How much does CPT cost in electronic form? Cadastral Territory Plan (CTP)

As a result of cadastral registration, information about all real estate objects is entered into. This information may be provided at the request of interested parties in the form of extracts or other forms of documents. To carry out work to calculate the cadastral value of real estate, a form of cadastral territory plan (CTP) is used, the issuance of which is within the authority of the Rosreestr service.

The cadastral plan of the territory is a special form of extract from the state register containing information about all real estate objects within the boundaries of one cadastral quarter. The issuance of CPT is carried out according to the rules of the following regulations:

  • Federal Law of July 13, 2015 No.;
  • Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated June 20, 2016 No. 378 (hereinafter referred to as Order No. 378);
  • Letter of Roszemkadastr of Russia dated May 12, 2004 No. СС/618 (hereinafter referred to as Letter СС/618).

Note! Order No. 378 indicates the possibility of including information about any real estate in the CPT if they have undergone cadastral registration in Rosreestr. Letter No. СС/618 considers only the option of filling out a form with information on land plots.

The purpose of this document is to obtain information to determine the cadastral value of land plots, buildings, structures or unfinished construction projects. This indicator is used when calculating land tax and property tax - as of 2017, almost all constituent entities of the Russian Federation have switched to this procedure for calculating tax liabilities.

The cadastral plan of the territory is used when carrying out complex cadastral work, as a result of which the value of an entire group of real estate objects is determined. These works are carried out by order of the executive authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The authority to carry out complex cadastral work belongs to cadastral engineers, and based on the results of their completion, a map-plan of the territory is prepared.

Expert's comment. State register information is open and publicly available, so any interested person can obtain a cadastral plan of the territory. However, the practical application of this document is associated only with carrying out complex cadastral work, since the CPT contains general information about a group of objects in the territory of one cadastral quarter.

Form of cadastral plan of the territory

Order No. 37 and Letter No. СС/618 approved the form of the cadastral plan of the territory, which includes a title page and a section “General information about land plots.” Appendix No. 8 to Order No. 378 contains a list of 12 sections that may be included in the CPT.

The title page of the CPT is prepared in writing; this rule is recorded in paragraph 3 of Letter CC/618. The section indicating information about land objects is prepared in written or electronic form. If a document is issued in the form of an electronic file, it is certified by the digital signature of an official of Rosreestr. Let's consider the nuances of filling out each sheet of the specified form.

Title page of CPT

The rules for filling out the title page are regulated by Letter No. СС/618; it includes the following points:

  • name of the Rosreestr institution;
  • Title of the document;
  • cadastral quarter (quarters are independent units of cadastral division of the territory of the Russian Federation and have a unique value);
  • KPT registration number;
  • details of electronic files included in the plan;
  • signature of the official who issued the CPT.

If the request was sent in relation to several cadastral blocks, two or more CPTs are issued simultaneously, each of which is assigned its own registration number. Therefore, one title page can be issued for several CPTs at once.

Section 1. General information about objects in the cadastral quarter

Each of the sections of the CPT can be drawn up in written or electronic form, it depends on the type of request submitted. Section 1 form contains the following columns:

  • item number – the serial numbers of records about real estate objects are indicated;
  • object - the specified code is assigned to each property during the cadastral registration process, it remains unchanged for the entire period of existence of the object;
  • type of object - building, structure, land plot, unfinished construction project;
  • address of each object - the information provided must correspond to the data;
  • area or main characteristic - for most objects the area indicator and permissible error are indicated; for structures, the length and depth of location are additionally indicated; for an unfinished construction project, indicators from the design documentation are used;
  • land category;
  • type of permitted use of the facility;
  • purpose of the object (for example, an apartment building);
  • cadastral value - information obtained as a result of the last assessment of objects is indicated.

The listed composition of points will coincide with the content of most other sections of CBT. When filling out this section, information at the time of issue of the document is taken into account.

Expert's comment. When issuing a CPT, information is provided only on real estate objects registered in the cadastral register. If the copyright holder has not completed the specified procedure, information on the object will not be included in the cadastral plan of the territory. All plots, buildings, structures and other real estate must undergo cadastral registration before March 2018, otherwise any types of transactions with them will be prohibited.

Section 2. Plan (drawing, diagram) of objects within the cadastral quarter

This section contains a graphical display of the object corresponding to the information on the date of issue of the document. To draw up a plan or diagram, data on the coordinates of characteristic points of the object’s boundaries, as well as the boundaries of the cadastral division, is used.

On the prepared plan, all objects are identified by the serial number specified in section 1 of the CPT, or by cadastral number. When entering this into section 2, the scale indicator is also indicated. For one CPT, a single plan, drawing or diagram is drawn up, which reflects information about all recorded objects.

Expert's comment. To carry out cadastral registration of any property, a technical or boundary plan is used. This document is prepared by a cadastral engineer based on the results of cadastral work.. The accuracy of the information and any forms of extracts from the specified register depends on the correct determination of the characteristics of the object, including its boundaries.

Section 3. Plan (drawing, diagram) of borders between constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities and settlements

The cadastral division of the territory of the Russian Federation, as a rule, coincides with the boundaries of the administrative-territorial division. One of the mandatory components of the CPT is a plan or diagram of boundaries between administrative-territorial units - constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipal districts and settlements, populated areas. To display these objects, Section 3 uses state register information about the coordinates of characteristic points of their boundaries.

Section 4. Plan of areas with special conditions of use

Legislative acts at the federal level allow for the possibility of creating zones with special conditions of use. Their intended purpose is to ensure the safety of the population during the operation of dangerous objects, the protection of natural or cultural monuments, etc. In particular, the diagram of Section 3 of the CPT reflects the following types of zones with special conditions of use:

  • sanitary protection zones;
  • protection zones for cultural heritage sites;
  • security zones of enterprises and industrial complexes;
  • protection zones for water supply facilities, etc.

Information about zones with special conditions of use is transferred based on data about characteristic boundary points. For the territory of one cadastral block, one plan (scheme) is used, which reflects all registered zones with special conditions of use.

Section 5. Plan of territorial zones

Territorial zoning is carried out according to the rules set out in the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation. The land use and development rules for each zone approve the boundaries and urban planning regulations. Among other things, the plan for section 3 of the CPT reflects the following zones:

  • production zones;
  • residential areas;
  • agricultural development zones;
  • public and business areas, etc.

On the territory of one cadastral block there can be an unlimited number of territorial zones, each of which is necessarily reflected in the CPT scheme. As a rule, the legal regime of land plots is determined by the boundaries of the territorial zone.

Section 6. Territory plan for cultural heritage sites, areas of priority socio-economic development, etc.

The plan of section 6 of the CPT reflects the boundaries of special objects, including cadastral division units:

  • cultural heritage sites;
  • forest districts and forest parks;
  • specially protected natural areas;
  • boundaries of water bodies;
  • special economic zones, etc.

As in previous sections, information about objects is transferred from in the form of coordinates of characteristic points of the boundaries, indicating the scale of the diagram.

Expert's comment. Section 6 of the cadastral plan of the territory indicates the land plots to be formed in accordance with the land survey plan. The approval of this plan is carried out at the regional or municipal level.

Section 7. General information about zones with special conditions for the use of territory, territorial zones, etc.

Section 7 contains a tabular form that includes information about the objects recorded on the plans and diagrams of sections 4-6 of the CPT. The table information includes the following information:

  • register, account or conditional number of the object corresponding to the data;
  • date of assignment of the specified number;
  • individual designations of a zone or territory (type and type of object, norms, index, etc.), name of a water body within the cadastral quarter.

As part of the cadastral plan of the territory, compliance with the information from section 7 and the corresponding diagrams from the previous sections must be observed.

Section 8. Description of the location of land boundaries

Section 8 of the CPT reflects data on the location of the boundaries of land plots entered into. Initially, this information is recorded in the cadastral engineer’s boundary plan and transferred to the cadastral register. The following data is indicated in the tabular form of Section 8:

  • land object;
  • numbers of boundary points;
  • X and Y rounded to the nearest 0.01 m;
  • description of the fixation of boundaries on the ground (this column is filled in if the boundary point is fixed with a long-term boundary sign, and in its absence, information is not indicated);
  • mean square error when determining coordinates (when using different methods for determining boundary points, different errors are allowed).

The information in section 8 is filled out in text form and must correspond to the information in their diagrams in sections 3-6 of the CPT.

Section 9. Description of the location of the boundaries of buildings, structures and objects of unfinished construction

As in the previous section, information about the boundaries of capital construction projects is subject to reflection in the CPT. In tabular form, Section 9 provides the following points:

  • object;
  • numbers of contour points;
  • by X and Y;
  • radius (if the property is a circle);
  • root mean square error in determining coordinates;
  • depth and height of the object.

When specifying data on the depth and height of an object, the distance from the point of intersection of the projection of a structural element with its contour to the starting and ending point at a given point of the contour is used.

Section 10. Description of the location of borders between constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities and settlements

Filling out the information in this part of the CPT corresponds to sections 8-9, with the exception of the following nuances:

  • in the tabular form of Section 10, the designation of characteristic points, as well as their X and Y coordinates, is indicated;
  • indicates the method for determining coordinates - when establishing boundaries, geodetic, cartometric, photogrammetric methods, as well as the method of satellite geodetic measurements can be used;
  • indicates the coordinate system.

Information about boundaries is indicated for units of administrative-territorial division within one cadastral quarter.

Section 11. Description of the location of the boundaries of zones with special conditions for the use of the territory, territorial zones, etc.

This section reflects data on boundary points for objects previously specified in section 6 of the CPT. The procedure for filling out the tabular form is fully consistent with the similar rules under Section 10. In relation to land plots to be formed according to the approved land survey plan, not the register number, but the conditional number of the object is indicated.

Section 12. Information about points of the reference boundary network

The reference boundary network (MBN) is created for geodetic support of land management, obtaining current cadastral information about land objects, etc. Within the framework of the reference boundary network, points are determined whose density per 1 sq. km. there should be at least 4 within the city, at least two within the boundaries of other settlements, at least four per settlement of small settlements.

Section 12 of the CPT provides a tabular form that includes the following points:

  • number of the compulsory health insurance item on the plan;
  • name and number, item type;
  • class of the reference boundary network, if provided for in the information;
  • in X and Y.

You can submit a request to receive a ready-made or previously completed cadastral plan of a territory or land plot from Rosreestr in a free application sent to the email address: [email protected]. If you have any difficulties or questions related to placing an order, call the phone number: +7 495 781-8080. Our managers will answer all your questions and fill out the application themselves.

Cost and turnaround time

The cadastral plan is drawn up only in electronic form. Cost - 1,000 a, ready - 1 day. The price includes payment of the state duty and obtaining the document from the Rosreestr office. The finished order is sent by email.

Contents of the cadastral plan of the territory

A cadastral plan is a document drawn up on a cartographic basis. The document contains graphic and text information (see samples).

  1. General information about real estate in the cadastral quarter:
    • cadastral numbers of real estate objects;
    • type of real estate;
    • address;
    • square;
    • land category;
    • types of permitted use;
    • appointment;
    • cadastral value.
  2. Plan (drawing, diagram) of real estate located in the cadastral quarter.
  3. General information about zones with special conditions for the use of territories, territorial zones, territories of cultural heritage sites, territories of rapid socio-economic development, zones of territorial development in the Russian Federation, gambling zones, forest districts, forest parks, specially protected natural areas, special economic zones, hunting lands, about land plots to be formed in accordance with the approved land surveying project, about coastlines (the border of a water body), cadastral division units
    • registration (account, conditional) number;
    • date of assignment;
    • individual designation of a zone or territory, type and name of a water body, name of a cadastral division unit
  4. Description of the location of land boundaries:
    • cadastral number of the land plot;
    • number of points;
    • coordinates (X, Y);
    • description of fixation on the ground;
  5. Description of the location of the boundaries of buildings, structures, unfinished construction objects on the land plot:
    • cadastral number of a building, structure, object of unfinished construction;
    • numbers of contour points;
    • coordinates (X, Y);
    • radius(R);
    • mean square error in determining the coordinates of characteristic points of the boundaries of a land plot, m
    • depth, height, m ​​(H1, H2, m)

Then, within the framework of the article, it is the cadastral passport that will be considered.

However, cadastral passports are no longer issued to citizens.

On January 1, 2017, the Federal Law of July 13, 2015 No. 218-FZ “On State Registration of Real Estate” came into force, according to which Rosreestr began to provide extracts from the Unified State Register of Real Estate about real estate instead of cadastral passports.

Rosreestr abolished the State Property Committee and created a new resource - the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN). All data from the State Property Committee was transferred to the Unified State Register.

What does the cadastral plan of the territory look like? Find out about it.

Production time

The cadastral plan is prepared within 5 days. Often the document is ready after 2 days.

However, if you order an extract from the Unified State Register online, the result will be sent within an hour. When ordering through other sites, the preparation time for a cadastral passport may be even shorter.

Where and how to get a ready-made plan?

The cadastral plan can be sent either in paper form by mail or electronically by e-mail, respectively.

An extract from the USRN can be issued in electronic form with or without a digital signature. What is the difference?

Cadastral passport in electronic form and by email without a digital signature:

  • The document has no legal force;
  • The cadastral passport will be ready in literally half an hour, the maximum production time is 24 hours.
  • The cost of the service will be 300 rubles.

Cadastral passport in electronic form and by email with a digital signature:

  • The signature file format is .sig;
  • Will have full legal force;
  • The production of the extract takes a little longer than the first option, the deadline for production is 5 days;
  • The cost of the service is 590 rubles.

A cadastral passport in paper form can also be ordered online. It is delivered by Russian Post throughout the Russian Federation.

Such a document will have the following features:

  • The extract has the signature of an authorized person and the seal of Rosreestr;
  • It has full legal force, postal delivery is included in the price;
  • A Russian Post tracking number is provided within six working days, and the full delivery time depends directly on the operation of the service;
  • The cost of the service is 740 rubles.

There is a separate offer for land plots in Moscow and the Moscow region. The cadastral passport in paper form can be delivered by courier in Moscow within the Moscow Ring Road. The document will have the same features as described above, except for the cost of the service itself. Price - 1450 rubles (actual additional payment for the courier's work).

The cadastral plan of the territory is a document in the form of a site diagram that has legal force. The text contains information about the area, configuration, boundaries of the territory, as well as about objects located nearby. It provides detailed information about the objects located on the land plot and located in the neighborhood. The location is clearly recorded.

The plan reflects all detailed information about structures, buildings, division into zones. The cadastral plan is valid until any changes occur. Without it, it is impossible to carry out actions with real estate.

How and where to order

To obtain a cadastral plan for land, you must submit an application to Rosreestr or the Multifunctional Center located in the area of ​​the land plot.

You need to provide:

  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • identification;
  • certificate confirming ownership;
  • confirmation of the representative's authority.

After submitting the documents, a receipt is issued, which should be provided upon receipt of the ordered plan.

If the site is not registered, it is also required to present:

  • boundary plan;
  • evidence of restrictions on allotment;
  • attitude to any category;
  • permission to the territory;
  • in case of common shared ownership, an agreed land survey plan;
  • confirmation of share in common property.

All submitted documents must not contain errors or corrections and must be certified by the signature of the cadastral service employee who issues a receipt for acceptance of the materials.

A period of up to 20 years is given for the preparation of the cadastral plan. If the site is in the database and is registered with the state, the plan is received within 5 days.

Registration is an important point. All required documents must be provided within 18 days, otherwise if there is a delay you will have to start the whole process all over again.

If there is no registration in the Register, you must submit an application and submit a boundary plan of the site, as well as proof that you are the owner of this property.

Document forms

The following forms of cadastral plan exist:

  • paper document;
  • electronic format.

It is possible to obtain a cadastral plan in paper format by submitting an application to the relevant authorities.

The document can be ordered online in electronic format on the Rosreestr website. It takes no more than 10 minutes. You just need to provide the necessary requirements:

  • E-mail address;
  • cadastral number;
  • your last name, first name, patronymic;
  • date, month, year of birth;
  • by whom, where and when the passport was issued.

You can receive the required document within 5 days. The answer comes to your email address. The resulting file can only be printed.

Payment of the state fee is carried out by bank card. The electronic document is issued as a file in html format, certified by the signature of an official in the form of a sig file.

The electronic cadastral plan contains the following forms:

  • KPT.1 - general information;
  • KPT.2.1 - drawing of the territory;
  • LPT.2.2. — diagram of the territory boundaries;
  • CPT.2.3. — plan of the area with features of use;
  • CPT.2.4. — schedule of zones located in the cadastral quarter;
  • CPT.4. — general information and description of the boundaries of the territory;
  • CPT.5. — information about the units of the reference boundary network.

The price for obtaining a cadastral plan of the territory for individuals is 800 rubles. (in the form of a paper document) and 150 rubles. in electronic format. For legal entities, respectively, 2400 rubles. and 300 rub.

If the user wishes to receive a ready-made cadastral plan by mail, it must be sent no later than 30 days after submitting the application. Delay is possible only due to postal work.

The cadastral chamber is obliged to enter all information into its register within 1 month and issue a cadastral plan. The number of copies of the plan must be discussed in advance and indicated in the documents. According to the rules, at least 2 copies are required for registration. The completed document is issued upon presentation of a passport and a receipt issued upon submission of the application.

The video shows an example of completing an online application.

Is refusal possible?

A refusal to obtain a cadastral plan may be issued in the following cases:

  • errors in documents;
  • non-recognition of property as real estate;
  • extension of registration deadlines;
  • non-compliance of land surveying with established standards;
  • violation of the boundaries of the land plot;
  • dividing the territory into several areas.

It is attached in writing with an attached signature and seal.

If the documentation is corrected and no response is received, you can appeal the case in court.

Obtaining a cadastral plan

It is issued after the land plot is registered with the cadastral service and contains all the information about the condition of the territory. Without registration, you cannot perform any actions such as purchase, sale or donation.

The cadastral plan can be obtained after sending an application for its receipt to the Registry service.

Validity periods

The validity of the cadastral plan for a land plot is timeless, but only if no changes have been made.

If within one year the property was registered with the state, then problems with the timing of the cadastral plan should not arise at all.

Timely fulfillment of all obligations helps to quickly and easily obtain the necessary documents for transactions.

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