Dream interpretation balls. Ball interpretation of the dream book

Most people associate it with celebration, fun, and joy. However, it is not always necessary for a person to prepare for positive changes in life after seeing multi-colored products in a dream. if we are guided by the opinion of the authors of dream books, modern and ancient? The details of the dream, which are important to remember, will help you figure this out.

Why do you dream of balloons: Miller’s dream book

Disappointments, conflicts, unpleasant incidents - these are the predictions made by the dream book compiled by Gustav Miller. Why believe the interpretation of a famous psychologist? Various fears sitting in the dreamer’s subconscious can come true. Serious problems at work are very likely that can negatively affect career growth. The outcome depends on whether a person can fight or prefers to let everything take its course.

Balloons bursting in night dreams promise job loss or demotion in the near future. A person will have a difficult period and will need help. However, the search for a new job will certainly be crowned with success if the dreamer concentrates on his problem.

What besides this? Miller's dream book promises not only troubles in the professional sphere, but also an idyll in family relationships. It is possible that it is the support of relatives that will help the “owner” of the dream survive. You should not hide your problems from your household.

Heaven and earth

If you see balls lying on the ground in a dream, you should think about your attitude towards life. It is likely that the dreamer views the world too negatively, is mired in problems and does not find time for pleasure. Everything will change if a person can allow himself optimism, hope for the best.

Why do you dream of balloons floating in the sky? Night dreams with a similar plot signal that the dreamer is in real life. It is worth taking a closer look at your surroundings, to notice not only useful people, but also those with whom it is pleasant to simply talk. It is also recommended to attend a party or even organize one yourself.

Inflate balloons

If multi-colored balloons appear in night dreams, a person can not only see them, but also inflate them. If the dreamer copes with this on his own, happily inflates one product after another, such a dream is a good omen. It is possible that soon old friends will offer to spend time together. The dream also means that it is time to believe in your luck.

It’s bad if the dreamer asks his children to help inflate the balloons. It is likely that your son or daughter will soon have problems that they cannot solve on their own. It is definitely worth offering them help in a difficult situation, whether we are talking about small or adult children.

Quantity and color

What do you dream about in large quantities of balls? A person who in reality is worried about his relationship with his chosen one can see a lot of balloons in his night dreams. You should be wary of conflicts and avoid wrong words and actions. For businessmen, such a dream promises losses and quarrels with business partners. It is likely that even caution will not avoid unpleasant events.

Should I worry if all the balls are white? For a male representative, such night dreams predict changes for the better. It is possible that he will feel a surge of energy and emerge victorious from the fight against competitors and enemies. For girls, a bunch of snow-white balls in their hands promises a happy marriage.

It’s great if the balls are yellow in a dream. The dreamer will receive unexpected profits, an expensive gift. Black items, on the contrary, predict diseases that can threaten not only the “owner” of the dream, but also his loved ones.


Should I be worried if a person dreams about a balloon from time to time? Flying in a hot air balloon in your dreams means going on a trip in reality in the near future. However, the trip is unlikely to be successful, so if you are planning a business trip, it is better to postpone it for a while.

Long says that the dreamer will soon be forced to say goodbye to his home for quite a long time.

Other stories

Why do you dream about big balloons? It is quite possible that a person is surrounded by an unreliable character whom he trusts in vain. In the near future, an imaginary friend may seriously let you down and reveal an important secret.

If the balloons that the “owner” of the dream is trying to inflate burst one after another, in reality he should prepare for a significant financial loss. It is possible that a large sum will have to be allocated for car repairs and household appliances. If a person catches balls in his night dreams, he will be disappointed in real life. He should also be wary of conflicts with family and friends, the consequences of which could be very serious.

Why does a woman dream about a ball:

The spherical shape signifies wholeness, completeness and unity.

Social event; joy.

It may also have a sexual connotation.

1 Ball by Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Seeing a ball in a dream means:

Refer to alien intrusions, indicating schizophrenia.

1 Ball by Danilova's erotic dream book

A ball seen in a dream symbolizes the desire to give, to sacrifice oneself and one’s own pleasures.

The ball is a sign of submission, softness, warmth, plasticity.

If a man dreams about it, it means that he lacks feminine warmth, naturalness and, quite possibly, that he is fed up with easy prey and accessible sex.

For a woman, such a dream means that she is physiologically and psychologically ripe for conceiving and giving birth to a child.

Seeing an inflatable balloon in a dream means that in real life you are engaged in empty activities and chores, while all the most important things pass by. Imaginary hopes and dreams.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 Ball according to Miller's dream book

Dreaming about a ball means:

Seeing your bladder in a dream means that you will have big troubles in business if you do not pay attention to your health and how you spend your energy.

Seeing children inflating balloons or blowing soap bubbles foretells that your hopes for comfort, relaxation, and peace will not come true.

1 Ball by Dream book of Nina Grishina

Meaning of sleep ball:

Balls fly into the sky - the collapse of all hopes.

1 Ball by Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

The spherical shape of the ball suggests integrity, completeness and unity. The ball can symbolize the game. Playing with the ball means enjoying and enjoying life. “The ball is in your goal” means that it is your turn to take a step back. There is also a sexual connotation here. Do you have the balls to do everything right?

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 Ball by Esoteric dream book

What a ball can mean in a dream:

Fullness of feelings, fill life with meaning.

Rolling in the billiard room is a lot of hobbies. A period rich in impressions.

Balloon - you are self-sufficient and come up with activities for yourself. See, play, you need to captivate other people with your interests, otherwise they will feel lonely and offended.

1 Ball by Tsvetkov's dream book

Ball in a dream means:


1 Ball according to the Online Dream Book

The ball you saw is a sign that pleasant changes for you are close. More interpretations If our dream book turned out to be useful for you, then add it to your browser so that it is always at your fingertips. Already used by more than 450 users!© Author-compiler: Alexey Krivenky. Photo: depositphotos.com

1 Ball by Modern dream book

Why does a woman dream about a ball:

Balloon - Illness, pipe dreams

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 Ball by Christian dream book

Why does a woman dream about a ball:

Billiard ball – Litigation due to professional error is possible. Imagine that you are collecting balls in a net and throwing them into the fireplace. They melt, then burn.

1 Ball by Dream Interpretation by E. Ericson

Seeing a ball in a dream means:

What is the ball for 1. The ball is associated with the playful, childish side of ourselves and our need to express ourselves freely. Playing with a ball means striving for freedom. Looking at a ball in a dream, especially an earthly globe, means that we take a broader and more expanded point of view. We can cultivate the ability not only to not be limited, but to become more globally aware. If we look at a crystal ball, for example, we can look at a lifestyle. The ball represents the integrity of life. 2. If we play games with a ball (see Games), we realize our need for freedom or dream of power and dignity. From a psychological point of view, it is necessary for a human being to celebrate holidays. The ball - at a formal party - allows a person to do just that. In dreams, such an image can encourage us to be demanding of ourselves. 3. Solar and lunar holidays are often symbolized by balls, as well as a sense of impenetrable wholeness.

1 Ball by Italian psychoanalytic dream book A. Roberti

A dream with a ball in the dream book is interpreted as:

Balls - round, faceted, metal. Indicate other people's intrusions. Violation of perception of reality with destructive tendencies.

1 Ball by dream book of Nostradamus

Dreaming about a ball means:

To see in a dream a fireball flying towards the Earth - such a dream indicates that in the future the Earth is threatened by a large meteorite that will bring destruction to our planet. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies misfortune.

If you dreamed about the globe, then this dream means that our planet is in real danger. Moreover, this danger does not come from outside, but lies within the people themselves. The whole point is that the population of the planet has completely forgotten that we live on a fragile star and life itself has been given to us from above. It seems to each specific country, even each person, that he is stronger than others, and therefore the most important desire is the desire to prove to the whole world his own superiority with the help of weapons and violence.

Seeing a huge dark ball approaching the Earth in a dream is a sign that the Earth is threatened by an environmental disaster and it will happen due to the emissions that poison the air from various factories. The time will come when a gray cloud will descend on Earth and people will experience a greater need for air.

If in a dream you saw a luminous ball on the surface of the Earth, then such a dream prophesies a visit to the Earth by living beings from another planet, who will come into contact with earthlings and tell them a lot of new and interesting things. Such a dream warns the dreamer that in the future he will encounter something hitherto unknown to him, which will cause him great fear.

Running away from a fireball in a dream is an omen of a terrible war. Perhaps this will be the third world war, in which many countries of the world will be involved. Such a dream tells the dreamer that he will personally suffer great losses in the war, and maybe even will take an active part in this terrible life-and-death battle.

1 Ball by French dream book

Meaning of sleep ball:

If you dreamed of a ball, it means that your health may suddenly be upset. A ball rolling towards you warns against danger that threatens your material wealth. A motionless ball in a dream is a sign that a true treasure is very close to you.

1 Ball by Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a ball:

Everything will be easy for you, the elation will be incredible, and success will be the same.

Seeing a fireball in the sky in a dream is an omen of something.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

1 Ball by Imperial dream book

What a ball can mean in a dream:

In ancient philosophy, a ball was considered the most perfect form, symbolizing the infinity of life on earth and the infinity of many lives of the human spirit in different bodies, as the ancient Greek sage Plato said.

The ball is a magical figure of sages and alchemists; a ball with a cross (scepter) - a symbol of earthly and heavenly power (divine consecration into power) of kings and high-ranking clergy; The ball is a favorite toy due to the undistorted, unchanging emotions of children close to Heaven. Thus, the ball approaching the archetype is a symbol of human thinking.

But a ball is a figure capable of moving along a plane in any direction without restrictions. The direction of movement should be set very precisely: the trajectory of the ball can easily change (playing billiards is considered a complex art). The historical and psychological conclusion from here is that objects (accumulators) that concentrate energy on themselves, called magical in ancient times, are useful only for those who know how to control themselves and strong-willed individuals.

To see, hold, feel a ball in a dream; a large/small ball is an association with the Earth, which provides the soil for life, but without the light energy of Heaven, the Earth is unviable, dark, cold, so interpretations will be ambiguous. Sleep is not part of everyday life.

Seeing the ball, holding it in your hands with pleasant sensations: the ball is warm, light, beautiful, and so on - means understanding your life purpose and the presence of the necessary energy for memories.

The shell of the ball is the clear present, the bent inner part is the energy of future development.

Seeing a large ball means the size of the task increases proportionally.

Riding/balancing on a ball is, on the one hand, a sign of the maximum development of the situation, on the other hand, this is a situation the success of which depends on the smallest movements, and maximum accuracy and correctness of actions are required.

The ball is dark, cold, unpleasant / oppressive to the hands and mind / large, scary / rolling towards the dreamer - all similar images mean that energy is wasted due to a misunderstood task or inadequate actions. The dreamer does not control the situation and does not see his path: actions will not bring success. The situation is hardly predictable. When a large ball wants to crush the dreamer, the situation is dangerous and completely unpredictable; there may be someone’s ill will.

The ball broke - this is an unfavorable and empty outcome.

1 Ball by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Ball in a dream means:

See Bubble.

1 Ball by To the newest dream book

If a girl dreams of a ball, it means:

A loved one will let you down at work (personal relationships) and deceive you.

1 Ball by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Why does a woman dream about a ball:

A symbol of changeable happiness in reality.

If the ball is iron, you can boldly set out to meet all dangers; seeing a glass ball means that you will show indecision in some difficult matter.

1 Ball by Dream interpretation of birthday people of May, June, July, August

Seeing a ball in a dream means:

Unstable feelings will arise, which can disappear with any complication.

A fireball seen in a dream means a fire.

1 Ball by Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Interpretation of a dream about a ball:

Your plans will fail.

Fireball - to an approaching family scandal.

1 Ball by Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation of a dream about a ball:

Globe - a trip around the world awaits you.

1 Ball by Gypsy dream book

A ball in a dream predicts:

Playing marbles means that you will visit your old friend.

If you watch others play balls, your old friend will visit you. “Rolling balls” is an aimless pastime; “At least roll a ball” - emptiness, poverty.

The shape of a ball in a dream: symbolizes the desire for perfection, most often excessive or in vain.

If you dream of a certain spherical object that seems strange, then after such a dream you should think about it - maybe, by trying to achieve the ideal, you are only harming your business? A dream in which a spherical object causes some kind of destruction has the same meaning: this dream reminds us that in pursuit of the best we should not destroy the good.

A balloon in a dream: suggests that in reality you are making unrealistic plans that do not have the slightest chance of success.

The larger the ball and the higher it flies, the more importance you place on your intentions and the greater your frustration may be.

Seeing the globe from space is an expansion of consciousness, spiritual revelation, a breakthrough in development.

Seeing a hot air balloon in the sky is a pipe dream, the collapse of all hopes.

Climbing in it yourself means happiness in love and achievement of professional success.

The globe - seen from space - expansion of consciousness, spiritual revelation, breakthrough in development.

Sphere, ball - integrity, planetary, spiritual energy influences; changeability of happiness. See add. Flying saucer.

To see a hot air balloon in the sky is a pipe dream, the collapse of all hopes. Climbing in it yourself means happiness in love and achievement of professional success.

1 Ball by Jewish dream book

Rolling on the table or looking at the ball A dream you had on Monday night - to dreams and fantasies; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to bustle; a dream seen on Saturday or Sunday night means idleness.

Ball in a dream - Seeing yourself as an inflated balloon in a dream- low self-esteem and the presence of complexes greatly spoil your life, preventing you from fully enjoying communication with the opposite sex, having fun and loving yourself.
If in a dream you see a globe, then in real life make sure that your trusting relationships with children and relatives do not cease to be so. More sensitivity, attention, care and tenderness are required from you.
If you dreamed of a balloon flying into the sky, in real life you do not notice something really important behind the useless little things.
If in a dream you dream of an object in the shape of a ball, then soon you will experience rapid life changes that will in no way depend on you and your desires.
If children inflate balloons in your dream- you should not hope that soon you will be able to spend time comfortably or relax. Unforeseen worries and disruption of plans also mean dreaming of children blowing soap bubbles.
If balloons fly out of your hands into the sky, then your dreams and hopes will not come true.
If a man dreams of a ball- this is evidence that he lacks female warmth and attention, and for a woman, a dream about a ball means that psychologically and physiologically she is already ready to become a mother.
If the ball is in someone's hands- your days are filled with things the importance of which you overestimate; in fact, these are absolutely empty chores and unnecessary worries.
You will return from a long trip without achieving the desired result. A bursting balloon seen in a dream foreshadows an unsuccessful purchase in real life, termination of a contract, or a quarrel with a loved one.
Flying on a balloon in a dream- this means that the purpose of your life comes down to something everyday, simple, mundane. Do not forget that in pursuit of material benefits and pleasures for the body, you need to take care of the development of your spiritual qualities. Dreaming of a ball or a children's ball is a minor disappointment; someone will not keep their promise to you.
Popping balloons yourself or seeing others blowing them up means that in reality someone will deliberately interfere with the implementation of your plans. You will know who it is, but you won't be able to do anything about it.
Inflate a balloon- to travel, a new hobby, to unforgettable adventures with friends.
Inflating balloons in a dream- for celebration, fun, meeting with friends, an interesting surprise.
A dreamed figure in the form of a ball, no matter what it is made of or what it is intended for, means that in real life you are ready to sacrifice your own interests for the benefit of others.
Multi-colored balls in your dream will bring you new acquaintances and friends, a trip or a trip to a place where you have never been.
Seeing balloons in a dream indicates that you are a creative and very receptive person, your thoughts are filled with dreams and fantasies.
Hot air balloon see- the dream suggests that your dreams and plans can burst in an instant due to an absurd accident, an inappropriately spoken word, or an unexpected coincidence of circumstances. And there will be no one to blame for this.
Bright Christmas tree decorations in the form of balls- distracting your attention from important events happening in life with routine little things.

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Did you dream about a Ball, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why the Ball is seen in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    Hello. I dreamed of four fireballs approaching the earth. They were approaching with great speed, all the people were very scared, but these balls flew past without touching the ground. I woke up with a strange feeling, as if it was in reality.

    I dreamed that I carried a ball inside me, heavy, pressing in my chest.
    And my classmate said that she would help me. She started some kind of ritual with prayers and spewed this ball out of herself. It was big, bigger than the mouth. It was creepy and incomprehensible. What does it mean? And in the dream, it was pouring rain outside the windows and it was dark.

    Hello! I dreamed that I was at a fair with my parents and there I saw a bunch of blue and pink balloons, then someone released them and they began to rise up. I tried to catch one of them, but never caught it, then I tried to catch the other. So I caught one or two and gave them to some little girl.

    Hello. I also dreamed of orange balloons. Someone let them go because the holiday was over. But I caught one, exactly the one I wanted to catch first; I wanted to catch another one but didn’t have time. What could this mean?

    I had a dream where I was on some kind of coast, it looked like the sea. The wind is blowing. I'm standing on the bridge and holding this big balloon on a ribbon in the shape of a heart. For some reason I want to tie him to this bridge, but the wind begins to blow him away, he slips out of my hands. And the more I want to bring him closer to me, the more this wind pulls out my ball. And he flies away. I try to run after him, but he is already very far away. Then, somehow, he again flies into my arms and I begin to hug him.
    What could this dream mean?? After all, it’s not just this heart-shaped ball that eventually comes back to me?? I just recently broke up with my fiancé and am very worried about it. Is it possible that this is some kind of sign that we will be together again??
    Thank you.

    • Most likely, this dream means that you will be inspired by new romantic experiences.

      I was holding a balloon in my hand, it just tore out of my hands, I let it go, it immediately flew into the sky, I took out the second balloon, but it was rushing into the sky even more strongly, I let it go, it flew a little along the bottom and then flew into the sky, this happened at night, so this could mean thank you.

      Hello. I dreamed of balloons, there were 3 of them. They were tied to a purse, I put the purse on the aisle at the station and it was stolen. I went out onto the platform and saw the balls in the dark. I started screaming. The guy released the balls. They were tied together and they flew up. The guy ran away, and I picked up my purse, went into the station, but at that time I still had a ball in my hands. I took it, untied it and he went down. What was this for?

      • The fact that there were such balls in the dream most likely indicates that you may be very inspired by your hopes and plans.

        This dream of yours most likely means that you will soon be able to make sure that everything is going well and smoothly for you.

        Hello, please help me solve the dream. Background. A month ago I broke up with my boyfriend on my own initiative. And recently I had the following dream: I am in my city, but it doesn’t quite look like my hometown. Many buildings look different. I go into an unusual store, where instead of male mannequins there are live male models. and there are a lot of balloons. I come home. I turn on the Internet and see that I received a message from my ex-boyfriend, where it is written that he misses me very much and is sending me balloons that he ordered via the Internet as a gift. These balls are being passed to me. There are so many of them that I take up almost half the room. And mostly balloons in the shape of hearts and little animals. At the same time, I am completely delighted with the gift. Thank you very much in advance!

        Hello, I dreamed that my aunt came to visit me 2 times, and twice she brought 3 balls, they were so colorful, and all different cartoons on one, flowers on each, and there were no ordinary balls))

        Hello! I dreamed that I was driving in a car with my son-in-law and daughter... And suddenly a lot of balloons were flying on the street... My daughter climbs out of the window and tries to catch them... She catches her and pulls her into the car... I tell her that there is no need) the road will be poorly visible, but her son-in-law gives the go-ahead for it to drag on))) such a dream)) Emphasis on the daughter and the balls)))

        I dreamed that my friend and I were digging in the attic. Actually, it was his attic, but the house was small (in reality, he has a huge house).
        There I found a whole package (regular, packaged) of small glass balls. Then my friend disappeared, but my sister appeared, and we began to divide these balls. Then I dreamed of trees, water, a water pump, buckets...
        But the main essence was carried by the balls.
        Why would this be?
        Thank you!

        I dreamed of a balloon. But at the same time it was like there were a lot of gel balls. That’s how it started. It was as if my friend decided to buy several (many) gel balls. She picked them up and flew and flew away. And then in the sky it was as if was flying in a balloon.

        Well, it was my first time there….I don’t know how I ended up there…..I was with my boyfriend, but when I woke up I still didn’t remember who it was and now I’m without a boyfriend…. well, then a friend appeared and I started to get attached to this friend, but my boyfriend didn’t do anything... we talked about something but I don’t remember... and then I looked at the sky and there were a lot of heart-shaped balls... and I started talking that I want a pink ball…..and without hesitation I said that I want I want…..and somehow the ball flew straight to me and I took it and it was just like I wanted pink and heart-shaped…then a friend said let’s go to the store or not I don’t really remember anything else….I’m like, nooo….I need to go soon…and my friend says you’ll have time….well, I agreed and we went to the bus at 3…and the bus was so crowded….and when we got there… .boyfriend and friend disappeared....and I was already in the hospital, etc. I was a doctor and I really liked one guy....and I really wanted to talk to him...but I woke up

        I was holding a balloon (green), my old friend (I hadn’t seen him for a couple of years) took it from me, but I didn’t feel disappointed, on the contrary, I was glad that he came up to me.

        a lot of mice have appeared in my kitchen, I drive them out of the window of the apartment on the second floor in which I lived before, there was also a cute, cute guinea pig, I wanted to play with her. Journalists came to film this whole picture, I can already see it from the street, there is snow all around me, and here and there on the house there are various balloons hanging (huge colored ones of various shapes, small ordinary ones)

        Several people, convicted criminals, led by me, were stuck on the island. Suddenly many ships began to sail by, but they were empty and their speed was fast. They walked one after another. The understanding that something terrible had happened did not allow me to board it and sail away. Suddenly, people appeared on the horizon on other ships, burning ships. From far away came a cry about a terrible disaster that would happen again. Alerted by this, we moved towards the only two-story building on the island. and stood not far from the entrance. Suddenly, a fireball similar to a meteorite appeared over the island; it seemed that it was deliberately thrown over the island in order to burn everything on it. When he found himself above the island, the fireball fell vertically downwards; after landing, fiery streaks diverged from it and burned everything in its path. Some of my fellow travelers were already hit on the second or third ball. But I had no fear, I enjoyed these falls. The building was partially hit, it was burning, but it was not catastrophic, the fire was beautiful and warm. I ran into the building on the second floor with the understanding that it was the safest here, there was a fire somewhere, but it was not critical. On the way to the second floor, an evil old woman locked in a cage grabbed me by the hand. She asked to be released, but I categorically refused, saying that the building was the safest place. That's exactly what happened. The fireballs continued to fall, the building became hotter, the walls became heated. Running like I was scalded, my hands were burned and covered with a fiery crust, not even a burn, they were burning with a crust. All fingerprints were erased under the fiery crust. In the bustle of everything, I didn’t notice how one of the fingers folded under the skin. I got the feeling that he was not there, but only later did I realize that this was not so. With some effort I straightened it, exposing the finger bone. People arrived in the building, everyone crowded on the first floor. Everyone was afraid except me. Enjoyed the apocalypse. Then I woke up.

        I don’t remember remembering a dream so vividly. The colors of dreams are mostly fiery red and warm. What could this mean?

        I dreamed about my birthday, although it will be next year on June 13th and some completely unfamiliar guy gave me a lot of balloons in the shape of hearts and also burgundy roses with a box, opening which I found in it a handmade flower from different fabrics.

        A young guy, who in a dream begins to show his sympathy for me and I am pleased with this, hands several helium balloons into my hands. I take them, but soon he presents 2 huge armfuls of multi-colored helium balloons, which I then let fly, while making a wish. This is usually done on rulers. In real life I don’t like this guy and neither do I.

        Some force opens the door to my apartment and a luminous ball, like ball lightning, flies into my apartment, I get scared and try to push it out with my hand, I touch it by accident and it hits me like an electric shock and I wake up

        Hello! I dreamed that I was standing on the street and saw a huge colored ball consisting of small balls falling to the ground. When it falls to the ground, this ball scatters into many of these small multi-colored balls and they scatter through the air. I didn’t have a feeling of horror, it was just kind of spectacular. Then one of the people standing next to me said that my friend’s air was contaminated and I needed to go indoors, because no one knew what it was. Many people entered the building and watched through the window these colored flying balls (which became somewhat similar to soap bubbles). Nothing bad happened to the people who went out into the street. I repeat once again that there was no horror, a feeling of not knowing what happened and whether we should be afraid of it.

        I’m standing near a small calm river and suddenly the river begins to boil, as it were, my friend was standing in the water, I started shouting to him, go away, it became hot to my right, somewhere 1m away, a transparent but shimmering golden ball was flying when I looked into the sky, I saw the same but very large one hovering above my head above our land

        At first I dreamed that I took an oblong white ball and began to inflate it, from its beginning I also saw oblong balls and at the same time these balls began to inflate, but they were already colored and the ball itself turned out to be yellow in the end, I saw that it was getting bigger and bigger, I wanted it to burst, but at the same time I was afraid that it would hit me in the face. I ended up inflating it to such an extent that it burst, but I didn't expect that. But when I burst, I didn’t feel anything. Just not a loud sound, then I wanted to look at the “remains of the ball”, but unfortunately I didn’t find them.

        I dreamed of a small luminous ball, similar to a miniature sun, which was placed in the same spherical cage, which was several times larger than it. During sleep, the cage and the ball rolled from side to side, and at some moments the ball rolled out of the cage and rolled on its own, while the cage stood still. All this happened as if in emptiness, everything around was white, the cell was gray, and the ball glowed with white light. Tell me, what could this mean?

        I had a dream in which there was a little beautiful girl, 7-8 years old. I really liked her. but on the same day she dies from an accident. I came home and went to bed, woke up in the morning and realized that it was the same day from the very beginning. I met this girl again, but I managed to prevent this accident, and we went for a walk with her. we came to the football field, me and her friend, we were having fun, and a lot of green tennis balls began to appear all over the field. I started collecting them and woke up.

        Hello, I dreamed that they wanted to turn me into ice, I reflected the spell with a crystal ball, and ran out into the street with it. There was heavy snow, I, clutching the ball to myself, ran along the road, but at some point it seemed to me that the ball was compressing and becoming covered with a pattern of ice, stretching out my arms, I looked at the ball and it immediately broke into small sharp pieces, all of them scattered in different directions, flying through me (as if I were a ghost) and without causing any harm.

        A ball from space landed, completely shrouded in black smoke. Then another black ball landed, larger (2.5 m), shrouded in even thicker black fog. On top of the balls, women’s heads to shoulders were visible. I lay down on the ground, it was big fear.

        A ball with a diameter of 50 cm flies from space with the Moon. Then it separates and flies to Earth. Flying up to me (I’m standing with 3 women), he pauses and a meter away from me says - You! Before that, like everyone else, I sat down in fear, realizing the proximity of death, but I heard my friends whisper: “They are taking the chosen ones to Jupiter. The body will die, but the soul will be there." And indeed the ball is similar in color to Jupiter. Yellow light shines through the cracks.


        I see small balls flying in the sky, I went out onto the porch (it was evening), a man (man) came, he wanted to buy a car from us, then he takes out a listener from his pocket and starts listening to me, he smells very strong and good of perfume. At that moment a large ball of blue-blue (glowing) flies up, and on its side there is another bright orange one, almost fiery, and it rushes towards us. I dodge, but it burns us and on my shoulder it’s like a burn, but not painful .

        I saw a ball in the dark sky, it was throwing from side to side, it was hot, plasma was separated from it, it flew up to me, I felt that it was hot and I saw the face of my daughter in it, it began to rush again and then began to fly away and in the distance it fell illuminated everything with green light and I began to cry and scream a lot

        There was a killer tornado in the USA. It killed with small red balls that fell from the sky on people who had electrical appliances (computers, phones, etc.); who ate junk food. Then this tornado moved to some areas of Russia. In including in my city. But I survived. Then my grandfather (may he rest in heaven) came from the hospital (he was discharged).

        In my dream I dreamed of a small and heavy ball and I could hear it rolling on the floor, but I was afraid to open my eyes in a dream, but soon I opened it and saw my lover near the door, he asked me, did you have a ball rolling on the floor, I answered yes, but I asked him how he got in if the door was closed, he answered me that he unscrewed the lock, and I woke up.

        I dreamed that I was throwing a small yellow toy ball. And in real life a sound was made, as if something had fallen. I wake up and see my pet toy ball on the floor. What is this for?

        Hello. I dreamed of a huge fireball moving along a city street. At this moment I am at home on the eighth floor and through the window I see him approaching. The ball is so large that its diameter exceeds the height of my apartment building. I hide in the apartment under a blanket and wait for the ball to pass by. And when he passes, I look out the window and watch him. as he moves further down the street. I notice that after it there is no ash or fire left. Nothing was damaged, just smoke, which made it hard to breathe and hurt my eyes. The dream is quite colorful and, I must say, scary. I dreamed about it several times, each time acquiring new details. So, today I saw how this ball was born somewhere far away: giant arcs of orange and red shades went across the sky.

        In the dream, I jumped high and there were a lot of balloons in very beautiful bed colors. Then a phone call woke me up. And after that I dreamed that my son fell from the bridge and was killed (and I screamed very much.

        in the dream there was a concert and I was standing at the end of the hall. suddenly a handsome singer (allegedly) released a small inflatable red balloon in the shape of a heart from his hands and said “whoever catches the balloon from the girls, I will give him a passionate kiss.” and this balloon flew right to me in my hands. I went on stage for a kiss and publicly kissed in my sleep

        I was riding a bicycle, I see a ball similar to the moon located on the ground. Then the child gave me a bag of fish. There was water in the bag and the fish looked nice. I put the bag of fish to my ear and talked on it as if on the phone with a stranger and called him to me. He replied that he would come, but he had a wedding tomorrow. I still didn’t understand the meaning of the answer. In my dream earlier there was a wedding, which I passed by on a bicycle, then I turned, there was a slight rise, and then a flat road. The child then ended up in a beautiful kindergarten, we drew with crayons, and on the walls there were drawings that resembled a ball.
        Interesting, isn't it?

        Hello! In my dream everything around was white. I was in the middle of the road, then somehow I ended up inside a snowball. O was boiling white. It was free and good inside. Then a snowball pulled us through the intersection. And I said, the most important thing is to cross the intersection.

        I dreamed of a white ball and a white spruce, in the form of an undecorated New Year's tree, the ball stood in front of the tree in the background, at the end of the dream a supposedly dead person came, this man is alive but leaves at dawn, it feels like New Year's night, I'm so sick of it😂

        Hello! I dreamed of huge balls flying into the apartment in exactly the rooms where I was in this dream, my husband and I had a fight because... he didn’t want to let my friend go as if they had a relationship. This girl works with me, but we don’t communicate with her at all unless it’s for work. She told me I will take revenge on you and huge balls filled with something terrible began to fly into the apartment.

        At the beginning, light appeared like a glow, began to round and grow until it turned into a sparkling, iridescent fire-colored, huge ball, but there was no fire in it. I felt a sense of anxiety and wanted to turn away and not look.

        I dreamed of a yellow ball, an inflatable one, an ordinary ball. It was cloudy weather with rain. It flew away. I started running after the ball. He flew away to where there was no longer a snowdrift. I thought I wouldn’t catch it, but I was right, I was confident in myself, I quickly ran and caught it in a running jump.

        It was a sunny, hot day, the moon was full in the sky and covered in some kind of fog. I went to the sea, and there the port was covered in black streams of smoke, the water was full of boats, ships and some kind of machine releasing balls, dense and gray. As they approached, they grew in size. I know that they explode, but none of them exploded near me. And then they told me that I had to leave because it was war.

        I dreamed that I was walking with an unfamiliar girl, we saw a lot of heart-shaped balloons. The girl asked me to take one ball, taking it in my hands, I felt that it was pulling me up. I gave it to the girl, but she actually started to rise into the sky, I took the ball and let it go.

        I had a fight with a shopkeeper in January, and today I had a dream that we were walking around the market and I had a big red ball in my hands, and this ball flies out of my hands, I run after the ball and catch it. Zalovka stood nearby, holding my daughter in her arms, I took her daughter by the hand and we went

        Hello! I had my dream somewhere at the end of August. It itself is fuzzy, vague, but individual details were clearly visible there.
        My sister and I were in a large hot air balloon (in a basket). The ball itself had vertical red and yellow stripes. There was fog all around (or just a light pale sky), we were surrounded by mountains, grass growing on their tops. Suddenly, in the distance, I saw gray helium balloons, quite huge, they were clearly visible from afar. They were in the air, all gray. One ball was in the form of the numbers 1 and 2, then a colon, then 4 and 9. In general, the time obtained from the gray balls was 12:49. I didn’t really like this in my dream, because 49 in itself means the end of the cycle.
        Then suddenly 12:49 changed to 12:50, it was still gray balls. I also exclaimed and asked my sister to look at it, but in addition to this, she was also simply looking around at the landscape in the area. After that the dream ended.
        Now I am trying to interpret it, but I learned the approximate meaning of the dream after the fact (trials and troubles (12), completion of the cycle (49), pipe dreams (the hot air balloon we flew on) - these are my interpretations). In principle, troubles definitely came together, because in my life now I suddenly have... troubles, that’s right!
        How do you understand this dream? I really count on your advice, thank you very much in advance!

        Good day! I would be glad to know the meaning of what I saw. There was a very beautiful picture in the dream. A huge luminous snow-white ball, and a bird with noble brown plumage soars above it in flight with huge wings. The bird is visible to me from the back, the head is not visible, so I cannot say its name. After what I saw, there was a feeling of delight and joy, admiration. Thank you in advance for discovering the meaning of sleep.

        Moving from the seventh to the eighth grade, we had a graduation ceremony and everyone was in very beautiful dresses and suits. Our class teacher decided to give us a small celebration and set the table with a lot of sweets and cakes. There were also balls, they were in the shape of numbers and each participant in this celebration had their own number; I had the number eight. And also at this holiday there was one boy whose name was Ilya and I really liked him, he was from our class, but since he left and moved to another school and another class, they did not set the table for him. The final preparations were coming up and I helped hang these balls with the numbers of these balls being 12 and the numbers were also 12. I was looking for these balls and one of them I found a couple of them on the floor. I picked them up and took them to the teacher for him to hang. And all the girls and boys sat down at the table and then our teacher turned as if into some kind of sorceress and seemed to bewitch us. Her face became completely different and she told everyone to come to the table, take the legs and do hara-kiri for themselves. Ilya, the boy I liked, took his things and left. I went up to him and hugged him and said that I would miss him very much. Then he said Aren't you coming with me? I agreed to go with him. I ran to class and took my balloons. I took some balloons and ran to him. And at that moment I saw how the girl who had the first ball came out to the table and was already about to make herself hara-kiri. Afterwards we should have already left school. Perhaps we were going down the stairs. But I don’t remember this. And I remember how we were already on the street, but with me, and he was no longer near me, it was mine, it was my sister and we were the nephew, we, the nephew was in for some reason, she was wearing underwear and a T-shirt, period, and my sister was wearing jeans and a T-shirt. Then, as if the picture immediately moved, I had to accompany him to the train. And we arrived at the platform; there was almost no one on this platform. And we hugged. And then my dream ended.

        I had a dream where one woman gives me balloons, first she gave me four, then she took one and said that very soon everything will be fine with me, I smiled and left then I have neighbors 2 they are small and I gave them balloons but they sank, but not they burst and they weren’t tied and I woke up

Towards perfection, most often excessive or in vain. If you dream of a certain spherical object that seems strange, then after such a dream you should think about it - maybe, by trying to achieve the ideal, you are only harming your business?

A dream in which a spherical object causes some kind of destruction has the same meaning.- this dream reminds you that in pursuit of the best you should not destroy the good.

Balloon in a dream- suggests that in reality you are making unrealistic plans that do not have the slightest chance of success. The larger the ball and the higher it flies, the more importance you place on your intentions and the greater your frustration may be.

Modern combined dream book

Ball in a dream- a symbol of changeable happiness in reality.

If the ball is iron- you can boldly face all dangers; seeing a glass ball means that you will show indecision in some difficult matter.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

To dream of a fireball flying towards the ground- such a dream indicates that in the future the earth is threatened by a large meteorite, which will bring destruction to our planet. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies misfortune.

If you dreamed of a globe- this dream means that our planet is in real danger. Moreover, this danger does not come from outside, but lies within the people themselves. The whole point is that the population of the planet has completely forgotten that we live on a fragile star and life itself has been given to us from above. It seems to each specific country, even each person, that he is stronger than others, and therefore the most important desire is the desire to prove to the whole world his own superiority with the help of weapons and violence.

To dream of a huge dark ball approaching the ground- a sign that the earth is threatened by an environmental disaster and it will happen due to the emissions that poison the air from various factories. The time will come when a gray cloud will descend on the earth and people will experience a great need for air.

If in a dream you saw a glowing ball on the surface of the earth- such a dream prophesies a visit to the earth by living beings from another planet, who will come into contact with earthlings and tell them a lot of new and interesting things. Such a dream warns the dreamer that in the future he will encounter something hitherto unknown to him, which will cause him great fear.

Running away from a fireball in a dream- an omen of a terrible war. Perhaps this will be the third world war, in which many countries of the world will be involved. Such a dream tells the dreamer that he will personally suffer great losses in the war, and maybe even will take an active part in this terrible life-and-death battle.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Ball- a loved one will let you down at work (personal relationships) and deceive you.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Ball- fragile feelings will arise, which can disappear with any complication.

A fireball seen in a dream- to a fire.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Ball- everything will be easy for you, the elation will be incredible, and success will be the same.

Seeing a fireball in the sky in a dream- to foreshadow something.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Ball- your plans will burst.

Fireball- to an approaching family scandal.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Globe- A trip around the world awaits you.

Italian dream book

Balls- round, faceted, metal. Indicates foreign intrusions. Violation of perception of reality with destructive tendencies.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

In ancient philosophy, the ball- was considered the most perfect form, symbolizing the infinity of life on earth and the infinity of many lives of the human spirit in different bodies, as the ancient Greek sage Plato said.

Ball- magical figure of sages and alchemists; ball with a cross (scepter)- a symbol of earthly and heavenly power (divine consecration into power) of kings and high-ranking clergy; ball-ball- this is a favorite toy due to the undistorted, unchanging emotions of children close to Heaven. Thus the ball approaching the archetype- a symbol of human thinking.

But the ball- a figure capable of moving along a plane in any direction without restrictions. The direction of movement should be set very precisely: the trajectory of the ball can easily change (playing billiards is considered a complex art). The historical and psychological conclusion from here is that objects (accumulators) that concentrate energy on themselves, called magical in ancient times, are useful only for those who know how to control themselves and strong-willed individuals.

To see, hold, feel a ball in a dream; big/small ball- this is an association with the Earth, which provides the soil for life, but without the light energy of Heaven, the Earth is unviable, dark, cold, so interpretations will be ambiguous. Sleep is not part of everyday life.

Seeing the ball, holding it in your hands with pleasant sensations: the ball is warm, light, beautiful, and so on.- means understanding your life purpose and the availability of the necessary energy for memories.

Ball shell- clear present, bent inner part - the energy of future development.

Big ball to see- the size of the task increases proportionally.

Ride/balance on a ball- this, on the one hand, is a sign of the maximum development of the situation, on the other hand, this is a situation the success of which depends on the smallest movements, and maximum accuracy and correctness of actions are required.

The ball is dark, cold, unpleasant/oppressive to the hands and mind/big, scary/ball rolling towards the dreamer- all similar images mean that energy was wasted due to a misunderstood task or inadequate actions. The dreamer does not control the situation and does not see his path: actions will not bring success. The situation is hardly predictable. When a large ball wants to crush the dreamer, the situation is dangerous and completely unpredictable; there may be someone’s ill will.

The ball crashed- this is an unfavorable and empty outcome.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Ball- testicles, breasts or abdomen of a pregnant woman. Circle and integrity.

Kick the ball- erection, fear of castration.

The ball rolls into the corner- incorrect direction of sexual arousal.

Golden ball in the dark- flickering of inner light illuminating the unconscious.

Dream book of a gypsy

Game of marbles- means that you will visit your old friend.

If you watch others play marbles- your old friend will visit you.

Danilova's erotic dream book

A ball seen in a dream- symbolizes the desire to give, sacrifice oneself and one’s own pleasures.

Ball- this is a sign of humility, softness, warmth, plasticity.

If a man dreamed of him- this suggests that he lacks female warmth, naturalness and, quite possibly, that he is fed up with easy prey and accessible sex.

For a woman such a dream- means that she is physiologically and psychologically ripe for conception and birth of a child.

Seeing a balloon in a dream- in real life, engage in empty activities and troubles, while all the most important things pass by. Imaginary hopes and dreams.

Esoteric dream book

Ball- fullness of feelings, fill life with meaning.

Roll in the billiard room- a lot of hobbies. A period rich in impressions.

Balloon- you are self-sufficient and come up with activities for yourself. See, play, you need to captivate other people with your interests, otherwise they will feel lonely and offended.

Collection of dream books

Ball- means integrity, completeness and unity.

See the ball- we must strive for self-improvement; balloon- problems with the lungs; aquarium ball- problems with the bladder.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

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