Dream Interpretation black clouds loomed. Why do you dream about a cloud according to the dream book?

According to dream books, black clouds in a dream are harbingers of conflicts and troubles. When explaining why such an image is seen in a dream, one should remember the nature of cloudiness and special moments associated with clouds.

Thus, Grishina’s noble dream book associates such a vision with a subconscious manifestation of fear, a feeling of anxiety, and hopelessness. Observing a dense closed sky in a dream is a call to show patience and strength of character to deal with temporary difficulties.

External features of clouds

Seeing in a dream how black and thunderclouds cover the sun indicates an increase in negative emotions in the soul of a sleeping person, which can spill out on others with the slightest hint of conflict.

The Jewish dream book describes why such a dream occurs, with a warning of impending danger. Seeing the moon in the sky breaking through the clouds in a dream foreshadows minor troubles on the love front, but such quarrels with a loved one are quickly smoothed over and forgotten.

I dreamed of black clouds with a silver edging - to an easy life, not burdened by hard work. If you happened to see them at night, you would unexpectedly receive unpleasant information. If stars were visible in the sky in a dream, this means achieving high results despite obstacles.

Seeing black clouds of bizarre shape in a dream, according to the interpretation of the Modern Dream Book, indicates the dreamer’s irrepressible imagination, which, for the most part, interferes with the character. A young woman’s dream promises a meeting with a fickle and deceitful admirer who will pretend to be a noble man.

Interpreter Hasse associates what such a plot means in dreams with upcoming misfortunes. I dreamed of rapidly floating clouds - events will unfold at high speed, promising change; small and curly ones speak of happiness and peace, yellow ones symbolize danger.

Features of cloudy weather

According to the dream book, black clouds reflect the premonitions of a sleeping person about the approach of unpleasant moments. The denser and closer they are to the dreamer, the more serious the difficulties in real life will be. The interpreter encourages you to prepare for problems in advance or try to avoid them.

A thundercloud in the sky in a dream is predicted by esotericists to have great luck, which can be frightened off by your impatience. Black clouds covering the horizon indicate the need to be active and mobilize your inner potential.

I dreamed of a gloomy cloud that hovered over the house - a sign of war or bad weather; to see a thunderstorm formation above your head - the appointed love date will unexpectedly break down.

Morozova's dream book interprets why a vision in which thickening, heavy clouds are visible in the sky is a sign of intrigue and slander of enemies, or it promises health problems. A threatening-looking cloud predicts someone's negative influence on a sleeping person.

In some cases, such a vision may be a sign that the dreamer has stopped achieving his goals, stopping halfway. The dream book urges you to resume your attempts and direct all your efforts to realize your plans.

If you have used a dream book at least once, you know that every vision that can be in a dream has its own meaning and symbolism. Natural phenomena and everything connected with nature have a special place.

They are especially important for interpretation, and it does not happen that a thunderstorm, rain or bright sun is just a decoration for what is dreamed. Natural phenomena not only color dreams and give them a special atmosphere, but also indicate something important that is worth paying attention to in reality.

Clouds look threatening and often evoke anxiety and melancholy, covering the sun in the sky and foreshadowing a thunderstorm. In reality, thunderclouds always evoke not very pleasant and rosy emotions, but what do clouds mean in a dream, should we expect something bad in reality after this dream?

Stormy or cloudy skies

Let's consider several options when clouds cover the sky. What are they like, what is happening - the dream book will help us with this:

  • See clouds on the horizon.
  • An overcast leaden sky in a dream.
  • Black, heavy clouds.
  • Black clouds in fiery rays.

Each such “cloudy” dream has its own special meaning, choose yours and find out what it promises you!

What does fate have in store?

Do not rush to think that if you dreamed of clouds and bad weather, then this is bad. Symbols are often unusual and contradictory, so the dream book may surprise you with the answer!

1. As the dream book says, clouds on the horizon approaching from afar are a symbol of your fears that prevent you from living. The dream book claims that these fears and anxieties are completely unfounded, empty and meaningless, and there is nothing real underneath them!

You are completely in vain to be afraid; in reality you have nothing to fear. Trust the higher powers that gave you such a dream and fight your fears - then your life will become full and bright, new opportunities will open up!

2. If there was not a single clearing in the sky in your dream, it was all drawn out and gloomy - this is a call for patience. A difficult period awaits you, but in our lives, white and black stripes always change.

Higher powers advise you to take a wait-and-see attitude, not to actively try to change something, but simply to be patient. Contemplate from the outside, understand that everything happens in due time, listen to the lessons of fate and gain new experience.

3. You dream of black, heavy clouds as a symbol of the fact that in reality you are under the influence of bad, unkind people. You should look around and see who you obey, who has such influence and even power over you?

Doesn't this have a negative or even destructive effect on you and your destiny? Perhaps it’s time to free yourself and make all your decisions on your own, take life into your own hands and act according to your conscience?

4. If you happen to see scary heavy clouds in fiery rays in a dream, this is a good sign. Very favorable changes will soon come your way! But you may be afraid of them, perceive them as something frightening and repulsive, because any changes in life always frighten you and force you to leave your usual comfort zone.

Such dreams are dreamed with one purpose - to cheer you up, to convince you that any changes that open before you are simply vital for you, and under no circumstances close yourself off from them! On the contrary, open up to new things, and your life will become much happier!

Thunderstorms in dreams

It also happens that it comes to a thunderstorm! Do not rush to draw your own conclusion until you find out the answer from the dream book. But before revealing it, remember all the details of what you saw in the dream in order to get an accurate and truthful answer. What happened in the dream:

  • Storm clouds.
  • Overcast night sky.
  • I dreamed of rain.
  • Getting caught in a thunderstorm in a dream.

1. Seeing thunderclouds in a dark, cloudy sky is an auspicious dream. Luck is coming! Through obstacles, difficulties and a series of problems you will come to great success, the main thing is not to be afraid of anything, believe in the favor of your fate and in your own strength.

Success awaits you; soon everything will change for the better, in an unexpected and dramatic way. Don't miss the chance that comes your way!

2. It is also interesting to know why you dream of a cloud or clouds hanging in the heavens at night. This is a warning that a sad period awaits you, when you will be overcome by doubts, melancholy, and blues.

Don't give in to depression, it can drag you down for a long time! Remember that after any thunderstorm the sun will always appear, and you yourself can control the “weather” in your soul and life.

3. If it was not just cloudy in your dream, but it also started to rain, this is a wonderful sign. - a symbol of cleansing and renewal, so this is exactly what you should expect in reality!

Difficulties will end, and even big troubles will help you become a new person. Everything that happens now is necessary for you to update and gain experience. Soon you will change, begin a new stage of your life, and everything around you will be renewed!

4. Big and strong, especially if you not only saw it, but also got into it - also a good symbol, promising, according to the dream book. He says that you will not be left without attention, you definitely won’t face loneliness.

You will be in pleasant company, you will be loved, and you will be the center of attention. A turbulent period is expected, a bright and eventful life, you definitely won’t be bored!

Perceive dreams and the answers of the dream book correctly - think, maybe something should be changed in your waking life and in your behavior? Believe in the best, act according to your conscience, and build your own happiness! Author: Vasilina Serova

Storm clouds in a dream symbolize temporary difficulties and call for patience. The dream book will explain in detail the various variations of the image and tell you why you dream about it.

Miller's prediction

If you dreamed of thunderclouds, then a serious, perhaps even mortal, danger looms over you. Moreover, Miller’s dream book is sure: it is unlikely that it will be possible to cope with it without resorting to outside help.

Get your act together!

In general, thunderclouds in a dream reflect a gloomy state of mind or bad premonitions. And the closer the dark vortices are in a dream, the sooner something unexpected will happen and the more serious the future problems will be.

After such a vision, the dream book calls on you to gather your strength and face troubles fully armed, or to take all possible actions to completely or partially avoid them.

How to decrypt?

But how do you understand in which area of ​​life difficulties are emerging? The thunderclouds themselves, or rather their shape, will give you a clue. If you dreamed that the clouds formed into a human figure, it means that the danger comes from a specific person.

Cloudiness in the form of various objects or animals characterize one or another area of ​​existence. Strange and incomprehensible clouds warn of equally unusual and even inexplicable events. Actually, the dream book believes that the answer will be the thought that first visits you in a dream.

Common failures

Why do we most often dream of thunderclouds? In a dream, they warn of general failures and insolvency in business.

Did you dream that it was raining? Troubles happen in the family (your own, friends or relatives), perhaps one of your loved ones will get sick.

Think about it!

If you happen to see lightning overhead and hear menacing rumbles of thunder, then the dream book believes that your life is far from being so righteous.

Such a phenomenon means that the time has come to abandon base passions and take care of your immortal soul.

Sometimes such an image hints that you will literally be shocked by an outburst of someone else’s passion or some non-trivial act.

Everything will change!

Why do you dream about especially black thunderclouds? In a dream, they are a sign of secret intrigues or malicious slander.

Seeing them over your own head is the worst thing. There is a possibility that you will be under the influence of a bad influence or a witchcraft attack. In addition, black swirls bring unpleasant news or dangerous information.

If thunderclouds seem to be illuminated by the sun’s rays, then the interpretation of the dream is exclusively positive. The dream book is confident that a series of troubles will end with great happiness and will be the beginning of an easy and carefree period.

Some specifics

The dream book offers several more interpretations of the color and characteristics of the clouds.

  • Silvery, light - a comfortable existence.
  • Gloomy, heavy - danger, scandal.
  • Small, curly - happiness, peace.
  • Yellow - deterioration of affairs.
  • Fast swimmers - numerous changes.

Stop dreaming!

Why do you dream of one huge cloud covering the entire sky? In a dream, it reflects the pressure exerted on you by external circumstances, your own thoughts, or a specific person.

Dream interpretation clouds

If you see dark clouds in a dream, it means you are in a state of anxiety. Something haunts you, a certain situation in reality that you cannot fully understand.

According to the dream book, the clouds themselves will not tell you much, but the accompanying details of the vision will be able to tell you what exactly you are worried about. You can also find advice in dream books on what to do to stop worrying.

General information

According to the dream book, black clouds can be harbingers of conflicts and quarrels in real life. But some points can significantly smooth out the negative aspects of night vision.

What does Gustav Miller predict?

Miller's dream book believes that a dream about the sky completely covered with dark clouds is a negative sign. It promises trouble, collapse of plans, misfortune.

Is it starting to rain? A whole series of negative events will follow.

I dreamed of sun rays among the clouds

If the rays of the sun are visible through the clouds, then everything will end well. Soon misfortunes will leave you alone.

Between the clouds you see an alien object - success at work awaits you, but it will be short-lived. A dream can also predict fleeting joy.

Vanga's opinion

Dreaming of thunderclouds gathering over you is a clear sign that your situation at home or at work is heating up. In this case, you will be left alone, and you will have to solve all your troubles on your own.

The seer believed that if you dream of clouds, then you should think about what you are doing in this world, whether you are doing the right thing, what awaits you in the future.

You dreamed of clouds that you were able to disperse - a vision that prophesies favorable changes to a sleeping person. A situation will soon occur that will significantly improve your situation. It is possible that you will have a good adviser who will be able to correct the negative situation that has arisen.

Removing the rain from a cloudy sky

If the clouds were red, then you may encounter illness or even the death of your relative.

It’s good if at the end of your night vision rain or even downpour started pouring out of the clouds. Then the Bulgarian seer believes that you will soon experience indescribable delight. The only thing is that first you will have to go through difficult trials.

Predictions from other dream books

Most interpreters view clouds in the sky negatively. You just have to remember all the nuances, perhaps they will change the prediction and make you happy.

Modern interpreter

Seeing a thunderstorm in a dream

Seeing clouds in a dream is a sign that you will soon be overcome by illness. Unusual clouds overhead - this vision predicts to you that your plans are not destined to come true, you don’t even have to try.

When such a vision visits a woman, she will soon have a gentleman, but he will begin to deceive her, and his plans will be insidious.

Watching a thunderstorm means you will soon get into trouble, be extremely careful.

Interpreter Morozova

If in a dream you are visited by dark clouds that are gathering over your head, then in reality after such dreams intrigues will begin to weave behind your back. Your imaginary friends will want to slander you.

What else does this dream book predict about what clouds and other symbols like them mean in dreams:

  • a huge dark cloud - you risk getting seriously ill;
  • look at the black sky with fear - you are in danger;
  • seeing a lot of clouds in the night sky is bad news that everyone around you will know about;
  • a black cloud, and behind it you can see the sunset - life will get better, you will feel easy and good;
  • small black cloud - think about what task you haven’t completed, you stopped in the middle and don’t want to go further.

Interpreter Tsvetkova

I dreamed of the setting sun among dark clouds

The famous esotericist believed that dark clouds in the sky foreshadow the approach of trouble. If you have seen something like this in the night sky, then you will make an unpleasant discovery.

Well, the setting sun, which breaks through the clouds, foreshadows the onset of a cloudless life.

Interpreter Hasse

Miss Hasse made a whole list of why we dream of various clouds in the sky:

  • black, heavy - to failure;
  • covered with a silvery haze - the dreamer’s life will be easy and pleasant;
  • small clouds - family and material well-being soon;
  • yellowish - your business will go badly;
  • clouds quickly float above you - expect changes in life.

Seeing small clouds in a dream

Esoteric interpreter

This dream book believes that seeing a black cloud in a dream is a favorable sign.

The more terrible the thunderclouds were in the night vision, the more happiness and luck will befall the sleeping person.

If the entire sky is completely covered with clouds or black clouds, then you should gather all your strength. If you start working according to a clear and correct plan, you will achieve unprecedented heights. Otherwise, you risk failure.

Interpreter of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Clouds gathering above you mean that in reality you are already anticipating the onset of danger.

When you can literally reach the cloud with your hand, then you should start preparing for trouble.

Seeing in a dream how a cloud covered the sun

Did you see how the cloud covered the sun? You will find yourself in a conflict situation and will not be able to control yourself. Inappropriate behavior will only increase your troubles. Try to restrain yourself and think soberly.

What should you prepare for?

According to the dream book, dark clouds in a dream are not always a negative sign. You should know all the predictions so as not to worry about trifles.

When you read a negative prediction, you have the opportunity to prepare for trouble in advance. This is the main benefit of dream interpreters.

If you see clouds approaching you from the horizon, then these are just fears that do not allow you to live life to the fullest. You are often afraid to commit a certain act, afraid of the consequences.

The interpreter believes that you are afraid in vain. You should get rid of everything that oppresses you and boldly move forward. There is no reason for alarm.

A completely hopeless sky in dreams is a call from higher powers. The dreamer should be patient, learn to plan, and not act rashly. Even if nothing positive is happening in your life now, this is a temporary phenomenon, soon the clouds will disperse and a bright streak will come, do not lose heart.

If you dreamed of a cloud of a strange color - you are being influenced by a bad person. It is he who pulls you down. This person is ruining your life, you should get rid of her presence as soon as possible.

It is positive when it starts to rain in a dream. Everything will get better.

Why do you dream of lightning during rain and a completely dark sky covered with clouds? A sleeping person is not in danger of loneliness; he will always be in the company of people who are well disposed towards him.

Don't get upset and lose heart. Think about what you can change to significantly improve the current situation.

There are many known cases when great people came up with brilliant ideas in their dreams, which they then brought to life. And it was not only inventors and scientists who created their masterpieces and artists in this way.

The influence of the Moon on our sleep

Throughout human history, the Moon has seduced, fascinated and frightened us. Under the Moon we quarrel, kiss, declare our love. We spent 26 billion dollars to fly to this mysterious planet. What is the phenomenon of the Moon and how does it affect our sleep and does it affect it at all?

Science beyond reality: discoveries made in dreams

The progress of mankind took place not only in stuffy scientific laboratories, but also outside of consciousness. Dozens of discoveries were made in a dream, and the most sensational of them became the heroes of this article.

One dream for two - the highest level of interpersonal communication

The human subconscious is fraught with many hidden abilities, and one of them is communication with another person in a shared dream. One dream for two is the highest level of lucid sleep, which, however, can be achieved by every person, following a special technique and opening up to their hidden abilities. Joint dreaming is a special type of interpersonal communication in reality created in a dream.

Why do you dream about Clouds?

Clouds in the modern dream book

A dream in which you see clouds does not have a very good meaning: intriguing enemies, illness, failure, weakening of positive emotions. But if they are illuminated by sunlight, then you will have a very good chance to improve your situation. Storm clouds hanging over you portend illness. A dream with moving gray clouds promises to receive unreliable information, you are simply confused and misled, and provoked into conflict. Perhaps, with the help of intricate stories, they will try to push you into an unsuspecting person. To avoid getting caught in these networks, use all your ability to correctly assess the situation and people. If you are caught in the pouring summer rain, this is a dream of joy, but if clouds are hanging over you, alarming news awaits you. Thick dark clouds portend misfortune; perhaps you will become a victim of the bad influence of a strong but dishonest nature. The consequences of what happened will throw you into a stupor and bring you trouble. Clouds in the sky at night - the dream suggests that your interest will lead to knowledge that will not be pleasant to you; maybe you shouldn’t make inquiries so quickly. If angels shield you from a thundercloud with their wings, the dream prophesies great joy and serene happiness, the sick will immediately recover. If in real life you are considering a decision, the angels will guide you along the right path and accompany you. If you saw how a ray of sunshine breaks through a cloud, you will experience hardships and save every penny. You dreamed that you were in an observatory and looking at the sky, but you saw only solid clouds - such a dream means that your cherished dream will not come true. You will be content with the position that fate has prepared for you, but in the end your wisdom will manifest itself in the fact that you will still be a happy person. We saw whole clouds of locusts - a dream of complete financial collapse, even bankruptcy. You see a cloudy day, the sky is evenly overcast with clouds - this is a warning that in real business the situation is becoming tense, and loss of funds is possible.

Clouds in Miller's dream book

Seeing the sun breaking through the clouds is a good sign; it promises a change from a dark period of life to a long bright one, a solution to all pressing issues. If you dreamed of a clear sky without a single cloud, you are destined for a life of honor; such a dream also prophesies a journey in wonderful company. A gloomy sky with clouds means grievances and unfulfilled dreams.

Clouds in Freud's dream book

A cloudy sky covered with solid clouds - a dream demonstrates your worried general state, and although you do not see a connection with your sex life, it is there. Try to decorate and diversify your relationships, you will see for yourself that everything will soon change and the colors in life will become brighter. It is possible, and even encouraged, to start new relationships and adventurous acquaintances.

The time it takes for anyone to truly get enough sleep is five minutes longer.

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