How much child support is required for 2 children? Alimony for two children

The state actively promotes an increase in the birth rate: families raising 2 or more children are provided with financial assistance and various benefits. But the parental consciousness of citizens does not change. Having fulfilled their “duty to the nation,” former spouses increasingly forget about their responsibilities. Number of child support cases for 2 children in Russian courts is growing every year.

Grounds for paying maintenance for 2 children

The basis for paying alimony may be:

  • An oral agreement between former spouses that the person who left the family will financially support the children. This is the most favorable development situations, because it means voluntary participation parent in the life of minors and, as a rule, a larger amount of assistance;
  • . Suitable when a parent shirks his obligations, or when there is a dispute over their size;
  • (Chapter 16 of the RF IC). The amount of monthly income from the parent should not be less than what the court would establish.

The notarial agreement precisely establishes the amount of alimony for two children or a percentage of the earnings of the former spouse. It's self-contained executive document. A parent who is raising children alone will be able to forcefully collect child support on this basis if there are interruptions in payments. For someone who has left the family, it guarantees that the recipient will not be required to receive more (usually the clause on indexation is stated in the document).

In addition, the notarial agreement can include conditions that are not provided for in the law (but do not contradict it, otherwise the document will be considered void). For example, agree on reporting expenses, or how much alimony the spouse will pay additionally in case of extraordinary circumstances (need for treatment, collection before a new academic year etc.).

Payment amount for 2 children

The court establishes 3 ways of paying alimony:

As a share of income

When determining the amount of alimony for two children, the court takes into account financial situation spouses, the amount of expenses, the presence of third-party financial debts, etc.

Thus, the law establishes the parent’s obligation to pay 1/3 of the official income for two minors (33%) (Article 81 of the RF IC).

What they include:

  • Salary, bonuses, allowances, monetary allowance- everything that relates to remuneration for work. This does not include travel expenses, funds for gasoline and working tools, lump sum payments from the employer in the event of marriage, birth or death of a relative.
  • Income from the sale of copyrights, royalties.
  • Social benefits from the state: pensions, scholarships.
  • Unemployment benefit.
  • Income from business, including rental of real estate, etc.

The minimum wage in Russia is 7,500 rubles. (as of January 2018). Thus, getting minimum wage, after deducting taxes, the amount of alimony for 2 children is 2153.25 rubles. monthly, that is, 1076.63 rubles. every minor. Deductions are most often carried out by the accounting department of the organization where the ex-spouse works.

When collecting alimony from an individual entrepreneur, the income declared in Tax authority. If an entrepreneur works on a patent or “imputed” basis, profit is calculated minus taxes and expenses for running a business using the income-expense notebook. An individual entrepreneur independently or through an accountant determines the amount of alimony for two children and makes payments.

If there is arrears in alimony and judicial act for its forced collection, the plaintiff parent has the right to file an order or performance list at the defendant’s place of work, to his bank or bailiffs. Those within the framework of enforcement proceedings will transfer funds in an amount not exceeding 70% of income (exactly how much is required, the court establishes) until full repayment debt.

In hard money terms

Alimony for 2 children in 2018 is established by the court in the interests of maintaining their usual standard of living if:

  • the parent’s income is unstable, paid in kind, in the currency of another state;
  • it will be proven that the defendant is hiding profits or receiving a “gray” salary;
  • the parent is unemployed and is not registered with the Employment Center.

This is a fixed amount that is subject to regular indexation in accordance with inflation. Regional living wage. The court may determine the alimony payment in parts that are a multiple of this value, that is, a third, a half, X1, X2, etc.

The decision on how much to pay for two children is made depending on the life situation:

  • financial condition of the husband or wife;
  • their marital status, presence of other dependents;
  • the minor's previous standard of living.

A parent raising two children indicates the desired maximum size alimony. The court's decision will also depend on whether the applicant can confirm this amount, for example, provide checks and receipts for the purchase of children's goods and services.

In one of the recent cases considered district court mountains Yekaterinburg, the mother ensured that the amount of alimony for two children was equal to 2 subsistence minimums (a little more than 10 thousand rubles for each). To substantiate the request, she provided reporting on expenses for children's things. If the father worked officially, then based on average salary for the region (32,854 rubles) minus taxes, allocated 9,400 rubles. on both. It often turns out that the fixed amount of child support is greater than it would be as a percentage of income.

Difficult situations

A standard case - ex-spouses and 2 of their children - can be complicated by the presence different marriages, other dependents, etc. The court approaches each such situation separately:

  • a mother is seeking alimony for 2 children from two ex-husbands;
  • father pays 2 ex-wives maintenance for 2 children;
  • Guardians demand child support for two children from both parents.

In the first case, if the fathers have no other dependents, the mother will be able to receive ¼ share of earnings or a fixed amount from each of them. Taking into account the minimum wage in 2018, it will be 1631.25 rubles. for the first and second children from each ex-husband (total 3262.5 rubles).

Guardians collecting child support from both parents can count on 1/3 of the income from the mother and father. Taking into account the minimum wage again, we find that each ex-spouse must pay 2153.25 rubles. (total 4306.5 rubles).

If a citizen has, he must contribute 1/3 of his earnings or make a payment in a fixed amount monthly. Half of this amount will go to different recipients. Each minor will receive 1,076.63 rubles.

In this case, the mother who first filed for alimony may receive an order to assign support for her child in the amount of 1/4 of her ex-husband’s income. If after this a second minor appears who is entitled to financial assistance, his mother also has the right to request payments. The court, determining how much alimony will be for each of them, can reduce the previous amount of maintenance for the first wife to 1/6 of the father’s income.

On the other hand, the appearance of a second minor dependent does not serve as an absolute basis for reducing the amount of alimony for two children in 2018. For example, in the case of the Kalarsky District Court, the plaintiff (father of 2 sons from different marriages) asked to reduce the amount of alimony in favor of the first child to 1/6 of the salary, citing the birth of the child in new family, the need to maintain it, as well as repay the mortgage debt. The court did not grant his request, citing the fact that neither a change in marital status nor loans do not directly mean infringement property rights any of the participants in the case.

Russian legislation states that spouses are simply obliged to financially support each other. Therefore, a man must pay child support for two, three or one child. Even if he is unemployed. Each “should” has its own nuance, which both father and mother need to know about.

So, a father who left the family but managed to have children must pay alimony. The question arises especially acutely when, for a certain period of time, a woman is not able, based on the prevailing circumstances, to provide for herself and her offspring, completely depending on her husband.

At its core, alimony for 2 children includes their maintenance and food. At least that's how a man perceives them. However, they include an impressive list of non-property and property rights that must be satisfied and, moreover, protected by law. In the first case, in relation to minors, it is necessary to understand the receipt of maintenance, and in the second - education, expression own opinion

, the right to defense.

It is clear that the father must pay child support voluntarily. However, after divorce proceedings, practice shows that this issue falls on the wife due to a hopeless situation. Then the dispute is resolved through the court.

Alimony – agreement or court In order for the husband who left the family to start paying money for 2 children, you can enter into an agreement or go to court. Through an agreement, it is possible to increase the amount of maintenance, which is regulated current legislation

. The father will pay a certain amount of alimony, which will fully satisfy the full development of the child. The ex-husband has every right contact your management in writing for a voluntary increase in the amount material support

Remember that in relation to children who have not yet turned 18 years old, the amount of maintenance is regulated by clause 1 of Art. 80 Family Code Russian Federation, namely in proportion to earnings (in parts or %) or a certain fixed amount.

However, child support for two children can be paid based on the conclusion of an agreement, where required amount alimony will be agreed upon at the discretion of both parties, but not lower than when collecting such material support in trial. In other words, the amount of alimony for two children cannot be reduced from the amount regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Let's study our Family Code (or RF IC) and find out how much alimony is charged for the maintenance of two children. In Art. 80 of the IC clearly states that from wages or any other source of income, the father must give 2 to his children 33.3 percent, but not more than 70% of earnings, as stated in another article - 138 Labor Code RF. When going to court, you need to understand that the amount of payment may also be reduced based on its decision. Such a decision, despite the fact that alimony should be intended for 2 offspring, may be influenced by a variety of circumstances, including Family status each of the parties.

Many lawyers insist on collecting all documents confirming the need to collect alimony in a clearly defined amount, which will be indicated in the statement of claim, the need for them legal training And timely submission authorized body.

If ex-husband is ready to pay alimony for two children, then their amount may significantly exceed the limit that would be established by the court during the trial. This right guaranteed by Art. 109 SK. If a wife sues a non-working spouse to collect alimony, this does not mean that he will be released from the responsibility of supporting his 2 children. The court will decide how much interest the payments will be.

If you have irregular or constantly changing earnings, as well as when receiving wages foreign currency, in kind, when it is not possible to collect alimony in a shared ratio, the amount of deduction is determined in accordance with Art. Art. 81 and 83 of the Family Code - in a fixed amount of money or in a fixed amount of money plus shares.

“Loss” of a writ of execution

It is not uncommon for a writ of execution to be “lost” after the relevant court decision has been made. It is necessary to remind the ex-husband that he must pay alimony for two children, since this responsibility is regulated not only by the agreement, but also by Art. 115 of the Family Code. Responsibility for accrual and transfer of money in favor of the mother in relation to officials provided for in paragraph 3 of Art. 17.14 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation in the form of fines. How much exactly for:

  • accountant and/or HR department inspector – from RUB 2,000. up to 2,500 rubles;
  • manager and chief accountant - from 15,000 rubles. up to 20,000 rubles;
  • legal entity– from 50,000 rub. up to 100,000 rub.

Having reminded officials of these nuances, as a rule, writs of execution are issued on their own the next day.

Other cases are also possible. The company regularly counted deductions for two children, however, it “forgot” to list them. Then on help will come Art. 118 Federal Law No. 229-FZ – going to court. Lawyers know that a husband who leaves his wife must pay retainers to his 2 children, but it will be better for mothers when there is a signed agreement by both parties rather than getting involved in judicial red tape.

If this step is unrealistic, then to go to court you must collect and submit the following documents:

  • an extract from the house register;
  • certificates from the place of work (form 2-NDLF);
  • evidence;
  • other documents that may change the course of the trial.

Husband is unemployed

Article 83 of the RF IC will protect a wife raising 2 children, even if the ex-husband is unemployed. Non-working deductions will also accrue, established by the court in hard monetary terms. It should be noted that accruals will be made not only for a child who is still a minor, but also for a child who has reached adulthood, but is disabled and in need of care.

So, the case is complex, but we argue that it is possible to obtain payment of alimony even from a non-working spouse.

The court will oblige the father of his 2 offspring to pay deductions at the level of wages that he had at his previous workplace or will make a decision on the payment of alimony based on the established wages that were fixed in a certain administrative district.

When an extremely small part of the payments is collected from a non-working ex-spouse, the state will take on these additional troubles and begin paying alimony for his two offspring. However, he will be required to find a job and pay any damages. Money will be extorted from the debtor in any way possible ways, including the seizure of property belonging to him through bailiffs.

In addition, charges in favor of his 2 children will be levied on any type of income:

  • pensions;
  • various payments;
  • compensation;
  • from profits accrued on shares;
  • scholarships;
  • unemployment benefits.

How much is deduction for pregnant women?

A woman on maternity leave also has the right to receive alimony. She has the right to demand from him material payments regardless of whether she is his ex-wife or his actual wife. The main condition is bearing common child with the alimony worker.

The amount of the amount that is paid to the wife on maternity leave can be established upon signing an agreement or can be represented as a fixed amount of money that must be paid monthly. Naturally, the court will take into account the financial situation of each spouse.

If a woman is on maternity leave, the husband must provide his wife with financial support.

A woman who is raising a child under three years of age may require the same content.

Amount of alimony

As a rule, a couple can calculate alimony on their own, or it will be done in judicial procedure. For two children, the payment will contain 33.3 percent of the father's earnings. The same applies to all those cases when 2 children are born from different marriages.

So, if children are born from different mothers, then alimony must be calculated in equal parts to each. If one of the parents pays 1/3 of the salary, then each child receives 1/6, since children from different marriages, but from the same father, have equal rights. Art. says this. 81 IC RF.

There are often cases when it is not possible to calculate the same amount for each child from different marriages, and for one it is - ? the father’s income, and for the second – 1/6. Then it is necessary to make an equation of shares. This can be done by the parent who pays child support in court.

Grounds for reducing alimony

Modern legislation does not have the ability to reduce the amount of alimony paid for two children, regardless of the same or different mothers or marriages.

Among such circumstances it is necessary to highlight the following:

A huge number of civil cases in Russian courts are related to the resolution of family disputes, and larger number these family trials relates to divorce and collection of child support. Yes, of course, sometimes ex-spouses It is possible to establish alimony voluntarily by concluding an appropriate agreement with a notary, however, in the vast majority of cases, such a dispute reaches the court.

In this article we will talk about specific issue– the amount of alimony for 2 children in 2019 and we will try to determine how much percent of the defendant’s income in 2019 the plaintiff will be able to recover in 2019, and we will also give advice on how best to collect alimony in court. By the way, collecting them in court is not so difficult; for this reason, you can prepare and file a statement of claim yourself. If it is assumed that the father will try to minimize the size in court, then in this case it will be more successful to conduct a dispute with the help of a family law lawyer.

Often, as a lawyer, clients often ask me: is the law established a fixed amount of alimony for 1 child, 2 children and where can it be clarified? Legislatively Exact size monetary maintenance for one child or two children is not established and is not contained in any legislative act.

This is due to the fact that, firstly, on the territory of the Russian Federation there are regional differences in the size consumer basket, which is considered necessary for normal life person.

Secondly, alimony can be established by agreement or court as in a certain firm monetary amount, and as a percentage of the father’s income. For this reason, it is impossible for the legislator to annually establish their uniform size throughout the country. However, it might not be bad to see such a document, which, for example, in 2019 precisely established child support for 2 children for all fathers throughout the country. But so far there is no such law.

Alimony for 2 children in 2019 - amount by agreement

If parents are ready to compromise on determining the costs of maintaining their offspring and are able to determine the amount that, as a rule, the father will transfer every month to their mother, then in this case the alimony issue is resolved without court, since it is not in the nature of a dispute. In this case, the father and mother draw up an agreement, have it certified by a notary, and according to such an agreement, which has the force of a writ of execution, the father voluntarily transfers or transfers money on a monthly basis.

What amount of alimony in 2019 is advisable to indicate in the agreement? First of all, this size for each child should be sufficient to support them. In accordance with the Family Code, parents must take care of their children on equal terms. This rule means that when concluding an agreement, the father and mother must equally allocate money for their maintenance. In the agreement, parents can determine the equivalent in percentage or in rubles.

The recommended amount of child support for 2 children in 2019 depends on their place of residence in the Russian Federation. So for Moscow, for the maintenance of 2 children in 2019, by voluntary agreement, the parties usually indicate 40,000 rubles and more. That is, for each child in Moscow it turns out at least 20,000 rubles. In the regions, this figure is usually 2 times less. That is, 20,000 rubles for 2 children in 2019 for provincial cities considered normal size.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that in notarial agreement we're talking about exclusively about the good will of parents to support their offspring. Therefore, when determining the amount of support for 2 children, it is advisable to take into account how additional expenses on them (circles and sections, examination and treatment, vacation trips, etc.), and real financial opportunities father. It is the real, and not imaginary, figures of official wages that fathers usually use to fight back in legal disputes.

You can, of course, indicate the amount as a percentage in the notarial agreement and state how much percent in 2019 of the father’s income will be received every month to support 2 children. However, since we are talking about a voluntary agreement, there is no point in switching from rubles to interest. It is usually established in court decisions what percentage of his income the father will pay to the mother.

Alimony for 2 children in 2019 - amount according to court decision

If voluntary agreement Parents fail to sign and there is no compromise, then take legal action in 2019, child support for two children will be set at 33% or 1/3 from the father's income.

The vast majority of court decisions on the collection of alimony for 2 children establish their amount as a percentage. A smaller number of court decisions determine the maintenance of 2 children in a fixed amount.

What amount could this be and what is better: as a percentage or in rubles? Of course, it is always better if alimony is established in court decision not in percentages, but in rubles. It's difficult to give advice here. However, in our difficult times of crisis, a father may lose income at any time or his income may change significantly. In this case, alimony as a percentage for 2 children will of course be less reliable than, for example, established by the court for 2 children in the amount of 30,000 rubles. But, unfortunately, in 2019, the courts continue to maintain the established practice of collecting alimony as a percentage of the defendants’ income.

What changed in the legislation regarding the procedure for collecting alimony in 2019? The most important innovation: if the father’s total debt is more than 10,000 rubles(including the equivalent in percentage), then the debtor may be left without driver's license, which must be confiscated based on the order of the bailiff.

Changes in the amount of child support when a second child appears

A situation often arises when a father pays child support for one child, but suddenly he has a second one, who should also receive salary from father. Unfortunately, citizens sometimes abuse this rule and artificially sue or enter into an agreement, for example, with new wife that the father must support his child (even if he is married to the mother). The whole point is that the law does not prohibit the establishment of alimony by married persons.

In this case, the previously made court decision to collect alimony for one child is subject to change, and the 25 percent established before the birth of the father of the second child changes to 16.5 percent. That is, there is a decrease in interest due to the fact that alimony is now distributed to 2 children.

Let us try to summarize and summarize what has been said. What advice can you give to mothers seeking child support for 2 children in 2019:

  • It is always better to first try to come to an agreement with the father of the children and invite him, in good conscience, to voluntarily allocate money from his budget for their maintenance. When agreement is reached, it is advisable to have the agreement notarized. Receiving money every month simply on your word of honor is not reliable.
  • In court, you will be able to recover alimony for two children in the amount of 33 percent. Well, if you make an effort, you can try to collect them in a solid fixed amount. At the same time, the defendant’s arguments that he has a permanent monthly income, but it’s small - you should use it in court to your advantage - like real proof about the need to collect alimony from the defendant not as a percentage, but in a specifically fixed amount in rubles.
Lawyer for family matters Gennady Efremov

Children have established by law the right to receive maintenance from each parent(Article 80 Family Code(IC) of the Russian Federation) to ensure their priority needs, as well as the implementation of upbringing and education.

It doesn’t matter how many children a father and mother have, each child must be financially provided for and protected by them. So, for two children 1/3 of the funds (or 33%) will be withheld from the entire amount of income of the alimony payer.

If one of the parents evades financial participation in the life of the children, the second parent (or guardian) of the minors may be forcibly collected () funds for their maintenance, referred to as family law alimony (clause 2 of article 80 of the RF IC).

If the father or mother is not against financial support for the children, it is best to consolidate such consent, which, in case of non-compliance, various reasons becomes an analogue of a writ of execution and can be presented to the bailiff service for subsequent forced collection(Clause 2 of Article 100 of the RF IC).

How much child support is paid for two children?

Size monthly alimony for two children will depend on several factors:

  1. From the method of assigning funds:
    • If, when going to court, the defendant from whom funds are recovered is employed and receives a stable official income, alimony will be collected from him as a share of this income.

      The procedure for concluding a child support agreement for two children

      An alimony agreement can be concluded between the parents of two minors if they reach a full compromise on:

      • their frequency;
      • method of transfer to the collector;
      • liability of the parties for failure to comply with the terms of the documents.

      If agreement is not reached between the father and mother on at least one of the points, the notary will not be able to formalize this document and the parties will have to resolve the alimony dispute.

      If both parents decide to formalize child support by agreement, they need to visit together notary office with the following list documents:

      1. Passports of the parties.
      2. Birth certificates of children (and if children or one of them were born out of wedlock - documents confirming relationship with the father);
      3. Certificate of salary of the future alimony payer.

      A salary certificate is provided to the notary in order to comply with the law when concluding an agreement: each child must receive alimony in an amount no less than he would be entitled to if he applied for it in court (clause 2 of article 103 of the RF IC).

      If the children (one of them) have reached the age of 14 at the time of concluding the agreement, their personal presence at the notary is required.

      The cost of the alimony agreement is RUB 5,250. It can be concluded with one document for two children, if the children live in the same family (which, accordingly, will be lower in cost).

      If a voluntary agreement involves the payment of alimony, you will definitely have to draw up two different documents since the collecting parties, the account for transferring funds, and the terms of the agreement will be different.

      The procedure for collecting alimony through the court

      If one of the parents avoids supporting their children and refuses to formalize a voluntary alimony agreement, the second party has the right to apply for alimony to the court (clause 2 of article 80 of the RF IC).

      The procedure for applying for alimony will be as follows:

      1. The statement of claim is either sent to the magistrate’s court at the place of residence of the plaintiff or defendant (to choose from at the convenience of the applicant).
      2. The state fee is not collected from the applicant for alimony (clause 2, part 1, article 333.36 Tax Code RF).
      3. WITH statement of claim A package of documents is sent to the court:
        • applicant's passport;
        • children's birth certificates;
        • documents on divorce (if parents are divorced), on separation (certificate of family composition);
        • documents confirming expenses for the child (checks, receipts);
        • other evidence relevant to the case.

          Sometimes applicants submit to the court SMS correspondence with the defendant regarding his reluctance or refusal to participate in financial assistance children, bring witnesses to court, etc.

      The result of filing an application for alimony with the court is performance list, which stipulates the defendant’s child support obligations for each of the children until they reach adulthood.

      This document can be transferred on workplace payer funds for calculating alimony (Article 109 of the RF IC), or V federal service bailiffs(FSSP) to initiate enforcement alimony proceedings.

      Important! Practicing lawyers do not recommend sending a writ of execution to the debtor’s workplace, bypassing the FSSP, since if the document is lost, it will be more difficult to restore it, and the claimant will not be able to take independent measures to combat alimony debt in case of dismissal of the payer or concealment of his alimony obligations.

      Alimony for 2 children from different marriages

      Minor children, regardless of whether they were born in the same or different marriages, or were generally born outside the marriage of their parents, have equal right to receive maintenance from the father and mother (the main thing is that the fact of paternity itself is documented - by establishing paternity in the registry office or a similar court decision).

      However, on account judicial practice There are many decisions according to which the collection of alimony for a second child causes a reduction in its amount for the first child. And most often this practice develops specifically in relation to children from different marriages of parents.

      The reduction in payments in favor of one of the children when the need for alimony for the second child arises is primarily due to the fact that, according to the rule of Art. 81 of the RF IC, the amount of shared withholding (or as a percentage) from the parent increases - from one quarter (25%) of income to one third (33%), but in the end it is subject to division equally between the children and in fact represents a smaller amount.

      Example. Irina K. received alimony from her daughter’s father, Alexander N., in the amount of 25% of her salary. With Alexander’s salary of 32,000 rubles. Child support for the girl was 8,000 rubles. monthly. Soon new wife Alexandra also decided to apply for child support in relation to their common son, despite Cohabitation with her husband, citing the absence of financial assistance child on his part. As a result, the court made a decision to collect alimony from Alexander in favor of his two children in the amount of 1/3 of his earnings. After this, alimony payments began to be withheld from the defendant’s salary. total amount 10,666 rubles, i.e. RUB 5,333 each for each of the children. Consequently, payments for a daughter from her first marriage actually decreased from 8,000 rubles. up to 5,333 rubles, which is 2,667 rubles. less.

      If alimony was collected not in shares, but in a fixed amount, often filing alimony claims for the second child can also serve as a reason for reducing the TDS in relation to the first child.

      However, all parties to alimony legal relations should remember that there is no time set size payments (as well as the method of collecting them) can be changed more than once by the court at the request of any party on the basis of compelling arguments (Article 119 of the RF IC).

      Reasons for increasing or decreasing alimony are references to a serious health condition (diseases associated with disability, mutilation, incapacity), social occasions(the birth of several children in another marriage, requiring material investments), other compelling arguments, circumstances force majeure(fire, flood, being in a war zone, etc.).

Calculation of child support for two children. Calculating alimony is a complex and confusing process that depends on numerous factors and external conditions.

It is usually quite difficult for parents to determine the amount of child support, but it is possible.

How to calculate alimony?

Thus, the amount of alimony depends on clear norms and criteria established by law. To calculate the approximate amount of future payments, you need to delve into general position families and minimum and maximum payouts.

What does the size depend on?

How much alimony do you have to pay? The amount of child support for 2 children depends on clear factors, each of which can affect the amount of payments up or down.

  • Payer status– one of the main factors regulating the final amount of support. It is worth noting that the payer category affects not only the amount of payments, but also the choice of the source of income from which funds will be collected.
  • The cost of living in the region also affects the final amount of support. This happens for the reason that if the parent is officially unemployed, then the calculation of alimony will be based on this value.
  • One of the most important factors – complex family circumstances. Such circumstances may include: disability of one or both children, loss of work of one of the parents, death close relative and much more.

Amount of alimony from a non-working person

The amount of payments directly depends on the category of the non-working spouse. How much child support is required for 2 children?

Currently, there are three main types established by law:

  1. unemployed person registered at the employment center. The amount of alimony is calculated as a share of the average earnings in the region or the subsistence level. For example, if the cost of living in the Tver region is 9590.00 rubles, then the parent will be required to pay 3164.7 rubles for two children.
  2. An unemployed person who is not registered with the employment center. Calculation of payments in in this case will be carried out by a judge who will analyze the overall financial situation families.
  3. Working. The amount of payments is determined in the same way as for the previous category.

Minimum amount for two children

Minimum amount you must pay stay-at-home parent, the court determines. He bases his decision on an analysis of his financial and family situation.

In addition, there are minimum standards documented. As of 2017 minimum standard payments for two children – 2500 rubles.

Maximum amount for two children

Statistics say that maximum value Child support is rarely established by the court due to the low average wage in the country.

In addition, determine maximum amount Hard currency support is almost impossible, since such payments are usually withheld on a percentage basis.

However, limits can still be identified. Enshrined in legislation the only rule, which controls the maximum payments - the alimony payer must have at least a third left personal income(or at least 30%, if converted into a percentage).

What percentage of child support is required for 2 children in Russia? A father of two children in Russia must pay thirty-three percent of his earnings. There are several other ways to highlight content.

  • Bilateral voluntary agreement. Parents or father and legal representatives draw up a document agreement on the contents of free form and be sure to have it notarized. There is a nuance here: the payment cannot be less than the amount established by the court (that is, the same 33% of the salary).
  • In the form of payment in kind (products farm, for example, if the person forced to pay alimony is a farmer).
  • In a set, fixed amount: when a father in Russia has wages in currency, or he does not have official work, or receives income in the form of natural products. In this case interest rate difficult to install for two.
  • The father of two children in Russia, based on agreement with the other side of the conflict, agrees to pay in the form of transferring part of his property.
  • What percentage of salary is child support for 2 children?

    What amount of child support is paid if there is a second child?

    When a child is born, according to the law, it does not matter into which marriage he was born. Having enforcement proceedings for the first child, the father must deduct 1/4 of his earnings. The same amount is assigned for the maintenance of the second child.

    In total this represents 1/2 of total income, which is contrary to the standards. Thus, claim parent is a definition of alimony of 1/3 for two children, as required by law.

    For the first child, this means that the contribution is reduced to 16.5% instead of 25%.

    When proceeding through the court, the magistrate will rely on the average figure - 33% of the defendant’s salary. However, do not forget that this percentage may change globally due to external conditions.

    For example, the defendant may suddenly lose his job or be in difficult situation– then a sharp decrease in the amount of payments cannot be ruled out.

    Thus, although the calculation of child support instills fear in many parents, it is quite possible to determine the future amount of support.

    You just need to clearly understand the main points that judges analyze when making their decisions, and then calculating payments will be easier than ever.

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