The semantic meaning of the blue signal color. Signal colors and safety signs

7.3. Signal colors and safety signs

In the conditions of modern production, characterized by widespread use various types energy, new materials, automatic and semi-automatic machines, continuous technological processes, increasing speeds and capacities and requiring workers to have increased precision of movement, attention and speed of reaction, the system of visual color information that signals danger is becoming important. This information system should be taken into account in the overall color composition of the interior. It includes functional coloring, warning (about danger) coloring of equipment elements, identification coloring of communications and other types of color signaling.

When developing color signaling for its greater effectiveness, the following requirements must be met:

the semantic meaning of the signals must be strictly defined and unambiguous;

the signs and symbols that make up the signal must be clearly visible against the backgrounds on which they are installed;

each sign-symbol, like the entire system of symbols, should, if possible, have the maximum information capacity;

the color signal should be easy to remember.

Clear and quick distinction of color symbols (signs) is ensured by both the increased saturation of the colors used to designate them and their contrast with the background color.

Improvement of readability, discrimination and memorization is greatly facilitated by color symbolism - traditional or established over a long time. Signal colors and safety signs are intended to attract the attention of workers to immediate danger, warn about its possibility, and also to necessary information. However, they do not replace technical means of ensuring equipment safety.

For color signaling in production, the specified standard establishes four main signal colors: red, yellow, green and blue, each of which means, respectively, “prohibition”, “warning”, “safety” and “information”. These colors should contrast sharply with the surrounding background and have good visibility even in poor lighting.

When perceiving colored light signals, light and color thresholds are distinguished 1 . It is known that when perceiving the color red, the light and color thresholds are the same (Fig. 7.5), that is, there is no colorless interval, an achromatic interval, between them. In the perception of all other colors, to a greater or lesser extent, there is an achromatic interval, which is especially significant for blue and green and less for yellow.

1 (Lowest value The amount of illumination on the observer's pupil at which a light signal is visible is called the light threshold (threshold illumination). The lowest illumination value on the observer's pupil at which the color of the signal begins to be confidently perceived is called the color threshold.)

This means that these colors are first perceived as a light signal and only as one approaches them, i.e., with an increase in illumination created by the signal on the observer’s eye, are they perceived as a color. The dominant wavelength of the color signal to satisfy the requirement of no achromatic interval for it, in accordance with Fig. 7.5 should be greater than 620 nm. That is why the red color received the meaning of a signal of obvious, immediate danger, i.e. a signal to which you need to react as quickly as possible. In addition, in accordance with color symbolism from ancient times to the present day, the red color is, on the one hand, a symbol of life, in contrast to the black color - a symbol of death, and on the other hand, it is associated with such symbols of anxiety and danger as fire , blood, war, etc. It is advisable to recall here that in terms of psychophysiological effects, the influence of the color red is characterized by excitement, an increase in mental and muscular tone, i.e., an increase in the activity of the body. This effect of the red color, although short-lived, is more pronounced than that of other colors.

By analogy, we can explain why the green color, associated with the color of vegetation, has long been perceived as a symbol of peace, coolness, and a kind of guarantee against troubles and misfortunes.

An observer with normal color vision can obtain all colors by mixing the three primary colors, and is also able to register three types of color discriminations - light - dark, yellow - blue, red - green.

When observing objects of decreasing size, the discrimination of their color deteriorates. In this case, at first it becomes impossible to distinguish colors like yellow - blue, although the distinction between red - green and dark - light is still quite easy. Further reduction of the observed object leads to the inability to distinguish even red from green while maintaining the ability to distinguish between light and dark. It is the ability to clearly distinguish between red and green colors from long distances that has led to the possibility of using them as the colors of the main signal lights on all types of transport.

Symbolic interpretation yellow color less clear. For many peoples, yellow is a symbol of possible danger. However, given that the yellow color has the least saturation compared to other colors, yellow-orange color is often used instead of yellow, i.e. a mixture of yellow and red, which is quite clearly visible from a distance.

Blue is literally not a signal color, which makes it possible to use it to combine large group means of direct information on technological operations, the use of materials and tools, the sequence of work, etc. In this case, the use of blue color does not apply to information for organizational, ideological and political purposes.

Due to the variety and complexity of backgrounds found in production environments, these colors have to be used in combination with opposite achromatic colors (white and black). Red, green and blue, as relatively dark colors, are used in combination with white, and yellow-orange is combined with black. Such combinations are characterized by increased brightness contrast, thanks to which a person is able to detect a color signal even with peripheral vision in the face of many distracting moments. It should be noted that the possibility of such detection varies for different colors (see section 2). For chromatic colors (green, red, yellow and blue), the field of view is narrower than for white(Fig. 7.6), therefore it is necessary to ensure a high contrast of these colors with the background.

When choosing signal colors great importance has a definition of attenuation luminous flux different colored atmosphere. Numerous theoretical and experimental studies have shown that the transmission of a light flux of a certain wavelength by the atmosphere depends on the number and size of water droplets per unit volume of air. If the sizes of these particles are smaller than the wavelength of light rays (380 - 760 nm), then more intense scattering of radiation from the short-wave part of the spectrum occurs in the atmosphere, while long-wavelengths (red and yellow colors) pass through the atmosphere. In a completely transparent atmosphere (meteorological visibility range S≥50 km) spectral decimal attenuation index δ λ . inversely proportional to the fourth power of the wavelength δ λ = C/λ 4 , where C- constant value.

Consequently, in this case, short-wave rays of light are highly scattered and poorly transmitted by the atmosphere. In light haze ( S=10÷20 km) and good visibility ( S=20÷50 km) you can take δ λ =C/λ 2.5.

In this case, the atmosphere transmits long-wave rays better than short-wave rays. However, in the fog ( S S=1÷4 km) and fog, the spectral attenuation index is inversely proportional to the wavelength δ λ =С/λ.

Signal colors are applied with different enamels depending on the technology used for painting production equipment, and therefore in GOST 12.4.026 - 76 * "SSBT. Signal colors and safety signs" several color samples are given for each signal color. In table 7.4 shows the numbers of color samples from the Card Index of color standards paint and varnish materials, their chromaticity coordinates and reflectance coefficients.

Objects that pose a danger to human life and health are painted red, for example, the internal parts of machines and units, the background of dangerous devices, etc. Red color is used for inscriptions and symbols on signs fire safety, to designate devices indicating deviations in the operation of mechanisms and machines, including emergency ones, for internal surfaces opening casings protecting the moving elements of mechanisms, machines and their covers. It is better to paint the inner surface of the electrical cabinet door, where electric shock is possible, white with a red lightning symbol. Red color is used to paint the handles of emergency pressure relief valves, housings of oil switches that are in working condition under voltage, to designate fire-fighting equipment, alarm devices, fire extinguishers, fire pumps, pumping stations servicing fire water pipelines, etc.

The color yellow, unlike red, is intended to warn of the need for increased attention aimed at preventing danger. In this meaning it is familiar to everyone on the railway and road transport. Warning signs and elements of production equipment, careless handling of which poses a danger to workers, are painted yellow; open moving parts of equipment (flywheels, moving tables of machines, machines, etc.); edges of barrier devices that do not completely cover moving elements of production equipment (guards for grinding wheels, cutters, gears, drive belts, chains, etc.); edges of dies, presses, hammers, enclosing structures of platforms, etc.

Yellow color is also used for painting permanent and temporary fences or their individual elements installed at the borders hazardous areas, elements of lifting devices, moving parts of traverses, installation towers, etc. This color is also used to designate containers containing substances with hazardous and harmful properties, on which warning painting is applied in the form of a strip 50 - 150 mm wide, depending on the size of the container. Yellow The boundaries of approaches to emergency or emergency exits are also indicated.

At the same time, to enhance the visibility of dangerous places and elements (especially moving ones), it is advisable to carry out warning coloring in the form of alternating stripes of yellow and black colors, inclined at an angle of 45 - 60° with a width ratio of 1:1. The width of the warning paint stripes is set taking into account both the size of the object and the distance from which the warning should be visible:

The location and angle of the warning paint are determined in advance. Two-color warning painting is used to designate elements that mark the boundaries of dangerous areas and zones (the boundaries of internal passages and adjacent work platforms, floor conveyors and conveyors, as well as railings, barriers, fence posts, the edges of hatches and wells, wheel guards, etc. .d.). In addition, these alternating stripes are applied to the elements building structures, collision with which Vehicle can lead to an accident or damage to the structures and equipment themselves (subtle differences and protrusions in the floor plane, columns, gate leaves, upper dimensions of openings, etc.), as well as to elements of intra-shop vehicles. The last group includes floor-mounted rail and wheeled vehicles - locomotives, gantry cranes, electric and auto vehicles, suspended beam cranes, cantilever cranes and their elements, load hook holders, control cabins, etc.

Depending on the production conditions, warning painting on in-shop vehicles is applied either completely or only to individual elements. Warning painting is applied over the entire surface of vehicles when operating in rooms with a large number of colorful products and materials, with cluttered passages, poor visibility due to low illumination, dust or smoke in the premises, with noise in industries that do not allow drivers to use sound signals in cases of careless behavior of workers in areas where trucks are moving (foundries, forges, etc.). Painting with warning stripes over the entire surface is also used for vehicles that transport hot workpieces, ladles with molten metal and other dangerous goods.

Application of warning paint to certain parts of vehicles ( side surfaces cargo platforms, etc.) is appropriate for the main fleet of floor-mounted vehicles (electric tractors, electric trolleys, electric forklifts), intended for operation inside industrial premises with rationally organized passages, good lighting and low noise levels (mechanical assembly shops, etc.). Particular attention should be paid to the use of warning paint on overhead movable cranes, the color of which is of great importance in the overall color composition of the production facility, since they are located in the upper zone and are clearly visible. When warning paint is applied over the entire surface of overhead cranes, various options for alternating yellow and black fields are used at different inclination angles (45 - 60°). Warning paint is applied to separate areas with a high saturation of crane equipment and only on those parts of the cranes that represent greatest danger and to whom in this regard should be drawn Special attention: control cabins and cabins for servicing trolleys, supporting parts of load-bearing blocks of cranes and suspension hooks (Fig. 7.7). If a warm range of colors is adopted for the color design of a workshop, then an overhead crane, for example, can be painted in one of the cool colors that most contrasts with the predominant color of the workshop.

Warning painting is also applied to objects that may be a source of danger for workers located or moving in the area of ​​railway tracks. Such objects include:

structures and devices located at a deviation from the dimensions of buildings (GOST 9238 - 83);

structures and devices located in such a way that it is dangerous for workers to stand between them and the rolling stock;

self-propelled repair units and machines.

The list of structures and devices that must have warning paint is determined taking into account local conditions.

Warning paint is applied to MRC checkpoint buildings and supports contact network(Fig. 7.8), power lines, lighting masts, etc.

Unlike red and yellow, green color is used to indicate safety devices and means - doors, emergency and rescue exits, first aid points medical care, decompression chambers, first aid kits, storage areas life-saving equipment(gas masks, oxygen bags, breathing apparatus, sanitary stretchers, etc.) and safety zones.

In color signaling, it is important to select colors in harmonious relationships. Combinations of opposite colors (for example, orange with light gray-blue) and similar (brown with light orange or yellow) are used, but especially combinations of chromatic colors with white, black and light gray tones. It is worth noting the experience of using safety colors in places or rooms with low levels of illumination. It consists in attaching a large number of colored glass balls to the surface that needs to be noticed. The latter, concentrating the reflected light, make it possible to detect them in twilight conditions or even in the dark using a flashlight (in the event of a lighting system failure).

In addition to signal and warning painting, in production premises, if it is necessary to specify the type of hazard or clarify information, safety signs and indicators are used (Fig. 7.9). Their color, shape, size and application procedure are regulated by GOST 12.4.026 - 76*. These safety signs are installed on doors, removable panels of high-voltage chambers, manifold hatches and auxiliary machines of electric rolling stock, and on casings of undercar equipment of electric trains. Safety signs also include road signs. GOST 10807 - 78 provides for seven groups of road signs intended to provide information about the conditions and traffic patterns on roads and streets:

warning(31 characters) predominantly triangular in shape with a red rim and with a corresponding image (symbol) inside the rim;

priority(7 characters);

prohibiting(31 characters) round in shape with a predominantly red rim, inside of which there are special designations and symbols;

prescriptive(8 characters) round in shape with a blue field on which certain symbols are provided;

informational and indicative(33 characters) rectangular and square shapes, mainly with blue and blue fields. Some signs are provided with green and yellow fields on which certain symbols or explanatory inscriptions are shown;

service(12 characters) rectangular, with different designations on blue and white backgrounds;

additional information(15 characters) rectangular in shape with a different image on the inner margin.

At the facilities railway transport, in addition to the safety signs used in accordance with GOST 12.4.026 - 76 *, specific safety signs are also used in accordance with OST 32.4 - 76. They help prevent accidents among railway workers.

The standard applies to signal colors and safety signs for all industries National economy and establishes the purpose, characteristics and procedure for using signal colors, as well as the shape, size, colors and procedure for using safety signs. The standard does not apply to signs intended to ensure traffic safety for all types of transport, to signs for goods requiring special conditions of transportation and storage, as well as to the color of cylinders and other containers for storing and transporting pressure vessels.

Designation: GOST 12.4.026-76*
Russian name: SSBT. Signal colors and safety signs
Status: not valid (lost force in the territory Russian Federation)
Replaces: GOST 15548-70 “Signal colors and safety signs for industrial enterprises”
Replaced by: GOST R 12.4.026-2001 “SSBT. Signal colors, safety signs and signal markings. Purpose and rules of use. Are common technical requirements and characteristics. Test methods"
Date of text update: 01.10.2008
Date added to the database: 01.02.2009
Effective date: 01.01.1978
Expiration date: 01.01.2003
Approved: State Standard of the USSR (05/24/1976)
Published: IPC Standards Publishing House No. 1999
Publishing house of standards No. 1976








Occupational Safety Standards System


Occupational safety standards system.
Signal colors and safety signs


In return
GOST 15548-70

By Resolution of the State Committee of Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated May 24, 1976 No. 1267, the introduction date was established

from 01/01/1978

This standard applies to signal colors and safety signs for all sectors of the national economy and establishes the purpose, characteristics and procedure for using signal colors, as well as the shape, size, colors and procedure for using safety signs.

The standard does not apply to signs intended to ensure the safety of traffic of all types of transport, to signs for goods requiring special conditions of transportation and storage, as well as to the color of cylinders and other containers for storing and transporting gases and liquids, provided for by the rules of design, installation and safe operation vessels operating by pressure, approved by Gosgortekhnadzor on May 19, 1970.

Standard compliant international standard ISO 3864, except for the shape and color of fire safety signs.


1.1. Signal colors and safety signs are intended to attract the attention of workers to immediate danger, warning of possible danger, instructions and permission certain actions for the purpose of ensuring safety, as well as for necessary information.

1.2. Signal colors and safety signs do not replace the necessary labor safety measures and protective equipment for workers.

1.3. Signal colors should be used for safety signs on surfaces of structures, fixtures and elements of production equipment that can serve as sources of danger for workers, surfaces of fences and other protective devices, and fire equipment.

1.4. Safety signs should be installed on the territory of enterprises, construction sites, production premises, workplaces, work areas and on production equipment.

Locations of safety signs, numbers of their sizes, as well as the procedure for applying explanatory notes to safety signs on the territory enterprises, in production premises and workplaces are established by the administration of the enterprise in agreement with trade union committee and relevant government supervisory authorities.

The locations and size numbers of safety signs on production equipment, as well as the designation of dangerous elements of equipment in signal colors are established in design documentation for a product (group of products).

1.3,1.4. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

1.5. Safety signs installed on the gates and entrance doors of the premises mean that the coverage area of ​​these signs covers the entire premises. Safety signs installed at the entrance (entrance) to an object (site) mean that their effect extends to the object (site) as a whole. If it is necessary to limit the area of ​​operation of a sign, the corresponding indication should be given in an explanatory inscription.

1.6. Safety signs must stand out in contrast against the background surrounding them and be in the field of view of the people for whom they are intended. Safety signs must be located in such a way that they are clearly visible, do not distract the attention of workers and do not themselves pose a danger.

1.7. Painting of equipment with paints and varnishes of signal colors and application (installation) of safety signs must be carried out by the equipment manufacturer. If necessary, additional painting with paints and varnishes of signal colors and application (installation) of safety signs on equipment in operation is carried out by the enterprise operating this equipment.

1.8.(Deleted, Amendment No. 2).

1.9. Symbolic images and explanatory inscriptions on safety signs for industry purposes are installed industry standards subject to the requirements of this standard.

1.10.(Deleted, Amendment No. 2).

1.11. In places and areas that are temporarily dangerous, portable safety signs and temporary fences painted with paints and varnishes of signal colors should be installed.

Fencing signs and fences must be removed after their use is no longer necessary.



2.1. The following signal colors are established: red, yellow, blue, green. The permissible color areas of signal, as well as contrasting white and black colors, against which the signal colors are used, are set in mandatory.

The semantic meaning of signal colors and the number of samples (standards) of color "Card indexes of samples (standards) of color of paints and varnishes" are given in table. 1.

Marks of paint and varnish materials, the colors of which are within the permissible color areas of signal, white and black colors, are given in the reference.

3.6. The dimensions of prohibitory and warning safety signs for production equipment and containers must correspond to those indicated in the table. 4.


Equipment sign sizes

Equipment sign size numbers

External diameter, mm

Triangle side, mm

3.7. Additional signs must have the signal color of the sign with which they are used. The index arrows on them should be in the contrasting color indicated in.

It is allowed to use additional white plates with black arrows and explanatory inscriptions.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.8. Options for displaying plates with explanatory inscriptions along with images of the corresponding signs on the marking modular grid are given in the mandatory.

Between the safety sign and the additional sign with an explanatory inscription or arrow, a gap of 0.02 widths of the diameter or side of the sign must be left.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

3.9. Limit deviations in overall dimensions of signs and plates ±2%.

3.10.1. Signs are intended to prohibit certain actions.

3.10.2. The signs must be as follows: a red circle with a white field inside, a white border along the contour of the sign and a symbolic image of black on the inner white field, crossed out by an inclined red stripe (45° angle, from top left to bottom right). The width of the red ring should be 0.09-0.1 outer diameter, the width of the inclined red stripe should be 0.08 outer diameter, the width of the white border along the contour of the sign should be 0.02 outer diameter.

It is allowed to use prohibition signs with an explanatory inscription in black font. In this case, an inclined red stripe is not applied. On fire safety signs, explanatory inscriptions must be written in red.

3.10.3. The semantic meaning, image and location of installation of prohibitory signs are indicated in the table. 5.Table 5

Sign number

Semantic meaning


Installation location

Do not use open flames

On the outside of the doors of warehouses with flammable and explosive materials and substances, inside these warehouses; at the entrance to areas where work is carried out with the specified materials and substances; on equipment that poses an explosion or fire hazard

No smoking

In the same place as sign 1.1, and in places where toxic substances are present

Entry (passage) is prohibited

At the entrances to hazardous areas, as well as to rooms and areas to which access to unauthorized persons is prohibited

Do not extinguish with water

At the entrances to premises and places intended for storing and working with materials, extinguishing them with water in case of fire is prohibited (alkali metals, etc.)

Prohibition sign with explanatory inscription

In places and zones where staying is associated with danger, revealed by an explanatory inscription

It is prohibited to use electric heating devices

At the entrances to areas (premises) where, for fire safety reasons, the use of electric heating devices is prohibited

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

3.11 Warning signs

3.11.1. Signs are intended to warn workers about possible danger.

3.11.2. The signs must be as follows: an equilateral triangle with rounded corners, yellow, with the apex facing upward, with a black border 0.05 sides wide and a symbolic image in black.

3.11.3. The meaning, image and location of warning signs are indicated in.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

3.11.4,3.11.5. (Excluded, Amendment No. 2).

3.12. Mandatory signs

3.12.1. Signs are intended to permit certain actions that only work when carried out specific requirements labor safety ( mandatory application protective equipment for workers, taking measures to ensure occupational safety), fire safety requirements and to indicate escape routes.

3.12.2. The signs must be as follows:

a blue circle with a white border along a contour with a width of 0.02 of the diameter of the sign, inside of which there is a symbolic image in white.

To apply an explanatory inscription to the sign, it is necessary to make a white field inside the blue circle with a diameter of 0.7 of the diameter of the sign. Inscriptions related to fire safety must be red, the rest - black.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

3.12.3. The semantic meaning, image and location of the signs are indicated in.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

3.13.Directional signs

3.13.1. Signs are intended to indicate the location various objects and devices, medical aid stations, drinking stations, fire stations, fire hydrants, hydrants, fire extinguishers, fire notification points, warehouses, workshops.

3.13.2. The signs must be as follows: a blue rectangle edged with a white border, a width of 0.02 of the smaller side of the rectangle with a white square inside with a side equal to 0.7 of the smaller side of the rectangle. Inside the white square there must be a symbolic image or explanatory inscription in black, with the exception of symbols and explanatory inscriptions on signs 4.1, 4.2,4.5-4.9 (), as well as the symbol of the medical aid station, which should be in red.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.13.3. The semantic meaning, image and location of the signs are given in.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

3.14. On direction signs it is allowed to depict the direction arrow and the distance to the object in white directly at the bottom of the sign (under the white square).

3.15. It is allowed to combine the safety signs provided for this standard, with explanatory inscription in a single rectangular block. The safety sign must be located on the left side of the block. The height of the block should be 15% greater than the height of the sign (according to Table 3), the length of the block should be 2 or 3 times its height. The block should be edged with a border 0.05 wide of the length of the shorter side of the rectangle. Its color must match the signal color of the safety sign.

The explanatory inscription should be in black on a white background, with the exception of fire safety inscriptions, which should be in red. Vertical placement of the block on the larger side is allowed.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.16. The texts of explanatory inscriptions on the blocks according to clause 3.15, used for electrical installations, must be established by the regulatory and technical documentation on labor safety for electrical installations, approved in the prescribed manner.

3.17.(Deleted, Amendment No. 2).

3.18. Explanatory inscriptions must be made in Russian and in the languages ​​of the union republics.

3.19. Fonts for explanatory inscriptions and execution of inscriptions - in accordance with GOST 10807-78.

Sign number

Semantic meaning


Installation location

Flammable substances

At the entrance doors of warehouses, inside warehouses, in storage areas, in front of entrances to work areas with flammable substances

Explosion hazard

On the doors of warehouses, inside warehouses, in storage areas, in front of entrances to work areas with explosive materials and substances

Corrosive substances

On warehouse doors, inside warehouses, in storage areas, in areas where caustic substances are used

Toxic substances

On the doors of warehouses, inside warehouses, in storage areas, in work areas with toxic substances

Electrical voltage

On supports air lines, housings of electrical equipment and electrical equipment, on the doors of electrical rooms, chambers of transformer switches, on mesh and solid fences of live parts located in production premises, on electrical panels, doors of power panels and boxes, on cabinets with electrical equipment of various machines and machines

Laser radiation

On the doors of rooms where laser work is carried out, inside these rooms in places where laser work is carried out, on laser installations and near hazardous areas of laser radiation

The tap is working

Near hazardous areas on construction sites, areas and workshops where lifting and transport equipment is used

Possible fall

Before entering temporarily dangerous areas and places where falls are possible. Used together with a sign with an explanatory inscription (for example, “Caution! Slippery”, “Caution! Open opening”)

Other hazards

In places where warning of possible danger is necessary, and the transmission of information using signal colors or a symbol is difficult. Used together with a sign with an explanatory inscription (for example, " Heat!", "Carefully! Microwave (microwave) radiation" etc.)


1. The symbolic image on the “Caution! Electrical Voltage” sign may be in red. The shape and dimensions of the symbolic image on the sign are mandatory. It is allowed to apply the sign with a stencil on reinforced concrete power line supports without a yellow background.

2. Radiation hazard sign - according to GOST 17925-72.

Table 7

Sign number

Semantic meaning


Installation location

Work in a helmet!

When entering work areas or work areas where there is a possibility of objects falling from above

Wear protective gloves!

In work areas where there is a risk of hand injury

Work in protective clothing!

When entering work premises or work areas associated with the danger of exposure to a dangerous and (or) harmful factor on the human body

Wear safety shoes!

When entering work premises or work areas where there is a risk of foot injury

Work with hearing protection!

When entering work premises or work areas with increased level noise

To work in safety glasses!

When entering work areas where there is a risk of eye injury

Work using respiratory protection!

When entering work premises, zones or areas of work associated with the release of gases, vapors, aerosols harmful to the human body

Wear a safety belt!

Where work is performed at height

Prescription of certain actions aimed at ensuring occupational safety and fire safety

In production premises and in areas where the safety of work is ensured (the explanatory inscription on the “Work here” sign is black), on the routes to the fire equipment locations and emergency exits (the explanatory inscription on the sign “Keep the passage clear” in red colors), as well as on both sides of fire doors and on doors for other purposes, the closed position of which is required for safety reasons (the explanatory inscription on the “Keep the door closed” sign is red)

Note: Mandatory signs 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 must be introduced before January 1, 1991.

Table 8

Sign number

Semantic meaning


Installation location

Fire extinguisher

In production premises and areas to indicate the location of fire extinguishers

Fire notification point

In production premises and areas to indicate the location of the fire notification point

Smoking area

In production premises and areas to indicate smoking areas

Location of a specific place, object or facility

In production premises and areas for information by means of a symbol (e.g. "Medical aid station", "Telephone") or explanatory notice (e.g. "Pass here", "Drinking water")*

Fire water source

At and towards the location of a fire pond or pier for the installation of fire engines

Fire hydrant

At and towards the location of the fire hydrant

Fire dry pipe riser

At and towards the location of the connection for supplying water to the fire dry pipe riser

Controls for smoke and heat removal systems

At the location and towards the location of the controls for smoke and heat removal systems

Place of opening of the structure

At the site and towards the location of sections of building structures intended for opening in case of fire


It is allowed to use electric heating devices

At the place and towards the areas (rooms) where it is allowed to use electric heating devices


Get off here

On the doors of emergency exits, on evacuation routes.

On escape routes they are used with an additional sign with an indicating arrow.


1. The sign is made in direct and mirror images.

2. The direction of the arrow on the sign must coincide with the direction of evacuation and the direction of movement of the running person depicted on the sign.

3. A sign with an arrow can be placed under the sign at an angle of 30° to the horizontal.

4. Above front door, as well as above the emergency exit door, it is allowed to use a luminous inscription “Exit” in white on a green background.


* Explanatory notes given in this standard should be considered as examples. If necessary, you can use inscriptions of other content.

Note. Directional signs “First Aid Point”, “Telephone”, “Food Point”, “Drinking Water” - according to GOST 10807-78.


4.1.Method of applying safety signs to production equipment and its painting with paints and varnishes of signal colors is established in the design documentation. The method of application must ensure the safety of signs and signal colors throughout the entire life of the equipment or until its major overhaul.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

4.2.(Deleted, Amendment No. 2).

4.3. Paint and varnish materials of signal colors used for painting safety signs, production equipment and other objects must ensure color stability of the coating in the climatic and production conditions for which the safety signs, production equipment and other objects are intended.

4.4. The coating with paints and varnishes of signal colors must be smooth, free from drips and stains, must not peel off and must always be in a condition that ensures a clear and unambiguous perception of color.

4.3,4.4. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

4.5. If the color changes and does not comply with the requirements of this standard, it is necessary to renew the painting of objects in signal colors and the color trim of safety signs or replace the sign with a new one. Signs should also be replaced with new ones if they are deformed or destroyed.

4.6. Safety signs must have a flat or three-dimensional design. In both cases, symbols and explanatory notes should be placed on one or both sides of the sign.

4.7. The design of three-dimensional signs must ensure the tightness of all housing connections, reliability of fastenings, as well as ease of installation and dismantling during maintenance and repair.

4.8. Signs used at night or in conditions of poor visibility must be illuminated. All devices that ensure the visibility of signs, plates and blocks in the dark must not change their color or impair their visibility during daylight hours.

4.9. Fire safety signs and signs for evacuation or emergency exits must be equipped with their own autonomous power sources for lighting.

4.10. Flat signs, plates and blocks, including safety signs, should be made of sheet metal with a thickness of 0.5 to 1.5 mm, as well as plastic or wood, provided that the necessary strength, rigidity and stability are ensured in various atmospheric conditions.

4.11. For electrical installations that have open live parts, it is not allowed to use portable and temporary hanging safety signs made from conductive material.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

4.12. Devices for attaching signs, plates and blocks must be painted gray or silver-gray.

4.13.Safety signs with artificial lighting, installed in explosion-proof and fire hazardous areas, on the doors of these premises, as well as in open areas near explosion and fire hazardous technological installations, must be protected. The degree of protection of safety signs must correspond to the category of places where they are placed in terms of explosion and fire hazard, established by building codes and rules approved by the USSR State Construction Committee.

4.14. When applying safety signs using stencils, it is allowed to leave unpainted jumpers with a total area of ​​no more than 4% of the area of ​​the signal or black border.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 2).

Annex 1


Acceptable color areas of signal, white and black colors in the XYZ system

The values ​​of the chromaticity coordinates of the corner points of the allowed color areas on the CIE color chart and the limiting values ​​of the brightness coefficient of signal, white and black colors

Color name

Chromaticity coordinates

Point numbers

Brightness factorb






Not less than 0.07










Not less than 0.45










Not less than 0.12










Not less than 0.05










Not less than 0.75










No more than 0.003





Note. The values ​​given in the color graph and in the table of this appendix are given for a standard light source D 65 (GOST 7721-76) when illuminating the surface at an angle of 45° and observing along the normal (45°/0° geometry).

Appendix 2


Marks of paint and varnish materials, the colors of which are within the permissible color ranges of signal, white and black colors

Sample (standard) number of the "Card Index" color

Brand of enamel or paint

Red signal color

6, 7

PF-1234, ХВ-110, ХВ-238, ХВ-113, НЦ-25

6, 46

ML-1225, PF-188, ET-199, AS-182, URF-1128, PF-133

7, 10

UR-1161, AS-1115, AK-1206, UR-175, XV-130

7, 62



9, 11

PF-115, PF-1105, NTs-5134, GF-230, NTs-26, UR-1238

11, 19

PF-223, HV-1100

11, 37

NTs-291TS, PF-187TS


42, 43


Yellow signal color

216, 218

AS-1115, UR-1161, AK-1206, UR-175, EP-140, HV-130


216, 294


220, 221

ХВ-16, НЦ-11

254, 255

PF-188, AS-182

285, 286

ХВ-110, ХВ-1113, ХВ-238, ХВ-1100, GF-230, NTs-132, NTs-11, UR-1238, ML-12

286, 287


287, 288

ML-12, PF-187C

Green signal color

324, 329


325, 385

HV-113, AS-182, ET-199, PF-188

Blue signal color

408, 409

AS-1115, ХВ-16

423, 424

ET-199, PF-115, PF-133, PF-2134, E-PF-1217, ML-1225, Paint MA-11, MA-15, PF-14, MA-21, MA-22, MA-25


424, 474

Paint MA-015, MA-025, PF-014, PF-024

449, 450

PF-1126, URF-1128

450, 451

MP-2139, MA-2129

485, 486

ML-12, ML-152

White color

803, 805

PF-579, GF-156, NTs-26, FP-5105, Paint E-AK-228, E-VS-511T

Black color


800, 837

PF-187Ts, HV-130


837, 838


837, 861



1. For all brands of enamel paints, the color standard is established by two samples (standards) of the “Kartoteka” color, representing the permissible deviations of the color of the enamel and paint, and is indicated in the form of two samples (standards) of the “Kartoteka” color. If one number is specified, the permissible deviation is normalized by a control factory color sample.


A 1 =0.2H;

b 1 =0.04H;


b 2 =0.16 H.

The symbol should be applied to electrical equipment, electrical products and devices, and also used in a warning sign 2.5.

The color of the symbol must be black or red.

The symbol should be applied or installed on a contrasting background. The symbol must be in the field of view of the people for whom it is intended.

The location where the symbol is to be applied is necessary. electrical products must be determined by the product developer based on safety requirements.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 2).

REISSUE (August 1999) with Changes No. 1, 2, approved in September 1980. (IUS12-80, 10-86).

Signal colors and safety signs are regulated by GOST 12.4.026-76*.

GOST establishes signal colors with the following meanings: red - “Stop”, “Prohibition”, “Obvious danger”; yellow - “Attention”, “Warning of possible danger”; green - “Safety”, “Permission”, “The path is clear”; blue - “Information”. To enhance the contrast of signal colors, as well as to make explanatory inscriptions and symbolic images on signs, achromatic colors should be used: white on red, green on blue, black on yellow and white backgrounds.

Red signal color is used: a) in prohibitory signs; b) to carry out inscriptions and symbols on fire safety signs; c) to designate disconnected devices of machines and mechanisms, including emergency ones; d) to designate the internal surfaces of opening casings and housings enclosing the moving elements of machines and mechanisms, and their covers, handles of emergency pressure relief valves, fire equipment (fire extinguishers, fire equipment, etc.); e) for painting warning lamps indicating violations of safety conditions;

e) for edging white boards to which fire-fighting tools and fire extinguishers are attached (edging width from 30 to 100 mm).

Yellow signal color is used: a) in warning signs; b) for painting the fences of hazardous areas, storage areas for building structures and materials, marking elements of building structures that pose a danger to workers (low beams, protrusions and differences in the floor plane, inconspicuous steps, ramps, edges of hatches and wells, narrowing of passages); c) to designate the edges of protective devices that do not completely cover dangerous places equipment (for example, guards for abrasive wheels, gears, drive belts, chains, etc.), railings for mortar overpasses, remote receiving platforms; d) to designate elements construction machines and mechanisms, clips of cargo hooks, grips and platforms of cargo-passenger (freight) lifts, bumpers and side surfaces of loaders, trolleys, outer side walls of excavator buckets; e) for painting movable mounting devices or their elements, load-handling devices, moving parts of tilters, cross beams, moving parts of assembly towers and ladders; f) for painting containers containing substances with dangerous and harmful properties (the paint is applied in a strip 50-150 mm wide, depending on the size of the container).

Warning painting of objects specified in paragraphs b, d, e should be done in the form of alternating stripes 30-200 mm wide, 30-200 mm wide, yellow and black, inclined at an angle from 45° to 60°, in yellow and black colors with a stripe width ratio of 1:1.

Green signal color is used in prescriptive signs, for painting safety devices and equipment, emergency and rescue exits, first aid stations, first aid kits, as well as warning lights indicating normal mode operation of machines and mechanisms.

The blue signal color is used in directional signs and to indicate elements of production and technical information (for example, entrances and exits to a construction site, work entrances, parking areas, brands of building structures in the storage area, etc.).

Modern conditions of construction and installation work require quick results and accurate information about possible industrial hazards. For this purpose, safety signs must be used in accordance with GOST 12.4.026-76*. Safety signs are designed to draw the attention of workers to immediate danger, warn about possible danger, prescribe and permit certain actions to ensure safety, as well as provide necessary information. But they do not replace the necessary measures for occupational safety and protective equipment for workers.

Safety signs should be installed in places where staying is associated with possible danger for workers, as well as on production equipment that is a source of such danger.

Safety signs installed at the entrance (entrance) to an object (site) indicate that their effect extends to the object (site) as a whole. If it is necessary to limit the coverage area of ​​a sign, the corresponding indication should be given in an explanatory inscription placed under the sign.

Safety signs should stand out in contrast to the surrounding background and be in the field of view of the people for whom they are intended. They are positioned so that they are clearly visible, do not distract the attention of workers and do not themselves pose a danger. So, the safety sign “Caution! The tap is working! ”(sign number 2.7. according to GOST 12.4.026-76*) it is recommended to install at a height of 0.5 m from the upper horizontal element of the danger zone fencing to the bottom side of the sign after 20-25 m. Safety sign “Entry (passage) is prohibited” ( sign number 1.3 according to GOST 12.4.026-76*) is recommended to be installed at the entrance to the danger zone at a height of 0.5 m from the top element of the fence to the bottom side of the sign.

The places and locations of other safety signs, their number and size options are established by the heads of organizations. To clarify, limit or enhance the effect of safety signs, it is allowed to use additional rectangular plates with explanatory inscriptions or with an indicating arrow (arrow head according to GOST 10807-78*). Additional signs are placed horizontally under the safety sign or vertically to the right of it. The length of the additional plate must not exceed the diameter or length of the corresponding side of the safety sign.

Additional signs must have the signal color of the sign with which they are used. Explanatory inscriptions and directional arrows on them should be made in a contrasting color.

There are safety signs: prohibiting, warning, prescriptive and indicative.

Prohibition signs are intended to prohibit certain actions. Shape of the sign: a red circle with a white field inside, a white border along the contour and a symbolic image of black on an inner white field, crossed out by an inclined red stripe (tilt angle 45°, from top left to bottom right). The width of the red ring should be 0.09 - 0.1 outer diameter, the width of the inclined red stripe should be 0.08 outer diameter, the width of the white border along the contour of the sign should be 0.02 outer diameter.

It is allowed to use prohibition signs with an explanatory inscription in black font. In this case, an inclined red stripe is not applied. On fire safety signs, explanatory inscriptions must be written in red.

Warning signs are intended to warn workers about possible danger. Shape of the sign: an equilateral triangle with rounded corners in yellow, with the apex facing upward, with a black border 0.05 wide with a symbolic image in black.

Mandatory signs are intended to permit certain actions of workers when fulfilling specific labor safety requirements (mandatory use of protective equipment for workers, taking measures to ensure labor safety), fire safety requirements and to indicate evacuation routes.

Sign shape: square Green colour with a white border along a contour with a width of 0.02 sides of a square and a white square field inside it, the side of which is equal to 0.7 sides of a green square. Inside the white square field, a symbolic image or explanatory inscription must be printed in black. On fire safety signs, explanatory inscriptions must be written in red.

Directional signs are intended to indicate the location of various objects and devices, medical aid points, drinking stations, fire stations, fire hydrants, hydrants, fire extinguishers, fire notification points, warehouses, workshops. Shape of the sign: a blue rectangle edged with a white border along the contour, a width of 0.02 of the smaller side of the rectangle with a white square on the side equal to 0.7 of the smaller side of the rectangle. Inside the white square there must be a symbolic image or explanatory inscription in black, with the exception of fire safety symbols and explanatory inscriptions, which must be in red.

Unofficial edition

GOST 12.4.026-76*


Occupational Safety Standards System


Date of introduction 1978-01-01

INTRODUCED by resolution State Committee Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated May 24, 1976 No. 1267.

INSTEAD GOST 15548-70.

REISSUE (April 1987) with Changes No. 1, 2, approved in September 1980: Post. No. 4807 dated 09.25.80; June 1986: Post. No. 1927 dated June 27, 1986 (IUS 12-80, 10-86).

This standard applies to signal colors and safety signs for all sectors of the national economy and establishes the purpose, characteristics and procedure for using signal colors, as well as the shape, size, colors and procedure for using safety signs.

The standard does not apply to signs intended to ensure traffic safety of all types of transport, to signs for goods requiring special conditions of transportation and storage, as well as to the color of cylinders and other containers for storing and transporting gases and liquids, provided by the rules design, installation and safe operation of pressure vessels, approved by Gosgortekhnadzor on May 19, 1970.

The standard complies with the international standard ISO 3864, with the exception of the shape and color of fire safety signs.

1. General Provisions

1.1. Signal colors and safety signs are designed to draw the attention of workers to immediate danger, warn of possible danger, order and authorize certain actions to ensure safety, as well as necessary information.

1.2. Signal colors and safety signs do not replace the necessary occupational safety measures and protective equipment for workers.

1.3. Signal colors should be used for safety signs on the surfaces of structures, fixtures and elements of production equipment that can serve as sources of danger for workers, the surfaces of fences and other protective devices, as well as fire fighting equipment.

1.4. Safety signs should be installed on the territory of enterprises, construction sites, production premises, workplaces, work areas and on production equipment.

The location of safety signs, numbers of their sizes, as well as the procedure for applying explanatory inscriptions to safety signs on the territory of the enterprise, in production premises and at workplaces are established by the administration of the enterprise in agreement with the trade union committee and the relevant state supervisory authorities.

The locations and size numbers of safety signs on production equipment, as well as the designation of dangerous elements of equipment in signal colors are established in the design documentation for the product (group of products).

1.3, 1.4. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

1.5. Safety signs installed on gates and entrance doors of premises mean that the coverage area of ​​these signs covers the entire premises. Safety signs installed at the entrance (entrance) to an object (site) mean that their effect extends to the object (site) as a whole. If it is necessary to limit the area of ​​operation of a sign, the corresponding indication should be given in an explanatory inscription.

1.6. Safety signs should stand out in contrast to their surroundings and be in the field of view of the people for whom they are intended. Safety signs must be located in such a way that they are clearly visible, do not distract the attention of workers and do not themselves pose a danger.

1.7. Painting of equipment with paints and varnishes of signal colors and application (installation) of safety signs must be carried out by the manufacturer of the equipment. If necessary, additional painting with paints and varnishes of signal colors and application (installation) of safety signs on equipment in operation is carried out by the enterprise operating this equipment.

1.8. (Deleted, Amendment No. 2).

1.9. The symbolic image and explanatory inscriptions on safety signs for industry purposes are established by industry standards, subject to the requirements of this standard.

1.10. (Deleted, Amendment No. 2).

1.11. In places and areas that are temporarily dangerous, portable safety signs and temporary fences painted with paints and varnishes of signal colors should be installed.

Signs and barriers must be removed after their use is no longer necessary.


2. Signal colors. Purpose and procedure for use

2.1. The following signal colors are set: red, yellow, blue, green. The permissible color areas of signal colors, as well as contrasting white and black colors, against which signal colors are used, are established in mandatory Appendix 1.

The semantic meaning of the signal colors and the number of color samples (standards) in the “File files of samples (standards) of color of paints and varnishes” are given in Table 1.

Brands of paints and varnishes, the colors of which are within the permissible color ranges of signal, white and black colors, are given in help app 2.

Table 1

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

2.2. To enhance the contrast of signal colors, they should be used against a background of contrasting colors. Contrasting colors (see Table 1) must also be used to create symbols and explanatory inscriptions.

2.3. (Deleted, Amendment No. 2).

2.4-2.6. (Excluded, Amendment No. 1).

2.7. Red signal color should be used for:

A) (Deleted, Amendment No. 1);

b) (Deleted, Amendment No. 2).

c) designations of disconnecting devices of mechanisms and machines, including emergency ones;

d) internal surfaces of covers (doors) of cabinets with open current-carrying elements of electrical equipment.

If the equipment is painted with red paints and varnishes, then the indicated internal surfaces of the covers (doors) must be a yellow signal color;

e) handles of emergency pressure relief valves;

f) housings of oil switches that are in working condition under voltage;

g) designations of various types of fire equipment or its elements that require prompt identification (fire engines, ground parts of hydrant stands, fire extinguishers, cylinders and starting devices of fire extinguishing installations, manual fire call points, etc.), as well as general technical equipment used in order to ensure fire safety (pumps for sprinkler and deluge fire extinguishing installations, valves for internal fire hydrants, direct telephone numbers fire communications, buckets and shovels as part of fire shields and stands, etc.);

h) signal lamps indicating a violation of the technological process or safety conditions: “Alarm”, “Fault”, etc.;

i) white edging of shields for attaching fire tools and fire extinguishers. The width of the edging should be from 30 to 100 mm.

j) gripping devices of industrial robots.

2.8. It is not allowed to paint sprinkler and deluge sprinklers, supply pipelines and other permanently installed types of fire equipment or its elements that do not require operational identification with red paints and varnishes.

2.9. (Deleted, Amendment No. 1).

2.10. (Deleted, Amendment No. 2).

2.11. Yellow signal color should be used for:

A) (Deleted, Amendment No. 1).

b) elements of building structures that can cause injury to workers: low beams, protrusions and differences in the floor plane, inconspicuous steps, ramps, places where there is a danger of falling (edges of loading platforms, cargo pallets, unfenced areas, hatches, openings etc.), narrowing the passages of inconspicuous struts, assemblies, columns, racks and supports in places of heavy traffic of internal plant transport, etc.;

c) elements of production equipment, careless handling of which poses a danger to workers: open moving parts of equipment, edges of protective devices that do not completely cover moving elements of production equipment (guards for grinding wheels, cutters, gears, drive belts, chains, etc.) , enclosing structures of sites for work carried out at height, as well as technological fittings permanently suspended from the ceiling or walls protruding into the workspace:

d) designations of hazardous operating elements of in-plant transport, lifting and transport equipment and road construction machines, forklift platforms, bumpers and side surfaces of electric vehicles, loaders, carts, turntables and side surfaces of excavator booms, grips and platforms of forklifts, working parts of agricultural machines , elements of lifting cranes, clips of cargo hooks, etc.;

e) permanent and temporary fencing or fencing elements installed at the boundaries of dangerous zones, at openings, pits, pits, remote platforms, permanent and temporary fencing of stairs, ceilings of buildings under construction, balconies and other places where a fall from a height is possible;

f) movable mounting devices or their elements and elements of load-handling devices, moving parts of tilters, traverses, lifts, moving parts of assembly towers and ladders;

g) designations of containers containing hazardous or toxic substances.

Depending on the size, the surface of the container must be a yellow signal color or have a yellow signal warning strip with a width of 50 to 150 mm;

h) designations of areas that, for the purpose of prompt evacuation, must always be free (areas at emergency exits and approaches to them, at fire alarm locations, etc.). The boundaries of these areas should be marked solid lines yellow signal color with a width of 50 to 100 mm, and the areas themselves are hatched on the floor with stripes of yellow signal color with a width of 50 to 100 mm at an angle of 45°;

d) internal surfaces of covers, doors, casings and other fences covering the locations of moving elements of production equipment that require periodic access for control, repair, adjustment, etc. If these elements of production equipment are covered with removable fences, then paint them with yellow signal paints The moving elements themselves or the surfaces of fixed parts adjacent to them, covered by fences, are subject to color.

2.12. Warning painting of objects and elements specified in clause 2.11 b, d should be done in the form of alternating stripes inclined at an angle of 45-60° with a width of 30 to 200 mm in yellow signal and black colors with a stripe width ratio of 1:1. The width of the stripes should be set depending on the size of the object and the distance from which the warning must be visible.

For road construction vehicles and lifting and transport equipment that may be located on the roadway, it is allowed to use warning paint in the form of alternating red and white stripes.

Small pieces of production equipment that cannot be marked with alternating sloping stripes should be marked in their entirety with a yellow signal color.

The surface of the fence must be yellow or have warning alternating vertical or horizontal stripes of yellow signal and black colors with a stripe width ratio of 1:1.

2.11, 2.12. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

2.12a. If production equipment is painted with yellow paints and varnishes, then the elements of this equipment specified in clause 2.11 (c, i) must be marked with alternating stripes of yellow signal and black colors inclined at an angle of 45-60°.

2.13. Blue signal color should be used for prescriptive signs.

2.14. Green signal color should be used for light displays (white inscription on a green background), emergency exits and decompression chambers, signal lamps indicating the normal operation of machines or automatic lines, and for the indicator sign 4.11.

2.13, 2.14. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

2.15. (Deleted, Amendment No. 2).

3. Safety signs. Shape, color, size and purpose

3.1. Four groups of safety signs are installed, shown in table. 2.

table 2

Group number Name of the sign Sign shape Using explanatory notes
1 Prohibiting An explanatory inscription on a sign (without an inclined strip) or on an additional plate is allowed
2 Warning An explanatory inscription on the sign or on an additional plate is allowed
3 Prescriptive It is allowed to use an explanatory inscription on the inner white field of the sign or on an additional plate
4 Pointing An explanatory inscription on the sign is allowed

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

3.2. If it is necessary to clarify, limit or strengthen the effect of safety signs, it is allowed to use additional rectangular signs with explanatory inscriptions or with an indicating arrow. Arrow head - according to GOST 10807-78.

3.3. Additional signs should be placed horizontally below the safety sign or vertically to the right of it. The length of the additional plate must not exceed the diameter or length of the corresponding side of the safety sign.

3.4. The dimensions of safety signs and additional signs, depending on the distance to the observer, as well as the location of the signs, must correspond to those indicated in Table 3.

Table 3

Sign size number Distance from sign to observer, m Sign size, mm Dimensions of additional plate, mm Sign location
prohibitive and prescriptive (diameter) warning (side of the triangle) index (sides of rectangle)
1 Up to 5 80 100 - - On the doors of the premises
2 Up to 7.5 100 130 100Х130 100Х60 Same
3 To 10 150 200 150Х200 150Х80 On room doors and in small spaces
4 Up to 15 250 300 250Х300 250Х110 Same
5 Up to 20 300 400 300Х400 300Х120 In medium-sized rooms
6 Up to 30 350 450 350Х450 350Х130 Same
7 Up to 40 450 600 450Х600 450Х160 In large rooms and outdoors
8 Up to 60 550 700 550Х700 550Х200 Same
9 Up to 80 700 900 700Х900 700Х250 "
10 St. 80 900 1200 900Х120 900Х300 "


1. For warning signs, set the side of the theoretical triangle (without taking into account the rounding of corners).

2. It is allowed to increase the height of additional signs with explanatory inscriptions depending on the number of lines of inscription.

3. Corner radii should be:

on triangular signs - 0.05 sides;

on square signs - 0.04 sides;

on rectangular signs and plates - 0.02 of the smaller side.

4. It is allowed to use large signs. The ratio between sizes must correspond to that indicated in Table 3.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

3.5. The marking of images on safety signs is given in mandatory Appendix 3.

3.6. The dimensions of prohibiting and warning safety signs for production equipment and containers must correspond to those indicated in Table 4.

Table 4

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

3.7. Additional signs must have the signal color of the sign with which they are used. The index arrows on them should be in the contrasting color indicated in the table. 1.

It is allowed to use additional white plates with black arrows and explanatory inscriptions.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.8. Options for displaying plates with explanatory inscriptions along with images of the corresponding signs on the marking modular grid are given in the mandatory Appendix 3.

Between the safety sign and the additional sign with an explanatory inscription or with an arrow, a gap of 0.02 widths of the diameter or side of the sign must be left.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

3.9. Maximum deviations of overall dimensions of signs and plates are ±2%.

3.10.1. Signs are intended to prohibit certain activities.

3.10.2. The signs must be as follows: a red circle with a white field inside, a white border along the contour of the sign and a symbolic image of black on the inner white field, crossed out by an inclined red stripe (tilt angle 45°, from top left to bottom right). The width of the red ring should be 0.09-0.1 outer diameter, the width of the inclined red stripe should be 0.08 outer diameter, the width of the white border along the contour of the sign should be 0.02 outer diameter.

It is allowed to use prohibition signs with an explanatory inscription in black font. In this case, an inclined red stripe is not applied. On fire safety signs, explanatory inscriptions must be written in red.

3.10.3. The semantic meaning, image and location of installation of prohibitory signs are indicated in Table 5.

Table 5

Sign number Semantic meaning Image Installation location
1.1 Do not use open flames On the outside of the doors of warehouses with flammable and explosive materials and substances, inside these warehouses; at the entrance to areas where work is carried out with the specified materials and substances; on equipment that poses an explosion or fire hazard
1.2 No smoking In the same place as sign 1.1, and in places where toxic substances are present
1.3 Entry (passage) is prohibited At the entrances to hazardous areas, as well as to rooms and areas to which access to unauthorized persons is prohibited
1.4 Do not extinguish with water At the entrances to premises and places intended for storing and working with materials, extinguishing them with water in case of fire is prohibited (alkali metals, etc.)
1.5 Prohibition sign with explanatory inscription In places and zones where staying is associated with danger, revealed by an explanatory inscription
1.6 It is prohibited to use electric heating devices At the entrances to areas (premises) where, for fire safety reasons, the use of electric heating devices is prohibited

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

3.11. Warning signs

3.11.1. Signs are intended to warn workers of possible danger.

3.11.2. The signs must be as follows: an equilateral triangle with rounded corners in yellow, with the apex facing upward, with a black border 0.05 sides wide and a symbolic image in black.

3.11.3. The semantic meaning, image and installation location of warning signs are indicated in Table 6.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

3.11.4, 3.11.5. (Excluded, Amendment No. 2).

3.12. Mandatory signs

3.12.1. Signs are intended to permit certain actions of workers only if specific labor safety requirements are met (mandatory use of protective equipment for workers, taking measures to ensure labor safety), fire safety requirements and to indicate evacuation routes.

3.12.2. The signs must be as follows:

a blue circle with a white border along a contour with a width of 0.02 of the diameter of the sign, inside of which there is a symbolic image in white.

To apply an explanatory inscription to the sign, it is necessary to make a white field inside the blue circle with a diameter of 0.7 of the diameter of the sign. Inscriptions related to fire safety must be red, the rest - black.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

3.12.3. The semantic meaning, image and location of the signs are indicated in Table 7.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

3.13. Directional signs

3.13.1. Signs are intended to indicate the location of various objects and devices, medical aid stations, drinking stations, fire stations, fire hydrants, hydrants, fire extinguishers, fire notification points, warehouses, and workshops.

3.13.2. The signs must be as follows: a blue rectangle, edged with a white border along the contour, a width of 0.02 of the smaller side of the rectangle with a white square inside with a side equal to 0.7 of the smaller side of the rectangle. Inside the white square, a symbolic image or explanatory inscription must be printed in black, with the exception of symbols and explanatory inscriptions on signs 4.1, 4.2, 4.5-4.9 (Table 8), as well as the symbol of the medical aid station, which should be in red.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

Z.1Z.3. The semantic meaning, image and location of the signs are given in Table 8.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

3.14. On directional signs, it is allowed to depict the directional arrow and the distance to the object in white directly at the bottom of the sign (under the white square).

3.15. It is allowed to combine the safety signs provided for by this standard with an explanatory inscription in a single rectangular block. The safety sign must be located on the left side of the block. The height of the block should be 15% greater than the height of the sign (according to Table 3), the length of the block should be 2 or 3 times its height. The block should be edged with a border 0.05 wide of the length of the shorter side of the rectangle. Its color must match the signal color of the safety sign.

The explanatory inscription should be in black on a white background, with the exception of fire safety inscriptions, which should be in red. A vertical position of the block on the larger side is allowed.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.16. The texts of explanatory inscriptions on blocks according to clause 3.15 used for electrical installations must be established by the regulatory and technical documentation on occupational safety for electrical installations, approved in the prescribed manner.

3.17. (Deleted, Amendment No. 2).

3.18. Explanatory inscriptions must be made in Russian and in the languages ​​of the union republics.

3.19. Fonts for explanatory inscriptions and execution of inscriptions - in accordance with GOST 10807-78.

Table 6

Sign number Semantic meaning Image Installation location
2.1 Carefully!

Flammable substances

At the entrance doors of warehouses, inside warehouses, in storage areas, in front of entrances to work areas with flammable substances
2.2 Carefully!

Explosion hazard

On the doors of warehouses, inside warehouses, in storage areas, in front of entrances to work areas with explosive materials and substances
2.3 Carefully!

Corrosive substances

On warehouse doors, inside warehouses, in storage areas, in areas where caustic substances are used
2.4 Carefully!

Toxic substances

On warehouse doors, inside warehouses, in storage areas, in areas where toxic substances are handled
2.5 Carefully!

Electrical voltage

On the supports of overhead lines, housings of electrical equipment and electrical equipment, on the doors of electrical rooms, chambers of transformer switches, on mesh and solid fences of live parts located in production premises, on electrical panels, doors of power panels and boxes, on cabinets with electrical equipment of various machines and machines
2.6 Carefully!

Laser radiation

On the doors of rooms where laser work is carried out, inside these rooms in places where laser work is carried out, on laser installations and near hazardous areas of laser radiation
2.7 Carefully!

The tap is working

Near hazardous areas on construction sites, areas and workshops where lifting and transport equipment is used
2.8 Carefully!

Possible fall

Before entering temporarily dangerous areas and places where falls are possible. Used together with a sign with an explanatory inscription (for example, “Caution! Slippery”, “Caution! Open opening”)
2.9 Carefully!

Other hazards

In places where warning of possible danger is necessary, and the transmission of information using signal colors or a symbol is difficult. Used together with a sign with an explanatory inscription (for example, “High temperature!”, “Caution! Microwave radiation”, etc.)


1. The symbolic image on the “Caution! Electrical Voltage” sign may be in red. The shape and dimensions of the symbolic image on the sign are in accordance with mandatory Appendix 4. It is allowed to apply the sign with a stencil on reinforced concrete power line supports without a yellow background.

2. Radiation hazard sign - according to GOST 17925-72.

Table 7

Sign number Semantic meaning Image Installation location
3.1 Work in a helmet! When entering work areas or work areas where there is a possibility of objects falling from above
3.2 Wear protective gloves! In work areas where there is a risk of hand injury
3.3 Work in protective clothing! When entering work premises or work areas associated with the danger of exposure to a dangerous and (or) harmful factor on the human body
3.4 Wear safety shoes! When entering work premises or work areas where there is a risk of foot injury
3.5 Work with hearing protection! When entering work premises or work areas with high noise levels
3.6 Wear safety glasses! When entering work areas where there is a risk of eye injury
3.7 Work using respiratory protection! When entering work premises, zones or areas of work associated with the release of gases, vapors, aerosols harmful to the human body
3.8 Wear a safety belt! Where work is performed at height
3.9 Prescription of certain actions aimed at ensuring occupational safety and fire safety In production premises and in areas where the safety of work is ensured (the explanatory inscription on the “Work here” sign is black), on the routes to the fire equipment locations and emergency exits (the explanatory inscription on the sign “Keep the passage clear” in red colors), as well as on both sides of fire doors and on doors for other purposes, the closed position of which is required for safety reasons (the explanatory inscription on the “Keep the door closed” sign is red)

Note. Mandatory signs 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 must be introduced before January 1, 1991.

Table 8

Sign number<, td>

Semantic meaning

Image Installation location
4.1 Fire extinguisher In production premises and areas to indicate the location of fire extinguishers
4.2 Fire notification point In production premises and areas to indicate the location of the fire notification point
4.3 Smoking area In production premises and areas to indicate smoking areas
4.4 Location of a specific place, object or facility In production premises and areas for information by means of a symbol (e.g. "Medical aid station", "Telephone") or explanatory notice (e.g. "Pass here", "Drinking water")*
4.5 Fire water source At and towards the location of a fire pond or pier for the installation of fire engines
4.6 Fire hydrant At and towards the location of the fire hydrant
4.7 Fire dry pipe riser At and towards the location of the connection for supplying water to the fire dry pipe riser
4.8 Controls for smoke and heat removal systems At the location and towards the location of the controls for smoke and heat removal systems
4.9 Place of opening of the structure At the site and towards the location of sections of building structures intended for opening in case of fire
4.10 It is allowed to use electric heating devices At the place and towards the areas (rooms) where it is allowed to use electric heating devices
4.11 Get off here On the doors of emergency exits, on evacuation routes.

On escape routes they are used with an additional sign with an indicating arrow.


1. The sign is made in direct and mirror images.

2. The direction of the arrow on the sign must coincide with the direction of evacuation and the direction of movement of the running person depicted on the sign.

3. A sign with an arrow can be placed under the sign at an angle of 30° to the horizontal.

4. Above the entrance door, as well as above the emergency exit door, it is allowed to use an illuminated inscription “Exit” in white on a green background.

* Explanatory notes given in this standard should be considered as examples. If necessary, you can use inscriptions of other content.

Note. Directional signs “First Aid Point”, “Telephone”, “Food Point”, “Drinking Water” - in accordance with GOST 10807-78.

4. Technical requirements

4.1. The method of applying safety signs to production equipment and painting it with paints and varnishes of signal colors is established in the design documentation. The method of application must ensure the preservation of signs and signal colors throughout the entire life of the equipment or until its overhaul.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

4.2. (Deleted, Amendment No. 2).

4.3. Paint and varnish materials of signal colors used for painting safety signs, production equipment and other objects must ensure color stability of the coating in the climatic and production conditions for which the safety signs, production equipment and other objects are intended.

4.4. The coating of signal colors with paints and varnishes must be even, without drips or stains, must not peel off and must always be in a condition that provides a clear and unambiguous perception of color.

4.3, 4.4. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

4.5. If the color changes and does not comply with the requirements of this standard, it is necessary to renew the painting of objects in signal colors and the color trim of safety signs or replace the sign with a new one. Signs should also be replaced with new ones if they are deformed or destroyed.

4.6. Safety signs must have a flat or three-dimensional design. In both cases, symbols and explanatory notes should be placed on one or both sides of the sign.

4.7. The design of three-dimensional signs must ensure the tightness of all housing connections, reliability of fastenings, as well as ease of installation and dismantling during maintenance and repairs.

4.8. Signs used at night or in poor visibility conditions must be illuminated. All devices that ensure the visibility of signs, plates and blocks in the dark must not change their color or impair their visibility during daylight hours.

4.9. Fire safety signs and signs for evacuation or emergency exits must be equipped with their own independent power sources for lighting.

4.10. Flat signs, plates and blocks, including safety signs, should be made of sheet metal with a thickness of 0.5 to 1.5 mm, as well as plastic or wood, provided that the necessary strength, rigidity and stability are ensured in various atmospheric conditions.

4.11. For electrical installations with exposed live parts, it is not allowed to use portable and temporary hanging safety signs made of conductive material.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

4.12. Devices for attaching signs, plates and blocks must be painted gray or silver-gray.

4.13. Safety signs with artificial lighting installed in explosion- and fire-hazardous premises, on the doors of these premises, as well as on open areas near explosion and fire hazardous technological installations must be protected. The degree of protection of safety signs must correspond to the category of places where they are placed in terms of explosion and fire hazard, established building codes and rules approved by the USSR State Construction Committee.

4.14. When applying safety signs using stencils, it is allowed to leave unpainted jumpers with a total area of ​​no more than 4% of the area of ​​the signal or black border.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 2).

Annex 1


Allowed color areas of signal, white and black colors in the XYZ system

The values ​​of the chromaticity coordinates of the corner points of the permissible color areas on the CIE color graph and the limiting values ​​of the brightness coefficient of signal, white and black colors

Name Coordinates Point numbers Coefficient
colors chromaticity 1 2 3 4 brightness b
Red X 0,569 0,655 0,690 0,595 Not less than 0.07
U 0,341 0,345 0,310 0,315
Yellow X 0,427 0,465 0,519 0,468 Not less than 0.45
U 0,483 0,534 0,480 0,442
Green X 0,007 0,230 0,291 0,248 Not less than 0.12
U 0,703 0,754 0,438 0,409
Blue X 0,078 0,198 0,240 0,137 Not less than 0.05
U 0,171 0,252 0,210 0,038
White X 0,290 0.340 0,350 0,300 Not less than 0.75
U 0,320 0,370 0,360 0,310
Black X 0,260 0,345 0,385 0,300 No more than 0.003
U 0,310 0,395 0,355 0,270

Note. The values ​​given in the color graph and in the table of this appendix are given for a standard light source D 65 (GOST 7721-76) when illuminating the surface at an angle of 45° and observing along the normal (45°/0° geometry).

Appendix 2


Brands of paints and varnishes, the colors of which are within the permissible color ranges of signal, white and black colors

Sample (standard) number of the "Card Index" color Brand of enamel or paint
Red signal color
6, 7 PF-1234, ХВ-110, ХВ-238, ХВ-113, НЦ-25
6, 46 ML-1225, PF-188, ET-199, AS-182, URF-1128, PF-133
7, 10 UR-1161, AS-1115, AK-1206, UR-175, XV-130
7, 62 NTs-11
9 XB-16
9, 11 PF-115, PF-1105, NTs-5134, GF-230, NTs-26, UR-1238
11, 19 PF-223, HV-1100
11, 37 NTs-291TS, PF-187TS
37 EP-51
42, 43 ML-152
Yellow signal color
216, 218 AS-1115, UR-1161, AK-1206, UR-175, EP-140, HV-130
216 EP-51
216, 294 NTs-25
220, 221 ХВ-16, НЦ-11
254, 255 PF-188, AS-182
285, 286 ХВ-110, ХВ-1113, ХВ-238, ХВ-1100, GF-230, NTs-132, NTs-11, UR-1238, ML-12
286, 287 MCH-145
287, 288 ML-12, PF-187C
Green signal color
324, 329 ML-12
325, 385 HV-113, AS-182, ET-199, PF-188
Blue signal color
408, 409 AS-1115, ХВ-16
423, 424 ET-199, PF-115, PF-133, PF-2134, E-PF-1217, ML-1225, Paint MA-11, MA-15, PF-14, MA-21, MA-22, MA-25
424 KCH-2141
424, 474 Paint MA-015, MA-025, PF-014, PF-024
449, 450 PF-1126, URF-1128
450, 451 MP-2139, MA-2129
485, 486 ML-12, ML-152
White color
803, 805 PF-579, GF-156, NTs-26, FP-5105, Paint E-AK-228, E-VS-511T
Black color
800 PF-19M
800, 837 PF-187Ts, HV-130
837 KO-822
837, 838 PF-579
837, 861 NTs-5133M


1. For all brands of enamels and paints, the color standard is established by two samples (standards) of the “Kartoteka” color, representing the permissible deviations in the color of enamel and paint, and is indicated in the form of two samples (standards) of the “Kartoteka” color. If one number is specified, the permissible deviation is normalized by a control factory color sample.

2. Numbers of samples (standards) of the “Card Index” color No. 42, 46, 288, 294, 451 represent the permissible deviation of signal colors.

The symbol color must be black or red.

The symbol should be applied or installed on a contrasting background. The symbol must be in the field of view of the people for whom it is intended.

The need and location of the symbol on electrical products must be determined by the product designer, based on safety requirements.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 2).

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