Cases when a certain document requires notarization. Certification of copies of documents

If an individual or legal entity requires certification of a copy of a document by a notary taken from another photocopy of a document (agreement, certificate, will, etc.), then the latter can do this, but only on condition that the accuracy of such a copy was certified earlier in notarial procedure.

Notarization of a copy from a copy of another document may be required, in particular, when entering into an inheritance or re-registering an apartment. Often old documents are in very poor condition, and the only way to save them is to make a photocopy. And if in the future you need a copy of a copy of such a document, then certification of a copy of the agreement and other documents by a notary will come in handy.

What are the benefits of document certification?

Notarization of documents is a very popular service. A copy that is certified by a notary is considered similar to the original, except in certain situations where it is strictly required original document. In most cases, a certified copy is enough to perform actions that require this or that paper. Besides,

  • in some cases a copy is one of mandatory papers to formalize a particular action (for example, buying real estate);
  • a copy allows you to store the original in a safe place, preventing its premature wear and tear, and its capabilities are largely similar;
  • There can be several certified copies: this is convenient.

At the notary Yuldasheva T.V. You can certify necessary papers in Moscow.

What is the price of notarial acts?

Prices for notarization of documents consist of several amounts. The first is the notary fee, the amount of which is set Tax Code of the Russian Federation and “Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on notaries”. It is standard and the same for all notaries in Russia. The second amount is the fee for the legal and technical work carried out during notarization of documents. Its size may vary depending on the subject of the Russian Federation.

Notary Yuldasheva T.V. certifies documents at the following rate.

Scroll notarial actions

Notary fee

Cost of legal and technical work


Powers of attorney for making transactions(transactions) requiring (requiring) notarial form

From legal entities

From individuals

200 rubles

1500 rub.

1000 rub.

1700 rub.

1200 rub.

Powers of attorney disposal or use property, except powers of attorney for the use and disposal of vehicles:

From legal entities

From individuals

100 rubles - to children, including adopted children, parents, spouse, full brothers and sisters;

500 rubles - to other individuals

1500 rub.

1000 rub.

1100 rub.

2000 rub.

1500 rub.

Powers of attorney issued in accordance with the procedure transfer of trust, in cases where such a certificate Necessarily in accordance with standards Russian legislation:

From legal entities

From individuals

200 rubles

1500 rub.

1000 rub.

1700 rub.

1200 rub.

Other powers of attorney that require notarial form in accordance with Russian legislation:

From legal entities

From individuals

200 rubles

1500 rub.

1000 rub.

1700 rub.

1200 rub.

Power of attorney for the right of disposal and (or) use motor vehicle :

From legal entities

From individuals

250 rubles - to children, including adopted children, parents, spouses, full sisters and brothers;

400 rubles - to other individuals

1000 rub.

1500 rub.

1000 rub.

1250 rub.

1900 rub.

1400 rub.

Powers of attorney, notary form which Not mandatory in accordance with Russian legislation:

From legal entities

From individuals

200 rubles

1500 rub.

1000 rub.

1700 rub.

1200 rub.


Make sure the document can be notarized. According to the law, a notary does not have the right to certify documents that do not have a registration number, date of adoption, seals and signatures of officials. The text must be free of pencil entries, erasures and unspecified corrections (that is, corrections without the “Corrected to Believe” mark with a signature and seal). Not certified, dilapidated, bad readable documents, sheets with partially lost text, with unclear stamp impressions. If signatures were made using fax stamps or a color printer, this is also grounds for refusal. A document consisting of several sheets must be numbered, stitched and sealed.

Prepare required amount photocopies of all sheets of the document. If the information is on both sides of the sheet, the copy must also be double-sided. Photocopying can be ordered at public service centers, photo studios, post offices, libraries and printing houses, as well as in the notary offices themselves. Photocopies for notarization must be clear, the text must be legible, signatures and seals must be clearly visible.

Contact the office for certification documents, having with you the original, photocopies and general passport. Employee notary office will check that your document meets all the requirements and will also check the copy with the original. After that, on its first page in the upper right corner there will be a stamp “Copy”, and in the lower right - a stamp with part of the name settlement(for example, “Moscow-”). On the last page of the copy they put a stamp confirming the certification of the copy and a seal notary, and next to them is a stamp with the ending of the name of the locality (in our example, “-va”). These technique allow you to distinguish genuine notarized copies from fake ones.

Sign a certified copy of notary. Sign in a special register where a record must be made of the certification of copies of the document indicating yours, the name of the document, the number of pages and the number of copies.


  • Witnessing copies of documents in notarial practice
  • How should a document be certified?

The law imposes the same requirements for the certification of a photocopy as for the certification of any copy of a document. The essence of a certified copy is that it has the same legal force, which the original has. Therefore, in this aspect, correct certification of the copy will mean giving it legal force.


There are two ways to properly certify a copy: simple and . To clarify the question of which certification method is required in each specific case, you should contact the authority or person to whom the copy is intended.

A simple certification method can be carried out by any organization, any body, institution, in general, any individual or legal entity that issued the original document. The copies are certified by the manager or, as a rule, a person authorized by him. If these entities no longer exist by the time certification is required, only a notary can certify the copy.

To simply certify a copy, it must have:

The inscription “True” under the “signature” attribute;

Position of the person who certified the copy;

Signature of the certifying person;

Decryption of the signature of the certifying person;

Certification date;

Seal of the organization that certified the copy.

The notarized certification method, or rather the notarized certificate of a copy of a document, is a more complex process, and besides, it is not free. But such photocopies will be accepted anywhere, and they are not old. In order to get a copy, you will need to pay a state fee or pay a notary, come to him with the original document and its copy, and also have a document certifying it. Without verifying your identity, the notary will not certify anything.


Due to the widespread use of photocopies, and indeed large volumes of document copying, now almost all legal entities have special stamps and seals to certify copies. And all clerks know the order, so basically no problems arise.


  • certified photocopy

The agreement is considered indisputable. That is legal side such a transaction is no longer questioned, since it is carried out in the presence of a representative of the authorities - a notary.


For a notary to certify the contract, a necessary condition is the presence of all parties or participants, the presence of their personal and other documents that will be required when concluding the agreement.

All available documents, according to the law, must contain registration numbers, dates, personal signatures and seals from officials. The basis for refusal to certify a contract may be poor readability, for example, changes were made in pencil or pen, unclear printing, or part of the text is completely or partially missing. It is important that all sheets in documents are correctly numbered, sealed and securely stitched

The agreement should be submitted to the notary in several copies of equal value for each participant. In copies, it is also important to pay attention to all the text so that it is easy to read and understand, and signatures and seals are legible.

Then you need to contact the document certification office so that a notary office employee checks the compliance of the documents with legal requirements. He will also check the copies with the original and put required stamps on the first and last pages. These techniques exist to distinguish genuine copies from counterfeits. After which the personal data of all participants will be entered into the register.

There are also some types of contracts that do not require the presence of a notary when concluded. This could be an agreement on employment, on a loan, on supplies, on the gift of real estate, etc. In such cases, the agreement will be certified if there is complete personal information about the participants entering into it and its terms do not contradict the requirements of existing legislation. Such certification should be carried out in the presence of all parties to the contract. Everyone leaves their personal signature on its last page, after which the notary puts a stamp. Copies of the certified agreement must remain in the hands of each participant.


The agreement will only be certified if it is signed in the office right in front of the notary and all parties. If all of the above has been observed correctly, the notary will put a personal signature on the last page of the contract and certify it with a seal. In addition, the documents will also have a stamp with the name of the city and the expiration date of the document. After this, the agreement is considered notarized.

Tip 4: How does a public notary differ from a private one?

One of the elements legal system states are notaries. With their help, citizens, as well as legal entities, can protect their interests regarding property rights, accuracy of translation and many other issues. Notaries can be either public or private.

General characteristics

The activities of private and public notaries are regulated by the same legislative norms. This type activities are under close control by the state. The notary must have a license allowing this activity, as well as pass a specialized exam confirming the level of qualification. Despite the same requirements from the state, among private notaries there are more often more competent specialists who will ensure qualified assistance in protecting interests.

According to current legislation, private and public notaries have the same rights to carry out notarial acts. The difference lies only in the registration of rights, which, with rare exceptions, is the prerogative of state notaries. Other types of operations can be completed by any specialist, regardless of whether he is private or public.

Features and Differences

There are a number of differences between these groups of notaries. In government offices, prices for services provided are regulated by the government and are lower. Given the same list of services, low prices provide some advantage for public notaries. They are the preferred choice for those who are trying to save money on these services.

Consequence this advantage There is also a certain disadvantage. Lower prices attract a significant number of customers, so there may be queues at government offices. If the main priority is the speed of completing the transaction, it is better to choose a private notary. Despite the higher cost of services, these specialists are representatives of a typical market economy. For them, the main priority is better satisfaction of the client’s needs, so working with them is much more comfortable. Private notary is a businessman who is interested in increasing the number of his clients, which distinguishes him from representatives of government offices, who are accustomed to treating him like other representatives of government agencies.

The choice of a notary depends on the client's priorities. Government lawyers They allow you to solve the issue for less money, but you will have to spend significantly more time.

Certification of copies of documents is a notarial action aimed at demonstrating the identity of the contents of the original document and its copy presented to the notary. By certifying the accuracy of the copy, the notary does not certify the facts stated in the document, but only confirms that the text and details of the copy of the document correspond to the text and details of the original. Certification of the accuracy of copies of documents and extracts from them is carried out by notaries in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law “Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on notaries” (Articles 77-79).

Certification of copies of documents It has great importance in protecting the interests and realizing the rights of individuals and legal entities. A citizen may need to certify a copy of a document to apply for a job, in educational institution, for registration of inheritance, for receiving benefits, pensions and payments, and for making various transactions with property. Certifying the accuracy of copies of documents by a notary is no less important for organizing the activities of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. Notarized copies are required for registering legal entities, obtaining permits and licenses, opening bank accounts, receiving and issuing funds.

Certification of copies of documents by a notary is carried out only upon presentation of original documents, the content and execution of which does not contradict the legislative acts of the Russian Federation. Any citizen who is not necessarily the owner of the documents being submitted can certify a copy of a document. In accordance with the rules for performing notarial acts, the notary checks the identity of the citizen who has applied for certification of copies of documents. Establishment of fact full legal capacity persons are not required to certify the accuracy of copies of documents.

Before as certify a copy of the document , the notary must ensure that the contents of the original document comply with the requirements current legislation RF and that certification of the accuracy of a copy or extract from this type of document is permitted by law. To certify the accuracy of the copy, the notary must speak the language in which the document is drawn up, or have a translation of the document executed properly.

The law prohibits notarization of copies :
- documents on which there is an indication that the document cannot be copied;
- documents classified as classified;
- medical documents containing information about mental and other diseases (in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health);
- contracts in simple terms writing, on which the authenticity of the signatures of the participants is not certified by a notary;
- education diplomas that are not marked registration number, there are no signatures of officials, or there is only one signature;
- extracts from the transcript without presenting a diploma;
- documents drawn up outside the Russian Federation and not legalized in accordance with the requirements of international treaties.

There are also certain requirements for the content and format of a document, the accuracy of a copy of which must be certified by a notary. Copies of documents in which:
- there are crossed out words, additions, erasures, unspecified corrections;
- individual fragments or the entire text are written in pencil;
- integrity is broken;
- contains unreadable fragments of text, unclearly executed seals and signatures of officials, or other damage that does not allow an unambiguous interpretation of the contents of the document or gives reason to doubt the authenticity of the document;
- the signature of officials was made using technical means (fax stamp, photocopying);
- the surface is laminated, which does not allow one to accurately determine the authenticity of the document.

To certify by a notary a copy of a document whose volume is more than one sheet, it is necessary that the sheets of the document be stitched, numbered and sealed and signed by an official.

Witnessing true copy from a copy of the document carried out by a notary, provided that a copy of the document is certified by a notary, or issued by a legal entity that owns the original document.

The clerk of any organization, regardless of its size and form of ownership, is faced with the question of how to certify a copy of a document. Moreover, the papers can be different - licenses, Charters, orders, internal provisions etc. Some fit on one sheet of paper, while others are multi-page. What to do in both cases, and in general, which documents can an organization certify independently, and which ones will have to go to a notary? Our article will answer all these questions.

Basic Concepts

In order to understand what a certified copy of a document should look like, it is important to emphasize that in this case GOST No. R 51141-98 is valid. All clerks, and indeed employees of the organization in general, who are faced with this issue in practice, would do well to study it in more detail. On legislative level the wording “duly certified copy” is not disclosed anywhere. However, the mentioned GOST prescribes which document can be considered such.

So, according to paragraph 2.1., a simple copy should be understood as a document that simply reproduces information and all its contents from the original external signs, or part of them. It has no legal force. But properly certified copies of documents have certain details. They are the ones who give them legal force.

What to follow in your work?

One legislative act about documents and their circulation on this moment does not exist. However, this should not be understood as complete absence rules The procedure for certifying a copy is still established, but not all organizations and enterprises know about it or neglect it. Meanwhile, such an attitude may lead to certain Negative consequences. For example, a document is recognized as not having evidentiary value in court, prosecutor's office, etc.

Many office management specialists use GOST R 6.30-2003 in their work; it provides certain recommendations on how to certify a copy of a document correctly. Below is a sample. So, below the details of the main document with a signature, a certification note “TRUE” is placed. Even lower, indicate the position of the person who draws up the copy, and put his signature with a transcript (last name, first name, patronymic) and date. The use of a seal is allowed (at the discretion of the organization).


Head of HR Department (signature) /A.A. Antonova/


Application area

Before you certify a copy of a document in this way or correct work already done, check to what extent these rules are mandatory in your area. After all, the requirements of the standard are largely advisory in nature.

The above-mentioned GOST says that these rules apply to documents of an organizational and administrative nature belonging to the USORD, that is, orders, resolutions, orders, protocols, decisions, acts, etc., included in the OKUD (classifier management documentation all-Russian).

The methodological rules were approved by Rosarkhiv (order No. 76 of December 23, 2009). Scope of application - in organs executive power(federal) when developing instructions for office work. How to certify copies of documents? A sample is shown below.

The original document is kept on file

(authority - name) No. __ for ____ year.


Chief specialist (signature) /I.I. Korovkina/

07/21/2015 PRINT

It should be remembered that multi-page documents(extracts from them) should initially be numbered, and the certification note should be supplemented with an indication of the number of sheets: “In total, the copy contains ____ sheets.” It is acceptable to mark “Correct” on each page, or they should be hemmed using thread and needle or metal staples.

How to certify a copy of a document of a “regular” organization?

Do not forget that in office work the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Court, issued back in the days of the USSR under number 9779-X dated August 4, 1983, is still in effect. It is he who stipulates the type of certification signature on documents of all ordinary organizations that do not fall into the first two categories discussed above. Officially, this Decree has still not been canceled; moreover, on August 8, 2003, it was amended certain changes. These rules are used without fail.

According to paragraph No. 1 of the document, the accuracy of the copy is confirmed by the signature of the manager or an official authorized to do so and the seal of the organization. In addition, the date of issue and the place where the original is kept must be indicated, i.e. this enterprise(institution, etc.). Distinctive feature It also lies in the fact that the composition of the inscription is not directly stated, so many people use not “TRUE”, but “COPY IS TRUE”, which is also acceptable.

We will separately consider the issue of the right to sign such a document.

Who can certify a copy?

First, of course, the head of the organization. This right it is provided by the law and the Charter. Therefore, it makes sense to put his signature on the most important packages of documents. As practice shows, the court treats this issue quite loyal, but it doesn’t happen once in a while.

Secondly, officials, that is, employees of the organization who are part of it. However, you need to ensure that they are authorized to do these actions. Otherwise, the certified copy (passports, work books, orders for core activities, licenses, etc.) will not have legal force. The authority of an employee who is not a manager can be established in several ways. Can be used:

  • An internal document of the organization, for example, instructions for office work, orders, etc.
  • Power of attorney. It is required mainly to represent the interests of the enterprise in relations with third parties.
  • Employment contract with specific person either in his job description. The wording could be, for example, this: “Certify according to written statements employees, the accuracy of copies of documents, the originals of which are kept by the Employer.”

What documents can the organization’s HR department certify?

As already mentioned above, despite the fact that the Decree of the USSR Supreme Court continues to be in force, and according to its provisions, the personnel service has the authority to certify copies:

  • documents emanating from the employer, that is, orders, acts, protocols, etc.;
  • documents belonging to another organization, but the original is kept by the employer, in particular diplomas and various certificates of advanced training;
  • other documents provided by the employee in personnel service, unless originals or notarization are required.

Notarial services

Confirming the authenticity of a copy of a document is perhaps the most common type of notarial act. With the need to contact this structure citizens encounter this very often. A notary can confirm the authenticity of a document (copy) - as in in full, and extracts from it. In the second case, however, there is a condition - the original must contain several different solutions, which are not interconnected.

In order to certify a copy of a document from a copy, you should also contact a notary. However, in this case there are nuances. The first copy must already be certified in a similar way or issued by the legal entity that holds the original. And here it is important to follow all the design rules. The reader already knows how to properly certify a copy of a document. Must be specified the following details: “True”, name of the organization, by whom it was issued (full name), date, number of sheets if the document is multi-page.

When contacting a notary, be prepared to provide him with your passport. This is necessary in order to establish identity.

What must be certified by a notary?

A number of documents require mandatory notarization to acquire legal force. The list includes:

  • Notarized translation of documents.
  • Power of attorney for transfer of rights.
  • Marriage contract.
  • Agreement lifelong maintenance and rents.
  • Acceptance or refusal of inheritance.
  • Selling real estate when there is more than one owner.
  • Shared sale of real estate.
  • Parents' permission to take their child abroad.
  • Registration of a limited liability company.
  • Other documents that, according to the agreement between the parties, recorded in the contract or additional agreement, must be notarized.

It should be borne in mind that in order to implement each of the points, you will need to provide the notary with a certain package of documents. For example, to register an LLC, you must have its Charter, decision on creation or protocol with you. If the work is entrusted to a representative, then a power of attorney and a passport. Notarized copies of documents do not have a time-limited validity period.

Requirements for the document, a copy of which is certified

The notary acts exclusively within the framework of the law, and therefore follows the uniform established standards. Documents whose copies need to be certified must meet a number of requirements, otherwise they simply will not be certified.

  • No additions, erasures, crossed out words, or unspecified corrections.
  • Handwritten or typewritten text should not be made with a simple (slate) pencil.
  • The document must not have any damage or loss of integrity (tears, damage, etc.).
  • The text must be readable, written in single-color ink, without falling out or faded areas, signatures of officials and seals must be clear.
  • Documents must not be laminated or the film must be removed.
  • When signing official can not use technical means(photocopying, facsimile stamp).

IN certain cases The law establishes notarization of copies of certain documents (charter, license, etc.) when submitting them to other organizations. The procedure for notarization of copies of documents is established by the Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on notaries.

Legislation only in a number of cases requires the presentation of a notarized copy of a document, but in practice, many departments require the presentation of a notarized copy and in cases not provided by law. The fundamentals of legislation on notaries stipulate that a notary has no right to refuse a citizen to notarize the copy of a document he needs.

Certification of the accuracy of a copy of a document is made by a notary upon presentation of the original document. The accuracy of a copy of a document can be certified by a notary in the following cases:

If the accuracy of the copy has previously been certified by a notary;

If a copy of the document is issued by an organization and executed in established by law ok.

IN the latter case a copy of the document must be made on letterhead legal entity, be sealed and have a mark indicating that the original document is in the possession of a legal entity.

A notarized copy of the copy must contain full text document indicating the signatures of officials, the text of the decrypted seal of the institution. This is followed by the text of the certification inscription attesting to the accuracy of the copy of the document, the signature of the notary, and the full name of the notary's office is indicated in the line. A copy of the copy is certified by affixing a special form of a notary’s certification inscription on it.

When certifying a copy of a document, the notary checks the legality of the presented document and carefully checks the copy with the original. Before certifying a copy, the notary must examine the document from which the copy was made to determine whether the document was issued by an authorized agency. If the original of a document is in doubt, the notary can send this document for examination, and issue a ruling. The resolution shall indicate: the date of the resolution, the surname, initials of the notary in whose name the document was issued (last name, first name, patronymic, place of residence), by whom it was presented, the circumstances that caused the need to send it for examination, where (to whom expert institution) questions are sent on which an expert opinion is required.

The copy must accurately reproduce the text original document. On a notarized copy, instead of the signature of the official who signed the document, the word “signature” is indicated, and instead of the seal, the word “seal”. In the certification inscription attesting to the accuracy of the copy, the notary makes a note about the absence of specified corrections in the original document and other features. Unfilled lines and others free places on copies, as well as on back side identification inscriptions are crossed out.

A copy of the document, consisting of several sheets, is laced together, numbered, the number of sheets is certified by the signature of the notary and the application of the notary's seal.

The notary certifies the accuracy of the copy of any document, regardless of its name, except for documents that have erasures and additions, crossed out words and other unspecified corrections; as well as documents written in pencil, with unclear text, presented on several sheets that are not numbered and not properly stapled; with a smeared or erased seal imprint, when it is not possible to read its text. A notary can also witness extracts from documents if they contain a solution to several separate, unrelated issues. In this case, the full text of part of the document on a specific issue must be reproduced. So, an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the founders joint stock company, at which various issues were resolved, must contain all the details of this society, then state the contents of that part of the protocol that is necessary interested person. If the protocol is drawn up on several pages, they must be numbered, laced and sealed and signed by the persons who compiled (signed) the protocol.

A document issued by a person (citizen), for example, an application, instruction, power of attorney, etc., can also be notarized. For such a document to have legal force, the citizen’s signature must be certified by a notary or an official of an enterprise, organization, institution at the place of work, study or residence citizen.

When attesting to the accuracy of a copy of a document issued by a citizen, the rules discussed above apply.

Often in management and other activities it is necessary to repeatedly reproduce the original document. Such repeat copy the original document that has legal force is called duplicate document.

Duplicates of documents are issued to replace lost originals or originals that have become unusable. Duplicates of documents are issued upon written applications from legal entities or individuals. Procedure for issuing duplicates individual species documents are established regulations. For example, the procedure for issuing duplicates work records determined by the resolution of the Ministry of Labor and social development RF dated October 10, 2003 No. 69 “On approval of the Instructions for filling out work books.” Duplicates are usually prepared on forms established form, also used to draw up the original document. Unlike a duplicate, a copy of a document can be drawn up on plain paper and not convey some features external design original document.

In order to be able to distinguish duplicates from originals (in cases where a duplicate is issued in replacement of a damaged or unusable original), “Duplicate” is indicated on the duplicate in the upper right corner by hand or using a stamp, and on the damaged or unusable original it is indicated entry: “Instead, a duplicate series __________ was issued.”

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