as recent as possible. A document issued more than a month ago will not be an argument for the visa department.

If the embassy requires an extract, its validity period must be at least three months. And not randomly selected by the applicant, but the last ones before the date of application.

Amount of financial support for a Schengen visa

For those planning their first trip to an EU country, it is often difficult to decide which is best for a Schengen visa. There are several popular options: traveler's checks, a bank statement, a letter of guarantee from the host party, or sponsorship of a person accompanying the trip.

Those who can afford to travel without first obtaining visas can present cash or a cash balance statement from a nearby ATM to border officials.

Of all the former Soviet republics, with the exception of those that have already joined the EU, only citizens of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine have the right to visa-free entry into Schengen.

Holders of passports from other countries need to know exactly what amount must be in the account to obtain a Schengen visa, even before the date of submitting documents to the embassy.

Contrary to the stories of tourists and even some careless travel agents, there is no agreement between the Eurozone countries on the minimum amount of financial security for travelers. According to a widely accepted version, 50 euros per day is enough to safely cross the border. This information is only correct.

Since the price level in each country is different, then, accordingly, each member of the European Union has its own requirements for how much money you need to have in your account to obtain a Schengen visa. For example, France suggests that a visitor should be able to spend at least 120 euros per day, and Hungary has reduced this norm to a symbolic amount of less than 4 euros per trip.

Option for calculating the minimum amount to obtain Schengen

Not every tourist can afford an air tour. The most popular way to save money and visit several countries at once is to travel by bus. For those who choose this route, travel agents most often offer entry through Poland, Hungary or Slovakia.

Before submitting documents, for example, you can calculate the amount required to secure your trip.

For a short-term visit (up to 3 days), you can confirm your financial solvency by having the equivalent of 100 euros on your card. For a longer stay you need 24 euros per day. Thus, a ten-day trip will require the presentation of a certificate with a card balance of at least 240 euros or their equivalent in the currency of the bank account.

Alternative methods of financial verification

It happens that a person’s account balance certificate or statement doesn’t work out at all. This does not mean that the path to Europe is forbidden to him.

There are several ways to get by without checking accounts:

  • purchase traveler's checks;
  • take advantage of the support of a sponsor (accompanying person or host);
  • buy from the bank the necessary amount of currency sufficient to ensure your stay in a foreign country.

If a person is officially employed and the salary for the last six months causes optimism, then you can safely contact your superiors with a request to issue a certificate confirming this fact. It is clear that the amount of the salary should also seem convincing to the embassy. If the certificate indicates the minimum possible income, then it is not worth submitting.

A document issued at the place of work not only confirms the fact of solvency, but also guarantees that the person will not leave a prestigious place for the opportunity to illegally stay in another country.

That is why it is additionally better to make a note that for the duration of his stay abroad the employee is retained a place and is expected to return.

Traveler's checks: types and methods of acquisition

It must be said right away that this type of confirmation has practically lost its relevance with the beginning of the active distribution of bank cards. This is natural, because the card is more convenient and safer to use, its contents do not need to be declared at the border, and losses on the exchange rate will be more modest.

However, some countries still believe that travel checks from Visa, Thomas Cook or American Express are the best proof that a foreigner will not have financial problems in their country. You can buy checks at any large bank that provides such services, but it is better to choose the most reliable one. This will allow you not to be afraid of sudden bankruptcy or other problems of the financial institution.

You can also use checks as a means of paying for goods or services. Along with ordinary banknotes, they are accepted in 150 countries around the world.

Currency purchase document

There is an option that to obtain a visa it will be enough to provide the original receipt for the purchase of a pre-calculated amount of foreign currency. It is clear that these must be euros, dollars or national currencies, the circulation of which remains in the host country (zloty, kroons or forints).

The buyer must be the person who issues the visa. The amount in the receipt cannot be less than the minimum security amount based on the requirements of the receiving EU member. The date of the exchange transaction should be as close as possible to the time of application for the visa.

Trip with a sponsor

In order not to waste time and not lose money on currency exchange or buying checks, you can. Any person who can confirm their financial well-being and desire to support a potential recipient of a Schengen visa can be recognized as such. This person can:

  • accompany a tourist on a trip;
  • be a close relative;
  • become a host in the destination country.

They won’t take anyone’s word for it, so you will need a properly drafted sponsorship letter and supporting documents about the sponsor’s solvency.

How to increase your chances of getting Schengen

Each of the documents listed above can serve as a convincing basis for issuing a one-time permit to enter the European Union. Unfortunately, this is not enough.

You can increase the likelihood of success in this matter if you provide documents on the need for regular trips to Europe, or scientific activities: commercial contracts, invitations from educational institutions or an agreement to conduct a course of lectures, for example.

But even for a one-time visit, it is better to provide a couple of convincing papers at once. Alternatively, the work certificate can be supported by an account statement for a Schengen visa.

Every tourist dreams of getting a Schengen visa, because it gives the right to freely visit several European countries at one time and see many sights. There are several types, but category C is in greatest demand. This visa is short-term, allowing you to stay in the state for a certain number of days. They can also be single or multiple. The latter is more expensive. You can apply for a visa with the help of service providers or on your own.

On a note! In the city of Schengen, where there is a border between France, Germany and Luxembourg, in March 1996 an agreement was signed in which customs controls were abolished. The following countries took part in this event: Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, France and the Netherlands.

And already at the beginning of 2006, new participants joined the Schengen Code. And at the end of 2008, the final list of member countries of the Schengen area was formed. It includes 26 countries, namely: Liechtenstein, Italy, Poland, Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Slovakia, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Austria, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Slovenia, Portugal, the Netherlands, Greece, Iceland, Hungary , Romania, Belgium, Malta, Norway, France. The zone also includes such dwarf states as: Vatican City, San Marino and Monaco.

The benefits of signing the agreement were felt by millions of people in these countries, because now travel was not required to comply with bureaucratic formalities to obtain a visa, and it was enough for the border guard to present a passport or identification card for a resident of the European Union and enter the desired state.

Schengen visa

Rules provided for in the Schengen area

After signing the agreement, all countries abolished border and customs controls on their borders for all countries participating in the Schengen area and at the same time tightened the rules for other states. To cross the border, a citizen whose country has signed this code only needs to have an internal passport. For other tourists, in order to enter the territory of the Schengen Commonwealth countries, they must obtain a visa and fulfill a number of additional conditions.

To visit the European mainland, many countries require a Schengen visa. This is a document that gives the right and opportunity to visit other states when entering the country of this agreement. It can be obtained from the embassy or consulate of a country that is part of the Schengen zone.

Despite the single zone, the rules for issuing visas in Euro countries still differ from each other. In some places they are stricter, in others the requirements are a little less. A short-term visa is issued for only a few days.

Note! With a multiple visa, you are allowed to stay in the country for up to 90 days from the date of your first visit within six months. The validity period of a multiple-entry visa can be up to 5 years.

Schengen states

How to open Schengen

In order to freely enter the territory of the Schengen countries in 2018, you must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Have a passport that is valid for at least 3 months before the trip;
  • submit 2 color photographs, they must be the same size as a passport;
  • Provide an invitation from a citizen of the state to which the tourist intends to travel or a business invitation;
  • You must have a travel voucher and a copy of your hotel reservation;
  • Purchase medical insurance for the entire term of your stay - it must fully cover the expected expenses in the event that emergency medical care is required or hospitalization is necessary;
  • Have enough money for the entire trip and have a return ticket;
  • A certificate from your place of work confirming that the tourist actually works there; you must also provide a certificate of payroll for the last 6 months;
  • Not be on the list of persons who have been banned from entering the state with a visa;
  • Completed application form;
  • Complete the procedure for submitting biometric data


Then you need to pay the visa and service fee. Upon expiration of the period set by the consulate, pick up your passport with entry permission. The standard term is 5-14 days, but if you need to get a visa faster, you need to pay a double fee. The visa fee in 2018 for Russians is 35 euros.* But there are a number of preferential categories that can obtain a permit at a lower cost.

If a minor child is traveling on a trip, you must additionally submit:

  • Original and copy of birth certificate;
  • Parents' internal passports;
  • The international passport in which it is entered;
  • Insurance policy for it;
  • Certificate from the place of study and permission to skip classes if the trip occurs during study;
  • Statement that his parents are funding his trip.

A separate questionnaire is drawn up for children. Children under 6 years of age do not need to pay an additional visa fee. If the child is older than this age, then you need to pay for him according to the tariff and take out medical insurance. Children under 12 years of age are not required to be fingerprinted.

Important! If only one parent is traveling with the child, then you still need to submit permission from the other parent stating that he does not object to his trip.

How much money do you need to have to get a visa?

One of the important factors for obtaining a visa to the Schengen area is having enough money to live in the chosen country. You can confirm your solvency with a certificate from your place of work indicating the amount of your salary, a bank statement on the status of your account and the movement of funds through them for the last quarter.

Question “How much money should be in the account to obtain a Schengen visa?” is the most popular among tourists. Each country has its own minimum daily living wage, it all depends on the economic level of the state. In Hungary it is enough to have 4 euros per day, in Poland - 24 euros, Greece - 50 euros, France - 120 euros. To find out what amount must be in the bank account to obtain a Schengen visa, you need to take the required minimum of the country you have chosen to visit and multiply it by the number of days of stay.

Note! If it is not possible to have such an amount at your disposal, then you can provide a document stating that the person who invites you to the country undertakes to sponsor all expenses. It must also guarantee that it will provide the necessary housing for the entire period of stay in the state.

Financial support

Obtaining a bank certificate

In order for a bank statement to be accepted and serve as strong evidence of solvency, it must meet the following requirements:

  • Done on the institution’s letterhead;
  • Have a wet seal;
  • The account can also be a credit account, the main thing here is to have a sufficient limit for the disbursement of funds;
  • The statute of limitations should not exceed 30 days; it is best to take it 3-4 days before submitting documents to the embassy.

In what cases can a Schengen visa be refused?

They may not be allowed to visit the country in the following cases:

  • There are less than 3 months left before the expiration date of the passport or there are no free pages for marks;
  • If a document is damaged;
  • If you suspect that your ID is fake;
  • When submitting false information about yourself;
  • In the event that the package of documents is not sufficient evidence for permission to enter the state;
  • In cases of violation of rules and non-compliance with laws during the previous visit;
  • The quarantine period following the previous refusal has not expired.

Important! Entry into the countries of the Schengen zone is prohibited for persons who pose a danger to the nation or are wanted.

Refusal stamp

In case of refusal, a stamp with a code is placed and the passport holder is provided with a refusal letter, which explains in detail the reason for the ban. After the ban, you are allowed to re-apply for a visa or go to court and provide compelling evidence that the refusal was illegal.

Obtaining a Schengen visa is not so difficult; all you need to do is collect the entire package of required documents, fill out the application form correctly and provide evidence of financial independence. If there is a need to extend the period of your residence permit, you can contact the relevant organizations and indicate the reason. The following reasons are considered valid reasons for extension: personal, medical or professional.

*Prices are current as of August 2018

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